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Messages - derped

Quote from: pwnynarwhal on 2015 Apr 11, 14:31:30
Hello guys, I'm new. I need help with installing the Mac OSX file and opening it. I would much appreciate it if someone were to give me some info.  :s

What exactly is your problem?
(if you downloaded it with Macs standard browser it also should have extracted the 7z archive already if not just doubleklick the 7z file)
as far as I can see it (just downloaded it) its a .app folder/file thingy so just open up "finder" and drag it into your applications folder (should be in the shortcuts on the left side) viola.
You also should be able to use it by just double clicking it.

Or are there any other problems I'm not aware of.

anyone out there using the Linux version of it?
Logging in and creating a Character works perfectly fine but it gets stuck in the World/Map loading screen.  :c
I'm using Arch Linux (64bit), I tried out both the 32 and the 64 bit binary.

Here is the Terminal log:
Code Select

Set current directory to /home/derped/Downloads/universal
Found path: /home/derped/Downloads/universal/loe.x86_64
Mono path[0] = '/home/derped/Downloads/universal/loe_Data/Managed'
Mono path[1] = '/home/derped/Downloads/universal/loe_Data/Mono'
Mono config path = '/home/derped/Downloads/universal/loe_Data/Mono/etc'
displaymanager : xrandr version warning. 1.4
displaymanager : trying .X11-unix
client :0 has 1 screens
displaymanager screen (0): 1366 x 768
Using libudev for joystick management

Importing game controller configs

Does the game have something like a verbose output option that would help me to find out where it gets stuck?

Thanks in advance.  ^-^

While I was writing this post I was already trying it out as Unicorn (before as Pegasus), I can login as EP.
It would still be nice to have a way to find out exactly why but well thanks and my apologies for not testing out everything before posting.   X3

I wish everyone a nice time playing the game   ^-^