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General Category => Video Games => Video Games Archive => Topic started by: KireiameJin on 2013 Mar 06, 08:15:27

Title: TESO (The elder scrolls online)
Post by: KireiameJin on 2013 Mar 06, 08:15:27
So, with the recenlty opening of the CBT inscription phase, and the notice of the start of this beta in the final of this month i think is time to ask for some other players opinions.

For those who didn't know about TESO (The elder scrolls online), is an upcoming MMOFPG based on the legendary TES franchise of videogames, which features world exploration and RVR system. See this video for more info  ^-^

I want to remark that the game is not being developed by Bethesda, but for Zenimax, which actually didn't released any notable game, so it's not the same team as of the usual TES games.

My personal opinion, as an MMO/TES fan, is that "This is actually a very good MMO, but maybe not that good TES". Since this game apparently features a somekind of "Class system", "Stamina bar based combat" and "No first person camera" (well, actually there is a "1st person" but is just a zoom in the head of the player, and your hands are not showed...) i think it removes many of the features that made TES be special.

I'm exciting, because the backgrounds, the lore and the races and customization system are awesome, i'm not sure if the BGM is being composed by Jeremy as it should be, but that could be the unique bad thing i can remark on the technical development. You can explore whatever you want in all Tamriel, going to dungeoning with your friends, kill some FOEs as you fight your way to become the emperor of Cyrodrill in the RVR areas, become a vampire or a Werewolf, have a pet, and many other features... but the cons are still there: "No Dragons (Oh God, finally we get dragons in Skyrim and now they just put them away?!, that's sad  :c )", "No decent 1st person camera", "Spells are not equipped in the hands, but in the skill bar", "Skill bar based combat, some skills are defined by your class chose at the begining of the game", "Not actual real-time combat due to the sta bar" and... "No Dragons!" (Why God, why?!  DD:  )

And well, that's my personal opinion, i'm doubtful about this game, because if this come out as an P2P with monthly payment i'm sure i'm not going to play it, but if this become B2P or even F2P with somekind of freemium, or better, microtranssaction system i could play it and even enjoy it with my friends while killing some ugly monsters (Still not dragons) and stealing their treasures  :D

So, what do you think of the game?, worth to play it, or just not sufficient "TES" to bother in play it?  ^-^

PD: I searchd in the forums using the combination "TESO" and i didn't see any topic similar, so, if i'm repeating this, please tell me and delete this thread, and sorry for the inconvenience it may cause U-U
Title: Re: TESO (The elder scrolls online)
Post by: Mr.Darkling on 2013 Mar 11, 11:53:44
I honestly find it difficult to keep interest in this for details like the ones you have mentioned.
I've also heard they've messed up the lore as well making it not stay true to the original lore written mostly from that chap Michael Kirkbri; I think that's his name.

The only thing that does hold my interest though is the on-contact combat where you have to actually swing your attacks at your foe. As a person who prefers to be the agile, weak but high burst damage assassin-esque class, it obviously works in my favor unlike most MMOs where even if you look out of range for certain attacks, it will still hit you simply because the damage is based on numbers and stats instead of hitboxes.
Title: Re: TESO (The elder scrolls online)
Post by: McSleuthburger on 2013 Mar 11, 15:15:33
woah there Darkling, coming out of lurking to make a post haha

as to the game I have never been a fan of pay to play (like monthly fees to play a game)
I would rather pay one price at the beginning and play whenever I want (though I understand why it is done the way it is)
ill probably pass and wait for the next elder scrolls to come out
Back to skyrim it is
Title: Re: TESO (The elder scrolls online)
Post by: Midnight Breeze on 2013 Mar 11, 15:17:04
Quote from: McSleuthburger on 2013 Mar 11, 15:15:33
ill probably pass and wait for the next elder scrolls to come out
Back to skyrim it is

The Elder Scrolls VI: Black Marsh

On that note: Why was Elder Scrolls IV called Oblivion and not Cyrodiil? No love for the imperials?
Title: Re: TESO (The elder scrolls online)
Post by: Mr.Darkling on 2013 Mar 11, 15:44:45
Quote from: Midnight Breeze on 2013 Mar 11, 15:17:04
Quote from: McSleuthburger on 2013 Mar 11, 15:15:33
ill probably pass and wait for the next elder scrolls to come out
Back to skyrim it is

The Elder Scrolls VI: Black Marsh

On that note: Why was Elder Scrolls IV called Oblivion and not Cyrodiil? No love for the imperials?

Guess it's because Oblivion sounded fancy and interesting. Perhaps there could have been the possible sad fact that it wouldn't go well with marketing. Love to see how many of the public could pronounce Cyrodiil right.

Off-Topic: Yes, I'm still here...watching.
Title: Re: TESO (The elder scrolls online)
Post by: KireiameJin on 2013 Mar 11, 15:54:06
Quote from: McSleuthburger on 2013 Mar 11, 15:15:33
as to the game I have never been a fan of pay to play (like monthly fees to play a game)

Me neither, i think new games should take the example of "ArenaNet" and start to use more often the microtransaction system with a pre-purchuse of the game box, or a freemium system like the one TERA adopted recently (Not like the SWTOR, that system is just too unfair for free players). But, is TESO going to be "P2P"?, i mean, i'm not actually sure because i didn't read that the game was going to be P2P but also didn't read the otherwise, so i'm confused now  :I
Title: Re: TESO (The elder scrolls online)
Post by: Book Smarts on 2013 Mar 11, 16:13:40
Wouldn't mind paying if it is worth my time and effort   X3
Title: Re: TESO (The elder scrolls online)
Post by: KireiameJin on 2013 Jun 04, 06:25:56
They finally added a decent "1st person" camera, so... i gues it is finally a TES!  :D

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Title: Re: TESO (The elder scrolls online)
Post by: Little Judas on 2013 Jun 04, 07:06:20
Quote from: KireiameJin on 2013 Mar 06, 08:15:27
"No Dragons (Oh God, finally we get dragons in Skyrim and now they just put them away?!, that's sad  :c )"

Quote from: UESPDragons became more elusive after losing their grip on power. Their numbers dwindled over the years due to many causes: their population in Akavir was wiped out by the Tsaesci, who also brought their onslaught to Tamriel, and the dragons in Vvardenfell were overrun by invading cliff racers. The Akaviri Dragonguard and its successor, the Blades, along with other heroes, hunted dragons and their followers throughout the eras until dragons were nearly extinct.

1E 140 -- One of King Harald's armies attacks Forelhost, the last stronghold of the dragon cult.

Quote from: Torhal BjorikThe surviving dragons scattered, choosing to live in remote places away from men. The dragon cult itself adapted and survived. They built the dragon mounds, entombing the remains of dragons that fell in the war. They believed that one day the dragons would rise again and reward the faithful.

But there is also evidence that there were still dragons in the time of Talos.
Quote from: UESPTiber Septim offered those who remained protection in return for their fealty. Despite his pledge, almost all known wild dragons were killed or driven off, disappearing from sight in Tamriel.

and knowing that the events in the game take place give or take 250 years before Talos was born, there will still remain dragons in Tamriel.

--> So my best guess is that they will still release a dragon, either as a new feature in later patches, as an in-game event (like the Gree in SW:ToR) or as an expansion.
But don't expect hundreds of dragons to appear in either one of these ideas because they are near extinction.
Title: Re: TESO (The elder scrolls online)
Post by: KireiameJin on 2013 Jun 04, 07:42:39
But in many FAQs they already said that there won't be dragons, they told that they are just legends in the time where the game is set, so, this confuses me  o.O
Title: Re: TESO (The elder scrolls online)
Post by: Little Judas on 2013 Jun 04, 07:55:04
Quote from: KireiameJin on 2013 Jun 04, 07:42:39
But in many FAQs they already said that there won't be dragons, they told that they are just legends in the time where the game is set, so, this confuses me  o.O

In that case, the dragons are probably all in hiding and when Talos was making his pledge, he probably found some dragons.
Title: Re: TESO (The elder scrolls online)
Post by: KireiameJin on 2013 Jun 04, 08:10:44
Quote from: Little Judas on 2013 Jun 04, 07:55:04
In that case, the dragons are probably all in hiding and when Talos was making his pledge, he probably found some dragons.

Don't know, i'm not really into TES full lore, but we need to remember that is not Bethesda who is developing the game so... this guys maybe just doesn't know some facts about the past of Tamriel or whatever, or maybe they are going to do as they did with the "1st person" camera, and they'll develop this feature later, after some fan outrage XD.

I just want some epic dragons fight in this TES  :3
Title: Re: TESO (The elder scrolls online)
Post by: Teal Turken on 2013 Jun 05, 11:51:38
Honestly I will not miss the dragons.
I HATE the dragons in Skyrim. Bethesda, I appreciate the effort, but you failed to make dragons good opponents.
It sums up with my whole thought of Skyrim. The enemy balance is broken, horribly.

Some enemies die in one or two hits (bandits) and others take 3000 hits and can kill YOU in one hit (high ranked mages).
And when I say "bandits" I mean the ones just called "Bandits", not Bandit chiefs, marauders or any of those.
I still like Skyrim, I just wish fighting wasn't so randomly jumpy in difficulty!

I like the idea of TESO, just leave your broken dragons out of the game please.
Actually unscripted dragons in TESO would just get blown up by the hordes of players in cities.
Title: Re: TESO (The elder scrolls online)
Post by: KireiameJin on 2013 Jun 05, 12:00:34
Probably they'll balance the dragons, since it's a MMO, and player feedback is more important than a simple off-line game, because in a MMO the world is persistent, and you need to have your players happy if you want them playing for a long time D :

I just found the Dragons in Skyrim cool, but with a bow, it was a piece of cake to take them down, i just had to search for a rock or a hole to hide and shot them till dead XD

And well, the difficulty spikes is not something new in Bethesda, they are comlpetly unable to make a game without their lovely 1-blow killing FOEs XD
Title: Re: TESO (The elder scrolls online)
Post by: CyanideInsanity on 2013 Jun 05, 14:30:58
Quote from: KireiameJin on 2013 Jun 04, 08:10:44
Quote from: Little Judas on 2013 Jun 04, 07:55:04
In that case, the dragons are probably all in hiding and when Talos was making his pledge, he probably found some dragons.

Don't know, i'm not really into TES full lore, but we need to remember that is not Bethesda who is developing the game so... this guys maybe just doesn't know some facts about the past of Tamriel or whatever, or maybe they are going to do as they did with the "1st person" camera, and they'll develop this feature later, after some fan outrage XD.

I just want some epic dragons fight in this TES  :3

One thing to point out about the time period this game takes place it, is that there is only a little amount of actual stuff written about this. They have almost free reign for this game, save for referencing things that were given during this time,  things before in the history, and things that directly influence what was written for the future after this game. I can't say much about the dragons since I don't as much of the worlds lore as I'd like to. X3

Listen to the first minute or so.
Title: Re: TESO (The elder scrolls online)
Post by: KireiameJin on 2013 Jun 05, 15:53:54
Well, i just readed this in the main page "Dragons are not going to be part of the game at this stage.", which is actually good, because before they were saying that there won't be any dragons, but now they seems to specify that "for now" there won't be, just like the 1st person view  lol
Title: Re: TESO (The elder scrolls online)
Post by: Midnight Breeze on 2013 Jun 05, 21:06:42
My concern for the game is that they did a poor job of choosing races for the factions. I can see the Ebonheart Pact being FAR more popular than the other two factions.

Think about it, many people are going to be drawn to them simply because of the familiarity of Skyrim and Morrowind. On top of that, they are the most diverse faction of all. They have one human race, one elf race, and one beast race; compared to two humans and one elf for Daggerfall and two elves and a beast for Aldmeri.

If it were up to me I'd have gone with Orc-Breton-Nord, Dunmer-Argonian-Bosmer, Altmer-Khajiit-Redguard. You might say those doing make a lot of sense lore wise but let's face it, the daggerfall have no reason to be together as it is. It's even stated in the game lore that they have no connection with each other besides being old enemies. Plus it's a thousand years in the past, I'm sure things were different then.