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Topics - Morning Glory

Hello ponies!

I have been away (that whole "having a job" thing really eats up your time- go figure) for a while, but I thought I'd slap these up here for fun and see what happens. If you've ever seen my OC page, you know I have a billion ideas for ponies kicking around in my head that I eventually spit out as OCs that I never use cause I'm busy and lazy and easily distrac-KITTY!

Ahem. Anyways, I slapped these little gals together, and they will be given to the users who submit the best name and backstory for each. I will be picking the concept I like the best and the OC will go to the user that submitted it. Pretty much it's free concept art for an OC that you haven't thought of yet! I'll leave this thread open for a while to let people get a chance to submit their ideas. I am also open to modifying the cutie marks a little, but I would prefer if someone could be creative with what I have given you.

Now, go forth and think of things! Because I can't be bothered! XD][IMG][/img][/URL]
Seriack is streaming over on

Come watch! We're gonna be playing a Steam Greenlight game called Papers Please and possibly some Don't Starve.
Original Characters / An Experiment...
2013 Jan 30, 02:29:50
This character is specifically for the Pony Cosmology RP, as a sort of experiment. All I've created about this character is her gender and appearance.

With this character, I am going to let the other players in the thread (the gods) decide everything about her. So for now, most of this is blank. An empty canvas, to be filled by as new features are developed and revealed.

Here she is:

Name: Pudding Cup
Gender: Female
Age: Unknown, young adult
Race: Earth pony
Coat color: Earthy yellow
Mane/tail color: Sepia brown
Eye color: Apple green
Cutiemark: None
Occupation: None
Residence: N/A

History: Born seemingly from nothing on a planet of endless wilderness, this pony may have an adult body, but her mind is that of an infant. She knows nothing, has no memories or knowledge.

Personality: Dropped into a nearly-empty planet, she is curious and naive. However, she is quite fearful of her world, knowing nothing of how she came to be, or what her purpose might be.


Skills/Knowledge: Unknown
Talent: Unknown

Follow her here:

These are simplified guidelines to follow when creating an OC that will help you avoid the pitfalls of a new character creator. Lots of new writers post OCs with these characteristics, not knowing that the community has problems with them. It's not any fault of theirs--they didn't know. This guide should help new OC creators know what to avoid when making a new pony. However, these rules are not foolproof, nor are they absolute. Feel free to create a character that goes against this guide--it is in no way infallible. Just be aware that the community has seen a lot of ponies with the attributes listed below. Good luck, and go make some great ponies!


This applies mostly to RP characters. If you want to write a fic about alicorn characters, go for it.  The issue arises with Roleplay. For one, alicorns are way too overused by new players. It's basically a meme, or cliché at this point. It might feel special and original to you at the time, but veterans have seen the same move over and over again. The core problem is that roleplaying is a game.  A game with multiple players. A lot of players(especially those who participate in less casual roleplay and follow a plot or story) have established an Equestria for themselves that does not have "normal" alicorns. And that's because at the end of the day, we all want to play fair.  There's too much of an advantage to playing an alicorn. Each of the three pony races are balanced amongst one another. The alicorn combines all three, and trying to tack on a contrived weakness is just an attempt to justify not playing fair. While it may be possible to create a good, balanced alicorn OC, and it certainly can serve a causal Rper well, know that the community generally turns their noses up at new alicorns.


Again, too many new players go here too. I'm not sure if the goal is to make other players feel sorry for the character, and hence want to help them and interact with them, but it's so popular, it seems like everywhere you look you see a new sad, lonely waif weeping in a corner. The biggest issue with orphans (other than them being overused) is that they wouldn't happen that often. Simply because this is Equestria. There shouldn't be many orphans at all; parents are very likely to stay alive, and if they didn't have the resources to support a child on their own, surely the community or the princesses would offer them support--you really think Celestia would hoard wealth and not offer welfare to her subject in need? Or that a neighborhood or community wouldn't work together to help out a family in a rough spot? Ponies by nature are loving and supportive folk. They wouldn't leave their fellows out in the cold.


In the same vein as orphans, a lot of new OCs are characterized as lonely, ostracized little castaways with no friends and no one to love them. It's a little hard to believe that when these ponies live in say, Ponyville. It's a friendly place to say the least. Cranky had no luck (despite his best efforts) avoiding making friends. Your pony wouldn't have either. That's not to say you can't have a grumpy or sullen OC, but the trauma victims trope has been way over-done. This is a happy, friendly, supportive place we're talking about here. Where did all these depressed, abused ponies come from? I'm not sure if this is again an author's attempt to get other players to feel sorry for their characters, or a way to make them stand out, but it does quite the opposite--it's all be done before.


Sometimes I wonder if new players are drawing their inspiration for their OCs from daytime television soap operas. This is one of the biggest clichés in story telling history. Ever. It's lazy. It's an uncreative way to bring mystic and intrigue into a character. Or to leave their past ambiguous so the creator can change it at will. Add some sort of history to your pony, even if it's just a quick few sentences.

Relation or interaction with the Mane-Six or other prominent characters

It's just too much of a stretch to ask other players to believe that our favorite ponies have relatives we've never heard of. Sure, maybe one or two, but since everyone has this idea, it ends up being that Rainbow Dash has 21 sisters, 56 boyfriends and 88 secret long lost twins. All the relations of many different OCs just contradict one another too much. Your characters should be able to stand on their own, not be propped up on an attachment to a canon character.

Take care with your color choices

Ponies come in lots of colors, but you should notice a pattern. Bright or pastel shades. Muted shades can work too, but nothing too over-saturated or dark. One body color. One or two mane colors (usually). Characters that are covered in unusual markings (stripes, spots, etc) and 7 different clashing colors are just too much. Your character's appearance shouldn't define them anyways. Make them fit into the world. They shouldn't have just walked out of a crayon factory. Or a Halloween shop. You don't really see any black or dark red on ponies, generally (but the OC community sure does). They should be small accents only. As should clothing. It's clear ponies don't wear much in the way of clothes in everyday life. Unless your character is a fashion model or a Canterlot aristocrat, there's no need to cover your pony in accessories.

Put some thought into your cutie mark and special talent

Take a look around and you'll see a lot of repeating cutie marks and special talents in OCs. Loads of scholars, writers, and librarians. Piles of wannabe Wonderbolts. Try something new and different. And take a look at cutie-marks from the show. Most of them are simplified icons of basic items or symbols. Try to follow the trend, but not so much that you add to the pile of repeats. If you want to have a star cutie-mark, try to add some additional element or stylization that makes it different from all the other stars, flowers, hearts and lightning bolts.

Too much power

Being the best writer or Rper is not about have the strongest, most powerful character. Take a good long look at your OC and make sure you haven't added a little too much strength. It's natural to want to have a powerful character, but the best OCs are the ones that are balanced. Remember that Rainbow Dash is considered to be the fastest pegasus around. Your pony should not be faster than her without a darned good reason. Same thing goes for Twilight Sparkle. She's clearly illustrated as an exceptionally powerful unicorn trained under Princess Celestia herself. Other unicorns should not be outstripping her magic. Let your character be a civilian, not a trained combat vet. Most Rps don't involve that much combat anyways. This is Equestria, not a war-torn wasteland.

The Mary Sue

While the community may be a little too quick to call a new OC a Mary Sue, often there's some rationale for it. The Mary Sue is a character that is so completely beautiful, popular, amazing, talented, smart and special that she (or he, we have Gary Stu as well) actually loses any particular value. Other players aren't really interested in playing with a character that has everything they could ever want, and then some. One that they're expected to fawn over and adore. For a start, nothing interesting would ever happen-- it's totally predictable, and that character has no where to grow and learn and improve. There are a lot of characteristics that someone may point out as "Sue-ish" but the base of the problem is forcing other players to love your character just because you say they should. You can characterize your OC as beautiful, talented, and popular (even if it is cliche), but it's when those features take away control from other players where you run into the real problem, and the community will generally make their opinion known. Make sure your character's personality is balanced just like their skills and weaknesses. Everyone has a quirk or vice. Rounding out your character with flaws will actually make them more likeable in the long run.

Thanks for reading this guide. I hope it helps you create some great new OCs! Remember when you're working on a new OC that you can always ask the community for help and guidance. There's lots of players around that love to help newbies learn the ropes. If you're stuck, or not sure what to do, just ask. Someone will be happy to walk you through the process or offer suggestions if you need them. Don't be afraid to change and improve your character as time goes on. There's always room to grow and improve!
Animations Archive / Dino Yacht Club
2012 Oct 08, 05:40:50
The Dino Yacht Club is a clandestine force of British Dinosaurs assigned to help Ronald Reagan and the United States government defeat terrorism, tyranny, and fight for the American way.

Watch the rest of the series here:

Pony Off-Topic Archive / Everfree NW!
2012 Aug 07, 15:31:00
Everfree NW will be my first pony convention, and probably will be so for other people living on the west coast. Looks like it's going to be big, considering they expanded their venue twice.

So, is anypony else going?

There's going to be a lot of special guests, musicians, panels, BNFs (big-name-fans), and a vendor's hall with loads of pony swag to buy!

What are you most excited about?

What are you most looking forward to?

Anypony got any plans for costumes?

I know I can't wait to see all the customized ponies for sale. I make them myself and I love to see what other bronies come up with. And I want to get a hold of a plushie if I can. I'm going with a group, and we're going as the Apple family one day (I'll be Applejack), and as our OCs a second day. I'm attending as my OC Merriweather, as that is the name I use when I make custom ponies. I found an awesome pattern for making pegasus wings and ears, and I'm excited to try it out. I'm so excited to meet other pony fans and hopefully I'll see some LOEers while I'm there.

Sign-up thread (please read the rules):

The sign up thread will also act as an OOC thread. Post questions and comments you have about the RP there.


Silverdale is a medium-sized mining town in the northwestern portion of Equestria. The environment is temperate, with moderate summers and winters and above average rainfall. Most of the metal products in Equestria come from the Silverdale mine. Rich in iron, gold, tin, copper, and of course silver, the earth around Silverdale is a valuable asset to ponykind. Nearly all the ponies in Silverdale are miners or metalworkers. Most of the town made up of housing for the workers, but there is a market street and a large line of buildings closer to the mine that processes the ore and gems found underground. There the metal is purified, melted and formed into bars. From there, most of it is shipped off to other cities. The rest is kept and crafted by Silverdale's many blacksmiths.

In addition to the miners, there are some artisans and farmers, including a branch of the famous Apple family. There are also bakers, carpenters and tailors, but most only produce enough of  their wares to be sold to those living in the village. There is also a small schoolhouse nearer to the residential area of town that includes a basic library.

The town was founded by earth ponies, and is still not very well populated by unicorns or pegasi. The residents of Silverdale are down-to-earth and hardworking. They are simple and prefer to be blunt and straightforward. They have somewhat accepted the other two pony races in their town, and live in relative harmony together. However, they tend to be mistrusting of strangers and can be a little cold to outsiders.

The market street includes:

A large town hall
A medium-sized inn
Seven blacksmith's shops
Three bakeries, one of which is also a café, a second that makes candy, and a third that doubles as a tea shop
Two carpenter's shops
A small diner
A tailor/dress maker's shop
A seamstress that sells household items like sheets and curtains
A large general store
A small toyshop
A small bank
A gem and jewelry merchant
A grocer that sells mostly vegetables
A permanent booth from Appleshine Farms that sells apples and other apple products
A second fruit stand that sells everything but apples (how could they ever compete?)
A large tavern frequented by miner ponies after quitting time

Notable NPCs:

Mayor Ironhoof: Lawmaker of the town

Pink Lady Apple: Owner and operator of Appleshine Farms.

Peppershake: Owner of the Feed Bag Diner

Coaldust: Overseer of the Silverdale Mine

Garnet: Owner of the Trot On Inn

Coinlock: Owner of the Silverdale Bank

Nicklebrew: Owner of the Silver Trough Tavern

Pebblechime: Owner of the General Store


The Summer Sun Celebration is underway in Silverdale. This morning, the Princess raised the sun. For the rest of the day there will be a small festival with games, shows, prizes and food. Along the market street are many booths and tables, selling trinkets and carnival food. There are several performers playing music. A large tent is set up outside the Trot On Inn, where there are tables and chairs for ponies to rest and relax. Fillies and colts run by, blowing bubbles, twirling pinwheels, and waving sparklers. Many of the businesses on the street are having special sales, including the gem merchant and the toyshop. It is now noon and the games will be beginning after lunch at one o'clock.

Please take note of any text written by the GMs. It will be clearly marked as separate from IC posts and needs to be taken into account by all players.
Myself and Chautauquan are attempting to start up a more advanced RP thread. This will be a little experiment for all of us, and we welcome anyone who wants to try something a little different (and maybe more challenging) from the usual style found on this board.

This is our RP concept and sign-up thread. Please read the rules and familiarize yourself with the setting. When and if you decide you want to join, please fill out the character info template found below, and post it as a reply.

This RP will have two GMs (Game Masters). Chautauquan, and myself. We will be sharing duties, and both of us have worked together to build this concept. I hope you are excited to join us and I look forward to RPing with you all.

Also feel free to ask any questions you have!

The RP can be found here:


1)   Character Creation:

--A) The setting will be a fictional town called Silverdale.  This is primarily an earth pony town, so it'll take some reasoning to put unicorns and pegasi in a place where they're usually unaccustomed to staying.  This doesn't mean that they'll be barred from entering, but there's got to be a reason.  However, we're not going to have alicorns.  The main reason for this is that they all seem to be royalty, and incredibly powerful to boot.  They've got plenty of important places to be... just not in Silverdale.  (This is partially because alicorns tend to go all OP, but also because we want to encourage more problem-solving.  If you can just wave a hoof and cause everything to be better... well, we'd have a really short RP session now, wouldn't we?)

--B) Use the form provided.  This is to help us get to know you, and to engage a bit in self-discovery.  We don't need a novel, necessarily, nor a 5-point Freudian analysis.  But knowing some of the strengths and weaknesses of the character will help us build a realm wherein you, the players, can explore your characters as much as possible. Also, if another player needs to refer to a feature your character has, it will be easier for them to find it. Applications not in this format will need to be modified to fit the template before you start playing.

--C)  As a suggestion more than anything else, try to make your character someone "real". By this, we mean someone you can really see bumping into on the streets of Ponyville or elsewhere.  No one seems to have a dark grudge against the world, nor do they have childhoods which make Oliver Twist look like a spoiled prince.  Equestria, for whatever reason, is a generally happy place.  People do encounter struggles, but it's not so dark that everypony and their uncle have lost a mother, father, or dearly beloved pet rock.  (This encourages us to focus more on 'solvable' problems.  Perhaps we have a pony psychiatrist or counselor, but really, we're seeing what simple friendship can do in our daily lives.  I mean, that's what helps me, so I hope it helps others...)

2) Character Conduct

--A) No powerplaying/god-modding.  We're all simple ponies, so we won't be puppet masters.  In short, you can control only your own actions, just like in real life.  So, before taking that lively filly and sweeping her off of her feet, consider this:  Do they have a say in the matter?  Do they really want me to do this?  Could I reasonably do this?  These questions will help us avoid doing things which we shouldn't.  Now, perhaps somepony has a sleeping potion or something, and wants to kidnap somepony else off to Never-Ever land.  While in theory you could do this, it's rather rude, and would require permission, both from the player, and the GMs.  (We love our GMs)  We want to have a place where anypony can play without getting shanghaied to who knows where.

--B) No "metagaming".  This means doing something with things that you know, but your pony doesn't.  Sure, I know Russian, but if my pony doesn't, I'm not going to understand what's being said.  If there's a pony in Canterlot who lost her dolly, no one in Cloudsdale is going to know.  We might learn things out of character which we don't actually know in character.  Pretend you don't know, and leave the fourth wall alone!  This will help us to make adventures exciting for the ponies, as well as engaging more challenges when we can't see them from a mile off. (We love our GMs)

--C) Be polite, even when you're being rude.  Some folks aren't kind, to be sure, but there's the right way and the wrong way to go about things.  In short, language ought to be of the same strength as you find on the show.  That way, there's less headaches for the GMs. (We love our GMs)

--D)  Follow the site rules.  We like being here, it's a good place, so don't do anything you know you shouldn't be doing anyways... (It's true, just do the right thing.)

3. Player Conduct (Yep, different than characters!)

--A) Write detailed posts.  We don't need War and Peace style prose, but give other ponies something to work with.  This is a skill that takes practice and time to develop, so we won't be too harsh on this.  But the basic idea is that we want to interact, so feel free to take multiple actions at once.  But talk about it!  Let us know how you're feeling, what you're doing, your reasons for being here.  If you walk in a room, don't be afraid to talk to somepony!  Or, be afraid!  It's your choice, but tell us what's going on.  If you're a wallflower, mention it.  Don't just mention reading the book, mention what your reactions are to reading!  Is it a gripping adventure?  Or that summer homework that you're being forced just now to finish?  Or is it a math textbook which is just too good to put down? (If so, I'm not sure whether to pity or envy you.  Bad math....)  Let us know more about you, and we can know what our own reactions might be, and how we can interact.  (Basically, try to help us get to know each other!  We're starting fresh here, but even old friends like knowing more than a simple "hello" when they want to really get talking)

--B) Try not to double-post.  People might be hailing from Ukraine to Uruguay to Uganda to the US.  We might not get an instant response all the time, but don't worry about people responding until they have a chance.  (This will be monitored by the GMs.  If somepony seems to really drop off of the planet, they'll help out in getting you back in the action.  But remember, some ponies have real live finals and essays, and nasty workbook homework, not to mention jobs and families.)  So be patient!  We'll try to keep the flow moving.

--C) Respect the GMs.  Sometimes, things don't go just the way we had hoped.  The GMs are trying to help you have fun, not make life miserable.  We want to have a healthy environment for people to play in, and the GMs keep things running in the background, as well as moving the story along.  Perhaps things don't seem fair, or right, or whatever.  We're trusting the GMs to try their best to help.  Being mortal like the rest of us, expect mistakes, but be willing to be kind and patient with others, just as you once had people be kind and patient with you. (We love our GMs and our players!)

--D) Keep OOC, OOC. We'll keep a thread going to help people stay abreast of what's happening.  Feel free to contribute, ask questions, and figure out fun plots to enact together!  The OOC thread is nice, though, for keeping the nature of the narrative flowing.  It's kinda fun to think of the whole thread as one big story, and having random conversations interrupt our programming is like those annoying commercial breaks.  (We just like the story more!)

--E)  Enjoy yourself.  We don't want to force anyone to be happy, but it sure makes the rest of us happy too!  There's a bit of text here on rules, but hopefully it will make you have more fun, not less.  (Imagine playing sports without 'out of bounds' rules.  Fun for a while, but the rules help make sports and other games fun!  We think the same will be true here.)

--F) Check your ego at the door. This is going to be a learning experience for everyone. RP is not a contest. While it is encouraged that players help one another, remember that all players are equally valid and important in the eyes of the GMs. Do not try to tell others how to play. The GMs will guide and instruct players as needed. Let everyone go at their own pace, and write in their own style. If you think you're better than everyone else, remember you started out somewhere basic too. Also let go of any fears or insecurities here. No idea is stupid, or bad. We're not here to judge. If you're new, just do your best, put real effort into your work, and don't be afraid to reach out for help. You're here to learn, grow and have fun.


Silverdale is a medium-sized mining town in the northwestern portion of Equestria. The environment is temperate, with moderate summers and winters and above average rainfall. Most of the metal products in Equestria come from the Silverdale mine. Rich in iron, gold, tin, copper, and of course silver, the earth around Silverdale is a valuable asset to ponykind. Nearly all the ponies in Silverdale are miners or metalworkers. Most of the town made up of housing for the workers, but there is a market street and a large line of buildings closer to the mine that processes the ore and gems found underground. There the metal is purified, melted and formed into bars. From there, most of it is shipped off to other cities. The rest is kept and crafted by Silverdale's many blacksmiths.

In addition to the miners, there are some artisans and farmers, including a branch of the famous Apple family. There are also bakers, carpenters and tailors, but most only produce enough of  their wares to be sold to those living in the village. There is also a small schoolhouse nearer to the residential area of town that includes a basic library.

The town was founded by earth ponies, and is still not very well populated by unicorns or pegasi. The residents of Silverdale are down-to-earth and hardworking. They are simple and prefer to be blunt and straightforward. They have somewhat accepted the other two pony races in their town, and live in relative harmony together. However, they tend to be mistrusting of strangers and can be a little cold to outsiders.

The market street includes:

A large town hall
A medium-sized inn
Seven blacksmith's shops
Three bakeries, one of which is also a café, a second that makes candy, and a third that doubles as a tea shop
Two carpenter's shops
A small diner
A tailor/dress maker's shop
A seamstress that sells household items like sheets and curtains
A large general store
A small toyshop
A small bank
A gem and jewelry merchant
A grocer that sells mostly vegetables
A permanent booth from Appleshine Farms that sells apples and other apple products
A second fruit stand that sells everything but apples (how could they ever compete?)
A large tavern frequented by miner ponies after quitting time

Notable NPCs:

Mayor Ironhoof: Lawmaker of the town

Pink Lady Apple: Owner and operator of Appleshine Farms.

Peppershake: Owner of the Feed Bag Diner

Coaldust: Overseer of the Silverdale Mine

Garnet: Owner of the Trot On Inn

Coinlock: Owner of the Silverdale Bank

Nicklebrew: Owner of the Silver Trough Tavern

Pebblechime: Owner of the General Store

Character Sign-Up Template:

Age:  (in equivalent human years)
Race: (Earth pony, unicorn, or pegasus)
Appearance: (Either add a picture or fill out the items below)
Coat color:
Mane/tail color:
Eye color:
Build: (slim, athletic, pudgy, muscular etc)
Special talent:
Additional skills:


Personal effects:

Additional notes:

Include a link to your OC's character page here:

Current Players:

Chautauquan: Dusty Tomes- Character Sheet
Morning Glory: Coppershine- Character Sheet
GalvinRoe: (inactive) Green Strokes, Bright Mane, Right Hoof- Character Sheet
The Wandering Magus: Feather Scroll, Juniper Scroll- Character Sheet
Coffee Rush:(inactive) Ribbons- Character Sheet
Star Striker: Sweet Dreams- Character Sheet
Link: Silver Flask- Character Sheet
Welcome to Morning Glory's OCs!

Morning Glory:

Name: Morning Glory
Gender: Female
Age: 22 (human years)
Race: Unicorn
Coat color: Lilac
Mane/tail color: Yellow/Pale Yellow
Eye color: Olive green
Cutiemark: Morning glory flower on a vine
Occupation: Secretary and assistant in Canterlot Court
Residence: Canterlot

History: Morning Glory was raised in a high-class family of the Canterlot court. She herself is heiress to a modest fortune. Her father was wealthy and his aristocratic unicorn family frowned on his marriage to their earth pony gardener. They passed away early in her life and she was raised by her kindly uncle (her father's older brother), Lord Sterling Silver, a lawmaker that oversees the north-western portion of Equestria. He serves in the Royal Court as an adviser and deputy lawmaker along with his fellow lords that work under the Crown. Having no children himself, he doted on her, but taught her modesty and kindness as well, as he was determined to raise her properly. She attended Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, and graduated with a respectable knowledge in magic. There she also discovered her special talent in life magic; growing plants and healing living creatures was her gift. Her uncle also ensured she was given lessons in Equestrian history, literature, and of course, court etiquette.  Despite her disagreeable lineage, her father's family has since welcomed her into good standing once she proved eloquent, tactful, and politically diplomatic enough to publically acknowledge and embrace. She now participates in the Royal Canterlot Court as an assistant to her uncle; a mostly secretarial job, but she often delivers messages in person and liaises with various delegates. Her family's standing and her service to the crown have earned her the title of Lady.

Personality: Morning Glory is well educated and comes from high-class, and hence has a high opinion of herself, but she has been taught kindness and respect. However, this is all theoretical; imparted from her Uncle, who she respects deeply. She herself has never come to respect somepony from their actions, but only the titles and money to their name. Rarely will she be out-right rude or cruel to a pony, but it is clear when she dislikes that pony, crafting underhanded insults that often are subtle enough to go unnoticed. Generally considerate, she is unagressive to most ponies, though she often masks her true intentions and emotions. It can be difficult for her to form real relationships with others, as she is accustomed to the artificial proceedings of the Canterlot Court. She is also a bit of a hedonist, enjoying the fine things in life a great deal. Her mane is always exquisitely styled and her coat gleams clean and shiny thanks to daily visits to the finest spas and salons Canterlot has to offer. However, when it comes time to work in her garden, she happily buries her hooves in rich soil to work long hard hours managing her plants. She adores her pet conure, Fiorello, a birthday gift from her uncle when she turned sixteen. Many of the fruits she grows go into his meals, and she painstakingly keeps him in top condition. She understands the importance of hard work in herself, but has yet to see it in others. While perfectly cordial and hospitable where etiquette prescribes, she is often cold and distant when she is not required to be friendly. She acts bitter and isolated when outside the eye of the court, and her jaded attitude reflects how distant and artificial she feels.


Skills/Knowledge: Court etiquette and fashion, calligraphy, political subterfuge, intermediate piano and harp, animal care, plant management, Equestrian government, literature, art, and history.
Talent: Life magic- healing
Racial Abilities: Unicorn
Magic Color: Pale green

Unicorn attributes:

Perception: Individual is highly perceptive, noticing subtle features and has a good eye for detail

Memory: Individual has an extensive memory for information and experiences

Senses: Individual has a heightened sense of touch and taste compared to other pony races (1.5x sensitivity)

Detection: Individual can perceive very strong magical activity in the immediate vicinity

Magic: Individual has the ability to channel energy through the horn into magical actions.


Standard Spells:

1. Levitation: Levitate and manipulate multiple items up to the weight of a breadbox with ease, results are delicate and exact. Levitate and manipulate single items up to the weight of an adult pony with effort and concentration, and results are clumsy and imprecise. Briefly levitate single items up the weight of a carriage with extreme exertion; results are very sloppy and unreliable.

2. Teleportation: Teleport to a visible location at a distance of no more than 15 meters. Requires energy and concentration.

3. Illumination: Light is cast from the horn to illuminate areas in a 10 meter radius. Horn can also produce tiny flame to light candles or lanterns. Useless as a weapon.

4. Precipitation: Water up to 4 liters can be levitated and manipulated. Can be separated into droplets to fall like rain, or sprinkle on to an object.

Utility Spells:

5. Magnification: Allows the user to examine a target more closely and in finer detail. Up close, it works like a magnifying glass, with the strength of about 3x the naked eye. Far off, it acts like a telescope, allowing improved far-off vision, with a maximum range of 50 meters.

6. Isolation: Creates a bubble around the user that keeps any sound from leaving. Allows for conversations or loud activities without noise leaving the barrier, with a maximum radius of 3 meters. Will also muffle incoming sound, but not block it completely.

7. Amplification: Allows the user to raise the volume of their voice to 3 times the normal speaking levels to be heard over crowds or loud noises.

Talent Spells:

8. Identification: Detects living beings within a 5 meter radius. Can also determine the health and condition of the being.

9. Rejuvenation: Wilted plants grow more healthy, weak and sickly animals become more robust. The more extreme the results, the more energy and concentration is required.

10. Communication: Allows brief, fuzzy, and imprecise insight into an animal's thoughts; an empathetic notion of what the animals wishes to communicate, or any strong emotions. Cannot be used on ponies, or other speaking beings.

11. Purification: Poison, pollution or other contaminates are removed from any liquid, up to 7 liters, or any solid, up to 3 kilograms. Small amounts (such as a serving of milk) are purified with ease. Greater amounts, like a bucket or basin, require more concentration and energy.

12. Germination: Planted seeds are driven to grow faster, and to become stronger. The growth process can be accelerated up to 4x the normal rate. The more extreme the results, the more energy and concentration is required.

13. Invigoration: Animals become more energetic and strong, for up 3 hours. The more extreme the results, the more energy and concentration is required. Extreme hunger results once the spell expires.

14. Alleviation: Dulls the sensation of pain or discomfort in the target. Does not actually perform any healing, just inhibits pain and calms panic. Maximum duration, 2 hours.  The more extreme the results, the more energy and concentration is required.