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Messages - Nossirah187

Quote from: elviswjr on 2014 Apr 21, 02:31:55
Here's the long awaited footage of the massacre in all of its glory!

Sorry about how dark it is. I didn't figure out how to change the time until afterwards.

YES! THANK YOU! I'm glad that you managed to capture probably the best moment ever!  :D
Updates Archive / Re: Servers Now Closed
2014 Apr 21, 00:18:15
I had such a blast this open server weekend! I met a lot of awesome people, and i can't wait to play with them again next time the servers open! So many funny/awesome moments, especially the dragon doomsday at the end! Still sad that croupade closed prematurely, but oh well, I still had fun.
Off-Topic / Re: Dumb things that annoy you
2014 Apr 17, 23:55:31
People who chew with their mouth open....just.... >:O
Also, my upstairs neighbors are heavy footed, so they like to make as much noise as possible while they walk around their house. It's like they can't stop moving around up there  :l
Dragonrider from dark souls II. Easy peasy, ponyville's got this.
Dashing Chaser
I'm a closet brony, and that's about it. I don't have much involvement with the community, although I'd like to play a bigger part in it, even if I have no useful talents or skills to bring to the table  ^-^ I don't own any merch or anything like that. No brony friends other than the ones I've met playing LoE over the weekend. Just some guy that likes a show with colourful small horses being freinds. Man I sound pretty boring when it's written out like that :l
Here's mine

I don't have many friends on steam, so it'd be nice to have some more!
Introductions Archive / Hello Everyone!
2014 Jan 27, 04:29:40
Hello, just wanted to introduce myself, and say that I am so happy that I got to be a part of the open server weekend  ^-^ I hope to get to know some of you guys!