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Messages - Dark Obsidian

Original Characters / OC: Dark Obsidian
2017 Aug 26, 00:54:22

This is my Original Character, Dark Obsidian. Born during the rule of King Sombra in the Crystal Empire. He received his cutie mark as a colt when he found an uncommon area of Obsidian in the Crystal Mines. But due to the low income, he was abandoned by his parents. It wasn't another day before King Sombra himself took the colt under his wing, made him become powerful with dark magic. Over the course of time, Sombra foresaw that something was coming and hid Dark away in the castle and froze him in crystal, hoping he'll be safe.

Of course the Two Sisters defeated the tyrant and his curse on the Empire caused it to vanish for a millennia, When King Sombra attempted and failed to reclaim the Empire, he was able to teleport the stallion he raised far away from the Empire to be protected from the Heart's magic. Dark awakened from his long slumber, he hasn't aged during his stasis and is far from the Empire. Knowing he could not return, he left into Equestria and had to keep his dark magic a secret. His new life can begin again in a different world or time that he'd never witnessed before.