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Messages - DudeManGuy

Well, the point is more so that he's kind of a farce to begin with, I figured there was no reason to try and hide that. Considering the original direction I was using him for in a fic I'm writing (that being the leader of a snuff dealing ring) I thought I'd tone it down. This more innocent persona was born by spinning in the mixing machine in Sugar Cube Corner during the stress test for almost 3 hours. Also, red velvet cake is delightful.
And in this post I guess I'll put my OC. If you recognize him from the one day I played the LoE pre-alpha, then you're awesome  :3

NAME: Red Velvet

RACE: Earth Pony

GENDER/AGE: Stallion

COLOR: Dark brownish red, or maroon if you prefer. Basically the color of his namesake.

MANE/TAIL: Both a glossy white, both very thick. His mane is short and style in a rather dapper way, or so he thinks at least. His tail is also short, straight, and groomed to perfection.

OCCUPATION: Sweets maker. Maker of sweets. (He makes candy) Also a baker. He kind of just makes desserts. Who would have guessed?

CUTIE MARK: A butter knife with white frosting on it. He makes cake. And candy. And taffy.

PLACE OF RESIDENCE: He comes from a wealthy family in Van Hoover, but moved away when he was old enough. Now he lives in Canterlot, working at a candy store. He makes frequent trips to Ponyville to buy new ingredients, or to try and sell taffy on the side.

HISTORY: So he was born. Big deal, so weren't we all. To be honest, not a whole lot stood out about Red when he was a child. His parents, Crushed Velvet and Purple Silk, were tailors. They owned one of the nicer clothing stores in the city of Van Hoover, providing formal attire for everypony that walked in. Red was supposed to learn the trade and be a tailor like his parents, but his heart just wasn't in it. By the time he was about done with school, he still didn't have a cutie mark, because his parents didn't allow him much time to explore his talents. All of his time was spent doing homework or learning to sew. Well, one day, he goes to visit with a friend, who's parents just happened to own a bakery, and they decided to make a cake. Expecting it go horribly wrong, they were pleasantly surprised when the cake turned out fantastic. It was also red, which was weird but whatever it tasted like rainbows (assuming rainbows taste fantastic). Red earned his cutie mark after frosting the thing, making sure the layers were perfect and even, and even put a silly little design on the top. Needless to say, he was happy to be able to finally leave the clothing business, and went to tell his parents. Shortly after a heartfelt disowning session, he was on his way to Canterlot to make it on his own with a smile on his face.

Once there, Red found a job at the local candy store, where he learned to make candy. Despite his name, he found that his true passion was for pulling taffy. A lot. He made a lot of taffy. When some ponies complained of finding hairs in the taffy, the owner looked into it and found that Red Velvet REALLY liked making taffy (not sexual, please don't take it as sexual  DD:). Pulling him from his taffy bath and firing him faster than a minigun, Red was back on the street. So what do you do at this point? To find a new job of course! He was hired again at a small bakery, where he created his signature Red Velvet Cakes (because his name is Red Velvet. They were also red velvet cakes). Still wishing to produce taffy, he procured his own taffy puller and makes it at home in his spare time. Making sure to keep his personal batch separate from the batch to be sold, he makes frequent trips to Ponyville to hawk it all at whoever wants to buy it. This is because everyone in Canterlot knows how he makes it, and nopony will buy it. He also has a history of trying to break into Sugar Cube Corner.

And about that. A rumor has started among onlookers that Red Velvet was a cousin of the Cakes. His physique is quite reminiscent of Carrot Cake's, being tall and lanky, not to mention his name. Being that he is a baker and is seen around the Corner all the time, it just seemed to make sense. He is in fact not related in any to the Cakes. He just really likes their taffy puller. And yes, he does try to break into their store for the sole purpose of wanting to use their taffy puller. In his defense, it is a really nice taffy puller.
News Archive / Re: Want to play?
2012 Sep 28, 19:44:24
I feel like the servers are just down for the moment. I also cannot load my characters and I'm running on windows on a mac. Perhaps I will go do something else, and try to resume the taffy business later.
News Archive / Re: Want to play?
2012 Sep 28, 19:15:57
Sweet (literally). I'm back in and Taffy is back in production. Come spin with us on Crysalis  :]
News Archive / Re: Want to play?
2012 Sep 28, 19:08:14
Yes, I am unable to connect atm as well. Now how will Red Velvet and Salt Water make taffy? The land of Equestria will have to go without I'm afraid  :c