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Messages - Aton Rand

Original Characters / King of all ponies
2013 Dec 09, 21:42:49
"Greetings my slaves. I am your KING, Aton Rand. I have enslaved your "precious princesses" and have taken the throne for myself. Anypony who DARES try to rise up against me, shall be locked away for an eternity. If you are good slaves, I shall be a nice and wise king....if not, then you will regret it."

lol So yeah, here is my OC. Now before you say anything, NO HE IS NOT THE KIND OF EQUESTRIA......yet ^^. Anyway, he IS a king, but he is the king of the Everfree Forest. He is the alicorn that holds balance in equestria, light and dark, yin and yang. He is not evil, but he is not good. He can ACT evil or good, but he is neither. He rules along with his wife, faith. There two children, Vash and Vandar. His sister, Atris. His advisor, Kavar. And his parents, Satele and Sion, who by the way are LIGHT AND DARK THEMSELVES. His father is the dark and evilness of the world while his mother is the light and good part of the world. Together, they had Aton, and Atris. Both brother and sister now are in change of BOTH light and dark. Aton is 3 million years old, while his sister is 2 million. I could say more...but I wont. ^^  ^-^