Legends of Equestria - Forum

General Category => Off-Topic => Off-Topic Archive => Topic started by: Science Woona on 2013 Jun 23, 15:04:35

Title: Scary stories?
Post by: Science Woona on 2013 Jun 23, 15:04:35
Do you all like them?
Anything from urban legends to creepypasta's?
Because I looove reading them and hearing about them.

What's the scariest/most spine-chilling stories you have ever read or heard?

Spoiler: Summarized Creepypasta • show
For me, it's a creepypasta I read a long time ago in the form of journal entries about a man who moved to a heavily-forested area. Where he was having a group of workers build him a house. And slowly as the house progressed, the workers began disappearing. He went out hunting once with his dog and came across one of his workers, dead, strung up in a tree. Later that night he returned to his unfinished home, in which he found the rest of the workers vanished. The dog ran away and was heard in pain a a ways away. He kept seeing something moving in the tree's and eventually grabbed his gun and headed out to try to hunt this thing and his last entry was him hiding under the roots of a large tree and he had been wounded by something

I do warn you if you look it up, it includes bad language, gore, and racism.

Title: Re: Scary stories?
Post by: Little Judas on 2013 Jun 23, 19:12:43
Well I have a true story and it's kind of creepy.
Spoiler: show
When I was younger, around 11, I walked to school everyday.
And on my route there was this house, nice front garden, real colourful,
with a nice old lady looking out the window every morning and afternoon.
I believe she was about 60 or even 70, doesn't matter.
Anyway, one day I was walking home from school and she was working in her garden.
She asked me, while I was passing her house, if I could lend her a hand with pulling out a stubborn root.
My parents always told me to help others, so, as a good boy, I helped.
Afterwards, she asked me inside to wash my hands and to give something for my troubles.
While I was washing my hands she starts to reminisce about her own son,
who according to my mother disappeared 30 years ago.
The old woman starts to say he and I look a lot alike, thinking about it, I know believe something snapped inside her.
She continues to see resemblances between her son and me, until she just starts to believe I am her lost son.
Completely scared and crying, I try to bring to reason, saying that I'm too young and that I have my own mother.
She wouldn't have it, "YOU ARE MY SON", she screamed, "I WILL NEVER LET YOU GO, EVER AGAIN".
I wanted to run, but she suddenly grabbed a gun forcing me to stay.
BANG!!! She shot me.

She fainted from all the emotions, the neighbours heard and busted in.

And from that moment I have a dimple in the middle of my belly...
Title: Re: Scary stories?
Post by: Julius on 2013 Jun 23, 22:39:11
What a story Judas! That picture was the best part. lol
Title: Re: Scary stories?
Post by: Enstramentall on 2013 Jun 24, 18:15:07
I shall find some of these, then happily scare the living daylights out of myself and hopefully you all. 0:)
Title: Re: Scary stories?
Post by: Science Woona on 2013 Jun 24, 20:22:27
Quote from: Enstramentall on 2013 Jun 24, 18:15:07
I shall find some of these, then happily scare the living daylights out of myself and hopefully you all. 0:)

Title: Re: Scary stories?
Post by: Cotton Ball on 2013 Jun 24, 21:06:27
gosh scariest story i ever read was ether jeff the killer or slendy or ever Rainbow factory /w the unofficial ending by aurora dawn
Title: Re: Scary stories?
Post by: hyper drive [HD] on 2013 Jun 25, 01:27:50
i have many of them. but i just want to share this. so every night our parents would have a poker night with other friends. they had kids so we would meet up. one time we went to our friends house in there computer room. the screen was on and there was a window there with a tree by it. so we are telling scary stories and a couple of us would scream boo. and scare 1 or 2 people but one time right when someone was just starting to finish a story i interrupted them and yelled out like a roar. at that time wind blew and a branch slammed against the window. and the computer screen dimmed. what a lucky coincidence. it scared everyone even 15/16 year olds.(that time i was about 6 or 7 years old.) every one went screaming into the living room while i stayed in the computer room laughing my butt off
Title: Re: Scary stories?
Post by: Midnight Breeze on 2013 Jun 25, 01:40:03
Title: Re: Scary stories?
Post by: Science Woona on 2013 Jun 25, 10:36:56
Quote from: Midnight Breeze on 2013 Jun 25, 01:40:03
Spoiler: show

Nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope. DD:

Also, here is a story for you all.

You are home alone, and you hear on the news about the profile of a murderer who is on the loose. You look out the sliding glass doors to your backyard, and you notice a man standing out in the snow. He fits the profile of the murderer exactly, and he is smiling at you.

You gulp, picking up the phone to your right and dialing 911. You look back out the glass as you press the phone to your ear, and notice he is much closer to you now.

You then drop the phone in shock.

There are no footprints in the snow.

It's his reflection.
Title: Re: Scary stories?
Post by: Cotton Ball on 2013 Jun 25, 11:10:48
I dont get it  :l
Title: Re: Scary stories?
Post by: hyper drive [HD] on 2013 Jun 25, 16:10:06
Quote from: Cotton Ball on 2013 Jun 25, 11:10:48
I dont get it  :l
i think either he disappeared and was behind the person from the light in the house
Title: Re: Scary stories?
Post by: Cotton Ball on 2013 Jun 25, 16:10:49
good point
Title: Re: Scary stories?
Post by: FlameandIce on 2013 Jun 26, 14:51:14
hm I have heard way to many to designated one as "the scariest I have read" for extreme horror story lovers I suggest the Nosleep Podcast
Title: Re: Scary stories?
Post by: Lary on 2013 Jun 28, 15:17:10
The suitor stole my snack so I sawed his spine in half and hid his body under my bed.