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Messages - R_I_P_Man

Quote from: ObeyBunny on 2017 Jul 04, 17:04:39
I've never gotten to play before! Supposedly, the game lets you pick your 'talent mark' based on what quests you do. So... is LOE modeled after Friendship Is Optimal

-Does the game censor references to humans? If I type "I am a woman with a hand full of dollars" in the chat, does it appear as "I am a mare with a hoof full of bits"?
-Do we pick our names or does the game pick ours for us based on two-random-word combinations?
-Is the "help menu" a room with Celestia in it?
-Does typing curse words in the chat make them come out like "Muffin," "Cinnamon Swirl," "Fritter," and other non-meat related food words?
-Does the game make references to "Immigration" or ask if you're playing LOE from an "Equestrian Center?" (Probably not)
Who ever this pony is , I love them. Yea.. also.. I still don't really get if the game's gonna be around quests and stuff or mostly about rping. (well frankly.. I didn't really read much about the game)
Yea I just wanna know if I'll be able to swear..