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Messages - Darkfae

Introductions Archive / Re: Hi There!
2016 Jun 09, 16:41:49
Names are always hard.

I guess the easiest thing to do is maybe look at your ponysona's cutie mark? It's a star, a piece of paper, and a pencil. What are they each related to? Are the pencil and paper there for writing, or for drawing?
I'm new to the Legends of Equestria site - I found it looking for an art piece by the same name, actually. I had no idea about the project unti trying to find this image of Starswirl, Luna, Celestia, Discord, and someone from the episodes past the start of season 3 that I don't recognise; I'm a bit behind in watching, as I wait till a full season hits Netflix, then watch through it, and right after all of season 3 got up, I had a pretty bad medical crash.

Back from Jan '01 through the end of April '03 I worked for Sony Online Entertainment, and from the start of the fall of '05 into the spring of '06 I worked for SEGA of America. Indy projects like this really make my day, and I love watching them develop. The fact that this is a My Little Pony MMO, and it's looking so good in the YouTubes that were all basically Technical Alphas makes me even more happy - because I love MLP (I watched the original series when I was a kid, and picked up on MLP: FiM toward the end of season 1), and again, Indy projects are pretty awesome. I can't wait to see the next open server window, because there is just so much promise in Legends of Equestria.

Plus, on Facebook, the official My Little Pony page has liked the Legends of Equestria page, so there's a decent amount of hope that their corporate masters won't smash down on LoE.  lol I'm very hopeful that this game will get to launch smoothly, and stay up for as long as the team wants to keep working on it.  ;)

Generally, I won't have too much to say. I'm a fairly private person, and I run a small gaming syndicate that grew out of a Final Fantasy XIV free company, so a lot of my time goes into working on that when I'm not dealing with doctors and medical stuff. I suppose I'm more of a watcher/listener than a talker.  X3
Yeah, mostly it's all about programming, graphics/modeling, and the dev leadership that decide when a game's at a point where they can release a round of testing - even if stuff like writing is way ahead of schedule, the graphics/modeling and programming have to be working together and running to the point where they are supposed to be as per the dev leadership desires, or they won't go ahead with things. Hopefully PR has information on where the timeline is, but sometimes they don't have up to the minute information because it does take time for the magic to happen.  ovO
Quote from: MysticMorning on 2016 May 17, 23:29:29
Yes.  :P   We are responsible for all written content and NPC interactions in the game, as well as working up item and ability descriptions, and establishing and maintaining the canon of the world.  All those things are important and all fall to the writing department, though this time around we are focusing a bit more on aspects of quest writing.

Game writers have a whole lot they are responsible for, which is why there's actually pretty large teams of writers for every game that comes into being once, in proportion to the rest of the team. MMOs in particular have a good ratio of writers versus the rest of their staff as maintaining all of this stuff in a persistent world is a lot trickier than in a more "static" game; even without expansions, MMOs are having to introduce new items quite frequently, so there's that alone to keep churning out written content, plus holiday events, plus regular content updates that need quests and dungeons, plus fluffy promos for the website, and all the lore spackle to hold it together...the list gets pretty huge, pretty fast. And sadly, in some game communities, there are people who think that just one or two people can handle this load even in AAA titles, when really, even insanely creative people who can churn out content fast cannot keep up with this stuff working alone or in a pair all that easily - not at the rate a lot of people expect things!

Totally wish the writing team luck, especially the new acquisitions. I just recently found out about the game while searching for the source of a picture that had the same name but has nothing to do with the game, and I already like what I've seen, so I expect you guys will continue to do well.  ^-^