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Messages - DivineFilm

Its been quite some time since I last saw any information on Legends of Equestria.  MMC was also around when I last regularly kept up to date on stuff through ED.  Now that I think about it the last time I regularly saw episodes of the show was sometime before Magical Mystery Cure.  I never realized just how long its been but in any case given the nature of the Internet I've received regular spoilers on the broader strokes of events so I am kind of up-to-date on things but not the details.

Anyway I pop in to ED once in a blue moon when it dawns on me roughly how long its been since I checked the site but otherwise I simply didn't know how things were going with the game.  Imagine my surprise when doing a more through search of ED's history I find out that not only is development still going strong on but LoE is out of the alpha testing stages and I actually have the chance to roam around the game.  I'm still giddy at the thought.  While I'm not sure how often I'll be able to play its been an absolute delight so far.

My character in the game is presently a Unicorn mare named Cera Mic though I'm also thinking of making a Earth Pony named Calm Pewter and a Pegasus stallion named Sir O. Stratus (although it might also work as Siri Stratus).

On a more personal note I'm an artist whose work is mostly graphite and charcoal but I dabbled in ceramics and vector images.  I've been out of sorts the past couple of years from struggling to find any sort of work but otherwise I'm mostly alright.