Legends of Equestria - Forum

Roleplay Board => Roleplaying => Canterlot Archives => Topic started by: FlameandIce on 2013 Apr 27, 01:15:28

Title: Equmbia the city of lies (sign-up)
Post by: FlameandIce on 2013 Apr 27, 01:15:28
((based off Bioshock infinite))
story: After much research and a letter from an unknown mare Flame started research on a pony named Clopstock he wasn't able to fine much after visiting the Dreamscape (correct me Seriack if I am wrong) a floating city had appeared in the sky but does this city hold much darker secrets then any could think of
No gore
No serious injuries
No cussing
Don't be OP (I will give a warning)
No killing
Don't be out of control

special abilities
weapon of choice
Apperence or description

Name: Flame
age: 23
gender: male
race: unicorn
Special abilities: Dark form, demon's eye and Final Judgement
Weapon of choice: Keyblade Rapture/Last Judgement
Apperence: profile picture
Title: Re: Equmbia the city of lies (sign-up)
Post by: Seriack on 2013 Apr 27, 01:22:17
((It can be called by many different names.))

Name: Farsight
Age: 24
Gender: Stallion
Race: Unicorn
Special Abilities: Dreamweaving
Weapon of Choice: Dual Rapiers, but if called for, Keyblade Lucid Dream/Living Nightmare
Appearance or Description: See profile pic(I need to change that back again... But I like that one too much XP)
Title: Re: Equmbia the city of lies (sign-up)
Post by: FlameandIce on 2013 Apr 27, 01:25:59
((what do you mean))
Title: Re: Equmbia the city of lies (sign-up)
Post by: Seriack on 2013 Apr 27, 01:28:17
((The Dreamworld has many names, it can be called whatever you want to call it. I just use that name because it's what Farsight has always called it.))
Title: Re: Equmbia the city of lies (sign-up)
Post by: FlameandIce on 2013 Apr 27, 01:31:43
((oh okay))
Title: Re: Equmbia the city of lies (sign-up)
Post by: Laebenal on 2013 Apr 27, 02:45:38
Name: Eagle Eye
Age: 22
Gender: Mare
Race: Earth pony
Special abilities: High accuracy with crossbows
Weapon of choice: Crossbow (she has a special crossbow that works with magic and regenerates it's mana bolts slowly)
Appearance: A mare with light grey coat and light blue eyes. Her mane and tail are red with a white stripe going in the middle. Her cutie mark is an archery target.
Title: Re: Equmbia the city of lies (sign-up)
Post by: bleyd on 2013 Apr 27, 08:28:01
name. demongo
age. unknown
gender. male
race. demon
special abilities.catch  defeated enemies essences  and invoke to fight for the
weapon of choice .
Apperence or description

Title: Re: Equmbia the city of lies (sign-up)
Post by: FlameandIce on 2013 Apr 27, 12:04:22
Eaggle eye is accepted

and Blyed I'm not sure If I would want you in this RP after some past expiriences if you can prove to me that you won't be too violent I will give you a chance and I am also not sure about the oc you are using
Title: Re: Equmbia the city of lies (sign-up)
Post by: Omega_Khaos on 2013 Apr 27, 12:36:16
((Don't know if it would work for this but might try it.))

Name: Chrysteel Chrysalis
Race: Changeling/Pony Hybrid
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Special Abilities: Trait Shape-change (Uses emotions to gain traits and augment form); Changeling feeding (used to activate form of shape-change ability); Chrysalis evolution (used primarily for trait fusion); Changeling magic (magic not normally used by most ponies); final form (The pinnacle of her shape-change power also called Valor's Light/Despair's darkness).
Weapon of Choice: Twin Oblivion Key-blade (Despair's Darkness) or Twin Ultima key-blade (Valor's Light)
Appearance or description: Part pony/part changeling what is said to be the best of both worlds. Black fur coat/carapace with pink spots on back, pale pink mane with silver streaks, moody eyes only when trait Shape-change is active Pink/Forest Green otherwise, pink translucent feathered wings, and the cutie mark is a torn pink heart with silver stars around it.

((i know not same as the OC board am trying out better versions of her. had so many things was thinking of her being but wanted to make sure only one was final. in this she is older then OC board of her.))
Title: Re: Equmbia the city of lies (sign-up)
Post by: FlameandIce on 2013 Apr 27, 12:39:24
Title: Re: Equmbia the city of lies (sign-up)
Post by: bleyd on 2013 Apr 27, 16:32:24
first is bleyd please. second is you prefer i can use fllufy
Title: Re: Equmbia the city of lies (sign-up)
Post by: FlameandIce on 2013 Apr 27, 16:52:31
He problem here is you get way too OP I mean there are going to be fights but not all of them can be won that's the problem Bleyd you just get way to OP when it comes to fighting
Title: Re: Equmbia the city of lies (sign-up)
Post by: bleyd on 2013 Apr 27, 17:10:32
amm. but i not Over power  :c . for this if you like i use fllufy. he only is a ball of hair ^^
Title: Re: Equmbia the city of lies (sign-up)
Post by: FlameandIce on 2013 Apr 27, 17:11:40
that wouldn't work Bleyd you can use Bleyd but if he starts getting too OP or out of control I will say something okay
Title: Re: Equmbia the city of lies (sign-up)
Post by: bleyd on 2013 Apr 27, 18:30:37
ok ok is laye and i cant use traductor. tomorrow try understand. and talk with you
Title: Re: Equmbia the city of lies (sign-up)
Post by: super_chris85 on 2013 Apr 28, 00:11:03
I was wondering where you were going with this pony and may i suggest putting up some rules

name:Thunder Star
race:U nicorn
special abilities:Lightning magic
weapon of choice: Hmm I would say a hammer cuz i like hammers
Apperence or description: My profile pic (on right)
Title: Re: Equmbia the city of lies (sign-up)
Post by: FlameandIce on 2013 Apr 28, 12:15:05
Oh thanks for reminding me I knew I was forgetting something
Title: Re: Equmbia the city of lies (sign-up)
Post by: bleyd on 2013 Apr 28, 14:48:59
ok flame which you like more fluufy hair ball or Demongo
Title: Re: Equmbia the city of lies (sign-up)
Post by: FlameandIce on 2013 Apr 28, 15:07:55
I guess the demon but if he starts getting OP I will give you a warning okay
Title: Re: Equmbia the city of lies (sign-up)
Post by: bleyd on 2013 Apr 28, 15:25:56
ok flame thaks aix i cant stay read all things in ponyville i have ill  D: , in some days i need summary to know what things happen
Title: Re: Equmbia the city of lies (sign-up)
Post by: TheCreeper3 on 2013 Apr 28, 18:11:41
Name: Gentlecolt Death, Night stalker
Gender: male, female
Age: ?, 19
Race: Pegasus, Earth Pony
Appearance: profile pic
Special: Half Reaper, Reaper in training

Sorry about the jump in I'm still trying to figure some stuff out about this
Title: Re: Equmbia the city of lies (sign-up)
Post by: FlameandIce on 2013 Apr 28, 18:13:08
both accepted and don't worry it's okay
Title: Re: Equmbia the city of lies (sign-up)
Post by: Weremetalwolf on 2013 Apr 29, 06:14:12
Even if I'm quite late, can I join? X3

Spoiler: show
name: Silent Shadow
age: 26
race: Pegasus
special abilities: move in the shadows
weapon of choice: A dagger that can shapeshift into a katana
Apperence or description: [spoiler](http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/047/2/4/pony_request_thingah_by_derpypegasuss-d5v7qto.gif)

And in the event that the Id (he's personality split) can be released here he is.

Spoiler: show
name: Id
age: unknown, seems to be 30
gender: Stallion
race: Pegasus
special abilities: move in the shadows
weapon of choice: A dagger that can shapeshift into a katana.
Apperence or description:
Coat colour: Blood red
Mane and tail colour: Crimson
Eye colour: Bright yellow

I'll ask your permission to use Id since he's really powerfull.
Title: Re: Equmbia the city of lies (sign-up)
Post by: FlameandIce on 2013 Apr 29, 08:49:27
accepted the reason is because all powers will be nullified in Equmbia
Title: Re: Equmbia the city of lies (sign-up)
Post by: Weremetalwolf on 2013 Apr 29, 08:58:18
Including physical strength, and special talents like magic and various skills?
Title: Re: Equmbia the city of lies (sign-up)
Post by: FlameandIce on 2013 Apr 29, 09:04:06
yes most abilities and powers will be nullified during it through most of the story line they will All be at equal power
Title: Re: Equmbia the city of lies (sign-up)
Post by: Weremetalwolf on 2013 Apr 29, 09:10:07
Last question: My oc have the power to become a shadow, will this ability be nullified?, plus he can shapeshift his dagger into a katana, if this ability will be nullified, will the weapon remain in the dagger form?

Sorry if I ask so many questions, but I do not want to do anything wrong during the RP X3
Title: Re: Equmbia the city of lies (sign-up)
Post by: FlameandIce on 2013 Apr 29, 09:15:09
yes at least a little while he will still be able to do that the dagger will become a katana for a fixed time and really the powers won't be nullified as soon as they enter Equmbia it will take a bit
Title: Re: Equmbia the city of lies (sign-up)
Post by: Weremetalwolf on 2013 Apr 29, 09:23:09
Ok, thanks for clearing my doubts ^-^
Title: Re: Equmbia the city of lies (sign-up)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Apr 29, 13:33:52
name: Wanderer, the Watcher of Worlds (Neutral/Observer Aspect)
age: Uncounted eons, though It now takes on the guise and manifestation of a 30-year-old mare.
gender: Mare, for the time being, though It in truth has no true gender.
race: The aspect is in the form of a unicorn at the moment, though its full form is a Void Entity/Endless
special abilities: Void Shifting: Its true form is greater than three mere dimensions, and if the situation become rough It will simply phase out of the reality It is in.  Limitation: Non-Interference: generally chooses not to interfere with affairs, and if fighting is absolutely necessary It will not use excessive power.  Void's Wisdom: Telepathy: It can speak to anything with a mind, regardless of language barriers.  Void's Wisdom: Truth: It can tell when you're lying.  Void's Wisdom: Sense: It can sense danger and evil, though not the form in which it approaches.  Void's Wisdom: Familiarity: It knows what something is even if it never existed before, and how to use it.  Void's Power: Healer: Can heal any wound at a fixed rate, regardless of type and species of victim; generally takes about a minute for minor scrapes and bruises, an hour for minor fractures, a day for large trauma, a week for missing parts.  Void's Power: Battle-Magic: It is familiar with the most fundamental laws of the universe It is in, and can summon the most convenient form of offensive power available, whether Dream or Fire or Psychic or other.  Void's Power: Words of Creation: It is familiar with the inner workings of the universe It is in, and can Command doors to shut and not open, open and not shut, and more, but for larger things like storms It must ask politely (Gandalf and Saruman were asking Caradhras politely, not commanding it).
weapon of choice: Staff, if it must be physical.  The most convenient form of battle-magic, if it must be supernatural.  Prefers not to fight.
Apperence or description: A unicorn mare with a hood and cloak the color and appearance of the night sky, with silvery fur, lightly glowing (almost imperceptibly glowing) eyes that change color, a staff, and a worn cloth bag of various arcane items.
Title: Re: Equmbia the city of lies (sign-up)
Post by: FlameandIce on 2013 Apr 29, 17:41:52
accepted wow you join an RP of mine I feel so flattered
Title: Re: Equmbia the city of lies (sign-up)
Post by: Dark Hooves on 2013 Apr 29, 18:00:45
Name: Dark Hooves
Age: 25
Gender: Stallion
Race: Alicorn
Special Abilities: Elemental Magic (his god spirits will be locked and unable to be used)
Weapon of Choice: Blue crystal bladed broadsword
Appearance: See profile pic
Title: Re: Equmbia the city of lies (sign-up)
Post by: Angels Breath2 on 2013 Apr 29, 18:06:06
(( my favorite of all)) ;)
Title: Re: Equmbia the city of lies (sign-up)
Post by: FlameandIce on 2013 Apr 29, 18:34:05
accepted wow this is probably my most popular RP
Title: Re: Equmbia the city of lies (sign-up)
Post by: Dark Hooves on 2013 Apr 29, 18:37:48
thanks for accepting my OC and congrats on your most popular RP
Title: Re: Equmbia the city of lies (sign-up)
Post by: bleyd on 2013 Apr 30, 11:07:55
Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Apr 29, 13:33:52
name: Wanderer, the Watcher of Worlds (Neutral/Observer Aspect)
age: Uncounted eons, though It now takes on the guise and manifestation of a 30-year-old mare.
gender: Mare, for the time being, though It in truth has no true gender.
race: The aspect is in the form of a unicorn at the moment, though its full form is a Void Entity/Endless
special abilities: Void Shifting: Its true form is greater than three mere dimensions, and if the situation become rough It will simply phase out of the reality It is in.  Limitation: Non-Interference: generally chooses not to interfere with affairs, and if fighting is absolutely necessary It will not use excessive power.  Void's Wisdom: Telepathy: It can speak to anything with a mind, regardless of language barriers.  Void's Wisdom: Truth: It can tell when you're lying.  Void's Wisdom: Sense: It can sense danger and evil, though not the form in which it approaches.  Void's Wisdom: Familiarity: It knows what something is even if it never existed before, and how to use it.  Void's Power: Healer: Can heal any wound at a fixed rate, regardless of type and species of victim; generally takes about a minute for minor scrapes and bruises, an hour for minor fractures, a day for large trauma, a week for missing parts.  Void's Power: Battle-Magic: It is familiar with the most fundamental laws of the universe It is in, and can summon the most convenient form of offensive power available, whether Dream or Fire or Psychic or other.  Void's Power: Words of Creation: It is familiar with the inner workings of the universe It is in, and can Command doors to shut and not open, open and not shut, and more, but for larger things like storms It must ask politely (Gandalf and Saruman were asking Caradhras politely, not commanding it).
weapon of choice: Staff, if it must be physical.  The most convenient form of battle-magic, if it must be supernatural.  Prefers not to fight.
Apperence or description: A unicorn mare with a hood and cloak the color and appearance of the night sky, with silvery fur, lightly glowing (almost imperceptibly glowing) eyes that change color, a staff, and a worn cloth bag of various arcane items.

gua and  after i  am the OP
Title: Re: Equmbia the city of lies (sign-up)
Post by: FlameandIce on 2013 Apr 30, 12:36:37
Bleyd if you are going to be like this I will remove you from the RP
Title: Re: Equmbia the city of lies (sign-up)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Apr 30, 16:31:36
bleyd, name one thing in there that is OP for this particular game, keeping in mind the powers and abilities already mentioned and accepted by the others who have signed up for this endeavor.
Title: Re: Equmbia the city of lies (sign-up)
Post by: bleyd on 2013 Apr 30, 17:05:52
isnt my work i only say my opiniĆ³n, if flame say accepted is the last Word  
Title: Re: Equmbia the city of lies (sign-up)
Post by: super_chris85 on 2013 Apr 30, 17:28:16
well to be fair since we will lose our powers eventually it is going to be hard to be OP and get away with it
Title: Re: Equmbia the city of lies (sign-up)
Post by: FlameandIce on 2013 Apr 30, 17:37:20
well you don't lose your powers they are just weaker up until certain parts think of it as a Metroid Prime thing you get more of your Powers back later on
Title: Re: Equmbia the city of lies (sign-up)
Post by: super_chris85 on 2013 Apr 30, 17:38:03
well either way you are kinda in control of those now aren't you
Title: Re: Equmbia the city of lies (sign-up)
Post by: FlameandIce on 2013 Apr 30, 17:42:18
yeah sorry if your not okay with it
Title: Re: Equmbia the city of lies (sign-up)
Post by: super_chris85 on 2013 Apr 30, 17:43:20
I'm ok with it just as long as you don't go "power god" on us
Title: Re: Equmbia the city of lies (sign-up)
Post by: FlameandIce on 2013 Apr 30, 17:49:08
I don't plan to
Title: Re: Equmbia the city of lies (sign-up)
Post by: Blues-Music on 2013 May 31, 15:17:51
name:Blues Music



race:Earth pony

special abilities:Using his Saxaphone he can play either the song of sleep which puts everyone except the user to sleep for a few minutes. Needs a minute to fully play. He can also play the song of hallucination which causes anyone except the user to see hallucinations for 5 minutes. The final song is the song of purity. This disables the effects of magic in a small radius circling from the user. Blues needs to regain his breath if he uses one of these songs. He is also pretty strong.

weapon of choice:Saxaphone

Apperence or description:Profile picture.
Title: Re: Equmbia the city of lies (sign-up)
Post by: FlameandIce on 2013 Jun 02, 15:43:30
Title: Re: Equmbia the city of lies (sign-up)
Post by: Blues-Music on 2013 Jun 07, 05:08:15
I'm very sorry for not making a post , but an important personal problem has popped up. I'm very sorry it seems very dumb to sign up , and not make a post , but I will not be able to be here for a week due to what has appeared. I also can not say what it is as it's a very personal matter.
Title: Re: Equmbia the city of lies (sign-up)
Post by: Doctor Light on 2013 Jul 10, 06:27:40
This is interesting, especially since it's based off of Bioshock Infinite. A favorite of mine.
name: Light Fire (The Doctor)
age: 254
gender: Stallion
race: Unicorn
special abilities: Able to summon Bioshock Infinite's Sniper, Machine Gun,  Peppergun, and Shotgun though with limited ammunition
weapon of choice:Shotgun
Apperence or description: ((Don't you follow my tumblr, Incend? You should know.))
Title: Re: Equmbia the city of lies (sign-up)
Post by: FlameandIce on 2013 Jul 12, 10:34:19
Sorry Doc no firearms change that and you are free to join
Title: Re: Equmbia the city of lies (sign-up)
Post by: Doctor Light on 2013 Jul 12, 10:36:38
Are Bows and Arrows alright?
Title: Re: Equmbia the city of lies (sign-up)
Post by: FlameandIce on 2013 Jul 12, 10:48:45
Yes as long as they aren't lethal
Title: Re: Equmbia the city of lies (sign-up)
Post by: Doctor Light on 2013 Jul 12, 11:04:48
Non-lethal bows and arrows? I see...
Title: Re: Equmbia the city of lies (sign-up)
Post by: FlameandIce on 2013 Jul 12, 11:08:56
Yes again against the rules to kill others so are you in or out
Title: Re: Equmbia the city of lies (sign-up)
Post by: Doctor Light on 2013 Jul 12, 11:12:02
Title: Re: Equmbia the city of lies (sign-up)
Post by: FlameandIce on 2013 Jul 12, 11:24:38
Alright then remember this is a serious RP
Title: Re: Equmbia the city of lies (sign-up)
Post by: narwhaliagames on 2013 Sep 15, 14:38:15
name: teto
age: 35 but her chimera age is 15
gender: female
race: chimera (earth pony who can grow bat wings on command)
special abilities: chimera form, teleportation
weapon of choice: scythe
Apperence or description:
Spoiler: show
Title: Re: Equmbia the city of lies (sign-up)
Post by: FlameandIce on 2013 Sep 15, 14:55:58
accepted welcome aboard Chartette I mean Teto

start off close but not in the Museum
Title: Re: Equmbia the city of lies (sign-up)
Post by: SuperNovaNightmare on 2013 Sep 26, 01:05:02
Oh, this sounds like a lot of fun, hope you accept this.

Name: 5il3nt (Translation, Silent)
Age: 23
Gender: Stalion
Race: Unicorn
Special abilities: Has Mk.3 pony stealth suit, that comes with many gadgets, and enhances abilities.
Weapon of choice: Mk.3 P.S.S (Pony Stealth Suit) (Primary functions: Dual plasma curve batons, and taser beam.

Plasma curve batons: curved, conductive metal alloy batons capable of producing electrical charges capable of only stunning, and temporary paralysis.

Taser beam: A burst of pure plasma that has high stun effect rate, but requires charge time.

Advanced camouflage: Cloaking device that covers the wearer in hyperactive, modified ions that wrap around the wearer, slowly, and refracts light around the ions, allowing invisibility, but can not function while other electronic based systems are operational.)

Appearance or description:
Spoiler: show
A unicorn from a advanced realm is teleported on accident by a failed experiment, with only his P.S.S. The suit is silver, with gray and black bands at the leg, and neck, with two silver and gray plasma batons on the back, in a X formation. It increases the mobility, dexterity, and strength of the wearer greatly. Has many systems, and gadgets built into the Suit.

I'm sure that this is still within the rules, for none of these abilities the suit gives can kill. From all the posts I've read, it seems that we are going to lose/weaken as the story progresses, and due to it being a suit, can lose many of its functions, so it makes things a little easier to explain system failures. I hope you will accept me, and look forward to RPing with you!  :D
Title: Re: Equmbia the city of lies (sign-up)
Post by: FlameandIce on 2013 Sep 26, 12:30:45