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Topics - Discordacopia

(If your reading this and have experience making,and or finding profile pics please contact me as I would really appreciate the help)

NAME:Kato Kaio
OCCUPATION:Amateur Musician   
LOCATION:Varies greatly but more often than not hangs his hat in Manehatten.
CUTIE MARK:A 4 note chord
APPEARANCE:Kato is a rather tall stallion,in fact his his height sometimes gives him a rather menacing appearance in the right light.His coat is A darkish crimson color and his mane is a long mass of piercing,radiant silver hair that tends to fall over his eyes.He has been known to wear his trusty deep black bandana which he claims brings him good luck(Though he has enjoyed very little luck while wearing it).
PERSONALITY:Kato would very easily come off as the quiet,mysterious type at first but upon prodding him one would find he is rather talkative and kind hearted.Not one to ever see another suffer he often times gives up what he makes from his music career to help others.Its because of this that he usually finds himself in financial trouble however.He refuses to give up on his dream of creating beautiful music and get a well paying job his intelligence would easily allow him to obtain.He wishes only to unite Equestria with his music.Handy in a pinch and gifted with a natural ability to use high leveled magic skills he could easily be a triple threat if he took himself seriously.Sadly however he cares little for anything  thats not his music or helping others.

Post Merge

NAME:Loch Dorcha
GENDER: Stallion
WING POWER:Unknown(Though Loch was once reported having broken 15.0 in an unofficial test)
OCCUPATION:Royal guard
CUTIE MARK:A Comet with a long burning trail
APPEARANCE:Loch at first would appear a very active,outgoing would be wrong.Loch has a light silver coat and a short,lazy red and black Mohawk that leans to the right because he never takes the time to maintain it.If he's not in his royal guard uniform he wears little more than a deep black bandana he acquired from his favorite musician as a child.
PERSONALITY:The truth of the matter is that Loch is a very unmotivated,more often than not lazy young stallion.He is usually bored by life in general and can be found mostly Sleeping,eating,and reading.A waste really as loch is a very gifted pony.He easily passed the required training and became a royal guard to princess celestia herself.Though nobody seems to know just how fast he can fly it is rumored loch rivals even the wonderbolts best flyers.He seems to read at a scholars level indicating a rather intelligent pony.Made even more evident when he scored some of the highest marks in a mock test given by the princess upon his arrival into the royal guard.Loch is also rumored to have flown so high his wings began to freeze causing himself to nearly catch hypothermia.Very little is known definitively about this young Stallion but what is clear is that if he was serious he could be great.