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Messages - Green Lantern

Music / Re: What are you listening to?
2014 Apr 12, 20:37:58
Quote from: Midnight Breeze on 2014 Mar 16, 03:16:51
Does Bethesda think we only care about using houses to throw everything into a chest?
I used my house for that exact reason. Chests for weapons, dressers for armor, sacks for potions, and barrels for dragon bones.
I also had to clear out every other item it sight, or else it would irritate me by appearing on the floor next time I came back.
Different strokes, eh?  X3
Quote from: the dark gods on 2014 Feb 20, 20:36:04snip

I know Shepard does a lot in his side missions. The games would be rather short without them.
As for Aria, she is never a threat to him in the video games or the novels. Shepard has no reason to want her dead.
Quote from: the dark gods on 2014 Feb 20, 17:46:46
Quote from: Green Lantern on 2014 Feb 19, 13:24:57
I don't like the renegade options in Mass Effect. I think they put them in for giggles and nothing else.
I very much doubt Shepard reached the rank of Commander by punching every reporter he came across.
He also has nothing to gain from insulting the head of some rinky dink space station. The man's come back from the dead, I doubt he has anything left to prove.

You think roughly 1/3rd of Shepard's lines are put in for a joke?

And it's not about respect, it's about taking out a uppity criminal like I've done so a hundred times. I fight through hundreds of Blue Suns and Eclipse mooks because they're scum, why can't I do the same with this Asari punk and her mooks?
No. I don't think they were put in as a joke, but more than half of his renegade lines made me chuckle. The only scene that made me think "Wow, that was awesome" was when he pushed a mercenary out of a window.

As for taking out a uppity criminal? Shepard is not a cop. He's been focused on doing one thing since the first game. Stopping the Reapers. He's also worked with criminals before. Kasumi, Zaeed, a terrorist organization known as Cerberus.
Quote from: the dark gods on 2014 Feb 19, 01:53:33
But the fact still remains,ME2, Shepard is some forced to treat Lara with respect when we first run into her on Omega, despite the fact she's little different then other Warlord Shepard has already taken down, they really should have added in a Renegade option to insult her a few times in ME2, but nope, gotta wait until she needs your help directly before you can even say anything close to a insult to her.
I don't like the renegade options in Mass Effect. I think they put them in for giggles and nothing else.
I very much doubt Shepard reached the rank of Commander by punching every reporter he came across.
He also has nothing to gain from insulting the head of some rinky dink space station. The man's come back from the dead, I doubt he has anything left to prove.
Quote from: the dark gods on 2014 Feb 18, 08:51:55
Speaking of Riften.
Marven Black-Briar, and her Mass Effect counter part, Aria T'Loak.
Oh what, I'm supposed to be impressed by these two thugs? Seriously, I don't get why they get treated in game as if they have some real power over the main characters? So what if they literally run a town/space station and all the criminals that work in it's extensive system? It's not like I, as Commander Shepard/The Dragon Born haven't fought through literally worse then this on a almost weekly basis, and in the Dragon Borns case, am higher up in said underworld then Marven is, and the worst I can do is kill a horse, one that Marven can easily replace?
I don't get why RPGs keep making these characters that are supposed to be threatening to us despite being no worse then any other of the ilk we massacre by the bucket load.
Maven doesn't run Riften, that's Laila's job. Maven is just part of an influential family with a lot of connections. I suppose if you really want her dead you could use the command console.

As for Aria, it's been proven that she's not on Shepard's level. When Oleg Petrovsky took over Omega, Aria wouldn't have had a chance in hell to take it back without Shepard's help.
I don't like Little Mac. Seriously, who wanted this guy in? Also, his smash is cheap.  :l
Characters aside, I'd like to know more about what stages are going to be in the game.