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Topics - AndrewClarkKent

Introductions Archive / Yo what's up?
2015 Aug 13, 14:07:20
Hello all! Fellow brony here looking forward his first time on the open server seas!  ^-^
The name's Geoffrey, 19 year old from Nacogdoches (the oldest town in Texas!) and currently trying to survive college.  >.<
My in-game character will be my OC, Jericho Fortissimo; unicorn, blue coat, dark green mane. Able to harness sound and use it for entertainment or combat (or both).
Hoping for a pleasant lag-free experience in LoE this weekend!  :D

P.S.: If on the off chance you enjoy intense dubstep music, I've compiled a playlist of the best tracks from the Youtube channel DubstepDose:

If you prefer trap music, I've got you covered:

Thanks for reading! Can't wait to meet y'all!  <3