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Messages - Sylvian

Resolved Issues / Pegasus Starter Quest Bug
2017 Sep 10, 19:38:53
So, during the Quest Foal Speed Ahead, the quest keeps glitching due to the server resetting, it will show all the !s again, but then when I go to talk to the ponies again, it does not give the dialogue options to advance the quest again.
I haven't quite nailed mine down, but I was thinking that Epic Prose (The name of my personal OC) has a book and an inkwell, because he is a writer (As I am a writer).
I am not sure, I honestly love AJ.

Perhaps its because I'm brutally honest myself, but I've always thought she is a cool character.
Off-Topic / Re: Today's Smile
2015 Aug 22, 15:40:03
I wrote a very sappy, heart warming scene earlier this morning and just put the finishing touches on it so I could show it to the person who's universe it is based in.

Even if he doesn't like it, I still feel really happy and proud about it  :D
Quote from: AnthroYuu on 2015 Jul 28, 15:32:55

First off, this is now stuck in my head. Thanks.

No, really thank you, this song quite literally made my day.

Before that, I've had the following stuck in my head.

As well as


Sit down my friends, and listen to the tale I shall tell!

It all started about a year ago, I was sitting in the art stream of an artist I enjoy watching draw and talking to others who commission her. One day, a rather famous member of the Furry Fandom by the name of Goldfur. He was getting a comission for one of his stories, but low and behold it was a pony! I was curious, so I asked about it, and someone pointed me to FiMFiction. I looked up Goldfur's stuff, and started reading....and reading...and reading.

So, after basically spending two days of late nights reading all his stuff, I decided to watch a little bit of the show. First few episodes were good, I sat there thinking "Okay, this isn't so bad." Then I dropped it for a while because I was in college and thus got busy.

Well, I graduated about a year ago now, so I started hanging out in the art stream again. And, yet another person was getting a pony drawn for their story! So, I asked again, and was pointed at the writings of Calm Wind, also on FiMFiction. Well, after spending an entire week of late nights reading his stuff, I said screw it and watched the entire series on Netflix.

Then I started writing on FiMFiction....and...yeah after hitting the "Publish" button on that first chapter I sat up and said "Huh...uhm...guess I'm a brony now..."

And that, Mares and Gentelcolts, is how I fell face first into this fandom.
Mostly Science Fiction and Fantasy stories, as I grew up with J.R.R Tolkien and C.S. Lewis on my bedside table xD

I am currently writing inside the universe of a user on FiMFiction known as Calm Wind, and have written two stories (One is 5 chapters long, the other a single short piece) and have a third in production right now :3
Same reason I ended up introducing myself earlier, Clockwork!

Nice to see another writer, too! What sort of stories do you write?
Introductions Archive / Hello everyone!
2015 Aug 13, 17:51:31
Greetings and good afternoon/evening/morning or whenever you read this message! I hope you are doing well and thank you for reading my introduction!

My name is Sylvian, I am a college trained writer and avid RPer who has about twelve/thirteen years under my belt as a RPer, and about six or seven years as a writer! Currently I have two stories posted (One currently on hiatus) on FiMFiction, which are Memories of Midnight which is a rather sad story, and Storytime which is a fun and cute story with everyone's favorite Lunar Princess.

Both stories are set in the universe created by the user Calm Wind, known as the Wonderverse, and while Storytime is not directly tied to his stuff, it is suggested you read his stuff before delving into Memories of Midnight. His works are also well worth the read even if you don't look at mine!

Outside of my writing, I am an avid gamer, and have played everything from World of Warcraft, to even short lived games like Earth Eternal!

I am also very friendly, so don't be afraid to poke me about my writing, or even just to say hello! Hopefully, I will be in the upcoming OSW, having just finished downloading the game data, and if I am there I hope to be able to say hello to everyone in this, quite honestly, very friendly looking community!

Until then, stay safe and stay well!
