Legends of Equestria - Forum

Roleplay Board => Original Characters => Topic started by: Fluffy Cloud on 2012 Sep 05, 21:40:56

Title: Rosaline
Post by: Fluffy Cloud on 2012 Sep 05, 21:40:56
Name: Rosaline
Age: 14
Gender: Mare
Race: Changeling
Appearance: Like a normal changeling, except she has pink eyes like Chrysalis's, and a pink mane and tail like Chrysalis's also. She wears pink ribbons and bows wrapped on her hooves and a purple heart necklace. She usually changes her hairstyle most of the days.
(Image is missing so many details  X3)
Her disguised form is a white pegasus with a pink hair (style varies) and purple/pink eyes. Her cutie mark is a rose and a heart.
Backstory: Rosaline was found a week or so after the defeat at Canterlot. She was accepted into the hive as a normal changeling, but when the queen saw that she could get love easily, she gained a higher rank in the hive. She was almost a princess. However, they rarely let Rosaline out into the forest, worried that she would get lost. Rosaline disliked the fact the she was always being watched and loves to sneak outside.
Personality: Rosaline is a little shy and can getted scared quite easily. She is curious and always likes being outside. She is friendly once you get to know her better.
Likes: Ribbons, her necklace, going outside, playing with animals, bread rolls
Dislikes: Being watched, forced to work, being pampered, any mean or villainous ponies