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Messages - Relic

Quote from: Crystal Chaos on 2012 Jul 15, 19:50:13
Quote from: Relic on 2012 Jul 15, 19:48:23
When you say video editors, what exactly do you want? I mean, I'm no wiz by any means, but I can say that I know my way around Sony Vegas with confidence.

Those who can put the animations together without seams, and can add effects.

That I can do. When this project comes together, don't hesitate to contact me. I'd be more than glad to help out :D
When you say video editors, what exactly do you want? I mean, I'm no wiz by any means, but I can say that I know my way around Sony Vegas with confidence.
Just signed up, and it does seem a bit crazy at the moment. It would probably be a chore to meet up and chat here in it's current state, but it's the next best thing, right?

My username is Relic, which was predictable I guess.

I'll just slap that right there.

Gaia zOMG? It's really social and you do run around in parties fighting things, but it can get boring and it does tend to lag for some, but that can be fixed with a few setting changes and doesn't require amazing hardware. If your computer was made after 2004, then you should be good. Besides, it's free to play and it's in browser. That's my best suggestion.
The Retirement Home / Re: OC Voices!
2012 Jun 12, 23:20:14
Hmm... Relic's voice? No. I don't think that I can match what I have in mind for him. I imagine that he kind of has a moderately deep tone with a light spin on it, with an accent that isn't exactly English, but he has a slight hint of it. Picture Shining Armor's voice slightly higher combined with Rarity's accent, just not so feminine. I think that's about right.

But one of my other OCs on the other hand could be easier for me to do. Maybe I'll consider...
Music / Re: What are you listening to?
2012 Jun 10, 02:24:47

I can't stop listening to it. I don't know why, I just cant.

I think I may have been converted over to the dark side, but I can't tell. I don't see any cookies anywhere.
Great to see you come back!
Off-Topic / Re: FUNNY image Thread!!!
2012 May 22, 23:34:23
Quote from: Chishio Kunrin on 2012 May 21, 23:44:28

I am best friends with Chuck Norris.

How much better can it get?
Original Characters / Re: Relic's OC Topic
2012 May 13, 04:28:56
Quote from: Relic on 2012 Mar 23, 04:44:15
After creating my most recent OC, I figured that I'd make my main OC's topic into a topic for all my OCs.

Main OCs

Spoiler: Relic • show
Full Name: Relic Archmagus
Common Name: Relic
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Type: Unicorn
Color Scheme: Grey coat, dark Grey mane/tail, Blue eyes.

Spoiler: show

  • His cutie mark is a large star and three smaller stars surrounded by a blue field. The stars themselves represent his magical abilities. The larger star represents him and the smaller star represents his allies. The field represents his magic protecting them. In whole, his cutie mark represents his strong defensive magical abilities.

  • He is a full-grown stallion.

  • Very sarcastic.

  • Prefers to go by logic over a gut feeling.

  • Low tolerance for distractions.

  • Mainly very serious.

  • Can be rude at times.

  • Not very open minded.

  • Prefers to be in small groups.

  • Claustrophobic.

  • Addicted to coffee.

Powers/Battle Description
Spoiler: show

  • Very powerful and skilled with offensive and defensive magic, but more so with defensive.

  • Exceeds Twilight Sparkle in her skill of these areas.

  • He can use a lot of different types of magic, but most of his power is battle oriented. These spells include fire, cure, things of that nature.

  • Also knows advanced buff spells and can learn new spells easily.

  • The 'get in, get out' type.

  • Slow runner, but prefers to teleport or use his magic to fly on objects over walking.

  • Can't really take much of a hit, unless protected by magic.

  • Not a good strategic planner.

Spoiler: show
Relic Archmagus

Relic's Cutie Mark

Life Events
Spoiler: show
Relic grew up in Canterlot with his parents Vestamen Archmagus (father) and Thuri Whellowin(mother). Vestamen is a very respected scholar of magic and even made a few spells, some of which Relic uses. Thuri is a talented gardener and uses her magic to care for nature.
By the time Relic had finished with magic school, despite having excellent skill with his magic abilities, he still had not eared his cutie mark, thus creating years of teasing. A few months after graduation, Relic met a poor, homeless pony who called himself Battlemage Hirenal. He told Relic that he could tell that he was talented with battle magic after witnessing him stop a fire from spreading in the middle of town using only his magic. Relic took lessons from this strange pony secretly for months in exchange for a few bits a week, which he could afford with a job of a bus boy at the local restaurant.
Hirenal helped him learn new offensive spells and helped him control his magical abilities. Eventually, their practice sessions became known to Relic's father, who recognized Hirenal from magic school. His name was even all over the papers for his renowned ability and knowledge of battle magic. Vestamen offered him the guest room at home and naturally he agreed. He became a good friend of Relic's. The training became free and daily. Once Hirenal got back on his feet, Relic would stop by his home for lessons on the weekends.
It's been three years since he began his training and he still hadn't earned his cutie mark. But Hirenal had an idea. He would send Relic on a journey. The plan was to send him to the Ponjave Desert and make him cross it to a selected destination. Relic's mother wasn't exactly on board with this, but Vestamen trusted Hirenal's judgement. Relic was sent to the Ponjave Desert later that year with only a map, a saddle bag, a refillable canteen, about a couple day's worth of emergency food, and his battle magic training.
On his quest, he encountered many hardships that tested him roughly. One of his trials brought him face to face with a giant rattlesnake. Using his wits, he warded it off with a simple fire spell. He even met a traveling gypsy. She asked him to do her a favor and fetch her a vary rare gemstone. He refused, and she cursed him for until he could repay his mistake. This made him blank out randomly for hours at a time, forcing him to literally battle with his guilt inside his mind. He is still burdened with this curse to this day.
Despite certain failures, Relic was able to make it to his destination unscathed. To his disappointment, his quest proved to have no avail for its intended purpose, earning Relic's cutie mark. But this journey had proven to Relic that he can survive on his own, and he learned important lessons to boot. It was this decision that made him move to Ponyville.
It was a quiet place that allowed him to study his decided trait and profession; Battle Mage. With constant reports to and from his former trainer about this magic, he was able to develop his skills to surpass that of Battlemage Hirenal himself. He continued to study on his own and he even developed his own spells, too, like Clarity, a spell that allows him to see through harsh weather conditions with ease. This was a very useful spell for him during his quest in the mountains to try and get his cutie mark.
After all of these years, Relic never stopped trying to find his true talent, and went on a lot of very dangerous trips to do so, but none of them proved much help in this area. It baffled him to think that he is an excellent battle mage and he didn't even have his mark yet. But he never gave up hope that he would someday find it.
As you can imagine, this brought an endless tempest of teasing, which contributed to a side of bitterness within him. But this endless hope he had for his cause gave him the strength to be able to believe in something that seems hopeless. Which also brings about his tendency to believe in lost causes and he makes a fool of himself trying to fix it. He had gotten so skilled in the art of battle magic, he started to believe that it was his true talent, and that he would earn his mark when it was ready to show.
He had lived in Ponyville for about five years, and was now twenty-six years of age. He worked as a hired mage, if you will. He took jobs using his magic abilities that ponies payed him to do. One time, he was paid a very large sum of bits to retrieve a fresh scale from a fully grown male dragon. It wasn't needed right away, so he used his time to study and learn spells to aid in his quest, spells like muffle, invisibility, knock-out (essentially sleep), etc. He secretly hoped that these new tricks could help him earn his cutie mark.
After weeks of planning, he was off to get a dragon scale. To his surprise, dragons don't like ice very much, despite living up high in the cold mountains. He was able to grab a scale, but the dragon had noticed him, and closed off the entrance to it's cave. Relic couldn't teleport because he couldn't see his destination and wasn't advanced enough in that field to not need to. He had to force the dragon to open it for him. Using ice magic, he was able to back the creature up to the exit wall, which he had frozen beforehand, and caused it to fall on the wall, breaking the ice and revealing the outside world. He quickly teleported a safe distance away and returned home, collecting his pay. But despite this amazing display of power, he still had not earned his cutie mark.
As you can imagine, getting that dragon scale has earned Relic quite a name for himself. He got so many job requests, that he opened up a business and called it "Relic's Arcane Convergence". His business didn't exactly boom, but it allowed him to live comfortably. He was eventually hired by the Royal Canterlot Guard Service, or RCGS. He was appointed to a group of guards led by a stallion named Grash Conserfend. Apparently a hydra was approaching from Froggy Bottom Bog and their job was to lead it back there. Grash was the muscle and backbone of the group, and was appointed commander. Relic was there in case something were to go wrong. He could use his magic to keep the guards on their feet and to provide support.
After a few miles of a walk from Canterlot into the Everfree Forest, they met their target. It was the first time Relic had seen, or even heard of the massive, four-headed beast. Right when they came into visual sight, Relic had casted the muffle and invisibility spells to give them an element of surprise. In a simultaneous charge, the five guard ponies ran toward the hydra and kicked it hard, staggering the beast. It was going according to plan. Grash had then said some taunting words, and it was enraged. All eight eyes were on him. Relic had practiced some defense spells before, and casted one on Grash. The hydra then attacked by swinging it's gargantuan tail at the stallion just standing before it. With a loud THWACK, the tail came into contact, but stopped dead still next to Grash's still standing body. The spell had saved him from a lethal blow. Relic then used his magic to levitate some nearby rocks to make a path for Grash to the hydra's heads. He jumped to each rock with ease, and reached the top within seconds. He kicked each head, staggering the hydra again. Each other guard pony did the same. They left the rocks to give Relic some relief. They then all ran for the bog. Relic had trouble following on foot, as they were all very athletic earth ponies, so he used his magic to fly himself on a rock. The hydra followed at a slightly slower pace.
About halfway there, the hydra kicked up a large boulder at the guard ponies, and all of them were either hit or tripped. It then breathed hot steam onto each pony. They all fell to the ground, hurt. Relic then rushed in and started to cast a cure spell for all of his allies, but the hydra caught wind of his presence and swiped at him with its tail. It hit the rock, and Relic was send flying about a hundred meters. He managed to stay on his rock and decided to draw it from the other ponies. He then began casting an array of fire projectile spells at it to catch it's attention. Sure enough, the hydra felt the burns and screeched. It ran for Relic, and he waited there a moment. Once the hydra was close, he disengaged the spell on the rock and teleported to Grash's location. The hydra was confused and stopped to survey its surroundings to look for its opponent.
Relic began casting his cure magic again, this time to success. Just like that, the guards were back up on their hooves again. In fear of another accident like this, he also casted a longer lasting defensive spell on each ally. Grash gave Relic a smile and a quick nod of appreciation. Then they were off to lead the hydra to the bog. The rest of the mission went on well with minor problems, like the hydra kept trying to attack. But it was kept from hurting the guards by Relic's magic. It was brought to the bog and Relic casted the knock-out spell on it to give them a chance to leave in peace.
On the way back, Grash had pointed something out that came to surprise to Relic. Grash realized that Relic earned his cutie mark for what he did when he saved Grash from the hydra's tail, helped out the guards when they were downed, and kept them all safe from the hydra's blows. Relic was ecstatic when he found out. He was a bit surprised to find that his special talent was defensive magic instead of offensive.
When they got back to Canterlot, they reported their success. Grash mentioned Relic's part in their survival, and upon his payment, Relic also earned a commendation, as well as a medal. He even was requested to have an audience with the princess herself. Things were really looking up for him in his life, and he has a whole new category of magic to master. But, during his meeting with Celestia, the curse that was placed upon him years ago had come into effect, and he was brought to the hospital.
He had awoken to find that in his hospital room was a basket of flowers and a card labled From: Pinkie Pie. He assumed that it had something to do with some sort of party (because Pinkie knows everything about everypony in Ponyville), and sure enough, it did. Pinkie threw a huge party for his safe return and a congratulations on earning his cutie mark. After the next few weeks, Relic's life had died down back to normal. Here and there, he'd get more jobs, and on occasion he would even get more jobs from the RCGS, but he would practice and learn more about his talent with defensive magic.

Spoiler: Grash • show
Full Name: Grash Olinel
Common Name(s): Grash, Olinel, Sir
Gender: Male
Age: 41
Type: Earth Pony
Color Scheme: Navy Blue coat, Dark Navy Blue and White mane/tail, Dark Navy Blue vest, and Light Sky Blue eyes.

Spoiler: show
Grash Olinel

More info will be added later.

Spoiler: Trache • show
Full Name: Trache Orator
Common Name(s): Trache, Silver-Tongue
Gender:  Male
Age: 18
Type: Pegasus
Color Scheme: Light Tan coat, Brown and Dirty Blonde mane/tail, Navy Blue eyes.

Spoiler: show
Trache Orator

More info will be added later.

Background OCs (OCs created in the lives of my main three OCs.)

Spoiler: Vestamen • show
Vestamen Archmagus

Vestamen's Cutie Mark

Spoiler: Thuri • show
Thuri Whellowin

Thuri's Cutie Mark

Believe me, this is definitely incomplete, but it's a start, right? I plan on making one of those long backgrounds like Relic's for Grash and Trache as well. That'll be fun, won't it?

Completely re-organized, now with two new OCs! Granted, they don't have much detail yet, but they hopefully will soon!
Hmm... you know, I've always wanted to create my OC's theme music. I just feel it would be more... satisfactory.

But I lack the necessary skills and tools to do so. In the meantime, this will have to do.

When I saw this, I thought it was a very well done video. It was funny, consistent, had a good story to it, and the animation quality was just downright gorgeous.

I give it a 10/10
Original Characters / Relic's OC Topic
2012 Mar 23, 04:44:15
After creating my most recent OC, I figured that I'd make my main OC's topic into a topic for all my OCs.

Main OCs

Spoiler: Relic • show
Full Name: Relic Archmagus
Common Name: Relic
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Type: Unicorn
Color Scheme: Grey coat, dark Grey mane/tail, Blue eyes.

Spoiler: show

  • His cutie mark is a large star and three smaller stars surrounded by a blue field. The stars themselves represent his magical abilities. The larger star represents him and the smaller star represents his allies. The field represents his magic protecting them. In whole, his cutie mark represents his strong defensive magical abilities.

  • He is a full-grown stallion.

  • Very sarcastic.

  • Prefers to go by logic over a gut feeling.

  • Low tolerance for distractions.

  • Mainly very serious.

  • Can be rude at times.

  • Not very open minded.

  • Prefers to be in small groups.

  • Claustrophobic.

  • Addicted to coffee.

Powers/Battle Description
Spoiler: show

  • Very powerful and skilled with offensive and defensive magic, but more so with defensive.

  • Exceeds Twilight Sparkle in her skill of these areas.

  • He can use a lot of different types of magic, but most of his power is battle oriented. These spells include fire, cure, things of that nature.

  • Also knows advanced buff spells and can learn new spells easily.

  • The 'get in, get out' type.

  • Slow runner, but prefers to teleport or use his magic to fly on objects over walking.

  • Can't really take much of a hit, unless protected by magic.

  • Not a good strategic planner.

Spoiler: show
Relic Archmagus

Relic's Cutie Mark

Life Events
Spoiler: show
Relic grew up in Canterlot with his parents Vestamen Archmagus (father) and Thuri Whellowin(mother). Vestamen is a very respected scholar of magic and even made a few spells, some of which Relic uses. Thuri is a talented gardener and uses her magic to care for nature.
By the time Relic had finished with magic school, despite having excellent skill with his magic abilities, he still had not eared his cutie mark, thus creating years of teasing. A few months after graduation, Relic met a poor, homeless pony who called himself Battlemage Hirenal. He told Relic that he could tell that he was talented with battle magic after witnessing him stop a fire from spreading in the middle of town using only his magic. Relic took lessons from this strange pony secretly for months in exchange for a few bits a week, which he could afford with a job of a bus boy at the local restaurant.
Hirenal helped him learn new offensive spells and helped him control his magical abilities. Eventually, their practice sessions became known to Relic's father, who recognized Hirenal from magic school. His name was even all over the papers for his renowned ability and knowledge of battle magic. Vestamen offered him the guest room at home and naturally he agreed. He became a good friend of Relic's. The training became free and daily. Once Hirenal got back on his feet, Relic would stop by his home for lessons on the weekends.
It's been three years since he began his training and he still hadn't earned his cutie mark. But Hirenal had an idea. He would send Relic on a journey. The plan was to send him to the Ponjave Desert and make him cross it to a selected destination. Relic's mother wasn't exactly on board with this, but Vestamen trusted Hirenal's judgement. Relic was sent to the Ponjave Desert later that year with only a map, a saddle bag, a refillable canteen, about a couple day's worth of emergency food, and his battle magic training.
On his quest, he encountered many hardships that tested him roughly. One of his trials brought him face to face with a giant rattlesnake. Using his wits, he warded it off with a simple fire spell. He even met a traveling gypsy. She asked him to do her a favor and fetch her a vary rare gemstone. He refused, and she cursed him for until he could repay his mistake. This made him blank out randomly for hours at a time, forcing him to literally battle with his guilt inside his mind. He is still burdened with this curse to this day.
Despite certain failures, Relic was able to make it to his destination unscathed. To his disappointment, his quest proved to have no avail for its intended purpose, earning Relic's cutie mark. But this journey had proven to Relic that he can survive on his own, and he learned important lessons to boot. It was this decision that made him move to Ponyville.
It was a quiet place that allowed him to study his decided trait and profession; Battle Mage. With constant reports to and from his former trainer about this magic, he was able to develop his skills to surpass that of Battlemage Hirenal himself. He continued to study on his own and he even developed his own spells, too, like Clarity, a spell that allows him to see through harsh weather conditions with ease. This was a very useful spell for him during his quest in the mountains to try and get his cutie mark.
After all of these years, Relic never stopped trying to find his true talent, and went on a lot of very dangerous trips to do so, but none of them proved much help in this area. It baffled him to think that he is an excellent battle mage and he didn't even have his mark yet. But he never gave up hope that he would someday find it.
As you can imagine, this brought an endless tempest of teasing, which contributed to a side of bitterness within him. But this endless hope he had for his cause gave him the strength to be able to believe in something that seems hopeless. Which also brings about his tendency to believe in lost causes and he makes a fool of himself trying to fix it. He had gotten so skilled in the art of battle magic, he started to believe that it was his true talent, and that he would earn his mark when it was ready to show.
He had lived in Ponyville for about five years, and was now twenty-six years of age. He worked as a hired mage, if you will. He took jobs using his magic abilities that ponies payed him to do. One time, he was paid a very large sum of bits to retrieve a fresh scale from a fully grown male dragon. It wasn't needed right away, so he used his time to study and learn spells to aid in his quest, spells like muffle, invisibility, knock-out (essentially sleep), etc. He secretly hoped that these new tricks could help him earn his cutie mark.
After weeks of planning, he was off to get a dragon scale. To his surprise, dragons don't like ice very much, despite living up high in the cold mountains. He was able to grab a scale, but the dragon had noticed him, and closed off the entrance to it's cave. Relic couldn't teleport because he couldn't see his destination and wasn't advanced enough in that field to not need to. He had to force the dragon to open it for him. Using ice magic, he was able to back the creature up to the exit wall, which he had frozen beforehand, and caused it to fall on the wall, breaking the ice and revealing the outside world. He quickly teleported a safe distance away and returned home, collecting his pay. But despite this amazing display of power, he still had not earned his cutie mark.
As you can imagine, getting that dragon scale has earned Relic quite a name for himself. He got so many job requests, that he opened up a business and called it "Relic's Arcane Convergence". His business didn't exactly boom, but it allowed him to live comfortably. He was eventually hired by the Royal Canterlot Guard Service, or RCGS. He was appointed to a group of guards led by a stallion named Grash Conserfend. Apparently a hydra was approaching from Froggy Bottom Bog and their job was to lead it back there. Grash was the muscle and backbone of the group, and was appointed commander. Relic was there in case something were to go wrong. He could use his magic to keep the guards on their feet and to provide support.
After a few miles of a walk from Canterlot into the Everfree Forest, they met their target. It was the first time Relic had seen, or even heard of the massive, four-headed beast. Right when they came into visual sight, Relic had casted the muffle and invisibility spells to give them an element of surprise. In a simultaneous charge, the five guard ponies ran toward the hydra and kicked it hard, staggering the beast. It was going according to plan. Grash had then said some taunting words, and it was enraged. All eight eyes were on him. Relic had practiced some defense spells before, and casted one on Grash. The hydra then attacked by swinging it's gargantuan tail at the stallion just standing before it. With a loud THWACK, the tail came into contact, but stopped dead still next to Grash's still standing body. The spell had saved him from a lethal blow. Relic then used his magic to levitate some nearby rocks to make a path for Grash to the hydra's heads. He jumped to each rock with ease, and reached the top within seconds. He kicked each head, staggering the hydra again. Each other guard pony did the same. They left the rocks to give Relic some relief. They then all ran for the bog. Relic had trouble following on foot, as they were all very athletic earth ponies, so he used his magic to fly himself on a rock. The hydra followed at a slightly slower pace.
About halfway there, the hydra kicked up a large boulder at the guard ponies, and all of them were either hit or tripped. It then breathed hot steam onto each pony. They all fell to the ground, hurt. Relic then rushed in and started to cast a cure spell for all of his allies, but the hydra caught wind of his presence and swiped at him with its tail. It hit the rock, and Relic was send flying about a hundred meters. He managed to stay on his rock and decided to draw it from the other ponies. He then began casting an array of fire projectile spells at it to catch it's attention. Sure enough, the hydra felt the burns and screeched. It ran for Relic, and he waited there a moment. Once the hydra was close, he disengaged the spell on the rock and teleported to Grash's location. The hydra was confused and stopped to survey its surroundings to look for its opponent.
Relic began casting his cure magic again, this time to success. Just like that, the guards were back up on their hooves again. In fear of another accident like this, he also casted a longer lasting defensive spell on each ally. Grash gave Relic a smile and a quick nod of appreciation. Then they were off to lead the hydra to the bog. The rest of the mission went on well with minor problems, like the hydra kept trying to attack. But it was kept from hurting the guards by Relic's magic. It was brought to the bog and Relic casted the knock-out spell on it to give them a chance to leave in peace.
On the way back, Grash had pointed something out that came to surprise to Relic. Grash realized that Relic earned his cutie mark for what he did when he saved Grash from the hydra's tail, helped out the guards when they were downed, and kept them all safe from the hydra's blows. Relic was ecstatic when he found out. He was a bit surprised to find that his special talent was defensive magic instead of offensive.
When they got back to Canterlot, they reported their success. Grash mentioned Relic's part in their survival, and upon his payment, Relic also earned a commendation, as well as a medal. He even was requested to have an audience with the princess herself. Things were really looking up for him in his life, and he has a whole new category of magic to master. But, during his meeting with Celestia, the curse that was placed upon him years ago had come into effect, and he was brought to the hospital.
He had awoken to find that in his hospital room was a basket of flowers and a card labled From: Pinkie Pie. He assumed that it had something to do with some sort of party (because Pinkie knows everything about everypony in Ponyville), and sure enough, it did. Pinkie threw a huge party for his safe return and a congratulations on earning his cutie mark. After the next few weeks, Relic's life had died down back to normal. Here and there, he'd get more jobs, and on occasion he would even get more jobs from the RCGS, but he would practice and learn more about his talent with defensive magic.

Spoiler: Grash • show
Full Name: Grash Olinel
Common Name(s): Grash, Olinel, Sir
Gender: Male
Age: 41
Type: Earth Pony
Color Scheme: Navy Blue coat, Dark Navy Blue and White mane/tail, Dark Navy Blue vest, and Light Sky Blue eyes.

Spoiler: show
Grash Olinel

More info will be added later.

Spoiler: Trache • show
Full Name: Trache Orator
Common Name(s): Trache, Silver-Tongue
Gender:  Male
Age: 18
Type: Pegasus
Color Scheme: Light Tan coat, Brown and Dirty Blonde mane/tail, Navy Blue eyes.

Spoiler: show
Trache Orator

More info will be added later.

Background OCs (OCs created in the lives of my main three OCs.)

Spoiler: Vestamen • show
Vestamen Archmagus

Vestamen's Cutie Mark

Spoiler: Thuri • show
Thuri Whellowin

Thuri's Cutie Mark

Spoiler: Hirenal • show
Battlemage Hirenal

Hirenal's Cutie Mark

Believe me, this is definitely incomplete, but it's a start, right? I plan on making one of those long backgrounds like Relic's for Grash and Trache as well. That'll be fun, won't it?