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Messages - Quantum107

I had a lot of fun with this open server weekend. Since I played a unicorn during the last OSW, this time around I tried out a pegasus and an Earth pony. Both were fun, but I felt like I was cheating when playing my pegasus since she could fly. I explored around a lot more this time. I really liked the Crystal Kingdom, although the one negative was that the crystal heart was absent. I took a lot of screenshots and even recorded some video with Fraps this time around.

I am eager to see what the future of this game holds once you get all the bugs worked out.
Introductions Archive / Re: Hello there
2014 Jul 12, 12:10:12
Fun times will be had by all.
Introductions Archive / Hello there
2014 Jul 07, 12:43:21
Figured I'd post an introduction post.
Some main points about myself: I was born and raised in Texas, I lived there until October 2005 then I moved to North Carolina where I lived until I joined the Navy in December 2007, I did four years of active duty in the Navy before getting about to go to college at ASU to study Astrophysics.

I first heard of this game after watching one of the Fluffle Puff videos that featured this game. Unfortunately it was right after an open server weekend, so I didn't get to play it then. I'm looking forward to the open server weekend in August.

As for My Little Pony, I remember hearing about it from a guy I knew in the Navy. I knew it had a huge following of adult men and women, but I didn't think much of it at the time. It wasn't until the end of 2013 before I finally decided to download the first season off of iTunes and watch it just to see if I would like it. After that I was hooked, I purchased and watched the remaining three seasons, and am eagerly awaiting season five.

My favorite pony:
Out of the mane six: Fluttershy
Out of all the characters: Luna

Favorite single episode: "Luna Eclipsed"
Favorite two-part episode: "Twilight's Kingdom"