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Messages - Anonamoose

Ah. Well thank you, you two. I've checked out the rules prior to even signing up, just to be super careful that I don't break one. I'd hate to do that here. I take it that I'll see you two again around here. But alas, I must go. I've got plans tonight and I really should attend to them. Ciao, you two.
Every. Bit. Of Dark Souls.

It's annoying, yet I keep playing it! It's madness I tell you, complete, utter madness!
Off-Topic / Re: Today's Smile
2013 May 28, 16:10:57
Faust visited /mlp/ last night. It was great.
Hello, everyone. Although I bet I don't have to do this, I'll introduce myself anyways. There's not much I can say about myself, other than the obvious reason that I'm here. Ponies. So yeah, I doubt this thread will get any attention, but I guess I could try to at least seem friendly. If you have any questions, just shoot me one.
