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Messages - MarinerAce

Greeting Everypony, please read until the end, but only if you want to  >A<

I would just like say somethings about this wonderful game created by talented and creative ponies, whose hearts are filled with love and determination, and for that I thank everypony for making this game possible.

First of I am an Earth pony, I would like to ask if we have any special capabilities and advantages in the game.

As an Earth pony we work hard not just or ourselves but for all of Equestria, we plant and farm many different fruits and vegetables for all to eat.

If in the game you can be thirsty and hungry, this can make farming a necessity that we Earth ponies can truly contribute to the game, Pegasus can water the plants by making it rain, and Unicorns can speed up the growth of our crops.

If this is implemented there will be a sense of Team Work, Cooperation, and Friendship in all of Equestria.
This will give rise to Economy, Commerce, Trade, Jobs, and a sense of Purpose and Duty.

Also Don't we turn our backs against Social norms, Discrimination, and petty Stereotypes?

So Please don't turn this game bursting with potential into something like most MMORPG do.

The Leveling system is flawed, If you see a pony that is level 80 won't it turn you down especially if they boast about it.

The Skill System is more beneficial for all, Firstly there is diversity and a wide set of skills you must work hard on like farming, brewing, baking, cooking, crafting, building, enchanting, combat, taming and more. there could even be modifiers such as strength, Intelligence, and agility. with this system everypony can only be a master of just a few skills or maybe an applejack :l of all trades making each and every pony unique and special in their own way.

This also makes it possible to contribute and even enjoy the game without hurting or eliminating any creatures which should not be promoted, aren't we a kind and benevolent race? why would we hurt other creatures if they are not doing anything to us, please don't do what other MMORPG's do teaching Violence, Murder, Betrayal, and Evil.

My Little Pony teaches TeamWork, Harmony, and Love.

Especially Honesty :] Kindness >.< Laughter :D Generosity ;) Loyalty :D and Magic ^-^

And so I thank everypony that made this game possible and I wish everypony the best of luck, May all our dreams come true and may everyone have a wonderful life.

This is a massive project especially the potential it has as new type of MMORPG all about cooperating and helping each other, There will be no "Every pony for themselves"

So please let us help you, I am sure the whole community is willing to offer our hooves especially if this game will surpass all expectations and odds, we believe in you, this can be greater than anypony has ever imagined.

Together there is nothing we can't do. "Team Work Makes The Dream Work^-^

Sorry if I sound like I am complaining or anything, please forgive me  ono

Anyways thanks for reading, You are a nice and awesome pony.

May Faust watch over us and may we meet her in the Elysian Fields

P.S you can also hire musician ponies to make music that gives life and the perfect mood on an area depending on the type of day, atmosphere, and even events making the game a bit more lively, yes events are also good to bring ponies together, as I said a game of great potential and we are willing to help in any way we can, we don't need to hurt anypony to be somepony
Oh my Gosh! Oh my Gosh! Oh my Gosh!, :3 I mean ahem, I will do my best to be worthy of such an honor to play a dream turned to reality created by such dedicated, loving, and kind ponies. I just hope I can repay all the sweat, tears, and DETERMINATION they have all given to us.

May Faust watch over us and May we meet her in the Elysian fields.

P.S Will they be adding a voice chat system like Ark Survival, it is when you push like the {B} key you can do voice chat to nearby ponies and as you go farther away from them, your voice becomes faint until you are inaudible to them.

I would also recommend more role playing interactions such as cooking, fishing, and setting up the table so you and your friends can eat together with all the food and ingredients you gathered, singing along the campfires dancing and having a wonderful time together with friends.