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Messages - Tjprower

News Archive / Re: Want to play?
2012 Sep 29, 00:39:35
Well, I've had a blast. No problems on my end... well, minor ones, but nothing terrible considering this is just a pre-alpha.
Amazing work, fillies and gentlecolts.
I admittedly was hoping for a pre-alpha confrontation, but I had a blast just zooming across the amazing landscapes.  lol
Can't wait to see what you do with it next!
News Archive / Re: Want to play?
2012 Sep 28, 17:51:38
Pretty cool. I like the pegasus mechanics.
Now if only I could find my way back to the path in Everfree...  lol
A camera control to scroll around the environment would be nice, though.
Original Characters / Lightning Blitz
2012 Sep 28, 03:04:03
Wow, so many OCs. But I'll get to know each of you eventually.

Lightning Blitz is the name, and I'm a Pegasus from Cloudsdale.
That being said, I go wherever I'm needed, pretty much.

I'm a specialist of sorts: Lightning Manipulation. My services are usually called to help prevent random lightning damage from various storms across Equestria (checking cloud placement, monitoring the electrical charges in the local atmosphere, placing grounds to absorb loose bolts, etc.), but I've also been called in for demolition work before. Heck, I even got hired to provide electrical special effects for a couple of concerts. Best job ever.

Despite my skills, however, I'm in no way perfect or immune to my "element." But, then again, we are talking about floating volatile black batteries that can pack enough power to destroy an entire building, if pointed in the wrong direction. I can't even begin to tell you how many times I've accidentally unloaded on myself. Pegasus magic protects me, somewhat, but it still hurts.  >.<

If your local weather team is preparing a particularly powerful storm (whether making up for a missed storm, or for some other reason), you might just see me flying around.
(By the way, I am not responsible whatsoever for the lightning strike in Ponyville 2 years ago. Not at all. o_o)
Introductions Archive / Re: Hello There
2012 Sep 28, 02:38:27
Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2012 Sep 28, 01:55:00
do you roleplay?

My life is a role-play.  lol
News Archive / Re: Want to play?
2012 Sep 28, 02:07:11
Well, I know I'm ready. I'm just sad I couldn't attend the event. I'm literally an hour away from the convention, but I'll be nearly six hours away when it starts. Why did fall break fall on this weekend? Oh well. I'll still join you guys in the stress test.  ^-^
Introductions Archive / Hello There
2012 Sep 28, 00:06:18
Looks like today's as good as any day to join. I've been watching this project with interest for a long time now, and I'm quite thrilled to see the alpha is nearly ready. I'll probably be really quiet still for a while yet as far as posts go, but I thought now would be an excellent time to add my voice to the growing support. Keep up the awesome work! ;)