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Roleplay Board => Roleplaying => Canterlot Archives => Topic started by: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 05, 12:42:11

Title: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 05, 12:42:11
Sign-up and OOC here: http://forum.legendsofequestria.com/index.php?topic=6782


Forum Rules
No Swearing (besides Pony swears like Buck or Ponyfeathers)
No godmodding
No powerplaying
If you destroy the city, try to repair it.
No magical/spiritual/technological/etc apocalypses outside of backstories
No Instrumentality.
No Pony Transumation unless by consent (can be in a backstory though)
No starting wars
No high-level permanent mind control, unless by consent
No Naughty Tentacles.  Ever.  Normal tentacles are fine.
No using Death Notes.  Showing one off is fine.

You can have as many OCs as you want; you can use Anime characters if you want as well, though at least try to keep the character's emotions and personality in place if you do.  This is the players' game, and for your collective enjoyment and entertainment  ^-^

By request, this game will be "alternate-universe" and whatever happens here mostly stays here.  Additionally, this is a "less-formal sign-up", meaning that I will try to be more forgiving and less strict as to who gets to come in.  Please still stick to the rules, of course.


Sakura, sakura,
Noyama mo sato mo,
Mi-watasu kagiri.
Kasumi ka, kumo ka?
Asahi ni niou.
Sakura, sakura,
Hana zakari...

There is a land far to the East in the world, populated by ponies, and goats, and spirits and gods.  Shrines and gates are houses of real spirits which walk among the ponies; dragons ripple without wings through the sky, cherry blossoms flutter gently through the breeze, and the smell of tea and calligraphy ink drifts like mist.

Skyscrapers of strange shapes soar in the sky with holograms and long, silver monorails hovering silently; neon lights illuminate streets of giant robot transports and the sailor uniforms of magical students flying here and there.  A cat-bus stretches lazily as it watches monks float in midair to the beat of Neighponies' modern music.

A samurai police officer in a mecha smiles at a foal as he makes his rounds just outside a police box, and a Totoro grins with a smile as wide as its face when a Shinigami member of the Yakuza begins complaining about the latest radioactive dinosaur not getting fair treatment by the Emperor's Self-Defense Force.  A card game is being played in an arena with giant aliens fighting each other while the crowd cheers them on; a smaller stadium holds a similar crowd cheering as red and white globes open and pony-sized creatures appear from within.

An empty room is suddenly filled with broken bricks and sliced paper; there is a disapproving yell from an instructor as a sheepish young ninja-in-training appears before vanishing again.

Some of you are here on vacation, others for particular purposes, and some of you are just born here.  However it goes, you know that here, at least, there's never a dull moment in Neighpon!
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon (jump-in!)
Post by: FlameandIce on 2013 Mar 05, 20:47:36
A young filly is walking around looking around at the town wow this is very nice don't you agree Hanyuu she says to no pony at all wonder if we will meet anypony new here
((get the reference))
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon (jump-in!)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 06, 13:55:58
The filly sees soaring skyscrapers and millions of millions of ponies and goats going here and there, and dragons playing some game up in the clouds with Pegasi.  There were also quite a few Youkai and Kami in the streets walking or floating here and there and chatting cheerfully with Taiyaki sellers.

A holographic light changed to red, and the hover-bikes and other vehicles halted as a few thousand pedestrians began walking across a large intersection.  There was the sound of pop music and rock coming from the holographic advertisements floating in mid-air, and cheerful foals and raccoons advertised a benefit concert starring some robot pop star, with proceeds going to the restoration of the city's parks and roof-top gardens.

A samurai police in a mecha whistled cheerfully as he rounded a corner on his relatively small transport, a ten-meter-long laser katana resting on its shoulder joints.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon (jump-in!)
Post by: FlameandIce on 2013 Mar 06, 17:33:33
wow a lot is going here much different then Hinamizawa
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon (jump-in!)
Post by: Haned tom. on 2013 Mar 06, 17:56:19
A blue fur, violet maned mare is trotting around this town. "him this town looks very nice and interesting. Though it is very large."
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon (jump-in!)
Post by: FlameandIce on 2013 Mar 06, 19:41:59
the filly sees the mare she runs to her Hello! she puts on her fake innocent child look
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon (jump-in!)
Post by: Haned tom. on 2013 Mar 06, 19:43:28
The mare says "hello. Who are you?"
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon (jump-in!)
Post by: FlameandIce on 2013 Mar 06, 19:45:11
I'm Rika I'm the priestess of Hinamizawa She says smiling
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon (jump-in!)
Post by: Haned tom. on 2013 Mar 06, 19:46:57
The mare says "well my name is siria hope. It is nice to meet you Rika."
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon (jump-in!)
Post by: FlameandIce on 2013 Mar 06, 19:48:35
It's nice to meet you two She says (Hm wonder where some shops are hopefully there is a place I can get some wine or something)
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon (jump-in!)
Post by: Haned tom. on 2013 Mar 06, 19:52:36
Siria says "well I best be going." she starts trotting off. Then thinks (Hmm I wonder if there are any shops here. If so then I might help myself to some financial gain.)
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon (jump-in!)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 06, 20:31:44
There are many shops down a corner street that's pedestrian-only, lined with Sakura trees down the middle and stalls selling fresh fried Taiyaki red-bean fish-shaped treats and dango.  There's also a few clothing stores, a stall where a Kappa is selling jade talismans from a nearby shrine, and a police box with a samurai police officer sitting on a comfortable chair just outside answering questions or giving advice while keeping an eye out for little angel-winged thieves.

School had let out, and magical fillies wearing sailor uniforms (and a few colts) were darting about with wands in their mouths shouting transformation incantations or shyly chatting with student council members.  A large stallion wearing a karate gi stepped outside his dojo for a moment, smiling and sniffing the breeze before heading back in.

At the corners of the shopping area next to the main road were large skyscrapers with apartments and shops all the way to the top, where on one of the buildings an elementary school was located.  The little foals were probably doing stretches on the track on the roof, with land so expensive around here.

The other buildings were large corporate firms owned by the Zaibatsu, who were probably involved with either the government or the Yakuza or both.  Easter Corporation, Vandein Corporation, Capsule Corporation, and Toha Corporation being a few of the big shots around here.  There was also a big Nissin Corporation building with a bunch of Ramen shops at its base.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon (jump-in!)
Post by: Tezaku on 2013 Mar 07, 05:18:02
ace begins walking around, seeing what there is this place seems to be interesting he said
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon (jump-in!)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 07, 11:44:24
Tezaku sees many thousands of shops on this street alone selling everything from manga and wind-up robot karakuri ningyo to sweet anpan and starfish-shaped bread.

A little earth-pony filly wearing angel wings walked innocently towards a stall selling tasty-looking taiyaki, but a single raised eyebrow from the stallion standing next to her dissuaded her from trying anything.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon (jump-in!)
Post by: Tezaku on 2013 Mar 07, 12:46:51
very interesting, lots of shops
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon (jump-in!)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 07, 12:52:11
Somepony yelled "BAKA!" as a blushing young colt in school uniform ducked a bonk on the head from a mare with pigtails, who was also blushing furiously.

A group of ponies wearing red armbands and school uniforms walked by, glancing in teh direction of the distraction before following their hotheaded leader with the hairband.

A few of the fillies above were doing transformation sequences for some reason.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon (jump-in!)
Post by: Tezaku on 2013 Mar 07, 12:54:20
he looks at them what are they doing?  he asks himself aloud
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 07, 15:13:13
"Renkinjutsu: Oni no Katana!" shouted one filly as her face grew horns and fangs.  Huge, rippling muscles appeared on her limbs and her sailor uniform vanished in sparkles, replaced by sharp armor as her wand turned into a katana.

The foal beneath her was ready, smiling and closing her eyes peacefully as she floated barely a step off the ground.  "Kyara Nari: Yamato Maihime~," she almost sang, and her school uniform turned into a full Kimono, a fan appearing in her magically-manicured hooves as glowing lines appeared on the floor and she began the slow, methodical movements of her dance magic.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Night Pony on 2013 Mar 07, 16:10:15
Two ponies were just entering the city.
*Yawn* Do you see any clouds? This trip was way too long.
"Not really. Let's look around, maybe there's an inn or something."
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 07, 16:44:40
The two ponies see a few clouds in the sky, mostly occupied by dragons, flying youkai and ponies of all sorts.  They were near the hub of the city, a short walk from a magnetic-levitation train station, the shopping area, schools, a police box, and various skyscrapers that advertised tennis courts or gardens on the roof.  There was also one hotel that was a convenient walk to the public bath-houses, open for a decent price.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Night Pony on 2013 Mar 07, 16:50:24
"Great, every cloud is occupied."
"Look there's a sign. It says that the hub is this way. Maybe there is somewhere to stay there?"
"It's worth the look."
And with that they walked towards the hub of the city.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: FlameandIce on 2013 Mar 07, 17:33:31
Rika looks around at all the shops looking for any alchohol
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Tezaku on 2013 Mar 07, 17:37:56
hmmm, these transformations seem....very interesting he said, wondering how they got the spells to do that
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Night Pony on 2013 Mar 07, 17:50:29
The two ponies quickly reach the hub and after a bit of walking they found a hotel. They entered and went to the reception.
"Hello. Do you have a room with two beds?" one of the ponies asked.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: FlameandIce on 2013 Mar 07, 18:02:54
hm might as well get a room though it's unlikely they will sell one me to I mean I am only 10 Rika says to seemingly herself she finds a hotel and sees the two ponies and walks to them Hello!
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Night Pony on 2013 Mar 07, 18:05:49
Both of the ponies had horns but only one of them had wings to booth. They turned as they hear somepony saying hello.
"Oh hello."
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: FlameandIce on 2013 Mar 07, 18:08:54
I'm Rika I'm the priestess from Hinamizawa she says smiling (oh I hope this works I need somewhere to sleep and maybe they have some wine or something)
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 07, 18:14:37
Quote from: FlameandIce on 2013 Mar 07, 17:33:31
Rika looks around at all the shops looking for any alchohol
There are a few sake shops here and there, closely monitored.

Quote from: Tezaku on 2013 Mar 07, 17:37:56
hmmm, these transformations seem....very interesting he said, wondering how they got the spells to do that
"Renkinjutsu: Jyuu-man ka!" shouted the armored filly, and a hundred thousand fireballs began shooting outwards from her in beautiful spirals of flame, each exploding into more spirals and more spirals.

The kimono-wearing pony's eyes are still closed, and a peaceful expression on her face.  "Kyara-Jutsu: Sakura Obon," she smiled, and her sandals moved perfectly in complex patterns at once methodical and graceful, like a Noh play but with real magic behind it.  Each step she took pushed her just out of the path of a fireball, but it looked almost coreographed, as if the fireballs were reacting to her rather than the other way around.

Quote from: Night Pony on 2013 Mar 07, 17:50:29
The two ponies quickly reach the hub and after a bit of walking they found a hotel. They entered and went to the reception.
"Hello. Do you have a room with two beds?" one of the ponies asked.
The pony bowed low at the guests.  "Irasshaimase.  We have rooms of all sorts to accommodate such honorable guests.  Would the honored guests prefer a lower room close to the ground, or an upper room with a view?  Either choice would be only 7000 yen per night, okyaku-sama."
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Night Pony on 2013 Mar 07, 18:17:33
"Nice to meet you. I'm Moon Violet..." said with a smile.
"And the sleepy one is Night Shine."

Then they turned towards the pony at the reception. After she finished Night giggled a bit.
"Well I guess we will stay free then."
"Don't mind her. We would take any room. Um...when do we have to pay for the room?"
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: FlameandIce on 2013 Mar 07, 18:23:58
I can pay my family is rich
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Tezaku on 2013 Mar 07, 18:24:50
Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 07, 18:14:37
Quote from: FlameandIce on 2013 Mar 07, 17:33:31
Rika looks around at all the shops looking for any alchohol
There are a few sake shops here and there, closely monitored.

Quote from: Tezaku on 2013 Mar 07, 17:37:56
hmmm, these transformations seem....very interesting he said, wondering how they got the spells to do that
"Renkinjutsu: Jyuu-man ka!" shouted the armored filly, and a hundred thousand fireballs began shooting outwards from her in beautiful spirals of flame, each exploding into more spirals and more spirals.

The kimono-wearing pony's eyes are still closed, and a peaceful expression on her face.  "Kyara-Jutsu: Sakura Obon," she smiled, and her sandals moved perfectly in complex patterns at once methodical and graceful, like a Noh play but with real magic behind it.  Each step she took pushed her just out of the path of a fireball, but it looked almost coreographed, as if the fireballs were reacting to her rather than the other way around.

Quote from: Night Pony on 2013 Mar 07, 17:50:29
The two ponies quickly reach the hub and after a bit of walking they found a hotel. They entered and went to the reception.
"Hello. Do you have a room with two beds?" one of the ponies asked.
The pony bowed low at the guests.  "Irasshaimase.  We have rooms of all sorts to accommodate such honorable guests.  Would the honored guests prefer a lower room close to the ground, or an upper room with a view?  Either choice would be only 7000 yen per night, okyaku-sama."

ace thinks to himself aloud i wonder if there is any chance i could learn something like that
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Night Pony on 2013 Mar 07, 18:40:50
((Wanted to get them to the beds before I go to mine but alas.))

"Oh no, thank you. We brought money when coming here."
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 07, 18:56:19
Quote from: Night Pony on 2013 Mar 07, 18:17:33
"Nice to meet you. I'm Moon Violet..." said with a smile.
"And the sleepy one is Night Shine."

Then they turned towards the pony at the reception. After she finished Night giggled a bit.
"Well I guess we will stay free then."
"Don't mind her. We would take any room. Um...when do we have to pay for the room?"
Quote from: FlameandIce on 2013 Mar 07, 18:23:58
I can pay my family is rich
Quote from: Night Pony on 2013 Mar 07, 18:40:50
((Wanted to get them to the beds before I go to mine but alas.))

"Oh no, thank you. We brought money when coming here."
The secretary bowed again.  "How long will okyaku-sama be staying?  Payment may be done anytime between now and the beginning of the honorable guests' stay, for the duration of the stay.  Rooms have tatami mats and a small kitchen space, with a small bathroom.  The establishment unfortunately does not offer baths, but there is a public bath nearby.  Room fee includes all water use and electricity, provided by the 100% efficiency solar panels which make up the walls of the building.  There is also free access to the Empire's terebi and internet, and good keitai-denwa reception."
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: FlameandIce on 2013 Mar 07, 18:59:58
hm well how much do the rooms cost
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 07, 20:56:14
Quote from: FlameandIce on 2013 Mar 07, 18:59:58
hm well how much do the rooms cost
The pony bowed low.  "7000 yen per night, okyaku-sama."

Quote from: Tezaku on 2013 Mar 07, 18:24:50
ace thinks to himself aloud i wonder if there is any chance i could learn something like that
The samurai police officer chuckles, shifting in his seat to watch the light show overhead.  "They say it takes a certain kind of pony to do that sort of mahou.  Though this here is mostly just harmless fun.  The foals practice their transformations and attacks as a sport, really.  That attack right there was a harmless version of the real thing; the fireballs wouldn't do much more than make you feel warm for a moment, and let out a loud honking noise if they hit you.  Good practice, for if and when the next Kaiju or villain tries something."
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: FlameandIce on 2013 Mar 07, 20:58:05
hm I think I can pay for that
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Night Pony on 2013 Mar 08, 04:38:54
"We'll pay when we leave, if that's okay. "
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Tezaku on 2013 Mar 08, 10:03:33

Quote from: Tezaku on 2013 Mar 07, 18:24:50
ace thinks to himself aloud i wonder if there is any chance i could learn something like that
The samurai police officer chuckles, shifting in his seat to watch the light show overhead.  "They say it takes a certain kind of pony to do that sort of mahou.  Though this here is mostly just harmless fun.  The foals practice their transformations and attacks as a sport, really.  That attack right there was a harmless version of the real thing; the fireballs wouldn't do much more than make you feel warm for a moment, and let out a loud honking noise if they hit you.  Good practice, for if and when the next Kaiju or villain tries something."

well it looks rather good, and interesting if i may say so myself he says looking at the officer, then back at the foals
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 08, 15:23:28
Quote from: Tezaku on 2013 Mar 08, 10:03:33
Quote from: The Wandering Magus
Quote from: Tezaku on 2013 Mar 07, 18:24:50
ace thinks to himself aloud i wonder if there is any chance i could learn something like that
The samurai police officer chuckles, shifting in his seat to watch the light show overhead.  "They say it takes a certain kind of pony to do that sort of mahou.  Though this here is mostly just harmless fun.  The foals practice their transformations and attacks as a sport, really.  That attack right there was a harmless version of the real thing; the fireballs wouldn't do much more than make you feel warm for a moment, and let out a loud honking noise if they hit you.  Good practice, for if and when the next Kaiju or villain tries something."

well it looks rather good, and interesting if i may say so myself he says looking at the officer, then back at the foals
The officer nodded, though he kept a hoof on the hilt of his laser katana in case something went wrong.

The kimono-wearing filly smiled mischievously now, flapping open her fan and peeking out at her opponent from behind it.  "My turn, Azami-san.  Kyara-Jutsu: Kaika no Yume~"

The fireballs that she had been dodging suddenly burst into thousands of Sakura blossoms, which swirled around and began whipping back towards Azami.  Her eyes widened as the blossoms approached and she realized that each one would have been razor-sharp and hard as metal in a real fight, and all she could do was wave her katana around somewhat pitifully as loud honks sounded everywhere, to the amused laughter of the fillies and colts floating nearby.

"Onee-chan wins again!" giggled a coffee-colored pony who bore enough resemblance to be the kimono-wearing pony's little brother.

"Emiko-san wins every round," agreed an older colt floating nearby.  "She beats my King's Crown attacks every time."

A white-haired filly in a red-and-white sailor uniform floated over to Azami as the armor vanished in a cloud of sparkles and returned her to her regular school uniform.  "You did fine, Azami-san.  Tsukino-san's always just showing off."

Azami shook her head.  "She's too fast, and her Cherry Blossom Dance can dodge just about any attack there is."


Quote from: FlameandIce on 2013 Mar 07, 20:58:05
hm I think I can pay for that
Quote from: Night Pony on 2013 Mar 08, 04:38:54
"We'll pay when we leave, if that's okay. "
The pony bowed.  "Very good, okyaku-sama.  If the honorable guest would please sign a few forms, your humble servant will show the guest to the room."

He brought out a few simple forms for agreement to cover costs of damage and acceptance of price, among other things such as waiving the hotel of liability concerning injuries from intentional misuse of equipment.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Night Pony on 2013 Mar 08, 15:27:14
Both of the ponies signed the forum using their magic.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Tezaku on 2013 Mar 08, 15:28:35
if i had something like that on my side, that would help very much, even though i dont have much defensive offensive spells
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: PPBG on 2013 Mar 08, 15:38:11
Kyslu landed harshly from the skies. He was unscathed, but definitely annoyed. His irritated expression faded, and was replaced by one of curiosity. (<draconic>Where am I?</draconic>)
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 08, 15:53:47
Quote from: Night Pony on 2013 Mar 08, 15:27:14
Both of the ponies signed the forum using their magic.
The pony smiled as he retrieved the forms, and gave each pony a set of identical keys.  "Please, good guests, this way."

The halls were quiet and peaceful, if a bit sparse.  Neighponies had a taste for what they called "simple elegance", and the orderly, clean corridors with rice-colored walls and paper lanterns lit from within with some sort of magic fitted their style.  Every now and then there would be a calligraphy scroll hanging between doors.  Despite there only being two windows, one at either end of the hall, it didn't feel cramped or closed, which was somewhat surprising given the price of floor space in the crowded city.

An advanced elevator with a cheerful robotic operator whisked them quickly and silently to the upper stories, and as they ascended they could see the streets and myriad pedestrians fall away.  Not too long after the ponies found themselves entering a quaint little room, a decent window with a view of the city and a pair of beds on top of a tatami-mat floor.  To one side was a very small kitchen, and beyond that was the door to the otearai.  Despite the room's size, there was space for a small blanket-covered kotatsu table with the radiator underneath and little sitting-pillows arranged around its four sides, in front of a flat-screen holographic terebi that showed the evening news.
Quote from: Tezaku on 2013 Mar 08, 15:28:35
if i had something like that on my side, that would help very much, even though i dont have much defensive offensive spells
The officer smiled.  "You might try asking around for the local School of Magic whether they could try teaching you some spells and if they could spare a wand.  Or maybe, if you've got the 'gift', your Kokoro No Tamago might still be waiting to hatch.  Hotori Tadase-san, the Class President there, could introduce you to the Student Council.  I hear Hinamori Amu-san is very talented at helping others find and achieve their goals and awaken their Shugo Chara."
Quote from: PPBG on 2013 Mar 08, 15:38:11
Kyslu landed harshly from the skies. He was unscathed, but definitely annoyed. His irritated expression faded, and was replaced by one of curiosity. (<draconic>Where am I?</draconic>)
The officer stood up abruptly, then sat back down as a mecha rounded the corner.  "Could be trouble, but I'm sure my partner can handle it," he quipped.

The giant robot had its laser katana powered on, though not threatening.  "Are you all right?  You are in the Tokyo prefecture of the Kanto region of the Empire of Neighpon."
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Tezaku on 2013 Mar 08, 15:56:48
that sounds good to me, thank you officer he said, walking around, looking for the school of magic, then comes across a pony, and asks excuse me, where may i find the school of magic?
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Night Pony on 2013 Mar 08, 16:13:59
Both Night and Moon took a look at the walls as they walked to the room. When they entered the room Night quickly flew to the bed and landed on it.
"The bed is so soft." she noted.
"It's a really nice room."
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: PPBG on 2013 Mar 08, 16:26:31
Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 08, 15:53:47
The officer stood up abruptly, then sat back down as a mecha rounded the corner.  "Could be trouble, but I'm sure my partner can handle it," he quipped.

The giant robot had its laser katana powered on, though not threatening.  "Are you all right?  You are in the Tokyo prefecture of the Kanto region of the Empire of Neighpon."

Kyslu eyed at the mecha suspiciously. "Uh, yes...?" He answered uncertainly.Okay. Thanks." He had a basic knowledge of <the English variation of> pony-speak, but not much more.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: FlameandIce on 2013 Mar 08, 17:42:38
Rika signs the papers
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 08, 21:08:48
Quote from: Tezaku on 2013 Mar 08, 15:56:48
that sounds good to me, thank you officer he said, walking around, looking for the school of magic, then comes across a pony, and asks excuse me, where may i find the school of magic?
The filly raises her eyebrows at the pony's obviously foreign accent.  "It's a short train ride from here, one stop by the monorails.  Red line to Mitaka, first stop.  Should be right in front of you when you go out the exit directly ahead after getting off the train.  It's the only building that's less than ten stories.  Train station's over there, by the way."

She points to a large building with the appropriate kanji and Modern Equestrian, along with the helpful hologram of a smiling train.


Quote from: Night Pony on 2013 Mar 08, 16:13:59
Both Night and Moon took a look at the walls as they walked to the room. When they entered the room Night quickly flew to the bed and landed on it.
"The bed is so soft." she noted.
"It's a really nice room."
The attendant bowed.  "If okyaku-sama should require anything, the hotel is here to help."

With that, he quietly left the ponies to their privacy.  Day slowly turned to night as stars began shining.  A commercial briefly flashed featuring a dancing robot filly with long aqua pigtails singing a catchy tune about some sort of vegetable juice.


Quote from: FlameandIce on 2013 Mar 08, 17:42:38
Rika signs the papers
A maid bows and repeats the actions of her manager.  Rika soon finds herself down the same hallway, in a room opposite Night and Moon's, but with a single bed instead of two, though the room is about as big and has a pretty view of the city as the lights began turning on from where she stood to the horizon.


Quote from: PPBG on 2013 Mar 08, 16:26:31
Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 08, 15:53:47
The officer stood up abruptly, then sat back down as a mecha rounded the corner.  "Could be trouble, but I'm sure my partner can handle it," he quipped.

The giant robot had its laser katana powered on, though not threatening.  "Are you all right?  You are in the Tokyo prefecture of the Kanto region of the Empire of Neighpon."

Kyslu eyed at the mecha suspiciously. "Uh, yes...?" He answered uncertainly.Okay. Thanks." He had a basic knowledge of <the English variation of> pony-speak, but not much more.
The samurai police piloting the mecha raised an eyebrow, then brought up a holographic notepad.

"Do you have a passport and visa?"
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: FlameandIce on 2013 Mar 08, 21:33:11
Rika looks around the room for a mini  fridge or something
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 08, 21:44:20
Quote from: FlameandIce on 2013 Mar 08, 21:33:11
Rika looks around the room for a mini  fridge or something
The pony manages to find a fully-equipped refrigerator equipped with a complete AI helper and easy access to information about local produce and prices, as well as popular restaurants and such.  All prices are, of course, relatively high, since this is the center of one of the largest cities in the world, with over a hundred million inhabitants all located in one place.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: FlameandIce on 2013 Mar 08, 21:46:29
Rika opens the fridge
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Night Pony on 2013 Mar 09, 04:21:12
Night stretched as the stars shone above the horizon.
"It's time to explore this city!" she said excited.
Moon woke up and rubed her eyelids with her hooves. "Where shall we go first?"
"I don't know. I'll meet you at the entrance of the hotel." she said and walked towards the window before opening it. Then she jumped out of it and started to fly. Night made quick look around to see if there's something interesting.

Moon stretched and got out of bed. After a few moments of waking up she exited and locked the room. Then she got down to the reception and said:
"We're gonna check out now." :)
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Tezaku on 2013 Mar 09, 04:49:39
ok, thank you he heads to the train station
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 09, 22:01:35
Quote from: FlameandIce on 2013 Mar 08, 21:46:29
Rika opens the fridge

There isn't much inside.  There's plenty of room for things to be put in, but the hotel doesn't provide much besides a few bottles of water.

Quote from: Night Pony on 2013 Mar 09, 04:21:12
Night stretched as the stars shone above the horizon.
"It's time to explore this city!" she said excited.
Moon woke up and rubed her eyelids with her hooves. "Where shall we go first?"
"I don't know. I'll meet you at the entrance of the hotel." she said and walked towards the window before opening it. Then she jumped out of it and started to fly. Night made quick look around to see if there's something interesting.

Moon stretched and got out of bed. After a few moments of waking up she exited and locked the room. Then she got down to the reception and said:
"We're gonna check out now." :)
The pony at the desk bowed and smiled.  "May okyaku-sama's visit be enjoyable!"

There were all sorts of things going on everywhere; costumed anime and manga fans were beginning to cluster around a large convention center, ramen shacks were crowded with ponies and goats of all sorts, shops were starting to switch over for the night crowd, and on a giant holographic screen plastering the side of a skyscraper the robotic filly with the teal pigtails who appeared earlier on the commercial was announcing the start of a free concert in half an hour.

Quote from: Tezaku on 2013 Mar 09, 04:49:39
ok, thank you he heads to the train station
The station was state-of-the-art, crowded with all sorts of pedestrians and salary-ponies going to and from large office complexes.  There were also occasional bands of students arriving to experience the nightlife of the city's business hub.  Holograms featuring smiling nearly-indistinguishable-from-life robotic ponies advertised everything from instant meals to personal jet-packs and the latest flying car.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: the dark gods on 2013 Mar 09, 22:07:52
((Might aswell join up here, signed up for a reason...))
Physics arrives at the town, stepping off of the train. He stretches a little, his body slightly sore from sitting for a long time. So this is Neighpon? Impressive... Physics says to himself, as he looked around for a hand-out guide, or any guide really, he had no idea where to start in this place.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 09, 22:54:57
Quote from: the dark gods on 2013 Mar 09, 22:07:52
((Might aswell join up here, signed up for a reason...))
Physics arrives at the town, stepping off of the train. He stretches a little, his body slightly sore from sitting for a long time. So this is Neighpon? Impressive... Physics says to himself, as he looked around for a hand-out guide, or any guide really, he had no idea where to start in this place.
There was a small neighborhood Koban, or police-box, at a corner just ahead of him, with a parked mecha and a samurai police officer sitting back in a comfortable anti-gravitational chair.  From what the pony knew of Neighpon, or Japony as Equestrians occasionally called it, the natives here were a lot better acquainted and friendly with their police than Equestrians, even asking personal advice and help on small matters from the friendly neighborhood officers.  Regardless what others said about Emperors and omnipresent military or overuse of technology, the citizens seemed happy enough with the state of things here.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: the dark gods on 2013 Mar 09, 23:06:37
((Is it weird the first thing that came up in my mind when you described the police force was the dishonored walker guards?
Spoiler: show

Physics recalls some local chatter he heard on the train from a local returning to the city about how the police force here being far more chatty with regular citizens while on duty. Physics decides this is as good as start as any, and there where no guides in site, so this was also his only choice as far as it mattered besides wandering around aimlessly. He trots towards the mecha-piloting samurai.
Umm, hello there... Physics says some-what awkwardly. I'm kind of new here and I'm...wondering where I should start on my visit.... Physics asks the samurai/police-pony, hoping for some advice here.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: FlameandIce on 2013 Mar 09, 23:13:36
Rika sighs she leaves the room and heads out hoping to find somepony
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Night Pony on 2013 Mar 10, 04:51:52
Moon pays the exact money for the room and then leaves the hotel. Then Night lands at the entrance and points in the direction of the free concert.
"There is some kind of concert over there and it's free! It worth a look." she said.
"Let's check it out then.":) then both of the ponies headed towards the concert.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Tezaku on 2013 Mar 10, 05:49:37
he arrives at the station now to get a ticket to get to the school of magic
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: PPBG on 2013 Mar 10, 15:58:16
Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 08, 21:08:48
The samurai police piloting the mecha raised an eyebrow, then brought up a holographic notepad.

"Do you have a passport and visa?"

Kyslu's ears dropped and laid flat against his head. He grated his teeth together nervously. "Uh." He paused and entertained the thought of escaping. He glanced at the katana. (<draconic>I wonder how good he is at wielding that sword thing. Eh, might as well answer.</draconic>)
"N-no...?" he said unsteadily. He examined the mecha. (<draconic>I wonder if I could outpace it. Seems kind of slow. Just... powerful.</draconic>) He inched his right hindfoot back in preparation to turn on it and bolt, just in case.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Night Pony on 2013 Mar 10, 16:22:27
Night and Moon arrive at the stage.
"Is this the place?"
I think so. The commercials said it was here.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 10, 20:43:08
Quote from: the dark gods on 2013 Mar 09, 23:06:37
((Is it weird the first thing that came up in my mind when you described the police force was the dishonored walker guards?
Spoiler: show

Physics recalls some local chatter he heard on the train from a local returning to the city about how the police force here being far more chatty with regular citizens while on duty. Physics decides this is as good as start as any, and there where no guides in site, so this was also his only choice as far as it mattered besides wandering around aimlessly. He trots towards the mecha-piloting samurai.
Umm, hello there... Physics says some-what awkwardly. I'm kind of new here and I'm...wondering where I should start on my visit.... Physics asks the samurai/police-pony, hoping for some advice here.
The officer smiled at the newcomer.  "Welcome to Neighpon!  It depends what your interests are, but there's plenty to do just about everywhere around here.  The shops are always bustling with all kinds of fancy new technological marvels, the temples and hot springs offer spiritual enlightenment and relaxation, there's an anime and manga convention just down the street in that building," he points, "and there's a concert that's to be held in about fifteen minutes over there."

He points at another building.  "There's also many different restaurants and martial arts centers, and schools of magic where you might watch demonstrations by our excellent students.  If you fancy speed, there's some racing done a few hours from now in the south side of the city, or the thousand-kilometer-per-hour shinkansen you can board over by that train-station over there."
Quote from: FlameandIce on 2013 Mar 09, 23:13:36
Rika sighs she leaves the room and heads out hoping to find somepony
Rika sees Moon and Night hurrying towards the concert stage.
Quote from: Night Pony on 2013 Mar 10, 04:51:52
Moon pays the exact money for the room and then leaves the hotel. Then Night lands at the entrance and points in the direction of the free concert.
"There is some kind of concert over there and it's free! It worth a look." she said.
"Let's check it out then.":) then both of the ponies headed towards the concert.
Quote from: Night Pony on 2013 Mar 10, 16:22:27
Night and Moon arrive at the stage.
"Is this the place?"
I think so. The commercials said it was here.
Many thousands of fans and curious citizenry are also gathered around them, some holding glowing leek-shaped sticks and some wearing costumes of the robotic celebrities smiling and waving from onstage and around the room.  There was an artistic rendering of a traditional water-clock that showed the minutes till the start of the concert, currently set for about fifteen minutes.

Floating above were the spirits, dragons, gods and flying ponies and magical students in attendance, though neatly and in rows so as not to block the view of those behind them.  A living, breathing band of ponies and goats were preparing their instruments for the event as well, and merchants all about were offering glow-sticks, shirts, armbands and other such souvenirs, though for somewhat outrageous prices for all that they claimed the proceeds went to charity.
Quote from: PPBG on 2013 Mar 10, 15:58:16
Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 08, 21:08:48
The samurai police piloting the mecha raised an eyebrow, then brought up a holographic notepad.

"Do you have a passport and visa?"

Kyslu's ears dropped and laid flat against his head. He grated his teeth together nervously. "Uh." He paused and entertained the thought of escaping. He glanced at the katana. (<draconic>I wonder how good he is at wielding that sword thing. Eh, might as well answer.</draconic>)
"N-no...?" he said unsteadily. He examined the mecha. (<draconic>I wonder if I could outpace it. Seems kind of slow. Just... powerful.</draconic>) He inched his right hindfoot back in preparation to turn on it and bolt, just in case.
The officer sighed a bit.  "There's no need to run, and this machine can fly at twenty times the speed of sound, sir.  You can get yourself registered with the Ministry of Immigration right inside the Koban here, we do things automatically nowadays in Neighpon.  It should not take too long to find your information on the database we received from the other member nations of the Equestrian Alliance."

He tilted his head a bit, indicating the small box-shaped police office, large enough to accommodate most dragons by being mostly underground but small enough to seem almost homely.
Quote from: Tezaku on 2013 Mar 10, 05:49:37
he arrives at the station now to get a ticket to get to the school of magic
There was a robotic figure on the holographic display on the vending machine nearby which apparently sold train tickets, though there didn't seem to be anyone using it.  Looking at the entrances and exits to the trains, he could see why; most passengers simply swiped their keitai denwa phones across the readers instead of inserting the pesky plastic into the slits, making boarding and debarking a breeze.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: the dark gods on 2013 Mar 10, 20:52:37
Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 10, 20:43:08
Quote from: the dark gods on 2013 Mar 09, 23:06:37
((Is it weird the first thing that came up in my mind when you described the police force was the dishonored walker guards?
Spoiler: show

Physics recalls some local chatter he heard on the train from a local returning to the city about how the police force here being far more chatty with regular citizens while on duty. Physics decides this is as good as start as any, and there where no guides in site, so this was also his only choice as far as it mattered besides wandering around aimlessly. He trots towards the mecha-piloting samurai.
Umm, hello there... Physics says some-what awkwardly. I'm kind of new here and I'm...wondering where I should start on my visit.... Physics asks the samurai/police-pony, hoping for some advice here.
The officer smiled at the newcomer.  "Welcome to Neighpon!  It depends what your interests are, but there's plenty to do just about everywhere around here.  The shops are always bustling with all kinds of fancy new technological marvels, the temples and hot springs offer spiritual enlightenment and relaxation, there's an anime and manga convention just down the street in that building," he points, "and there's a concert that's to be held in about fifteen minutes over there."

He points at another building.  "There's also many different restaurants and martial arts centers, and schools of magic where you might watch demonstrations by our excellent students.  If you fancy speed, there's some racing done a few hours from now in the south side of the city, or the thousand-kilometer-per-hour shinkansen you can board over by that train-station over there."

((THAT'S TWO KILOMETERS A SECOND!  O: And you thought Rainbow Dash was fast!))
Physics nods at the officer. Thanks for the information... Physics says, slowly back up to leave, before remembering it was common in this culture to bow as a sign of respect. Physics does so, bending his two frontal hooves to bow to the mecha-riding samurai, before turning to leave. Physics trots off towards the second building the samurai pointed to, wanting to see the magic demonstration, everything else could come second, this was his favorite subject of all.

Physics trots inside the second building, taking a look inside, wondering how he would get a ticket to one of these demonstrations.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Night Pony on 2013 Mar 11, 07:57:42
"It's gonna be pretty crowded down here." Night noted and looked for a close free cloud in hopes for a better view and more space.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Tezaku on 2013 Mar 11, 08:03:50
since i havent got one of them , that the ponies here have, i'll have to get a ticket he said, then trots up to the vendor that sells tickets, one ticket to Mitaka please
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 11, 14:36:54
Quote from: the dark gods on 2013 Mar 10, 20:52:37
Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 10, 20:43:08
Quote from: the dark gods on 2013 Mar 09, 23:06:37
((Is it weird the first thing that came up in my mind when you described the police force was the dishonored walker guards?
Spoiler: show

Physics recalls some local chatter he heard on the train from a local returning to the city about how the police force here being far more chatty with regular citizens while on duty. Physics decides this is as good as start as any, and there where no guides in site, so this was also his only choice as far as it mattered besides wandering around aimlessly. He trots towards the mecha-piloting samurai.
Umm, hello there... Physics says some-what awkwardly. I'm kind of new here and I'm...wondering where I should start on my visit.... Physics asks the samurai/police-pony, hoping for some advice here.
The officer smiled at the newcomer.  "Welcome to Neighpon!  It depends what your interests are, but there's plenty to do just about everywhere around here.  The shops are always bustling with all kinds of fancy new technological marvels, the temples and hot springs offer spiritual enlightenment and relaxation, there's an anime and manga convention just down the street in that building," he points, "and there's a concert that's to be held in about fifteen minutes over there."

He points at another building.  "There's also many different restaurants and martial arts centers, and schools of magic where you might watch demonstrations by our excellent students.  If you fancy speed, there's some racing done a few hours from now in the south side of the city, or the thousand-kilometer-per-hour shinkansen you can board over by that train-station over there."

((THAT'S TWO KILOMETERS A SECOND!  O: And you thought Rainbow Dash was fast!))
Physics nods at the officer. Thanks for the information... Physics says, slowly back up to leave, before remembering it was common in this culture to bow as a sign of respect. Physics does so, bending his two frontal hooves to bow to the mecha-riding samurai, before turning to leave. Physics trots off towards the second building the samurai pointed to, wanting to see the magic demonstration, everything else could come second, this was his favorite subject of all.

Physics trots inside the second building, taking a look inside, wondering how he would get a ticket to one of these demonstrations.
((fast :]  roughly 3x current bullet train record.))

The officer bows back as the pony leaves, smiling.

An assortment of magical fillies and colts are seated quietly in neat rows to either side of the tatami-matted studio, and a single filly was standing nervously in the center as an elderly stallion nodded gravely to the pony walking in.  An older colt, apparently one of the higher-ranking students here, stood up quietly at the grandmaster's nod, walking silently over to the newcomer.  "Irasshaimase, sir.  We're having a promotion test right now, if you had questions for the Master.  It should take only a short while, but the demonstration of skill is a difficult task, and easily disturbed.  There are guest seats over there, if you wish to observe."

He pointed to a row of low padded benches just off the mat to one corner of the room, enough out of the way to be safe while still close enough to watch the details of the demonstration.
Quote from: Night Pony on 2013 Mar 11, 07:57:42
"It's gonna be pretty crowded down here." Night noted and looked for a close free cloud in hopes for a better view and more space.
There was a cloud or two in the back, but most ponies and goats around here seemed to actually prefer standing or hovering.  Neighponies were known to be quite enthusiastic with their modern-rendition pop concerts, and didn't just sit down to listen if there was an opportunity to join in the singing and shake their glow sticks with the beat.

Still, if the Equestrians chose, it shouldn't be too difficult or inconvenient to move the cloud, and nopony was claiming it at the moment.

Quote from: Tezaku on 2013 Mar 11, 08:03:50
since i havent got one of them , that the ponies here have, i'll have to get a ticket he said, then trots up to the vendor that sells tickets, one ticket to Mitaka please
The robot smiled and bowed on the screen.  "One ticket, okyaku-sama.  That would be 500 yen, please."

A little section helpfully lit up, with the option of paying by coin, paper currency or the plastic cards and keitai denwa phones they used around here.  Even more helpfully, the machine seemed to accept either yen or bits, though the conversion was slightly high, about 6 silver Equestrian bits for a ticket.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Tezaku on 2013 Mar 11, 14:39:43
he gets 6 silver bits out, and places them on  the counter
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Night Pony on 2013 Mar 11, 14:42:16
Night took off and brought the cloud over Moon. She was sure to position it to not get in the way.
"Hey I found a cloud!" she said and went to pick-up Moon after which she brought her up to the cloud. Night made a simple cloud walking spell and drop Moon off on the cloud then she sat next to her.
"Awesome! Best seats in the house."
"Now all we need is to wait for the concert to begin."
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: PPBG on 2013 Mar 11, 16:00:16
Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 10, 20:43:08
The officer sighed a bit.  "There's no need to run, and this machine can fly at twenty times the speed of sound, sir.  You can get yourself registered with the Ministry of Immigration right inside the Koban here, we do things automatically nowadays in Neighpon.  It should not take too long to find your information on the database we received from the other member nations of the Equestrian Alliance."

He tilted his head a bit, indicating the small box-shaped police office, large enough to accommodate most dragons by being mostly underground but small enough to seem almost homely.

((Welp. Crime seems next to impossible in this part of the country considering how fast the police force can move.
Also, I don't believe that records are kept for dragons in Equestria, but, we can play it by ear.))

"Uh, okay. Thanks." The young dragon started to walk toward the police office. (<draconic>Is this even necessary?! I'm just stopping by, yeesh.</draconic>)
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: the dark gods on 2013 Mar 11, 16:40:37
Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 11, 14:36:54
Quote from: the dark gods on 2013 Mar 10, 20:52:37
Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 10, 20:43:08
Quote from: the dark gods on 2013 Mar 09, 23:06:37
((Is it weird the first thing that came up in my mind when you described the police force was the dishonored walker guards?
Spoiler: show

Physics recalls some local chatter he heard on the train from a local returning to the city about how the police force here being far more chatty with regular citizens while on duty. Physics decides this is as good as start as any, and there where no guides in site, so this was also his only choice as far as it mattered besides wandering around aimlessly. He trots towards the mecha-piloting samurai.
Umm, hello there... Physics says some-what awkwardly. I'm kind of new here and I'm...wondering where I should start on my visit.... Physics asks the samurai/police-pony, hoping for some advice here.
The officer smiled at the newcomer.  "Welcome to Neighpon!  It depends what your interests are, but there's plenty to do just about everywhere around here.  The shops are always bustling with all kinds of fancy new technological marvels, the temples and hot springs offer spiritual enlightenment and relaxation, there's an anime and manga convention just down the street in that building," he points, "and there's a concert that's to be held in about fifteen minutes over there."

He points at another building.  "There's also many different restaurants and martial arts centers, and schools of magic where you might watch demonstrations by our excellent students.  If you fancy speed, there's some racing done a few hours from now in the south side of the city, or the thousand-kilometer-per-hour shinkansen you can board over by that train-station over there."

((THAT'S TWO KILOMETERS A SECOND!  O: And you thought Rainbow Dash was fast!))
Physics nods at the officer. Thanks for the information... Physics says, slowly back up to leave, before remembering it was common in this culture to bow as a sign of respect. Physics does so, bending his two frontal hooves to bow to the mecha-riding samurai, before turning to leave. Physics trots off towards the second building the samurai pointed to, wanting to see the magic demonstration, everything else could come second, this was his favorite subject of all.

Physics trots inside the second building, taking a look inside, wondering how he would get a ticket to one of these demonstrations.
((fast :]  roughly 3x current bullet train record.))

The officer bows back as the pony leaves, smiling.

An assortment of magical fillies and colts are seated quietly in neat rows to either side of the tatami-matted studio, and a single filly was standing nervously in the center as an elderly stallion nodded gravely to the pony walking in.  An older colt, apparently one of the higher-ranking students here, stood up quietly at the grandmaster's nod, walking silently over to the newcomer.  "Irasshaimase, sir.  We're having a promotion test right now, if you had questions for the Master.  It should take only a short while, but the demonstration of skill is a difficult task, and easily disturbed.  There are guest seats over there, if you wish to observe."

He pointed to a row of low padded benches just off the mat to one corner of the room, enough out of the way to be safe while still close enough to watch the details of the demonstration.

Physics gives a quick bow to the the higher ranking student. Thank you for your offer, I'll gladly accept it. Physics says, trotting over to the guest seats, searching around for a free seat, then sitting down upon the first one he found. He quietly waits for the show to begin.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: FlameandIce on 2013 Mar 11, 19:30:01
Rika makes her way over to the concert
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 11, 20:43:20
Quote from: Tezaku on 2013 Mar 11, 14:39:43
he gets 6 silver bits out, and places them on  the counter
The bits vanish in a flash, and in their place a small plastic card stamped by the the Japony Ministry of Transportation appears.  The figure on the screen bows deeply.  "Domo arigatou gozaimasu.  Have a good trip!"

A similar robotic voice sounds over the speakers, first in Neighponies, and then in Equestrian.  "Mitaka line will be departing in five minutes."

Quote from: Night Pony on 2013 Mar 11, 14:42:16
Night took off and brought the cloud over Moon. She was sure to position it to not get in the way.
"Hey I found a cloud!" she said and went to pick-up Moon after which she brought her up to the cloud. Night made a simple cloud walking spell and drop Moon off on the cloud then she sat next to her.
"Awesome! Best seats in the house."
"Now all we need is to wait for the concert to begin."
Quote from: FlameandIce on 2013 Mar 11, 19:30:01
Rika makes her way over to the concert
The lights on the stage begin dimming as all the thousands of fans begin screaming, whinnying and shouting in excitement.  The drummer begins a steady beat as smoke billows and holograms come on all over the stadium, and the voice of the teal-maned filly fills the stadium with a musical "Miku desu" repeated in several variations to the beat.  After a few moments of building excitement and waving glow-sticks, there is a sudden silence, and the drummer taps his sticks together.

"Ichi, ni, san, go!"

The lights and music and crowd come on at the same time, as a fully robotic but also fully sentient robot, the filly from the advertisement, rises from beneath the stage on a levitating platform singing clearly and, though robotic, quite well.

Quote from: PPBG on 2013 Mar 11, 16:00:16

((Welp. Crime seems next to impossible in this part of the country considering how fast the police force can move.
Also, I don't believe that records are kept for dragons in Equestria, but, we can play it by ear.))

"Uh, okay. Thanks." The young dragon started to walk toward the police office. (<draconic>Is this even necessary?! I'm just stopping by, yeesh.</draconic>)
((you'd be surprised how quickly the Yakuza mobs and the hackers and corrupt corporations and cyborgs can find holes in the system and start committing every crime ever invented :]))

Another officer was seated at a small desk inside, and smiled up at the dragon as he came in.  "Irasshaimase.  How may I help you?  Here for immigration papers, perhaps?"

Quote from: the dark gods on 2013 Mar 11, 16:40:37
Physics gives a quick bow to the the higher ranking student. Thank you for your offer, I'll gladly accept it. Physics says, trotting over to the guest seats, searching around for a free seat, then sitting down upon the first one he found. He quietly waits for the show to begin.
Whispers and chatters die to silence as the student closes her eyes and breaths deeply.

"Form one.  Cherry Blossom Storm."

With quick, dance-like movements, her clothing seems to morph and change itself into a priestess's uniform, and a series of paper slips with intricate calligraphy on them appear in her hand.

With quick flicks, the filly lands several slips in a pentagram around her.

"Ichi.  A seed."

A ball of energy appears between the pony's hooves, spinning rapidly and shining brighter and brighter as she seemed to push it inwards, smaller and smaller.

"Ni.  Rain."

Sharp points of light like stars explode out of her, falling like a torrent of light into the seed as her dancing hooves move smoothly and gracefully over the tatami mats.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: PPBG on 2013 Mar 11, 20:47:30
Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 11, 20:43:20
Another officer was seated at a small desk inside, and smiled up at the dragon as he came in.  "Irasshaimase.  How may I help you?  Here for immigration papers, perhaps?"

The dragon bowed his head slightly and replied,"Yes, I am here for that."
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: the dark gods on 2013 Mar 11, 20:49:17
Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 11, 20:43:20
Quote from: the dark gods on 2013 Mar 11, 16:40:37
Physics gives a quick bow to the the higher ranking student. Thank you for your offer, I'll gladly accept it. Physics says, trotting over to the guest seats, searching around for a free seat, then sitting down upon the first one he found. He quietly waits for the show to begin.
Whispers and chatters die to silence as the student closes her eyes and breaths deeply.

"Form one.  Cherry Blossom Storm."

With quick, dance-like movements, her clothing seems to morph and change itself into a priestess's uniform, and a series of paper slips with intricate calligraphy on them appear in her hand.

With quick flicks, the filly lands several slips in a pentagram around her.

"Ichi.  A seed."

A ball of energy appears between the pony's hooves, spinning rapidly and shining brighter and brighter as she seemed to push it inwards, smaller and smaller.

"Ni.  Rain."

Sharp points of light like stars explode out of her, falling like a torrent of light into the seed as her dancing hooves move smoothly and gracefully over the tatami mats.

Physics quickly takes out a note-pad and a pencil, writing down what she said, roughly scribbling the movement she did aswell.
Impressive... Physics says, as he watches in between writing and scribbling down whatever the filly said or did.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Night Pony on 2013 Mar 12, 02:32:42
"It's starting!"
"Look it's the filly from the advertisements." she said as the filly was rising from beneath the stage on a levitating platform.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Tezaku on 2013 Mar 12, 06:41:37
thank you he levitates the ticket to him, and heads for the train
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 12, 12:53:03
Quote from: PPBG on 2013 Mar 11, 20:47:30
Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 11, 20:43:20
Another officer was seated at a small desk inside, and smiled up at the dragon as he came in.  "Irasshaimase.  How may I help you?  Here for immigration papers, perhaps?"

The dragon bowed his head slightly and replied,"Yes, I am here for that."
The officer smiles and pats the desk as a robotic arm brings over a small folder of forms and a three-dimensional hologram appears of various citizenry.

"May I have your name and nation of origin, sir?  This should not take too long."
Quote from: the dark gods on 2013 Mar 11, 20:49:17
Physics quickly takes out a note-pad and a pencil, writing down what she said, roughly scribbling the movement she did aswell.
Impressive... Physics says, as he watches in between writing and scribbling down whatever the filly said or did.
"San.  Tree."

Beams of light explode from the ground in twisting spirals as they form into a recognizable tree-like shape, with branches and twigs that would slice an enemy in half were this a real situation and not just a demonstration.

"Shi.  Cherry Blossom Storm!"

A thousand flowers bloom suddenly on each branch, and ten thousand petals violently fly off and move through the air like miniature missiles, surrounding a space where an imaginary opponent would have been standing and whirling in a credible imitation of a tornado or hurricane.

With the flick of a hoof, the energies floating all about began floating back to the filly, once more becoming a ball of magic between her hooves which quickly dissipated back into her body as her clothes reverted to the studio's uniform.  Applause sounded quietly about the room as she bowed deeply to the Grandmaster.

Quote from: Night Pony on 2013 Mar 12, 02:32:42
"It's starting!"
"Look it's the filly from the advertisements." she said as the filly was rising from beneath the stage on a levitating platform.
Ponies and goats standing all around the stage began stomping hooves and waving their glow-sticks in time with the tune as the many fans began singing the familiar and popular lyrics, encouraged by gestures and waves and smiles from the ponies, goats and the robot onstage.  As the chorus ended and the filly started on the first stanza, there was a sudden hush and many leaned forward as the drama built.
Quote from: Tezaku on 2013 Mar 12, 06:41:37
thank you he levitates the ticket to him, and heads for the train
The ticket machines before the train were futuristic (for him) and high-technology compared to what was available in Equestria, though the Neighponies to either side gave him odd glances as he used his ticket.

The train was quite sleek and fast-looking, the sort you'd expect to be darting at insane speeds.  Of course, the next stop was fortunately a short distance away.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Night Pony on 2013 Mar 12, 12:56:29
Night and Moon caught up in the beat started to dance with the beat and as soon as the hush started they started watching with great interest to see what would happen.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Tezaku on 2013 Mar 12, 13:32:58
ace looks at the ponies that are glaring at him,, uses the ticket machine, and heads on the train
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: PPBG on 2013 Mar 12, 13:52:43
Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 12, 12:53:03
The officer smiles and pats the desk as a robotic arm brings over a small folder of forms and a three-dimensional hologram appears of various citizenry.

"May I have your name and nation of origin, sir?  This should not take too long."

"My name is Kyslu. K-Y-S-L-U.
And um, I come from the Frozen North. . . Equestria?" he replied.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 12, 15:36:09
Quote from: Night Pony on 2013 Mar 12, 12:56:29
Night and Moon caught up in the beat started to dance with the beat and as soon as the hush started they started watching with great interest to see what would happen.
The filly begins singing in a mixture of Japonies' and Equestrian, apparently a popular slang-filled modern dialect the younger generation liked.  Although parts were simply incomprehensible both from the language and from the difference in culture, Night and Moon could both tell it was a heartfelt song about gaining emotion, going beyond the limits of routine and true love, with lyrics like "My heart isn't of flesh/But it still belongs to you" and other similar themes running through the stanza.

Then the lights began dancing again, and the music sounded with the roaring cheers of the crowd as the filly onstage repeated the chorus with twice as much enthusiasm as before.

Quote from: Tezaku on 2013 Mar 12, 13:32:58
ace looks at the ponies that are glaring at him,, uses the ticket machine, and heads on the train
An artificial but cheerful voice gives a message in Japonies' and then in Equestrian, saying "Your attention please, this train will be departing in one minute, please fill up all available space and move away from the doors to allow others room to board.  Thank you for your cooperation, from the Ministry of Transportation."

There were hundreds within the car the pony had entered alone, all sorts crowding together like a can of sardines; despite having such quick and numerous trains, Neighpon had a population density that simply outstripped any transportation system the government could devise faster than they could be built.  Still, he had a good look out the window...

...as the train went from completely motionless to almost three times the speed of sound in under a second, the inertial dampeners situated at intervals the only thing keeping the passengers from being squashed from the g-forces.  As it was, there was a disconnect in the pony's brain as he saw the land rushing by in a blur and just as quickly stop, as though his consciousness, so used to the walking-speed transportation of Equestria, couldn't accept that the movement outside was actually happening.

Still, when the doors opened, the scenery was completely different, and there was a rather large and obvious school directly ahead of him.  It was, as stated, the only building around that was less then ten stories and actually had a track and field area, though the school itself was simply enormous by Equestrian standards, sporting a student population of about 10,000.  It was night time, but there was still a bustle of activity within the school in preparation for a school-wide festival, and all sorts of magical students were floating, flying, transforming and casting spells here and there and everywhere.

Quote from: PPBG on 2013 Mar 12, 13:52:43
Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 12, 12:53:03
The officer smiles and pats the desk as a robotic arm brings over a small folder of forms and a three-dimensional hologram appears of various citizenry.

"May I have your name and nation of origin, sir?  This should not take too long."

"My name is Kyslu. K-Y-S-L-U.
And um, I come from the Frozen North. . . Equestria?" he replied.
The officer moved his hoof across the smooth surface of the cream-colored table, and parts lit up beneath as the hologram flashed through several possibilities even as the dragon was speaking.

"Let's see... there does seem to be a record of you, though quite short.  No worries, the system can handle all that.  If you would please sign here, we'll get you a temporary visa and have everything set up.  Do you have a place to stay at the moment, Kyslu-san?  How long do you think you will be staying?"
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Night Pony on 2013 Mar 12, 15:41:08
Both ponies started to jump on the cloud in rhythm as the filly started singing again. They even tried to sing the song with no great success.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Tezaku on 2013 Mar 12, 15:45:21
he takes a seat on the train
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 12, 16:12:13
Quote from: Night Pony on 2013 Mar 12, 15:41:08
Both ponies started to jump on the cloud in rhythm as the filly started singing again. They even tried to sing the song with no great success.
As the chorus ended to resounding cheers, more celebrities, robot, pony and goat alike, appeared onstage wearing "futuristic" costumes as the holograms displayed a mock impression of the control panels of a space-station; electronic sounds and an irregular beat added to the theme of a world gone mad as the robot filly winked at the audience and announced a song entitled "Space Elevator" or something.  Here the lyrics were about the reverse of her previous song, with bureaucrats and corporate bosses losing touch with the emotions and passions of the "real world" as they became even more robotic than robots (which were not at all robotic nowadays in Neighpon).  It was met with cheers, but slightly bitter cheers of a generation of teens and youths protesting against the establishment of ponies and goats who seem, if the lyrics are accurate, like Prince Blueblood and Diamond Tiara amplified to almost emotionless proud husks.

The singers onstage alternated between the "robotic" theme (which tactfully did not involve singling out the robots) and the "real" theme (of which the robot filly, apparently called Miku, was part).  The holograms displayed soaring skyscrapers in different lights as the chorus and stanza changed; when "robotic", they were cold towers of glass and steel that stood triumphant over polluted rivers and hard asphalt where forests once were, but when "real" they were soaring monuments to Neighponies' achievement and their potential to reach higher than ever before for future generations.

Quote from: Tezaku on 2013 Mar 12, 15:45:21
he takes a seat on the train
A passenger next to hum grinned.  "Shocked by the speed, eh?  We've arrived at Mitaka station, by the way."
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Tezaku on 2013 Mar 12, 16:13:23
thanks, that was some awesome speed he said getting up, and heads out of the train
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: the dark gods on 2013 Mar 12, 16:19:34
Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 12, 12:53:03
Quote from: the dark gods on 2013 Mar 11, 20:49:17
Physics quickly takes out a note-pad and a pencil, writing down what she said, roughly scribbling the movement she did aswell.
Impressive... Physics says, as he watches in between writing and scribbling down whatever the filly said or did.
"San.  Tree."

Beams of light explode from the ground in twisting spirals as they form into a recognizable tree-like shape, with branches and twigs that would slice an enemy in half were this a real situation and not just a demonstration.

"Shi.  Cherry Blossom Storm!"

A thousand flowers bloom suddenly on each branch, and ten thousand petals violently fly off and move through the air like miniature missiles, surrounding a space where an imaginary opponent would have been standing and whirling in a credible imitation of a tornado or hurricane.

With the flick of a hoof, the energies floating all about began floating back to the filly, once more becoming a ball of magic between her hooves which quickly dissipated back into her body as her clothes reverted to the studio's uniform.  Applause sounded quietly about the room as she bowed deeply to the Grandmaster.

((I only just recognized the words from my karate class.  lol ))
Physics continues righting down and sketching on his note-pad, though switching to using his telekinesis to write now, as he begins clapping with his hooves this time, also giving out a verbal cheer too.
This could not be translated into a spell scroll, no the actions where far to complicated for that, this was for practice and studying the spell.
He flips to a new page on the not-pad, waiting for the next magical performer to take the stage and perform his spell.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Night Pony on 2013 Mar 12, 16:20:55
The song with the robotic noises wasn't much for 'dancing' so Night and Moon sat on the cloud and shook their heads with the beat. They rested for the next song which hopefully would be more exciting like the last one.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 12, 16:33:54
Quote from: Tezaku on 2013 Mar 12, 16:13:23
thanks, that was some awesome speed he said getting up, and heads out of the train
Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 12, 15:36:09
Still, when the doors opened, the scenery was completely different, and there was a rather large and obvious school directly ahead of him.  It was, as stated, the only building around that was less then ten stories and actually had a track and field area, though the school itself was simply enormous by Equestrian standards, sporting a student population of about 10,000.  It was night time, but there was still a bustle of activity within the school in preparation for a school-wide festival, and all sorts of magical students were floating, flying, transforming and casting spells here and there and everywhere.


Quote from: the dark gods on 2013 Mar 12, 16:19:34
((I only just recognized the words from my karate class.  lol ))
Physics continues righting down and sketching on his note-pad, though switching to using his telekinesis to write now, as he begins clapping with his hooves this time, also giving out a verbal cheer too.
This could not be translated into a spell scroll, no the actions where far to complicated for that, this was for practice and studying the spell.
He flips to a new page on the not-pad, waiting for the next magical performer to take the stage and perform his spell.

The Grandmaster gravely gave a scroll and a belt to the filly with both fore-hooves as she came up and bowed, then motioned for the next student to come up and give his demonstration.

This was a young male goat, still a kid, with just the beginnings of a little stringy beard on his chin, and his rank was obviously quite low.  Students to either side suppressed smiles as they sat on their hind knees in seiza.



The Grandmaster had a gentle but firm expression on his face that showed he was likewise amused as the student gave an awkward, inexperienced bow.  It was hard to follow up on such an amazing display, especially when you had little to offer in the way of demonstration.

"Form ten... the Five Elements."

He nearly tripped over himself as he moved a hoof backwards and tried standing on two hooves for the first action, and his teacher, standing behind the Grandmaster, sighed and rubbed his forehead with a free hoof.
Quote from: Night Pony on 2013 Mar 12, 16:20:55
The song with the robotic noises wasn't much for 'dancing' so Night and Moon sat on the cloud and shook their heads with the beat. They rested for the next song which hopefully would be more exciting like the last one.
The music continues in various beats to the very end, where the skyscraper in the hologram explodes from the inside as a cherry tree grows through it and flowers, symbolizing the triumph of the "real" world over the "robotic" world.

Cheers and whistles came from the crowd as the filly smiled shyly at the earth pony flesh-and-blood colt standing next to her, and music began playing, first slowly, then quickening to a bouncy rhythm as hooves stomped on the floor or on clouds all around.  The colt bowed and offered a hoof, which the robot filly took to the roaring approval of the crowd.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Tezaku on 2013 Mar 12, 16:35:43
well, there it ishe said as he heads towards the school
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: PPBG on 2013 Mar 12, 16:36:45
Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 12, 15:36:09
The officer moved his hoof across the smooth surface of the cream-colored table, and parts lit up beneath as the hologram flashed through several possibilities even as the dragon was speaking.

"Let's see... there does seem to be a record of you, though quite short.  No worries, the system can handle all that.  If you would please sign here, we'll get you a temporary visa and have everything set up.  Do you have a place to stay at the moment, Kyslu-san?  How long do you think you will be staying?"

(<draconic>Hmmh. A record of me? Shard probably made it.</draconic>) he thought as he mentally rolled his eyes at Shard. ((Who would be about 20 at the time of Kyslu coming here.))
Spoiler: The dragon signed where the officer had specified. • show


No, I do not have a place to stay, and I do not know how long I will be be staying." he answered, wondering why the officer needed to know. Having never "legally" moved through nations, he didn't understand all the fuss surrounding moving between nations. All he had ever done was flown where he pleased without having to go through paperwork, since he traveled in the far north where few lived.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: the dark gods on 2013 Mar 12, 16:38:27
Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 12, 16:33:54
Quote from: the dark gods on 2013 Mar 12, 16:19:34
((I only just recognized the words from my karate class.  lol ))
Physics continues righting down and sketching on his note-pad, though switching to using his telekinesis to write now, as he begins clapping with his hooves this time, also giving out a verbal cheer too.
This could not be translated into a spell scroll, no the actions where far to complicated for that, this was for practice and studying the spell.
He flips to a new page on the not-pad, waiting for the next magical performer to take the stage and perform his spell.

The Grandmaster gravely gave a scroll and a belt to the filly with both fore-hooves as she came up and bowed, then motioned for the next student to come up and give his demonstration.

This was a young male goat, still a kid, with just the beginnings of a little stringy beard on his chin, and his rank was obviously quite low.  Students to either side suppressed smiles as they sat on their hind knees in seiza.



The Grandmaster had a gentle but firm expression on his face that showed he was likewise amused as the student gave an awkward, inexperienced bow.  It was hard to follow up on such an amazing display, especially when you had little to offer in the way of demonstration.

"Form ten... the Five Elements."

He nearly tripped over himself as he moved a hoof backwards and tried standing on two hooves for the first action, and his teacher, standing behind the Grandmaster, sighed and rubbed his forehead with a free hoof.
Quote from: Night Pony
Physics sighs and puts down the note-pad. He had a feeling this wouldn't be informative at all, except for maybe the basics of what this spell was, if this pony showed as much skill he did in the spell as he did in the way of walking. Why he would learn more if he took lessons himself....[shadow=blue,left]THAT'S A GENIUS IDEA![/shadow] Physics thinks to himself, he would sign up for a class after this show, but right now, he needed a good chuckle after that long boring train ride.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Night Pony on 2013 Mar 12, 16:53:28
Moon stood up started to shake her head as the beat started to pick up and Night quickly followed. As the beat started to pick up speed so the distance between their hooves and the cloud started to grow.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 12, 18:02:40
Quote from: Tezaku on 2013 Mar 12, 16:35:43
well, there it ishe said as he heads towards the school
Magical fillies and colts turn and look at the pony as he approaches.  "Eeto... konbanwa, sir.  How may we help you?"

Quote from: PPBG on 2013 Mar 12, 16:36:45
(<draconic>Hmmh. A record of me? Shard probably made it.</draconic>) he thought as he mentally rolled his eyes at Shard. ((Who would be about 20 at the time of Kyslu coming here.))
Spoiler: The dragon signed where the officer had specified. • show


No, I do not have a place to stay, and I do not know how long I will be be staying." he answered, wondering why the officer needed to know. Having never "legally" moved through nations, he didn't understand all the fuss surrounding moving between nations. All he had ever done was flown where he pleased without having to go through paperwork, since he traveled in the far north where few lived.
The officer sighed slightly.  "Well, if you want somewhere to sleep, get mail, or a way to actually purchase food or anything, you could sign a temporary residence form here and we'll put you up with a hotel nearby.  How much things cost depends on how long you stay, and if it's longer than a month you'll have to get more permanent paperwork filled out."

Quote from: the dark gods on 2013 Mar 12, 16:38:27
Physics sighs and puts down the note-pad. He had a feeling this wouldn't be informative at all, except for maybe the basics of what this spell was, if this pony showed as much skill he did in the spell as he did in the way of walking. Why he would learn more if he took lessons himself....[shadow=blue,left]THAT'S A GENIUS IDEA![/shadow] Physics thinks to himself, he would sign up for a class after this show, but right now, he needed a good chuckle after that long boring train ride.
The goat tried to sweep a circle with a hoof the way the previous student had, failing miserably as little piles of uneven rust and rocky ore appear.  His transformation is all right, though there was no accounting for taste in appearances.

"Itchy... Metal."

The ore glowed slightly, then started burning a bit as the metal pieces tried to come together in some coherent manner.

"Knee... Wood."

A seed worked its way between pieces of somewhat crude iron to begin sprouting into a flower.  It was cute, almost, the effort the student put into his work.

Quote from: Night Pony on 2013 Mar 12, 16:53:28
Moon stood up started to shake her head as the beat started to pick up and Night quickly followed. As the beat started to pick up speed so the distance between their hooves and the cloud started to grow.
The filly began dancing with the colt in time with the beat before they separated, twirling to opposite sides of the stage.  A spotlight shone on the filly as she sang about the first time she saw the colt, walking down the street and bumping into each other.  Even though she was a robot and he was a flesh-and-blood pony, they felt they were meant for each other.

From the cheers and accompaniment from the crowd, the fans thoroughly approved.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: the dark gods on 2013 Mar 12, 18:09:07
Physics doesn't laugh, this goat obviously put alot of effort into this, and laughing would...well it would just be wrong...Physics still plans to go to the this school of magic.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Tezaku on 2013 Mar 12, 18:18:18
i'm here to learn some spells at the school, and to see i have the "gift" the uh, what was it, the...Kokoro No Tamago?
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: PPBG on 2013 Mar 12, 20:56:09
Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 12, 18:02:40
The officer sighed slightly.  "Well, if you want somewhere to sleep, get mail, or a way to actually purchase food or anything, you could sign a temporary residence form here and we'll put you up with a hotel nearby.  How much things cost depends on how long you stay, and if it's longer than a month you'll have to get more permanent paperwork filled out."

(<draconic>I could just sleep on a nearby mountain, right?</draconic>)
"I'm good. Thanks though. I'll probably just stay for the day." he said, wanting the conversation to end.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Night Pony on 2013 Mar 13, 09:15:17
Caught in the beat Night and Moon start to dance in one spot.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 13, 13:41:22
Quote from: Tezaku on 2013 Mar 12, 18:18:18
i'm here to learn some spells at the school, and to see i have the "gift" the uh, what was it, the...Kokoro No Tamago?
The filly giggles.  "Tadase-kun, always recruiting new student council members, ne?  You'll find Hotori-san in the special Council Garden at the other side of that building over there."

She pointed at an open gate with some Japony letters on it, and slightly broken Equestrian denoting "Vegetable Senate".

He could faintly hear a cat-like nyan~ from the shadows somewhere overhead, but there didn't seem to be anything there.


Quote from: PPBG on 2013 Mar 12, 20:56:09
Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 12, 18:02:40
The officer sighed slightly.  "Well, if you want somewhere to sleep, get mail, or a way to actually purchase food or anything, you could sign a temporary residence form here and we'll put you up with a hotel nearby.  How much things cost depends on how long you stay, and if it's longer than a month you'll have to get more permanent paperwork filled out."

(<draconic>I could just sleep on a nearby mountain, right?</draconic>)
"I'm good. Thanks though. I'll probably just stay for the day." he said, wanting the conversation to end.
The officer nodded uneasily.  "If you need any help, just ask at any Koban.  We're here to help.  A good evening to you, then."

His job technically finished, the officer returned to his paperwork.  A few minutes later an elderly mare came by and began asking some personal advice on one thing or another, and he gently took her aside for a bit of privacy as he assisted her in what way he could.


Quote from: the dark gods on 2013 Mar 12, 18:09:07
Physics doesn't laugh, this goat obviously put alot of effort into this, and laughing would...well it would just be wrong...Physics still plans to go to the this school of magic.
"San... water."

The flower sprouted a bit of liquid that could pass as water as it danced around and formed figure-eights in a ring about the plant.

"Shi: fire."

His voice suddenly came with confidence, as though this part was by far the most practiced part of his routine.  The flower and metal and water were consumed with a giant fireball, water boiling and plant turning to ash as the metal glowed white-hot and shaped into a delicate dragon shape.

A student at the side nodded, muttering something about "That's Kayagi-kun all right" before being tapped gently on the head by an instructor.  From what little Japony that Physics understood, Ka meant fire and Yagi meant goat.  It was probable that this particular student had quite a bit of innate talent in fire-related magic which compensated for his... poor performance with other elements.

"Go: Earth."

The flames died- reluctantly, it seemed, as ash and steam and molten metal cooled and combined into hard stone and gravel and sand, which then turned back into a ball of energy between the goat's forelegs and flowed back into his body.

There was a bit of quiet applause as the student bowed uncertainly to the Grandmaster, who gave him a reassuring smile and motioned for the next student.


Quote from: Night Pony on 2013 Mar 13, 09:15:17
Caught in the beat Night and Moon start to dance in one spot.
The holograms showed whirling cherry blossoms which suddenly burst out of pipes in the floor as real cherry blossoms (or very good artificial imitations) streamed out and floated down over the cheering crowd and the singers onstage.  They sang in unison as they reached the second-to-last chorus, and the colt and filly danced together again as images of them in every season appeared around the stage.  The other singers stomped or waved their hooves at the crowd, and many fans shook glow-sticks in time with the beat as the electric guitar had a solo for a minute or two.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Night Pony on 2013 Mar 13, 13:45:43
As soon the cherry blossoms showed up, Moon stopped and just admired their beauty.
"Night, look!" she said but her worlds didn't reach her sister from the loud music. Moon though didn't took her eyes off the blossoms and started to shake her head in tact with the music.
Night was raving the cloud floor with some improvised dance moves.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Tezaku on 2013 Mar 13, 13:53:17
Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 13, 13:41:22
Quote from: Tezaku on 2013 Mar 12, 18:18:18
i'm here to learn some spells at the school, and to see i have the "gift" the uh, what was it, the...Kokoro No Tamago?
The filly giggles.  "Tadase-kun, always recruiting new student council members, ne?  You'll find Hotori-san in the special Council Garden at the other side of that building over there."

She pointed at an open gate with some Japony letters on it, and slightly broken Equestrian denoting "Vegetable Senate".

He could faintly hear a cat-like nyan~ from the shadows somewhere overhead, but there didn't seem to be anything there.

Thank you he heads to special council garden around the building
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: PPBG on 2013 Mar 13, 15:36:10
Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 13, 13:41:22
The officer nodded uneasily.  "If you need any help, just ask at any Koban.  We're here to help.  A good evening to you, then."

His job technically finished, the officer returned to his paperwork.  A few minutes later an elderly mare came by and began asking some personal advice on one thing or another, and he gently took her aside for a bit of privacy as he assisted her in what way he could.

Kyslu flashed the officer a smile of thanks, and then he walked out the door. Once outside he looked around, perhaps for other dragons to make easy conversation with, while also gazing at the new scenery.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: the dark gods on 2013 Mar 13, 16:17:40
Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 13, 13:41:22
"San... water."

The flower sprouted a bit of liquid that could pass as water as it danced around and formed figure-eights in a ring about the plant.

"Shi: fire."

His voice suddenly came with confidence, as though this part was by far the most practiced part of his routine.  The flower and metal and water were consumed with a giant fireball, water boiling and plant turning to ash as the metal glowed white-hot and shaped into a delicate dragon shape.

A student at the side nodded, muttering something about "That's Kayagi-kun all right" before being tapped gently on the head by an instructor.  From what little Japony that Physics understood, Ka meant fire and Yagi meant goat.  It was probable that this particular student had quite a bit of innate talent in fire-related magic which compensated for his... poor performance with other elements.

"Go: Earth."

The flames died- reluctantly, it seemed, as ash and steam and molten metal cooled and combined into hard stone and gravel and sand, which then turned back into a ball of energy between the goat's forelegs and flowed back into his body.

There was a bit of quiet applause as the student bowed uncertainly to the Grandmaster, who gave him a reassuring smile and motioned for the next student.

As Kayagi leaves, Physics gives rather loud applause compared to the others, somewhat out of pity for the goat, but mostly for being a pyromaniac himself. Physics continues watching, levitating his note-book and pencil back down so he could see what he was writing as he watched.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 13, 17:10:12
Quote from: Tezaku on 2013 Mar 13, 13:53:17
Thank you he heads to special council garden around the building
The garden is rather small, since space is limited in such a crowded city, but well-kept and tidy.  The pony could hear voices coming from an open veranda up ahead, the greenhouse sparkling in the warm glow of the lighting.  This might be the student council referred to.
Quote from: PPBG on 2013 Mar 13, 15:36:10
Kyslu flashed the officer a smile of thanks, and then he walked out the door. Once outside he looked around, perhaps for other dragons to make easy conversation with, while also gazing at the new scenery.
As before, the streets were crowded with all manner of pedestrians and vehicles.  The katana-wielding mecha bowed slightly as he exited as the officer riding it smiled in a friendly manner.  He could see dragons overhead heading about their business or playing some game with the local magical students and pegasi.
Quote from: the dark gods on 2013 Mar 13, 16:17:40
As Kayagi leaves, Physics gives rather loud applause compared to the others, somewhat out of pity for the goat, but mostly for being a pyromaniac himself. Physics continues watching, levitating his note-book and pencil back down so he could see what he was writing as he watched.
The next student was a mid-ranking student, grave and focused but not completely carefree like the filly or nervous like the goat.  He stood at attention and bowed low to the Grandmaster, who nodded back.

"Form three: Aurora."

There was little fanfare as the student's uniform shimmered into a modest traditional colt's kimono with a small knot in the back.  He rose up on his hind legs and balanced expertly as he worked his front legs.

"Ichi.  World's Shield."

A shimmering force-field appeared around him, curving inwards at his head and where his hind legs were.  It wasn't too amazing or shock-and-awe, but very practical in combat situations.

"Ni.  Star's Light."

Beams of energy streamed from the middle of the shield along the curves, building in strength as they spiraled about quickly and fluidly.

Quote from: Night Pony on 2013 Mar 13, 13:45:43
As soon the cherry blossoms showed up, Moon stopped and just admired their beauty.
"Night, look!" she said but her worlds didn't reach her sister from the loud music. Moon though didn't took her eyes off the blossoms and started to shake her head in tact with the music.
Night was raving the cloud floor with some improvised dance moves.
The solo went on as ponies, robots, goats and spirits all participated in the energetic dance, some incorporating other's movements into their own and some making impressions of the guitar player onstage, with varying degrees of success.

After some time, the solo wound down, and the crowd began organizing itself again.  Someone began waving a glow-stick back and forth in wavelike motions, and others began imitating her.  The music went quiet, until only the voices of the thousands of fans and the filly onstage could be heard as the light from the sticks rippled like waves on a seashore to the acapella "La lala la lalala~" of the group.

A building tension, and then a drop as the entire band kicked back in, with all the singers onstage and the crowd going wild with the last chorus.  Holographic fireworks and real confetti rained all over the stage and onto the audience as the music shook the city's heart and fans of all ages and backgrounds were united in the universal theme of the song.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Night Pony on 2013 Mar 13, 17:16:11
Night and Moon enjoyed the showed until the big drop when they went crazy along with the rest of the crowd.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: PPBG on 2013 Mar 13, 17:26:55
Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 13, 17:10:12
As before, the streets were crowded with all manner of pedestrians and vehicles.  The katana-wielding mecha bowed slightly as he exited as the officer riding it smiled in a friendly manner.  He could see dragons overhead heading about their business or playing some game with the local magical students and pegasi.

Kyslu flew up and joined the other dragons. He simply spectated at first. He didn't see oriental dragons often, since he usually traveled with a western/Equestrian clan. (<draconic>Hmmh. That's nice, that we aren't feared here...</draconic>)
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Tezaku on 2013 Mar 13, 17:33:00
that must be it he heads towards the greenhouse
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: the dark gods on 2013 Mar 13, 17:33:58
Physics nods and writes the motions, words, and effects down, making detailed notes. He decides it would be better to find a official member of this school first so he could sign up.
With one eye he looks for a pony, or whatever species, that looked to be a member of the group, though one that wasn't on stage and performing, and watching said performance with his other eye.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 13, 21:43:14
Quote from: Tezaku on 2013 Mar 13, 17:33:00
that must be it he heads towards the greenhouse
A tiny, hoof-sized alicorn with an oversize head and chubby body teleports in front of him, tilting her head and blinking before SCREAMING "NEWCOMER!!"

About a dozen little alicorns all fly from corners, and many from the pavilion, to see the stranger as four normal-sized ponies walk up with intrigued faces, all wearing school uniforms and the Student Council cloak.

"Calm down, everypony, it's probably a guest," said a blonde colt, smiling.  "Konbanwa.  How might I help you?"

Quote from: PPBG on 2013 Mar 13, 17:26:55
Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 13, 17:10:12
As before, the streets were crowded with all manner of pedestrians and vehicles.  The katana-wielding mecha bowed slightly as he exited as the officer riding it smiled in a friendly manner.  He could see dragons overhead heading about their business or playing some game with the local magical students and pegasi.

Kyslu flew up and joined the other dragons. He simply spectated at first. He didn't see oriental dragons often, since he usually traveled with a western/Equestrian clan. (<draconic>Hmmh. That's nice, that we aren't feared here...</draconic>)
A long dragon with a proud but kindly face flies up (without wings), hovering in midair as she inspects him.  "<draconic>A good evening to you, stranger, and well-met.</draconic>"  She bows deeply to him, and other spirits turn and pause their various errands to bow to the newcomer.

Quote from: the dark gods on 2013 Mar 13, 17:33:58
Physics nods and writes the motions, words, and effects down, making detailed notes. He decides it would be better to find a official member of this school first so he could sign up.
With one eye he looks for a pony, or whatever species, that looked to be a member of the group, though one that wasn't on stage and performing, and watching said performance with his other eye.
A mid-ranking student is standing at attention to the side of the room nearby, apparently there for any guests who had questions afterwards.

"San.  Heavenly Crown, Aurora!"

The energy explodes upwards and downwards in a crown-shape, the edges like daggers as the "aurora" spun in a manner that would both defend the student and destroy an opponent in a real scenario.  The flaming tongues of rainbow light slowly flowed back to the student, around the shield and down to his hooves, dissipating back into his body as the shield collapsed back into his body.
Quote from: Night Pony on 2013 Mar 13, 17:16:11
Night and Moon enjoyed the showed until the big drop when they went crazy along with the rest of the crowd.
The music finally ended with a bang and a loud roar as every goat, pony, robot and spirit on and around the stage just about shouted the last few words of the song, the electric guitar finishing its final chords and stopping in perfect synchronization with the drums.  All the singers onstage bowed as the audience gave a standing ovation; the filly in particular bowed low enough that her artificial mane nearly touched the stage.

"Thank you all for having attended this concert!  This showing was sponsored by..."

The announcer listed off a number of charitable organizations and Zaibatsu, and started on a small advert about donations to charities as the audience picked up items to leave or went forward to take pictures and get autographs from the singers onstage.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: the dark gods on 2013 Mar 13, 21:55:21
Physics finds the students and focuses on the area, teleporting himself, along with his note-pad and pencil too. As he reappears infront of the student he give a quick bow. Forgive my sudden intrusion, but is there anyway for me to join up in this magic class? Physics asks. After the performance of course... Physics adds on, trying to not be rude to the students.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Night Pony on 2013 Mar 14, 05:09:47
Night and Moon collapsed on the cloud having used all of their energy in the last song.
"That was awesome."
"I can't talk. Too tired." they said with heavy breathing between the words.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Tezaku on 2013 Mar 14, 06:32:29
A tiny, hoof-sized alicorn with an oversize head and chubby body teleports in front of him, tilting her head and blinking before SCREAMING "NEWCOMER!!"

About a dozen little alicorns all fly from corners, and many from the pavilion, to see the stranger as four normal-sized ponies walk up with intrigued faces, all wearing school uniforms and the Student Council cloak.

"Calm down, everypony, it's probably a guest," said a blonde colt, smiling.  "Konbanwa.  How might I help you?"

i'm here to learn some spells at the school, and to see i have the "gift" the Kokoro No Tamago, if that's alright
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 14, 17:44:37
Quote from: Tezaku on 2013 Mar 14, 06:32:29
A tiny, hoof-sized alicorn with an oversize head and chubby body teleports in front of him, tilting her head and blinking before SCREAMING "NEWCOMER!!"

About a dozen little alicorns all fly from corners, and many from the pavilion, to see the stranger as four normal-sized ponies walk up with intrigued faces, all wearing school uniforms and the Student Council cloak.

"Calm down, everypony, it's probably a guest," said a blonde colt, smiling.  "Konbanwa.  How might I help you?"

i'm here to learn some spells at the school, and to see i have the "gift" the Kokoro No Tamago, if that's alright
The colt blinked, then LOOKED at him, as though he was seeing something that could not normally be seen by the naked eye.

"The Heart's Seed?  Perhaps you might.  What do you think, Kiseki?"

An authoritative little alicorn who looked remarkably like the blonde colt flew forward and stared at where the new pony's heart would be.

"Faint, but it's there.  There is potential, and even though it hasn't hatched yet, it never died in him, Tadase."

The colt, apparently Hotori Tadase-san, nodded seriously and looked Tezaku in the eye.

"It takes more than just potential to join the Student Council, though."

"He's not asking to join the council," said a prim-looking filly as she sipped a cup of tea.  "All he asks for is instruction, correct?"
Quote from: the dark gods on 2013 Mar 13, 21:55:21
Physics finds the students and focuses on the area, teleporting himself, along with his note-pad and pencil too. As he reappears infront of the student he give a quick bow. Forgive my sudden intrusion, but is there anyway for me to join up in this magic class? Physics asks. After the performance of course... Physics adds on, trying to not be rude to the students.
The student bowed back, speaking quietly.  "Indeed, sir, although the Master will need to test your magical aptitude and current ability first.  If you could stay after the performance, I can speak to him for you.  There's a few forms that might have to be filled, liabilities and mutual agreements and promises and such, but the process should go quickly, sir."

He reached into a small cubbyhole along the wall and pulled out a piece of paper written in Japony and (thankfully) Equestrian.
Quote from: Night Pony on 2013 Mar 14, 05:09:47
Night and Moon collapsed on the cloud having used all of their energy in the last song.
"That was awesome."
"I can't talk. Too tired." they said with heavy breathing between the words.
The singers onstage were giving out autographs as their fans came and went, those with flying or teleporting ability taking the quick way and others filing along in lines to exit.  All about the other ponies were also chatting about the concert and their thoughts and opinions of the performance.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Night Pony on 2013 Mar 14, 17:47:48
Moon crawled to the edge of the cloud.
"Hey look the singers are giving autographs. Want to get one?"
"Not really. We've been to only one concert. And besides we don't have anything to have them sign." Night said while crawling also to the edge of the cloud.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: the dark gods on 2013 Mar 14, 17:50:45
Physics quickly reads over the forum, seeing that there wasn't any insane things he needed to sign, he didn't want to sign himself into slavery or anything of the like. Physics starts filling out his name on the dotted lines, before hoofing the forum back to the student.
So should I talk to the master after this, or what? Physics asks the student, a slightly confused look on his face.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Tezaku on 2013 Mar 14, 17:55:57
The colt blinked, then LOOKED at him, as though he was seeing something that could not normally be seen by the naked eye.

"The Heart's Seed?  Perhaps you might.  What do you think, Kiseki?"

An authoritative little alicorn who looked remarkably like the blonde colt flew forward and stared at where the new pony's heart would be.

"Faint, but it's there.  There is potential, and even though it hasn't hatched yet, it never died in him, Tadase."

The colt, apparently Hotori Tadase-san, nodded seriously and looked Tezaku in the eye.

"It takes more than just potential to join the Student Council, though."

"He's not asking to join the council," said a prim-looking filly as she sipped a cup of tea.  "All he asks for is instruction, correct?"

ace nodded yes
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 15, 12:50:59
Quote from: Tezaku on 2013 Mar 14, 17:55:57
ace nodded yes
The prim filly smiled triumphantly at Hotori-san, who glared back at her before turning to Ace.  "How much do you know about the Guardian Characters and the Heart's Seed?"
Quote from: the dark gods on 2013 Mar 14, 17:50:45
Physics quickly reads over the forum, seeing that there wasn't any insane things he needed to sign, he didn't want to sign himself into slavery or anything of the like. Physics starts filling out his name on the dotted lines, before hoofing the forum back to the student.
So should I talk to the master after this, or what? Physics asks the student, a slightly confused look on his face.
The student nodded as another performer took to the mat.

"The demonstration should not take too long, and the Master will see you as soon as it ends."


Several more students stood and did their routines, culminating with an awesome maneuver by a high-ranking student that seemed to warp the very fabric of reality by the time it was finished.  With quiet applause, the forms were finished, and the Master walked over to the guest.

"My student says you come for instruction?"

Quote from: Night Pony on 2013 Mar 14, 17:47:48
Moon crawled to the edge of the cloud.
"Hey look the singers are giving autographs. Want to get one?"
"Not really. We've been to only one concert. And besides we don't have anything to have them sign." Night said while crawling also to the edge of the cloud.
Fillies, colts, kids and spirits of all ages took pictures with and talked to the singers, especially Hatsune Miku, the teal-maned robot filly.  The colt she had danced with tossed a bunch of souvenir keychains into the air for fans to grab; some of them went quite high, and a few passed quite close to the cloud Night and Moon were on.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Tezaku on 2013 Mar 15, 13:03:01
The prim filly smiled triumphantly at Hotori-san, who glared back at her before turning to Ace.  "How much do you know about the Guardian Characters and the Heart's Seed?"

i don't know much really
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Night Pony on 2013 Mar 15, 13:24:15
Both ponies managed to catch a souvenir with their magic.
"What's this?" Night asked and they looked at them more closely.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: the dark gods on 2013 Mar 15, 16:36:18
Physics gives a nod to the master to indicate his answer. Indeed I do. Physics says, also giving verbal conformation to his answer. The show, it amazed me, and I wanted to be able to do something like it. Physics tells the Master, before bowing to him. And I would be honored to work under you. Physics says.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: ArtVeigar on 2013 Mar 15, 17:22:37
"ARGH, WE ARE GONNA CRASH! BRACE YOURSELFS!" - The ship fell and crashed in the middle of the city with a loud but bouncy sound, as it bounced on the ground and some of the rubber-like material the red ship was made split up into blocks the size of a pony head and got scattered all over the city. Keeping most of it's horizontal speed, the ship hit a giant skyscraper and more of the blocks flew away. Ther were 30 pieces lost in total.

"Ouch.... That hurts..." - A brown earth pony using a black and red jacket got out of ship dragging himself. He put a hoof in his pocket and took out a bottle with a green liquid inside. Opening it, he drank all the liquid in a single gulp, and soon he was with full energy again. - "Much better! Are you guys okay?"
"Guys?" - Sora looked again into the ship and saw nopony inside. - "GUYS!" - He desesperately looked to all sides, and then tried to run with his two rear hoofs, only to fall back down on his four. - "What the... What am I?" - He asked himself, looking at his hoofs, then looking back at his body and tail. - "Am I... A pony? Just what world is this, anyway?"
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: PPBG on 2013 Mar 16, 10:20:30
Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 13, 21:43:14
Quote from: PPBG on 2013 Mar 13, 17:26:55
Kyslu flew up and joined the other dragons. He simply spectated at first. He didn't see oriental dragons often, since he usually traveled with a western/Equestrian clan. (<draconic>Hmmh. That's nice, that we aren't feared here...</draconic>)
A long dragon with a proud but kindly face flies up (without wings), hovering in midair as she inspects him.  "<draconic>A good evening to you, stranger, and well-met.</draconic>"  She bows deeply to him, and other spirits turn and pause their various errands to bow to the newcomer.

"<draconic>Good evening to you as well.</draconic>" Kyslu said as he bowed his head to her in response and then turning to face the other dragons while bowing to them as well. "I thank you for your hospitality in welcoming a stranger."
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 16, 14:05:05
Quote from: Tezaku on 2013 Mar 15, 13:03:01i don't know much really
The colt looks at a pink-maned filly.  "Amu-san, I think you would be most suited to tell our guest... and speaking of which, my name is Hotori Tadase.   I'm the president of the Student Council.  This here is Hinamori Amu, our main purifier.  And the filly sipping tea," he gave her a glare, "would be Mashiro Rima.  The others here are Hiiragi Rikka, who works with Tamago purification, Ichinomiya Hikaru our Guardian Apprentice, Sanjo Kairi, Yuiki Yaya, Soma Kukai, and Fujisaki Nagihiko..."

Tadase coughed slightly and blushed a bit when the colt, who looked remarkably like the filly who had been wearing the kimono from earlier.

"...who is, ah, the BROTHER of Fujisaki Nadeshiko, one of our founding members who is currently, ah, in Equestria taking dance lessons.  And inexplicably comes whenever we need her here."

Nagihiko looked like he wanted to slap Tadase upside the head.

Tadase gestured to all the hoof-sized alicorns surrounding the group of fillies and colts.

"And these are our Shugo Chara, our Guardian Characters.  They are birthed from our Kokoro no Tamago, and represent our would-be selves, our deepest desires and our inmost dreams.  When those dreams are strong enough, and the situation calls for it, most ponies can perform a particular type of magic, though that's quite a different sort than the state-sponsored school magic.  We specialize in Tamago purification."

He put a hoof behind his head.  "And, uh, may I know your name, sir?"
Quote from: Night Pony on 2013 Mar 15, 13:24:15
Both ponies managed to catch a souvenir with their magic.
"What's this?" Night asked and they looked at them more closely.
Night and Moon receive precious magical amulets which could serve passably as starter tools for learning Japonies' version of magic around here, though to most Neighponese citizens they would be considered normal trinkets.
Quote from: the dark gods on 2013 Mar 15, 16:36:18
Physics gives a nod to the master to indicate his answer. Indeed I do. Physics says, also giving verbal conformation to his answer. The show, it amazed me, and I wanted to be able to do something like it. Physics tells the Master, before bowing to him. And I would be honored to work under you. Physics says.
The Master looks over him gravely.  "It will be a difficult task.  Not many can endure the vigor through which I put my students.  What experience do you have with magic, Mister...?"
Quote from: PPBG on 2013 Mar 16, 10:20:30
"<draconic>Good evening to you as well.</draconic>" Kyslu said as he bowed his head to her in response and then turning to face the other dragons while bowing to them as well. "I thank you for your hospitality in welcoming a stranger."
They nod politely as the first dragon smiles.  "<draconic>And we thank you for coming to our lands.  I am called Akiyama Yoshie, meaining Beautiful River in the Autumn Mountains.  I am the dragon-spirit of the Yoshie river north of here.  I would be honored to know your name.</draconic>"
Quote from: ArtVeigar on 2013 Mar 15, 17:22:37
"ARGH, WE ARE GONNA CRASH! BRACE YOURSELFS!" - The ship fell and crashed in the middle of the city with a loud but bouncy sound, as it bounced on the ground and some of the rubber-like material the red ship was made split up into blocks the size of a pony head and got scattered all over the city. Keeping most of it's horizontal speed, the ship hit a giant skyscraper and more of the blocks flew away. Ther were 30 pieces lost in total.

"Ouch.... That hurts..." - A brown earth pony using a black and red jacket got out of ship dragging himself. He put a hoof in his pocket and took out a bottle with a green liquid inside. Opening it, he drank all the liquid in a single gulp, and soon he was with full energy again. - "Much better! Are you guys okay?"
"Guys?" - Sora looked again into the ship and saw nopony inside. - "GUYS!" - He desesperately looked to all sides, and then tried to run with his two rear hoofs, only to fall back down on his four. - "What the... What am I?" - He asked himself, looking at his hoofs, then looking back at his body and tail. - "Am I... A pony? Just what world is this, anyway?"
Ponies and goats and robots wearing kimonos, sailor uniforms and other clothing stared as multiple samurai riding in mechas and holding laser katanas flew or walked over, looking incredulously at the pony as if he was something out of an anime ((irony lol)).  Strange spirits and dragons floating in the air whispered to each other about their wild theories as to the newcomer's origin.

When it became rather evident that the pony wasn't exactly a kaiju or a threat, one of the authoritative-looking mecha riders walked forward.

"Uh, sir... first of all, are you all right?"
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Tezaku on 2013 Mar 16, 14:12:24
QuoteThe colt looks at a pink-maned filly.  "Amu-san, I think you would be most suited to tell our guest... and speaking of which, my name is Hotori Tadase.   I'm the president of the Student Council.  This here is Hinamori Amu, our main purifier.  And the filly sipping tea," he gave her a glare, "would be Mashiro Rima.  The others here are Hiiragi Rikka, who works with Tamago purification, Ichinomiya Hikaru our Guardian Apprentice, Sanjo Kairi, Yuiki Yaya, Soma Kukai, and Fujisaki Nagihiko..."

Tadase coughed slightly and blushed a bit when the colt, who looked remarkably like the filly who had been wearing the kimono from earlier.

"...who is, ah, the BROTHER of Fujisaki Nadeshiko, one of our founding members who is currently, ah, in Equestria taking dance lessons.  And inexplicably comes whenever we need her here."

Nagihiko looked like he wanted to slap Tadase upside the head.

Tadase gestured to all the hoof-sized alicorns surrounding the group of fillies and colts.

"And these are our Shugo Chara, our Guardian Characters.  They are birthed from our Kokoro no Tamago, and represent our would-be selves, our deepest desires and our inmost dreams.  When those dreams are strong enough, and the situation calls for it, most ponies can perform a particular type of magic, though that's quite a different sort than the state-sponsored school magic.  We specialize in Tamago purification."

He put a hoof behind his head.  "And, uh, may I know your name, sir?"

My name is Ace,
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: PPBG on 2013 Mar 16, 14:20:08
Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 16, 14:05:05
They nod politely as the first dragon smiles.  "<draconic>And we thank you for coming to our lands.  I am called Akiyama Yoshie, meaining Beautiful River in the Autumn Mountains.  I am the dragon-spirit of the Yoshie river north of here.  I would be honored to know your name.</draconic>"

((I just noticed that I didn't put the "draconic" tags. Just assume that they are there if I forget again. If he's talking with simple sentences and basic grammar, he's probably speaking in English.))

"<draconic>My name is Kyslu. It's a pleasure to meet you.</draconic>" he replied while thinking,(<draconic>Interesting. I've never met a dragon spirit before.</draconic>)
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: ArtVeigar on 2013 Mar 16, 14:28:09
Sora was surrunded by samurais riding mechas with laser katanas all of a sudden, and there were a crowd of ponies, goats and robots looking at them. Never seeing anything like that, he got startled and gave some steps back, getting closers to the ship. And when one of them walked foward to him, he backed off a little more, but was a little more relived when he asked if he was okay.

"Y...yes, I'm okay, thanks. We just had a bad landing, hehe..." - He rubbed the back of his neck with a hoof and laughed awkwardly. But then, his face got serious all of a sudden. - "Oh, and have you seen any of my friends falling from the ship?" - He asked with am urgent tone in his voice. - "There were two friends with me, and they disappeared after the crashing."
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Night Pony on 2013 Mar 16, 15:06:34
"I don't know. They look like trinkets."
"Cool souvenir." and then both put their trinket in their bags that contained some basic stuff like money and food.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: the dark gods on 2013 Mar 16, 18:02:26
Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 16, 14:05:05
Quote from: the dark gods on 2013 Mar 15, 16:36:18
Physics gives a nod to the master to indicate his answer. Indeed I do. Physics says, also giving verbal conformation to his answer. The show, it amazed me, and I wanted to be able to do something like it. Physics tells the Master, before bowing to him. And I would be honored to work under you. Physics says.
The Master looks over him gravely.  "It will be a difficult task.  Not many can endure the vigor through which I put my students.  What experience do you have with magic, Mister...?"

Physics, Physics Shift. Physics tells the Master his name, smiling with some pride at the sound of it. As for my experience, I've had a few magical tutors as a child, and some self teaching aswell... Physics tells the Master. Though I'm sure it's nothing compared to what you can teach me. Physics says, knowing that giving a little ego buffer would help him get in.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 17, 21:30:53
Quote from: Tezaku on 2013 Mar 16, 14:12:24
My name is Ace,
The ponies nod, although Hotori-san seems uncomfortable.

"It is an honor to meet you... but do you have a family name by which we might call you?  Or, perhaps, um, may we speak to you by your first name?"

Ace recalled that Neighponese etiquette required that only true and trusted friends closer than family be able to refer to each other by first name, and that even good friends here usually called each other by last name.

Quote from: PPBG on 2013 Mar 16, 14:20:08
"<draconic>My name is Kyslu. It's a pleasure to meet you.</draconic>" he replied while thinking,(<draconic>Interesting. I've never met a dragon spirit before.</draconic>)
Akiyama-san's eyes danced.  "It is an honor to meet you as well, Kyslu-san.  If it would not be rude, might I ask, what brings you to Neighpon?"
Quote from: ArtVeigar on 2013 Mar 16, 14:28:09
Sora was surrunded by samurais riding mechas with laser katanas all of a sudden, and there were a crowd of ponies, goats and robots looking at them. Never seeing anything like that, he got startled and gave some steps back, getting closers to the ship. And when one of them walked foward to him, he backed off a little more, but was a little more relived when he asked if he was okay.

"Y...yes, I'm okay, thanks. We just had a bad landing, hehe..." - He rubbed the back of his neck with a hoof and laughed awkwardly. But then, his face got serious all of a sudden. - "Oh, and have you seen any of my friends falling from the ship?" - He asked with am urgent tone in his voice. - "There were two friends with me, and they disappeared after the crashing."
The samurai looked at the others, who shook their heads doubtfully.

"There was a bit of rubble, and a few citizens were injured by the crash..." said the stallion carefully.  "As it is, however, there did not seem to be any living thing that fell from the sky... where exactly did you... come from?"

He was obviously uncertain how to address such a strange newcomer, and was blanking as to protocol (which would have been much sterner and legally phrased).  Though kindly and courteous, the Japonies were generally disinclined to sudden change or disruption of their everyday lives, a commonality they shared with Canterlot ponies in Equestria.
Quote from: Night Pony on 2013 Mar 16, 15:06:34
"I don't know. They look like trinkets."
"Cool souvenir." and then both put their trinket in their bags that contained some basic stuff like money and food.
The area around the stage began emptying as the fans were satisfied, and the singers began packing up their equipment.  Hatsune-san was walking over to a wireless charging station and looking at a holographic panel built into her foreleg, though she courteously accepted some barley tea from a thoughtful associate.  Apparently the tea was consumable by robots, or at least her model used some technology that allowed them to have a functional digestive track.
Quote from: the dark gods on 2013 Mar 16, 18:02:26
Physics, Physics Shift. Physics tells the Master his name, smiling with some pride at the sound of it. As for my experience, I've had a few magical tutors as a child, and some self teaching aswell... Physics tells the Master. Though I'm sure it's nothing compared to what you can teach me. Physics says, knowing that giving a little ego buffer would help him get in.
The Master nods gravely, though his face remains unreadable.  "I do not doubt your ability with Equestrian magic, Shift-san.  You may find, however, that our concept of magic differs slightly from your system in the theory, although perhaps we are not so different in terms of application.  Are you familiar with our philosophy regarding the Internal Energy and the Harmonic Balance?"
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: the dark gods on 2013 Mar 17, 21:38:41
Physics shakes his head in a no. I have not heard of this so called "Internal energies of the harmonic balance", though I have had a few discussions with one of the elements of harmony on the nature of magic at a few points in my life... Physics tells the Master. And I know of differences in magic, not as drastic as Equestrian and Neighpony styles, but each school of magic is subtly different in how it's casted, and I atleast know the difference between them... Physics says, thinking that this would help him get into the school.
If you need to teach me as you would teach a foal casting his first spell, so be it, I'm willing to learn. Physics tells the Master.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: ArtVeigar on 2013 Mar 17, 23:16:28
"I... uhm... came from..." - Sora got uneasy, scratching the back of his neck and looking around as not to face the police man. He was said that, when traveling through worlds, he should keep discretion as not to change the flow of history in each world. But in the situation, he just didn't have the choice. He fell from the sky in a giant rubber ship. - "Wait, did you said there were people injured? Are they fine? If I can do anything, I know some magic that can help and have some potions in stock." - He said, worried about the ones he might have injured and trying to change the subject.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Night Pony on 2013 Mar 18, 08:03:51
"Where shall we go now?"
"Hmm...let's see." said Night and started looking around. "Look for something interesting."
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 18, 13:29:17
Quote from: the dark gods on 2013 Mar 17, 21:38:41
Physics shakes his head in a no. I have not heard of this so called "Internal energies of the harmonic balance", though I have had a few discussions with one of the elements of harmony on the nature of magic at a few points in my life... Physics tells the Master. And I know of differences in magic, not as drastic as Equestrian and Neighpony styles, but each school of magic is subtly different in how it's casted, and I atleast know the difference between them... Physics says, thinking that this would help him get into the school.
If you need to teach me as you would teach a foal casting his first spell, so be it, I'm willing to learn. Physics tells the Master.
The Master thinks deeply.  "So be it, then.  There will be a few things to agree upon, of course, concerning financial and legal agreements..."

((optional scene regarding paying for instruction, agreeing to absolve the studio of responsibility regarding injury during sparring and demonstration, etc etc))

Quote from: ArtVeigar on 2013 Mar 17, 23:16:28
"I... uhm... came from..." - Sora got uneasy, scratching the back of his neck and looking around as not to face the police man. He was said that, when traveling through worlds, he should keep discretion as not to change the flow of history in each world. But in the situation, he just didn't have the choice. He fell from the sky in a giant rubber ship. - "Wait, did you said there were people injured? Are they fine? If I can do anything, I know some magic that can help and have some potions in stock." - He said, worried about the ones he might have injured and trying to change the subject.
"Our medical teams and search-and-rescue drones have already been dispatched; it should be a relatively simple and quick matter to home in on their keitai denwa and to repair any bodily damage with nanotechnology," said the samurai, lifting an eyebrow.

"You did not answer our questions, sir.  Who are you, and where do you come from?  And with what intent did you come to Neighpon?  Do you have immigration papers?"
Quote from: Night Pony on 2013 Mar 18, 08:03:51
"Where shall we go now?"
"Hmm...let's see." said Night and started looking around. "Look for something interesting."
The two suddenly saw a burst of light as a giant rubber space-ship, obviously not of Neighponese make, crash against several buildings and fall to the streets below; within moments emergency crews were tending to the injured and repair drones were fixing the damage.  Several police mecha were already at the scene, and one of the samurai was questioning the odd, lost-looking pony who crawled out of the wreckage.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Tezaku on 2013 Mar 18, 13:42:39
(thought i answered that, oh well)

my name is Ace
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: ArtVeigar on 2013 Mar 18, 14:00:13
Sora didn't understand almost nothing of what the samurai said, but it seems that the injured ones will be fine, what relived Sora a little. But then, the samurai questioned about his origins again, making Sora look troubled again. - "Uh... Well..." - He didn't know what to do. The samurai looked like an authority in that world, so it would be best to say the truth. He could even help him fix the ship and find his friends, and maybe tell some information about this world's keyhole. Sora looked to both sides to see if there were much people listening. Seeing the crowd, he leaned foward to the guard and, putting a hoof at the side of his mouth, as to cover his lips so none could read it, he whispered. - "I'm from another world. If possible, could we go somewhere without so many people looking? I'm not supposed to draw this much attention..."
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 18, 14:28:05
Quote from: Tezaku on 2013 Mar 18, 13:42:39
(thought i answered that, oh well)

my name is Ace
The pony shook his head.  "No, no, I mean... how do I explain it, you Equestrians have what you call 'first' and 'last' names, ne?  Do you have a... 'last name' that we may call you by?  It is generally considered rude to call somepony by their... 'first name' here... unless they give permission to, of course."
Quote from: ArtVeigar on 2013 Mar 18, 14:00:13
Sora didn't understand almost nothing of what the samurai said, but it seems that the injured ones will be fine, what relived Sora a little. But then, the samurai questioned about his origins again, making Sora look troubled again. - "Uh... Well..." - He didn't know what to do. The samurai looked like an authority in that world, so it would be best to say the truth. He could even help him fix the ship and find his friends, and maybe tell some information about this world's keyhole. Sora looked to both sides to see if there were much people listening. Seeing the crowd, he leaned foward to the guard and, putting a hoof at the side of his mouth, as to cover his lips so none could read it, he whispered. - "I'm from another world. If possible, could we go somewhere without so many people looking? I'm not supposed to draw this much attention..."
The guard blinked, then his mouth firmed and he nodded.  "Very well."

Out loud: "Well, seems all is in order.  The Empire can take care of the rest.  Thank you all for your concern," which was Neighponese code for "get back to whatever you were doing" and "this is none of your business".  Citizenry bowed and backed away as the other mechas took position, lifting the large ship as if it were made of air in order to move it out of the way.  The officer who had addressed Sora first motioned towards a small building with the word "Koban" and "Police Box" written on the side.

"If you would, please, sir."
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Tezaku on 2013 Mar 18, 14:40:09
QuoteThe pony shook his head.  "No, no, I mean... how do I explain it, you Equestrians have what you call 'first' and 'last' names, ne?  Do you have a... 'last name' that we may call you by?  It is generally considered rude to call somepony by their... 'first name' here... unless they give permission to, of course."

it's just ace, but i guess i'll have to think of a last name (i'm no good with names, i could have Ace Space but i am not sure)
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: the dark gods on 2013 Mar 18, 16:33:01
Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 18, 13:29:17
Quote from: the dark gods on 2013 Mar 17, 21:38:41
Physics shakes his head in a no. I have not heard of this so called "Internal energies of the harmonic balance", though I have had a few discussions with one of the elements of harmony on the nature of magic at a few points in my life... Physics tells the Master. And I know of differences in magic, not as drastic as Equestrian and Neighpony styles, but each school of magic is subtly different in how it's casted, and I atleast know the difference between them... Physics says, thinking that this would help him get into the school.
If you need to teach me as you would teach a foal casting his first spell, so be it, I'm willing to learn. Physics tells the Master.
The Master thinks deeply.  "So be it, then.  There will be a few things to agree upon, of course, concerning financial and legal agreements..."

((optional scene regarding paying for instruction, agreeing to absolve the studio of responsibility regarding injury during sparring and demonstration, etc etc))

You mean the sign-up sheet didn't cover all that jazz?  o.O Physics tells The Master.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: ArtVeigar on 2013 Mar 18, 16:48:48
"Right" - Sora followed the officer and entered the cabin. Inside there, Sora started to talk. - "Usually I shouldn't tell anyone about this, but this time I have no choice, do I" - He smiled awkwardly, as if doing a last try, but he already knew it would be useless, so he keep talking, - "Well, it will be a lot easier if you recognized this." - Suddenly, in a bright flash, a key-shaped sword appeared at Sora's mouth. He put it over a nearby table. - "This is a keyblade. As I've been told, it's able to open and close any lock, even the ones to the door of the world's heart. I don't know if they have appeared here, but there are some dark creatures called 'heartless' that also want to find this door, and if they do, they will consume the heart, making the world succumb to darkness and disappear. That was what happened to my world." - Sora stopped for a while, his face turning from serious to sad. But then, it was strong and determined all of a sudden, with even a small smile. - "So, me and two friends, the ones I metioned earlier, went on a quest to lock these doors to the world's heart to protect them, while we also search for other friends who went missing. That's why I ask your help: If you find any other person who didn't seem to be from here, or if you know anything about this strange dark creatures or about this world's door, please, tell me! And if you could guard my ship until I find the missing parts, I'll be really thankfull!" - He said with a big smile.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Night Pony on 2013 Mar 18, 17:33:24
"Let's check it out." said Night after seeing the crash and without waiting for a reply from her sister she started to push the cloud and position it above the crash.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: PPBG on 2013 Mar 18, 19:17:18
Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 17, 21:30:53
Akiyama-san's eyes danced.  "It is an honor to meet you as well, Kyslu-san.  If it would not be rude, might I ask, what brings you to Neighpon?"

Kyslu smiled at her for the polite reply, even if it was only a formality. His heart fluttered; he had never formally met a she-dragon before and was exited to do so. Furthermore, he did not wish to lie to her, but he was also ashamed of him losing track of his clan, so he did anyway without much thought."<draconic>I came here because I wanted to visit. This is my first time near here --I was on a dragon migration.</draconic>"
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 18, 21:18:02
Quote from: Tezaku on 2013 Mar 18, 14:40:09
it's just ace, but i guess i'll have to think of a last name (i'm no good with names, i could have Ace Space but i am not sure)
Hotori-san bowed.  "It is an honor to meet you, then, Ace-san."

The rest of the ponies and little alicorns bowed as well.
Quote from: the dark gods on 2013 Mar 18, 16:33:01
You mean the sign-up sheet didn't cover all that jazz?  o.O Physics tells The Master.
The old stallion smiled.  "Technically and legally, yes.  Upon my honor, however, I would not have anyone entering a contract with which they were not thoroughly familiar.  No fine print or lawyer's loopholes here.  If you understand everything, and are entirely satisfied with the conditions, of course, we may commence with training now.  Unless you have a particular time that you wish to set as training hours?  That, too, might be discussed if desired, before formal training begins."
Quote from: Night Pony on 2013 Mar 18, 17:33:24
"Let's check it out." said Night after seeing the crash and without waiting for a reply from her sister she started to push the cloud and position it above the crash.
The ponies see Sora following the officer into a police box as others began lifting away the wreckage.  There was a flash of strange light through the windows...
Quote from: ArtVeigar on 2013 Mar 18, 16:48:48
"Right" - Sora followed the officer and entered the cabin. Inside there, Sora started to talk. - "Usually I shouldn't tell anyone about this, but this time I have no choice, do I" - He smiled awkwardly, as if doing a last try, but he already knew it would be useless, so he keep talking, - "Well, it will be a lot easier if you recognized this." - Suddenly, in a bright flash, a key-shaped sword appeared at Sora's mouth. He put it over a nearby table. - "This is a keyblade. As I've been told, it's able to open and close any lock, even the ones to the door of the world's heart. I don't know if they have appeared here, but there are some dark creatures called 'heartless' that also want to find this door, and if they do, they will consume the heart, making the world succumb to darkness and disappear. That was what happened to my world." - Sora stopped for a while, his face turning from serious to sad. But then, it was strong and determined all of a sudden, with even a small smile. - "So, me and two friends, the ones I metioned earlier, went on a quest to lock these doors to the world's heart to protect them, while we also search for other friends who went missing. That's why I ask your help: If you find any other person who didn't seem to be from here, or if you know anything about this strange dark creatures or about this world's door, please, tell me! And if you could guard my ship until I find the missing parts, I'll be really thankfull!" - He said with a big smile.
The officer had gotten out of his giant robot suit, reveling himself a surprisingly normal-sized stallion as he ushered the pony into the koban.  He sat down on a comfortable-looking chair and listened closely to the Sora's story, then leaned back and thought deeply for a while.  When he finally replied, he was cautious, and spoke slowly.

"There have been reports from the borders of the Empire on occasion.  Equestria, also, has occasionally requested similar information from the highest levels of the military, from the Shogun and the Emperor Himself.  The Japonies' Self Defense Force has been working vigorously to respond to all threats as much as possible; it is one reason we have integrated the military and surveillance technology into almost every aspect of life.  Even our schools train students to think of battle as a form of entertainment and adventure, and our streets are policed with machines more than capable of taking on rogue kaiju colossi one-on-one.  For all our preparation and efforts to maintain peace through military, magical and technological superiority, however, there are always certain events against which we cannot plan."

He stood and began pacing the room.  "Nightmare Moon was one example, although we did make enough fail-safes that the entire empire was quickly placed under a force-field and an artificial sun the second time She returned.  The Day of Discord was another example.  Fortunately, some of our elite operatives driving the Gurren Lagaan and the Chaos Containment mahou shoujo/puella magi were able to keep the empire safe at the cost of only about a thousand souls."

His face was impassive as he listed the number.  "We are trained and prepared for war, though none of us desire it.  The forces we deal with every day, from Discord and Chrysalis to Sombra and Nightmare Moon, are not simple problems that can be wished away with rainbows and good cheery feelings.  Each one of us understands the risk and the need to do what is necessary in order to protect home and family.  It would be blasphemous to slander the memory of those who give up themselves for the good of the nation.  The Shinigami and the team of Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagaan under General Kamina have been negotiating with Kyuubey to buy back the souls of the fallen so that they can at least continue their lives as honored ghosts and spirits, but even if such proves impossible, thanks should be given for their willingness to sacrifice."

He turned and looked critically at the keyblade.  "There has been one incident that I can recall.  A pony by the name of Lloyd, a long, long time ago, used a weapon of a similar description.  There have occasionally been others as well, at rare intervals in our world's history.  But no, I do not believe there has been any recent event regarding the shadow creatures you mention."

((hey, anime has its dark parts too :]))
Quote from: PPBG on 2013 Mar 18, 19:17:18
Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 17, 21:30:53
Akiyama-san's eyes danced.  "It is an honor to meet you as well, Kyslu-san.  If it would not be rude, might I ask, what brings you to Neighpon?"

Kyslu smiled at her for the polite reply, even if it was only a formality. His heart fluttered; he had never formally met a she-dragon before and was exited to do so. Furthermore, he did not wish to lie to her, but he was also ashamed of him losing track of his clan, so he did anyway without much thought."<draconic>I came here because I wanted to visit. This is my first time near here --I was on a dragon migration.</draconic>"
The other dragon twisted itself in a complex pattern, as if in thought.  "<draconic>A dragon migration?  We have had a few in the last few thousand years.  Are they not once in a generation?  We don't usually go places like our siblings in the West.</draconic>"
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: PPBG on 2013 Mar 18, 21:24:48
((Assuming Equestria/the Earth or whatever they call it is like ours.))

"<draconic>Yea, they are quite scarce. About flight paths, we frost dragons usually migrate full circle around the planet.</draconic>" he said while smiling proudly. This was true, they did in fact usually travel full circle, even if Kyslu was currently a bit to east of the flight plan. ((I imagine them flying through an area similar to the middle of China.))
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: the dark gods on 2013 Mar 18, 21:30:30
Physics thinks for a moment. I trust you to be fair in your legal arrangements... Physics says, feeling something trustworthy about the Master. And I would like to start the training now, no need to waste time. Physics says, wanting to get straight to work on this magic training.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 18, 21:42:58
Quote from: PPBG on 2013 Mar 18, 21:24:48
((Assuming Equestria/the Earth or whatever they call it is like ours.))

"<draconic>Yea, they are quite scarce. About flight paths, we frost dragons usually migrate full circle around the planet.</draconic>" he said while smiling proudly. This was true, they did in fact usually travel full circle, even if Kyslu was currently a bit to east of the flight plan. ((I imagine them flying through an area similar to the middle of China.))
Akiyama-san nodded understandingly.  "<draconic>It must be difficult, flying such a distance in one go and leaving home for so long."
Quote from: the dark gods on 2013 Mar 18, 21:30:30
Physics thinks for a moment. I trust you to be fair in your legal arrangements... Physics says, feeling something trustworthy about the Master. And I would like to start the training now, no need to waste time. Physics says, wanting to get straight to work on this magic training.
The old Master smiled almost playfully for a moment before turning dead serious.  "Kiotsuke! Rei!" he shouted.  "Attention!  Bow!"
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: the dark gods on 2013 Mar 18, 22:02:57
Physics tries to quickly think of what to do. He had no idea what the "attention" was, so he remembered the first thing that involved attention was, the military, and how they stood at attention. Physics quickly puts his hooves close together in two pairs, front touch front, back touching back, the sudden jerking movement was more of a leap then a sliding of hooves, causing him to lose balance for a second before regaining second, he gives a quick bow to the Master, bending his frontal hooves and presenting the most vulnerable part of his body to the Master as a sign of respect, the back of his head.
Physics stays in the bowing position, sweat rolling down his face as he wondered if he should go back to his last stance now, or stay in the bow.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Night Pony on 2013 Mar 19, 08:20:39
"I wonder who is that." said Night when she saw Sora.
"Let's check it out." she continued and brought the cloud to the ground so Moon could get off.
"I don't think we should be here." Moon said but Night was already sneaking by the police box and took a peak through the window.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Tezaku on 2013 Mar 19, 09:44:01

QuoteHotori-san bowed.  "It is an honor to meet you, then, Ace-san."

The rest of the ponies and little alicorns bowed as well.

he bows back to them nice to meet you too[color]
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 19, 12:15:53
Quote from: the dark gods on 2013 Mar 18, 22:02:57
Physics tries to quickly think of what to do. He had no idea what the "attention" was, so he remembered the first thing that involved attention was, the military, and how they stood at attention. Physics quickly puts his hooves close together in two pairs, front touch front, back touching back, the sudden jerking movement was more of a leap then a sliding of hooves, causing him to lose balance for a second before regaining second, he gives a quick bow to the Master, bending his frontal hooves and presenting the most vulnerable part of his body to the Master as a sign of respect, the back of his head.
Physics stays in the bowing position, sweat rolling down his face as he wondered if he should go back to his last stance now, or stay in the bow.
The Master's eye twinkled with amusement as he said softly, "Very good.  Return to attention upon completion of a bow.  The next stance, Seiza, is a kneeling stance with all four knees touching the tatami and folded completely.  Keep them under your body, and distribute your weight across them and the side of the hoof touching the mat."

Out loud: "Three paces back!  Seiza!"
Quote from: Night Pony on 2013 Mar 19, 08:20:39
"I wonder who is that." said Night when she saw Sora.
"Let's check it out." she continued and brought the cloud to the ground so Moon could get off.
"I don't think we should be here." Moon said but Night was already sneaking by the police box and took a peak through the window.
Night could see the reflection of the ponies inside through the blinds; one was holding something that looked like a key and a sword at the same time, while the other, an officer, was pacing about and ranting about something.  It was hard to hear through the wall, but she thought she heard the words "another world" and "technological superiority" several times from one pony or the other.
Quote from: Tezaku on 2013 Mar 19, 09:44:01

QuoteHotori-san bowed.  "It is an honor to meet you, then, Ace-san."

The rest of the ponies and little alicorns bowed as well.

he bows back to them nice to meet you too[color]
"What is your heart's desire, Ace-san?" asked one of the others, the one earlier called Hinamori-san.  "What is your hontou no jibun, your True Self, the self you are without the mask of social acceptance?  And what is your Naritai Jibun, your Would-Be Self, the self you truly wish to be?  Knowing that is the first step to unlocking your potential and hatching your Shugo Chara, the Guardian Character that represents your potential."

Hinamori-san pointed at the four little alicorns floating around her head.  "These are my Shugo Chara; I have four because there are four principle things I knew since foalhood that I truly wished for, rather than a single purpose."
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Night Pony on 2013 Mar 19, 12:22:22
"I wonder what they are talking about." said Night to herself.
"Talk about what?" Moon said next to her which surprised Night.
"For Luna's sake don't sneak up on me like that!"
"But we're sneaking right now?"
"That's different. See if you can hear something."
"This won't end well." said Moon and put an ear on the door in hopes to hear better while Night continued to watch them.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: PPBG on 2013 Mar 19, 12:26:16
Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 18, 21:42:58
Akiyama-san nodded understandingly.  "<draconic>It must be difficult, flying such a distance in one go and leaving home for so long."

"<draconic>Mm. Good thing there aren't to many of them.</draconic>" he said half playfully, half seriously. "<draconic>So, what were you guys --and gals-- doing before I, uh, interrupted?</draconic>"
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: FlameandIce on 2013 Mar 19, 12:39:42
((so what's going on here I completely forgot about this RP))
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 19, 12:49:11
Quote from: Night Pony on 2013 Mar 19, 12:22:22
"I wonder what they are talking about." said Night to herself.
"Talk about what?" Moon said next to her which surprised Night.
"For Luna's sake don't sneak up on me like that!"
"But we're sneaking right now?"
"That's different. See if you can hear something."
"This won't end well." said Moon and put an ear on the door in hopes to hear better while Night continued to watch them.

As she pressed against the door, she could hear snippets of the conversation.

"...are trained and prepared for war, though none of us desire it... Discord and Chrysalis to Sombra and Nightmare Moon... wished away with rainbows and good cheery feelings... the risk and the need to do what is necessary in order to protect home and family... Shinigami and the team of Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagaan under General Kamina have been negotiating with Kyuubey... at least continue their lives as honored ghosts and spirits... willingness to sacrifice... name of Lloyd, a long, long time ago, used a weapon of a similar description... shadow creatures you mention."
Quote from: PPBG on 2013 Mar 19, 12:26:16
Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 18, 21:42:58
Akiyama-san nodded understandingly.  "<draconic>It must be difficult, flying such a distance in one go and leaving home for so long."

"<draconic>Mm. Good thing there aren't to many of them.</draconic>" he said half playfully, half seriously. "<draconic>So, what were you guys --and gals-- doing before I, uh, interrupted?</draconic>"
The female dragon chuckled.  "<draconic>Depends on who you refer to.</draconic>"

She gestured to the many spirits who had already gone on their way to return to their previous tasks.  "<draconic>Some of us assist the spirits and the other citizens, some peruse the ancient libraries, some simply travel from one end of their rivers to the other.  I was playing a little game with these magical students I like to call 'pearl chaser'.</draconic>"

She smiled wryly.  "<draconic>They get a ball that they can TRY to keep away from me, and I get to chase them across the sky like the little foals they are.</draconic>"

The fillies and colts being referred to giggled.
Quote from: FlameandIce on 2013 Mar 19, 12:39:42
((so what's going on here I completely forgot about this RP))
((a lot.  somepony crashed in from the Kingdom Hearts world, another is taking magical lessons with a dojo, another just finished a concert, another is conversing with the dragons around here.))
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Night Pony on 2013 Mar 19, 12:54:17
"They are talking something about Discord,Chrysalis, Sombra and Nightmare Moon. Though I can hardly understand what exactly." said Moon.
"I wonder why that pony has a giant key. Do they make doors that big?"
"I haven't seen any doors for that kind of key."
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Tezaku on 2013 Mar 19, 13:31:24
well, what i would like to be, is a hero
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: ArtVeigar on 2013 Mar 19, 13:33:32
"Other keyblade wielders!?" - Sora asked surprised - "But it was in the past, right? And, well, that may explains why there is no heartless here. They've probably taken measures agains them." - He picked his keyblade from the table and, with the same bright flash, it vanished in the air. - "And you guys seems to have lots of trouble, huh? I wish I could help... If you need any reinforcements while I'm here, you can count on me!" - He said with a determined face, hitting his chest with a hoof as to show strength.

Sora stood up and, bowing, said - "Thanks for everything, sir! I need to start searching for my friends and for the missing parts of my ship. I'm really getting worried about them... Again, if you find any sign of any, please, tell me!" - Then, he walked to the exit, but then he stopped and looked back - "Oh! And if you can keep this meeting a secret, I would be really thankful!" - He said with a whispering voice and putting a hoof in front of his mouth, as a sign of silence.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: the dark gods on 2013 Mar 19, 14:11:57
Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 19, 12:15:53
Quote from: the dark gods on 2013 Mar 18, 22:02:57
Physics tries to quickly think of what to do. He had no idea what the "attention" was, so he remembered the first thing that involved attention was, the military, and how they stood at attention. Physics quickly puts his hooves close together in two pairs, front touch front, back touching back, the sudden jerking movement was more of a leap then a sliding of hooves, causing him to lose balance for a second before regaining second, he gives a quick bow to the Master, bending his frontal hooves and presenting the most vulnerable part of his body to the Master as a sign of respect, the back of his head.
Physics stays in the bowing position, sweat rolling down his face as he wondered if he should go back to his last stance now, or stay in the bow.
The Master's eye twinkled with amusement as he said softly, "Very good.  Return to attention upon completion of a bow.  The next stance, Seiza, is a kneeling stance with all four knees touching the tatami and folded completely.  Keep them under your body, and distribute your weight across them and the side of the hoof touching the mat."

Physics rises backs to to the attention stance, before taking in what the Master just said about this stance.
Seiza... Physics whispers to himself, as if he was testing out the word for himself, feeling the syllables on his tongue, as he does the motion, bending his knees down so he was in a sort of sitting position, his legs bent making a sort of bed under him.
This right? Physics asks the Master in slight confusion.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 19, 15:31:07
Quote from: Night Pony on 2013 Mar 19, 12:54:17
"They are talking something about Discord,Chrysalis, Sombra and Nightmare Moon. Though I can hardly understand what exactly." said Moon.
"I wonder why that pony has a giant key. Do they make doors that big?"
"I haven't seen any doors for that kind of key."
As they listen closely, they can hear an outburst from Sora:
Quote from: ArtVeigar on 2013 Mar 19, 13:33:32
"Other keyblade wielders!?" - Sora asked surprised - "But it was in the past, right? And, well, that may explains why there is no heartless here. They've probably taken measures against them." - He picked his keyblade from the table and, with the same bright flash, it vanished in the air. - "And you guys seems to have lots of trouble, huh? I wish I could help... If you need any reinforcements while I'm here, you can count on me!" - He said with a determined face, hitting his chest with a hoof as to show strength.

Sora stood up and, bowing, said - "Thanks for everything, sir! I need to start searching for my friends and for the missing parts of my ship. I'm really getting worried about them... Again, if you find any sign of any, please, tell me!" - Then, he walked to the exit, but then he stopped and looked back - "Oh! And if you can keep this meeting a secret, I would be really thankful!" - He said with a whispering voice and putting a hoof in front of his mouth, as a sign of silence.
The officer nodded gravely, then held up a hoof.

"Before you depart, you will need to be registered into the system of current temporary residents; we have enough trouble finding and helping lost guests already in the system without the added trouble of not knowing who is friend and foe.  I don't suppose you have any living quarters or money to purchase food with at the moment?"
Quote from: Tezaku on 2013 Mar 19, 13:31:24
well, what i would like to be, is a hero
Hinamori-san smiled.  "Yes... indeed, you do wish to be a hero.  But the wish is not quite strong enough yet.  Perhaps, through training and continued efforts, you will indeed be able to bring that dream close enough to become a real goal, important enough to become manifest."

Hotori-san tilted his head to the side.  "You might join our Guardian Apprentice over here too.  He doesn't know exactly what he wishes to be, but perhaps the two of you can find out for yourselves by working together!"
Quote from: the dark gods on 2013 Mar 19, 14:11:57
Physics rises backs to to the attention stance, before taking in what the Master just said about this stance.
Seiza... Physics whispers to himself, as if he was testing out the word for himself, feeling the syllables on his tongue, as he does the motion, bending his knees down so he was in a sort of sitting position, his legs bent making a sort of bed under him.
This right? Physics asks the Master in slight confusion.
The Master put a single hoof to his mouth.  "A student asks permission and addresses the instructor as Master before requesting advice.  But yes."

"MEDITATION!  Close your eyes, clear your mind of distractions, breath deeply.  Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth.  Feel the ki, the Internal Energy, within the core of your being, and the Harmony of the universe.  To master this Internal Energy requires focus and concentration.  The well that lies within you is endless, but hidden and tightly sealed.  Some only break open the seal in times of desperation, but to break that seal is to break the body and the mind as well.  The learned student opens the seal as one 'opens' a faucet to let the water flow.  Feel the energy flowing through your veins, through your Chakra, the pressure points in your body."

Physics Shift could feel a power like fire and light and ice and shadow inside him, infinity upon infinity, an entire universe of potential hidden in the deepest parts of his inmost being.  It connected to every part of him, and he realized that his magic and his power had been only the tip of a vast, endless iceberg of what the Master called Internal Energy, though at the moment his seemed rough and untrained, like a boulder waiting to be carved or a wild nine-tailed fox waiting to be tamed.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Night Pony on 2013 Mar 19, 15:34:05
"He is coming out! Quick hide!" Night says and they scramble to hide behind the police box.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Tezaku on 2013 Mar 19, 15:44:03
yeah, i bet we'd be good working together
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: ArtVeigar on 2013 Mar 19, 15:59:19
"If it's needed, I have no choice, do I?" - He asked rethorically - "The internal part of the ship was still good enough after the crashing for me to stay there, and I have this crystals. The guy who gave them to me called it 'Munny'." - Sora said, taking out a pouch filled with a strange bright white crystal. It was incredibly beatiful, like a rare gem - "In the past worlds I've gone, I could aways sell this crystals to get some money. But I never really needed much of them, as I never stay for long in the same world, you know?"
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: the dark gods on 2013 Mar 19, 18:05:50
As Physics feels this energy, he imagines all the possibilities of the things he could do if he tapped into this magic reserve, he could possibly out-pass Twilight Sparkle, maybe even Celestia herself! Maybe he could....
As Physics pride swells at all the possibilities of what he could do with this magic, he fails to realize that this feeling was slipping away, clouded with his thoughts of pride and such, enough that his arrogant smirk could be seen on his face.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: PPBG on 2013 Mar 19, 19:08:27
Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 19, 12:49:11
The female dragon chuckled.  "<draconic>Depends on who you refer to.</draconic>"

She gestured to the many spirits who had already gone on their way to return to their previous tasks.  "<draconic>Some of us assist the spirits and the other citizens, some peruse the ancient libraries, some simply travel from one end of their rivers to the other.  I was playing a little game with these magical students I like to call 'pearl chaser'.</draconic>"

She smiled wryly.  "<draconic>They get a ball that they can TRY to keep away from me, and I get to chase them across the sky like the little foals they are.</draconic>"

The fillies and colts being referred to giggled.

Kyslu looked at the foals, then back at the female dragon. He felt a slight pang of envy. He spoke his thoughts aloud."<draconic>Everything is so. . . harmonious here. Including dragon- and equine-folk.</draconic>" Not that they were at war in Equestria, but the two species seemed to be at a stalemate with each other, preferring not to talk to nor bother the other.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 19, 21:03:43
Quote from: Night Pony on 2013 Mar 19, 15:34:05
"He is coming out! Quick hide!" Night says and they scramble to hide behind the police box.
As the two hid, they heard the pony apparently changing his mind for a moment.
Quote from: ArtVeigar on 2013 Mar 19, 15:59:19
"If it's needed, I have no choice, do I?" - He asked rethorically - "The internal part of the ship was still good enough after the crashing for me to stay there, and I have this crystals. The guy who gave them to me called it 'Munny'." - Sora said, taking out a pouch filled with a strange bright white crystal. It was incredibly beatiful, like a rare gem - "In the past worlds I've gone, I could aways sell this crystals to get some money. But I never really needed much of them, as I never stay for long in the same world, you know?"
"Perhaps that was the case, but now you will need to find your friends, ne?" sighed the officer.  "There's a few forms here you can fill out as you please, and I will try to find a place to put your ship so that it does not block anything.  We are a little short on empty lots, as you can tell," he chuckled, gesturing at the acres and acres of mile-high skyscrapers jam-packed with ponies and other creatures.  "As for money, I'm sure you might find a merchant somewhere in our trading district who would be willing to buy that, but unless they knew what it was it might not fetch too much money on its own."
Quote from: Tezaku on 2013 Mar 19, 15:44:03
yeah, i bet we'd be good working together
The young colt in question looked up at Ace with eyes that seemed much, much older than they had a right to be.

"Another prideful foreigner without knowledge of Neighponese culture?  My board of executives would be amused."


The rest of the group shot the colt a glare, and Hinamori-san apologized to Ace.  "Sorry for his cold insult.  Ichinomiya-san, or Hikaru-chan as we call him, is the head of the Easter corporation zaibatsu and had an... abusive foalhood.  We managed to save his Kokoro no Tamago after his second-in-command... misguidedly tried to steal the souls of every single filly and colt in all of Neighpon.  The Ministry of Japonies' Self Defense was considerate enough to let us watch after him after the incident, and the stallion's permanent retirement to the high-security prison.  He's improving... we think."
Quote from: the dark gods on 2013 Mar 19, 18:05:50
As Physics feels this energy, he imagines all the possibilities of the things he could do if he tapped into this magic reserve, he could possibly out-pass Twilight Sparkle, maybe even Celestia herself! Maybe he could....
As Physics pride swells at all the possibilities of what he could do with this magic, he fails to realize that this feeling was slipping away, clouded with his thoughts of pride and such, enough that his arrogant smirk could be seen on his face.
A wooden bokken practice sword to the head snapped him out of his delusions.


The Master was grinning with a scarily knowing expression on his face.  "So, we know the Yin that balances the Yang of your eagerness, then.  Now you know why it takes so many years normally for our students to control their Internal Energy."

He grew serious and shook a hoof.  "Be very careful, Shift-san.  The potential within you is very near to the surface, but the ease with which YOU access IT also means it is easy for IT to access YOU.  It would be tragic indeed for such a diligent and eager student to become a puppet to his own power."
Quote from: PPBG on 2013 Mar 19, 19:08:27
Kyslu looked at the foals, then back at the female dragon. He felt a slight pang of envy. He spoke his thoughts aloud."<draconic>Everything is so. . . harmonious here. Including dragon- and equine-folk.</draconic>" Not that they were at war in Equestria, but the two species seemed to be at a stalemate with each other, preferring not to talk to nor bother the other.
Akiyama-san's expression grew sympathetic.  "<draconic>It is the way of our Empire... I take it that relations... are less friendly where you come from?</draconic>"
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: the dark gods on 2013 Mar 19, 21:11:10
Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 19, 21:03:43
Quote from: the dark gods on 2013 Mar 19, 18:05:50
As Physics feels this energy, he imagines all the possibilities of the things he could do if he tapped into this magic reserve, he could possibly out-pass Twilight Sparkle, maybe even Celestia herself! Maybe he could....
As Physics pride swells at all the possibilities of what he could do with this magic, he fails to realize that this feeling was slipping away, clouded with his thoughts of pride and such, enough that his arrogant smirk could be seen on his face.
A wooden bokken practice sword to the head snapped him out of his delusions.


The Master was grinning with a scarily knowing expression on his face.  "So, we know the Yin that balances the Yang of your eagerness, then.  Now you know why it takes so many years normally for our students to control their Internal Energy."

He grew serious and shook a hoof.  "Be very careful, Shift-san.  The potential within you is very near to the surface, but the ease with which YOU access IT also means it is easy for IT to access YOU.  It would be tragic indeed for such a diligent and eager student to become a puppet to his own power."

Physics rubs his head on the spot he got hit on, giving a light moan of pain.
I can control my own power.... Physics says, trying to reassure the Master. It's never betrayed me before, it won't know... Physics tells him.
A coy smile retakes Physics face. Besides, nothing a little training can't fix, right Master?
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: PPBG on 2013 Mar 19, 21:17:29
Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 19, 21:03:43
Akiyama-san's expression grew sympathetic.  "<draconic>It is the way of our Empire... I take it that relations... are less friendly where you come from?</draconic>"

Kyslu's eyes flickered with a slightly darker tone. They quickly reverted back to their original, awed and content state but his words and tongue were more guarded. A thought slipped into his mind in reply,(<draconic>Feared is a good word, now isn't it.</draconic>) However, he kept his thoughts and his speech separate and coolly replied,"<draconic>Yes, they are a bit less friendly.</draconic>" He cursed himself for bringing it up in the first place. "<draconic>Uh, anyway, I'll let you get back to your game. I hope to see you around!</draconic>" he said with false cheerfulness to hide his mind.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Tezaku on 2013 Mar 19, 21:20:26
QuoteThe young colt in question looked up at Ace with eyes that seemed much, much older than they had a right to be.

"Another prideful foreigner without knowledge of Neighponese culture?  My board of executives would be amused."


The rest of the group shot the colt a glare, and Hinamori-san apologized to Ace.  "Sorry for his cold insult.  Ichinomiya-san, or Hikaru-chan as we call him, is the head of the Easter corporation zaibatsu and had an... abusive foalhood.  We managed to save his Kokoro no Tamago after his second-in-command... misguidedly tried to steal the souls of every single filly and colt in all of Neighpon.  The Ministry of Japonies' Self Defense was considerate enough to let us watch after him after the incident, and the stallion's permanent retirement to the high-security prison.  He's improving... we think."

he says it's quite alright then he looks at the colti may not know anything about the culture, but i can learn if i have to
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: ArtVeigar on 2013 Mar 19, 21:36:17
"Yea, this is the most crowded place I've ever been! I didn't know so many people could live in the same place like this!" - He said, with a cheerful voice. He sat back on a chair. - "And I don't think I'll have a problem to sell this things. Everyone who I've selled it said something about it being so perfect. I don't know much about jewelry, so I can't tell much. So, what forms do I have to fill?"
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Night Pony on 2013 Mar 20, 09:11:10
"Stay here."  whispers Night and cautiously makes her way to the front of the box again and takes another peek.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: FlameandIce on 2013 Mar 20, 09:20:14
((I'll jump back in))
Rika is walking around the city
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 20, 15:18:01
Quote from: the dark gods on 2013 Mar 19, 21:11:10
Physics rubs his head on the spot he got hit on, giving a light moan of pain.
I can control my own power.... Physics says, trying to reassure the Master. It's never betrayed me before, it won't know... Physics tells him.
A coy smile retakes Physics face. Besides, nothing a little training can't fix, right Master?
The Master nods with a smile, then becomes serious again.  "Seiza!  Meditation!  A student must learn to control his internal energy before attempting to utilize it."
Quote from: PPBG on 2013 Mar 19, 21:17:29
Kyslu's eyes flickered with a slightly darker tone. They quickly reverted back to their original, awed and content state but his words and tongue were more guarded. A thought slipped into his mind in reply,(<draconic>Feared is a good word, now isn't it.</draconic>) However, he kept his thoughts and his speech separate and coolly replied,"<draconic>Yes, they are a bit less friendly.</draconic>" He cursed himself for bringing it up in the first place. "<draconic>Uh, anyway, I'll let you get back to your game. I hope to see you around!</draconic>" he said with false cheerfulness to hide his mind.
The other dragon saw that it was a sensative subject, and nodded with a sudden smile.  "<draconic>It has been an honor meeting you, Kyslu-san.  I hope we can meet again sometime!</draconic>"

With a deep bow, she whisked off, chasing the laughing foals as they flew across the sky with their "pearl"...

Far below, there were a few ponies just outside a Koban police box.  It might be worth checking out.

Quote from: FlameandIce on 2013 Mar 20, 09:20:14
((I'll jump back in))
Rika is walking around the city
She sees several ponies sneaking about a police box, the same one that Kyslu was looking at from high above.
Quote from: Night Pony on 2013 Mar 20, 09:11:10
"Stay here."  whispers Night and cautiously makes her way to the front of the box again and takes another peek.
As she peeks in, she can hear some mundane, not-really-guarded conversation from the strange pony who had held the sword:
Quote from: ArtVeigar on 2013 Mar 19, 21:36:17
"Yea, this is the most crowded place I've ever been! I didn't know so many people could live in the same place like this!" - He said, with a cheerful voice. He sat back on a chair. - "And I don't think I'll have a problem to sell this things. Eveyone who I've selled it said something about it being so perfect. I don't know much about jewelry, so I can't tell much. So, what forms do I have to fill?"
"Just a few of these," the officer replied as he withdrew some papers and gave them over.  "Temporary residence, a temporary keitai denwa contact number, and other such things like health and medical status.  We don't want pandemics or foreign diseases entering the Empire unnoticed, after all."

He leaned back in his chair.  "If you need help finding temporary employment, or just basic help setting things up and finding your friends, please feel free to stop by here any time.  It's my job as keisatsu to look after the citizens in my district."
Quote from: Tezaku on 2013 Mar 19, 21:20:26
he says it's quite alright then he looks at the colti may not know anything about the culture, but i can learn if i have to
The colt looked coolly at him with an unreadable expression on his face.  "Perhaps you are different than the others.  We shall see."

Hinamori-san sighed.  "So, um, where are you staying, Ace-san?  Actually, would you like to join us?  We were just having some tea and snacks just now before you came in."
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: bleyd on 2013 Mar 20, 16:41:55
The Old One Eye walk. looking at a map quite wrong. umm. Accordingly it should be somewhere  :o I hope someone can tell me where to get a job. the horrible pony look around
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: the dark gods on 2013 Mar 20, 16:45:20
Physics gets back into his meditative pose, this time trying to keep his mind clear, now that he knew what he should to, it worked, atleast better then before, the odd thought still entering his mind every once in a while before it got pushed back out.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: FlameandIce on 2013 Mar 20, 16:46:26
what the heck Rika walks towards the police box and the ponies not trying to be spotted
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Night Pony on 2013 Mar 20, 17:05:11
"What's going on?" Moon asked whispering.
"He went back and started talking again." Night answered.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 20, 17:16:39
Quote from: bleyd on 2013 Mar 20, 16:41:55
The Old One Eye walk. looking at a map quite wrong. umm. Accordingly it should be somewhere  :o I hope someone can tell me where to get a job. the horrible pony look around
Oddly, none of the Neighponese citizens so much as bat an eye at his appearance; they'd seen enough strange things these past few centuries of technological development and war that very little surprised them anymore, and in any case he looked similar enough to some of the Oni and more deformed Youkai floating around.

He could see a Koban police box nearby, with a dragon flying above it and several ponies nearby.
Quote from: FlameandIce on 2013 Mar 20, 16:46:26
what the heck Rika walks towards the police box and the ponies not trying to be spotted
As she approaches, she can hear the two ponies whispering to each other:
Quote from: Night Pony on 2013 Mar 20, 17:05:11
"What's going on?" Moon asked whispering.
"He went back and started talking again." Night answered.
The two ponies are surprised when they catch a glimpse of another pony walking towards them in the reflective glass of the windows.

Quote from: the dark gods on 2013 Mar 20, 16:45:20
Physics gets back into his meditative pose, this time trying to keep his mind clear, now that he knew what he should to, it worked, atleast better then before, the odd thought still entering his mind every once in a while before it got pushed back out.
The Master nodded approvingly as he closed his eyes as well, feeling out the student's potential.

"Good, good.  Very good.  The energy flows through your body, much as the air flows through your lungs and the blood through your veins.  Feel its shape and form, for it is not simply static or monotonous: it has many aspects to it as well.  Feel its Yin, the coolness and darkness and moisture of it, hidden deep within you.  Feel its Yang, the fiery, bright dryness of it, bubbling just beneath the surface.  Each aspect, hot and cold, wet and dry, must be balanced to perform well.  This is why it is called the Harmonic Balance."
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: FlameandIce on 2013 Mar 20, 17:17:45
she moves a bit closer trying to hear
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: PPBG on 2013 Mar 20, 17:24:01
Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 20, 15:18:01
The other dragon saw that it was a sensative subject, and nodded with a sudden smile.  "<draconic>It has been an honor meeting you, Kyslu-san.  I hope we can meet again sometime!</draconic>"

With a deep bow, she whisked off, chasing the laughing foals as they flew across the sky with their "pearl"...

Far below, there were a few ponies just outside a Koban police box.  It might be worth checking out.

Kyslu nodded, acknowledging her goodbye, and flew downward. His descent was at a fair speed but came to a stop as he neared the ground. He was left hovering a few feet above the police box. Kyslu looked down on it, wondering what it was exactly.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Night Pony on 2013 Mar 20, 17:25:07
Night quickly turns around to face the pony and moon quickly followed.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: bleyd on 2013 Mar 20, 17:27:19
he move to police box  . umm dragonnn i like with potatoes he think

he hello have someone to help me here?
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: ArtVeigar on 2013 Mar 20, 17:33:22
"Wow, there is a bunch of papers..." - Said the pony who never liked homework in his life. He started filling it. It was somthing he never thought about, but it was a mystery how he could say and write in the local language, even though he is from a completely different world.

After finishing, he hoofed the papers back to the officer. - "Is that all? If so, I should really be going now..." - He said, getting up again. - "Thanks again for everything! If I need anything, I'll be back for sure." - He said, bowing again. - "Oh, and where will you keep my ship? Just for reference, so I don't end up finding the missing parts but losing the ship, hehe"
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: the dark gods on 2013 Mar 20, 17:33:45
Physics was...confused by the Masters words, not being the spiritual type, he just continued what he was already doing, focusing on his clear state of mind, still feeling the energy flow within him.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Tezaku on 2013 Mar 20, 17:50:37
Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 20, 15:18:01
QuoteThe colt looked coolly at him with an unreadable expression on his face.  "Perhaps you are different than the others.  We shall see."

Hinamori-san sighed.  "So, um, where are you staying, Ace-san?  Actually, would you like to join us?  We were just having some tea and snacks just now before you came in."

sure, and i got to find a place to stay, i just got here
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: PPBG on 2013 Mar 20, 18:01:32
Quote from: bleyd on 2013 Mar 20, 17:27:19
he move to police box  . umm dragonnn i like with potatoes he think

he hello have someone to help me here?

Kyslu looked at the beast warily. (<draconic>I wonder if that type of thing is normal. It doesn't look to friendly.<draconic>) he thought. He gently landed on the police box and looked down at the monster.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 20, 20:57:56
Quote from: FlameandIce on 2013 Mar 20, 17:17:45
she moves a bit closer trying to hear

As she approaches...
Quote from: PPBG on 2013 Mar 20, 17:24:01
Kyslu nodded, acknowledging her goodbye, and flew downward. His descent was at a fair speed but came to a stop as he neared the ground. He was left hovering a few feet above the police box. Kyslu looked down on it, wondering what it was exactly.
And both of them saw...
Quote from: Night Pony on 2013 Mar 20, 17:25:07
Night quickly turns around to face the pony and moon quickly followed.
And meanwhile, a strange creature approaches...
Quote from: bleyd on 2013 Mar 20, 17:27:19
he move to police box  . umm dragonnn i like with potatoes he think

he hello have someone to help me here?
While inside the Koban...
Quote from: ArtVeigar on 2013 Mar 20, 17:33:22
"Wow, there is a bunch of papers..." - Said the pony who never liked homework in his life. He started filling it. It was somthing he never thought about, but it was a mystery how he could say and write in the local language, even though he is from a completely different world.

After finishing, he hoofed the papers back to the officer. - "Is that all? If so, I should really be going now..." - He said, getting up again. - "Thanks again for everything! If I need anything, I'll be back for sure." - He said, bowing again. - "Oh, and where will you keep my ship? Just for reference, so I don't end up finding the missing parts but losing the ship, hehe"
"It will be held and guarded in one of our Mecha Bays, across the street from here," replied the officer as he pointed towards a large building filled with various giant robots.  "Just walk up and say your name; all scans should already be in the system by the time you walk out the door.  Have a good day, ne?" he smiled.

Quote from: the dark gods on 2013 Mar 20, 17:33:45
Physics was...confused by the Masters words, not being the spiritual type, he just continued what he was already doing, focusing on his clear state of mind, still feeling the energy flow within him.
As he concentrated, he could almost feel as though that infinite well was somehow tied directly to his body, and in his minds eye he found that when he concentrated there was a sensation of flow, as though something like an ocean was trying to squeeze through his veins yet did so without him noticing before.  If he focused, the rushing sensation began to evoke different textures and images, the way a sound could be sour or a taste can be smooth.  Lacking Equestrian vocabulary to describe such new sensations, he could still sense, in a way, the things the Master was describing.  Hot, dry Energy felt like a rash or a fever, a pounding light about to burst from inside.  Cool, wet Energy felt like a cramp or bitter gall and nausea, dark and aching deep within like the hard rock beneath soft sand, painful yet sturdy and reliable.  There seemed to be a war going on inside on a level that was both intermingled with and above physical nature.

The Master breathed deeply and rhythmically, and a quiet calm extruded from the old stallion's inmost being.  If Physics shifted his focus a bit and LOOKED with his mind's eye at his teacher, he could see the same infinite well of Energy, but ordered and harmonic, with the fiery light dancing and melding with the cool shadow in a circle shape of two droplets.


Quote from: Tezaku on 2013 Mar 20, 17:50:37
sure, and i got to find a place to stay, i just got here
The filly smiled as she hopped onto a seat and gestured to an open chair.  "Please, make yourself at home.  A place to stay, hmm?  Ikuto-kun..." she blushed a moment, "...was at my house for a time, but I'm sure my parent's wouldn't mind if you stayed over until you got an apartment or hotel of your own.  Did you talk with the police at any of the Koban yet?"
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Tezaku on 2013 Mar 20, 21:01:04
i talked to a police officer, when i saw some colts and fillys practicing, with their transformations and things
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: the dark gods on 2013 Mar 20, 21:05:37
Physics was feeling amazed by just how powerful this...power was, it was amazing, no words he knew could describe it, maybe he would make a word for it latter...but that mattered not. For some reason, he felt similar power nearby, from roughly where the master was standing/sitting (unsure which), though this energy felt different to him. Physics energy was a untamed beast, used with brutish strokes and without focus, while the Masters energy was like a blade, precise, strong, and focused, to hit only where it needs to hit.
Physics give a quick breath of amazement at what he saw.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: ArtVeigar on 2013 Mar 20, 21:15:48
"Thanks! You too!" - Sora waved a hoof, and then left the Koban.

When he arrive, he was still desperated about the crash, his missing friends, being a pony and the pony officer asking questions, who turned out to be really kind. But now, more at ease, he stopped to really look at the place. The skyscrapers were taller than he thought from inside the Koban; there were all types of creatures flying and walking around the place, from dragons to pony-robots. But there was no sign of his friends.

"DONALD! GOOFY!" - He tried to scream for their names, but it was useless. - "Hum.... It's better if I start from were I fell." - He said, starting to trot toward the place his ship crashed without noticing the commotion just outside the cabin he was. - "Man, it's really weird having this hoofs... Having to write with my mouth was something I don't want to try again. I hope the officer understand my mouthwriting." - He said to himself.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Night Pony on 2013 Mar 21, 08:20:26
Night looked to the approaching creature.
"I think we should go." she said to Moon.
"Yeah...let's." and they both started to back away slowly.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: bleyd on 2013 Mar 21, 14:25:37
the monster pony look to dragon . ummm hello you know where i can get a job?
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 21, 15:26:04
Quote from: Tezaku on 2013 Mar 20, 21:01:04
i talked to a police officer, when i saw some colts and fillys practicing, with their transformations and things
"Huh, I wonder why he didn't offer a hotel or something.  Didn't he ask about immigration papers or something?" asked Hinamori-san.  "We could help you get settled in at our Koban if you want."

Quote from: the dark gods on 2013 Mar 20, 21:05:37
Physics was feeling amazed by just how powerful this...power was, it was amazing, no words he knew could describe it, maybe he would make a word for it latter...but that mattered not. For some reason, he felt similar power nearby, from roughly where the master was standing/sitting (unsure which), though this energy felt different to him. Physics energy was a untamed beast, used with brutish strokes and without focus, while the Masters energy was like a blade, precise, strong, and focused, to hit only where it needs to hit.
Physics give a quick breath of amazement at what he saw.
The Master smiled as he knelt down in seiza, something he had practiced every day for a hundred years.  He looked critically with his mind's eye at the student's Ki.  "When your mind is clear of distractions, you can begin to shape your Internal Energy with your will.  To be at war with yourself is to be weakened; to have both Yin and Yang work together in Harmony is to be strengthened.  Embrace both order and chaos, for neither is evil or good but simply tools that the learned student can use.  Beyond the Dojo, the Ki can be balanced with proper diet, exercise, meditation and acting in moderation.  Just as both overexertion and laziness will lead to physical weakness, so an imbalance of Ki will also lead to magical weakness."

Behind closed eyelids, the Master's eyes turned black like wells of endless chaos.  "Excess Yin can devour you from deep within, setting in like a disease of the bones, slowly rotting away your ability to move of your own accord.  Sadness, despair, sloth, over-consumption of foods containing cold Ki and insufficient exposure to sunlight all contribute to an imbalance in this manner, and can result in weakness and physical illness."

Just as quickly, his eyes blazed like the sun, shining through his closed eyelids and making a soft red glow.  "Excess Yang can also devour you like flame, inducing mood swings and fits of rage until you lose self-control.  Anger, arrogance, greed, a fighting nature, excessive exposure to sunlight, lack of sleep, over-consumption of fried foods and foods containing hot Ki, all contribute to an imbalance in this manner.  Like an imbalance to Yin, too much Yang can also result in weakness and physical illness."

His eyes reverted to normal, and in Physics' mind's eye the Master's Ki once more was the shape of the Yin-Yang, neither side dominant.

"Try to shape the force that is within you to a balance, mediating a peace between both sides of your inner self."
Quote from: bleyd on 2013 Mar 21, 14:25:37
the monster pony look to dragon . ummm hello you know where i can get a job?
As One-Eye approached, the others seemed to shy away.  Evidently, they were foreigners here just like him.
Quote from: Night Pony on 2013 Mar 21, 08:20:26
Night looked to the approaching creature.
"I think we should go." she said to Moon.
"Yeah...let's." and they both started to back away slowly.
As they backed, the door suddenly burst open to reveal the pony they had been watching:
Quote from: ArtVeigar on 2013 Mar 20, 21:15:48
"Thanks! You too!" - Sora waved a hoof, and then left the Koban.

When he arrive, he was still desperated about the crash, his missing friends, being a pony and the pony officer asking questions, who turned out to be really kind. But now, more at ease, he stopped to really look at the place. The skyscrapers were taller than he thought from inside the Koban; there were all types of creatures flying and walking around the place, from dragons to pony-robots. But there was no sign of his friends.

"DONALD! GOOFY!" - He tried to scream for their names, but it was useless. - "Hum.... It's better if I start from were I fell." - He said, starting to trot toward the place his ship crashed without noticing the commotion just outside the cabin he was. - "Man, it's really weird having this hoofs... Having to write with my mouth was something I don't want to try again. I hope the officer understand my mouthwriting." - He said to himself.
In his rush, he found himself blocked by several ponies, a dragon, and... was that a monster of some sort?  The Neighponese citizens around him didn't seem to mind it, but the ponies in front of him seemed uneasy of it.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: ArtVeigar on 2013 Mar 21, 15:38:58
Sora stopped, looking at the ponies, dragon and creature in front of him. - "Eh.... This place really have lots of different creatures." - He said to himself. But then, he noticed they were too close from the Koban he just got out, and were positioned too suspiciously close to the window of the same Koban. - "Wait.... Were you all listening?!" - He asked out loud, startled. - "Please say that you didn't hear anything...."
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Tezaku on 2013 Mar 21, 15:41:46
Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 21, 15:26:04
Quote from: Tezaku on 2013 Mar 20, 21:01:04
i talked to a police officer, when i saw some colts and fillys practicing, with their transformations and things
"Huh, I wonder why he didn't offer a hotel or something.  Didn't he ask about immigration papers or something?" asked Hinamori-san.  "We could help you get settled in at our Koban if you want."

he didn't ask about that, and sure, if it's not too much trouble
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: bleyd on 2013 Mar 21, 15:42:53
i didn`t hear anything. but you know where i can get a job?
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Night Pony on 2013 Mar 21, 15:45:36
Night and Moon turned their heads and looked at Sora.
"I told you that this was a bad idea." Moon whispered to Night.
"This isn't the time." she responded back.
They stared Sora for a good 5 seconds before Night started talking again.
"It was very fun to meet you all but we have to go." she said trying to get away and started walking away.
"Come on..." she whispered to Moon.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: ArtVeigar on 2013 Mar 21, 15:51:19
"Tryinsidethecabin" - Sora said really fast to the creature as he past near him. He was galloping to block the suspect mares trying to walk away. - "You listened, didn't you? Please, don't tell anybody..." - He asked the mares, sweat starting to wet his forehead from the worry.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Night Pony on 2013 Mar 21, 15:57:40
As Sora started to sweat they were surprised by his reaction.
"Um..yeah. We did a little but we heard only bits. They hardly make anything informative."  X3
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: bleyd on 2013 Mar 21, 15:59:12
what ? :\ what demons just said this pony he thinks. your mother
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: ArtVeigar on 2013 Mar 21, 16:18:04
"Oh, thank God..." - He said, exhaling relived. - "Well, if that's the case, I can stay more relived. Now I must find my friends. Hey, have you walked across two... Well...." - Arty stopped and started thinking. "If my appearence have changed in this world, then their probably have too... How will I find them if I don't even know how they look like here?" - "Well, just forget. This place is just too crowded, and you probably wouldn't notice them. Well, have a nice day!" - He said, starting to walk toward the place his ship crashed.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Night Pony on 2013 Mar 21, 16:22:35
"Um..okay. Bye!" Night said and then both of them started to walk to the nearest exit of the area.
"I told you we shouldn't eavesdrop."
"Yeah well...it went better than expected. Though I wonder why they mentioned Nightmare Moon."
"Who knows."
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: the dark gods on 2013 Mar 21, 16:43:19
Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 21, 15:26:04
]The Master smiled as he knelt down in seiza, something he had practiced every day for a hundred years.  He looked critically with his mind's eye at the student's Ki.  "When your mind is clear of distractions, you can begin to shape your Internal Energy with your will.  To be at war with yourself is to be weakened; to have both Yin and Yang work together in Harmony is to be strengthened.  Embrace both order and chaos, for neither is evil or good but simply tools that the learned student can use.  Beyond the Dojo, the Ki can be balanced with proper diet, exercise, meditation and acting in moderation.  Just as both overexertion and laziness will lead to physical weakness, so an imbalance of Ki will also lead to magical weakness."

Behind closed eyelids, the Master's eyes turned black like wells of endless chaos.  "Excess Yin can devour you from deep within, setting in like a disease of the bones, slowly rotting away your ability to move of your own accord.  Sadness, despair, sloth, over-consumption of foods containing cold Ki and insufficient exposure to sunlight all contribute to an imbalance in this manner, and can result in weakness and physical illness."

Just as quickly, his eyes blazed like the sun, shining through his closed eyelids and making a soft red glow.  "Excess Yang can also devour you like flame, inducing mood swings and fits of rage until you lose self-control.  Anger, arrogance, greed, a fighting nature, excessive exposure to sunlight, lack of sleep, over-consumption of fried foods and foods containing hot Ki, all contribute to an imbalance in this manner.  Like an imbalance to Yin, too much Yang can also result in weakness and physical illness."

His eyes reverted to normal, and in Physics' mind's eye the Master's Ki once more was the shape of the Yin-Yang, neither side dominant.

"Try to shape the force that is within you to a balance, mediating a peace between both sides of your inner self."

Physics knew he had Yang rather then Yin, most of those negative traits described himself rather accurately. Physics tries to clear his mind, though finds it rather hard to, not being the most focused of ponies. He raises his hoof to ask a question, trying to get an answer for it.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: bleyd on 2013 Mar 21, 16:45:56
I like the kindness of these people, I have hunger Uu, the monster search for some carbage to eat
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: PPBG on 2013 Mar 21, 19:10:50
Quote from: bleyd on 2013 Mar 21, 16:45:56
I like the kindness of these people, I have hunger Uu, the monster search for some carbage to eat

Kyslu watched the monster warily. He disapproved of the idea of staying nearby, so he hopped down from the police box and walked into the streets. He seemed to be looking for something, but, he couldn't exactly read any signs which made an issue. (<draconic>Hmm. I wonder if they would have a map here. Not that it would do me much good it it was in the native language.</draconic>)
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: FlameandIce on 2013 Mar 21, 23:11:26
Rika walks away from the police box and walks around looking for somepony to talk to
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 21, 23:55:20
Quote from: Tezaku on 2013 Mar 21, 15:41:46\
he didn't ask about that, and sure, if it's not too much trouble
The filly smiled and motioned with her hoof.  "The nearest Koban would be just outside the school; the officers are always very friendly.  I'm sure we can get you housing and maybe a job quickly!"
Quote from: ArtVeigar on 2013 Mar 21, 16:18:04
"Oh, thank God..." - He said, exhaling relived. - "Well, if that's the case, I can stay more relived. Now I must find my friends. Hey, have you walked across two... Well...." - Arty stopped and started thinking. "If my appearence have changed in this world, then their probably have too... How will I find them if I don't even know how they look like here?" - "Well, just forget. This place is just too crowded, and you probably wouldn't notice them. Well, have a nice day!" - He said, starting to walk toward the place his ship crashed.
The city is, as he observed, crowded and busy.  Already the street where his ship had crashed was cleared, and all sorts of hovercrafts were darting through the broad street (one of the only ways you could have an open space in a city like this was to make a road).  The nanobots that made up the street were very efficient at repairing damage, and there was barely a scratch left from what had been a sizable crater.  There was an occasional ambulance carrying a Medical Unit for quick fixes to any injured citizen, but life was almost as if there had never been a crash.

His ship was, as the officer in the Koban had said, safely stored at the Mecha Bay just across the street; occasionally some Eva, King Oni or Gundam would leave the facility and fly or run to whatever area it was assigned.  As he had come to expect of the seen-it-all attitude of these citizens, nobody batted an eye at the sight.
Quote from: the dark gods on 2013 Mar 21, 16:43:19
Physics knew he had Yang rather then Yin, most of those negative traits described himself rather accurately. Physics tries to clear his mind, though finds it rather hard to, not being the most focused of ponies. He raises his hoof to ask a question, trying to get an answer for it.
The Master chuckles and opens his eyes, nodding at the pony.  "Yes, Shift-san?"
Quote from: Night Pony on 2013 Mar 21, 16:22:35
"Um..okay. Bye!" Night said and then both of them started to walk to the nearest exit of the area.
"I told you we shouldn't eavesdrop."
"Yeah well...it went better than expected. Though I wonder why they mentioned Nightmare Moon."
"Who knows."
They notice a lonely-looking pony:
Quote from: FlameandIce on 2013 Mar 21, 23:11:26
Rika walks away from the police box and walks around looking for somepony to talk to
She notices that the two ponies were no longer occupied.
Quote from: PPBG on 2013 Mar 21, 19:10:50
Quote from: bleyd on 2013 Mar 21, 16:45:56
I like the kindness of these people, I have hunger Uu, the monster search for some carbage to eat

Kyslu watched the monster warily. He disapproved of the idea of staying nearby, so he hopped down from the police box and walked into the streets. He seemed to be looking for something, but, he couldn't exactly read any signs which made an issue. (<draconic>Hmm. I wonder if they would have a map here. Not that it would do me much good it it was in the native language.</draconic>)
As he recalled, the Koban served as a sort of tourist information center as well as a local police office.  He might find a map in there in Equestrian.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: the dark gods on 2013 Mar 22, 00:04:59
Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 21, 23:55:20
The Master chuckles and opens his eyes, nodding at the pony.  "Yes, Shift-san?"

Physics coughs to clear his throat before speaking. Is there any way to increase my Yin in small stable ways without going over the edge? Physics asks, knowing his Yang was fairly over the edge given the masters definition.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: FlameandIce on 2013 Mar 22, 00:16:14
Rika approaches the two
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Night Pony on 2013 Mar 22, 05:19:31
The mares looked at the approaching pony.
'What does she want from us?'
'Why I get the feeling we've met before?'
They both thought while the pony was walking towards them.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Tezaku on 2013 Mar 22, 07:08:06
QuoteThe filly smiled and motioned with her hoof.  "The nearest Koban would be just outside the school; the officers are always very friendly.  I'm sure we can get you housing and maybe a job quickly!"

thank you
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: FlameandIce on 2013 Mar 22, 08:42:18
hello again you two Rika says her voice not in the fillyish tone anymore sounding older
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Night Pony on 2013 Mar 22, 08:43:33
"Hello! :) We've met in the hotel right?"
"Hi again."
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: FlameandIce on 2013 Mar 22, 08:46:56
indeed we did
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: bleyd on 2013 Mar 22, 08:53:42
 ono ohhhh i am hungry. look near try search anything to eat
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Night Pony on 2013 Mar 22, 09:01:11
"What brings you here?" Moon asks.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: FlameandIce on 2013 Mar 22, 09:02:40
I would tell you the truth but you wouldn't believe it no pony did
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Night Pony on 2013 Mar 22, 09:09:10
"I dunno. We just saw a ship crash in the middle of the street and ran into some kind of a monster. This place has a lot of unusual stuff." Night noted.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: FlameandIce on 2013 Mar 22, 09:10:59
well I am 1010 years old well in spirit I am I have died multiple times in the past trying to save me and my friends and while doing so I gained a taste for achohol so I have been trying to get some
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Night Pony on 2013 Mar 22, 09:14:05
"Woah slow down. You are going way too fast."

((Flame use some punctuation. It's a pain to read several sentences that way.  o_o ))
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: bleyd on 2013 Mar 22, 09:18:26
 >A< ohhh this hungry go to kill me Xx. the monster lick ground  ummm trash
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: FlameandIce on 2013 Mar 22, 09:28:36
I am 1010 years old. and I am looking for a place I can by achohol
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Night Pony on 2013 Mar 22, 09:30:18
"Why you want to buy alcohol? "
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: FlameandIce on 2013 Mar 22, 09:31:41
because after dying over 1000 times I got a taste for it.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Night Pony on 2013 Mar 22, 09:37:26
"I would ask how can a pony die a 1000 times but I don't think I would want to know. Anyway I haven't seen any shops here, let alone some that sell alcohol."
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: FlameandIce on 2013 Mar 22, 09:41:08
I'll tell you anyways it's because I am attached to a goddess of my village who, when I died would restart time so I could stop it from happening.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Night Pony on 2013 Mar 22, 09:44:49
"Then I guess you are not from Equestira?"
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: FlameandIce on 2013 Mar 22, 09:45:45
nope, I am from Hinamizawa
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Night Pony on 2013 Mar 22, 09:50:18
"Anyway sorry but I do not know where there they sell alcohol."
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: FlameandIce on 2013 Mar 22, 09:52:55
I wouldn't be able to buy it anyways. with my apperence that is well I should be off I'll see you around Rika says walking away
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Night Pony on 2013 Mar 22, 09:56:24
"Um...bye?" said Night as the pony walks away.
"That was weird."
"Yeah...why is she looking to buy something when she knew that she couldn't?"
"No idea."
Then they started walking in a random direction.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: ArtVeigar on 2013 Mar 22, 11:14:40
Sora was amazed by how fast they could repair the damage made by the crash of his ship. It barely seemed like anything happened there, and the only apparently unusual thing was one or another ambulance that would care any injured pony. Sora started wondering for a moment, talking to himself. - "After that crash, they've probably gotten hurt some way. They had some potions to spare, and Donald know a powerful healing spell, but if you think about this place's hospitality, they may have wanted to check on them either way, getting them to a hospital. Or, at least, to any other Koban, to register them on the system. Nice! I already know what to search!"- He said, starting to wander, searching for any other Koban or hospital nearby.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: PPBG on 2013 Mar 22, 15:19:00
Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 21, 23:55:20
As he recalled, the Koban served as a sort of tourist information center as well as a local police office.  He might find a map in there in Equestrian.

Kyslu walked around to the front  of the Koban. He entered inside and looked around for a map.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 23, 03:09:43
Quote from: the dark gods on 2013 Mar 22, 00:04:59
Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 21, 23:55:20
The Master chuckles and opens his eyes, nodding at the pony.  "Yes, Shift-san?"

Physics coughs to clear his throat before speaking. Is there any way to increase my Yin in small stable ways without going over the edge? Physics asks, knowing his Yang was fairly over the edge given the masters definition.
"There are many ways to do so," replied the Master with a smile.  "One way is simply eating the right foods, avoiding fried or burnt substances, exposed to an excess of light and heat.  Drinking cool fluids, green tea, getting adequate rest, meditation and other calming and cooling motions also help to decrease the excess Yang.  Harmonic Balance involves many aspects of life and living, not simply a matter of drawing symbols and chanting in some arcane language."
Quote from: bleyd on 2013 Mar 22, 09:18:26
>A< ohhh this hungry go to kill me Xx. the monster lick ground  ummm trash
Shopkeepers and restaurant-owners stare at the strange creature licking the ground.  An off-duty ninja in an orange jumpsuit nearly drops his bowl of ramen as he stares.
Quote from: PPBG on 2013 Mar 22, 15:19:00
Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 21, 23:55:20
As he recalled, the Koban served as a sort of tourist information center as well as a local police office.  He might find a map in there in Equestrian.

Kyslu walked around to the front  of the Koban. He entered inside and looked around for a map.
The dragon sees a helpful information center, along with a stack of maps and other useful pamphlets with important contact information and addresses in all languages.  There was a substantial Equestrian section for tourists, thankfully, and a rather small section for the occasional dragon, written by dragons for dragons in the local variation of Draconic, such as Akiyama-san used.
Quote from: Night Pony on 2013 Mar 22, 09:56:24
"Um...bye?" said Night as the pony walks away.
"That was weird."
"Yeah...why is she looking to buy something when she knew that she couldn't?"
"No idea."
Then they started walking in a random direction.
The two happen by the dojo where Physics Shift was training; the place advertised teaching the local version of magical martial arts, if that interested them at all.  There was also several advertisements, mostly hoof-written, for a concert by the SOS Brigade, an open wedding invitation covered with starfish, another Hatsune Miku charity concert, and a poster by the Kokoro No Tamago No Shugo Chara, with directions to the school where Ace had gone.
Quote from: ArtVeigar on 2013 Mar 22, 11:14:40
Sora was amazed by how fast they could repair the damage made by the crash of his ship. It barely seemed like anything happened there, and the only apparently unusual thing was one or another ambulance that would care any injured pony. Sora started wondering for a moment, talking to himself. - "After that crash, they've probably gotten hurt some way. They had some potions to spare, and Donald know a powerful healing spell, but if you think about this place's hospitality, they may have wanted to check on them either way, getting them to a hospital. Or, at least, to any other Koban, to register them on the system. Nice! I already know what to search!"- He said, starting to wander, searching for any other Koban or hospital nearby.
There was a rather large hospital with the token red cross on it next to the Mecha Bay across the street; on the side he was on, there happened to be a hotel at a corner, the same one that Rika, Night and Moon were staying at.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Night Pony on 2013 Mar 23, 05:14:44
"Hey look they teach magic here!"
"Magical martial arts. I am interested in a more normal magic or flying...not martial arts." Night then looks at the other posters.
"Hm...new concerts..."
"I'm still too tired after the last one to go to a new one."
"Yeah me too. What's that poster?" Night said when she saw the poster by the Kokoro No Tamago No Shugo Chara. They then got close to see if it says what the school was teaching.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: bleyd on 2013 Mar 23, 08:23:55
 o_O, the ground is Good  more or less. he move to other side will not like looking when he eat

something to eat something to eat, Uu need money to buy something he search for branches leaves papers in ground
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: FlameandIce on 2013 Mar 23, 08:25:38
Rika walks back to the hotel
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: ArtVeigar on 2013 Mar 23, 10:40:02
"And there is a hospital! Probably the closer one, so, if they had gone to one, it is probably that one." - He said, walking in the hospital's direction. Inside the hospital, he looked for somepony who could give him any information about the last incident's injured ones.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Tezaku on 2013 Mar 23, 11:06:47
9i guess you didnt get it magus)

Quote from: Tezaku on 2013 Mar 22, 07:08:06
QuoteThe filly smiled and motioned with her hoof.  "The nearest Koban would be just outside the school; the officers are always very friendly.  I'm sure we can get you housing and maybe a job quickly!"

thank you
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: the dark gods on 2013 Mar 23, 16:24:28
Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 23, 03:09:43
"There are many ways to do so," replied the Master with a smile.  "One way is simply eating the right foods, avoiding fried or burnt substances, exposed to an excess of light and heat.  Drinking cool fluids, green tea, getting adequate rest, meditation and other calming and cooling motions also help to decrease the excess Yang.  Harmonic Balance involves many aspects of life and living, not simply a matter of drawing symbols and chanting in some arcane language."

Physics gives a quick and quite complaint about how he had to change around his personal life for his, rather then adjust simple components of a spell. Alright Master, I'll try to change it around... Physics says, knowing he wouldn't go that far out of his way to change his personal (ponyal?) habits.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 23, 18:32:49
Quote from: Night Pony on 2013 Mar 23, 05:14:44
"Hey look they teach magic here!"
"Magical martial arts. I am interested in a more normal magic or flying...not martial arts." Night then looks at the other posters.
"Hm...new concerts..."
"I'm still too tired after the last one to go to a new one."
"Yeah me too. What's that poster?" Night said when she saw the poster by the Kokoro No Tamago No Shugo Chara. They then got close to see if it says what the school was teaching.
The poster talked about unlocking potential by pursuing one's dreams, and helping others to follow their dreams as well.  There was a surprisingly beautiful and insanely talented drawing on it, with credit going to some sort of "Guardian Character" that helped unlock artistic potential.
Quote from: bleyd on 2013 Mar 23, 08:23:55
o_O, the ground is Good  more or less. he move to other side will not like looking when he eat

something to eat something to eat, Uu need money to buy something he search for branches leaves papers in ground
The creature finds that he is rather far away from anywhere with grass, although there are fenced-off cherry trees along a walkway lined with shops.  The trees are still blossoming, and all he finds is sakura petals and the odd twig.  Leaves would come in a few weeks.  Alas, the citizens of Neighpon did not use paper or coin much in this district, preferring to use electronic transactions through their keitai seifu.  Perhaps he would have better luck over at the older traditional market a few blocks away, or he could try looking for some sort of job.
Quote from: FlameandIce on 2013 Mar 23, 08:25:38
Rika walks back to the hotel
She finds her room essentially the same as it had been when she left it.
Quote from: ArtVeigar on 2013 Mar 23, 10:40:02
"And there is a hospital! Probably the closer one, so, if they had gone to one, it is probably that one." - He said, walking in the hospital's direction. Inside the hospital, he looked for somepony who could give him any information about the last incident's injured ones.
A few nurses, pony, goat and robotic, going here and there, as well as a pony-looking spirit acting as a receptionist.
Quote from: Tezaku on 2013 Mar 23, 11:06:47
9i guess you didnt get it magus)

Quote from: Tezaku on 2013 Mar 22, 07:08:06
QuoteThe filly smiled and motioned with her hoof.  "The nearest Koban would be just outside the school; the officers are always very friendly.  I'm sure we can get you housing and maybe a job quickly!"

thank you

The two quickly walk towards a police box just outside the school, where a samurai officer was sorting documents and keeping an eye on the latest developments on a holographic projector.  He smiles as they enter.

"Konbanwa, Hinamori-san.  And good evening to you, sir.  How may I help you this evening?"
Quote from: the dark gods on 2013 Mar 23, 16:24:28
Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 23, 03:09:43
"There are many ways to do so," replied the Master with a smile.  "One way is simply eating the right foods, avoiding fried or burnt substances, exposed to an excess of light and heat.  Drinking cool fluids, green tea, getting adequate rest, meditation and other calming and cooling motions also help to decrease the excess Yang.  Harmonic Balance involves many aspects of life and living, not simply a matter of drawing symbols and chanting in some arcane language."

Physics gives a quick and quite complaint about how he had to change around his personal life for his, rather then adjust simple components of a spell. Alright Master, I'll try to change it around... Physics says, knowing he wouldn't go that far out of his way to change his personal (ponyal?) habits.
The Master chuckled.  "It may be inconvenient to change one's lifestyle, it is true.  Still, with great power comes great responsibility... and great effort to obtain such power as well."
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Tezaku on 2013 Mar 23, 18:43:39
well i'm looking for a place to stay, and to get a job
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: the dark gods on 2013 Mar 23, 18:56:51
Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 23, 18:32:49
]The Master chuckled.  "It may be inconvenient to change one's lifestyle, it is true.  Still, with great power comes great responsibility... and great effort to obtain such power as well."

It's not just that Master....my lifestyle...it's who I am, it's what defines me, my choices are what make me me. I cannot simply throw this away... Physics reasons, knowing that he liked his current lifestyle far to much to change it.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Night Pony on 2013 Mar 23, 19:05:33
Upon reading the posters both of their eyes light up. Without a word, it was decided that the school was their next stop. Excited, they headed towards the school.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: ArtVeigar on 2013 Mar 23, 22:37:35
Sora walked toward the receptionist. - "Good evening! Could you help me find two friends who went missing after that crashed that happened near here, if it isn't much trouble? They are new to the town, so they probably don't have any local registration, and if they do, it's really recent. Their names are Donald and Goofy." - Sora asked politely to the spirit.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: bleyd on 2013 Mar 24, 08:37:01
the old one eye move around try search a fountain or a market or port
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: PPBG on 2013 Mar 24, 18:31:48
Kyslu smiled at the sight of runes. He snatched a map written in draconic and exited the Koban. His stomach grumbled, complaining. (<draconic>Fine! Yeesh. Hmmh, I wonder what they would have to eat around here.</draconic>) He held the map folded up in his hand/claws and started to walk around. Then he saw that monster again. He stopped and looked at it. Kyslu was behind Old One Eye. He was stopped and staring at it in curiosity. (<draconic>I can always fly away, can't I?</draconic>) he thought.

((I may have to curb some carnivorous tendencies. I can't say that he would be pleased with a vegetarian menu.  lol))
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Mar 25, 14:05:51
Quote from: Tezaku on 2013 Mar 23, 18:43:39
well i'm looking for a place to stay, and to get a job
The officer tilted his head.  "Ah, yes, the system does say that you are not registered.  Are you a citizen of Equestria?  We could copy your file over from there."
Quote from: the dark gods on 2013 Mar 23, 18:56:51It's not just that Master....my lifestyle...it's who I am, it's what defines me, my choices are what make me me. I cannot simply throw this away... Physics reasons, knowing that he liked his current lifestyle far to much to change it.
The old stallion nodded with a knowing expression.  "I know the feeling, Shift-san.  I was not always a practitioner of the Harmonic Balance.  Once I had my own life, with my own ways.  I had a comfortable position in a large Zaibatsu, and was deeply involved in everything from conventions to food contests.  My body became imbalanced, but despite the occasional illness and the emotional swings, I tried to buck through the pain as though it were an obstacle rather than a sign that something was wrong.  It was not until I found myself on the verge of doing something I could truly regret doing that I realized there was a problem that needed correcting."

He sighed.  "I am not saying that there is a problem with you or your life, Shift-san.  Equestrian life in general is extremely different from our way of life here, and you have your versions of Balance and Harmony.  It is difficult to change, I know this as well as any other.  Moderation and self-control can be difficult.  It is difficult to refrain from eating too many sweets as a colt, for it indeed is sweet and seems harmless enough.  It is difficult, also, to practice self-control and restraint when doing something one truly enjoys, which for me once was reading, sleeping, and other various entertainments.  Yet just as unrestrained consumption can lead to indigestion, and refusal to sleep can lead to dulled senses, so too can an imbalanced Ki lead to lifelong problems such as heart conditions, mental health problems and an inability to access or harness one's Internal Energy rather than be harnessed by it.  After all, the blade is never the weapon; the body is the weapon, and the blade simply its extension.  Yet the body is not the weapon, for the mind is the weapon, and the body simply its extension.  When one disciplines and balances the mind and the body through the balance of the Yin and Yang, one disciplines and balances the blade and is able to wield it effectively.  A soldier may abhor galloping miles daily and restricting his diet and reorganizing his sleeping patterns, yet in the end his galloping strengthens his body, his diet strengthens his health, and his adequate rest strengthens his mind in preparation for battle.  Just as a soldier must do these things, so too must the practitioner of any art train and discipline both mind and body and soul."
Quote from: Night Pony on 2013 Mar 23, 19:05:33
Upon reading the posters both of their eyes light up. Without a word, it was decided that the school was their next stop. Excited, they headed towards the school.
The two found themselves at a secondary school, which was still surprisingly busy despite it being late at night due to some sort of nationwide festival.  The poster had indicated that there was a garden in the back beyond a gate; as they peered between the booths of student-made foods and items (of various quality ranging from Mess to Average), they could see such an open gate with some Japony letters on it, and slightly broken Equestrian denoting "Vegetable Senate".  It probably meant to say "Council Gardens".
Quote from: ArtVeigar on 2013 Mar 23, 22:37:35
Sora walked toward the receptionist. - "Good evening! Could you help me find two friends who went missing after that crashed that happened near here, if it isn't much trouble? They are new to the town, so they probably don't have any local registration, and if they do, it's really recent. Their names are Donald and Goofy." - Sora asked politely to the spirit.
The spirit bowed.  "Please wait a moment.  Let me see... there were two unidentified ponies that appeared some distance from here, where citizens reported a flash in the sky.  They suffered internal trauma and multiple fractures, and were unconscious when our emergency vehicles reached the scene, but our medical devices were able to fix most of their wounds.  They haven't woken up yet, and we haven't been able to name them yet.  They may be your... Donald... and... Goofy.  You are from Equestria?" asked the spirit, looking up.  "If you know them, and you are registered on the file, I might let you go see them to verify if these are your friends."
Quote from: bleyd on 2013 Mar 24, 08:37:01
the old one eye move around try search a fountain or a market or port
There are no fountains for a while, and the sea is several train stops away, but he finally finds an old cobble-paved street lined with shacks and stalls selling charms, talismans, spirit magic items and very traditional food.  There is a bit of grass growing between the cobbles, and an ancient pool of sanctified water just beyond a red Tori gate that marked the sacred entrance to a local god's home.  A priestess in traditional dress was sweeping the cobbles and checking the donation box at the front; shrines still used the old paper and coin currency rather than the modern electronic currency that was rapidly becoming the norm in Neighpon.
Quote from: PPBG on 2013 Mar 24, 18:31:48
Kyslu smiled at the sight of runes. He snatched a map written in draconic and exited the Koban. His stomach grumbled, complaining. (<draconic>Fine! Yeesh. Hmmh, I wonder what they would have to eat around here.</draconic>) He held the map folded up in his hand/claws and started to walk around. Then he saw that monster again. He stopped and looked at it. Kyslu was behind Old One Eye. He was stopped and staring at it in curiosity. (<draconic>I can always fly away, can't I?</draconic>) he thought.

((I may have to curb some carnivorous tendencies. I can't say that he would be pleased with a vegetarian menu.  lol))
The creature eventually decided to walk away, and as the dragon watched, wandered into an ancient area of town huddled between the shining towers; the area was very traditional, with cobble-paved paths and wood-and-rice-paper buildings here and there.  They seemed to be selling some of the traditional food that was popular here, and from what he sees the shopkeepers there take both Yen and Bit without complaint, which was a relief and a change from the strange electronic currency that seemed so popular in this country.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Tezaku on 2013 Mar 25, 14:10:22
yes, i am a citizen of Equestria
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Night Pony on 2013 Mar 25, 14:10:52
"Is this it?"
"I guess so. The poster gives direction to this school."
"Then let's check it out!"
And so they entered the garden and took a look around.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: the dark gods on 2013 Mar 25, 14:19:21
Physics tries to take in all that he hears. And here he came here, expecting to learn magic. He expected the boring parts, all spells required planning out before their first cast, that was a common thing, he did not expect a total shift in his life, he was quite happy the way he was, and he had family that loved him for how he was too, why fix something that wasn't broken...
But he was still going to try. I will try Master, but I make no promises of changing my very being for this... Physics says, hoping he could still get something from this experience and not have to leave due to his incapability to change his way of life.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: ArtVeigar on 2013 Mar 25, 14:57:18
"Wow... Was it... that bad?" - Sora asked with a worried expression. He knows their friends are tough, and they have survived a ship crash before. Actually, that crash was probably what caused the malfunctioning that causes the ship to not be able to avoid the meteor shower, making them crash again. And even if they weren't his friends, their injuries were caused indirectly by him, so he felt guilty from this thought.- "I alredy did my registration, so please, may I check on them?"
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: bleyd on 2013 Mar 25, 15:51:56
umm stones.   the old one eye pick and eat stones ñom ñom ñom
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: PPBG on 2013 Mar 25, 18:39:21
Kyslu sprang up and flew above the monster, closer to the shops. He took a look at them as he strolled by. The peace here was still on his mind, how everything just coexisted without fighting. Or at least seemed to in his eyes. He wasn't entirely sure about the laser katanas --meaning there had to be some evils here. Still, most of what he saw was harmonious and calm.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Apr 08, 19:02:50
Quote from: Tezaku on 2013 Mar 25, 14:10:22
yes, i am a citizen of Equestria
The officer nodded and began to bring up a search on the hologram.  "This should only take a moment... ah, here we are."

An exact copy of the pony popped up on the projection, along with various bits of information.  With the wave of a hoof, the information split into two copies, and one of the two squished itself into a folder icon.

"There!  Now, Ace-san, if you would kindly put your hoof on the scanner right here, I can get you your temporary visitor's pass.  You can use it to board trains, purchase items, and store information or money, at least in the modern areas."
Quote from: Night Pony on 2013 Mar 25, 14:10:52
"Is this it?"
"I guess so. The poster gives direction to this school."
"Then let's check it out!"
And so they entered the garden and took a look around.
There was quite a small crowd of important-looking fillies and colts, and as they entered they happened to pass by Ace and another filly, the same one that had appeared on the poster as "Hinamori Amu-san".  Floating alongside her were several tiny hoof-sized alicorns dressed in what looked like costumes, each themed to a particular talent such as sports, art, cooking, and singing.
Quote from: the dark gods on 2013 Mar 25, 14:19:21
Physics tries to take in all that he hears. And here he came here, expecting to learn magic. He expected the boring parts, all spells required planning out before their first cast, that was a common thing, he did not expect a total shift in his life, he was quite happy the way he was, and he had family that loved him for how he was too, why fix something that wasn't broken...
But he was still going to try. I will try Master, but I make no promises of changing my very being for this... Physics says, hoping he could still get something from this experience and not have to leave due to his incapability to change his way of life.
The master nodded and smiled.  "Ganbare, Shift-san.  Once more, Seiza!  Meditation!  Focus on control and balance.  Now you know your own weakness; control it!  Harness it!  Wrestle with it, and tame it.  One cannot run before learning to stand up, and newborns who cannot stand up..."
Quote from: ArtVeigar on 2013 Mar 25, 14:57:18
"Wow... Was it... that bad?" - Sora asked with a worried expression. He knows their friends are tough, and they have survived a ship crash before. Actually, that crash was probably what caused the malfunctioning that causes the ship to not be able to avoid the meteor shower, making them crash again. And even if they weren't his friends, their injuries were caused indirectly by him, so he felt guilty from this thought.- "I alredy did my registration, so please, may I check on them?"
The spirit smiled and bowed.  "This way, sir.  Please do try to keep quiet for the sake of the patients.  The two will be in the second corridor, second door to the right from the entrance."

Ghostly hooves took out a map and pointed to the appropriate room.

Quote from: bleyd on 2013 Mar 25, 15:51:56
umm stones.   the old one eye pick and eat stones ñom ñom ñom
A large, hundred-ton robot carrying a ten-meter-long katana and a plasma shield walked over, the pilot inside raising an eyebrow.  "Sir.  You are committing vandalism and destruction of property.  Cease at once."
Quote from: PPBG on 2013 Mar 25, 18:39:21
Kyslu sprang up and flew above the monster, closer to the shops. He took a look at them as he strolled by. The peace here was still on his mind, how everything just coexisted without fighting. Or at least seemed to in his eyes. He wasn't entirely sure about the laser katanas --meaning there had to be some evils here. Still, most of what he saw was harmonious and calm.
He could see the samurai officer towering over the strange creature, speaking with a calm, peaceful yet confident voice.  Peace through a combination of superior firepower and ancient tradition was odd, but seemed effective here, at least.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: the dark gods on 2013 Apr 08, 20:21:25
Physics goes back to his sitting stance, and tries his hardest to clear his mind, not letting any thoughts through, and any that do wriggle through he throws out as quickly as he can. From a outside appearance, Physics looked most peaceful....except for the occasional small swift motion of Physics adjusting his position due to a sudden soreness he couldn't shake off...
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: ArtVeigar on 2013 Apr 09, 02:16:35
"Thanks." - Sora bowed to the spirit and headed to the room she has indicated. He slowly opened the door, trying to be as quiet as possible, and with a voice almost as quiet as a whisper, he asked for his friends names. - "Donald? Goofy?"
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: FlameandIce on 2013 Apr 09, 02:24:05
((can I join anypony here))
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Night Pony on 2013 Apr 09, 08:08:48
"Hey isn't that the pony from the poster?"
"I think so. I bet she is well informed about this school."
So they walked towards the pony in question.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Tezaku on 2013 Apr 09, 08:30:00
he does as he's told, and puts his hoof on the scanner, where he said
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: bleyd on 2013 Apr 09, 10:15:52
this remember me when a centinel in x men hide back a small build and jubilee dont see him and because i eat stones o.O i dont remember ))

the old one eye look robot and Stone, Stone robot, ehhhhh sorry,  >.<
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Apr 09, 13:50:53
Quote from: the dark gods on 2013 Apr 08, 20:21:25
Physics goes back to his sitting stance, and tries his hardest to clear his mind, not letting any thoughts through, and any that do wriggle through he throws out as quickly as he can. From a outside appearance, Physics looked most peaceful....except for the occasional small swift motion of Physics adjusting his position due to a sudden soreness he couldn't shake off...
The Master gave a hint of a smile before speaking.  "You feel the fight for power?  Always the inner nature seeks to control, to consume.  Sometimes it takes years of meditation to control that nature, but once you do, all else follows.  Yet do not overdo it!  Too much can hurt just as well as too little.  All things in moderation, that is the way of Harmony."
Quote from: ArtVeigar on 2013 Apr 09, 02:16:35
"Thanks." - Sora bowed to the spirit and headed to the room she has indicated. He slowly opened the door, trying to be as quiet as possible, and with a voice almost as quiet as a whisper, he asked for his friends names. - "Donald? Goofy?"
Between the quiet beeping of the pulse monitors and the almost indiscernible breathing from the two sleeping patients on the beds, all was quiet for a moment.  He noticed that the coloring had transferred over surprisingly well, although like himself the cutie marks were strange.

Then, eyes fluttered open... ((and you got lucky! :D))

Quote from: FlameandIce on 2013 Apr 09, 02:24:05
((can I join anypony here))

((anywhere, anytime))
Quote from: Night Pony on 2013 Apr 09, 08:08:48
"Hey isn't that the pony from the poster?"
"I think so. I bet she is well informed about this school."
So they walked towards the pony in question.
Hinamori-san turned to look at the two as they approached.  "Ah!  Konbanwa.  May I help you?"
Quote from: Tezaku on 2013 Apr 09, 08:30:00
he does as he's told, and puts his hoof on the scanner, where he said
There is a soft glow, and a hoof-sized, glass-like object appears on the desk before him.  The officer smiled.  "And that's that!  This keitai denwa can serve as identification, communication device, wallet, bank, ticket and more anywhere in the city and most places outside within Neighpon.  Please be sure to return it to any koban within a month, or to fill out permanent residence forms if you plan on staying longer.  It will also serve as a key to your apartment; I've taken the liberty of assigning you to a room just a few blocks from here."

He pointed on a map of the city; it happens to be in the same place where ((FlameandIce's Character)) and ((Night Pony's characters)) are staying.

"Is there anything else I can help you with?"
Quote from: bleyd on 2013 Apr 09, 10:15:52
this remember me when a centinel in x men hide back a small build and jubilee dont see him and because i eat stones o.O i dont remember ))

the old one eye look robot and Stone, Stone robot, ehhhhh sorry,  >.<
The officer shrugs.  "It's my responsibility to see that property doesn't get destroyed.  Do you have immigration papers, identification?  I will need to report this vandalism to the station.  You may be fined for it as well; those stones were hoof-carved and over a hundred years old, like most of the carvings and buildings in this neighborhood."
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Night Pony on 2013 Apr 09, 13:53:20
((Where the hay you get those words?  o.O ))

"Hello. We saw the poster about your school and we came to check it out. ^-^" said Moon while Night mostly stayed silent.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: ArtVeigar on 2013 Apr 09, 15:53:01
"Donald! Goofy! Are you alright?" - Sora rushed toward were they were lying, forgetting about being quiet. - "Oh boy, you look bad... Here, let me help!" - With a flash, the keyblade appeared in his mouth. He pointed it up and it's blade started to glow. - "Curaga!" - From the base of the blade, two green vines started grow, running spiral toward the tip, from where it keep growing straight and stopped over the two ponies. From the end of the vines, two big pink flowers blossomed and lots of glowing yellow pollen started to fall over them. When the pollen touched their skin, it was absorbed, healing their wounds. The flower and vines turned to a white glowing dust that faded away really fast, turning to nothing in no time.

Sora started to pant hard, as this magic requires him to use almos all of his energy. But any price is low for the health of his friends.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: the dark gods on 2013 Apr 09, 17:09:13
Physics silently grumbles something about how overrated harmony is too himself before talking to his master. Yes Master I feel the power struggle within myself... Physics says, and within that moment of talking, the thought of when some more "spell based" training would begin and they would learn how to use this power, rather then simply learn to hone it in...
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Apr 10, 01:22:11
Quote from: Night Pony on 2013 Apr 09, 13:53:20
((Where the hay you get those words?  o.O ))

"Hello. We saw the poster about your school and we came to check it out. ^-^" said Moon while Night mostly stayed silent.
((Intermediate Japanese x3  I'm a semi-polyglot))

The pony bowed.  "Eeto... well, um, I suppose you came to the right filly!" smiled the student with a blush.  "I am Hinamori Amu, one of the leaders of the Student Council.  I'm a Kokoro no Tamago purifier, meaning that I cleanse the corrupted aspirations of fillies and colts and kids all over Neighpon, when necessary, to return them to their original innocence.  My shugo chara represent my fillyhood aspirations for sports, cooking, art, and singing, and my... traumatic first experience led to them first appearing.  I would be honored to know your names, if you please."
Quote from: ArtVeigar on 2013 Apr 09, 15:53:01
"Donald! Goofy! Are you alright?" - Sora rushed toward were they were lying, forgetting about being quiet. - "Oh boy, you look bad... Here, let me help!" - With a flash, the keyblade appeared in his mouth. He pointed it up and it's blade started to glow. - "Curaga!" - From the base of the blade, two green vines started grow, running spiral toward the tip, from where it keep growing straight and stopped over the two ponies. From the end of the vines, two big pink flowers blossomed and lots of glowing yellow pollen started to fall over them. When the pollen touched their skin, it was absorbed, healing their wounds. The flower and vines turned to a white glowing dust that faded away really fast, turning to nothing in no time.

Sora started to pant hard, as this magic requires him to use almos all of his energy. But any price is low for the health of his friends.
Wounds began to mend almost immediately, the healing process begun by the Neighponese medicine accelerated now with Sora's magic.  The Donald-colored pony opened his eyes...

((and you get to play your own characters :]))

Quote from: the dark gods on 2013 Apr 09, 17:09:13
Physics silently grumbles something about how overrated harmony is too himself before talking to his master. Yes Master I feel the power struggle within myself... Physics says, and within that moment of talking, the thought of when some more "spell based" training would begin and they would learn how to use this power, rather then simply learn to hone it in...
The Master chuckled, recognizing impatience with an expert's eye.  "I have taught many students, Shift-san.  Some learn one way, some another.  Perhaps..."

He smiled wryly.  "As you wish.  Kiotsuke!  Attention stance!  Let us see if you learn better running before walking!"

The Master stood and balanced on hind legs with the ease of practice, and began to move his forelegs about the space before him as the air began to glow in a sphere between his hooves.

"So!  You think you can master your Ki in a day?  Let us see how you fare!  Attention stance!  Then Riding Stance!  You, with all your strength and aggression and impatience, reach deep within yourself and see if you can draw your Yang!  We shall see if it even comes out at your bidding!"

Though the Master's words seemed harsh, there was a look of seriousness mixed with the amusement.  It was a rare student that could TRULY master the technique without first balancing the internal energy, but such strangeness had happened before.  This was as much of a test as the other minor-seeming trials that Physics had undergone, though he might not yet realize it.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: FlameandIce on 2013 Apr 10, 02:31:07
Rika is in the lobby of the hotel thinking of what to do
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: bleyd on 2013 Apr 10, 03:55:17
buajj . the old one eye return stone.
(( i have in my work next 36 hours i cant post sorry))
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Night Pony on 2013 Apr 10, 08:12:51
"I'm Moon Violet." :)
"And I'm Night Shine." :)
"It's a pleasure to meet you. "
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Tezaku on 2013 Apr 10, 14:58:01
any jobs available?
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: the dark gods on 2013 Apr 10, 16:01:11
Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Apr 10, 01:22:11
The Master chuckled, recognizing impatience with an expert's eye.  "I have taught many students, Shift-san.  Some learn one way, some another.  Perhaps..."

He smiled wryly.  "As you wish.  Kiotsuke!  Attention stance!  Let us see if you learn better running before walking!"

The Master stood and balanced on hind legs with the ease of practice, and began to move his forelegs about the space before him as the air began to glow in a sphere between his hooves.

"So!  You think you can master your Ki in a day?  Let us see how you fare!  Attention stance!  Then Riding Stance!  You, with all your strength and aggression and impatience, reach deep within yourself and see if you can draw your Yang!  We shall see if it even comes out at your bidding!"

Though the Master's words seemed harsh, there was a look of seriousness mixed with the amusement.  It was a rare student that could TRULY master the technique without first balancing the internal energy, but such strangeness had happened before.  This was as much of a test as the other minor-seeming trials that Physics had undergone, though he might not yet realize it.

Physics was mostly baffled by the fact the Master could somehow read his mind, wondering if this was one of the powers he had learned from using his "Ki" as he called it...He stands up on four hooves, ready to do the stances he had just been told to...before coming to rather awkward conclusion.
Physics gives a nervous cough as he raises his hoof to ask a question, not waiting to be called on as this was his first lesson.
Uhh, Master? I haven't learned the "riding stance" yet... Physics says awkwardly, feeling somewhat stupid stupid for not knowing the stance yet, before his own ego shifts the blame onto the master for not teach it to him yet.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Apr 10, 17:53:32
Quote from: FlameandIce on 2013 Apr 10, 02:31:07
Rika is in the lobby of the hotel thinking of what to do
Looking outside, she can see quite a few ponies wandering about, open shops and other things to do if she wished.  There was also a large poster on a wall, hoof-drawn from the looks of it, by a certain Hinamori Amu inviting the curious to seek out her school's Student Council if they wished to gain new abilities through their goals and dreams.
Quote from: bleyd on 2013 Apr 10, 03:55:17
buajj . the old one eye return stone.
(( i have in my work next 36 hours i cant post sorry))
The officer grew grave, and the robot stood ready, sword pointing forward.  "I ask you again, do you have identification or immigration papers, sir?"
Quote from: Night Pony on 2013 Apr 10, 08:12:51
"I'm Moon Violet." :)
"And I'm Night Shine." :)
"It's a pleasure to meet you. "
The student bowed.  "Douzo yoroshiku onegaishimasu.  Very pleased to meet you as well.  So, you want to know about this sort of magic?  Have you ever heard of the Heart's Seed, or the True Self and Guardian Characters?"
Quote from: Tezaku on 2013 Apr 10, 14:58:01
any jobs available?
"Several, depending on your skill and ability.  The Furukawa bakery is in need of a helping hoof a few blocks from here.  Harmonic Energy Martial Arts Dojo is looking for assistants as well, if you're trained in martial arts.  The military can always use new pilots for their Evangelion units, and several of our secondary schools need proctors and tutors.  Easter, Nissin, Honda and the other Zaibatsu around here are looking for interns as well."
Quote from: the dark gods on 2013 Apr 10, 16:01:11
Physics was mostly baffled by the fact the Master could somehow read his mind, wondering if this was one of the powers he had learned from using his "Ki" as he called it...He stands up on four hooves, ready to do the stances he had just been told to...before coming to rather awkward conclusion.
Physics gives a nervous cough as he raises his hoof to ask a question, not waiting to be called on as this was his first lesson.
Uhh, Master? I haven't learned the "riding stance" yet... Physics says awkwardly, feeling somewhat stupid stupid for not knowing the stance yet, before his own ego shifts the blame onto the master for not teach it to him yet.
The Master laughed out loud.  "No you have not, my observant student.  Lean back into your hind legs, distribute your weight on your hind hooves, and move your forelegs in front of you for balance.  This frees your forelegs to shape and move the Ki.  Deep breathing and a good sense of balance is key to both maintaining the stance and being able to begin drawing out the energy."
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: bleyd on 2013 Apr 10, 17:58:44
i eat them
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: the dark gods on 2013 Apr 10, 18:01:22
Physics nods to his master, his hooves quickly closing into a attention stance, closing up into two pairs of two hooves side by side to each other. Physics takes a deep breath, and spreads his hind legs apart, and pulls upwards with his back, letting him stand on his hind hooves like instructed, his forelegs starts to flail around a bit to maintain balance, he smiled as he stroke a striking pose, getting the general balance right.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: ArtVeigar on 2013 Apr 10, 18:05:00
The white unicorn with yellow muzzle and hooves slowly opened his sky-blue eyes and slowly turned his head to the source of the voice calling him. - "Sora?" - He said with his usual husky voice. He could recognize his friend's voice, and when his blurred vision cleared, he saw someone there with all of his characteristics: his usual black and red jacket, his spiky hair, his blue eyes, and the keyblade. But instead of a boy, standing there was a pony. - "What?! Sora, what happened? Where are we? What are you? What am I?" - He was looking at his own hoofs with a startled expression, then checked all his body, and touched his horn, what just made his face look even more troubled.

"A-hyuck, I think you're an unicorn now, Donald!" - Goofy, the black earth pony with skin colored muzzle and hoofs, was already awake on the other bed, laughing at his friend's trouble. - "And I'm a pony myself too!" - He keep laughing, accepting his new body much easier than Donald.

The two were already so energetic that they barely seemed to have just been hospitalized. Sora, recovering his breath, couldn't help himself from laughing too. - "You two should stop worrying me this much! I've been looking for you everywhere and even find you at a hospital! Boy, you two are just trouble... Haha" - Sora and goofy kept laughing, while Donald kept his troubled expression looking at himself and his friends. The three of them forgot they were in a hospital, and soon enough somepony will probably remember them of this.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Night Pony on 2013 Apr 11, 03:23:10
"Actually she is more interested in various new magic." Moon says and gestures towards Night.
"This is the first time I've heard about it."
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Tezaku on 2013 Apr 11, 06:11:44
i think i'll go with the martial arts
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: FlameandIce on 2013 Apr 11, 15:38:43
Rims looks over the poster to see where exactly it is
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Apr 11, 23:06:33
Quote from: bleyd on 2013 Apr 10, 17:58:44
i eat them
The officer arches an eyebrow.  "You ate your identification papers?"
Quote from: the dark gods on 2013 Apr 10, 18:01:22
Physics nods to his master, his hooves quickly closing into a attention stance, closing up into two pairs of two hooves side by side to each other. Physics takes a deep breath, and spreads his hind legs apart, and pulls upwards with his back, letting him stand on his hind hooves like instructed, his forelegs starts to flail around a bit to maintain balance, he smiled as he stroke a striking pose, getting the general balance right.
"Good!  Now, focus on your internal energy!  Draw it out with your forelegs!  You know your weakness, now confront it!  Fight it!  Control it!"
Quote from: ArtVeigar on 2013 Apr 10, 18:05:00
The white unicorn with yellow muzzle and hooves slowly opened his sky-blue eyes and slowly turned his head to the source of the voice calling him. - "Sora?" - He said with his usual husky voice. He could recognize his friend's voice, and when his blurred vision cleared, he saw someone there with all of his characteristics: his usual black and red jacket, his spiky hair, his blue eyes, and the keyblade. But instead of a boy, standing there was a pony. - "What?! Sora, what happened? Where are we? What are you? What am I?" - He was looking at his own hoofs with a startled expression, then checked all his body, and touched his horn, what just made his face look even more troubled.

"A-hyuck, I think you're an unicorn now, Donald!" - Goofy, the black earth pony with skin colored muzzle and hoofs, was already awake on the other bed, laughing at his friend's trouble. - "And I'm a pony myself too!" - He keep laughing, accepting his new body much easier than Donald.

The two were already so energetic that they barely seemed to have just been hospitalized. Sora, recovering his breath, couldn't help himself from laughing too. - "You two should stop worrying me this much! I've been looking for you everywhere and even find you at a hospital! Boy, you two are just trouble... Haha" - Sora and goofy kept laughing, while Donald kept his troubled expression looking at himself and his friends. The three of them forgot they were in a hospital, and soon enough somepony will probably remember them of this.
A chime sounded as life support systems retracted and a nearby robotic nurse sighed.

"If you are quite healed, then, sirs?  There are other patients around... quiet is best for quicker recovery."
Quote from: Night Pony on 2013 Apr 11, 03:23:10
"Actually she is more interested in various new magic." Moon says and gestures towards Night.
"This is the first time I've heard about it."
Hinamori-san nodded.  "Few ever hear about our variety of magic.  It is very talent-oriented, and some find the methods of conjuration restricting... or ridiculous, not that I blame them."
Quote from: Tezaku on 2013 Apr 11, 06:11:44
i think i'll go with the martial arts
The officer nodded and moved a hoof as a sheet appeared before the pony.

"Sign here, please, if you are certain.  The terms and conditions are on there."
Quote from: FlameandIce on 2013 Apr 11, 15:38:43
Rims looks over the poster to see where exactly it is
It appears to be pointing to a school not too far from where she was, where, if she had known it, Night and Moon and Ace were at.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: FlameandIce on 2013 Apr 12, 02:19:20
The young priestess looks towards the school hm wonder how this will work out she starts walking towards the school
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: bleyd on 2013 Apr 12, 05:04:25
yes i have hungry   :c
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Tezaku on 2013 Apr 12, 06:14:28
yes, i'm certain
he signs it, and hoofs it back
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: ArtVeigar on 2013 Apr 12, 11:52:56
"Oh, right, we are sorry" - Said Sora. Their laughs stopped suddenly. He looked to his friends and pointed the way out. - "We better keep going, the ship got all damaged and some pieces flew to I-don't-know-where, so we need to find them."

The two nodded and followed Sora to the exit. They got out of the bed and started walking awkwardly, not used to walk on four hoofs. When they got out, their mouth fell agape. It was the first time for the to see a place like this, so crowd, with buildings that tall, with robots, ponies, dragons and youkais everywere. - "Wow....." - But there was no sign of any crashing or any rubber ship nearby. - "Wait, where is the ship?" - Donald asked, looking right and left.

"Some really nice guards are keeping it safe inside somewhere they call a 'Mecha bay', probably the same place they keep this cool robots they use. It is right there." - He pointed toward the same place the guard had showed him. - "Let's start searching. But in a place so big, I think it will be kinda hard... Let's see if the guard has any clue." - He started guinding his friends to the Koban he had gone.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Night Pony on 2013 Apr 12, 12:15:41
"So what does this magic do?"
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: FlameandIce on 2013 Apr 12, 12:19:56
A young colt wanders into town be has a cloak over his body covering his face he starts walking around looking for anything interesting
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: PPBG on 2013 Apr 13, 18:17:53
Kyslu just watches the beast in front of him. (<draconic>He seems kind of out of place. Even for here. He isn't...graceful enough.</draconic>)
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Apr 15, 14:39:50
Quote from: FlameandIce on 2013 Apr 12, 02:19:20
The young priestess looks towards the school hm wonder how this will work out she starts walking towards the school
As she walks, she happens to pass by a koban, where Night, Moon, and a pink-maned student are talking.

Quote from: bleyd on 2013 Apr 12, 05:04:25
yes i have hungry   :c
The officer sighed.  "I'm afraid you'll have to come with me.  Willful destruction of identification papers is an imperial offense."
Quote from: Tezaku on 2013 Apr 12, 06:14:28
yes, i'm certain
he signs it, and hoofs it back
The officer puts it in a slot, where it is scanned and forwarded.  "You will be expected at the dojo in half an hour.  Here are the directions," he added as he gave the pony a map with the location marked.  "Pay will be by the hour.  You can negotiate things when you get there."
Quote from: ArtVeigar on 2013 Apr 12, 11:52:56
"Oh, right, we are sorry" - Said Sora. Their laughs stopped suddenly. He looked to his friends and pointed the way out. - "We better keep going, the ship got all damaged and some pieces flew to I-don't-know-where, so we need to find them."

The two nodded and followed Sora to the exit. They got out of the bed and started walking awkwardly, not used to walk on four hoofs. When they got out, their mouth fell agape. It was the first time for the to see a place like this, so crowd, with buildings that tall, with robots, ponies, dragons and youkais everywere. - "Wow....." - But there was no sign of any crashing or any rubber ship nearby. - "Wait, where is the ship?" - Donald asked, looking right and left.

"Some really nice guards are keeping it safe inside somewhere they call a 'Mecha bay', probably the same place they keep this cool robots they use. It is right there." - He pointed toward the same place the guard had showed him. - "Let's start searching. But in a place so big, I think it will be kinda hard... Let's see if the guard has any clue." - He started guinding his friends to the Koban he had gone.
There was a rather strange group gathered about; a monster being led by a police in a mecha, two mares speaking with a student, and another pony inside talking with the officer.  They also passed by a priestess of some sort.
Quote from: Night Pony on 2013 Apr 12, 12:15:41
"So what does this magic do?"
"It takes one's inmost Naritai Jibun and amplifies it to literally magical levels, transforming you slightly while giving you powers related to the self that you normally hide from others, the self that you wish you were and want to be but are afraid of showing," explained the filly.  "I had always wanted to be, variously, an artist, a chef, an athlete and a singer, but never got up the nerve to show it or tell anypony about it.  When the desire and the dream outgrew the shell I had built around it, it hatched my powers.  I still hide those forms, but I'm slowly becoming more and more open to showing my inner feelings.  The Student Council uses these Kyara Nari to guard the dreams of innocents from forces that might otherwise taint or change the dream.  We've had failures before... one young colt who wanted to be an artist became... something much, much worse.  But I like to think that we've succeeded more than failed."
Quote from: FlameandIce on 2013 Apr 12, 12:19:56
A young colt wanders into town be has a cloak over his body covering his face he starts walking around looking for anything interesting
He sees all manner of shops and mecha walking around, along with a crowded Koban.
Quote from: PPBG on 2013 Apr 13, 18:17:53
Kyslu just watches the beast in front of him. (<draconic>He seems kind of out of place. Even for here. He isn't...graceful enough.</draconic>)
He sees the same thing that Sora sees as the monster is led away by the officer.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Night Pony on 2013 Apr 15, 14:43:41
"So there's a chance of something going wrong?" Night asked precariously.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: bleyd on 2013 Apr 15, 14:47:18
uhhhh yo take me flying and shall put the siren? :3

says. impatient and excited
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Tezaku on 2013 Apr 15, 16:28:23
alright, thank you he takes a look at the map, and starts heading there see you he said
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: ArtVeigar on 2013 Apr 15, 18:35:42
"A-hyuck! This place is really diverse, huh?" - Goofy said, seeing the group around the Koban. Sora recognized the two mares taking with the student as the ones he met when he left the Koban. He happened to listen what the student said, and was really amazed.

"Diverse in people, magic, culture... And even with that, they are able to keep the peace and harmony. I really loved this world, you know?" - Sora smiled and kept going for the Koban. - "If we weren't so stacked with things to do, worlds to save and friends to find, I'd love to spend a vacation here. Maybe when it is all over, so I can bring Riku and Kairi together...." - His mind started to wander, remembering his friends who were still lost. - "*Sigh* I hope they are okay." - He said to himself.

They entered the Koban right after the pony left. - "Hello sir! Can you help me with something again?" - Sora asked.

Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Apr 15, 20:03:40
Quote from: Night Pony on 2013 Apr 15, 14:43:41
"So there's a chance of something going wrong?" Night asked precariously.
The student grew sad.  "There are always losses in battle and war.  But that can be said of any magic in Neighpon.  The Student Council battles against the corruption of wishes and the dreams of fillies and colts and kids.  The ninjas battle against corrupted ninja.  Magical girls battle against witches.  Our military battles against kaiju.  Our disciplines are never simply for 'fun' or entertainment, I'm sorry to say."
Quote from: bleyd on 2013 Apr 15, 14:47:18
uhhhh yo take me flying and shall put the siren? :3

says. impatient and excited
The officer rolled his eyes.  "You get to walk.  And I get to use my laser katana if you get too rowdy.  Get moving."

True to his word, his katana was glowing white-hot and looked very, very sharp and painful.

Quote from: Tezaku on 2013 Apr 15, 16:28:23
alright, thank you he takes a look at the map, and starts heading there see you he said
"Until next time," smiled the officer as the pony left the Koban.  Outside, Ace could see several others gathered around looking at him, from Night and Moon to Sora and several others.

Quote from: ArtVeigar on 2013 Apr 15, 18:35:42
"A-hyuck! This place is really diverse, huh?" - Goofy said, seeing the group around the Koban. Sora recognized the two mares taking with the student as the ones he met when he left the Koban. He happened to listen what the student said, and was really amazed.

"Diverse in people, magic, culture... And even with that, they are able to keep the peace and harmony. I really loved this world, you know?" - Sora smiled and kept going for the Koban. - "If we weren't so stacked with things to do, worlds to save and friends to find, I'd love to spend a vacation here. Maybe when it is all over, so I can bring Riku and Kairi together...." - His mind started to wander, remembering his friends who were still lost. - "*Sigh* I hope they are okay." - He said to himself.

They entered the Koban right after the pony left. - "Hello sir! Can you help me with something again?" - Sora asked.

The officer looked up and smiled as the ponies enetered.  "Certainly!  And good evening again.  How might I help you?"
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: FlameandIce on 2013 Apr 15, 20:08:42
the colt heads to the koban just for sightseeing though of course a black robed figure sticks out in a crowd
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: the dark gods on 2013 Apr 15, 20:27:14
Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Apr 11, 23:06:33
"Good!  Now, focus on your internal energy!  Draw it out with your forelegs!  You know your weakness, now confront it!  Fight it!  Control it!"

Physics does so, trying to supress his emotions for the moment, like that Hurricane Gale spell he'd be taught before, shunting them out of his mind as he focused the energies into his forehooves, letting that be the one and only thing he thought of at the moment.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: ArtVeigar on 2013 Apr 15, 20:54:28
"First of all, look! I found my friends! This are Donald and Goofy. Guys, this is the gentle policeman who helped me after our ship crashed." - He said, pointing his friends. Both opened a smile and bowed.

"Nice to meet you, sir!" - Donald spoke for the two of them.

"Now, we need to get to the second part of our quest here: fixing the ship. Do you have any idea where the blocks might have fallen?" - Sora asked, his face showing how clueless he was about the matter.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Night Pony on 2013 Apr 16, 02:57:11
"So do you know what effect will be for me?" she says and spreads out her wings.
"I don't exactly classify as a unicorn."
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: bleyd on 2013 Apr 16, 03:46:23
i am a lot tired. i dont walk. i use my pacific resistance.  :c .
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Tezaku on 2013 Apr 16, 06:06:24
he stopped and looked back at them, then he asked is there something wrong?
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Apr 17, 19:33:12
Quote from: FlameandIce on 2013 Apr 15, 20:08:42
the colt heads to the koban just for sightseeing though of course a black robed figure sticks out in a crowd
The others see a black-robed colt entering the koban; the colt sees a samurai police officer within, a tourist's kiosk with maps and guides in various languages, very advanced electronics all in Neighponese, and various posters for community events, including benefit concerts, charity drives, marathons and other such things.
Quote from: the dark gods on 2013 Apr 15, 20:27:14
Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Apr 11, 23:06:33
Physics does so, trying to supress his emotions for the moment, like that Hurricane Gale spell he'd be taught before, shunting them out of his mind as he focused the energies into his forehooves, letting that be the one and only thing he thought of at the moment.
The yang began to come out, burning white-hot in his mind's eye, struggling and wriggling and almost PAINFUL to control, as though all his anger and ferocity and desire for power was concentrated into a single thread, as dangerous as a snake.  It whipped back and forth, trying to avoid his mental grasp.
Quote from: ArtVeigar on 2013 Apr 15, 20:54:28
"First of all, look! I found my friends! This are Donald and Goofy. Guys, this is the gentle policeman who helped me after our ship crashed." - He said, pointing his friends. Both opened a smile and bowed.

"Nice to meet you, sir!" - Donald spoke for the two of them.

"Now, we need to get to the second part of our quest here: fixing the ship. Do you have any idea where the blocks might have fallen?" - Sora asked, his face showing how clueless he was about the matter.
The samurai chuckled and smiled brightly.  "Omedetou gozaimasu!  Congratulations!  An honor to meet you both, Donald-san, Goofy-san.  I am officer Yamamoto Shiro.  Hajimematta yo.  As for your ship, it is stationed in the Mecha Bay over there," he pointed out the window towards the gigantic hanger doors across the street.  Several house-sized robots were walking in and out, and to one side could barely be seen the tattered ship.  "Broken pieces were transported to the ship as well, with the assumption that perhaps you might want to keep them or somehow use them.  They should be in crates and boxes near the ship.  I'm sorry to say that quite a few looked a bit broken and burnt from the explosion and crash, although I'm certainly not at all familiar with whatever technology your ship used."
Quote from: Night Pony on 2013 Apr 16, 02:57:11
"So do you know what effect will be for me?" she says and spreads out her wings.
"I don't exactly classify as a unicorn."
Hinamori-san smiled.  "That I can guess, though I wouldn't know for certain.  You would probably gain several new pieces of clothing or armor themed around whatever it is you wished to be most fervently.  You would also gain a magical focus item, usually attached to your horn or hoof, that lets you cast special spells only available in the form you've chosen, and also themed around the particular talent-persona you transformed into.  Your innate talent would be amplified to magical levels as well.  For instance, when I use my Artist persona, my school uniform is transformed into basic artist's attire and I gain a paintbrush-shaped focus item, attached to my right hoof.  I can paint extremely perfect portraits, and also cast art-themed spells.  Actually, to be honest there are two different types of transformations; one is half-way, and only changes a tiny item visually (mine are mane-clips), while granting you several minutes of latent talent.  The other is a full-blown transformation sequence, and grants you up to a day's worth of talent-themed magical power.  We generally hope that whatever needs doing takes less time than a whole day, though.  We never do the more powerful transformation unless it's absolutely necessary, and we try not to do it in public either."
Quote from: bleyd on 2013 Apr 16, 03:46:23
i am a lot tired. i dont walk. i use my pacific resistance.  :c .
The officer rolled his eyes.  "Neighponese law doesn't tolerate resistance to the law."

He set his laser katana to stun, pointing the weapon at the creature.

"You will walk, or you will be rendered unconscious and brought physically to the prison, cataloged and either left there or deported if you continue resisting, by order of the Empire of Neighpon."
Quote from: Tezaku on 2013 Apr 16, 06:06:24
he stopped and looked back at them, then he asked is there something wrong?
They had turned back to their conversations, although they could still see him if they wanted to interact.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: ArtVeigar on 2013 Apr 17, 22:04:19
"Oh, well... in fact... we really don't know either..." - Sora scratched the back of his neck, nervously. - "The ones who know how the ship works are Chip and Dale, back at Disney's castle, and Cid, at Traverse Town... We aways could contact them through a communication device installed on the ship, but there is the possibility of it being damaged on the crash." - Sora looked at his friends with a clueless face, as if asking them what to do.

"I think we don't have an option, do we?" - Donald shrugged, and Goofy only repeated the movement.

"Well, I guess so." - He turned back to the officer Yamamoto. - "We are going to take a look there. Thanks again, sir!" - Sora smiled and bowed, followed by Donald and Goofy. When they were almost leaving, their bellies rumbled almost like they were synchronized, what made the three of the to blush slightly. Sora turned back. - "Well... Do you know where we can eat something? And before that, where we can sell some jewels?"
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: FlameandIce on 2013 Apr 17, 22:07:52
The colt walks to the officer so how much for a map
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Night Pony on 2013 Apr 18, 06:46:42
Night thought about it for a moment.
"Okay I'm in!"
"Wait you are actually gonna do this?"
"Yeah and you should too. I bet it will help you out too."
"But what if it goes wrong?"
"It it's a small chance. And besides I know us. We'll be fine."
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: bleyd on 2013 Apr 18, 10:04:15
 D: but I'm tired legs hurt me. and I have hungry this is police abuse of power.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Apr 18, 13:48:18
Quote from: ArtVeigar on 2013 Apr 17, 22:04:19
"Oh, well... in fact... we really don't know either..." - Sora scratched the back of his neck, nervously. - "The ones who know how the ship works are Chip and Dale, back at Disney's castle, and Cid, at Traverse Town... We aways could contact them through a communication device installed on the ship, but there is the possibility of it being damaged on the crash." - Sora looked at his friends with a clueless face, as if asking them what to do.

"I think we don't have an option, do we?" - Donald shrugged, and Goofy only repeated the movement.

"Well, I guess so." - He turned back to the officer Yamamoto. - "We are going to take a look there. Thanks again, sir!" - Sora smiled and bowed, followed by Donald and Goofy. When they were almost leaving, their bellies rumbled almost like they were synchronized, what made the three of the to blush slightly. Sora turned back. - "Well... Do you know where we can eat something? And before that, where we can sell some jewels?"
"Jewels you might be able to sell in our more traditional market several blocks down here," replied the officer, pointing on a map.  "It's next to one of our neighborhood shrines.  Tajimamori-sama lives there, the Kami of candy.  He prefers using the traditional hard coin currency, as do his miko, so they might buy the jewels from you.  There's ramen and udon shops and other food stalls along the same street.  Pretty and quiet place, besides the fillies and colts and kids running around begging for more candy."
Quote from: FlameandIce on 2013 Apr 17, 22:07:52
The colt walks to the officer so how much for a map

"Map's free," smiled the officer.  "So is any information you might need.  Are you new here?"
Quote from: Night Pony on 2013 Apr 18, 06:46:42
Night thought about it for a moment.
"Okay I'm in!"
"Wait you are actually gonna do this?"
"Yeah and you should too. I bet it will help you out too."
"But what if it goes wrong?"
"It it's a small chance. And besides I know us. We'll be fine."
Hinamori-san smiled.  "Well then, if Ace-san would excuse us, I can take you to the Council Gardens and introduce you to the others!  Please excuse the... mistranslation on the gate."
Quote from: bleyd on 2013 Apr 18, 10:04:15
D: but I'm tired legs hurt me. and I have hungry this is police abuse of power.
"Prisoners have no right within Neighpon," said the officer tersely.  "This is a military-run police state and parliamentary theocracy-monarchy.  This is not some sort of Roam-an republic where the prisoner gets RIGHTS.  I have every bit of authority to execute you immediately if I thought you were a threat to the general public, and if this were a decade ago I would have had every right to execute you immediately for even complaining.  I AM a samurai, you know, and that's not just a job, it's my bloodline and my identity as a lord under the Emperor, and this is the Emperor's own city.  So MOVE."
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Night Pony on 2013 Apr 18, 13:51:16
"Lead the way then. :) "
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: bleyd on 2013 Apr 18, 14:02:07
ok no one can say that I have not tried for good. the only red eye. shines. I give you 10 seconds. Mr. samurai to disappear before I make your exquisite armor pieces. the monster is placed on two legs balancing with the blade of the tail. taking a position battle.¡¡TENKKAI!!  

laws are to be respected but when they infringe on the freedom of the ponies they should up and fought
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: ArtVeigar on 2013 Apr 18, 14:44:12
"A-hyuck, it looks like a nice place to go!" - Goofy said, excited.

"You're right! If we are stuck here anyway, why not take advantage on the situation for some sight seeing, right?" - Sora grabbed a map and then turned to the guard - "Thanks again! I'm sure we will meet again soon!" - The three wave a hoof and left the Koban. Sora took a better look at the map, trying to figure out where to go. Even though the place was big and there were really a lot of information on the map, it was surprisingly easy to read, and soon enough he had already located himself and the way to go. - "Following the map, if we go in that direction, we will be at the market in no time!" - He said, pointing a direction.

"Okay! Let's go!" - Donald and Goody followed Sora, the three of them excited about how the local cuisine would taste like.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Apr 18, 16:03:06
Quote from: Night Pony on 2013 Apr 18, 13:51:16
"Lead the way then. :) "
The student nodded, and began making her way to the school.  As previously described, there was a little garden, a greenhouse and a small pavilion where the other student council members were sitting and drinking tea, and many tiny alicorns about the size of a hoof flying about as the newcomers entered.  The students were dressed in uniform, but the little alicorns, which Hinamori-san referred to as "Shugo Chara", were dressed in little costumes themed around different talents, from being a circus clown to being a samurai.

Quote from: bleyd on 2013 Apr 18, 14:02:07
ok no one can say that I have not tried for good. the only red eye. shines. I give you 10 seconds. Mr. samurai to disappear before I make your exquisite armor pieces. the monster is placed on two legs balancing with the blade of the tail. taking a position battle.¡¡TENKKAI!!  

laws are to be respected but when they infringe on the freedom of the ponies they should up and fought
The officer sighed, the carbon nanotube reinforced composite of his mecha now protected with a forcefield designed to withstand a point-blank supernova, the katana glowing with the light of a thousand suns and beginning to emit gamma rays.  Neighponese citizens began to steer away from the scene, knowing what was to occur.

"This suit is capable of breaking the speed of light and travelling through time while exerting a force equal to a galactic black hole in reverse," said the robot, which was about the size of a house and growing larger as it spoke.  "It is fitted with superluminal spacetime-warping turrets, pulsar-level lasers and various other weapons that allow me to chop your atoms in half, chop your subatomic particles in half, and then chop their constituent parts in half before chaining your soul and sending it to the Shinigami death gods for feasting.  And that's just the technological aspect."

The turrets referred to appeared as panels opened all over the now skyscraper-sized machine, a thousand tons of composite and alloy crunching into the nano-woven material of the street.

"So, you have three seconds to stand down, or be made to stand down.  Three."

Quote from: ArtVeigar on 2013 Apr 18, 14:44:12
"A-hyuck, it looks like a nice place to go!" - Goofy said, excited.

"You're right! If we are stuck here anyway, why not take advantage on the situation for some sight seeing, right?" - Sora grabbed a map and then turned to the guard - "Thanks again! I'm sure we will meet again soon!" - The three wave a hoof and left the Koban. Sora took a better look at the map, trying to figure out where to go. Even though the place was big and there were really a lot of information on the map, it was surprisingly easy to read, and soon enough he had already located himself and the way to go. - "Following the map, if we go in that direction, we will be at the market in no time!" - He said, pointing a direction.

"Okay! Let's go!" - Donald and Goody followed Sora, the three of them excited about how the local cuisine would taste like.
They found themselves on a traditional cobblestone path, lined with cherry trees in full bloom down the middle and lit with paper lanterns; little stalls on either side had door-like curtains hanging down the front advertising the snack sold, from fish-shaped bread filled with sweet beans to round and colorful rice balls on sticks to standard ramen and udon.  On the far end of the street was a red Torii gate, and beyond that was a little golden house, with a powerful-looking but jolly spirit sitting on the doorstep and accepting offerings and prayers from passerby while giving out magical sweets and confections.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Night Pony on 2013 Apr 18, 16:05:50
Night and Moon followed the student. When they were passing by the fillies they watched as they flew around.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: bleyd on 2013 Apr 18, 16:54:00
((you forgot the infinite guantelet and cosmic cube jajaja))

and you say to be a samurai. no honor in you.

Kenbunshoku Haki¡
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: the dark gods on 2013 Apr 18, 16:59:50
Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Apr 17, 19:33:12
The yang began to come out, burning white-hot in his mind's eye, struggling and wriggling and almost PAINFUL to control, as though all his anger and ferocity and desire for power was concentrated into a single thread, as dangerous as a snake.  It whipped back and forth, trying to avoid his mental grasp.

Physics struggles with his yang, using said emotions that powered to try to get it, trying to shrug of the pain, even if it hurt him beyond what he could control normally, the state he was in helped numb it for awhile as he mentally wrestled with the energy, slowly but surly pulling out more and more of the energy.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: FlameandIce on 2013 Apr 18, 18:16:31
hm know any good places to eat and yea I am new here
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: ArtVeigar on 2013 Apr 18, 21:46:10
"This must be the place!" - They started walking through the cobblestone path, amazed by how beatiful the place was with all the cherry trees and paper lanterns. It was like they were in a totally different place than before, with less crowd, more simplicity but even more beautiful in this simplicity and quietness. - "And it is truly beautiful..."

"So, where was that guy we should look for? That.... What was his name again?" - Donald asked, tilting his head to the side while trying to remember.

"Tajimamori-sama, the god of candy!" - Goofy replied.

"I don't know... There is that spirit giving candies there, at that temple. And where is a temple, there might be a god." - Sora started to walk toward the spirit, followed by Donald and Goofy. - "Good evening!" - Sora said, bowing. - "Could you give us some information, please? We are looking for Tajimamori-sama, the god of candy."
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Tezaku on 2013 Apr 19, 08:41:26
he turned back to the map, heading to his destination again
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Apr 19, 11:45:00
Quote from: Night Pony on 2013 Apr 18, 16:05:50
Night and Moon followed the student. When they were passing by the fillies they watched as they flew around.
Several of these little Shugo Chara hover nearby and look curiously at the newcomers.

"Amu-chan, are these new Guardian Apprentices?" asked one.

Hinamori-san smiled.  "Everypony, everyone, this is Moon-san and Night-san."

There were murmurs of hajimematta all around.
Quote from: bleyd on 2013 Apr 18, 16:54:00
((you forgot the infinite guantelet and cosmic cube jajaja))

and you say to be a samurai. no honor in you.

Kenbunshoku Haki¡
Time literally stopped as the robot moved at superluminal speeds.  Before the neural impulse could be sent from the monster's brain to its spinal chord, it found itself entirely immobilized and paralyzed on the ground, trapped in layers of spells and force fields designed to hold angels, gods, demons and any level of power imaginable up to and including beings such as Cthulhu, Yog-Sothoth and Nyarlathotep.

"You are under arrest for threatening a samurai keeper of the peace and endangering the general public," the officer sighed in a bored tone.  "By order of the Emperor of Neighpon, the Empire of the Rising Sun, and in accordance with the Diet's parliamentary vote 3352D section 15 subsection 12 page 22511 paragraph 4 line 11, all rights are hereby stripped until further notice and you are placed in the custody and jurisdiction of the State."

With that, the entirely paralyzed, immobilized and unable-to-do-absolutely-anything-at-all monster is brought to the Shinigami to be imprisoned in the afterlife for an indefinite period of time.

>>Game over, please choose a new character<<
Quote from: FlameandIce on 2013 Apr 18, 18:16:31
hm know any good places to eat and yea I am new here
"Well, there's some good confections and ramen over by Tajimamori-sama's shrine, over here," said the officer, pointing on a map.  "Or if you prefer something more modern you can try the shops just across the street.  I recommend Nissin World for the modern stuff.  The shops only take e-money, unfortunately.  The shrine accepts both e-money and traditional currency.  Do you need any identification forms, papers, housing, anything like that?"
Quote from: Tezaku on 2013 Apr 19, 08:41:26
he turned back to the map, heading to his destination again
He could see the dojo was rather busy as he approached, and the Master teaching Physics inside.
Quote from: the dark gods on 2013 Apr 18, 16:59:50
Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Apr 17, 19:33:12
The yang began to come out, burning white-hot in his mind's eye, struggling and wriggling and almost PAINFUL to control, as though all his anger and ferocity and desire for power was concentrated into a single thread, as dangerous as a snake.  It whipped back and forth, trying to avoid his mental grasp.

Physics struggles with his yang, using said emotions that powered to try to get it, trying to shrug of the pain, even if it hurt him beyond what he could control normally, the state he was in helped numb it for awhile as he mentally wrestled with the energy, slowly but surly pulling out more and more of the energy.
"Good, good," said the Master quietly, watching the struggle with his mind's eye.  He was amazed that the student was able to harness his Yang so quickly and so well, without even having mastered meditation quite yet, and having an imbalanced Ki at that.  "Continue to focus, focus on a single point between your hooves, and form your Yang in a sphere around it.  This is the first step towards Ki-based magic."
Quote from: ArtVeigar on 2013 Apr 18, 21:46:10
"This must be the place!" - They started walking through the cobblestone path, amazed by how beatiful the place was with all the cherry trees and paper lanterns. It was like they were in a totally different place than before, with less crowd, more simplicity but even more beautiful in this simplicity and quietness. - "And it is truly beautiful..."

"So, where was that guy we should look for? That.... What was his name again?" - Donald asked, tilting his head to the side while trying to remember.

"Tajimamori-sama, the god of candy!" - Goofy replied.

"I don't know... There is that spirit giving candies there, at that temple. And where is a temple, there might be a god." - Sora started to walk toward the spirit, followed by Donald and Goofy. - "Good evening!" - Sora said, bowing. - "Could you give us some information, please? We are looking for Tajimamori-sama, the god of candy."
The spirit chuckled, nodding back.  "Father is just inside, newcomers.  Just wash your hooves in the sacred basin over there, and clap twice to announce yourself when you cross the threshold.  Welcome to the Tajimamori Okami Shrine!  Before you go in, would you like to give a donation?  Some candy?"
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: FlameandIce on 2013 Apr 19, 12:53:31
mhmm and what do you mean by Idetification and the other papers

Rika soon arrives at the school she looks for where the flyer said to go
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Night Pony on 2013 Apr 19, 13:08:22
"Hello everypony!"  :D
"Hello from me too." :)
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: the dark gods on 2013 Apr 19, 13:56:08
Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Apr 19, 11:45:00
designed to hold angels, gods, demons and any level of power imaginable up to and including beings such as Cthulhu, Yog-Sothoth and Nyarlathotep.

((Super nerd here, while everything else you said was ridiculously impressive and such, I must add, Cthulhu isn´t as impressive as the other two, being a Earth bound being, while the other two are universal level beings.  :D

"Good, good," said the Master quietly, watching the struggle with his mind's eye.  He was amazed that the student was able to harness his Yang so quickly and so well, without even having mastered meditation quite yet, and having an imbalanced Ki at that.  "Continue to focus, focus on a single point between your hooves, and form your Yang in a sphere around it.  This is the first step towards Ki-based magic."

As Physics channels the ki blast, it starts becoming more....unstable, though it held. As Physics focused the power into a visible ball around him, illuminating his front while leaving the area around him a shadow, leading to a rather interesting glowing affect, but the ball was no sphere, far closer to a egg, and it wasn´t as round as Physics had hoped, spikes jetting out and in at random around the ball, as the energy tried to escape to reach equilibrium with the room outside it, it was obvious that if Physics didn´t make this explode against a target soon, it´d still explode in his face.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: bleyd on 2013 Apr 19, 16:53:15
((dont worry physics is for me i think, is freak language. ok in this is done dew all))
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Tezaku on 2013 Apr 19, 18:30:04
he waits, and watches patiently
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Apr 22, 02:20:24
Quote from: FlameandIce on 2013 Apr 19, 12:53:31
mhmm and what do you mean by Idetification and the other papers

Rika soon arrives at the school she looks for where the flyer said to go
"Migration papers for entering the city, papers for getting housing, transfer papers, etc etc," replied the officer.

There is an open gate, and just inside she sees two ponies...

Quote from: Night Pony on 2013 Apr 19, 13:08:22
"Hello everypony!"  :D
"Hello from me too." :)
"More subjects!" boasted a tiny alicorn with a crown and a robe, grinning widely.

"Kawaii yo, Amu-chan!" squealed a little alicorn with a baby costume and a pacifier.

"Hmm.  So these are potential members?  Welcome to the Student Council," smiled a well-behaved colt as his Shugo Chara, who was wearing a samurai costume, bowed low.  "I hope you're ready with at least some idea of your own dreams and the talent you strive for."
Quote from: the dark gods on 2013 Apr 19, 13:56:08
((Super nerd here, while everything else you said was ridiculously impressive and such, I must add, Cthulhu isn´t as impressive as the other two, being a Earth bound being, while the other two are universal level beings.  :D

As Physics channels the ki blast, it starts becoming more....unstable, though it held. As Physics focused the power into a visible ball around him, illuminating his front while leaving the area around him a shadow, leading to a rather interesting glowing affect, but the ball was no sphere, far closer to a egg, and it wasn´t as round as Physics had hoped, spikes jetting out and in at random around the ball, as the energy tried to escape to reach equilibrium with the room outside it, it was obvious that if Physics didn´t make this explode against a target soon, it´d still explode in his face.
((just covering all bases x3))

The Master's mouth formed into a firm line.  "See the target, Shift-san.  See its shape with your mind's eye."

He nodded at two students, who use their Ki to bring up a practice dummy covered with talismans and Neighponese calligraphy.  In Physics' mind, the talismans glowed brightly like armor shaped of shadow and light, and the dummy itself was like a ghostly warrior waiting to receive the ball of energy.

"When I count to three, unleash your Ki, and call your attack.  This particular attack of uncontrolled Ki is called the Kamehame Hadoken.  Make sure it hits the target only!  ONE!  TWO!  THREE!"
Quote from: Tezaku on 2013 Apr 19, 18:30:04
he waits, and watches patiently
He will see how Physics reacts to this new challenge.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Night Pony on 2013 Apr 22, 05:43:21
Unsure how exactly to respond to the bow, the mares bowed in response.
"Thanks. Well we each know our dreams and know our talents."
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: FlameandIce on 2013 Apr 22, 08:46:51
ah no thanks I'm good but is there anyway to earn e-money around here

Rika approaches the two ponies excuse me is this the achieving your goal and dreams thing
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: ArtVeigar on 2013 Apr 22, 14:37:54
"I'd love to, but... You see... We are kind short of money..." - Sora said scratching the back of his head.

"We actually don't have any money at all" - Donald completed it.

"And that's actually the reason we are here. The office at a Koban said we could sell some gemstones and jewels here." - Sora took some of the munny crystals he had on his pocket and showed to the spirit. The crystals were small, but had perfect clarity and their internal reflection was so perfect that their bright seemed to come from inside it. Probably there isn't any gemstone as perfect as it in that world.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: the dark gods on 2013 Apr 22, 20:47:21
Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Apr 22, 02:20:24
((just covering all bases x3))

The Master's mouth formed into a firm line.  "See the target, Shift-san.  See its shape with your mind's eye."

He nodded at two students, who use their Ki to bring up a practice dummy covered with talismans and Neighponese calligraphy.  In Physics' mind, the talismans glowed brightly like armor shaped of shadow and light, and the dummy itself was like a ghostly warrior waiting to receive the ball of energy.

"When I count to three, unleash your Ki, and call your attack.  This particular attack of uncontrolled Ki is called the Kamehame Hadoken.  Make sure it hits the target only!  ONE!  TWO!  THREE!"

Upon hearing the words, Physics screams out the name of the attack.
Kamehame Hadoken!
As he screams he moves his hooves forward, throwing the ball forward at the target, and it moves forward, Physics opens his eyes to see....it was going to miss by a foot or two. With a quick panic and sweat, he uses his telekinesis, to push the Ki ball to the side, re-aiming it so it would be on course.

Quote from: Tezaku on 2013 Apr 19, 18:30:04
he waits, and watches patiently
He will see how Physics reacts to this new challenge.
((Wait what's going on?  o.O I wasn't following what Tez was doing so I'm very confused here...))
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: ArtVeigar on 2013 Apr 23, 12:42:59
((Tez just arrived at the dojo, looking for a job as assistant, and just happened to see you unleash the kamehame hadouken. Nothing really to do with you by now, at least.))
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Apr 23, 13:36:21
Quote from: Night Pony on 2013 Apr 22, 05:43:21
Unsure how exactly to respond to the bow, the mares bowed in response.
"Thanks. Well we each know our dreams and know our talents."
"Finally somepony who understands the system," grinned the student.

Before he could go on, there was a small commotion near the gate as another pony approached.
Quote from: FlameandIce on 2013 Apr 22, 08:46:51Rika approaches the two ponies excuse me is this the achieving your goal and dreams thing
Hinamori-san smiled. "Yes indeed, ma'am!  Unlocking your magical potential and awakening your Shugo Chara.  My name is Hinamori Amu, and I'm the public relations representative for the group," she says proudly.  "Who are you?"
Quote from: FlameandIce on 2013 Apr 22, 08:46:51
ah no thanks I'm good but is there anyway to earn e-money around here
"There is," replies the officer.  "Although, you would need a permit to gain employment.  There's several places you can get a job.  I hear that some of our martial arts associations are looking for helpers, for instance."
Quote from: ArtVeigar on 2013 Apr 22, 14:37:54
"I'd love to, but... You see... We are kind short of money..." - Sora said scratching the back of his head.

"We actually don't have any money at all" - Donald completed it.

"And that's actually the reason we are here. The office at a Koban said we could sell some gemstones and jewels here." - Sora took some of the munny crystals he had on his pocket and showed to the spirit. The crystals were small, but had perfect clarity and their internal reflection was so perfect that their bright seemed to come from inside it. Probably there isn't any gemstone as perfect as it in that world.
"Gemstones, hmm?" wondered the spirit, peering closely at the crystal.  "This is quite a beautiful piece here that you have.  Almost as captivating as the Yata no Kagami in Amaterasu Omikami's shrine.  You were looking to sell this, you said?  I'm sorry to say that the shrine doesn't have much money, but perhaps 400000 yen would do?"

Now 400000 yen was approximately equivalent to a month's wages for food and shelter.

Quote from: the dark gods on 2013 Apr 22, 20:47:21
Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Apr 22, 02:20:24
((just covering all bases x3))

The Master's mouth formed into a firm line.  "See the target, Shift-san.  See its shape with your mind's eye."

He nodded at two students, who use their Ki to bring up a practice dummy covered with talismans and Neighponese calligraphy.  In Physics' mind, the talismans glowed brightly like armor shaped of shadow and light, and the dummy itself was like a ghostly warrior waiting to receive the ball of energy.

"When I count to three, unleash your Ki, and call your attack.  This particular attack of uncontrolled Ki is called the Kamehame Hadoken.  Make sure it hits the target only!  ONE!  TWO!  THREE!"

Upon hearing the words, Physics screams out the name of the attack.
Kamehame Hadoken!
As he screams he moves his hooves forward, throwing the ball forward at the target, and it moves forward, Physics opens his eyes to see....it was going to miss by a foot or two. With a quick panic and sweat, he uses his telekinesis, to push the Ki ball to the side, re-aiming it so it would be on course.
The ball of Yang Ki seemed oddly resistant to "normal" Equestrian magic, and his telekinesis was almost completely ineffective, barely shifting it at all despite his greatest efforts.

The Master brought one hoof to his chest in a prayer-like gesture, then pointed it out at the stray ball of internal energy.  With a flash, it changed course completely, and slammed into the dummy, vanishing and leaving a large hole where it made contact with the spell armor.

"Ki magic is different from Equestrian magic, Shift-san," said the Master quietly.  "Each is a contradiction of the other, while stemming from the same source.  One must learn to control each in its own manner, for spells in one magic may have unexpected affects in the other."
Quote from: ArtVeigar on 2013 Apr 23, 12:42:59
((Tez just arrived at the dojo, looking for a job as assistant, and just happened to see you unleash the kamehame hadouken. Nothing really to do with you by now, at least.))
The pony sees the powerful display of magic, like the Party Cannon but a million times stronger, or like one of Twilight Sparkle's energy blasts, but filled with rage and pride and ecstatic happiness and pure light.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Night Pony on 2013 Apr 23, 13:58:43
Night and Moon turned slightly to see what the commotion was about.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: the dark gods on 2013 Apr 23, 17:37:10
Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Apr 23, 13:36:21
]The ball of Yang Ki seemed oddly resistant to "normal" Equestrian magic, and his telekinesis was almost completely ineffective, barely shifting it at all despite his greatest efforts.

The Master brought one hoof to his chest in a prayer-like gesture, then pointed it out at the stray ball of internal energy.  With a flash, it changed course completely, and slammed into the dummy, vanishing and leaving a large hole where it made contact with the spell armor.

"Ki magic is different from Equestrian magic, Shift-san," said the Master quietly.  "Each is a contradiction of the other, while stemming from the same source.  One must learn to control each in its own manner, for spells in one magic may have unexpected affects in the other."

That...could have been useful a few moments ago.... Physics says with a slightly embarrassed look on his face for his missed shot that required the Master to help him aim.
I would have put more effort into aiming it if I could have known I couldn't fix it latter... Physics says, trying to shift the blame away from himself.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: FlameandIce on 2013 Apr 23, 17:47:27
I'm Rika Furude nice to meet you Hinamori

hm do you happen to have any work for a um...... he pauses for a bit a shinigami
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: ArtVeigar on 2013 Apr 23, 19:09:02
"We sell for the price you think it's fair to buy. We are travelers, and selling this gemstones is how we survive. But we often don't know how is the currency works at each place, so we trust the judgement of our buyers." - Sora hoofed the gems to the spirit.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Apr 24, 14:57:45
Quote from: Night Pony on 2013 Apr 23, 13:58:43
Night and Moon turned slightly to see what the commotion was about.
They could see and hear a new pony, who introduced herself:
Quote from: FlameandIce on 2013 Apr 23, 17:47:27
I'm Rika Furude nice to meet you Hinamori
"Nice to meet you, Rika-san," smiled Hinamori-san.  "Or is it Furude-san?  Everypony's always mixing up familiar names and family names."
Quote from: the dark gods on 2013 Apr 23, 17:37:10
That...could have been useful a few moments ago.... Physics says with a slightly embarrassed look on his face for his missed shot that required the Master to help him aim.
I would have put more effort into aiming it if I could have known I couldn't fix it latter... Physics says, trying to shift the blame away from himself.
The Master chuckled and shook a hoof at the student.  "Always put your best effort into each and every move.  There is do, and there is do not.  There is no 'try' in the Harmonic Arts.  Every move we make from this point forward will be more dangerous than the previous, and each new spell will build on older ones.  One must learn to control this ability, lest he be destroyed by uncontrolled Ki."

He returned to his previous position.  "Again, Shift-san.  Practice the Hadoken, for the next spell will be built off of the technique you learn!"
Quote from: FlameandIce on 2013 Apr 23, 17:47:27
hm do you happen to have any work for a um...... he pauses for a bit a shinigami
"A shinigami?  Certainly!" smiled the officer.  "Although perhaps it would be best if you could give me some idea as to what jobs you might be interested in or qualified for?  Search and rescue, law enforcement, martial arts training, magical defense, engineering, diplomacy... the list goes on."
Quote from: ArtVeigar on 2013 Apr 23, 19:09:02
"We sell for the price you think it's fair to buy. We are travelers, and selling this gemstones is how we survive. But we often don't know how is the currency works at each place, so we trust the judgement of our buyers." - Sora hoofed the gems to the spirit.
The spirit bowed.  "I am honored by your trust.  I will give you 400000 yen, then, for this gem."

A small transaction later, and the ponies found themselves holding several large bags of pure gold coins.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Night Pony on 2013 Apr 24, 15:00:05
After seeing the pony they though that it was either another student or another pony who saw the poster so they didn't pay much attention. Then they turned again to the pony they were talking to.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: the dark gods on 2013 Apr 24, 16:36:53
Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Apr 24, 14:57:45
]The Master chuckled and shook a hoof at the student.  "Always put your best effort into each and every move.  There is do, and there is do not.  There is no 'try' in the Harmonic Arts.  Every move we make from this point forward will be more dangerous than the previous, and each new spell will build on older ones.  One must learn to control this ability, lest he be destroyed by uncontrolled Ki."

He returned to his previous position.  "Again, Shift-san.  Practice the Hadoken, for the next spell will be built off of the technique you learn!"

Physics grumbles something that even if you fail or succeed, you did try, so there was something known as a try, but Physics nit-picking was kept under his breath.
Physics returns to the standing position he was told, and focuses another ball of ki-energy, just as unstable and not perfect as the last one, he launches this one forward aswell, his aim notably better, hitting the target, though very nearly missing, just barely better then a grazing shot, but by Celestia, he did hit it atleast.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: FlameandIce on 2013 Apr 24, 20:11:10
law enforcement if there is a position open that is

I prefer Rika-san
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Night Pony on 2013 May 12, 03:34:21
"So what's the first step?" Night asked eager to get started.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2013 May 13, 14:40:37
Quote from: the dark gods on 2013 Apr 24, 16:36:53
Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Apr 24, 14:57:45
]The Master chuckled and shook a hoof at the student.  "Always put your best effort into each and every move.  There is do, and there is do not.  There is no 'try' in the Harmonic Arts.  Every move we make from this point forward will be more dangerous than the previous, and each new spell will build on older ones.  One must learn to control this ability, lest he be destroyed by uncontrolled Ki."

He returned to his previous position.  "Again, Shift-san.  Practice the Hadoken, for the next spell will be built off of the technique you learn!"

Physics grumbles something that even if you fail or succeed, you did try, so there was something known as a try, but Physics nit-picking was kept under his breath.
Physics returns to the standing position he was told, and focuses another ball of ki-energy, just as unstable and not perfect as the last one, he launches this one forward aswell, his aim notably better, hitting the target, though very nearly missing, just barely better then a grazing shot, but by Celestia, he did hit it atleast.
"Good!  Your control is improving.  Notice that your Yang is slowly stabilizing, becoming tamer than before?  Now again!"

Quote from: FlameandIce on 2013 Apr 24, 20:11:10
law enforcement if there is a position open that is
"Let me see... ah, yes, there does happen to be an opening just outside one of our schools.  There's a temple nearby that area that sees quite a bit of commotion, and a portal not too far from that as well.  Plenty of help needed.  Here are the forms."

The officer gives the shinigami a few pages and a pen with which to fill them out.

Quote from: FlameandIce on 2013 Apr 24, 20:11:10
I prefer Rika-san
"Hajimematta, Rika-san!" smiled the student.

Quote from: Night Pony on 2013 May 12, 03:34:21
"So what's the first step?" Night asked eager to get started.
"Well, the first step would be to awaken your Heart's Seed, your Kokoro no Tamago," explained the student.  "It's not just a matter of wanting it or thinking about it, but... well, something deep within.  So deep that it's a part of your inmost, truest self, the self that you never, ever show others but you really, really want to, your Hontou no Jibun.  Allowing that to come into contact with what you truly wish to be, your Naritai Jibun.  From the meeting is born the Heart's Seed, and from that Seed comes your Shugo Chara, your guardian character."
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Night Pony on 2013 May 13, 14:54:28
"Um..." Night looked confused. "I'm sorry but we're not very good at foreign languages." she said.
"Yeah we can't speak anything more than our native one."
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2013 May 13, 19:06:34
Quote from: Night Pony on 2013 May 13, 14:54:28
"Um..." Night looked confused. "I'm sorry but we're not very good at foreign languages." she said.
"Yeah we can't speak anything more than our native one."
"Your Heart's Seed," the student explained again, slower, "Is awakened by allowing your True Self to come into contact with your Would-Be Self.  From this seed comes your Guardian Character.  There is no other way to explain it; your dreams, your wishes, your desires, everything that you Would Be, or Wish To Become, combined with Who You Are, What You Really Are, Your Hidden Self, Your True Self.  Forming your Heart's Seed, your Heart's Egg, the Egg of Truth, Egg of Destiny, whatever you want to call it."
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Night Pony on 2013 May 14, 03:08:40
((So the Guardian character is something I choose or you'll think of a random one? ))

"Okay. here goes nothing I guess." Night said and closed her eyes. Moon did the same and they both concentrated on everything they ever wished, dreamed and strived for. They imagined their perfect selves which were not very different from what they already were.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: PPBG on 2013 May 14, 20:41:29
Standing on the deck of the boat, Grace smiled excitedly as it docked. Her eyes were already filled with awe as she gazed at her destination from the ship. She already was wearing her saddlebags. Grace eagerly waited to be instructed via speaker on what to do next.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: the dark gods on 2013 May 14, 20:46:51
Physics does a small sigh of annoyance at the request, this new form of magic was fairly annoying to summon up, and thrice that much in annoyance to control!
But he stood on his hind-hooves for a third time, and summons up another ball of said ki-energy, smaller then before, as he had rushed summoning energy for this one.
Kamehame Hadoken!
Physics shouts again, as he throws the ball of energy at the target, hitting it in the head, not a direct center of mass shot like he had aimed for, but not a mere grazing hit, though the explosion would hardly be called fatal by a target armed in anything thicker then a winter jacket, barley affecting the target at all, much to Physics annoyance.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2013 May 15, 12:34:54
Quote from: Night Pony on 2013 May 14, 03:08:40
((So the Guardian character is something I choose or you'll think of a random one? ))

"Okay. here goes nothing I guess." Night said and closed her eyes. Moon did the same and they both concentrated on everything they ever wished, dreamed and strived for. They imagined their perfect selves which were not very different from what they already were.
A bright light began to glow from within their hearts, as if from a deep well of endless potential, something that lays hidden in every filly and colt.  As it shone, brighter and brighter, it seemed an ethereal egg-like shape appeared upon their chest, like a seed waiting to burst into a beautiful tree, or an egg waiting to be hatched into what they wished to become.

((you get to choose what potential/talent/trait your characters receive))

Quote from: PPBG on 2013 May 14, 20:41:29
Standing on the deck of the boat, Grace smiled excitedly as it docked. Her eyes were already filled with awe as she gazed at her destination from the ship. She already was wearing her saddlebags. Grace eagerly waited to be instructed via speaker on what to do next.
"Fillies and Gentlecolts, Students, Irasshaimase.  Welcome to the Empire of Neighpon.  As the vessel docks, please present yourselves to the border officials, and have your identification cards ready.  Once through Security, all tourists are invited to take the tours at the terminal to the left.  All Students, please take one of the trams to the right and make your way to the Dojo.  The Master will meet you at the martial arts studio.  Thank you for your attention."
Quote from: the dark gods on 2013 May 14, 20:46:51
Physics does a small sigh of annoyance at the request, this new form of magic was fairly annoying to summon up, and thrice that much in annoyance to control!
But he stood on his hind-hooves for a third time, and summons up another ball of said ki-energy, smaller then before, as he had rushed summoning energy for this one.
Kamehame Hadoken!
Physics shouts again, as he throws the ball of energy at the target, hitting it in the head, not a direct center of mass shot like he had aimed for, but not a mere grazing hit, though the explosion would hardly be called fatal by a target armed in anything thicker then a winter jacket, barley affecting the target at all, much to Physics annoyance.
The Master smiled.  "Not bad."

He rose up to the same position, holding his hooves together.  A bright ball of Ki began to form.

"Let me show you what the end result will be after a bit of practice.  KAMEHAME HADOKEN!"

Multiple pellets of energy moving faster than bullets shoot out from between his hooves, hitting each pressure point on the target and exploding on impact.  The shockwaves reverberate through the room like thunder, and when the dust clears, there are fatal holes in all the vital parts of the dummy.  With a gesture, several assistants went and got another dummy, taking the broken one and putting it in storage to be repaired later.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Night Pony on 2013 May 15, 13:03:34
((Then I need to start thinking then.  :P ))

Night and Moon could feel this seed in their chests like it was ready to come out at any moment.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: the dark gods on 2013 May 15, 16:00:03
Physics coughs and cries as he tries to clear the dust from his lungs and mouth, the explosion sending quite a lot of that stuff into said body parts. Once he could see and breath again, he looks at the target dummy that was being taken away, and takes in the sight of those wounds caused by The Master, impressive....to say the least. Physics says, as he watches the other students move in the new dummy in the old ones place, waiting for another instruction to be given for a attack, maybe something more electrical?
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: PPBG on 2013 May 15, 16:49:02
Grace nodded to the voice, though it wouldn't see her. She followed others who were going to the border officials. Standing stationary behind a pony, Grace took out her identification card in preparation.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2013 May 15, 17:29:34
Quote from: Night Pony on 2013 May 15, 13:03:34
((Then I need to start thinking then.  :P ))

Night and Moon could feel this seed in their chests like it was ready to come out at any moment.
From both their chests came their Heart's Seed, brilliantly shining.  With a cracking sound, the shell opens...

Quote from: the dark gods on 2013 May 15, 16:00:03
Physics coughs and cries as he tries to clear the dust from his lungs and mouth, the explosion sending quite a lot of that stuff into said body parts. Once he could see and breath again, he looks at the target dummy that was being taken away, and takes in the sight of those wounds caused by The Master, impressive....to say the least. Physics says, as he watches the other students move in the new dummy in the old ones place, waiting for another instruction to be given for a attack, maybe something more electrical?
"It will take practice, but you seem to have mastered the basics of the Kamehame Hadoken," nodded the Master approvingly.  "Now we will move on to a more complex form of attack.  Charge your Ki as before, but now as more of a concentrated electric charge than just pure energy.  Build up Yin Ki where the target is, as if it were a deep well.  When you are ready, allow the Yang between your hooves to flow and arc its way through the air into the target and back.  Keep this stream of flowing Ki, gradually increasing it and both sapping the opponent's strength and contributing to imbalances.  Like so!"

The old teacher resumes the standing posture, and a crackling light appears between his hooves.  Without raising his legs, he shouts "RAIGEKI!"

Enormous lightning bolts shoot out from between his hooves and into the target, flickering and glowing with heat and energy as thunder peals through the room.  Another crackling sound, and just as suddenly the attack stops, and with a gentle movement the Master reabsorbs the energy back into his body.

"Your turn, Shift-san."
Quote from: PPBG on 2013 May 15, 16:49:02
Grace nodded to the voice, though it wouldn't see her. She followed others who were going to the border officials. Standing stationary behind a pony, Grace took out her identification card in preparation.
"Neighpon ni irasshaimase," smiles a border guard, inspecting the identification papers.  "It seems everything is in order.  Welcome to Neighpon, Grace-san!  Next in line."

The force-field in front of the pony vanishes, allowing entry into the nation.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: the dark gods on 2013 May 15, 17:52:53
Physics whispers something about how he can't believe how dead on he was with his guess. Physics focuses the Ki once again, making a high-unstable ball of energy is his hooves.
RAIGEKI! Physics shouts, imitating the master, as he moves his hooves out to let the energy go around.
It works.....kinda....the electricity expands around him in a couple of arcs, though they where very small, and not very frightening, and most of all, not very effective.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: PPBG on 2013 May 15, 18:49:22
Grace nods and mouths a thank you to the border guard. She proceeds to forward, then right and into the tram.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Night Pony on 2013 May 16, 12:59:38
They felt how the eggs left them and they opened their eyes to see them cracking. First to hatch was Night's egg. From it came a little wyvern dragon. He circled once around Night and hovered in front of her.
Then it was Moon's turn. From her egg came a little bunny which hopped around in thin air. It quickly jumped on her head and made himself comfortable.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2013 May 16, 21:30:52
Quote from: the dark gods on 2013 May 15, 17:52:53
Physics whispers something about how he can't believe how dead on he was with his guess. Physics focuses the Ki once again, making a high-unstable ball of energy is his hooves.
RAIGEKI! Physics shouts, imitating the master, as he moves his hooves out to let the energy go around.
It works.....kinda....the electricity expands around him in a couple of arcs, though they where very small, and not very frightening, and most of all, not very effective.
The Master looks on without any expression.  "Not bad.  Again."
Quote from: PPBG on 2013 May 15, 18:49:22
Grace nods and mouths a thank you to the border guard. She proceeds to forward, then right and into the tram.
A cheerful robotic girl's voice is heard.  "Neighpon ni irasshaimase.  Welcome to Japony.  Now departing for the Dojo."

The driver-less, automated vehicle begins to move quickly and silently along the magnetic-levitation rails.

Quote from: Night Pony on 2013 May 16, 12:59:38
They felt how the eggs left them and they opened their eyes to see them cracking. First to hatch was Night's egg. From it came a little wyvern dragon. He circled once around Night and hovered in front of her.
Then it was Moon's turn. From her egg came a little bunny which hopped around in thin air. It quickly jumped on her head and made himself comfortable.
The student smiled as the eggs hatched into the two fillies' new Guardian Characters.  "Congratulations, both of you!"
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: the dark gods on 2013 May 16, 21:37:49
Physics grumbles as he stands up on his hooves, putting a ball of energy between it made of his ki. he starts moving his hooves outward in a exaggerated movement as the energy from the ball expands, the same amount of arcs, only each was just slightly longer.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Night Pony on 2013 May 17, 03:35:06
The drake landed on Night just as Moon's guardian. Then they looked at the student.
"Thanks."  ^-^
"Thank you." :)
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: PPBG on 2013 May 17, 15:38:54
Grace thought with wonder about the advanced technology here. It was quite a step from where they were in Equestria. She was eager to learn and see the Dojo as well.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2013 May 17, 15:44:32
Quote from: the dark gods on 2013 May 16, 21:37:49
Physics grumbles as he stands up on his hooves, putting a ball of energy between it made of his ki. he starts moving his hooves outward in a exaggerated movement as the energy from the ball expands, the same amount of arcs, only each was just slightly longer.
"Good, good, hold this position, focus, draw out the energy.  You can maintain this form by circulating your Ki rather than letting it flow to the ground.  Continuous current."
Quote from: Night Pony on 2013 May 17, 03:35:06
The drake landed on Night just as Moon's guardian. Then they looked at the student.
"Thanks."  ^-^
"Thank you." :)
"And what talents might you represent?  And what are your names?" asked the student politely, bowing.
Quote from: PPBG on 2013 May 17, 15:38:54
Grace thought with wonder about the advanced technology here. It was quite a step from where they were in Equestria. She was eager to learn and see the Dojo as well.
The tram glided to a stop nearby the dogo where Physics was still learning to use his internal energy.  Several other students were practicing kata, and one high-ranking student was sparring with another with a wooden bokken.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Night Pony on 2013 May 17, 15:48:15
"I'm Night Shine. My talent lies in combining magic with flying."
"My name is Moon Violet. My talent is in growing all kind of flowers."
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: the dark gods on 2013 May 17, 17:05:20
Physics does so, straining himself as he keeps the current arcs out, while drawing out more Ki energy into them with much strain, making each one longer the more energy he puts in.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: PPBG on 2013 May 17, 20:57:43
Grace walked into the dojo and bowed upon entry. She then placed her bags near a wall.  Grace observed Physics, thinking that he must be very talented to do such things. She walks along the edges of the room, approaching Physics while trying to stay out of others' way.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2013 May 18, 21:28:04
Quote from: Night Pony on 2013 May 17, 15:48:15
"I'm Night Shine. My talent lies in combining magic with flying."
"My name is Moon Violet. My talent is in growing all kind of flowers."
"Hajimematta," bowed the student.  "May your talents give you great abilities!"

Quote from: the dark gods on 2013 May 17, 17:05:20
Physics does so, straining himself as he keeps the current arcs out, while drawing out more Ki energy into them with much strain, making each one longer the more energy he puts in.
"Good!  See how each movement builds upon the previous one?  This is one of the most powerful techniques of Ki attacks.  Build upon your opponent's force!  Become the hinge of the door rather than a wall.  In this manner, you may not only combat, but control your opponent."

Quote from: PPBG on 2013 May 17, 20:57:43
Grace walked into the dojo and bowed upon entry. She then placed her bags near a wall.  Grace observed Physics, thinking that he must be very talented to do such things. She walks along the edges of the room, approaching Physics while trying to stay out of others' way.
Several lower-ranking students bow back to Grace, and return to their practice.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: PPBG on 2013 May 18, 21:47:55
Seeing the students bow out of her periphery, Grace nodded back in acknowledgment. She wondered if they knew her rank or if it was the respectful, but automatic thing to do. Grace's eyes lingered on the students' movements.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: the dark gods on 2013 May 18, 23:21:13
Physics gives a nod to the Master as if as though he understood, even though he didn't get what was being said by said Master, he just continued pulling out more ki to increase the length of the arcs.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Night Pony on 2013 May 19, 03:39:38
"Thank you.":D
Both of the mares express their gratitude.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: FlameandIce on 2013 May 19, 11:45:20
J looks over the papers and starts filling them out

so what exactly is this unlocking of potential
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2013 May 20, 13:36:38
Quote from: PPBG on 2013 May 18, 21:47:55
Seeing the students bow out of her periphery, Grace nodded back in acknowledgment. She wondered if they knew her rank or if it was the respectful, but automatic thing to do. Grace's eyes lingered on the students' movements.
The students are performing basic kicks and punches and rolls, but some are also training their Internal Energy, and a few of the senior students are using Ki attacks as well.  Physics in particular is training his mind and body to be able to use Ki attacks.
Quote from: the dark gods on 2013 May 18, 23:21:13
Physics gives a nod to the Master as if as though he understood, even though he didn't get what was being said by said Master, he just continued pulling out more ki to increase the length of the arcs.
The arcs begin to crackle as the Yang and Yin build on each other, and Physics can feel a sort of resonance, like a perfect-pitch singer shattering glass.  It doesn't shatter him, but instead builds exponentially, and quickly it seems that thousands of times what he would have been able to output conventionally were now flowing between the target and himself, incinerating the cloth on the target and tearing it from the inside.

Quote from: Night Pony on 2013 May 19, 03:39:38
"Thank you.":D
Both of the mares express their gratitude.
The student looks at the Guardian Characters.  "And may I ask the names of your Shugo Chara as well?"
Quote from: FlameandIce on 2013 May 19, 11:45:20
J looks over the papers and starts filling them out

so what exactly is this unlocking of potential
"Thank you very much.  The temple area is over beyond that gate," the officer points.  It is nearby the dojo where Physics is practicing.
"Unlocking potential involves the combination of the Naritai Jibun and the Hontou no Jibun in order to form your Shugo Chara.  That opens up your talents to literally magical levels, and you can use these talents for a limited time when undergoing Kyara Nari transformations.  We use our powers to purify X-eggs, the Heart's Seeds which have become corrupted by negative emotions and hopelessness," explained the student.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Night Pony on 2013 May 20, 13:44:24
"I think I'll call him Drake."
"Oh I'll name my bunny Fluffy."

((And the most original names goes to...*drum rolls*))
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: FlameandIce on 2013 May 21, 00:52:16
J nods he puts back on his hood and walks towards the dojo

mmhm so when do we start
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: PPBG on 2013 May 21, 16:56:58
Noticing Physics' display, Grace makes a mental note to commend him later. She walks up to a senior student, waiting for him to finish what he was doing. She waits patiently, enjoying the ability to observe nearly as much as being able to talk.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: the dark gods on 2013 May 21, 18:21:21
Physics notices the arcs power, and starts moving them around the room, aiming from one target to another, focusing up more power at the moment the arcs where on a target, and letting go on the strength when they where traveling between each target, as to not destroy the room.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2013 May 21, 20:14:10
Quote from: Night Pony on 2013 May 20, 13:44:24
"I think I'll call him Drake."
"Oh I'll name my bunny Fluffy."

((And the most original names goes to...*drum rolls*))
The student bows gravely to the two, and his own Shugo Chara, an hoof-sized alicorn dressed as a samurai, flies over and bows as well.  It turns and asks in almost exactly the same voice as the pony it represented, "What talents does Drake and Fluffy represent?"

It looks at Drake.  "Do you represent flying magic?"
Quote from: FlameandIce on 2013 May 21, 00:52:16
J nods he puts back on his hood and walks towards the dojo

mmhm so when do we start
The shinigami sees Physics using his arcs to attack the target, and several students practicing.
"Anytime you wish!" replies the student, gesturing to Moon and Night, who just received their own Shugo Chara.  "When you discover your own Guardian Character, you also can begin to train as a Guardian Apprentice."
Quote from: PPBG on 2013 May 21, 16:56:58
Noticing Physics' display, Grace makes a mental note to commend him later. She walks up to a senior student, waiting for him to finish what he was doing. She waits patiently, enjoying the ability to observe nearly as much as being able to talk.
The colt finishes his kata, which involved breaking through several piles of bricks with a single hoof and carving out the symbol of Yin and Yang into a piece of jade without cracking it.  He stood at attention and bowed deeply, then turned and smiled and bowed slightly to Grace.  "Konnichiha.  May I help you?"
Quote from: the dark gods on 2013 May 21, 18:21:21
Physics notices the arcs power, and starts moving them around the room, aiming from one target to another, focusing up more power at the moment the arcs where on a target, and letting go on the strength when they where traveling between each target, as to not destroy the room.
The arcs successfully reduce the targets to ashes, and the Master smiles and claps twice.  "Good!  Now return to your original position!  I think you have learned much in this practice."
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: the dark gods on 2013 May 21, 20:16:01
Physics nods and stops his arc attack, the lightning suddenly vanishing back into his body. As Physics gives a exhausted sigh as he moves back to his bipedal stance, waiting for another instruction.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: FlameandIce on 2013 May 21, 20:42:58
J watches Physics not saying anything

hm what does that mean o.O
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Night Pony on 2013 May 22, 04:35:52
"Yes." the drake answers.
"Woah he can talk?"

"Can you talk too Fluffy?"
"Of course I can!" the rabbit says.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2013 May 22, 12:52:12
Quote from: the dark gods on 2013 May 21, 20:16:01
Physics nods and stops his arc attack, the lightning suddenly vanishing back into his body. As Physics gives a exhausted sigh as he moves back to his bipedal stance, waiting for another instruction.
The Master nods.  "Good.  Learning to build upon previously released energy and on your opponent's is key to many of your attacks.  Now for a less lethal attack."

He gestured to the students, who brought in a similar target, but with a talisman attached by a wire.

"Chikara o Ubau!" he shouted as he pointed his hooves and gestured in a pulling motion.  Rays of energy began flowing from the target's most vital chakra points towards the Master and into his hooves, and it seemed that he almost grew younger from the attack.  After a few seconds, he stops.

"Energy draining, a powerful yet safe attack which weakens your enemy and strengthens your Ki for future attacks.  Visualize drawing string from a spool, or sucking water from a long tube.  Begin!"
Quote from: FlameandIce on 2013 May 21, 20:42:58
J watches Physics not saying anything

hm what does that mean o.O
He shall see what occurs.
"Do you see the Shugo Chara?" asked the student, gesturing at the little alicorns, the drake and the rabbit.  "Let's listen to what Kairi-kun has to say."

Quote from: Night Pony on 2013 May 22, 04:35:52
"Yes." the drake answers.
"Woah he can talk?"

"Can you talk too Fluffy?"
"Of course I can!" the rabbit says.
Kairi-kun, the student with the samurai-themed Shugo Chara, nodded at Hinamori-san and the newcomer, then turned back to Moon and Night.  "Your Shugo Chara will aid you in Kyara Nari, character transformation, which grants you particular abilities specific to the talents represented.  I cannot tell exactly which powers will be granted, but each ability is usually earned, learned and then applied before the next ability appears.  On occasion, you can also undergo a standard Character Change to increase your talent alone without a physical transformation," he explained.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Night Pony on 2013 May 22, 13:05:41
"How they will guide us?"
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: the dark gods on 2013 May 22, 21:46:01
Physics closes his eyes as he visulaizes the targets inner ki energy. He focuses on it and starts drawing it out of the target, into his horn, and then into his ki. He sees the targets ki start to drain away into nothingness, as his ki gains strength.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: FlameandIce on 2013 May 22, 23:01:39
J continues to watch

so how do I get one sorry I'm just really psyched about this
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2013 May 23, 13:50:15
Quote from: Night Pony on 2013 May 22, 13:05:41
"How they will guide us?"
The student smiled.  "Your Shugo Chara, Drake and Fluffy, are representations of your talents, what you wish to be and what you truly are deep within, magnified to magical levels.  That magic can be used for many purposes!  Watch."

He motioned to his Guardian Character, who nodded and got into position, drawing a tiny inch-long katana.  "Kyara Nari, Samurai Soul!" he shouted, in synch with the hoof-sized unicorn.

Bright blue-green light illuminated the area around him, bright yet not blinding, and somehow less a visible light and more something that could be seen by the mind's eye, as in a dream.  Kairi-san's school uniform changed, piece by piece, into a samurai's kimono in a flurry of sparkles, and a long katana was tucked into his obi as his mane lengthened into a traditional warrior's ponytail.

When his transformation sequence was finished, he was wearing the same costume as his guardian character.
Quote from: the dark gods on 2013 May 22, 21:46:01
Physics closes his eyes as he visulaizes the targets inner ki energy. He focuses on it and starts drawing it out of the target, into his horn, and then into his ki. He sees the targets ki start to drain away into nothingness, as his ki gains strength.
The target began to droop in on itself, and the shining talismans became dull and grey as the Ki was drained.  Meanwhile, Physics's colors became ever brighter and brilliant, and he could feel the strong internal energy within him strengthening him and healing scars and old wounds he never noticed.

"Good!" said the instructor.  "You learn quickly.  Return to the ready position."

Quote from: FlameandIce on 2013 May 22, 23:01:39
J continues to watch

so how do I get one sorry I'm just really psyched about this
He sees the demonstration, and there does not seem to be any danger at the moment.


Hinamori-san smiled.  "As Kairi-kun explained earlier, your Heart's Seed is awakened by allowing your True Self to come into contact with your Would-Be Self.  From this seed comes your Guardian Character.  There is no other way to explain it; your dreams, your wishes, your desires, everything that you Would Be, or Wish To Become, combined with Who You Are, What You Really Are, Your Hidden Self, Your True Self.  Forming your Heart's Seed, your Heart's Egg, the Egg of Truth, Egg of Destiny, whatever you want to call it."
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Night Pony on 2013 May 23, 13:57:27
"That was cool." the mares looked amazed.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: PPBG on 2013 May 23, 20:20:23
"Yes, if you don't mind. I'm visiting to study the martial arts here. Would you mind showing me?" Grace said. Her eyes still had traces of her awe of watching the colt before. "Oh, and your form was wonderful."
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: the dark gods on 2013 May 23, 20:42:36
Physics smiles as he feels his Ki grow stronger, though his smiles vanishes as he stops feeling the Ki flowing into.
Physics sighs and once again returns to the stance from before, ready for another command.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2013 May 26, 02:15:55
Quote from: Night Pony on 2013 May 23, 13:57:27
"That was cool." the mares looked amazed.
Kairi-kun smiled.  "With a bit of practice, you should be able to do the same.  Unlock your heart, and become who you were born to be!"
Quote from: PPBG on 2013 May 23, 20:20:23
"Yes, if you don't mind. I'm visiting to study the martial arts here. Would you mind showing me?" Grace said. Her eyes still had traces of her awe of watching the colt before. "Oh, and your form was wonderful."
The student bowed.  "Thank you very much.  The Master's training is truly superb."

He motioned for her to come with him to the side of the room, as other students were now waiting to use the mat.

"You say that you wish to study our techniques?  How familiar are you with the concept of Internal Energy?"

Quote from: the dark gods on 2013 May 23, 20:42:36
Physics smiles as he feels his Ki grow stronger, though his smiles vanishes as he stops feeling the Ki flowing into.
Physics sighs and once again returns to the stance from before, ready for another command.
The Master nods.  "Now we shall attempt to use all three attacks in rapid succession.  First the drain, then the damaging electric attack while still draining, then finally a Hadoken using the drained energy.  Shout your attacks each time you begin the next one.  Begin!"
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Night Pony on 2013 May 26, 02:52:58
"How do we do that? I thought my heart was always unlocked."
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: FlameandIce on 2013 May 26, 07:29:42
who you truly are hm.......... Rika pauses for a long time
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: the dark gods on 2013 May 26, 08:29:16
Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2013 May 26, 02:15:55
The Master nods.  "Now we shall attempt to use all three attacks in rapid succession.  First the drain, then the damaging electric attack while still draining, then finally a Hadoken using the drained energy.  Shout your attacks each time you begin the next one.  Begin!"

Physics mouth hangs open in surprise as he hears the instruction, he would not be able to complete this that well. Physics closes his mouth and nods to the Master. Physics closes his eyes as he visualizes the targets Ki, impaiantly switching to the lightning before his enemy was completely drained, the lightning starts scorching the target, but Physics stops and quickly changes before any lethal damage happens.
HADOKEN! Physics shouts wildly as he quickly throws the ball of summoned ki energy forward-barely hitting the target in his rush.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: PPBG on 2013 May 26, 20:15:12
As his question entered her mind, a bashful smile crossed her face. "I'm afraid not much. Could you explain?"
It took her a moment before another thought crossed her mind --she did indeed know what it was, to an extent. She knew basics at least. However, she didn't attempt to say that she did; she'd rather learn from the beginning anyway.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Jun 25, 14:12:49
Quote from: FlameandIce on 2013 May 26, 07:29:42
who you truly are hm.......... Rika pauses for a long time
Quote from: Night Pony on 2013 May 26, 02:52:58
"How do we do that? I thought my heart was always unlocked."
The colt looked embarrassed.  "Well, your Shugo Chara should know their sequence already.  All you usually have to do is put your hooves close to your chest, making an opening motion, and say... well, for you two, 'Atashi no Kokoro, Unlock.  You'll know what your transformation's name is when you do so.  It just... comes to mind, I suppose."
Quote from: the dark gods on 2013 May 26, 08:29:16
Physics mouth hangs open in surprise as he hears the instruction, he would not be able to complete this that well. Physics closes his mouth and nods to the Master. Physics closes his eyes as he visualizes the targets Ki, impaiantly switching to the lightning before his enemy was completely drained, the lightning starts scorching the target, but Physics stops and quickly changes before any lethal damage happens.
HADOKEN! Physics shouts wildly as he quickly throws the ball of summoned ki energy forward-barely hitting the target in his rush.
The flashing lightning and power draws the admiration and attention of several students around the room as the Master smiles slightly to himself.

"Very good!  Few manage that level of accuracy the first time.  Again!"

Quote from: PPBG on 2013 May 26, 20:15:12
As his question entered her mind, a bashful smile crossed her face. "I'm afraid not much. Could you explain?"
It took her a moment before another thought crossed her mind --she did indeed know what it was, to an extent. She knew basics at least. However, she didn't attempt to say that she did; she'd rather learn from the beginning anyway.
The student nodded.  "Internal energy is a sort of substance that resides within all of us.  It flows along channels within our bodies, concentrating around specific points in our bodies called Chakras.  The Energy has various characteristics, but the main ones are known as Yin and Yang, or as the Ibexianese call it, 'light and dark'.  In order for it to be harnessed properly, one must first balance the properties within oneself.  It's sort of like Equestria's Elements of Harmony, in a way."
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: the dark gods on 2013 Jun 25, 15:57:20
Physics grumbles in annoyance, this was going to fast for his taste. Physics closes his eyes, taking in the enemies ki, and making it his own, rushing and absorbing a large chunk in one go, throwing him off balance, he switches to the lightning,  only activating it for only a moment, getting into the stance, and charging up his ki.
HADO-kah! Physics shouts as he is thrown backwards, putting to much Ki for him to control in his attack, Physics slams back first into a wall, causing him to slide down cartoonishly.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Night Pony on 2013 Jun 26, 10:20:41
"Okay then. Shall we try this?"
"Let's do it!"
Then they spoke the words...
Atashi no Kokoro,
Atashi no Kokoro,

Both of the mares started to shine with a blinding light from which you can't see even see silhouettes. After a moment the light dimmed down enough to see them.
Night had her body covered with scales without her head. Her horn gave out a small fire ball.
Unlike Night, Moon didn't have much change from the outside. her fur was fluffier and her ears seemed longer.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: PPBG on 2013 Jul 10, 00:29:34
"Hmm." Grace nodded slowly, taking in his words. She had never really had it explained to her. It was more pieced together and guessed at. She realized that she knew less than presumed.

"Like what properties?" she asked, finding it difficult to link such personal attributes to this energy. She thought of the energy closer to order and harmony than the Elements themselves, as the Elements were closely related to personal harmony. 'But maybe it's a very similar thing,' she mused to herself silently. 'Harmony with the natural world and one's self.'
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Jul 10, 19:29:44
Quote from: the dark gods on 2013 Jun 25, 15:57:20
Physics grumbles in annoyance, this was going to fast for his taste. Physics closes his eyes, taking in the enemies ki, and making it his own, rushing and absorbing a large chunk in one go, throwing him off balance, he switches to the lightning,  only activating it for only a moment, getting into the stance, and charging up his ki.
HADO-kah! Physics shouts as he is thrown backwards, putting to much Ki for him to control in his attack, Physics slams back first into a wall, causing him to slide down cartoonishly.
The Master rubs his forehead with a hoof and motions for a few students to help the pony up.

"Control, control, control.  You have seen that your Yang is like a feral lion in the cage of your heart, yearning to burst out and take control at any moment.  You must learn to focus, to clear your mind of all distractions, to control that power."

Quote from: Night Pony on 2013 Jun 26, 10:20:41
"Okay then. Shall we try this?"
"Let's do it!"
Then they spoke the words...
Atashi no Kokoro,
Atashi no Kokoro,

Both of the mares started to shine with a blinding light from which you can't see even see silhouettes. After a moment the light dimmed down enough to see them.
Night had her body covered with scales without her head. Her horn gave out a small fire ball.
Unlike Night, Moon didn't have much change from the outside. her fur was fluffier and her ears seemed longer.
The student bowed deeply as their transformations completed.

"Very impressive, very good.  May I ask the names of your Chara Nari, Moon-san, Night-san?"

Quote from: PPBG on 2013 Jul 10, 00:29:34
"Hmm." Grace nodded slowly, taking in his words. She had never really had it explained to her. It was more pieced together and guessed at. She realized that she knew less than presumed.

"Like what properties?" she asked, finding it difficult to link such personal attributes to this energy. She thought of the energy closer to order and harmony than the Elements themselves, as the Elements were closely related to personal harmony. 'But maybe it's a very similar thing,' she mused to herself silently. 'Harmony with the natural world and one's self.'
"Heat and cold, moisture and dryness, brightness and darkness," said the student cryptically.  "The Ibexianese, like most, could not find words to describe it, only approximations.  It is like trying to describe the colors of a rainbow to a blind mare.  One might describe blue as cool and red as spicy, but it never truly describes the actual vision.  The same is for the Ki, the internal energy.  Yang is like fire, light, heat, dryness, anger, passion, excitement.  Excessive Yang can lead to fever, rashes, dry skin, bad breath, soar throats, and elevated blood pressure.  Yin is the opposite: cool, dark, moist, sad, solemn, lazy, still.  Excessive Yin can lead to cramps, chills, arthritis, sore joints, headaches, decreased blood pressure.  Yin and Yang are balanced not only by what we do, but how we act, and what we eat.  One may, for instance, build up an excess of Yang by consuming fried foods or certain fruits.  Conversely, excessive sloth and certain activities and mindsets puts you at risk of generating excessive Yin.  Both Yang and Yin work in tandem in the Harmonic Arts."

The student ducked instinctively as Physics was thrown across the room by his own unfocused Yang and slammed into a wall.

"...sometimes in destructive ways."
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Night Pony on 2013 Jul 12, 17:27:15
"Dragon's Fire." said Night.
"Bunny sense."  
Night looked at Moon with a confused look.
"What does it do?"
"I'm not exactly sure. I think I have more of a connection to the wildlife and plants."
"Great you're gonna talk with the plants when we get home...like you weren't doing it already."
"Hey, I heard that!"
"I do not know what you are talking about!"
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: the dark gods on 2013 Jul 12, 17:32:27
Physics gets up and dusts himself up.
Sorry, sorry Sensai, my....temper got out of control.... Physics tells the Master while he slowly gets back in place.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: PPBG on 2013 Jul 12, 21:36:06
Grace listened intently. She had something of a notion now, even if she wasn't so sure about how eating certain foods did anything. But the colt seemed very knowledgeable in what he was talking about, and Grace didn't feel like questioning him. She briefly wondered about what rank the student was, before flinching at Physic's collision with the wall. The pegasus gave Physics a worried glance before looking back to the colt.

"So, depending on your objective, you use, or apply this... energy as to work with whatever you're trying to do?" she asked, not sure that her question had made any sense. "Like, using Yin for predicting and responding to enemy movements and Yang for executing your own?" she added, hoping that was clearer. Then she almost laughed at herself. The Japonese colt could speak better than her. 'Well, isn't that a downer,' she thought mockingly. A smile twitched at her lips, but she concealed it. Grace doubted that her humor would be understood.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: narwhaliagames on 2013 Jul 14, 22:07:39
"ahhh a new day in japony WAIT WHAT TIME IS IT"

Post Merge

I knew I shouldn't of stayed up all night playing that rockmare game I need to get to the dojo asap shuriken slice ran as fast as he could to the nearest subway station eating a bagel whilst running, soon he arrived at the dojo out of breath
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: FlameandIce on 2013 Jul 15, 10:50:12
J chuckles a bit when Physics loses his temper but continues to watch

so is that what I do I'm sorry I having a little trouble getting this all down
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: narwhaliagames on 2013 Jul 15, 11:42:05
"konichiwa sensai I'm sorry I slept in so late I accidently stayed up all night please forgive me"
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Jul 16, 15:21:25
Quote from: Night Pony on 2013 Jul 12, 17:27:15
"Dragon's Fire." said Night.
"Bunny sense."  
Night looked at Moon with a confused look.
"What does it do?"
"I'm not exactly sure. I think I have more of a connection to the wildlife and plants."
"Great you're gonna talk with the plants when we get home...like you weren't doing it already."
"Hey, I heard that!"
"I do not know what you are talking about!"
The student bowed again, hiding a smile behind his samurai kimono's sleeve.  "Congratulations, both of you.  In this form, you should both have specific new and quite powerful abilities related to the talent it represents.  For instance, with this samurai form I can perform Inazuma burēdo.  I won't demonstrate here, as it's a fighting technique, but you should be able to sense your own new abilities."
Quote from: the dark gods on 2013 Jul 12, 17:32:27
Physics gets up and dusts himself up.
Sorry, sorry Sensai, my....temper got out of control.... Physics tells the Master while he slowly gets back in place.
The Master nods slightly.  "One occasionally stumbles upon the long road to Enlightenment, but-"

Quote from: narwhaliagames on 2013 Jul 14, 22:07:39
"ahhh a new day in japony WAIT WHAT TIME IS IT?! I knew I shouldn't of stayed up all night playing that rockmare game! I need to get to the dojo asap!" shuriken slice ran as fast as he could to the nearest subway station eating a bagel whilst running, soon he arrived at the dojo out of breath.  "konichiwa sensai I'm sorry I slept in so late I accidently stayed up all night please forgive me"
The Master closed his eyes as Shuriken arrived late, as usual.

"Konnichiha, Shuriken.  Naze osokunatta yo?  Is there a particular reason you are late?"
Quote from: FlameandIce on 2013 Jul 15, 10:50:12
J chuckles a bit when Physics loses his temper but continues to watch

so is that what I do I'm sorry I having a little trouble getting this all down
The student nods.  "Balance, as I have said."
Quote from: PPBG on 2013 Jul 12, 21:36:06
Grace listened intently. She had something of a notion now, even if she wasn't so sure about how eating certain foods did anything. But the colt seemed very knowledgeable in what he was talking about, and Grace didn't feel like questioning him. She briefly wondered about what rank the student was, before flinching at Physic's collision with the wall. The pegasus gave Physics a worried glance before looking back to the colt.

"So, depending on your objective, you use, or apply this... energy as to work with whatever you're trying to do?" she asked, not sure that her question had made any sense. "Like, using Yin for predicting and responding to enemy movements and Yang for executing your own?" she added, hoping that was clearer. Then she almost laughed at herself. The Japonese colt could speak better than her. 'Well, isn't that a downer,' she thought mockingly. A smile twitched at her lips, but she concealed it. Grace doubted that her humor would be understood.
"In a way you are correct," nodded the student gravely.  "The Harmony of Yin-Yang is essential to the Art.  Yin and Yang both flow through your chakras, and either may be used as you have suggested.  But the balancing is more often a melding of both energies, until there is nearly no distinction at all.  Light and Dark combine into a swirl of Harmonic Energy, and neither side is dominant.  Working in tandem, the two energies shape each other, building one upon the other into an outcome exponentially more powerful than either alone.  One rarely uses Yin for one thing and Yang for another.  The Ki is meant to be balanced, and used in whole, not in part."
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Night Pony on 2013 Jul 16, 16:05:04
"Is there anywhere to test them out?" Night asked.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: the dark gods on 2013 Jul 16, 16:08:02
Physics dust himself off once agian, trying to get it all of him. He hears J chuckle, causing him to glare.
Sensai, I wish you challenge that pony, a little....challenge of my skill should be good to me... Physics tells the Sansai while pointing to K, wanting to get some petty revenge.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: narwhaliagames on 2013 Jul 16, 21:31:59
"umm...well um my toast wouldn't umm cook yeah my toast wouldn't cook" shuriken said nervously

((spot the reference))

Post Merge

"*sigh* fine I stayed up all night watching anime and playing video games" he admitted

Post Merge

One of the students laughed at him and he threw a shuriken cutting nearly half her mane off they don't call me shuriken slice for nothing do that again and I'll aim a little closer to your neck
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Jul 20, 17:38:15
((waiting of flame and ppbg))
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: PPBG on 2013 Jul 21, 13:24:50
"Hmm." Grace murmured. She became lost in speculation for a few moments, before a question came to her. Her mouth opened to speak, but then closed again. His answers would lead to very little understanding on her part. Or, at least they would until the pegasus wrapped her mind around it. But for now, she decided to try a different approach.

"An explanatory demonstration, then?" she asked.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: FlameandIce on 2013 Jul 21, 15:16:55
//sorry for not replying to this I have been very busy with my summer job and I forgot about this

The Shinigami rolls his eyes at the new pony and looks back at the master and Physics who me I take it I will be using my hooves I don't want to reap your soul yet oh and another thing you are going to harm a 14 year old colt how cruel

Rika sighs and closes her eyes she appears to be in a mental conversation
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Jul 22, 01:24:54
Quote from: Night Pony on 2013 Jul 16, 16:05:04
"Is there anywhere to test them out?" Night asked.
Kairi-kun thought for a moment, then nodded gravely, his samurai's ponytail bobbing slightly.

"Follow me."

He beckoned and began walking towards the school's baseball field, which was large and empty enough that a few demonstrations wouldn't cause much damage, if any.

Quote from: the dark gods on 2013 Jul 16, 16:08:02
Physics dust himself off once agian, trying to get it all of him. He hears J chuckle, causing him to glare.
Sensai, I wish you challenge that pony, a little....challenge of my skill should be good to me... Physics tells the Sansai while pointing to K, wanting to get some petty revenge.
Quote from: narwhaliagames on 2013 Jul 16, 21:31:59
"umm...well um my toast wouldn't umm cook yeah my toast wouldn't cook" shuriken said nervously

((spot the reference))

Post Merge

"*sigh* fine I stayed up all night watching anime and playing video games" he admitted

Post Merge

One of the students laughed at him and he threw a shuriken cutting nearly half her mane off they don't call me shuriken slice for nothing do that again and I'll aim a little closer to your neck
Quote from: FlameandIce on 2013 Jul 21, 15:16:55
//sorry for not replying to this I have been very busy with my summer job and I forgot about this

The Shinigami rolls his eyes at the new pony and looks back at the master and Physics who me I take it I will be using my hooves I don't want to reap your soul yet oh and another thing you are going to harm a 14 year old colt how cruel

Rika sighs and closes her eyes she appears to be in a mental conversation
The Master's eyes were closed for a split second which seemed like an eternity.

A deep breath, a slow exhale.  His right hoof at his chest, in a position of prayer.

"Kanashibari no Jutsu."

A ripple went through the space and time, like a single drop of water into the surface of a vast, still lake.  It was deceptively smooth, such that it seemed elegantly slow, yet in reality moved faster than thought itself.  Underneath closed eyelids, the Master's eyes glowed brighter and brighter.

Physics, Shuriken, the laughing student, and K suddenly were unable to move, scarcely able to think, only respond passively.  The thought of attacking anything, or any sort of aggression at all, was simply no longer in their mind.  Their Chakras were glowing brightly, but it seemed normal, everything seemed normal, serene even.  Time had no meaning, they could stand here forever and be content, existing in the endless flow of time as the wheel turned.  A distant gong seemed to sound within their souls, and Light and Dark seemed to meld into one.

Quote from: PPBG on 2013 Jul 21, 13:24:50
"Hmm." Grace murmured. She became lost in speculation for a few moments, before a question came to her. Her mouth opened to speak, but then closed again. His answers would lead to very little understanding on her part. Or, at least they would until the pegasus wrapped her mind around it. But for now, she decided to try a different approach.

"An explanatory demonstration, then?" she asked.
The student simply tilted his head to indicate the Master's current technique.  Grace, who was not targeted by the Nirvana Paralysis technique, could sense immense power, but not flowing from the Master per se, but a single strand of a little Ki resonating back and forth between Yin and Yang, like when a perfect-pitch opera singer hit the right note to shatter a piece of glass.  Indeed, reality itself seemed to be the great glass upon which all else stood, and Ki the voice of endless potential, needing only diligence, persistence and skill to master.

There was ringing silence for a moment as the Master took another serene breath.

"All of you will cease this pointless bickering upon the dismissal of this technique.  This place is MY Dojo, and I am its keeper and Master.  This is a place of Harmony, not discord.  Chaos has no place here, and neither does enmity, or petty vengeance, or pride.  Nirvana is Perfection, Harmony is Eternal, and all else pales in comparison; why, then, should any be arrogant?  Moderation and Humility is the path to Enlightenment, to Balance, to mastery of the Harmonic Arts.  Be still.  Be at peace."

With another ripple, the Nirvana Paralysis ended, leaving Physics, Shuriken, the laughing student, and K feeling extremely calm and now able to think reasonably, without emotion clouding judgement.  Their emotions were still there, and if allowed to would once more return them to their previous states, but for now reason prevailed.  The condition can end anytime they wished, but they were now aware of a tiny fraction of the Master's power.

Speaking of the Master, the old stallion seemed scarcely even out of breath.  Not a single drop of sweat was upon his forehead.  He merely looked at them with serious eyes, hooves on the ground but very much ready to act should another fight be impending.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: narwhaliagames on 2013 Jul 22, 11:37:11
"woah what was that" shuriken said surprised
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Night Pony on 2013 Jul 22, 13:32:00
The two mares followed him to the said field. Then they looks around from end to end.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: the dark gods on 2013 Jul 22, 20:37:26
Physics tries his hardest to move, to teleport, dear Princesses this could be trouble....what was this supposed to teach him? Don't fight ponies or you'll be frozen in time? what type of lesson as that?
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Jul 22, 20:54:59
Quote from: Night Pony on 2013 Jul 22, 13:32:00
The two mares followed him to the said field. Then they looks around from end to end.
Stepping onto the empty field, the Kairi-kun drew his very functional sword from its sheath.

"Inazuma... burēdo!" he shouted.

Flashes of lightning seemed to trail in the wake of his swinging blade as he spun and stabbed in a complicated pattern.  He paused after a few hundred strikes, floating slightly as he smiled back at them and moved aside.
Quote from: narwhaliagames on 2013 Jul 22, 11:37:11
"woah what was that" shuriken said surprised
Quote from: the dark gods on 2013 Jul 22, 20:37:26
Physics tries his hardest to move, to teleport, dear Princesses this could be trouble....what was this supposed to teach him? Don't fight ponies or you'll be frozen in time? what type of lesson as that?
The Master sighed as he rubbed his forehead with a hoof as he dismissed the jutsu.

"Control.  Patience.  With great power comes great responsibility, both to yourself and to others.  Shuriken-san, YOU of all ponies should understand this, after having trained with me all this time.  You should be setting a good example for Shift-san here, not being an aggressor."
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: narwhaliagames on 2013 Jul 22, 21:12:53
"sorry sensai i'm just really tired i'll try to get more sleep tonight"
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: the dark gods on 2013 Jul 22, 21:17:08
Physics stands and takes in the Masters words....Not like he could do much else anyway....patients....who needs it? Gut instinct and intellect was all this pony needed to make a action, sure waiting worked some times, but so did acting on emotions.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: FlameandIce on 2013 Jul 22, 21:28:20
J doesn't say anything he just listens to he little speech

okay I think i am ready Rika says sighing a little
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Jul 22, 22:22:43
((@physics et al: the paralysis jutsu was dismissed, meaning you all can move whenever you feel like it.))
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: the dark gods on 2013 Jul 22, 22:31:25
((Oh, didn't notice that....let's just say Physics is to deep in thought to notice.))
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: PPBG on 2013 Jul 23, 09:59:06
"Wow. Impressive," Grace said quietly, watching the Master of the dojo. Looking back to the student, she asked,"But... how do you obtain balance?"
'Besides constant training,' she added in her head. 'Perhaps a better question would have been about the relation of the techniques here to Internal Energy. I doubt that balance is achieved within three weeks or so.'
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Night Pony on 2013 Jul 23, 10:09:35
Night stepped a few steps forward and tried one of her spells that she knew before hoof. Her horn began to glow and around her wings the same aura. Then something like glowing feathers appeared behind her her actual wings. Then in an instance they erupted into flames.
"Interesting." Night said.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Jul 23, 14:09:46
Quote from: narwhaliagames on 2013 Jul 22, 21:12:53
"sorry sensai i'm just really tired i'll try to get more sleep tonight"
Quote from: the dark gods on 2013 Jul 22, 21:17:08
Physics stands and takes in the Masters words....Not like he could do much else anyway....patients....who needs it? Gut instinct and intellect was all this pony needed to make a action, sure waiting worked some times, but so did acting on emotions.
Quote from: the dark gods on 2013 Jul 22, 22:31:25
((Oh, didn't notice that....let's just say Physics is to deep in thought to notice.))
Quote from: FlameandIce on 2013 Jul 22, 21:28:20
J doesn't say anything he just listens to he little speech
The Master nods gravely.  "Sleep is needed as much as practice.  All things in moderation.  That is one of the many things needed for balance.  Work is Yang, rest is Yin.  Both must occur in the times nature has meant for them."
Quote from: PPBG on 2013 Jul 23, 09:59:06
"Wow. Impressive," Grace said quietly, watching the Master of the dojo. Looking back to the student, she asked,"But... how do you obtain balance?"
'Besides constant training,' she added in her head. 'Perhaps a better question would have been about the relation of the techniques here to Internal Energy. I doubt that balance is achieved within three weeks or so.'
The student smiled.  "One obtains balance by moderating oneself.  Spending time with friends and family, but not too much.  Finding time to meditate, but not too long.  Working and studying, but not to excess.  Eating the right foods, having the right mindset, there are many paths to Balance.  Here we learn the physical aspect of things- how to see the Ki that is already within us and better understand its structure and its flow.  We learn to resonate Yin with Yang to create powerful effects, and to draw on others' Ki to fuel our own in battle.  Yet bar practice, both within and without the Dojo, there is little else that can create the balance for us.  There is no 'magic key', no formulaic mantra, no 'superpower lottery' to win.  only hard work and dedication to the Internal Arts."
Quote from: Night Pony on 2013 Jul 23, 10:09:35
Night stepped a few steps forward and tried one of her spells that she knew before hoof. Her horn began to glow and around her wings the same aura. Then something like glowing feathers appeared behind her her actual wings. Then in an instance they erupted into flames.
"Interesting." Night said.
Kairi-kun smiled and applauded quietly.  "Very impressive.  You should be able to intrinsically sense new abilities in that form, new attacks or defensive maneuvers.  Presumably it would be in Equestrian, as that's your native language, though here in Neighpon most attacks and transformations have Neighponese names."
Quote from: FlameandIce on 2013 Jul 22, 21:28:20okay I think i am ready Rika says sighing a little
The pony nods.  "Look deep within you, and meld the Naritai Jibun with the Hontou no Jibun."
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Night Pony on 2013 Jul 23, 14:36:51
Night turns her head towards Moon. "Hey Moon have you tried..." she stopped mid-sentance only to see  several flowers growing with a rapid pase around Moon.
"What were you saying?"
"Never mind."  then Night looked up to the sky and started to concentrate. Her horn started to glow once again. A small ball of energy appeared on the tip and started growing. When it became big enough the ball erupted in flames just like the previous spell and then she launched it skywards. A few seconds later an explosion could be seen from the ground.
"Good job Night!" ^-^
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Jul 25, 13:37:06
((waiting for others))
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: narwhaliagames on 2013 Jul 25, 16:58:06
((sorry was at a movie))

shuriken nodded alright!
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Jul 27, 16:20:42
((physics' turn))
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: the dark gods on 2013 Jul 30, 19:29:52
((Sorry completely missed this...))
Physics rolls his eyes and grumbles to himself. Balance this, moderation that, blah blah blah. This wasn't Physics style, when Physics did something, he focused on it until it was done, maybe a break to help re-energize himself every once in awhile, perhaps this wasn't the school for him... Physics seems to be standing still, deep in thought , not moving, almost as if he was frozen.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: blobking156 on 2013 Jul 30, 20:47:43
[Yosuke-Chan, Chie-Chan, and Yuki-Chan are up for RP]
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Aug 03, 23:02:11
((for the record, flameandice's turn.))
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: FlameandIce on 2013 Aug 03, 23:31:56
//sorry >A<

Rika closes her eys and does what she was told

J nods listening to the master
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: blobking156 on 2013 Aug 04, 06:03:26
[anypony wannarp with yosuke-chan, chie-chan, and yukiko-chan?]
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Night Pony on 2013 Aug 04, 07:16:38
((Where are they?  o.O ))
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: blobking156 on 2013 Aug 04, 07:20:26
in Inaba. it's it's a small town in semi-southern Neighpon.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Night Pony on 2013 Aug 04, 07:23:26
((I'm on a field in a school in Neighpon so I can't exactly come.  X3 ))
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: blobking156 on 2013 Aug 04, 07:27:04
[ah. Chie-chan, Yuki-chan, and Yosuke-chan are high schoolers
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: PPBG on 2013 Aug 08, 20:47:19
Grace flashed a small smile, expecting that answer. She soaked up the information that was told to her. 'Here we learn the physical aspect of things- how to see the Ki that is already within us and better understand its structure and its flow. We learn to resonate Yin with Yang to create powerful effects, and to draw on others' Ki to fuel our own in battle.' That was a difference. Originally, she had started training to be involved with a sport, later to love the art and desire to succeed in it. However, she had never known all the roots of it, how much of a way of life it was. Three weeks to study a way of life along with techniques that relate to it. A challenge, but then again, Grace didn't turn down challenges often.

"So, what should I start on? I understand that I'll probably leave here at white or yellow belt level, even after three weeks," she said, and almost laughed at the thought. In a black belt, out a white. Only the Princesses --and maybe not even they--would know how that happened.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Aug 13, 00:27:25
Quote from: narwhaliagames on 2013 Jul 25, 16:58:06
((sorry was at a movie))

shuriken nodded alright!
Quote from: the dark gods on 2013 Jul 30, 19:29:52
((Sorry completely missed this...))
Physics rolls his eyes and grumbles to himself. Balance this, moderation that, blah blah blah. This wasn't Physics style, when Physics did something, he focused on it until it was done, maybe a break to help re-energize himself every once in awhile, perhaps this wasn't the school for him... Physics seems to be standing still, deep in thought , not moving, almost as if he was frozen.
Quote from: FlameandIce on 2013 Aug 03, 23:31:56
//sorry >A<

J nods listening to the master
The Master bowed his head.  "Shuriken-san.  Ki wo tsuke!  Attention!  Seiza.  Kneeling position.  Meditate.  This will be your first task today.  Shift-san, meditate with Shuriken-san.  Try to bring forth your Yin to calm the raging fires of Yang within you."

Physics felt his energy and purpose return to him, as though a spell had been broken, but the Master simply looked to J.

"As for you.  This Dojo is in need of protection, but not aggravation or violence.  Shinigami may work in mysterious ways, but this is the domain of Balance, and I am its steward here.  If you desire to learn, please feel free to participate!  But please, though the students may at times be brash or rude, many of them are merely youths with too much Yang flaming brightly within the depths of their souls, and mean no true offense.  Are we not both civilized creatures here?  Honor, yes, it is important, and even more important here than anywhere else in all the world, but patience and the keeping of the Law itself, as decreed by the Emperor, Son of Amaterasu Omikami, stand as well."

Quote from: PPBG on 2013 Aug 08, 20:47:19
Grace flashed a small smile, expecting that answer. She soaked up the information that was told to her. 'Here we learn the physical aspect of things- how to see the Ki that is already within us and better understand its structure and its flow. We learn to resonate Yin with Yang to create powerful effects, and to draw on others' Ki to fuel our own in battle.' That was a difference. Originally, she had started training to be involved with a sport, later to love the art and desire to succeed in it. However, she had never known all the roots of it, how much of a way of life it was. Three weeks to study a way of life along with techniques that relate to it. A challenge, but then again, Grace didn't turn down challenges often.

"So, what should I start on? I understand that I'll probably leave here at white or yellow belt level, even after three weeks," she said, and almost laughed at the thought. In a black belt, out a white. Only the Princesses --and maybe not even they--would know how that happened.
The student smiled kindly.  "Are you familiar with meditation, and feeling the flow of your Ki?  We can start with that, and move towards controlling your Internal Energy from there."

Quote from: Night Pony on 2013 Jul 23, 14:36:51
Night turns her head towards Moon. "Hey Moon have you tried..." she stopped mid-sentance only to see  several flowers growing with a rapid pase around Moon.
"What were you saying?"
"Never mind."  then Night looked up to the sky and started to concentrate. Her horn started to glow once again. A small ball of energy appeared on the tip and started growing. When it became big enough the ball erupted in flames just like the previous spell and then she launched it skywards. A few seconds later an explosion could be seen from the ground.
"Good job Night!" ^-^
Kairi-kun tapped a hoof on his chin, looking thoughtful.  "I wonder what the name of those abilities are called," he said aloud.

Quote from: FlameandIce on 2013 Aug 03, 23:31:56
Rika closes her eys and does what she was told
Deep within her, it seemed as though her True Self, the self that she was within when nopony else was looking, all her fears and doubts and hopes and dreams, all her insecurities and her strengths, was suddenly melded with her Would-Be Self, the self she wished to be with all her heart and soul and mind, every potential and every talent being amplified to magical levels as the two met and burst with a blinding flash of light!

It seemed to those present that something like a glowing Egg of pure magic, symbolizing the potential that all creatures have for hatching into their future selves, now began to float out of Rika's chest.  It was covered in markers designating her dearest passions and strongest wish.  What might it hatch into?
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: the dark gods on 2013 Aug 13, 00:34:30
//Physics wasn't actually frozen in a spell, just frozen in thought.
Physics grumbles as he nods and trots over next to shuriken, kneeling next to him, as be beings to meditate, trying to focus his emotions, no need to be rash here....besides, best not to snub this school until he finds one more suited to him first, least he have no school of other magic to attend.....
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: Night Pony on 2013 Aug 13, 10:38:29
"Fire breath. Though I think I could make it bigger."
"Rapid growth for me." said Moon only to be followed up with a yawn from Night.
"I'm getting pretty tired. I bet it's almost dawn.'
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: narwhaliagames on 2013 Aug 13, 12:31:06
Shuriken meditates silently
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: PPBG on 2013 Aug 14, 21:49:13
"Meditation, kind of, and since I didn't exactly know what Ki was, no," she replied. "I do know the position though," Grace said, tilting her head to indicate Physic's position.
Title: Re: Life in Neighpon/Japony (less-formal sign-up)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Aug 18, 00:26:14
((FlameandIce's turn))