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Messages - acidrica

Hello! I was wondering if you would consider having another player? I've been looking around the roleplay forum and this rp sounds like one I'd really enjoy, but I read back and saw that you're pretty much full or discussing adding another player already. I didn't want to make a character and fill out the application only to hear that you're not open to new players at all, and if I did make a character, I'd want to tailor her to the game and setting.

In any case, I'm more than willing to wait until you have a spot open, if something happens and someone else can't be in the game anymore, if you'd be willing to accept a replacement player. Alternatively, I wouldn't have any problems making a character and waiting until there's an opportune moment in the rp to introduce her.

I'm not asking for a guarantee of getting in though, I just wanted to see if there's any chance whatsoever of you ever accepting someone else before I type up an application for consideration. ^^;

Whatever your answer, thanks for reading!
Hello! I'm a 21 year old artist who freelances (rarely), and I recently fell in love with the show. I found this site through one of the wikis, and the idea is so awesome that I couldn't resist making an account.

I also want to put my good mic to use and maybe land a voice acting part, but I have to make my demo before I post to the thread (I hear my 'old lady' voice is oddly convincing). I have a lower female voice, so...yep. Don't worry, I know where to post once my demo is done. :D

I also roleplay, and currently my character is a pegasus named Erratic. I only have my icon to show of her (that I made in the ponymaker thing), but I should have more pictures and a profile or something soon. :)

So...uh...hi! :D