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Topics - Doctor Bristle

Introductions Archive / My Introduction
2016 Jan 09, 18:12:56
Hi, everypony and everyone. My name is Doctor Bristle and I am a male college brony who plays games, watches cartoons, reads books, creates artwork, and writes papers. I am twenty-three years old and about to be twenty-four by January 14, 2016. I live in the state of Arkansas in the United States. I have Asperger's Syndrome since I was first diagnosed with it in 2012. I watched My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic since late 2013. This is my first time being in Legends of Equestria. I saw it when I was searching for interesting material in Ponyville Live. I decided to join it to learn about the world of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic as my own OC and socialize with my fellow bronies.

Before I thought about participating in LoE, I read and re-read forum rules to make sure I am aware of what is expected of me. I tend to follow the rules, but I am nervous as to whether anything I do or say would break them. I think before I post anything on the Internet. I stress out when I think about rules too much. I will not always be active in LoE forums, but I strive to make contributions to the brony community even through LoE. Overall, I hope to get many opportunities to learn while making new friends at the same time.