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Messages - MrDeLoop

Quote from: Pipkin on 2013 Jul 07, 23:29:17
Gosh this took forever to find again.  Apparently this should work but it looks like you tried this already

Oh hey, thanks a bunch! I didn't delete all the data, but now I've got it working. You rock!  :3
Hey all! Sorry to join the countless others shouting for help from the pit of despair, but I can't seem to find any solutions for this.
Rather than the 508 errors, I seem to be getting this gem.

Huh. I'm on Windows, and I've tried redownloading the source files/deleting the saved settings in appdata. It's weird because I got the game working twice yesterday. From the looks of it, it's like I have to wait for various files to finish "downloading", but I kept the login open overnight and nothing happened.  :o