Edit: Sorry, had to hide post and forgot what I put >.<
I play regularly, but I have started to lose faith in the community :c
If your new, you should try Garen, he's a great champion to try, there's also Rammus
I play often.
The community is bad, but the gameplay is usually pretty fun. I actually just finished a match where I got my very first pentakill! (http://db.tt/dZlRewBD)
I'm Cryoid on there as well, Send me a request and make sure to let me know you're from LoE!
Bolt, I just want to warn you.
If you play Garen, you're probably gonna get some backlash for it. The last season update for the game made Garen annoyingly strong and tough. I'm not saying you shouldn't play Garen, he's an excellent starter champion, but people might hate on you for it.
The good news, you will almost NEVER meet these people ever again, so they can't do much more than hate on you during a match.
Also, it wouldn't be a bad idea for spend at least 5 bucks or euros or whatever currency you have on some RP (Riot points) points, they have a lot of cheap skins for the characters that average about 250 RP but they won't be up forever.
I use to play regularly but i can't stand the terrible community anymore. :c
I saw your signature.... Loaded runescape homepage.
Quote from: Teal Turken on 2013 Jan 02, 14:31:37
Bolt, I just want to warn you.
If you play Garen, you're probably gonna get some backlash for it. The last season update for the game made Garen annoyingly strong and tough. I'm not saying you shouldn't play Garen, he's an excellent starter champion, but people might hate on you for it.
The good news, you will almost NEVER meet these people ever again, so they can't do much more than hate on you during a match.
Also, it wouldn't be a bad idea for spend at least 5 bucks or euros or whatever currency you have on some RP (Riot points) points, they have a lot of cheap skins for the characters that average about 250 RP but they won't be up forever.
Garen is not a starter champion, he's just a champion, and I play him all the time with people praising me. Even the enemy is like,"Your the first good Garen I've met so far in a match"
I think you're just lucky enough to meet the nice people of League.
Yes, the league community is garbage, a lot like CoD's community. I just ignore them, at least they don't have voice chat like Xbox live and PSN has.
And when I said "starter champion" I ment that he's a good champion to play if you're just starting to play League, I never said don't play him later because he's good for starters. I started with Garen and quickly got decent with him before I purchased Viegar and Anivia.
I would really love to play just once... Because I don't have any money, my parents don't want to spend even one buck on a new pc and that my brother doesn't want me to touch his computer, I never played. :c
Me and Bolt just played a few matches, But we really need some more people from LoE to play! Come on, everypony! Help us out!
Quote from: Teal Turken on 2013 Jan 02, 15:49:34
I think you're just lucky enough to meet the nice people of League.
Yes, the league community is garbage, a lot like CoD's community. I just ignore them, at least they don't have voice chat like Xbox live and PSN has.
And when I said "starter champion" I ment that he's a good champion to play if you're just starting to play League, I never said don't play him later because he's good for starters. I started with Garen and quickly got decent with him before I purchased Viegar and Anivia.
Okay, sorry about that, Garen's my main man, I'm also skilled with Nidalee, Soraka, Lee Sin, Anivia, and Rammus (Just recently)
Quote from: Cryoid on 2013 Jan 03, 03:34:41
Me and Bolt just played a few matches, But we really need some more people from LoE to play! Come on, everypony! Help us out!
Sure, I'll add you and bolt, my username is pojo458, and don't be afraid to send random match requests
My Summoner name: Teal Turken
EXACTLY as it appears above.
Ok so i just created a account on the NA server.
add me: Amadryl
Wooo, that last match we had was awesome, really wish lolreplay was running to catch it though >.<
I play on the North American servers regularly, my summoner name is 'Stripey Death'.
I main Supports/Tanks, Shen is my favourite.
Morde es numero uno! :D Hue hue hue. Although I mainly play with my IRL friends, feel free to add me if you wish - Summoner name: CyanideInsanity.
This is my honest opinion of the new patch
i started play league of legends a month ago im not that good at it but i have alot of fun playing it
I started League last fall and kinda lost interest, but I was a bit bored a few weeks ago and a friend got me back into it. I main Fiddlesticks (he's great ovO), and I also play Anivia, Twisted Fate, Caitlin, Ezreal, and Ashe. Also saving up for Graves right now. :3
Quote from: Link on 2013 Feb 15, 09:47:29
I started League last fall and kinda lost interest, but I was a bit bored a few weeks ago and a friend got me back into it. I main Fiddlesticks (he's great ovO), and I also play Anivia, Twisted Fate, Caitlin, Ezreal, and Ashe. Also saving up for Graves right now. :3
As a main lux player, I loathe you
honestly, unless you're a huge DPS'er like tryndamere, Fiddle will definitely win a 1v1, especially when I'm jungling and have some stolen buffs. ovO
Starting to dig Fiora, her moves allow her to be a very agile fighter
Anyone tried thresh yet? I gave him a go and he's pretty fun to play with :D
Quote from: KoalaLover99 on 2013 Feb 17, 13:44:58
Anyone tried thresh yet? I gave him a go and he's pretty fun to play with :D
Yes, but it's irritating when people won't right click on the lantern to escape
Quote from: Book Smarts on 2013 Feb 17, 13:51:23
Quote from: KoalaLover99 on 2013 Feb 17, 13:44:58
Anyone tried thresh yet? I gave him a go and he's pretty fun to play with :D
Yes, but it's irritating when people won't right click on the lantern to escape
:\ I guess since he is so new people don't really know how to play with him
a pro League friend of mine bought Thresh day of release; he's an amazing support, and I often go bot with him while I use an ADC such as Graves or Caitlyn.
Quote from: Link on 2013 Feb 17, 14:47:06
a pro League friend of mine bought Thresh day of release; he's an amazing support, and I often go bot with him while I use an ADC such as Graves or Caitlyn.
My favorite supports are probably soraka and janna. And you HAVE to try ap soraka. Her main form of damage is free, and it silences. GG.
Hah nice. I may try supports some time; for now I'm happy being a glass cannon'er... :nod:
I usually go with
Top: Garen
Mid: Leblanc or Ryze
Bot: Caitlyn, Graves, Soraka, or Taric
Jungle: Tryn
I don't know if I'm the only one with this problem, but I find melee harder to play than ranged o.O
Not just you, but I also just enjoy the options with ranged and mage-based characters; I like to stay safe while picking off the important people in teamfights (and when I'm Twisted Fate, there's no such things as getting away alive... ovO).
Quote from: Link on 2013 Feb 18, 11:16:29
Not just you, but I also just enjoy the options with ranged and mage-based characters; I like to stay safe while picking off the important people in teamfights.
That is why I love lux so much because of her insane range :3
I like to play support because it means I get to use sona she's my main and I sometimes play nidalee
Soraka is the best support, she dishes out both heals and mana :s
Quote from: Book Smarts on 2013 Feb 19, 14:38:43
Soraka is the best support, she dishes out both heals and mana :s
Quick question, am I the only one here on EUW? :(
Quote from: KoalaLover99 on 2013 Feb 19, 16:32:08
Quote from: Book Smarts on 2013 Feb 19, 14:38:43
Soraka is the best support, she dishes out both heals and mana :s
Quick question, am I the only one here on EUW? :(
I have an account on West Europe, I only use it if NA is down for long periods of time >A<
Quote from: Book Smarts on 2013 Feb 19, 19:39:47
Quote from: KoalaLover99 on 2013 Feb 19, 16:32:08
Quote from: Book Smarts on 2013 Feb 19, 14:38:43
Soraka is the best support, she dishes out both heals and mana :s
Quick question, am I the only one here on EUW? :(
I have an account on West Europe, I only use it if NA is down for long periods of time >A<
i would like to play with a couple of new people as well it might be fun
I have recently taken up playing Garen in the jungle, it's rather amazing to be honest. Shyvana up in top lane is quite good too.
I usually go with:
Top: Shyvana Garen Gangplank and
Mid: Fizz Ziggs cho akali and annie
Jungle: Garen Xin and Vi
I don't usually play adc so I just take caitlyn
Supports: Sona and Orianna
I'm saving up for Leona now, because stunmaster support is so amazing.
Quote from: Link on 2013 Apr 10, 18:31:37
I'll leave this here...
WHo doesn't love phreak? :D
Having fun in the new ARAM queue, it's definitely a way to "cool off" after a 5V5
Quote from: Book Smarts on 2013 May 05, 18:05:24
Having fun in the new ARAM queue, it's definitely a way to "cool off" after a 5V5
I really like aram as well, but it shows how many champions I've bought and haven't played yet :I
I personally would find ARAM more fun if it wasn't the League of AP Yi and Nidalee... >.<
Yi hurts in ARAM but nidalee doesn't cause any trouble. She's more troublesome with an ADC when she is support.
Also, just bought Ahri :3 she creates pain. Now if only I could have the midnight Ahri skin. (So pwetty)
I play ^^. Sorta got thrown in the deep end when I started, a lot of my friends were already Lv 25-30, but I can't really say it's made me learn any faster hehe. I mainly play Ahri (pretty well), Caitlyn (alright) and Elise (still learning), but I have dabbled with Veigar and Ashe, and I would like to learn how to play Zyra. I prefer ranged champions because I'm a scaredy hoof XD.
Also I sadly have to agree with everypony on here talking about the ahem... animosity of the random player. People aren't generally very nice in chat, and half the time they expect a lot more out of you than they say at first (they become a lot more vocal about it as the game goes on). But skip past that (or ignore it/mute everyone who exists) and it is still a very fun game to play ^^
Yup, I'm making a collection of jerks on my ignore list. I figure that since it's impossible to get matched with the jerk when he's on your list, you eventually ignore every toxic player in the world. :D
In other news, carrying games as wukong this week, because who expects someone to be good at a free week champion? ovO
add me! i play and my name is fiveslash :I best name evvah
Wow Link thats actually a good idea oO. I normally get stuck with the people who call you out the minute you die once, tell you to leave and uninstall the game. I mean like really X_X. But I shall try the ignore list idea, see how it goes! ^^.
Username: SnicrftiaStudios
Preferred Champion: Twisted Fate
Twisted Fate is a nightmare if you learn how to play as him correctly. Add me to your friends list and let us fight alongside one another!
Moving on up the ranked solo ladder
Always remember to ward objectives, they're usually at great choke points, and can give your team an edge.
Kinda disappointed with the new ultimate skin; I was hoping for a different champion than udyr; with no gap closer, he just gets kited all day... >.<
I'm guessing there really is only practice for this, but any advice for playing unlocked camera? I swear if riot would just make an option to click and drag (like google maps if you don't understand) I would have no issues with playing unlocked... This 'click-and-slide' thing they have in place does nothing but annoy me.
Also I now love kha'zix, jumping in and pwning enemies is fun! :D
Quote from: CyanideInsanity on 2013 Jul 19, 01:43:44
I'm guessing there really is only practice for this, but any advice for playing unlocked camera? I swear if riot would just make an option to click and drag (like google maps if you don't understand) I would have no issues with playing unlocked... This 'click-and-slide' thing they have in place does nothing but annoy me.
Also I now love kha'zix, jumping in and pwning enemies is fun! :D
i play unlocked all the time. Some tips is to hover your mouse to the edge of the screen when you want to scout your surroundings or area up ahead.
This might just be me but here's how I place my left hand of the keyboard:
Ring on Q
Middle on W
Index on E
:D just in the air (doing nothing)
and thumb on spacebar.
The spacebar locks onto your char then immediately switches back to unlock, so use it for whenever you need to recenter your camera or press it down during a teamfight.
hope this helps.
Quote from: Randam Saiko on 2013 Jul 19, 23:36:42
Quote from: CyanideInsanity on 2013 Jul 19, 01:43:44
I'm guessing there really is only practice for this, but any advice for playing unlocked camera? I swear if riot would just make an option to click and drag (like google maps if you don't understand) I would have no issues with playing unlocked... This 'click-and-slide' thing they have in place does nothing but annoy me.
Also I now love kha'zix, jumping in and pwning enemies is fun! 
i play unlocked all the time. Some tips is to hover your mouse to the edge of the screen when you want to scout your surroundings or area up ahead.
This might just be me but here's how I place my left hand of the keyboard:
Ring on Q
Middle on W
Index on E
just in the air (doing nothing)
and thumb on spacebar.
The spacebar locks onto your char then immediately switches back to unlock, so use it for whenever you need to recenter your camera or press it down during a teamfight.
hope this helps.
Well space I did know about and have been using, my problem is with the actual control scheme for moving the camera itself.
Quote from: CyanideInsanity on 2013 Jul 20, 01:16:26
Quote from: Randam Saiko on 2013 Jul 19, 23:36:42
Quote from: CyanideInsanity on 2013 Jul 19, 01:43:44
I'm guessing there really is only practice for this, but any advice for playing unlocked camera? I swear if riot would just make an option to click and drag (like google maps if you don't understand) I would have no issues with playing unlocked... This 'click-and-slide' thing they have in place does nothing but annoy me.
Also I now love kha'zix, jumping in and pwning enemies is fun! 
i play unlocked all the time. Some tips is to hover your mouse to the edge of the screen when you want to scout your surroundings or area up ahead.
This might just be me but here's how I place my left hand of the keyboard:
Ring on Q
Middle on W
Index on E
just in the air (doing nothing)
and thumb on spacebar.
The spacebar locks onto your char then immediately switches back to unlock, so use it for whenever you need to recenter your camera or press it down during a teamfight.
hope this helps.
Well space I did know about and have been using, my problem is with the actual control scheme for moving the camera itself.
I personally jungle a lot, so when I'm checking the lanes to see who's pushed who, and where everyone is, I often just click the place I need to check on the minimap while clearing a wraiths camp or something. ;)
Quote from: CyanideInsanity on 2013 Jul 20, 01:16:26
Quote from: Randam Saiko on 2013 Jul 19, 23:36:42
Quote from: CyanideInsanity on 2013 Jul 19, 01:43:44
I'm guessing there really is only practice for this, but any advice for playing unlocked camera? I swear if riot would just make an option to click and drag (like google maps if you don't understand) I would have no issues with playing unlocked... This 'click-and-slide' thing they have in place does nothing but annoy me.
Also I now love kha'zix, jumping in and pwning enemies is fun! 
i play unlocked all the time. Some tips is to hover your mouse to the edge of the screen when you want to scout your surroundings or area up ahead.
This might just be me but here's how I place my left hand of the keyboard:
Ring on Q
Middle on W
Index on E
just in the air (doing nothing)
and thumb on spacebar.
The spacebar locks onto your char then immediately switches back to unlock, so use it for whenever you need to recenter your camera or press it down during a teamfight.
hope this helps.
Well space I did know about and have been using, my problem is with the actual control scheme for moving the camera itself.
just move your mouse to the edge of the screen to move the camera
Quote from: Randam Saiko on 2013 Jul 20, 10:39:02
Quote from: CyanideInsanity on 2013 Jul 20, 01:16:26
Quote from: Randam Saiko on 2013 Jul 19, 23:36:42
Quote from: CyanideInsanity on 2013 Jul 19, 01:43:44
I'm guessing there really is only practice for this, but any advice for playing unlocked camera? I swear if riot would just make an option to click and drag (like google maps if you don't understand) I would have no issues with playing unlocked... This 'click-and-slide' thing they have in place does nothing but annoy me.
Also I now love kha'zix, jumping in and pwning enemies is fun! 
i play unlocked all the time. Some tips is to hover your mouse to the edge of the screen when you want to scout your surroundings or area up ahead.
This might just be me but here's how I place my left hand of the keyboard:
Ring on Q
Middle on W
Index on E
just in the air (doing nothing)
and thumb on spacebar.
The spacebar locks onto your char then immediately switches back to unlock, so use it for whenever you need to recenter your camera or press it down during a teamfight.
hope this helps.
Well space I did know about and have been using, my problem is with the actual control scheme for moving the camera itself.
just move your mouse to the edge of the screen to move the camera
That doesn't work with me, its either too inaccurate, or not fast enough. I would rarely use it save for quickly checking around. In a lane, team fight or chase I would much prefer click-and-drag over that or sliding the camera the way it is now.
Quote from: Link on 2013 Jul 20, 09:23:35
I personally jungle a lot, so when I'm checking the lanes to see who's pushed who, and where everyone is, I often just click the place I need to check on the minimap while clearing a wraiths camp or something. ;)
I do that as well, but it doesn't help in a team fight or chase.
Try the arrow keys then. :)
Hey, forgot to post my account... I think. :\ anywho, I'm The Only Beenut. And what do you know, if any of you want, I might give my Skype... If I ever find the lassword...
Finally, my beloved Master Yi has been reworked to be played the way he was meant to be played! ^-^
5 wins in a row and going up.... ovO
Hey, I just finished a game against the most hilarious thing ever= adc Soraka
Quote from: Nala Valor on 2013 Aug 02, 19:15:19
Hey, I just finished a game against the most hilarious thing ever= adc Soraka
i've played the following before:
Support eve (all da pressure)
ADC Heimer (oh dear god)
ADC Malz (its actually op)
AP Nasus (tons of AoE)
Jungle Leona and Taric (oh yea)
Mid Sona (drop it)
Support Garen (op bush pressence)
Support Varus (Tons of Tentacles)
And MANY, MANY, more....
Break the Meta!
About AP, I often do it. Also do AP Rammus and Twitch. Just massive damage.
I also did ADC Ahri... Didn't work so well.
Also, offensive Nami is a monster and more useful late game and does a better job late game when someone needs support then the classical support Nami.
AP Rammus may do the damages, but it doesn't utilize his passive, taunt, or mobility. Try going a full defensive mastery page with a couple points in either offensive, or supportive trees. For runes, go speed quints, ap scale reds, and blues, and armor yellows.
I recommend trying Ashe support
Well well lookie here. A LoL thread. I needs to get in on this. My summoner name is: SorikuXI. I'm literally always online but I'm not usually playing any match cause I'll either b on youtube or rping but I could squeeze in a match or two with some of my brony brothers and pegasisters whenever possible. Just send me request and invite whenever. Ja mata ne.
I drew some LoL ponies. I don't play League of Legends, I tried, but I don't like it although my brother plays it so I know most of the characteers and I like them,my favourite is Kha'Zix :nod: <3
Watch out, old/ugly pictures
(https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s720x720/301102_341318902628916_385679159_n.jpg) Zyra pony (https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s720x720/306592_321120201315453_1152589327_n.jpg) Sona pony (https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/s720x720/252672_320755134685293_1897031276_n.jpg) Cho'Gath pony (https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s720x720/208826_319684678125672_90255305_n.jpg) Lee Sin pony (https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/s720x720/553079_318649824895824_667447931_n.jpg) Shen pony (https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s720x720/315435_318642208229919_110614894_n.jpg) Morgana pony (https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/s720x720/553216_318633714897435_607900200_n.jpg) Swain pony (https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/s720x720/524310_328205130606960_724265391_n.jpg) group photo (https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s720x720/376578_329595153801291_691233009_n.jpg) Luna/Diana (https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/s720x720/625553_329599700467503_540113980_n.jpg) Celestia/Leona
How many ponies here still play this regularly? I'm not at all good with LoL and the bots are on like super hard mode but I'm in need of some friends to have fun with.
I play just about daily, but I'm not sure how many of you are still under level 30; I would drag the match difficulty up by a lot.
By now, if it was for me having a computer, I would be at least LV30 a month ago but because I don't, I'm just level 17 or something, I'm not sure.
I'm at Level 5 but I mostly play LoL once or twice a day. Mostly once if I feel like I just can't get any fun out of it.
i can found once in a while. I have mastered the art of meta breaking.
Quote from: Randam Saiko on 2013 Aug 19, 23:51:07
i can found once in a while. I have mastered the art of meta breaking.
what meta? ovO
Also, I want to try 2 things= ADC Annie and jungle Soraka. I'll probably try the soraka first.
Just a PSA here: To any of you seeing Arcade Hecarim, and possibly thinking it's a MLP reference, play this game first:
Then come back and decide, to save some unnecessary embarrassment.
Finally got a pc :3 so for those who wants me in there buddy list, I'm "The Only Beenut"
Really want the Arcade Hec skin. I just don't play too much Hec :c
I know that feel bro...
Also... I think because of what I did yesterday, the meta shall be in the hospital for a few days. In bit lane, there was me as support EZ and with me was a ADC Sona. The funniest part is that it totally worked.
I could use more lower level people to play with. I've been playing on and off since February or some such month, but I'm only level 11, if that goes to show anything. I don't have even flash yet!
I've been playing Nidalee a lot, because she's the best.
Quote from: Nala Valor on 2013 Aug 27, 07:19:22
I know that feel bro...
Also... I think because of what I did yesterday, the meta shall be in the hospital for a few days. In bit lane, there was me as support EZ and with me was a ADC Sona. The funniest part is that it totally worked.
What were builds?
I have this large temptation to heavily break the meta... Anyone wants to join me? :P
Here's the most meta breaking team I can think of:
Top ADS Poppy
Mid ADS Ahri
Jungle Tank Karthus
ADC Leblanc
Support AD Eve
I'm testing the mechanics of ADC nidalee... She haves a hydra and a huricane... The both work depending on which form you are on.
Jungler comes bot and ADC gets the kill.
Jungler: TAXING
ADC: You got assist money! That's payment enough!
Jungler: It's only 150 stupid! That's so little!
Support: STBU F[Censored]! Try going on MY budget and say that's a little!
Typical conversation; nothing to see here, move along.
So, today I got my first ever pentakill with Master Yi! It only took 27 quadras! lol
This week rooster includes Volibear... So I was randomly walking around my jungle and then... *a wild Oriana moving towards top appears* Me: Ohhhhhh...... YES! YESS! Enemy Oriana: *starts running trying to avoid the un-avoidable* Me: MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! *3 hits* W! "FIRST BLOOD"
My Team: Volibear is so broken
Enemy Team: Its just a kill. (trought world chat)
Me: You never, EVER, give Volibear First Blood.... hue hue hue hue.
Then most of the game developed that way... after buying the warmog it wasnt funny anymore... lol
Volibear is *almost* too strong for such a tanky champion to be honest...xD
Volibear its not "as" tanky, its mostly HP, Even a lot of HP without armor its useless against a good Adc, but for example, Warmog Armor its a MUST BUY for Volibear, since his W stacks with life.
So its basically an DPS/Off-Tank
I'm now support on a ranked team :3 we started practising but we're still trying out in normals just to find the best champs synergy for us and stuff.
Also, we could try and make one here, I mean, if anyone interested.
Quote from: Nala Valor on 2013 Dec 19, 22:59:59
I'm now support on a ranked team :3 we started practising but we're still trying out in normals just to find the best champs synergy for us and stuff.
Also, we could try and make one here, I mean, if anyone interested.
That's awesome to hear!
I've still no idea if I want to play ranked.
Try to avoid ranked solo queue and find a ranked team to join. Solo is filled with ragers, blamers, and trolls
Solo queue is good for you to be honest. You learn to deal with ragers and carry on your own.
lol Today played an ARAM, we had to put against an AP Sion Challenger...
After a lot of pain... and mushrooms... we were able to win... barely....
Diamond and challenger guys may be good, but they can't 1v5. If you work with your team-mates, it's pretty easy to counter gank people and catch them out of position.
I just bought Blackfrost Anivia today. :D
I'm going to wait around until Christmas and get either Snow Day Singed, or Candy Cane MF
I wanted to get Santa Zilean but I just had to get Blackfrost Anivia.
Must get Reindeer Kog'Maw. He's so adorable! o(>w<)o
Gonna finally buy Silent Night Sona, soon as I can get a Riot Point card. :3
Im just.... going to save IP for a Rengar... :c
Quote from: Randam Saiko on 2013 Dec 20, 21:13:49
Must get Reindeer Kog'Maw. He's so adorable! o(>w<)o
already got it and still trying to find a silent night Sona to sing with me :3
Also, one of my good friends jut gave me winter wonder lulu :3 such cuteness, much poros. Wow
Quote from: Nala Valor on 2013 Dec 20, 23:11:47
Quote from: Randam Saiko on 2013 Dec 20, 21:13:49
Must get Reindeer Kog'Maw. He's so adorable! o(>w<)o
already got it and still trying to find a silent night Sona to sing with me :3
You. Me. Rift Caroling. Now.
My brother will print Winter Wonder Lulu so I can assemble her lol
oh also one of his friends has her
Got silver 1 in my placements, working my way up to gold! :D
Got Bloody Bronze 5 with 7 wins out of 10 from the placement matches. Did a smurf account because its just plain unfair and planning on even stopping league if nothing is done about it from riot. I'm not the only one who got dropped drastically like this unfairly. (Although I jut dropped from b4 to b5 but still did better then my first placement matches in Season 3)
Although, I've started duo Qing and it has showed promise and I thought of making a team of people here :3 if any is interested.
So, what do you guys think about Riot not making the Flame chamber and scraping a 1vs1 mode?, i was kind of waiting for that new map to be released, i found the snowdown showdown funny (not very rewardable) but it was cool to play with a friend for quick match.
I'm a bit dissapointed with Riot, because they do just work when it comes to "Make money", every single event costs money, and all the new content they add also costs money, they never release anything players can enjoy if they don't put some RPs on their accounts, I wonder if some day they'll get a team that actually develops more "Player focused content" and let us enjoy something for free, i think we gave them enough money to get something free for once :/ (not to mention when EUW gets hacked or lagged and we don't recive compensation at all, but korea gets lag problems and BAM! they recive a new skin for free)
Quote from: KireiameJin on 2014 Jan 22, 05:52:49
So, what do you guys think about Riot not making the Flame chamber and scraping a 1vs1 mode?, i was kind of waiting for that new map to be released, i found the snowdown showdown funny (not very rewardable) but it was cool to play with a friend for quick match.
I'm a bit dissapointed with Riot, because they do just work when it comes to "Make money", every single event costs money, and all the new content they add also costs money, they never release anything players can enjoy if they don't put some RPs on their accounts, I wonder if some day they'll get a team that actually develops more "Player focused content" and let us enjoy something for free, i think we gave them enough money to get something free for once :/ (not to mention when EUW gets hacked or lagged and we don't recive compensation at all, but korea gets lag problems and BAM! they recive a new skin for free)
It's most unlikely that a f2p game gets massive updates, they only focus on stuff to get more money from the players (new skins, wards and stuff). That's why i prefer p2p cause you can bu sure that there will be updates (EvE is a good example ever 3 months they release a massive content update).
Quote from: HaponyHanzo on 2014 Jan 22, 05:57:20
It's most unlikely that a f2p game gets massive updates, they only focus on stuff to get more money from the players (new skins, wards and stuff). That's why i prefer p2p cause you can bu sure that there will be updates (EvE is a good example ever 3 months they release a massive content update).
I understand your point, a company desires to make money, but it's all in the intention you have to please players while making money, for example, GW2 doesn't charge players to get access to new content they release, or in the MOBA genera you can play DOTA 2 for free, and have all the champs unlocked, you can even get some items for them just by playing the game.
Lots of F2P games has their formulas to make money, but Riot, they do never work on ANYTHING that is not going to be based on RP purchases or in the case of the new champs, they just put them at incredible stupid IP rates, so you are most likely going to just spend some money to buy it instead of grinding matches untill you get the required IP.
They even announce some new skins that get never released (like the Scorched Renekton)... The obvious absence of desire to work for the players of Riot feels a bit insulting to me. I guess I'll just change my MOBA if
"Heros of the storm" gets released anytime of this year <3
Quote from: KireiameJin on 2014 Jan 22, 05:52:49
So, what do you guys think about Riot not making the Flame chamber and scraping a 1vs1 mode?, i was kind of waiting for that new map to be released, i found the snowdown showdown funny (not very rewardable) but it was cool to play with a friend for quick match.
I'm a bit dissapointed with Riot, because they do just work when it comes to "Make money", every single event costs money, and all the new content they add also costs money, they never release anything players can enjoy if they don't put some RPs on their accounts, I wonder if some day they'll get a team that actually develops more "Player focused content" and let us enjoy something for free, i think we gave them enough money to get something free for once :/ (not to mention when EUW gets hacked or lagged and we don't recive compensation at all, but korea gets lag problems and BAM! they recive a new skin for free)
To be fair, there are different Riot "bases" scattered across the world that host the servers. For example, EUW isn't hosted in California like NA is. Each of these different locations have a relative amount of power over their hosted server (for example, China and Korea getting a chance at Silent Night Sona long before the skins came back). Therefore, as long as each location loads up the updates, they can do just about whatever they please if it gets by HQ. Not trying to suck up to Riot here, but it is best to judge in a fair light.
If you look closely at gw2, it's grinding all day. Also if you look at the "Updates" you clearly can see that with every update you get more stuff to buy on the store. For example that adventure box thingy when you died to often you couldn't enter anymore but if you bought that item on the store you could went back in again. I played GW2 up to a certain point and then i realized how bad that game actually is.
Quote from: HaponyHanzo on 2014 Jan 22, 10:25:07
If you look closely at gw2, it's grinding all day. Also if you look at the "Updates" you clearly can see that with every update you get more stuff to buy on the store. For example that adventure box thingy when you died to often you couldn't enter anymore but if you bought that item on the store you could went back in again. I played GW2 up to a certain point and then i realized how bad that game actually is.
I must disagree about your opinion on "GW2", since i don't think it's a bad "MMO" at all. Sure it has no endgame "real" content more than playing different events and look the "living" story, but it has many good things, the weapon system, the combat, the OST, the background, the world, the secrets (which are actually pretty funny to find), the events (like the adventure box update), the epicness of the boss figths or the dungeons, it's actually a pretty solid MMO that you can just buy and play for free, also, you do not need to pay to access any new content, since you can actually buy all the items in the store by farming in-game gold and changing it for cash, and even with that, most of the content is free to access.
So, I don't think GW2 is bad, just boring in the lvl 80 cap, with no real addition on items or skills, just evolving story. I hope they add some new areas, quests and extend the lvl cap.
Anyways, one must recognize that the work ArenaNet is doing with a B2P title with no monthly payment system is very interesting and deep, more than almost any other MMO in the market (specially Asian F2P MMOs :l )
Quote from: Link on 2014 Jan 22, 10:24:07
To be fair, there are different Riot "bases" scattered across the world that host the servers. For example, EUW isn't hosted in California like NA is. Each of these different locations have a relative amount of power over their hosted server (for example, China and Korea getting a chance at Silent Night Sona long before the skins came back). Therefore, as long as each location loads up the updates, they can do just about whatever they please if it gets by HQ. Not trying to suck up to Riot here, but it is best to judge in a fair light.
I knew about the different server regions of Riot, but that wasn't my point, it was just a pointless comment about how unfair I found that EUW never gets compensations for anything happening with that server. Still I think that Riot could have a compensation policy for all their servers in case they fail hard or gets hacked, maybe some IP boost or some free RP I don't know.
Quote from: KireiameJin on 2014 Jan 22, 08:24:48
They even announce some new skins that get never released (like the Scorched Renekton)... The obvious absence of desire to work for the players of Riot feels a bit insulting to me. I guess I'll just change my MOBA if
"Heros of the storm" gets released anytime of this year <3
On the topic of scorched renekton, this might interest you: http://www.reignofgaming.net/news/27094-unofficial-pbe-patch-notes-for-1-22-2014-scorched
Quote from: Stanwixbuster on 2014 Jan 22, 19:20:16
Quote from: KireiameJin on 2014 Jan 22, 08:24:48
They even announce some new skins that get never released (like the Scorched Renekton)... The obvious absence of desire to work for the players of Riot feels a bit insulting to me. I guess I'll just change my MOBA if
"Heros of the storm" gets released anytime of this year <3
On the topic of scorched renekton, this might interest you: http://www.reignofgaming.net/news/27094-unofficial-pbe-patch-notes-for-1-22-2014-scorched
So, they're finally releasing the skin?, it was almost 1 year since it was announced XD
Quote from: KireiameJin on 2014 Jan 23, 03:42:00
Quote from: Stanwixbuster on 2014 Jan 22, 19:20:16
Quote from: KireiameJin on 2014 Jan 22, 08:24:48
They even announce some new skins that get never released (like the Scorched Renekton)... The obvious absence of desire to work for the players of Riot feels a bit insulting to me. I guess I'll just change my MOBA if
"Heros of the storm" gets released anytime of this year <3
On the topic of scorched renekton, this might interest you: http://www.reignofgaming.net/news/27094-unofficial-pbe-patch-notes-for-1-22-2014-scorched
So, they're finally releasing the skin?, it was almost 1 year since it was announced XD
Its on the PBE, so its got some time to go and i think they are focusing more on the lunar revel skins atm
Quote from: Stanwixbuster on 2014 Jan 23, 11:59:51
Quote from: KireiameJin on 2014 Jan 23, 03:42:00
Quote from: Stanwixbuster on 2014 Jan 22, 19:20:16
Quote from: KireiameJin on 2014 Jan 22, 08:24:48
They even announce some new skins that get never released (like the Scorched Renekton)... The obvious absence of desire to work for the players of Riot feels a bit insulting to me. I guess I'll just change my MOBA if
"Heros of the storm" gets released anytime of this year <3
On the topic of scorched renekton, this might interest you: http://www.reignofgaming.net/news/27094-unofficial-pbe-patch-notes-for-1-22-2014-scorched
So, they're finally releasing the skin?, it was almost 1 year since it was announced XD
Its on the PBE, so its got some time to go and i think they are focusing more on the lunar revel skins atm
Yeh seems like that. I hope they at least release the Slam dunk Darius skin some day, looks pretty cool XD
The results are in!
So nothing has changed (And yes that is a ranked game with kassasin in it)
Good job! :D a guy in my class is Platinum. :P
(and I'm toootally not spying him or anything.. and I toootally don't like him...)
So I was just innocently checking out the new Xerath rework...
[ Invalid YouTube link ]
i'm willing to give this game another chance but imo the community has always been terrible when i've tried.
Granted i've maybe 20 hours logged, all of them have been against bots.. and maybe a few against bots with other players....
I've 2 accounts, one for EU West and North America..... both of which are lvl 5 minimum.
anyone care to add me for a game run through just ask...
I switch from DoTA 2 to League of Legends now and then, sometimes the community its just... too much. And Im talking about both games, if its not a troll, its a rager if its not a rager its a ragequiter and afk or something else.
My opinion? League is an awesome game, but now and then you have to just drop it off for a while.
Quote from: Rainbow Twist on 2014 Feb 04, 19:19:35
i'm willing to give this game another chance but imo the community has always been terrible when i've tried.
Granted i've maybe 20 hours logged, all of them have been against bots.. and maybe a few against bots with other players....
I've 2 accounts, one for EU West and North America..... both of which are lvl 5 minimum.
anyone care to add me for a game run through just ask...
I've got a lvl 5 smurf on EUW and NA if you want to have a go. Either one would be fine.
Anyone playing "League of Legends"? If yes, then on what servers? I am playing in EU Nordic & East and I am curently in Silver I league. My favourite champions are Quinn and Valor, Ahri, Twitch and Evelynn. And yours? Also, my nickname is Meryiel if you are curious. :P
Here you have your answer XD http://forum.legendsofequestria.com/index.php?topic=6111.0
Just merged the two topics
Questions/concerns; please PM me or another mod
~Thank you
So... anyone playing on EU N&E server?
Pffft... :l I only know ONE good team. lol
I am kidding of course. :P
Slowly coming back from slumber, using Taric as a supp mid-game bruiser/tank, still a good build even after the nerf.
Probably will drop Rengar jungle since I suck at it and keep the Shyvanna jung.
Topping usually with Nasus or anything I feel like, top is the most flexible lane for me at least.
Servers: EUW(not much 'cuz lag)/NA/LAN/LAS (currently)
So... just leaving like... a reminder.
i have an account on LAN, i maybe will make one in NA later since a friend plays there and told me to make one but i will get the LAN one to 30 first, my favorites right now are Miss Fortune, the all mighty Teemo :P, Udyr and Karthus( a kind of love/hate, love to use him but hate to fight vs him). If anyone plays in the LAN server feel free to add i mostly play ARAM ovO
Littshepkid02 is my name
I don't play the game nor my computer really anymore but if you ask I will although don't expect mlg regardless of my name >:/
well now, a few months past since my last post here i already have reached lvl 30 on LAN and have a lvl 6 smurf on NA, i play a lot with Azir, Nautilus and Sona on LAN; more of a supp kind of player.
LAN: Zsaszz
NA: Ephnoss
If anyone needs my I'll be on the NA server with the name Spartan329. Also bring Skype :3 or something like that cause I love COOPERATION ovO and fun :D
:]Who has LOL download address, be indebted forever~!!!
Spoiler: First steps • show [quote author=Zsaszz link=topic=6111.msg857517#msg857517 date=1411773557]
i have an account on LAN, i maybe will make one in NA later since a friend plays there and told me to make one but i will get the LAN one to 30 first, my favorites right now are Miss Fortune, the all mighty Teemo :P, Udyr and Karthus( a kind of love/hate, love to use him but hate to fight vs him). If anyone plays in the LAN server feel free to add i mostly play ARAM ovO
[quote author=Zsaszz link=topic=6111.msg875314#msg875314 date=1418224192]
well now, a few months past since my last post here i already have reached lvl 30 on LAN and have a lvl 6 smurf on NA, i play a lot with Azir, Nautilus and Sona on LAN; more of a supp kind of player.
LAN: Zsaszz
NA: Ephnoss
Well this topic is somewhat dead, but why start a new one if this one still exist.
Been playing league for a while now(i think i will hit a year in July if i'm not mistaken), still avoiding ranked because of how toxic the players are on there. play mostly Summoners rift, sometimes aram and dominion. Main sona, second more used is teemo and either Azir or nautilus can be in the 3rd spot.
If someone here still plays league i would be glad to play, just add. My summoner name is in my signature. just pm me here to know what server it was sent :luna:
PD: Ekko is broken right now need a nerf ASAP >:/
I recently got into League. I really enjoy it (when my team isn't being a bunch of jerks).
Jinx, Nami, T.F and Brand are AWESOME.
I've gotten into League of Legends recently and have been working on mastering Twisted Fate. The community isn't too bad, but you have those people who claim you're feeding just because a champion is killing you over and over again(in my case, one that has been known to terrorize TF, I think).
I plan to eventually forge a team, whenever I get to a level where it's possible.
Quote from: Jcfraven on 2015 Jul 30, 13:52:41
I've gotten into League of Legends recently and have been working on mastering Twisted Fate. The community isn't too bad, but you have those people who claim you're feeding just because a champion is killing you over and over again(in my case, one that has been known to terrorize TF, I think).
I plan to eventually forge a team, whenever I get to a level where it's possible.
Spoiler: Speaking from 5 years of experience of League • show
I'd say the community is about 40% Toxic, most of which only reside in ranked games. So if anyone here wants to avoid as many toxic players as possible, avoid ranked games.
There's also this process that league players go through. When someone first starts out, they are in the "ok" zone for behavior but then later enter the "Hot Head" phase about half a year in. After 2 years of playing, everything goes downhill to a chill mode where they think, "Whatever, let's just play and have fun!" This does not apply to everyone, but a majority of players I have seen many went through this.