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Messages - Willow-Wisp

Will-O-Wisp raised her brow at what looked like to be a rather frustrated Thvedis.
"Frustrated?"She asked walking up toward the unicorn that was near to the surface locks.
Will-O-Wisp's ears flicked up toward the faintest sound of something shifting above her on the surface. Occasionally she would hear it begin to scratch at the ground or simply stamp its hooves or whatever it used to walk with.The thought of it still searching for something made her stomach churn.She narrowed her eyes as she adverted her attention up toward the natural earth stone ceiling."What do you want...?"She murmured to herself out loud as she tilted her head to the side."Us."The word immediately clicked into her mind."It's looking for us."With a deep sigh she turned her attention away from the ceiling focusing her magic on the steel door handle which was beginning to grow a bit stiff due to the constant ice that kept creeping its way down here.How she used to love the snow, when she wished it would snow every day as a filly she definitely didn't mean something like this.The handle gave a reluctant squeak as she twisted it to the side immediately opening it with a small click. Maybe at the meeting when all of the colonies come together something would be figured out. After all she was itching to get back on to the surface.
Will-O-Wisp paced around the pentagon shaped room that served as her private living quarters.Her hooves constantly made a dull thudding sound due to her constant pacing but she dared not to pay any mind to it a white light shot out from her horn which was slightly curved as if to give the impression of a sword.The light instantly lit up the candles in her room filling the small space with their musky stale aroma. They used to have a pleasant cinnamon smell but it seemed that its recent development of a light outer covering constructed purely of mold had literally choked the poor things of their sweet smelling scent.
(Alright everypony I am still going to leave member registration open but since we've all been waiting I am going to start this rp. As for my OC I will be joining The 5 horned star team, just needed to quickly add that it.
Whoever wants to post first may)
It started out as a peaceful day in Ponyville....not a cloud was present.
All except for one peculiar cloud that some said moved above the peaceful town on its own. Nopony put much thought into it. They all assumed that is was harmless, they couldn't have been more wrong, as days passed the clouds began to cover more and more of the sky and the clouds above the Everfree forest continued to darken to an unusual obsidian color. The Weather team tried their best to clear the clouds but their actions proved useless for they would pass right through the clouds as if they were an illusion, and their wings would soon freeze if they dared to fly to high.Soon not even the sun could be seen, all letters sent to the Princess would just explode in flames.But they were not alone....for there was something out there..something was able to withstand the sub zero temperatures.And day by day Equestria grew more and more empty...for many were foolish enough to step hoof outside the safety of their shelters, or perhaps they just didn't secure their homes enough.
Now there is just snow, Equestria now lies in the icy ruins of its once prosperous civilization.And in the castle lies two frozen thrones without an owner or princess to sit in them. And the sun and the moon float aimlessly in the sky with nopony to raise or set them.
But you are still here.
And a journal that had once belonged to Equestria's greatest defenders.
and IT is to........
Can you survive?
And can you bring back life to the world.
And most importantly.
Can you defeat IT
before IT gets you..

There is a total of 5 surviving communities.
All live in underground tunnels.
There are 4 communities that still need leaders and whoever claims them gets the honor to name them I will give them to the next 4 ponies that join.
I am also looking for mature roleplayers and this will be turned into a fanfic if all goes well.
I will also allow solo survivors and a few people who would like to play as IT.
Canterlot Archives / RP idea
2013 Dec 12, 18:07:47
I was wondering if anypony would like to take part in a roleplay idea of mine.
I am writing a fanfic about it starring my OC but I would also like to include others.
It will be horror/mystery based and I'd prefer to have mature Bronies join it.
Basically the day Equestria fell apart was the day strange white clouds completely covered the sky covering both the sun and the moon dipping the world into what seemed like another ice age somehow cutting off all magic connections with the Princesses whom had gone missing.
But in the snow there is a creature who the survivors refer to as IT for they don't know what IT is or how many there are.
Basically I plan on having 10 survival groups and people who wish to be solo survivors may be soloists.
The goal is to find out what IT is through clues left behind in the journals of those who have stayed alive long enough to record the events that happened when the end of Equestria had first began and with this information find out a way to fix things.
I know this may sound like an awful idea but I had to try >.<
There was movement in the small flickering manifestation of orange and yellow that clung to the wax constructed stick as her wagon came to a stop. The dark gray pelted mare flicked her eyes to the side as she gazed around at the content of her dimly lit room.Her icy white green hued eyes seemed to be the only source of light other than the candle and the reddish glow emitting from her curved horn as she slowly levitated the book shut.
A very interesting topic indeed.
Something of this sort will prove quite fitting of my Willow.
I request to be some sort of illusionist.
Canterlot Archives / Re: -The Orphanage-
2013 Oct 03, 18:14:04
Willow-Wisp sat in the darkest corner of one of the rooms staring intently at her book.Her horn slightly curved upwards as if resembling the tip of a sword.The tip of it began to glow a combination of a dark red and white color as she flipped the pages.
Canterlot Archives / Re: -The Orphanage-
2013 Aug 05, 21:17:06
The tiny foal moved around opening a piercing emerald green eye.Her pupils were a bit thinner as she adverted her attention up to the zebra foal
Canterlot Archives / Re: -The Orphanage-
2013 Aug 05, 18:44:01
A gray colored filly no more then a couple days old laid huddled sleeping peacefully in the content of the box.Her jet black mane fluffed up around her  had small barely visible flecks of white highlight.On her forehead was a horn that slightly curved upwards.
Canterlot Archives / Re: -The Orphanage-
2013 Aug 05, 18:36:23
On the front porch dusty and untouched laid one lone wooden box piled with blankets as if it intended to keep something warm.