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Roleplay Board => Original Characters => Topic started by: VynalDerp on 2013 Aug 18, 14:04:48

Title: My second OC.
Post by: VynalDerp on 2013 Aug 18, 14:04:48
Well except for the fact that it's a unicorn this is my most developed OC yet because I forgot most of the details for my other one.
Name: Gray
Gender: Filly
Race: Unicorn
Body Color: Gray
Hair Color: Gray
Eye Color: Do I have to?
Hobbies: Unknown
Cutie Mark: None
(Code for the pony creator version on the Media section: Dv/+Rv9/+vr6pubGAgAAEAUAAAAAEOQp99PMzPQDRgAG)
Spoiler: show
At young Fillyhood, Gray's family was convicted of a crime that they didn't do and all of their belongings were confiscated, except for their money because they kept it safe, hidden somewhere so that Gray might one day find it when she's older, smarter, and actually goes to school. She is in late Fillyhood now, with her own house and she can take care of herself, but has very little schooling and probably most fillies that come out of school know more than her, but she can still outsmart them. Gray is not her real name, as that is unknown, since Gray is not very social, usually only leaving her home for buying food or visiting Twilight's Library, that she lives beside. It is unknown where she gets her money, as she has no job. Also, some ponies spread nonsense gossip about her losing her color after her parent's died. It is nonsense... right?

Feedback appreciated.
Title: Re: My second OC.
Post by: Night Pony on 2013 Aug 18, 15:31:46

For a universe with mutlicoloured ponies, making a pony with only one colour is dull. Mix them up!

I'd be interested on exactly how they let a filly own a house.  o.O Probably would sent her to the orphanage. Also where did her parents go? Did the police confiscated them also?  o.O Speaking of which what is this crime that would inquire taking of everything you got? Most systems just lock you up for a time than to take everything you have.

You can also expand by adding likes, dislikes, fear/s. Also maybe more about her personality. You only say she is not very social.

For hobbies I would imagine for a smart filly who isn't schooled she would read books and that would give her a reason to visit Twilight since she owns the only Library in Ponyville.

That's it for now.
Title: Re: My second OC.
Post by: VynalDerp on 2013 Aug 19, 12:55:22
I think it makes her special to have one color.....
And if I do choose more color's I'd force you to make up a name.
When I say 'Late Fillyhood' I mean she's probably like 14 or 15 years old, not old enough for people to consider teens (even though they are). By then I'd assume they could take care of themselfs and wouldn't need to be sent to an orphanage. And maybe that house she lives in belonged to her parents?
Also, she DOES visit Twilight's Library but that's only on occasion, so I didn't want to put it as a hobby because hobbies are things you'd do when you have free time, while visiting Twilight's Library is more like once every week or two.
The reason why I don't have likes and dislikes and personality is because she isn't very social. Nobody knows what her personality is, or her likes and dislikes and hobbies and stuff.
Title: Re: My second OC.
Post by: Night Pony on 2013 Aug 19, 13:38:09
The name can be different than her colour/s. Anyway it doesn't make her special, it makes her plain and unoriginal in my opinion. You even put the same shade of grey. I mean some ponies can have one colour but they usually shade it. Like lighter blue for the coat and darker for the mane. Look at 'That blue pony' on the forums. So make it different not one exact colour for the entire body.

Usually you are in the orphanage until you are of age. I could be wrong though since I do not how the system works.

But WHY she visits Twilight? Is Twi a friend? a pony she happens to know? If yes then HOW does she know Twilight and some people would ask why she knows a mane character. I gave you a perfect reason for visiting and knowing Twilight but you don't have to take it.

This is your O.C. page. You are supposed to give every little detail about the character. It's about presenting your O.C. to the rest of the people. If she has a favourite meal you should include it, well it's not a crucial part of the character but still. You can't hide details about your O.C. like her personality and hobbies and expect full feedback. People would think it's unfinished and not designed fully.
I do not know if you have read about my O.C. but if you do you will learn about them and that they rarely visit Ponyville. Night (the one in my avatar) does not visit Ponyville and nopony knows her (except her friends) but everything I've decided she is and would have is there. Every information that I thought 'yeah she is like that/ she has that'.