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Messages - Pidffee

Introductions / Re: Hello everypony!
2017 Nov 20, 13:58:03
Night Strike - hello! :) Well, I must agree, but she made me to look on the MLP :D Well, yes! I play many games, but I'm especially "support" gamer :D
Proudy Hooves - oh, thank you c: !
Introductions / Re: Hello everypony!
2017 Nov 16, 16:09:51
DarkDawn - thank you so much! :)
Introductions / Hello everypony!
2017 Nov 16, 15:48:26
Hello!  ^-^
I have many nicknames, but I mostly like calling myself "jita23" or "Pidffee" (My ponysona c:) I'm in fandom + - 5 years, but at LoE I'm newbie - or, newbie "ingame" (I was watching game long time ago, but never tried to play it before).
So... what to tell about me? My favourite thing about Brony fandom is drawing, I'm still learning how to be better artist, but honestly, my pictures are bad X3 I don't have favourite pony/ies, but I really like (almost) all MLP villains and :P :luna: ;) :/ are great char. too.
In LoE you can (actually) find me on Europe server as "Choco Latte" (which is Pidffee's original concept name) which is brown pegasus mare with cream-coloured mane and with cookie cutie mark.
If you have more questions, feel free to ask! :) I never write "introducing" in English before, and I don't know too much what to add about me  X3