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Messages - ToastGoats

The 17th is here!

Good luck to everyone who entered!   :D
Quote from: SolyWack on 2016 Sep 08, 22:25:03
I'm not sure why there isn't a template .obj, but that's okay, I made my own. Here's something I made in Zbrush. I made it a turntable, but I could do screenshots if you guys would prefer that way.

I tried to keep the hair from clipping the body, since I'm not sure how exactly your guys' production pipeline works. It's also very high poly right now. Message me or something if you want a file to look at. Cheers!  :D

P.S. It takes a second for the .gif to un-stutter itself

Wow, it's like literally everything made in Zbrush looks amazing.
Did you use a torrent for Zbrush? Because I can't find a safe torrent.
I did it.

Thank god it turned out decent.
Except for the weird bowl cut thing I was too lazy to fix.

And thank god for image planes, which I probably didn't need.

Please excuse the small out of place circles, they're just a by-product of the model.
This was also my first attempt at making hair, so it didn't turn out that well, but it's good enough.

Churro-hair Lucio pone is best pone.

Also, the parts that could be colored are the lines, the spaces between the lines, and the accessories.
And if you plan on modeling this, ignore the flashy hair shader I put in.

Lastly, I used this tutorial for the hair, just in case you want to incorporate this and you don't know how to put twisted cylinders on a curve.

Quote from: BludSpammd on 2016 Sep 07, 17:59:18
And you can't even green text here either.
Some nerve!  O:

I just like using greentext for some reason.

And the model isn't a problem anymore, I used the pictures as an image plane and made a simplified version of the model.

Really hope the hair turns out well.

>No actual 3d base
>Suck at 2d