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Roleplay Board => Roleplaying => Canterlot Archives => Topic started by: Morning Glory on 2012 Jun 19, 15:49:38

Title: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Morning Glory on 2012 Jun 19, 15:49:38
Sign-up thread (please read the rules): http://forum.legendsofequestria.com/index.php?topic=2890.0

The sign up thread will also act as an OOC thread. Post questions and comments you have about the RP there.


Silverdale is a medium-sized mining town in the northwestern portion of Equestria. The environment is temperate, with moderate summers and winters and above average rainfall. Most of the metal products in Equestria come from the Silverdale mine. Rich in iron, gold, tin, copper, and of course silver, the earth around Silverdale is a valuable asset to ponykind. Nearly all the ponies in Silverdale are miners or metalworkers. Most of the town made up of housing for the workers, but there is a market street and a large line of buildings closer to the mine that processes the ore and gems found underground. There the metal is purified, melted and formed into bars. From there, most of it is shipped off to other cities. The rest is kept and crafted by Silverdale's many blacksmiths.

In addition to the miners, there are some artisans and farmers, including a branch of the famous Apple family. There are also bakers, carpenters and tailors, but most only produce enough of  their wares to be sold to those living in the village. There is also a small schoolhouse nearer to the residential area of town that includes a basic library.

The town was founded by earth ponies, and is still not very well populated by unicorns or pegasi. The residents of Silverdale are down-to-earth and hardworking. They are simple and prefer to be blunt and straightforward. They have somewhat accepted the other two pony races in their town, and live in relative harmony together. However, they tend to be mistrusting of strangers and can be a little cold to outsiders.

The market street includes:

A large town hall
A medium-sized inn
Seven blacksmith's shops
Three bakeries, one of which is also a café, a second that makes candy, and a third that doubles as a tea shop
Two carpenter's shops
A small diner
A tailor/dress maker's shop
A seamstress that sells household items like sheets and curtains
A large general store
A small toyshop
A small bank
A gem and jewelry merchant
A grocer that sells mostly vegetables
A permanent booth from Appleshine Farms that sells apples and other apple products
A second fruit stand that sells everything but apples (how could they ever compete?)
A large tavern frequented by miner ponies after quitting time

Notable NPCs:

Mayor Ironhoof: Lawmaker of the town

Pink Lady Apple: Owner and operator of Appleshine Farms.

Peppershake: Owner of the Feed Bag Diner

Coaldust: Overseer of the Silverdale Mine

Garnet: Owner of the Trot On Inn

Coinlock: Owner of the Silverdale Bank

Nicklebrew: Owner of the Silver Trough Tavern

Pebblechime: Owner of the General Store


The Summer Sun Celebration is underway in Silverdale. This morning, the Princess raised the sun. For the rest of the day there will be a small festival with games, shows, prizes and food. Along the market street are many booths and tables, selling trinkets and carnival food. There are several performers playing music. A large tent is set up outside the Trot On Inn, where there are tables and chairs for ponies to rest and relax. Fillies and colts run by, blowing bubbles, twirling pinwheels, and waving sparklers. Many of the businesses on the street are having special sales, including the gem merchant and the toyshop. It is now noon and the games will be beginning after lunch at one o'clock.

Please take note of any text written by the GMs. It will be clearly marked as separate from IC posts and needs to be taken into account by all players.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Coffee Rush on 2012 Jun 19, 15:54:58
Ribbons was running along the roads of the town, playing with her friends.
[glow=black,2,300]"Tag! Your it!"[/glow] A colt shouted, beginning to run away from a filly.
[glow=limegreen,2,300]"No way!"[/glow] The filly said, beginning to chase after the colt.
[glow=green,2,300]"You can't get me!"[/glow] Ribbons teased, climbing up a tree as fast she could.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Morning Glory on 2012 Jun 19, 16:02:25
Coppershine strolled down the market street, watching the excitement of the celebration. She did not usually like this much activity, but watching her town so happy was something she enjoyed. She dodged a group of excited foals zipping past and stopped to look over the many colorful wares for sale. Flags and streamers waved at her from one stall, while bright gemstones glimmered from the jewelry stand. Moving on, she paused again before a jolly stallion playing a fiddle. She smiled at him and trotted on towards the Feed Bag Diner.

She knew Peppershake always made his special Sun Celebration Scones. Covered in raspberry jam and butter, there were few things Coppershine liked better. She reached the red marquee jutting out over the entrance to the Feed Bag and breathed in the heavenly scent wafting from the ovens.

"Wow Pepper! This years batch smells even better than the last one. Two please. And a lemonade as well." She reached into her saddlebags and pulled out her money purse. Dropping three gold bits on to the counter, she took her scones wrapped in a checked napkin and a paper cup of cold lemonade. Carrying the cup in her mouth and jamming the scones in her bag, she made her way to the covered area in front of the Inn and sat down at an empty table to enjoy her lunch.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: GalvinRoe on 2012 Jun 19, 16:03:40
Strokes and company were once again wandering out of the wilderness but ahead of them was a town they had never chanced upon before, perhaps they were always a mile too west or a mile too east but they had never spotted Silverdale before.

The group looked on with interest, they hadn't bathed for a week or so and the dirt of the road clung heavily to their coats and manes.

Bright Mane got her oppinion out first: Look a town! Come on, we're going in for a rest. We need supplies and we haven't showered in weeks!

None of these statments were . . . completly true. Their supplies were adequate and they could make due with berries and spring water, but a new town? This was interesting perhaps they should investigate.

So Green Strokes consented and they all were put in a merry mood.

Strokes began humming and broke out in song, singing "Loch Lomand"

. . . where me and my truuuuee love willlll never~ meet again~! On the bonny bonny hilllllssss~ of Loch Looooomannnnd.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Coffee Rush on 2012 Jun 19, 16:11:50
The other filly started climbing the tree, and Ribbons crawled down. She knew she was the best tree climber in her class, and maybe even all of Silverdale! Well, it was doubtful. A few fillies ran, and dived into a bush, hiding from the one that had been tagged. A few colts hid elsewhere, snickering about something.

Ribbons ran off from the filly, and dived into the bush the others were in.
[glow=blue,2,300]"Ribbons! You it?"[/glow] One asked.
[glow=green,2,300]"Wouldn't you be tagged by now if I was it?"[/glow] She replied.
[glow=blue,2,300]"True..."[/glow] The filly said.
A colt stood up, and looked at Strokes. [glow=brown,2,300]"Hey! Why're you singing?!"[/glow] He asked loudly, and the filly came by and poked him.
[glow=limegreen,2,300]"Tag!"[/glow] The one filly said, running off.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: GalvinRoe on 2012 Jun 19, 16:14:37
Strokes laughed happily, his song had made him tear up, a little. So he wiped those simmering drops from his eyes.

Hello there, friend, do you have a second before you run off after that friend of yours?

Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Coffee Rush on 2012 Jun 19, 16:18:42
[glow=brown,2,300]"I guess, yeah!"[/glow] The colt said.
Ribbons stayed still, along with her other friends.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: GalvinRoe on 2012 Jun 19, 16:22:18
Quote from: Coffee Rush on 2012 Jun 19, 16:18:42
[glow=brown,2,300]"I guess, yeah!"[/glow] The colt said.
Ribbons stayed still, along with her other friends.

Strokes smiled his eyes laughing

We've just come in out of the wilderness you see and we were wondering if there was an Inn or hostle around. We are . . . dirty as you can see.

He looked at himself and laughed.

Bright Mane rolled her eyes. And we're after some food too!

Right Hoof looked at all the bustle.

What's going on here anyway? A parade? No, there aren't any floats . . .
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Coffee Rush on 2012 Jun 19, 16:25:04
[glow=brown,2,300]"Its the Summer Sun Celebration! Are you a forest pony, or what?"[/glow] The colt said.
A filly ran behind him, and he gave a small chase before tagging her. The filly tagged him back.
[glow=brown,2,300]"No tagbacks!"[/glow] He teased, and ran back to Strokes.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: GalvinRoe on 2012 Jun 19, 16:33:32
Strokes twitched his complexion turning sour, fast.

Right hoof moved forward to take on the responisbility of shewing the ponies AWAY from the scene before something nasty occured.

Haha, well we'll have plenty of time to chat later, we need to find a room and all that. Lot's to do. I promise we'll come back later though

The large brown unicorn stallion towered over the little fillies.

Bright Mane looked at Strokes, there was some concern in her glance.

I see . . . We found this town on the wrong day . . . Maybe we should head back out for now . . .

Strokes seemed to calm, as these words were spoken, maybe a little before Bright Mane had finished.

No, no I haven't been to a sun celebration in years, how about we see if it's still the same worshiping nonsense it always has been! Shall we?

Bright Mane looked to Right Hoof, worry and maybe even a little fear?
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Coffee Rush on 2012 Jun 19, 16:35:25
The colt's eyebrow raised, but he shrugged.
[glow=brown,2,300]"Well, I need to go do something..."[/glow] He said as he trotted off.
(( I needa go.. Back in an hour ))
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: GalvinRoe on 2012 Jun 19, 16:49:23
Strokes started off towards town. He . . . seemed calm . . . The two other ponies didn't try and stop him. That would upset him and hopefully nothing set him off . . .

You two are slow today, come on! He started up on his song again

Me and my truue~ love will never~ meet again~! . . .

It seemed he was doing all-right.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Morning Glory on 2012 Jun 19, 17:00:46

Pink Lady stood at her Appleshine Farms stand. Having just served the last pony in a long line that had built up, she pulled another tray of fresh caramel apples out from under the counter. She always did good business. Pink Lady was a rose-pink mare with her mane piled on her head in a fancy twisting bun. Without question she was the prettiest mare in town, and she was ever so lovely, there were few ponies in Silverdale, let alone Equestria that could resist her charm.  Laying out the golden-caramelled apples, she shouted over the crowd. "Fresh caramel apples! Get your Sun Celebration apples here! Carmel Apples! Fritters! Ice-cold apple juice! Come and get the finest apples north of Canterlot!"

Her eyes landed on a trio of three weary looking ponies. They were clearly outsiders. Normally Silverdale was weary of strangers, but today was a day for celebration and community. She pointed a hoof. "You there! Come my friends, there's nothing better for a tired traveler than a fresh bottle of apple juice. Half-price today!"

Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: GalvinRoe on 2012 Jun 19, 17:08:30
Her charms wern't lost on the ponies she called over but when Strokes saw the mare her beauty affected his spirts, adversly to what was usual. He looked sad. Still he greeted the mare with his normal level of interest.

Good evening! Half price, you say? We'll I think we might come back and take a look at these fine goods, later. Can you guide us to the local Inn?

He was attempting to block out the sights and sounds around him by focusing intently on her goods, carts and even the mare herself.

Bright Mane was absoluetly astounded by the Mare's beauty and jealous. She couldn't compare to Pink Lady but if she was clean and had time to do her hair she was fine looking. But if she could stay clean, she wasn't with Green Strokes and she was ALWAYS with Green Strokes.

Right Hoof looked on in embaresment, trying to avoid looking at the mare but his eyes kept wandering to her face.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2012 Jun 19, 17:12:42
"All furniture twenty percent off!" called Juniper from her stand.

She had set up shop bright and early, looking to get a good spot, but as others had the same idea she ended up at a less-crowded area and not too many were coming by.  Not that too many had much need for woodworking items anyways.

She took another sip of water as she leaned back in her chair, sighing a bit.  She never remembered to come the day BEFORE the celebration to set up... Then again, she had little to complain about, and nopony to blame but herself for her troubles.  She breathed a silent prayer to Celestia for at least ONE customer other than the fillies and colts who stopped by every now and then to purchase a few toys and leave.

Feather was sitting next to her, helping keep track of inventory and such.  On other days, he would have been back home in his private laboratory or in the mines doing his experiments, but the two of them thought today would be a busy day, given the celebration and all.  And of course, it WAS the anniversary of their first meeting.

The mare smiled a bit, remembering that moment when she first set eyes upon the blue stallion who would become her husband.  Feather was still going over the inventory a third time when he felt his wife nuzzle him, and gently lay his quill down to nuzzle her back before getting back to his duties.

Feeling a little better, Juniper looked forlornly out at the distracted crowd, waiting for customers...
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Morning Glory on 2012 Jun 19, 17:19:50

Pink Lady flashed a winning smile as the group approached her cart. She could see they were dirty and looked like they had been traveling for a long time now they were closer. A much as she was a business pony, she was kind at heart. She gave a genuine grin to Bright Mane and fluttered her eyelashes and winked at Right Hoof. "Certainly I can! Just head down the street and look for the big yellow tent. That's the Trot On Inn. Go inside and ask for Garnet. She'll take care of you and set you up with rooms." She saw Strokes's face and her eyes softened. "And here my friends, on the house!" She reached into the barrel filled with ice and offered three glass bottles filled with cool, refreshing apple juice.

Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: GalvinRoe on 2012 Jun 19, 17:25:16
How generous . . . Thank you. Strokes smiled but his eyes were lost in sadness.

Right Hoof blushed and smiled to himself. Bright Mane was past jealousy now, she was irritated at the mare.

Come on! Let's go.

The troop headed off and Right Hoof waved back awkwardly, a kind farewell to the mare.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Morning Glory on 2012 Jun 19, 17:27:02
Having finished her lunch, Coppershine tossed her paper napkin and cup into a trash can and stood. Now she was fed, she was ready to look around the fair. Brushing the scone crumbs off her bandana, she walked down the market street once more. Now she could walk slowly and take everything in. Getting bumped and shuffled in the crowd, she moved down past the inn to a quieter area. There she saw some of the shops that had opened later in the day. She admired some of the cast-iron pans at one stand. Copper loved cooking and she always was on the look out for new utensils and tools for her hobby.

Making her way down the street, she saw Juniper's stall. She didn't know the mare well, but in this size a town, they had passed one another occasionally. Her eyes lit at the woodwork. Her favorite wooden mixing spoon had broken the day before. She could use a new cutting board as well. Trotting over, she smiled and waved.

"Hello. What do you have in the way of kitchen goods? I had the most wonderful mixing spoon for years, and it finally snapped in half yesterday. Any chance you got a replacement for me?"
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2012 Jun 19, 17:35:56
Quote from: Morning Glory on 2012 Jun 19, 17:27:02
Having finished her lunch, Coppershine tossed her paper napkin and cup into a trash can and stood. Now she was fed, she was ready to look around the fair. Brushing the scone crumbs off her bandana, she walked down the market street once more. Now she could walk slowly and take everything in. Getting bumped and shuffled in the crowd, she moved down past the in to a quieter area. There she saw some of the shops that had opened later in the day. She admired some of the cast-iron pans at one stand. Copper loved cooking and she always was on the look out for new utensils and tools for her hobby.

Making her way down the street, she saw Juniper's stall. She didn't know the mare well, but in this size a town, they had passed one another occasionally. Her eyes light at the woodwork. Her favorite wooden mixing spoon had broken the day before. She could use a new cutting board as well. Trotting over, she smiled and waved.

"Hello. What do you have in the way of kitchen goods? I had the most wonderful mixing spoon for years, and it finally snapped in half yesterday. Any chance you got a replacement for me?"
Juniper brightened at having a customer, and quickly sat up as the mare approached.

"We have all sorts of spoons for all your needs!  All manner of wood, all manner of shapes and sizes."

She brought out a large selection of spoons and other kitchen implements made of wood.  True to her word, they were of all shapes and sizes, some of oak, some of cedar, still others of hickory, cherry and all sorts of other woods.  Quite a few seemed to fit the need exactly, but had different decorations on them, some shaped one way, and some another way, all perfectly good mixing spoons.  The prices, too, were good and cheap.  Juniper was an honest businesspony, and though shrewd, never cheated her customers when looking for profit.

Among the other items brought out were bowls, cups, cutting boards, dish drying racks, plates, and all manner of other useful utensils for the kitchen and the rest of the house.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Morning Glory on 2012 Jun 19, 17:44:48

Garnet rushed to and fro around the yellow tent set up outside her inn. She greeted the ponies seated at the tables and offered cups of ice water from the tray on her back. She came by with a rag and wiped up the table Coppershine had left, cleaning up the crumbs and getting it ready for another visitor. She was tired already, and it was only noon, but it was a great service she offered to her community by having a place for ponies to rest and eat during the festival. She picked up the smoking stubs of sparklers a pair of fillies had left behind. With a sigh she sat down and plopped the tray of cups on to a table. Grabbing one in her mouth, she tossed it back in one gulp. At least her Inn was clean and ready for any visitors that came to stay for the celebration.

Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: GalvinRoe on 2012 Jun 19, 17:54:58
The group had gotten into some kind of argument on their way to find the Inn and it seemed to be about the best way to get there.

LOOK, I'm just saying . . . if we had gone around the main street we would have gotten here FASTER! The main mob of ponies is focused on this road. . . She moved her hooves back and forth to symbolize a road . . . perpahs? . . . If we had passed into one of those back allies there wouldn't have been as much PUSHING!

You can't see the tent from some of those alleys . . . what if we had gotten lost.

Bright Mane wanted to stab herself in the eye. IT'S TO THE EAST. THE TENT WAS TO THE EAST! (Haha if you tell me it's in a different direction I'll fix this  lol!)

We're here. Strokes said laughing. Stop arguing or the ponies will think we're putting on an act.

Strokes looked around the tent, unable to spot the Inn-keeper he shouted

Hello? Can some-pony assist us?
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Morning Glory on 2012 Jun 19, 18:09:38
Coppershine scrutinized each spoon carefully. She liked the larger sizes best, and the ones with fancy carving on the handle were attractive. She picked up a few and held them in her hooves, examining them. Finally she settled on a large oak one with a simple but elegant vine pattern carved into the handle. She knew Juniper was a skilled carpenter, but she was impressed by the handiwork of the design. "This one is lovely. I like the pattern, and it seems strong enough. I used that old spoon for almost everything."

She set it down and pulled out her money purse. However, she saw the other things Juniper had presented and paused. The cutting board with a simple trim caught her eye. "How much for this one? I could use a new cutting board."

She liked the wooden mug set that seemed to have a motif of Princess Celestia's cutie mark carved on to them. They were pretty as well, but her moneybag wasn't that full. "Did I hear you say there was a special price for today. I'd love these mugs as well..."

Copper knew she probably shouldn't buy the mugs as well. But this was the Summer Sun Celebration, a time to enjoy community and be thankful for their good fortune and the return of warm weather. Perhaps she could squeeze them into her budget...
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Morning Glory on 2012 Jun 19, 18:31:51

Garnet shook her head and sat up. Snatching her tray and setting it on her back, she trotted over as she heard somepony call for service. She put on her best smile and straitened the apron tied around her front. "Hello! Welcome to the Trot On Inn! I'm Garnet, owner and operator here. What can I do for you?" These ponies were strangers, but she mostly did business with visitors to the town anyways. At least one of them was an earth pony. The unicorns, she was weary of, but it was poor business to be rude. "Do you need a room for the Celebration? I have a few small rooms open and one large suite if you prefer to stay together."

Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2012 Jun 19, 18:34:25
Quote from: Morning Glory on 2012 Jun 19, 18:09:38
Coppershine scrutinized each spoon carefully. She liked the larger sizes best, and the ones with fancy carving on the handle were attractive. She picked up a few and held them in her hooves, examining them. Finally she settled on a large oak one with a simple but elegant vine pattern carved into the handle. She knew Juniper was a skilled carpenter, but she was impressed by the handiwork of the design. "This one is lovely. I like the pattern, and it seems strong enough. I used that old spoon for almost everything."

She set it down and pulled out her money purse. However, she saw the other things Juniper had presented and paused. The cutting board with a simple trim caught her eye. "How much for this one? I could use a new cutting board."

She liked the wooden mug set that seemed to have a motif of Princess Celestia's cutie mark carved on to them. They were pretty as well, but her moneybag wasn't that full. "Did I hear you say there was a special price for today. I'd love these mugs as well..."

Copper knew she probably shouldn't buy the mugs as well. But this was the Summer Sun Celebration, a time to enjoy community and be thankful for their good fortune and the return of warm weather. Perhaps she could squeeze them into her budget...
"Three bits for the spoon, and one for the cutting board," said the mare with a smile.  "Mugs are 15% off, one bit each for those."

((I have NO idea how the economy works here x3  I'll change it around if you have a better idea about the economy.))

She helpfully brought out a canvas bag with "one-stop woodworking shop!" written on the side of it, in case Coppershine wanted a little help carrying all the items.

"The bag's complimentary with the rest of the items," she said cheerfully.

Feather was busily writing out a receipt on a scroll with his quill.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Morning Glory on 2012 Jun 19, 18:48:47
((No problem Magus- those prices seem reasonable. We have no good idea how one bit compares to a dollar, or some other piece of currency, so that works fine. I made up the wares for sale, after all. As long as it's reasonable, anything you need to make up for the sake of your posts should be fine. If there's a problem with anything, I'll let you know, but I want to give players some freedom)

Copper chewed her lip, eyes looking over her choices. She was tempted. With the presentation of a bag she could easily re-purpose for groceries or other things, she nodded. "You talked me into it. That bag will be very useful too!" She reached into her purse and pulled out three bits for the spoon, another for the cutting board, and one more each for the set of four mugs. A total of eight.

Copper could be shy around strangers, but around her own people, she was friendly and polite.

"How have you been enjoying the celebration? Peppershake has those fantastic scones over at the Feed Bag. I just had some for lunch and I can highly recommend them."

She put her purse back in her bag and pulled out the loop of rope that could be clipped to the strap the held on her saddle bags. There she could attach the canvas bag to hang on her side, keeping her hooves free.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Coffee Rush on 2012 Jun 19, 18:49:25
A younger colt ran along the street. "Hey! They're having a sale at the toyshop!"
All of the foals paused from their games, and turned to the colt.
[glow=red,2,300]"Cool! Come on, let's go!"[/glow] One said, beginning a trot to the toystore, much of the others following, and chatting.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Morning Glory on 2012 Jun 19, 19:00:05

Tinkertoy waved and blew bubbles from the doorway of his toyshop. He was a very short, middle-aged stallion that was cheery and welcoming to all children. He was nearly as playful as most of his customers too. Outside his shop window was two tables on either side of the door. There he displayed his wares: Pinwheels and yo-yos, foal-dolls and stuffed animals, puzzle-boxes and marbles, big rubber balls and marionettes, roller-skates and kazoos. Everything was half off, and every now and again he would pull out a box of one thing or another to give away. He had just finished handing out bubbles to the foals that had come by.

Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2012 Jun 19, 19:02:48
Quote from: Morning Glory on 2012 Jun 19, 18:48:47
((No problem Magus- those prices seem reasonable. We have no good idea how one bit compares to a dollar, or some other piece of currency, so that works fine. I made up the wares for sale, after all. As long as it's reasonable, anything you need to make up for the sake of your posts should be fine. If there's a problem with anything, I'll let you know, but I want to give players some freedom)

Copper chewed her lip, eyes looking over her choices. She was tempted. With the presentation of a bag she could easily re-purpose for groceries or other things, she nodded. "You talked me into it. That bag will be very useful too!" She reached into her purse and pulled out three bits for the spoon, another for the cutting board, and one more each for the set of four mugs. A total of eight.

Copper could be shy around strangers, but around her own people, she was friendly and polite.

"How have you been enjoying the celebration? Peppershake has those fantastic scones over at the Feed Bag. I just had some for lunch and I can highly recommend them."

She put her purse back in her bag and pulled out the loop of rope that could be clipped to the strap the held on her saddle bags. There she could attach the canvas bag to hang on her side, keeping her hooves free.
"Thank you very much!" said Juniper as she collected the bits.  Feather gave Copper her receipt, written neatly and accurately.  Juniper smiled at the polite customer and neighbor.  "I've been enjoying it, after all it IS the anniversary of my first meeting with Feather."

She nuzzled him a bit.  "I hear the scones are wonderful, and I'm sorely tempted to go try some, but I have to mind the shop in case somepony comes by, " she said with some embarrassment.

"Have you been enjoying the celebration?" she asked politely.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Coffee Rush on 2012 Jun 19, 19:11:20
The foals ran in, and were amazed at the toys. They grabbed, and poked at toys, bouncing the bouncy balls, and blowing on the pinwheels. It looke like they were having a lot of fun.
[glow=green,2,300]"Cool! Look at this, Scratch!"[/glow] Ribbons said to a filly.
[glow=red,2,300]"I'm getting a pair of skates!"[/glow] A colt said.
A couple of fillies browsed the aisles, and some colts were searching like the rest of the foals were.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Morning Glory on 2012 Jun 19, 19:39:51
Coppershine accepted her receipt and placed it in the canvas bag alongside her purchases. Clipping the handles of the bag on to the loop of rope on her back, she let the bag hang beside her left saddle pack, smiling.

"You met at the Summer Sun Celebration? How sweet. Well, happy anniversary then." Copper moved away from the front of the table, so as not to block the way for other customers, and sat down to the side of the booth to chat.

"I don't like crowds very much, but I love to see Silverdale celebrating. We're all so busy most of the time, it's nice to see our friends and neighbors have fun. The scones are my favorite thing about the festival. With a little jam and butter, mmm...there's nothing better. Maybe you can send your sweetie here to go get some for you!" She chuckled. It was nice to talk to somepony casually for once. Copper was usually so busy working or spending time alone, she didn't socialize often.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Morning Glory on 2012 Jun 19, 19:50:34

Tinkertoy beamed and snatched a stray rubber ball out of the air before it got too far and broke anything. His magic sparkled a sunny yellow. He was one of the few unicorns in town, but he was a well-established part of the community. Beloved and trusted by most, he was a jolly stallion that never seemed to lose his temper.

His horn shone as he cranked the handle on a large music box, and a jingling tune rang though his shop. Hearing the cry for skates, he turned, took one look at the colt's feet and a box floated off the shelf, with skates in the boy's size. "Three bits, special price today sonny. Got the coin?"

He looked to Ribbons and her friends. A cluster of sparklers floated over, each with a wide handle on a long stick for safety. They glittered gold and white and red as he lit them with magic. "A piece of the sun for you my dears! No charge! But, you must promise to be careful with them!"

Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2012 Jun 19, 19:55:58
Quote from: Morning Glory on 2012 Jun 19, 19:39:51
Coppershine accepted her receipt and placed it in the canvas bag alongside her purchases. Clipping the handles of the bag on to the loop of rope on her back, she let the bag hang beside her left saddle pack, smiling.

"You met at the Summer Sun Celebration? How sweet. Well, happy anniversary then." Copper moved away from the front of the table, so as not to block the way for other customers, and sat down to the side of the booth to chat.

"I don't like crowds very much, but I love to see Silverdale celebrating. We're all so busy most of the time, it's nice to see our friends and neighbors have fun. The scones are my favorite thing about the festival. With a little jam and butter, mmm...there's nothing better. Maybe you can send your sweetie here to go get some for you!" She chuckled. It was nice to talk to somepony casually for once. Copper was usually so busy working or spending time alone, she didn't socialize often.
"Thank you very much!" said Juniper with a smile.  "Mmm, scones are sounding better and better.  Well, I suppose that a little break won't hurt.  Feather, could you please buy a few scones from Peppershake?"

The unicorn nodded and carefully put away the writing implements, taking a small wallet with him as he got out from behind the counter.  He nodded and smiled softly at Copper before heading out to the pastries stand, his familiar meek face easily spotted among the crowd of Earth ponies.

Juniper turned back to Copper.  "It is certainly a joy to see everypony relaxing and having fun, since everypony works so hard the rest of the time.  The miners I hardly see unless they need a new pickaxe handle or something.  I wish there were more times we could all just have a little time together rather than being apart or working day in and day out."
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Coffee Rush on 2012 Jun 19, 19:58:21
Ribbons grabbed a sparkler, and giggled. Scratch got one, and two other fillies grabbed some.
[glow=green,2,300]"Thank you!"[/glow] Ribbons said cheerfully. The foals seemed nice, playful, and energetic as they roamed the store.

The colt reached in his saddlebag, and hoofed him three bits. [glow=brown,2,300]"Thank you, Mister Tinker!"[/glow] He said.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Morning Glory on 2012 Jun 19, 20:09:53
((Time to make dinner. I'll be back in an hour or two))
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Chautauquan on 2012 Jun 19, 20:31:20
Dusty smiled as he came into the town square, glancing about at the various activities in which the populace was busying itself.  He'd let himself sleep until sunrise, which now struck him as a bit unfortunate, as the opening festivities already seem to have commenced!  But although the sweets and other treats beckoned him, right now, he was only in the market for one commodity... Stories.   Particularly, what made the town tick, where it came from, and trying to nail down the old families which shaped the community.  And what better place than a festival if he were to catch the telling of stories!  Surely somewhere one of the older generation would be regaling the youth with tales of a bygone era.  But, until then, it might not hurt to ask somepony who exactly fits the bill.

Although it was obvious that this was an earthpony town, Dusty first noticed a pale blue unicorn browsing the pastry stand, but, true to his habit, Dusty originally decided to wait, not wanting to interrupt the fellow in the midst of his purchases.  That was when he noticed the scroll.  Oh, the scroll!  Granted, it was of a different color, and had a quill accompanying it, but there was no doubt that was a scroll!  Chuckling to himself, Dusty thanked his lucky stars that his path had led him here.

But some things are just too tempting, and Dusty found himself cantering over, trying to get to know this treasure of a scholar.  "Hello," he offered, simply.  "Sorry to be so quick, but may I have a minute of your time?"
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: GalvinRoe on 2012 Jun 19, 22:24:04
Quote from: Morning Glory on 2012 Jun 19, 18:31:51

Garnet shook her head and sat up. Snatching her tray and setting it on her back, she trotted over as she heard somepony call for service. She put on her best smile and straitened the apron tied around her front. "Hello! Welcome to the Trot On Inn! I'm Garnet, owner and operator here. What can I do for you?" These ponies were strangers, but she mostly did business with visitors to the town anyways. At least they were earth ponies. "Do you need a room for the Celebration? I have a few small rooms open and one large suite if you prefer to stay together."

Three seperate rooms please! But before that, is there a shower somewhere? A hot clensing shower! This grime feels horrible and it doesn't smell too rosey either!

Strokes smiled Three seperate rooms please. Is there anyway we could be . . . left alone for the remainder of the Sun Celebration? I'd rather not be disturbed . . . if possible.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Morning Glory on 2012 Jun 19, 22:39:01

Garnet shank back as the unicorn mare shouted at her. Ears folded back, she tried to keep her smile on, but failed. She quietly nodded, grim faced and led them into the Inn proper. Trotting behind the counter, she pulled out three keys, each on a chain with a silver charm on them that was stamped with a number and letter. "Third floor. Rooms C, D, and E. Each room has a tub, but if you want a shower, you can go to the end of the hall, there's a shared shower room on each floor." She pulled out a pad of papers that could be ripped off. "It's seven bits a night each. And I'll need your names." She scribbled some words on to each of three sheets and handed them over for the trio to fill out.

She frowned at Strokes's request. Most people came to stay at the inn so they could be part of the celebration. Garnet was already a little put off by his unicorn companions, but this strange fellow rubbed her the wrong way. Still, she would not turn down a customer. "I suppose yes. There's cards on the inside of your doors. Hang them on the hook outside, and my staff will not disturb you. However, would you like your complimentary dinner delivered?"

Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: GalvinRoe on 2012 Jun 19, 22:52:07
Strokes smiled slightly, he felt the ponies pent up animosity towards him and he would set it right, someday but not today. Today was a day he had the same feeling inside himself towards anypony willing to mindlessly celebrate their tyranical over-lords.

We'll take the rooms I'l have my meal sent up to me, Right Hoof here will see to it that it gets delievered so don't send any-pony. My two friends here won't be taking their meals in their rooms I expect. Now you'll have to excuse me I have something a-kin to a headache and I really must lie down.

It wasn't a lie Green-Strokes was acheing over the concept that ponies didn't think things through, sometimes.

Right Hoof blushed again.

Yes I was planning on, uh, seeing some of the festivities . . .

Strokes nodded and began heading to his room. That is until Bright Mane charged past him to get to the showers.

Right Hoof thanked Garnet Thank you miss, and please don't disturb my employer today. The Sun Celebration isn't a festival for someone like him, it's more of a . . . punishment. We wouldn't of come into town if we knew it was happening but you lose track of time on the road . . . Once again sorry and I'll be sure to deliver the food to Strokes, what time is dinner?
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2012 Jun 20, 02:51:58
Quote from: Chautauquan on 2012 Jun 19, 20:31:20
Dusty smiled as he came into the town square, glancing about at the various activities in which the populace was busying itself.  He'd let himself sleep until sunrise, which now struck him as a bit unfortunate, as the opening festivities already seem to have commenced!  But although the sweets and other treats beckoned him, right now, he was only in the market for one commodity... Stories.   Particularly, what made the town tick, where it came from, and trying to nail down the old families which shaped the community.  And what better place than a festival if he were to catch the telling of stories!  Surely somewhere one of the older generation would be regaling the youth with tales of a bygone era.  But, until then, it might not hurt to ask somepony who exactly fits the bill.

Although it was obvious that this was an earthpony town, Dusty first noticed a pale blue unicorn browsing the pastry stand, but, true to his habit, Dusty originally decided to wait, not wanting to interrupt the fellow in the midst of his purchases.  That was when he noticed the scroll.  Oh, the scroll!  Granted, it was of a different color, and had a quill accompanying it, but there was no doubt that was a scroll!  Chuckling to himself, Dusty thanked his lucky stars that his path had led him here.

But some things are just too tempting, and Dusty found himself cantering over, trying to get to know this treasure of a scholar.  "Hello," he offered, simply.  "Sorry to be so quick, but may I have a minute of your time?"

The pony was somewhat startled, but recovered some as he answered, "o-oh, um, i-i suppose so...um, what do you need?"

He spoke rather softly and politely, the tone and posture of somepony who only managed to fit into the community after years of dedication and humility, but at the same time with a rather telltale Canterlot accent, revealing his origin and foalhood home.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Chautauquan on 2012 Jun 20, 03:03:50
"Sorry to startle you," Dusty began, "but I couldn't help but assume you must be a scholar of some sort."  He pointed to the cutie mark, and then to his own.  "Well, it's not quite the same, but I try to do something of that myself, and well..."  He trailed off.  Canterlot certainly had its distinctive lilt, but scholars often tend to know more about their field of study, right?  "Y'see, I'm rather new here, but I collect, well, I collect stories.  Histories, mostly.  Trying to get an idea of where this place came from, and, well, you seem like somepony who knows a thing or two, and, well, I was hoping I might get a chance just to hear some stories, learn something about the town."  He smiled, rather sheepishly at this point, for having disturbed the poor unicorn in the midst of his errand.  "But I don't want to be a bother, really."
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2012 Jun 20, 11:35:24
Quote from: Chautauquan on 2012 Jun 20, 03:03:50
"Sorry to startle you," Dusty began, "but I couldn't help but assume you must be a scholar of some sort."  He pointed to the cutie mark, and then to his own.  "Well, it's not quite the same, but I try to do something of that myself, and well..."  He trailed off.  Canterlot certainly had its distinctive lilt, but scholars often tend to know more about their field of study, right?  "Y'see, I'm rather new here, but I collect, well, I collect stories.  Histories, mostly.  Trying to get an idea of where this place came from, and, well, you seem like somepony who knows a thing or two, and, well, I was hoping I might get a chance just to hear some stories, learn something about the town."  He smiled, rather sheepishly at this point, for having disturbed the poor unicorn in the midst of his errand.  "But I don't want to be a bother, really."
"o-oh no, it's not a bother...but, um, i'm actually not really the best pony to ask about the town's history..." replied the scholar sheepishly.  "[Size=8pt]the others here probably know a lot more than i ever could, since i only got here seven years ago.[/size]"

Apparently it had taken that long, if not longer, to even BEGIN gaining the trust of the townsfolk here, and was still uncertain of whether he had the right to talk and act like a townspony rather than an outsider.  Regardless, his conservative and humble answer was evidently pleasing to those within earshot, who smiled a bit at the familiar shy pony's choice of words.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Chautauquan on 2012 Jun 20, 12:20:44
Dusty stepped back a bit.  "Ah, I see.  Well, if I may ask, what's the mark for?  Mine apparently has summat to do with history, and well, seeing yours, I thought maybe it was something of the same."  He motioned to the rolled scroll on his own flank, before pointing out the unicorn's.  "I know it's a bit sudden and all, but you get pretty lonely out wandering the countryside, and I was especially excited to hear some of the learned world.  You know, something to really think about."  He smiled, "Books are boon companions, but you begin to worry when you start arguing with them and nopony's around to comment on it."  Humor was a part of his demeanor, a way to disarm and hopefully endear himself.  However, it didn't always produce the desired effects.

Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2012 Jun 20, 12:34:52
Quote from: Chautauquan on 2012 Jun 20, 12:20:44
Dusty stepped back a bit.  "Ah, I see.  Well, if I may ask, what's the mark for?  Mine apparently has summat to do with history, and well, seeing yours, I thought maybe it was something of the same."  He motioned to the rolled scroll on his own flank, before pointing out the unicorn's.  "I know it's a bit sudden and all, but you get pretty lonely out wandering the countryside, and I was especially excited to hear some of the learned world.  You know, something to really think about."  He smiled, "Books are boon companions, but you begin to worry when you start arguing with them and nopony's around to comment on it."  Humor was a part of his demeanor, a way to disarm and hopefully endear himself.  However, it didn't always produce the desired effects.

The pony smiled and listened intently as Dusty talked, meekly letting others go in front of him in line.  It was probably an odd sight, seeing the shy pony speaking with an outsider, but those that could hear probably sympathized with Feather's inability to escape the situation in a polite manner.

As it seemed the excited outsider finished his little speech, the scholar blushed a bit in his response to the question.  "[Size=8pt]w-well, um, it's really not much to talk about...my talent is in combining different types of magic, such as griffon and earth pony magic, in networks to create a chain reaction for producing a desired affect.  Nothing flashy or too important, i'm afraid...[/size]"

The qualifiers he used to diminish the importance of his research seemed to be a layer added on almost naturally out of politeness, despite how revolutionary such research probably was.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Chautauquan on 2012 Jun 20, 12:56:42
Dusty's eyes widened.  "Magic?  You don't say!  Why, that seems like something ol' Sparky Specs would do, doesn't it?"  He chuckled simply, hoping that his reference would come on as kind, but not overtly flattering.  "Smarter than anything I'd take care of, at least."  He finally began to take notice of the crowd getting past the unicorn in line, and began to doubt the kindness of his own endeavors.  "I'm so sorry, you've got some sort of errand to run, don't you?"  He paused for a moment, before adding, "Please, you take care of what you need to, but I'd just love to get to talking once you've taken care of things, if I might.  You sound like you've got some great stories in that noggin of yours!"  The penchant for storytelling and learning stories propelled the interest in history, especially when dealing with today's problems.

((Hopefully the vague history references won't be a bother.  I'll make a list as I come up with them... they're kinda vague on history in the show, so I'm just ripping off real history when I can.))
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Chautauquan on 2012 Jun 20, 14:24:31

Tinkertoy turned to the little filly, reminded of an errand he needed to run.  "Oh, Ribbons!  Could you be a dear and tell Garnet I'll be dropping by with some family later?  I've been meaning to tell her to save some rooms, but haven't quite gotten myself over there.  If you do, I'll throw in another two sparklers a piece for your trouble!"  He beamed, although was in reality a bit concerned how his family might be regarded, being new to the community for the day.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Coffee Rush on 2012 Jun 20, 14:29:45
[glow=green,2,300]"Sure!"[/glow] Ribbons said as she set the sparkler down, and walked to the door. She knew that Garnet ran the inn, and she knew where the inn was, and she dashed out into the streets, galloping along.
Shortly after, she arrives at the inn, panting. The filly cleared her throat, and opened her mouth, hesitating to talk. [glow=green,2,300]"Miss Garnet, Uh.. Huh... Mister Tinkertoy is coming with some of his family..."[/glow] She said quickly, panting some more. [glow=green,2,300]"He said he needed to reserve a few rooms..."[/glow]
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Morning Glory on 2012 Jun 20, 20:07:10

Garnet gave an inaudible sigh of relief has the abrasive mare and the solemn stallion headed upstairs. She made a mental note to warn her maidstaff about these unusual visitors, then turned to Right Hoof. "Er, yes. Dinner is at se-"

She was cut off as a small filly ran in, calling for her. "What's that? Tinker's relatives...Hmm, some of them may have to share a room, but I think I can fit them in." She smiled at the young pony and fished in her apron pocket. Pulling out a gold coin, she offered it to the filly. "Here you go. Thank you for telling me. Buy yourself a treat"

Turning back to Right Hoof, she blinked, then looked down at the sheet in front of her. "Oh yes. Dinner is at seven. I guess you can come to the front desk here and I'll have his meal ready for you. Carrot soup and blueberry muffins is ok?" 

Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Morning Glory on 2012 Jun 20, 20:14:59
Coppershine nodded to Juniper. She liked work, and would not want to spend day after day with other ponies, but it was nice for once unwind. "Us miners like to keep busy. Lots to do. And if we don't work the mine everyday, the minerals have a tendency to dwindle." It was true. Earth pony magic encouraged the veins of ore to grow and expand.

She shuffled her front hooves, working to find something to talk about. Finally she landed on Juniper's.....husband? Coltfriend? She realized she didn't know. She was unsure how she felt about an earth pony marrying a unicorn. It wasn't typical for the town. But then, Feather seemed nice enough.

"So, you and Feather are married? I didn't realize. How exactly did you meet?"
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Coffee Rush on 2012 Jun 20, 20:19:01
Ribbons took the coin, and smiled, overjoyed from the fact that she could get something to munch on.
[glow=green,2,300]"Thank you, Miss Garnet!"[/glow] The filly said as she galloped back out the door with the coin. Soon after, she was in the toy store, looking around.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: GalvinRoe on 2012 Jun 20, 20:35:46
Quote from: Morning Glory on 2012 Jun 20, 20:07:10

Garnet gave an inaudible sigh of relief has the abrasive mare and the solemn stallion headed upstairs. She made a mental note to warn her maidstaff about these unusual visitors, then turned to Right Hoof. "Er, yes. Dinner is at se-"

She was cut off as a small filly ran in, calling for her. "What's that? Tinker's relatives...Hmm, some of them may have to share a room, but I think I can fit them in." She smiled at the young pony and fished in her apron pocket. Pulling out a gold coin, she offered it to the filly. "Here you go. Thank you for telling me. Buy yourself a treat"

Turning back to Right Hoof, she blinked, then looked down at the sheet in front of her. "Oh yes. Dinner is at seven. I guess you can come to the front desk here and I'll have his meal ready for you. Carrot soup and blueberry muffins is ok?" 

The brown unicorn stallion shifted, awkwardly as the little filly ran in the room. He was as silent aa midnight while the little pony talked and even remained quiet a litter after Garnet's response, to make sure no message had been neglected.

But he made his response soon enough:

Oh that will be more then all-right! You could give us watered grits and we wouldn't complain at the moment! That sounds excellent, I might need to stick around for dinner then, actually. But what I'm concerned with is this hosting problem of yours, will there be enough room for every-pony? Should we relocate to the large suite?

Right Hooff looked at Garnet with sorrowful eyes.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2012 Jun 21, 04:17:15
Quote from: Chautauquan on 2012 Jun 20, 12:56:42
Dusty's eyes widened.  "Magic?  You don't say!  Why, that seems like something ol' Benjamin Friesian would do, doesn't it?"  He chuckled simply, hoping that his reference would come on as kind, but not overtly flattering.  "Smarter than anything I'd take care of, at least."  He finally began to take notice of the crowd getting past the unicorn in line, and began to doubt the kindness of his own endeavors.  "I'm so sorry, you've got some sort of errand to run, don't you?"  He paused for a moment, before adding, "Please, you take care of what you need to, but I'd just love to get to talking once you've taken care of things, if I might.  You sound like you've got some great stories in that noggin of yours!"  The penchant for storytelling and learning stories propelled the interest in history, especially when dealing with today's problems.

((Hopefully the vague history references won't be a bother.  I'll make a list as I come up with them... they're kinda vague on history in the show, so I'm just ripping off real history when I can.))

The unicorn blushed a bit as he eased his way to the back of the line again.  Afyer waiting for his turn, he finally was able to walk up to the counter.

Dropping the bits on the table, he smiled shyly at the salespony.  "[Size=8pt]s-sorry to be a bother, Ms. ((?)) Peppershake, but Juniper wanted a few scones... I hope it's not too much trouble...[/size]" he said quietly.

He didn't try to talk with Dusty and the salespony at the same time, knowing it was disrespectful to both parties and not wanting to upset the fragile trust he had built up here.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Chautauquan on 2012 Jun 21, 11:54:25

Peppershake chuckled softly.  "Of course, dearie."  The unicorn had concerned some in town at first, especially with his strange "experimental" magic, but now, Feather Scroll was seen as mostly quiet and busied about his own business, allowing him to integrate more easily than most.  "You be sure to tell your wife that I'll be in for a new mixing bowl soon.  Won't do for me to get splinters in the cupcakes now, would it?"

Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2012 Jun 21, 12:24:41
Quote from: Chautauquan on 2012 Jun 21, 11:54:25

Peppershake chuckled softly.  "Of course, dearie."  The unicorn had concerned some in town at first, especially with his strange "experimental" magic, but now, Feather Scroll was seen as mostly quiet and busied about his own business, allowing him to integrate more easily than most.  "You be sure to tell your wife that I'll be in for a new mixing bowl soon.  Won't do for me to get splinters in the cupcakes now, would it?"

The scholar smiled softly, saying, "t-thank you very much, and i'll be sure to let her know!"

Scones acquired, he began to return to his wife's shop, nodding shyly at familiar faces as he made his way through the crowd again.  He was uncertain of how he would find the excited pony who had tried talking with him, but decided that in this town, at least, he would probably have no trouble locating an outsider.

It took a few minutes to return to the shop, and as he approached he blushed.

"[Size=8pt]s-sorry for taking so long, there was a new pony that was trying to talk to me...[/size]" he explained, head hanging a bit in shame.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Morning Glory on 2012 Jun 22, 19:49:06

Garnet did her best to smile at Right Hoof. He at least seemed polite and considerate. Garnet was the kind of pony that kindness would go far with. "The Trot On Inn never leaves a pony wanting for comfort. My cook Sweetspice is the greatest when it comes to food that will fill you up!" She shuffled her hooves through a folder behind the desk, counting under her breath. "I think we can squeeze Tinker's folks in. Besides, it seems you could all use some...er...time away from each other." She gave a sidelong glance at the stairway Bright Mane and Strokes had left through.

Looking back to Right Hoof she let a grin tug at the corner of her mouth. "The festival is well underway if you wish to explore. I'm not sure what you like, but there's music down by the town hall, and there's nothing tastier than Pink Lady's caramel apples. My brother Quartz has lots of great stonework if you're looking for a souvenir."

Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Morning Glory on 2012 Jun 22, 19:59:32

The clock tower at the top of the town hall chimed once. It was one o' clock. A voice came over the loudspeakers arranged down the market street. "Friends and neighbors! The games will begin shortly! If everypony would gather at Town Hall the fun will begin!" The voice was booming and deep. Mayor Ironhoof was typically serious and stony. But the day of the Summer Sun Celebration always made him jolly and amiable. He loved to celebrate his community and their great prosperity each year.

- - - - - -

Tinkertoy looked up from helping a young colt choose a plush toy as he heard the clock. "It's time kids! Ready for fun? Run along now!" His horn sparkled and a cart rolled out from the back room. It was loaded with streamers, flags, noisemakers and of course, more of his signature sparklers. He would hand out goodies for all the ponies watching the games, helping them cheer on their friends and family.

Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Coffee Rush on 2012 Jun 22, 20:02:18
The foals began to flood out, paying whatever had to be payed.
Most of them made their way to the town hall, seeming joyful, and energetic for the big day.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Chautauquan on 2012 Jun 22, 22:15:40
Dusty muttered to himself.  He felt bad, having gotten distracted, but somehow the unicorn had slipped off.  "I probably offended him, consarn it."  The announcement which resounded throughout the town caused him to lift his head up, and he began trotting over to the square.  After all, if everypony was gathering in the square, then he could at least apologize for his behavior.  The noise and bustle of the crowd were a bit oppressive at first, but Dusty nestled himself in what could be described as a relatively quiet corner, and began scanning the crowd, listening to the speaker, but all the while trying to find the unicorn to whom he owed an apology.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2012 Jun 23, 02:31:25
"Time to pack up, Feather," smiled Juniper as she heard the announcement.  "And don't worry, you came back right on time!"

The unicorn blushed and helped her carefully put all the items safely away, then walked with her to the festival.

He waved shyly at all the familiar ponies of the town as he went through the crowds, and his wife did the same.  There was the blacksmith, who needed a few new handles last week, the farmer whose fence needed fixing, the teacher whose roof needed repairs... Everypony had some need or another for Juniper's expertise at some point in the last few years.

Remembering this, he looked down at the floor, a bit sad that he himself didn't really have much use here besides helping his wife.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: GalvinRoe on 2012 Jun 23, 06:49:57
Quote from: Morning Glory on 2012 Jun 22, 19:49:06

Garnet did her best to smile at Right Hoof. He at least seemed polite and considerate. Garnet was the kind of pony that kindness would go far with. "The Trot On Inn never leaves a pony wanting for comfort. My cook Sweetspice is the greatest when it comes to food that will fill you up!" She shuffled her hooves through a folder behind the desk, counting under her breath. "I think we can squeeze Tinker's folks in. Besides, it seems you could all use some...er...time away from each other." She gave a sidelong glance at the stairway Bright Mane and Strokes had left through.

Looking back to Right Hoof she let a grin tug at the corner of her mouth. "The festival is well underway if you wish to explore. I'm not sure what you like, but there's music down by the town hall, and there's nothing tastier than Pink Lady's caramel apples. My brother Quartz has lots of great stonework if you're looking for a souvenir."

Right Hoof's mouth turned upwards, forming a small shy smile, turning slightly to see that the other two ponies had left, he took a moment to chat with Garnet.

To be truthful, it will be nice to be rid of Bright Mane for a time. Her cynicism has a way of reaching into your soul and chilling you after-a-while. I don't know how Strokes deals with it . . .

He stops and looks down.

But of course you don't need to hear about my life . . . I, I would like to ask if you could suggest something you might find of interest. In truth, well, I mean . . .  I don't really have many likes I can call my own. Being around two highly oppinonated people all the time generally encourages oppinions in others, I suppose . . . so Strokes always says . . . But I have to appreciate and *agree* in some sense with his oppinions . . . as he relies on me to record and sometimes proof-read his ideas.

Hoof looked with embaressment at his hooves.

I'm saying I don't think I'll know where to begin . . . There are so many choices and I haven't been . . . alone to peruse them . . . myself in such a long time.

He looked up at Garnet, shy and hopefully. Quite a sight, a large brown unicorn stallion looking like a lost kid.

So, is there anything you would suggest that is . . . ah, particularly exciting?
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Morning Glory on 2012 Jun 23, 22:09:01

The town hall was bedecked in large banners of red, yellow, white, and silver. The land behind it was ready for the games and competitions. There was one long track set up for races, and a ring for wrestling. There were tree stumps and boulders for carving competitions. There was a bucket of eggs for the egg toss, a pile of sacks for the sack race, and large rings of rope for the six-legged pony run.

Most famous and beloved of the games was the goat race. The farmers of Silverdale would pit their fastest goats against one another. Most ponies placed small bets, and the race could go on for several minutes (the participants were more interested in eating the streamers than running).

Fizzypop had a cart with popcorn, cotton candy and soda. All the ponies in town gathered to watch from the raised seats arranged near by. Everyone was welcome in the races and games. First up was the 100 meter dash for fillies and colts. Only foals under ten could participate.


Garnet took off her apron and grabbed a heavy ring of keys.

"Well, you've got perfect timing. The games are about to start at Town Hall. They're awfully fun to watch. I'm heading there now. Come along and bet on a goat!" She guffawed and placed her keys in her saddlebags. "And don't worry. White Lace will be here to take care of the guests."

She then trotted out of the inn and down the street towards Town Hall.

Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Morning Glory on 2012 Jun 23, 22:34:51
Coppershine smiled at Feather and lent a hoof as Juniper packed away her stall. She then made her way to the Hall. She waved goodbye to Juniper and Feather and waded into the surging crowd of ponies. Seeking out a quiet corner, she found one, only to have another pony set into it. Well, she supposed one pony to share with would not be so bad.

Moving to the back of the pack where Dusty stood, she flicked her ears as she looked him up and down. She did not recognize him- he had to be a stranger. Copper didn't like strangers. She was always shy and fearful around them. But she decided she could wait until the minecart-pull. Then she would go compete, and see if she could clinch her third win in a row. She wore her drafting harness, and she would find a place to leave her bags while she competed. Each cart was piled high iron bars, and then the strongest ponies raced as fast as they could to the finish line.

Hunching her shoulders, she approached the brown pony. "Excuse me. Is this place taken?" she asked quietly.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Chautauquan on 2012 Jun 23, 23:23:54
Dusty jumped, just a bit, at the mention of someone behind him.  Noting the mare, he shook his head.  "Nay, I'm here alone..." He smiled a bit, then, seeming to remember something, added.  "Very alone, actually.  I'm just passing through, trying to learn a bit about Silverdale, learn some of the stories.  It seems like such an interesting place, but I just haven't found anyone to tell of it."  He made plenty of space for the speckled mare, and then opened his mouth, then closed it, debating what to do next.  After a quick moment, he added, "I'm sorry, but I guess I ought to introduce myself."  He doffed his cap, "Name's Dusty Hooves, from just outside of Hoofington."  He shuffled a bit, "Not much more to add, other than perhaps lost and confused." He smiled sheepishly.  "But that's just me running my tongue, sorry...  Plenty of space here, and I won't bother you... oh bother, I'm likely doing it again."  He finally sighed.  "Sorry, miss."
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: GalvinRoe on 2012 Jun 24, 00:18:52
Quote from: Morning Glory on 2012 Jun 23, 22:09:01

Garnet took off her apron and grabbed a heavy ring of keys.

"Well, you've got perfect timing. The games are about to start at Town Hall. They're awfully fun to watch. I'm heading there now. Come along and bet on a goat!" She guffawed and placed her keys in her saddlebags. "And don't worry. White Lace will be here to take care of the guests."

She then trotted out of the inn and down the street towards Town Hall.


Right Hoof followed hesitantly behind her.

I-I don't mean to intrude really . . . I-I just wanted a suggestion or two. I'll be sure to head to the goat race but you shouldn't think you need to stick to me, I can manage I promise

He gave a smile but his eyes spelled . . . fear?

You really are kind Mrs. Garnet but have yourself some fun while your off from work.

Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Morning Glory on 2012 Jun 24, 00:44:48

Garnet turned her head and looked at Right Hoof with a lifted brow. "Err....yes. I will be going now." She sped to a canter and vanished in the crowd, leaving Right Hoof alone. She seemed eager to meet up with her friends.


A large crowd was beginning to gather. Ponies rushed everywhere. Shopkeepers closed up, and foals rushed underhoof. Everyone was headed for the games. There would be nothing to do anywhere else in town.

Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: GalvinRoe on 2012 Jun 24, 00:52:16
Right Hoof walked on, with a steady pace. Looking about him in every direction. Trying to absorb everything possible. But in truth he was hardly seeing anything at all. So many ponies and what should he do if they talked to him . . . and found him boring!? He didn't think he could take that, he hoped some of Stroke's eccentricity and interesting maneurisms had rubbbed off on him. But he was almost positive they hadn't.

Of course his anxiety wasn't lessened by the cold stares given by the ponies he happened to spot. He couldn't place the reason anyone would be so . . . cold to him. So he preparred himself for a verbal assault as he stopped a pony, on the way to the goat race.

Ah, excuse me, why am I getting stares at from the townsfolk?

If nothing else he absorbed Strokes' direct attitude but, without Strokes' flair, it was a blunt question and he was looking for an equally tactless answer.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Morning Glory on 2012 Jun 24, 01:02:41
Coppershine shuffled her hooves as the pony talked. And talked. And talked and talked and talked. She winced, as if she had been struck. She was regretting her decision already. But she was now surrounded by ponies- there was no place for her to escape. Swallowing thickly, she glanced around, trying to find some way to distract the talkative stranger.

"Errr......uhm.......that is.......yes.....I-I-I.......Look! Sparklers!"

She then dug her hooves into the ground and shoved the stallion next to her with all her might, trying to make a gap in the throng. The crowd beside him compressed, each pony knocking into another. That is, until one particularly stout mare pushed back. Back down the line, each Silverdalian shoved, until the pony next to Copper smashed into her, pressing her sideways into Dusty.

Coppershine stiffened and turned bright red, horrified. She just stood there, frozen, mashed up against the strange stallion.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Morning Glory on 2012 Jun 24, 01:12:19


Right Hoof was lucky. He had run into Tinkertoy as the older stallion pulled his cart along, making his way through the crowd. The aged pony turned to look at Right Hoof, and his eyes flew up the the horn resting on his brow.

Tinker stepped very close to Right Hoof and lowered his voice. "This is an earth pony town. Us unicorn folk aren't too terribly welcome. That's not to say they're bad ponies. They have their reasons now. Just keep your head down and for Celestia's sake, keep your magic to a minimum. Silverdale doesn't like strangers, particularly flashy ones. Keep your nose clean!"

And then the stallion shoved a trio of light sparklers into Right Hoof's grasp and trotted off without looking back. It was well know that Tinkertoy could be very eccentric. However, if one listened hard, they might hear the old unicorn chuckling as he headed to the Hall.

Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: GalvinRoe on 2012 Jun 24, 01:25:25
Right Hoof didn't like the sound of that. He was SURE Bright Mane would find herself in a barel of freshly squeezed trouble if he didn't warn her . . . but he was already in the thick of the crowd and the fact that he was a Unicorn made it doubly difficult to extricate himself. When one finds himself in a crowd and one wishes to make expediant progress one pushes, as the crowd was moving in the opposite direction, Right Hoof attempted to make "expediant progress" in the opposite direction.

The ponies didn't take well to that and they pushed him forward unyielding, Bright Mane would have to fend for herself . . .


Bright Mane found the shower re-vitalizing! Her mane was pristine and well brushed, the way she prefered. Green Strokes was occupied, against her preferences and she knew of all days, to chose to pester him on this day was . . . dangerous.

So she made her way downstairs sparkling and haughty she felt that youthful pride. That feeling the world was hers, she only need reach a hoof out to take it and the deliciously scolding shower emboldened her.

HEY! Inn-keeper! Get out here I need some assistance!
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Chautauquan on 2012 Jun 24, 01:26:40
Dusty simply gaped for a moment, shocked as anypony at the turn of events.  Sparklers, of course, were something to be noted... but not nearly so much as being squished.  He swallowed a bit, then, chuckling half-heartedly added, "Eh, sorry again, miss."  He noted now the problem with finding an edge... it made one quite vulnerable to being singled out.  And, as usual, being in a vulnerable and rather nervous situation only made him talk quick more quickly.  Normally, he was quite easygoing, but the amount of ponies everywhere led to a bit of confusion, and he was trying to not offend any more than he could.  "I, uh, guess we er--I got off on the wrong hoof there, miss.  Umm, my name's Tusty Domes, er, Dusty Tomes and I'm... I'm... rambling again, because I get nervous."  He gummed up, if only for a moment (it was difficult to keep quiet in such close quarters.  "Ehh, that is, I was wonderin'... and well, you're...no..." his voice trailed off for a moment again, as he seemed to gather his thoughts.  "Uh, pleased to meet you, miss.  But what's your name?"  He smiled, and if it didn't radiate confidence, it was true, and open.  He was simple, and even when his mind ran rampant, he didn't mean to confuse.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Morning Glory on 2012 Jun 24, 01:31:30

Bright Mane got no answer. The Inn was abandoned. A small card on the desk read: Out On Business. Will Return Shortly.

From the Inn she could easily hear the commotion from the games, and the loudspeaker rang to life again as the mayor continued to announce the 100 meter dash for foals.


Right Hoof was kicked and shoved all the way to the stands where many ponies were seated, waiting for the races to begin. From there he could climb up the raised benches and see most of the town gathered around.

Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: GalvinRoe on 2012 Jun 24, 01:41:48
What is this!

She read the card twice. Her eyes narrowing after the first glance.

Heh, out on business, out for the festival no doubt!

She walked, slowly, to the entrance of the inn and looked around the flaps of the tent. She could clearly spot the motion of the crowd, a good distance from the inn.


But the cynical, purple pony was interested in these games, if only to laugh at the contests of course; she told herself.

So, she too made her way to the gams and festivities. She had just racked in a little money from a portrait, the Earl of Deringpath had requested. It was a piece to increase her renown, only but the Earl had taken a liking and rewarded her with 30 bits.

30 bits what a sham! That piece was worth a hundred times that!

Still 30 bits would get her something nice to eat, a sweet treat or two and maybe she could find a game that intersted her. It was worth a look! She returned to see if Pink Lady was still at her stand, she didn't like the mare but if Pink Lady was willing to give a good price she wouldn't complain about purchasing a tasty snack. Besides  . . . she didn't know anypony else.


Right Hoof was COMPLETLY out of his comfort bubble. Being pushed and shoved in a crowd was such an unnatural experience to him . . . he couldn't even force out a decleration of discomfort. He did manage a whine but it was beaten out of him by the ponies around him.

He made his way to a seat, as far away from other ponies as he could manage. Sitting there and praying nothing like what just occured would EVER happen again.

He caught himself, a prayer to Celesita? Whatever or whoever he was praying to, he didn't know but he stopped, as quickly as he had begun.

Green Strokes wouldn't like that . . . Then his whole relationship with his employer seemed a little confusing. Green Strokes had never assummed Right Hoof's ideals were his own, nor did he ever attempt to mold Right Hoof. Even though Right Hoof managed Stroke's thoughts and art when did his oppinion *become* his bosses?

This was strange, he hadn't been away from Strokes for quite some time . . . and somehow it was liberating, he didn't like it. The world was too open, too free for interpretation. And all this happened in the time he sat there fearing other ponies . ..
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Morning Glory on 2012 Jun 24, 01:55:19
Coppershine quickly yanked her head back, trying to move away as quickly as possible. Her hooves scrapped the ground, and she began to sweat from the heat of all the ponies around them on a summer's day as much as nerves. She risked a look at the unknown pony. From where she was, her side pressed against his, she could feel his neck vibrate as he spoke again.

Nearly dizzy with embarrassment and discomfort, she tried to clear her head. He was called...Trusty? Something like that. And he had asked her name. However, the ponies around them surged again and threatened to knock them over. If she fell on Dusty she would likely crush him- she wasn't exactly a lightweight.

Summoning her strength, she dug in her sizable hooves. Through gritted teeth she spoke. "Coppershine"

Then she pushed back with all her might. She wasn't the best draft horse in town for nothing. Pinching her eyes shut, she summoned her considerable strength and was able to make a space for them. Six ponies in a row were slid along the ground as she squashed them together. Satisfied, she stepped back towards Dusty to regain her personal space, panting.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Chautauquan on 2012 Jun 24, 02:35:29
Dusty's eyes widened, and he stammered a little bit before exclaiming,  "Glory be."  He looked back and forth, trying to find anything to wipe the sweat from the apparently incredibly strong mare... Finally, seeing nothing else to offer, he doffed his cap again, and, rather without thinking, offered it to the mare.  "Umm... Well done.  Nice to have a little room to breathe, and all.  Uhh... My cap, please, take it."  He seemed to be thinking it through, "No, that's weird.  I'm sorry, Miss Coppershine, I don't always... think." He looked at his hat for a moment, then at the mare, then back at the hat, and upwards toward his tousled mane.  "You can still have it, I guess.  I ain't got fleas or ticks or anythin'."  He looked back and forth, seemingly pondering something, before finally managing, "You're very strong, miss.  And please forgive me for not, eh, thinking, too much."  As he calmed down, his speech seemed to normalize a bit, and he spoke more carefully.  "Is there anything I can get for you?  Water, perhaps?"
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Morning Glory on 2012 Jun 24, 03:52:58
Coppershine looked up at Dusty though her sweat-dampened forelock, heaving for breath. She stared at him incredulously for several long seconds as she caught her breath and he jabbered away. The mare didn't know whether to scream, cry, or run away.

She was still very uncomfortable, but she felt something odd bubble in her throat. Suddenly she burst out laughing. Coppershine was not the type of pony to really laugh- she would chuckle, or giggle, or snort, but never a belly laugh. She stood there, hooves splayed, head bent, cackling madly. Reaching out she took the hat and plopped it back on his head sideways, still snickering.

Copper never liked strangers- but this one...he was so....so....she didn't even know how to describe it. Tears were now streaming down her face, and the other ponies were starting to look at her. Realizing this, she gasped violently and the cold, deep fear returned. Mortified, she made to leave again only to find herself stuck, just as she was before. Glancing from side to side and looking more and more like a trapped animal, she backed up. Resigned, she sighed and sat down. Wiping her face with her bandana, she hazarded a quick look at Dusty, and then the townsfolk around her.

Getting to her feet and turning, she felt many eyes on her as she faced the new pony. "I'm fine, er, thank you anyways, Mister Trusty." It was very terse, as if she was pretending nothing at all had happened.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Chautauquan on 2012 Jun 24, 04:16:03
Dusty finally let himself breathe, and the yammering died down with the laughter, as he realized that he might be able to yet survive a day in the town without offending the entire populace.  He sighed, chuckling himself for a while, before finally managing to get out, "Trusty, eh?  Well, I'll sure try to live up to that honor, Miss Coppershine."  It wasn't too hard to see the gaggle of eyes which seemed to peer from the crowd, and though the announcer continued the exciting list of events, Dusty nonetheless felt too much in the limelight for his own comfort.  "Ma-a-a?" he bleated, before looking left, right and even under his hooves.  "Nope, no goats here.  Just a storyteller... but I'll take your stories, if anyone has one to tell." He managed a bit of a goofy smile, the type that one normally is reserved for school photographers when you've been waiting in line for 15 minutes.  Or if you've been stared at by a crowd of potentially unhappy ponies.  As a last resort, he looked towards Coppershine and mouthed a quick, desperate, "Help me," followed by a plaintive "please."
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Morning Glory on 2012 Jun 24, 04:19:20

Pink Lady strolled along the market street and her husband Cameo pulled a heavy cart laden with all things apple along behind her. Tied to her chest was a cloth sling, and nestled in the sling was a newborn foal. Most earth pony mothers carried their babies in slings or baskets, to free up their hooves and mouths. Alongside Cameo ran a pair of twin colts, neither old enough to have a cutie mark. They had taken a while to pack up the cart, but the Apple Family had a space reserved for them; they hosted the pie-eating contest after all.

Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: GalvinRoe on 2012 Jun 24, 04:28:27
Strokes sat on his bed looking up at the light, playing across the ceiling. Shifting as a fan passed around in its cycles.

He sighed, in a way he wanted to cry. Every-year they took his work and shredded it before his eyes. They took those "rulers", those "princesses" and put them on a pedestal so high it was impossible to distinguish them from gods.

It's just a ceremony to celebrate a portion of the year he told himself, rolling over to his pillow.

A portion of the year which worships and praises a pony who rules over each and every one of them.

Every year the same argument, every year another crippling defeat. He lay there, thinking and, eventually, he fell into a slumber free of dreams. . .


Right Hoof stared out at the racing goats. He saw no goats, all he saw was a great open world, too open with concepts and ideas to interpret. He looked down at a small colt in front of him. The small pony was laughing hysterically beating his small hooves into the stands. It was enough to make Right Hoof smile.

If only life was that simple!

A kind of shifting occurred in Right Hoof's brain.

Why couldn't it be that simple?

At least for the day. . . perhaps he could enjoy the simple pleasures of a pony . . . at least for a day. Why not? Was there really any harm in it? The colts laughter was contagious and soon Right Hoof found himself beating his hooves and shouting along with the crowd.

He could enjoy this . . .


Bright Mane caught sight of this little procession, making her way to th mare's side quickly.

What's this? Are you done vending all-ready?
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Morning Glory on 2012 Jun 24, 04:34:56
Dusty's antics almost sent her into another round of giggling. Her stony face cracked, but she managed to draw in a ragged breath and keep herself together. The thick, awkward atmosphere was suffocating. She shuffled her hooves together, eyes darting back and forth wildly.

She saw him blunder along. He did indeed need help. She danced on her toes for a moment. What to do? She felt for him a little. Neither of them wanted to be stared at by the judgmental terror that was their peers.

In a rush of adrenaline and desperation, she reached into her saddle bags, grabbed her money purse, steeled herself, and shouted. "Fourty bits on Old Mare Marble's Smokey Oats!" Coppershine plunked her moneypurse on the ground. It was a whole week's salary, and she had just bet it on the goat with the worst odds known to ponykind. Coinlock, the pony taking bets, rushed over with his case of tickets at a speed that would have been reserved for some sort of emergency. Snatching up her bits he scribbled out a ticket and pressed it into her hoof. "That's fourty on Smokey Oats to win!"

The ponies around them surged forward to bet, hoping to grab a portion of the now sizable pool. She slid out of the way and managed to block both herself and Dusty from being trampled with  her considerable bulk.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: GalvinRoe on 2012 Jun 24, 04:41:42
Right Hoof caught the word *bet* somewhere in the crowd and for once he felt like letting loose and wasting some of that hard earned cash, Green Strokes showered him with.

What are the odds!?

Right Hoof shouted out, feeling energized, feeling part of everything about him. It was like he was 10 years younger, working on the construction yard with all his buds. Just another trip to the pub or the race track. Yeah, the feel was coming back to him.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Chautauquan on 2012 Jun 24, 05:06:25
Dusty was in awe both at the prodigious strength and the apparent wealth of the now friendlier Miss Coppershine.  "Forty bits?"  He thought for a moment... It had been quite some time since he had earned forty bits, let alone spent them.  Funds tend to run low when traveling to and fro, and stories aren't generally considered a valuable commodity.  However, hard times call for decisive action... but preferably after the crowd died down.  He had been sheltered by this mare through the storm, and although his sense of chivalry (and pride) had suffered for it, he was more than grateful.  "Thank you," he said, again taking his hat off, this time tucking it into his saddlebags. Then, gesturing to the harness, he added, "Why, if you don't mind me saying so, you're just like the classic Roan of Ark!"  It was meant as a compliment, however, much to his chagrin, he realized it might not go over so well with those unaccustomed to equestrian history... "That is to say, you're, you know, strong, and brave, and, well, you certainly showed you were a great leader, and I'm certain you could face down..." his voice trailed again, and he blushed a bit, "I'm doing it again.  Sorry."  He smiled sheepishly, finishing with, "Well, I talk too much.  But, Miss Coppershine, who are you?  I mean, you seem like somepony important to me, least of all."
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Morning Glory on 2012 Jun 24, 05:22:06
Coppershine was relieved to be out of the limelight. With everypony rushing over to Coinlock, they now had some breathing room. Grabbing up her now empty purse she sighed and tucked it back into her saddlebags. She regretted the loss, but she might have paid double for such an effective distraction.

She began to wilt again as the praise flowed over her. Copper never liked to be showered in compliments- it felt, wrong. "R-Roa, what of who? I'm a mine worker. I don't lead anypony." She looked down at the harness as he pointed to it. "I draft-  pull heavy carts." She pointed to the large metal minecarts lined up near the raised benches, each piled high with iron bars. "And I need to win now...." She said, half to herself. Maybe she could win back some of her money if she took first place.

Copper had trouble telling new ponies about herself. She liked her privacy. And this pony seemed confused. The only creature she led was her cat, and even that was up for debate.

Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Chautauquan on 2012 Jun 24, 05:34:20
Dusty nodded, gathering what information he could quickly.  And that was when he saw the minecart, loaded to the brim with iron, and realized he hadn't a thing to offer for help.  It was big, after all.  "Oh, I see.  So, you'll likely be gathering your team, right Miss Coppershine?"  Glancing over the cart again, he whistled lowly.  "Must take a powerful sort to get on the draft team, what with that much iron in a cart that big and all."  Clearly impressed, his eyes darted about, trying to pick up every detail that wasn't obscured by the cloud.  "Well, I can't vouch for the rest of your team, but I'm certain you'll be pulling them all to first."  He meant well, but compliments were the only thing that he could think of to say, without having to resort to long storytelling sessions.  "So, is it in groups of three or four?  For the race, I mean."
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Morning Glory on 2012 Jun 25, 00:42:06

The Apple Family stopped. Pink Lady's two foals dashed to hide behind their father, whispering to one another and pointing at Bright Mane. One wore a red bandana, the other a green one. Lady reached out and pulled the counter back down from where it was folded up on the cart. She stood behind it and fished out the till. "Hardly! What can I do for you, sugar? I got my famous Sun Celebration Caramel Apples, I got fritters, muffins, tarts, I got the tastiest applesauce this side of Canterlot. I even got some spiced cider if you like." The baby cradled against her chest fussed for a moment and Pink Lady bent her head to nuzzle the foal gently. "Hush now, Honeycrisp. Momma's here..."

Meanwhile the twin foals continued to banter quietly, peeking out under their father's belly. "Unicorns...aren't they witches? Old man Gravelpit calls 'em Hornfaces. He says they'll curse you! What if she curses us?" The twin in the red tugged his dad's mane and asked. "Pa, you wont let the hornface curse us, will you?"

Cameo's eyes bugged out of his head and he put a hoof to the boy's mouth. "Jazz! Jonagold! Shut your mouths right now before I..."

Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: GalvinRoe on 2012 Jun 25, 01:30:57
Hahaha! What kind of backwards town is this? They think unicorns are evil do they? Ah, I wish I could use magic better . . . I'd get my money's worth outta it.

Bright Mane gets a sadistic glint in her eye. And her smile creeps into its crooked sarcastic position.

Ah, your children are being naughty, need me to  . . . She paused looking at them wikedly . . . turn them into pumpkins she said very quickly and waving her horn threateningly.

Chucking horridly she turned to Pink Lady.

So you ARE still vending, good. I'll take a fritter and a tart, do you have strawberry tarts? And where can a filly get a glass of milk around here?
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Morning Glory on 2012 Jun 26, 21:24:32
Coppershine set her eyes on the cart as well. "Two. Just me and Sparky-er Silverspark." It felt wrong to call her foalhood friend by his nickname in front of strangers. "He's the only pony I would want on my team." She hesitated, then continued speaking. "We don't have enough ponies for big teams in the mine- we have to be working." She nodded to the starting line of the foal's 100 meter dash where several fillies and colts had assembled. "Each mineworker is paired up with a youngin' to pull a small cart. They carry only what their supervisor digs. The foals carry it to the track union- where all the paths of the mine meet up. From there, at the end of the day, us workers pull the big carts uphill out of the mine to the processing building." Realizing she had said a great deal, Coppershine clammed up again. If there was one thing she could get excited about it was her job.

She jumped at the sudden sound of a popgun and stepped towards the track. She pointed out a gangly gray colt. "There's Granite-he's been working with me since he was seven. He's a little...um, thin for a minepony, but he's a hard worker." She cupped a hoof around her mouth. "C'mon Granite! Let's go, boy! You can beat em!"

Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Morning Glory on 2012 Jun 26, 21:35:42

Coinlock began shouting over the clambering mob of betting ponies around him. "5-1 on QuickCharger! Champion in the making that goat! And, his challenger with 7-1 odds and something to prove, it's LightningBug!" He rattled the pair of sizable coin bags strapped over his back. "Place your goat bets here friends!"


Pure, unmasked fear flashed in Pink Lady's eyes as Bright Mane approached her children. The colt in red recoiled behind his father, but the one in green stood firm, glaring up at her. The rose-colored mare made a show of glancing under the stall and then yanking the counter back up, shoving the till back on to a shelf underneath.

"Oh will you look at that! We're clean out of tarts and fritters! Bad luck. We've got be moving on now. Mustn't be late."

She nodded to her husband, who had been watching carefully. He scooped up the twins and dumped them on the cart and the four of them made a mad dash for the crowd. It was impressive how quickly the large stall vanished in the throng of ponies.

Many of the Silverdalians nearby began to back away. They pointed at Bright Mane and whispered to one another in urgent tones. Word would spread quickly about the vicious purple unicorn mare that had threatened the Apple Family, the most beloved and admired folks in town.

Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: GalvinRoe on 2012 Jun 26, 22:20:48
Bright Mane caught some of the whispers off the crowd of ponies.

Wow, no joking? They really are terrified of Magic? I say a little joke and everyone thinks I'm some kind of witch huh? She scowled while she was thinking, eyes narrowing. This might turn out bad . . . I can't keep them intimidated unless I play it off perfectly . . .

Now she actively smiled, her sarcastic smile, towards the ponies who were watching. What's the matter huh? You guys have any tarts?!

She pushed on through the crowd, this was bad, ponies who took her seriously . . .  this was very, very bad. . .


Put 30bits on Quick-charger! Right Hoof's the name for the bet! He smiled happily at Coinlock passing over the bits.

And how are you today? Looks like it's going to be a nice day for a race huh?
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Chautauquan on 2012 Jun 27, 00:39:17
Dusty nodded as he listened, picking up whatever details he could about life in the mine.  He had found some gem hunters in his travels, but never anything organized, and never anything with metals.  His eyes widened as he realized the mining groups were merely a foal and a grown pony, and he wrinkled his brow a bit as he tried to figure out how strong these ponies must be.  With attention turned to the foal-race, he looked at the gray youngling and added his enthusiastic support.  "That's right, Granite!  You've got the advantage, keep pushing onward!"  He turned slightly to Coppershine, under his breath adding, "And I think he does, too.  Thin isn't always a bad thing," he chuckled, "though I might be biased.  He'll shine through, no doubt."  The race rapidly wound down, and Dusty could catch the enthusiasm in the crowd building in front of him, though behind, there seemed to be odd murmurings and discontent.  His ear twitched, but he kept both eyes in front.  After all, there was finally somepony talking to him, and he wasn't about to miss out on the chance to actually gain friendships in this new place.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Morning Glory on 2012 Jun 28, 17:10:42

The ponies around Bright Mane backed away further, parting the crowd. Many mares pushed their children away and several stallions moved to shield their families. There was no joking here.

One silver-coated stallion stepped forward as she passed. He was tall and muscular, and wearing a complex harness. "Unicorn. You are a guest here. I suggest you begin to act like it." He stood firm, with his head high, but one could see his tail twitch with anxiety. "You shall no longer be welcome here if you strike out again."


Coinlock's eyes bulged, and he might have been drooling were he not such an upstanding gentleman. He furiously grabbed up Right Hoof's money and jotted out another ticket for him. Handing it over, he gave a jolly chuckle. "Nothing better than the goat race. Steep competition. Haven't had a pool this big in years. You high rollers are always welcome! Haha!"

He looked Right Hoof up and down."Haven't seen you before. Where you from, Pointy?" He gestured at the horn on Right Hoof's brow.


The foal's 100 meter dash came to a close finish. Granite was beat out by DiamondDust by only a nose. The loudspeaker boomed again. "Well done kiddies! Well done! Congratulations to Diamond! And now fillies and gentlecolts, it's time for the drafting to begin! Teams, please assemble!"

Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: GalvinRoe on 2012 Jun 28, 18:26:00
Quote from: Morning Glory on 2012 Jun 28, 17:10:42

The ponies around Bright Mane backed away further, parting the crowd. Many mares pushed their children away and several stallions moved to shield their families. There was no joking here.

One silver-coated stallion stepped forward as she passed. He was tall and muscular, and wearing a complex harness. "Unicorn. You are a guest here. I suggest you begin to act like it." He stood firm, with his head high, but one could see his tail twitch with anxiety. "You shall no longer be welcome here if you strike out again."

Bright Mane might of been scared . . . if she wasn't so angry. So! She was going to be treated like dirt because of her race, was she? That was something she was HIGHLY unaccustomed to. A good many things rubbed off from Strokes  and one of those . . . was her intolerance of racial bias.

OH! Is that how you greet new ponies around here? Let them waltz in think their welcome then right when they are about settled chase them out of town? STRIKE OUT! Are you daft? You ALL heard me, apparently. I was joking to the parents! I ASKED if their children were being naughty! I JOKED about turning them into pumpkins. Or are you ponies not accustomed to a little thing called SARCASM!? Hoofs and barrels! I can see Strokes point now! Although I HATE traveling if this is the effect of staying sedentary for long . . . I'll take traveling any day!

Bright Mane's pupils were dilated, her horn twitching, her nostrils flaring. She really hadn't been this mad . . . ever.

She looked the Stallion dead in the eye, being a tall mare she hardly had to look up at all.

NOW! Are you going to tell me . . . that just because I'm a unicorn . . . I've gotta be unproductive and submissive? Because if that's what your saying buster . . . you better give up your bets now. That is NEVER going to happen.


Quote from: Morning Glory on 2012 Jun 28, 17:10:42

Coinlock's eyes bulged, and he might have been drooling were he not such an upstanding gentleman. He furiously grabbed up Right Hoof's money and jotted out another ticket for him. Handing it over, he gave a jolly chuckle. "Nothing better than the goat race. Steep competition. Haven't had a pool this big in years. You high rollers are always welcome! Haha!"

He looked Right Hoof up and down."Haven't seen you before. Where you from, Pointy?" He gestured at the horn on Right Hoof's brow.

Right Hoof laughed with great mirth and vigor. Slapping Coinlock on back with happy disregard.

Nice to know you, mate! I'm from Canterlot but I quickly moved to Pony-ville, as you can see I've always been more inclined towards the physical then the magical! How about you short-stuff? You lived here all your life?

Hoof's old construction day 'manners' were coming back to him.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Morning Glory on 2012 Jun 28, 21:01:34

The silver stallion began to grit his teeth at the irate mare. He pawed his front hoof, and as it struck the cobblestone underfoot, a shower of silver sparks shot free; he seemed to have metal shoes hammered on to his feet. He took a deep breath and seemed to try to calm himself before speaking "You come into our town and tell us how to behave. This is not your princess's castle, you foolish filly, where you demand rights by waving your horn. You earn them."

The townsponies around him nodded and began to gather behind their leader, facing Bright Mane with grim faces. Many shouted concurrent phrases.

He paused, then continued, stepping forward to meet her gaze- his eyes were bright pale yellow and they stared right back. With the support of his people at  his back, Silverspark quashed any fear. "If you're so keen on traveling, I suggest you get back to it,immediately. In the name of my father, Lord Ironhoof III of Silverdale, I, Silverspark, hereby decree that you shall be barred from Silverdale. Collect your belongings and depart at once. You are no longer welcome here. You will leech upon our hospitality no longer. We do not tolerate any pony, unicorn or earth pony, that sees fit to encroach upon our way of life and threaten our friends and families."

The crowd voiced agreement, crying out praise for Silverspark.


Coinlock let out a hearty laugh and reached out a hoof as another pony offered a few bits. He wrote another ticket, then turned to Right Hoof. "Canterlot huh? I think I've heard of Ponyville...south of here isn't it?" He might have said more, but there was a roar through the crowd. Many heads turned, and the ponies surged back, trying to see what the ruckus was about.

"Now what's this? We banned brawling after Coaldust nearly lost an eye..." He frowned and moved to try to crane over the heads of his fellows, searching for a good view.

Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: GalvinRoe on 2012 Jun 28, 21:41:06
Quote from: Morning Glory on 2012 Jun 28, 21:01:34

The silver stallion began to grit his teeth at the irate mare. He pawed his front hoof, and as it struck the cobblestone underfoot, a shower of silver sparks shot free; he seemed to have metal shoes hammered on to his feet. He took a deep breath and seemed to try to calm himself before speaking "You come into our town and tell us how to behave. This is not your princess's castle, you foolish filly, where you demand rights by waving your horn. You earn them."

The townsponies around him nodded and began to gather behind their leader, facing Bright Mane with grim faces. Many shouted concurrent phrases.

He paused, then continued, stepping forward to meet her gaze- his eyes were bright pale yellow and they stared right back. With the support of his people at  his back, Silverspark quashed any fear. "If you're so keen on traveling, I suggest you get back to it,immediately. In the name of my father, Lord Ironhoof III of Silverdale, I, Silverspark, hereby decree that you shall be barred from Silverdale. Collect your belongings and depart at once. You are no longer welcome here. You will leech upon our hospitality no longer. We do not tolerate any pony, unicorn or earth pony, that sees fit to encroach upon our way of life and threaten our friends and families."

The crowd voiced agreement, crying out praise for Silverspark.

Bright Mane was positively shaking, head to hoof, but this was not fear, no, she would have deemed it . . . righteous fury. She had developed tunnel vision, no other pony but this over-proud stallion stood before her. She saw the spark fly up from the ground and fear touched her . . . just a touch. She forced her eyes into his, doing her best not to blink. She forced her mouth into a horrid smile.

"You . . . really . . . are . . . all foals. Did I NOT just state I had no harmful intention!? Leeching off you? LEECHING OFF YOU? The only thing I've done is brought some economy to your back-wards town! Encroach on your life? So? What do you do? HANG, no you probably just BURN any idealists or revolutionaries. OH . . ." She paused for a second and put on a mock look of apology, the venom steaming from her eyes wouldn't allow for it to be anything but what it was . . . an act. "I forgot, we call them heretics around here, don't we?"

She knew she had gone too far, but she really didn't care. It only emboldened her to continue.

Don't worry, you needn't worry about me returning here! I wouldn't befoul your perfect society, of Earth-pony superiority, again. Not even if you paid me to return here.

She turned her back to the stallion walking back the way she came.

Oh, and just to let you know, in other places Unicorns don't have to EARN their given rights of birth.


Quote from: Morning Glory on 2012 Jun 28, 21:01:34

Coinlock let out a hearty laugh and reached out a hoof as another pony offered a few bits. He wrote another ticket, then turned to Right Hoof. "Canterlot huh? I think I've heard of Ponyville...south of here isn't it?" He might have said more, but there was a roar through the crowd. Many heads turned, and the ponies surged back, trying to see what the ruckus was about.

"Now what's this? We banned brawling after Coaldust nearly lost an eye..." He frowned and moved to try to crane over the heads of his fellows, searching for a good view.

The Unicorn strained to see over the crowd but even his height wasn't enough to spot the source of the commotion occurring below.

Hey there, we won't be able to spot the problem alone. How about you climb on my back, I'll make sure you don't fall.

Right Hoof gestured to his strong muscular back.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Chautauquan on 2012 Jun 28, 21:45:11
Dusty cheered on Granite right to the end, and, though he didn't know anypony, was slightly chagrined when the gray colt didn't make it to first.  However, he nodded, noting the strength of all of the contenders. "That's not a bad show, for foals.  Much better than I was at their age."  He noticed a bit of an uproar from behind, and turned backwards a bit before looking back towards Coppershine.  "Do they have... debates for the festival, Miss Coppershine?"  He raised a quizzical eyebrow, adding, "Because last I checked, anger isn't generally the mood for a party."  He knew enough to have an opinion on just about everything, and did have a temper, if roused to the extent, but tried to hide it as best he could.  "I mean, I can scrap about life as best as the next... but now?"  He looked at Coppershine for direction, "Granted, I'm new here, so I don't know how things are supposed to run."
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Morning Glory on 2012 Jun 28, 22:31:16

Silverspark reared and slammed his hooves on to the stone below. Bright light flared, and sparks showered all around him. "Speak to me or my people like that again and I'll have you detained, outsider! This a town of order and harmony and I will not allow you to continue to disrupt it. Never have I judged you on your race. Only your actions. It was you that made this about our breed."

He turned to the crowd. "But see! The unicorn presumes us to be bias. She believes us to be jealous! For we must be, considering her birthright to stand above us! Do we envy her?"

The ponies around him shouted in the negative. He faced her again. He spoke very low and clearly. "Trot your sorry rump out of this town before I lose my patience."


Coinlock raised a brow. "Thanks but no thanks there. I'm sure I'll hear enough about what ever it is later..." He slunk away. He would not be making any show out of himself, not with all those bits in his bags

Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Morning Glory on 2012 Jun 28, 22:45:34
Coppershine let out a sigh as Granite was outperformed. Still, he had done well. Second place was respectable, particularly one so close. She turned back to Dusty. "Silverdale foals are born tough."

Her own ears flipped towards the commotion. "Nn-no we don't. This is a festival of community and neighborliness. And there hasn't been brawling or sparring allowed in years. Only the wrestling, and that's carefully refereed." She frowned. Setting her back feet wide, she reared up and stretched her neck to see over the throng of ponies.

"I cant see what's going on but this doesn't sound g-"

She stopped as she saw the flash of sparks silhouette the crowd. "Sparky" Lowering down on to all fours she began to muscle herself a path. Normally she was far to passive for this kind of action, but she knew Silverspark would not strike his hooves unless something was wrong. "Sorry, Trusty. I need to see what's happening."

Carving her way through the ponies around her, she was finally able to see the towering figure of her friend. Squeezing through a gap, she came to his side. "Silver! What's happening?" Her eyes swept over him, seeing his flared nostrils and clenched jaw.

Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: GalvinRoe on 2012 Jun 28, 22:51:02
Quote from: Morning Glory on 2012 Jun 28, 22:31:16

Silverspark reared and slammed his hooves on to the stone below. Bright light flared, and sparks showered all around him. "Speak to me or my people like that again and I'll have you detained, outsider! This a town of order and harmony and I will not allow you to continue to disrupt it. Never have I judged you on your race. Only your actions. It was you that made this about our breed."

He turned to the crowd. "But see! The unicorn presumes us to be bias. She believes us to be jealous! For we must be, considering her birthright to stand above us! Do we envy her?"

The ponies around him shouted in the negative. He faced her again. He spoke very low and clearly. "Trot your sorry rump out of this town before I lose my patience."

Bright Mane's ears folded backwards. He had done it . . . made her even angrier.


She flailed about, tears pinching at her eyes. She had to debate this, no-pony was on her side, no pony would listen but she couldn't let a remark like that stand. Somehow, she felt that insult prodded too close to her upbringings. Too close to Strokes, he had taught her to always be tolerant . . . But what hurt her even more, was that maybe the stallion was right. Not because she was a unicorn, no but because of her life, her way of life. Perhaps she had been looking down on others a little more then she realized or admitted

You've just proven my POINT! MY UPBRINGINGS?! MY UPBRINGING?! I GREW UP IN THE WILDS  She was screaming.  I WAS BROUGHT UP BY A GUARDIAN, A GUARDIAN WHO NEVER STOPPED TRAVELING Her voice was cracking but she held back the coughing.

I'VE HAD TO MAKE EVERYTHING IN MY LIFE, I'VE NEVER GOTTEN A HANDOUT, NEVER!! She was chocking and crying all over the place.

*cough, choke* I'm . .  . not biased. She forced out softly.

Bright Mane kneeled on the ground. She had spent everything, all her emotions, she just looked at the ground, crying, choking.

Quote from: Morning Glory on 2012 Jun 28, 22:31:16

Coinlock raised a brow. "Thanks but no thanks there. I'm sure I'll hear enough about what ever it is later..." He slunk away. He would not be making any show out of himself, not with all those bits in his bags

*chuckle* All right, see you around, there.

Right Hoof was rubbing the back of his neck.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Chautauquan on 2012 Jun 28, 23:17:05
Dusty watched Coppershine blaze off to the scene... altercation?... something?  His confusion didn't hinder him from taking advantage of Coppershine's wake, and trying to get into the situation, before noting Coppershine talking with a silver stallion.  Now was the developing of a story, and one has to know where to be to gain a story...
But the sight of a weeping unicorn, a young filly from the looks of it, there was not much of a happy story to tell.  History had both sad and happy, but now was the time to act. 
He trotted up to the weeping filly, and asked simply, "Come dear, what's wrong?"  Time spent with family told him that at times like these, one ear is worth all the words in the world.  He'd caught that there was some speaking, but didn't know what it was, and figured listening things through would be the best right now.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: GalvinRoe on 2012 Jun 28, 23:27:04
She looked up at the stallion with bleary eyes, the beginning of a smile . . . then a cold hard stare and a snarl.

Getta'wayfumme! She smacked his hooves out of the way, getting to her feet and wiping away those pre-tears.

She looked at the new pony, then the great silver stallion, then the new mare. A frown was etched in her face but she didn't seem capable of words. She turned and began walking away. She was spent, she had made a spectacle of herself and she was done with this town.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Chautauquan on 2012 Jun 28, 23:43:36
Dusty did a quick trot to get himself in a place to head off the filly.  This was generally a bad idea, from memory, and he didn't have the advantage of relation either, but he'd not let things rest as they were.  Perhaps it was a common thing with the filly, but even so, you'd think someone would come to the aid or defense of a crying young pony... and if no one else would, he'd do his darndest.  "Now just wait a shake.  I'm new here, so could you fill me in on what's going on, at least?  I'm not the brightest, but I've know some people who are..."  He looked hard into the young filly's eyes.  "Come on, just tell me your story."
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: GalvinRoe on 2012 Jun 28, 23:55:05
Bright Mane looked at him with dead eyes. Determination and vigor had been sapped from her. She was far too tired for another fight. Too drained to speak to him. So she attempted to move past him, pushing him . . . lightly with her right hoof.

Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Morning Glory on 2012 Jun 29, 01:21:05

Silverspark recoiled as the mare shrieked and thrashed about on the ground. The crowd gasped and backed away. He looked to Copper and gave her a look that told her he was just as confused as she was now.

What was she screeching about? He had said nothing of her upbringing or her past. Hand outs? Guardian? Silverspark did not know where any of her words were coming from. It seemed to Silver as if somepony had flipped a switch. Now she was blubbering and talking nonsense.

His eyes widened as he was reminded of the mare that used to live in Silverdale. The one that was mad. She would stumble down market street babbling about peaches and promenades. She would suddenly scream without cause and her emotions switched rapidly. After a while she was hauled away to a special establishment for insane ponies, as he recalled.

As the strange brown pony moved forward to speak to the unsound mare, Silver reached out a hoof. "Wait there! Stand back."

He turned to the crowd, all of whom looked unsettled and disturbed. He glanced at Coppershine, then spoke. "I fear there has been a misunderstanding. You all remember BattyBonnet don't you?"

The ponies around him made noises of understanding. They then looked at Bright Mane with a new expression. One of concern and pity.

Silverspark looked to Coppershine. "Copper, I think we need to get this mare inside and away from the crowd. Clearly the stress and excitement was too much for her."

He walked up next to Bright Mane. "Come now friend. Settle down. Why don't we go to the Inn for a glass of water. Wont that be nice? We'll all go together." He spoke with a tone one might use when trying to calm a rapid dog.

Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: GalvinRoe on 2012 Jun 29, 01:30:02
Bright Mane looked at him as though he was mad. Get away from me! First you insult me, then you try to guide me somewhere? What's wrong with you ponies. . .

She tried to push on forward to the Inn. She was ready to leave the town, but now 2 ponies blocked her way.

She sighed. Just . . . just take me to the Inn, I'll be leaving soon, as soon as I can get my stuff ready. And I won't come back again!
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Chautauquan on 2012 Jun 29, 13:30:59
Dusty stood entirely confused at the situation.  He rubbed his head with his hoof for a bit, knocking his hat askew while he tried to process the entirety of the situation.  "Uhh... anypony want to explain to a simple-minded stranger what gives?  I mean, I've seen some spats before, but nothing like this."  He looked back for Coppershine, the one pony whose name he really knew (aside from Granite, now) and simply pleaded with his eyes for explanation.  Being on the road was significantly more... peaceful than this situation here, and confusion reigned more than anything else.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Morning Glory on 2012 Jul 03, 20:22:21
Coppershine followed alongside Silverspark as a fawn might follow a doe. They had grown up together and were very practiced in working as a team. She had been concerned to see a mare crying before him, but it was not in his nature to bully or threaten without reason.

His words about Batty made a lot more sense out of the situation. Copper had always been very uncomfortable around BattyBonnet. She looked to the unicorn mare with an uncertain expression, but followed Sparks all the same. "Yes, it will all be better at the inn."

Letting Silver lead, she fell back to talk to Dusty. She lowered her voice as she walked. "Silverspark says this mare is...er...mad. I trust his judgment. I think we need to get her settled down...Are you coming along, Trusty?"

She sighed as she heard the starting pistol fire for the start of the drafting race, the announcer yelling in excitement as he commentated. They had missed their chance as competing, and Copper would get no winnings. Dejected and disappointed, plodded after Silver, motioning with her head for Dusty to follow.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Chautauquan on 2012 Jul 03, 20:55:10
Dusty nodded, following.  As he heard the shot go off, he noticed the dejection in the mare's stature, and she followed in the crowd to the inn.  "Uhh, Miss Coppershine?"  He was working on trying to connect the events together, and realized she was missing her race.  Much as he would have loved to do something to help, it seemed impossible.  "I...  You..."  He nibbled his lip a bit in confusion.  "I just want to help."  Stories could teach great knowledge, could give insight where lectures and philosophy failed, but they required timing, care, and a receptive audience.  And he didn't even know what story to tell.  He turned his eyes skyward, and muttered under his breath, before putting a bigger smile on, and turning back.  "Well, I don't know any problem solved by moping about it.  So, let's figure it out."  His eyes began to glint again, and his mind was working, trying to think of something to keep the minds of those here off of the previous events.  It was an odd turn of events, he noted to himself.  Normally, he was turning minds to the past, but right now, he needed them focused on the present and future.  "It's a festival, after all.  Nothing gets done without a smile, right?"
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: GalvinRoe on 2012 Jul 04, 02:53:08
Green Strokes awoke, by the sounds of a confrontation? Whatever the cacophony was caused by, it surely had to do with the festival, or so Strokes believed.

Ohhh . . .! What's all this now? He rolled over to the window. One look, one look! And Strokes bolted upright, bashing his head against the wooden pane.

What is this? Bright Mane goes off and after a few minutes alone, gets herself in trouble? Uhh, on all days. I'll need to be sociable, huh?

Strokes blinked. When did I take up the habit of talking to myself?

He cleared his head and *headed* with disdain, downstairs.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Morning Glory on 2012 Jul 07, 01:42:35

The crowd had dispersed once the small party had made their way towards the Trot On Inn. However, throughout the attendees of the games word continued to spread. Many stories got twisted and warped as the gossip seeped from pony to pony. Many wild tales of a purple unicorn mare with a giant pumpkin on her back that had smashed a pie in Pink Lady's face and then threatened to burn and hang Silverspark for being an idealist flew through the masses, spreading like wildfire.


Silverspark walked along side Bright Mane, trying to look comforting and brave as he led a headcase of a mare to the Inn. At least he had help. Copper had called the brown stallion Trusty. He committed the name to memory as he walked, pointing at the tent hanging over the entrance of the Trot On Inn. "There we are. Let's get cooled off with some water and a sit down hmm?" He looked at Bright Mane and gave a very toothy smile that revealed his deep uncertainty.


Inside the Inn, the front desk was abandoned. However, a silver bell sat next to a card reading "Please ring for service". In the kitchen, White Lace stirred a large cauldron of soup. Aged and fussy, Lady Lace did not like crowds or noise. She was more than happy to care for the guests at the Inn while Garnet was away. The smell of warm carrot soup began to waft through the building.

Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: GalvinRoe on 2012 Jul 07, 02:14:30
Bright Mane looked at him with open mouthed irritation.

"Why are you treating me like this? First your yelling at me like you had worms . . . Now your guiding me, 'calmly' with fear in your eyes. You know I can't really use magic, the only thing I can do is draw. You don't need to look so worried and you DON'T need to guide me here, I promised I'd leave and I MEAN to! "

She looked at the new copper mare.

"And you, why are you coming, too?


Strokes looked on at the congregation.

Ah, grand. It most certainly is a situation brought on by Bright Mane.

Strokes put on a sociable smile but his eyes gave away his irritation.


Bright Mane caught sight of Strokes, she recognized that expression . . . he was, more than unhappy.

"Please, you can leave off here. Please?"

She looked to the other ponies with hopeful eyes. She KNEW she had upset Strokes, dissapointed him and on this day of all days . . .
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Star Striker on 2012 Jul 07, 04:56:17
It had been a relatively calm, although eventful day thus far for a strange fuschia coloured pegasus in the sleepy earthpony town. Her day had started by watching the rising of the first summer sun, followed promtly by a short visit to the local diner for a bite to eat. While there the pony had jotted down a few notes on the meal, likes, dislikes and ingredients she could pick out by taste alone.

Once paying her debt to the establishment she had returned to her suite at the Trot-On Inn for a rest and reflection period in which to write down her happenings thus far in the day.

Sweet Dreams, as she was called awoke after a brief half hour nap, she did the usual, yawn, stretch and indulge in a cool glass of water, before beginning on her writings of her current culinary experiances in SilverDale. She hadn't gotten to far into her musings of her lunch before an interruption. Being from Canterlot, any town hullubaloo was a bit of an attention grab, as it simply didn't happen all too frequently. Sweet Dreams had peered out from the window to catch sight of a few ponies walking towards the Inn. The lot of them seemed a tad... disheveled in the pegasus' eyes and though she knew she shouldn't the puzzled pony had a desire to know what shenanigans had transpired. There had been quite a bit of yelling just before, after all.

As she exited her room, and passed nearside the kitchen, Sweet Dreams could hardly contain a content sigh as the scent of carrot soup caught her attention. The clip-clop of her hooves stopped as she peered just inside the room catching sight of the chef behind the delightful scent. "Must be an older ... maybe family recipe of that mares..." Dreams contemplated the smell. Obviously she could identify the carrot. Perhaps the older looking mare had used ginger in the recipe? It was hard to tell, possibley clever usage of herbs, or spices was to add to the aroma. She decided to leave the mare to her work, just in time too, it seemed. With a flick of her ears Dreams heard voices--no doubt belonging to the crowd from outside-- within the building.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Link on 2012 Jul 07, 12:53:12
At a distance from the crowd, a silver pony's coat glinted in the sunlight, his traveling cloak obscuring most of his body. Beneath the hood, kind turquoise eyes were watching the proceedings of the recent events.
Silver Flask had left his cottage early yesterday morning in order to reach the Summer Sun Celebration in time. When he was a colt, his parents didn't see the sense in such things, not to mention his being kept at home for...other reasons.
With a regretting shudder at the thought, Silver stayed back from the crowd of earth ponies all following the brave silver stallion who was obviously their leader. 
Silver had come to the Celebration not only to see it for the first time, but to try his luck at finding new herbs and ingredients to experiment with in his potion-making. Of course, he knew of the towns reputation, and as a precaution he donned his tired traveling cloak, which easily obscured his smaller-than-average wings.
In his saddle-bags, his vials used for collecting these sought-for ingredients tinkled as they bounced against each other as Silver walked. He grinned wide at the thought of getting some samples of the minerals are ores from this mining town to bring back to his cellar and 'play' with them.
Upon finally seeing the purple unicorn being confronted, he raised light jade eyebrows in interest.

(Hmm...let's hope they aren't the same as the ones in the other town...)

With a nervous look around to check his surroundings, Silver re-adjusted his cloak to be doubly sure it covered his wings, and followed the crowd, intrigued by the situation, and eager to discover its meaning.

Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: GalvinRoe on 2012 Jul 07, 19:52:02
Strokes turned his head, some-pony had made her way halfway down the stairs, then made a strange face and looked longingly towards the kitchen.

Strokes was set in his place for a moment, she was admiring something, he knew that expression. He noticed her nostrils flaring and took a whiff of the air as well.

Food? Perhaps?

Then he caught the heavenly aroma. He almost drifted away with the mare, to a land of culinary delight but he pulled himself back. There was too much to think about today, too much to fret over and be irritated at, it was the Sun-festival after-all.

Still he thought he might spare a moment for this interesting mare, some-pony as dedicated to their sense of smell and taste as her . . . must be a pony worth knowing, at least in the artistic sense.

The small, green, stallion nodded to the pegasus. He didn't speak, if he couldn't catch her glance he wouldn't disturb her inspired day-dream.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Chautauquan on 2012 Jul 10, 22:04:39
Dusty turned to Coppershine rather sheepishly.  "I'll treat you to some water, or something, for your troubles, but, ah... I've not much overall."  His indigence was normally nothing he worried about, because he could generally work in schools for a while to earn some funds, but in this case, he was almost completely dry, and with the festival, it wasn't likely he'd get any jobs until everyone got back to work.  "I wish I could do more, really, for your kindness... But stories aren't always considered nearly as important as bits... even though they're much, much more important."  The unicorn mare seemed to have found her way, and the crowd was thick enough to prevent him from taking any immediate action.  Let the locals settle issues when they may, if he could help, good.  If not, well, that's part of life too.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Morning Glory on 2012 Jul 10, 22:58:11
As they stepped into the inn, Coppershine gave a sigh of relief. She could smell the irresistible aroma of White Lace's carrot soup. She knew few ponies that would turn their noses up at a warm bowl of Trot On Inn's finest meal.They were inside now and safe from the eyes of the crowd. She was confident in Silverspark's decision and she knew a rest would do well for the insane unicorn.

As Bright Mane begged to be left, Coppershine shuffled her hooves. She didn't want to abandon Sparky, but it seemed the mare wanted her space. Dusty's invitation was a perfect distraction.

"Water is complimentary today, Trusty." She smiled and pointed to the kitchen. Through the gap in the door, one could see the steam rising from a big, round pot. "But dinner is cheap if you want to split a bowl of soup. I have a tab here, so I can pay my own way if need be." She needed to get away from the uncomfortable situation, but she didn't want to completely abandon Silverspark. She would stay in the Inn with Trusty for a while. She wasn't in the mood to watch the other races anyways, not with her chance at winning gone.

She trotted over to the welcome desk and tapped the top of the bell three times. "White Lace! Could we get some waters please? And what time is dinner, your soup would really hit the spot."
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Morning Glory on 2012 Jul 10, 23:08:17

Silverspark stood beside Bright Mane, glancing around the inn and sighing with relief when he found it nearly empty. He looked down his nose at her and tried to smile. "I don't want you to be alone while you rest. Better some one look after you, in case you get lost." He tried to look kind and casual, but it was clear he would not leave Bright Mane to her own devices.


White Lace tottered out of the kitchen mumbling and grumbling as she looked around the main floor of the inn breifly, counting under her breath. Stepping back through the door, one could hear her clattering around until she reemerged with a tray of several wooden mugs on her back. Leaving the tray on the nearest table, she stared up at Coppershine with her good eye that wasn't clouded by cataracts. "'Nother half hour on the soup. Got sunflower bread an' clover salad if ya'll are hungry now."

Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: GalvinRoe on 2012 Jul 10, 23:57:06
Bright mane moved forward to meet the Small, Green Stallion. Her ears turned down-side, her posture meek.

"I, I think I might have gotten us . . . into a bit of a situation . . . These ponies wanted me to leave town . . .

Scuffing her hooves and doing her best to look the image of disappointment and shame, she dared look at Strokes expression.


Strokes was not frowning, his dis-pleasure, his anger and disappointment could not be expressed through a frown. No, his mouth was a line, a thin slit in his face. No humor sparkled in his eyes, they looked tired, worn.

He turned to the great white stallion besides Bright Mane *Silverspark*, not acknowledging her presence.

"What has she done?"


Bright Mane cringed at the simple question, it hurt. His complete dismissal of her . . . Maybe Silver Spark was right . . . maybe she was, biased!


Right Hoof wandered back into the Inn, his entire form radiating happiness and a good time. He was a little surprised by the gathering of ponies in the dining hall . . . but what soured his mood? It must have been the sight of Bright Mane. She looked sorry, Bright Mane looked sorry. . .

Right Hoof cursed under his breath. He wouldn't get even one night of peace, Bright Mane fouled the whole thing up. How Strokes looked on . . . it must have been something bad. Right Hoof cringed: "On the day of the Sun-festival. You'd think the impudent brat would learn to pull back, at least today.

He sighed, that is how he thought of Bright Mane after-all? A troublesome girl, yes, yes she really was nothing but a bratty girl with a paintbrush . . .

He shook these thoughts away, best for him to look strong. Strokes might go into a small 'isolation' if it was bad enough. As Strokes was having his own troubles with writing Right Hoof might have to pull him out of the seclusion, his employer was vulnerable at the moment, he could easily go into depression . . .

So Right Hoof marched forward, determined, sure and cranky.

"What goes on here?"

Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Chautauquan on 2012 Jul 11, 00:18:45
Quick to smile, but also quick to fluster, Dusty was grateful for the distraction from the distraction.  He wanted to be a good brother... but that doesn't necessarily work when one isn't a big brother.  Now, he could go back to being simply himself, whatever that meant.  He followed Coppershine to the counter, catching a hint of the sweet smell of boiled carrots.  "Wow, no kidding.  I can't tell you the last time I ate a meal that wasn't my own... peculiar brand of cooking."  He grimaced, slightly.  He could cook, when needed, and it was generally palatable... so long as he didn't get distracted while it was cooking.  At home, his cookies alternated between beloved delights which disappeared instantly, and charcoal briquettes.  And foraging, while it could be delightful, grows old after time.  A real cooked meal had seemed like a distant dream earlier, but now, the soup beckoned. 

Dusty shuffled a bit, noting, "Well, at least I can afford the water..."  He then checked his saddlebag discreetly before asking, "How much, exactly, is the soup?"  He figured he could cover the bowl, but wanted to know by how much, exactly.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Morning Glory on 2012 Jul 11, 00:29:06

Silverspark looked to the green stallion that Bright Mane spoke to. His eyes swept over the earth pony, then he extended his hoof. "You are her caretaker? I am Silverspark, captain of the town guard, and deputy mayor of Silverdale." He glanced to the side nervously, then met Stroke's eyes. "She was threatening to use magic on two young foals, frightening their family and causing grief to those around. I confronted her and she had a little uhmm...episode. I spoke harshly, and excited her more. I must apologize, I was not, at the time, aware of her...condition." He looked to Bright Mane, who seemed to know she had misbehaved. "However, my insistence that she leave town was before I understood the...er situation. So long as she stays under your supervision, you are welcome in Silverdale. But, I must ask she does not go unescorted again."


White Lace turned to Dusty. Her sight might have been failing but her hearing was as sharp as ever. "Three bits fer the big bowl o soup. Four an' I'll make it a whole meal- bread n' salad n' a drink and five'll get ya dessert on top."

Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: GalvinRoe on 2012 Jul 11, 00:54:17
Strokes looked at Bright Mane, now. His eyes blazed. Unspoken words leap between Strokes' mind and hers. Causing an EPISODE? What have you done?

"Threatened magic? Upon some foals? I can assure you, she was jesting, I am sorry for her sadistic sense of humor. But Bright Mane can only do the most basic of spells. Still . . . for the townsfolk to think she was threatening some-pony . . .   He paused a moment looking back to Silverspark "She's gone far, far too far. Don't worry, sir, I'll be sure to keep her under stern supervision for the rest of our visit. "


Both Bright Mane and Right Hoof cringed at Stroke's final pronouncement.

Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Chautauquan on 2012 Jul 11, 01:01:22
Dusty widened his eyes for a second in amazement, before softly chuckling to himself.  Under his breath, he muttered, "Well, sometimes it pays to get out of Manehattan," and fishing out five bits, turned back to Coppershine.  "Well, it's a festival, isn't it?"  His cheer was bubbling to the surface again, and he was excited to find what this town would bring him.  He couldn't help but notice the tail-end of the conversation nearby, but paid no immediate heed.  It seemed like things had calmed down, and he didn't see any need to make things worse if there was no inclination that he'd make them better.  "Pity about Granite," he mentioned to Coppershine, "And... uh, your race.  I figure you'd have come in first, so you probably just evened the playing field for everyone else, right?"
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Morning Glory on 2012 Jul 11, 01:19:15
Coppershine tipped her head to the side and mouthed the words get out of manehattan...She shook her head and smiled as Dusty paid for their meal. Seemed he wasn't as short for cash as he thought he was. She grabbed up her mug and gestured to a table then moved to the bench like seats set up for ponies to rest on. They were wide and heavily built, to support the muscled miner ponies that frequented the bar after work days.

"Oh, Granite will be strutting like a rooster. The little mite's been pushed around by the big kids so often...he's finally got some height on them. He just now started to get tall like that. He was a bitty little colt till last year."

She settled on to her seat and took a sip of water. Her ears flicked over to Silverspark's business with the madmare, but it seemed as if he had the crazy filly back under the watch of her guardian, so things were calm. Her face fell at the thought of the drafting race. She could have used the bits, and she loved working with Sparky. But the way Trusty put it was kind of nice. Give everyone else a chance..."As for me and Silver," She nodded to the large stallion's back. "There's always the Harvest Revelry. We'll get another chance."
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Chautauquan on 2012 Jul 11, 01:31:01
Dusty chuckled, "Chances are what people hope for in Las Pegasus.  But 'twixt the both of you? I reckon that while the whole town is..." he caught himself, then frowned for a moment, trying to get the right word.  But, the flustering had begun, and wasn't likely to let up soon, "Well, you know, what with the veins and the... no, I mean the pans and the sluices... no... not quite right... Rail cars build ponies just as much as ponies build rail cars, and well, you've probably built the railcars that built you, which means that you're hardy, y'know, like an oak, but not so... uh, rigid."  He blinked a couple of times, seemingly trying to remember something.  "You're good.  You'll win.  That's what I wanted to say."  He screwed up his eyes again, noticed his hat was still on, and quickly doffed it, revealing his hat-mane.  "Yep.  Good, win, will happen most certainly.  That was it."  His tongue was wagging, and he knew it, he just needed the soup to get here sooner rather than later so that he'd be able to keep his own yap shut.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Morning Glory on 2012 Jul 11, 01:44:58
Coppershine blinked and stuttered out "Y-yes?" She wasn't entirely sure she had been complimented. She thought so. And it seemed that was what Trusty was trying to do. There was an awkward silence for a moment, in which Coppershine sipped her drink.

The beautiful deliverance of mercy that was White Lace appeared with bread and cider for them just after that. The golden bread was tough but flavorful, with sunflower seeds mixed in and petals arranged in a sun shape on top. It came with butter to spread on it and it was sliced into four quarters. Silverdalians ate hearty and plenty, and even bread was no exception- the loaf was the size of Coppershine's left hoof.

"Mmm. Yum. I love Sun Celebration Bread." She took a portion and bit into it plain. "Doesn't even need that." She spoke through the bite as she pointed to the butter.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Chautauquan on 2012 Jul 11, 02:11:57
Sweet deliverance!  The meal had arrived, and it seemed a veritable feast to Dusty.  He looked at the bread for a moment, arranged so delicately, and was grateful when Coppershine took a piece of it.  "Thanks," he mumbled, "I'm a bit off with my words sometimes.  I don't mean any harm."  He looked at the bread in his hoof, examining it, before digging in heartily.  He made sure to swallow before mentioning anything.  "You know, this bread is a piece of art!  Really, I was glad you took a piece first, because I almost felt bad ruining the picture!"  He chuckled nervously, realizing that could come across two different ways, "Not to mention it wouldn't be very gentlecoltly of me to do so.  I mean, fillies first, and so forth."  He shook a bit, trying to ease the tension which he felt building inside of himself.  "Point being, thank you, for being so tolerant of me.  I'm a bit... odd, at times.  I try to be nice and all, but I just sometimes get so excited, it tends to frighten ponies off."  He breathed in the aroma of the nutty bread, taking a few more bites before asking, simply, "So, have you been here forever, or did you start life out elsewhere?  I'm from the country around Hoofington, myself."  He smiled as he remembered his home, a place almost of dreams, now.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Link on 2012 Jul 11, 09:33:23
Curios with the proceedings, and the notably dwindling crowd at the Inn, Silver trotted inside, eager for a good meal and a warm bed to rest his travel-weary limbs. For several days Silver had been on the road to Silverdale, eager to see the Summer Sun Festival for the first time, and with all this excitement, it had certainly been worth the wait and the not-so-smooth journey.
Before re-adjusting his trusted cloak once more, the seemingly pure silver earth pony trotted into the Inn. The heavenly aroma of fresh soup and bread surrounded his nostrils, and his mouth watered at the thought. Within moments he was at a fine table in the corner, enjoying his newly bought meal. To the side, the hooded stallion noticed the other silver stallion from the earlier proceedings, conversing with a wise-looking stallion who Silver didn't recognize. Between them was a purple unicorn, to which he raised an eyebrow.

What's this? Trouble with a non-earth pony? Seems wearing my cloak for this place was wise...

As the thought passed his mind, Silver slid further into the corner, the dimly lit area and the steam of his soup all but obscured any sort of face a pony might look for. And so, behind his cover, he continued to watch and evaluate.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Star Striker on 2012 Jul 11, 15:52:30
From the distance she was at it was a little difficult to hear the proceedings. Something about unicorns and earth ponies, magic... and wanting soup. The pegasus gentley trotted into the room, calmly, and really like anypony from canterlot would do... anything. She hadn't taken notice of Green Strokes subtle nod, too distracted by her thoughts, but upon entering the main foyer of the inn... the mare stopped. Suddenly her grace was lost and she was left with a spot of awkwardness.

The mare seemingly in the middle of all thes ponies looked a sorry heap. And on such a celebratory day, too. Sweet Dreams held herself, trying not to show her concerns for the stranger. As it wasn't truely her place to become involved in the towns problems. From what she had walked in on the pegasus could discern that the unocorn mare before her had said enough to upset somepony in town. This larger silver stallion must've been somepony important, though she couldn't tell much from him aside for being conerned or .. something.

Dreams decided it would be wise to maybe.. watch from afar. She decided to find a place to settle. Far enough away to not be obvious, but close enough to still pick up on the conversation. At least for now she could watch while under the guise of awaiting some dinner.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Morning Glory on 2012 Jul 11, 16:32:41


Silverspark lowered his hoof to the floor as the stranger did not take it. He nodded his approval at Stroke's words. "Very good then. There's no real harm done. I'm afraid some of us here in town are rather...inexperienced with magic. We cannot be sure just what a unicorn is capable of, or whether magic is a joking matter." It was clear from his words he would make an excellent diplomat. Silverspark carefully chose each word, trying his best  not to offend. He looked to Bright Mane, and then to Right Hoof, who had appeared. "Is this another of her escorts? Or do you have two charges? Well, I understand your duties must be tiring after some time, just be sure she doesn't wander off again, and we'll have no quarrel. I'll explain things to Pink Lady and I'm certain she wont press charges. Good evening, sir."

He glanced over his shoulder and saw Coppershine seated with the pony she had called Trusty. He then remember their plans to compete. Walking over, he sighed, then tried to smile. "Dirty luck about the drafting, eh Copper?" He then turned to Dusty. "Thanks for your help. Are you a friend of Coppershine's? I don't believe we've met."


White Lace teetered back into the inn proper and brought bread and cider for Silver Flask as the first course of his meal once she collected his coin. She then moved over to Sweet Dreams. "What'll it be? Got carrot soup, clover salad, sunflower bread and later there'll be muffins- blueberry."


Outside, along the horizon, a threatening bank of gray clouds raced towards Silverdale. Before long it had blotted out the sun, draining the boldness from the colorful celebration.

Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Chautauquan on 2012 Jul 11, 17:24:27
Dusty looked up, still chewing for a second, rather embarrassed at his appearance.  He swallowed quickly, then tried to explain himself.  "The first part there's a good question, but I'm not sure I'm qualified to answer.  I'd like to say yes, but, well, I'm rather new here." He screwed up his eyes trying to think about how to explain things, then continued.  "Well, here, at least, she's likely the closest thing to a friend I've got.  I just got in, and Miss Coppershine here was kind enough to explain things here."  Waving a hoof at his flank, he continued. "I'm a bit of a story-collector.  I try to find the histories that don't make it into the books, and tell them.  And, considering I'd barely heard of Silverdale, I wanted to see what there was to learn.  I'm a earth pony too, after all, and I wanted to see what a settlement relatively untouched by Equestrian culture was like."  He shrugged a bit, adding, "And I'm insufferably curious.  I think it comes with the territory of being a storyteller."  He offered a piece of bread to the stallion.  "You seem like a pillar of the community here, Mister Silverspark.  Are you the forepony of the mine, or something like that?"
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Star Striker on 2012 Jul 12, 14:18:51
Sweet Dreams' ears flickered to the conversation. To her it seemed like anything juicy had already been lost to time. In the moment of it all she was the epitome of a Canterlot pony, straining to hear the latest gossip and town hoo-hah. Though it felt an awful lot like embarassment when she'd think about how much she enjoyed hearing gossip and the like. Her attention though, was quickly snapped away as she heard hoofsteps advancing towards her, for a breif moment she was a little terrified, maybe one of those ponies she'd be ahh... evesdropping on weren't too fond of the idea. The pegasus straightened up, and slowly peered over her shoulder.

"Oh! Oh, I.. I'd love to try a bowl of your soup, if you don't mind, ma'am. But If I could partake in a clover salad as well, that would be lovely." She said, a small smile creeping onto her features.  All she could do was hope that soup tasted as wonderful as it had smelled.

Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Morning Glory on 2012 Jul 14, 16:56:09
Coppershine let a grin tug at her lips as Dusty spoke. It had become clear that he regularly stumbled over his own words, but that he meant well. She was happy to let him talk, which was unusual for her. Typically she disliked chatting with other ponies in town, but that was mostly because they wanted somepony to talk at, not with. Dusty was interested in whatever she had to say. Sometimes too interested.

She went to answer him, but Silverspark arrived. "I guess you could say we're friends. He's gentlecoltly enough to buy me dinner." She gestured to the seat next to her for Sparky to sit.

"Trusty was just saying he's from Hoofington." Copper smiled at Silverspark and continued. "As for us, we're Silverdale ponies, born and bred. Our families have been here for as long as records have been kept. Sparky-I mean Silver's the captain of the town guard." She knew Sparky didn't like his father's position to be boasted, so she kept quiet that he was the mayor's son.

She nibbled her bread and took a sip of cider, turning her head briefly to look out the window as everything seemed to dim a little. The bright light that had been illuminating the sunny yellow marque had faded. As if a shadow had fallen over the town, everything colored seem to desaturated. She frowned and squinted at the sky, but she couldn't see past the tent.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Morning Glory on 2012 Jul 14, 17:16:01

Silverspark took the offered bread and seated himself beside Coppershine. "Oh I just watch out for those mangy diamond dogs and keep the lacetail lynx in line." He bit into his portion of bread and nudged Coppershine. "It's Copper's pa that's the forepony of the mine." He waved a hoof excitedly, his hardened metal shoes glinting in the light. "He's the genius behind these." He upturned the hoof to show the curved metal hammered on to his foot. "Our ancestors used to buck rocks before we started using pickaxes. But the work would grind down your hooves to nothingness. There were folks around her that could hardly walk they'd lost so much hoof. But with these," He mimed jabbing his front foot into a stone. "We can go back to the traditional technique. It's faster too." He smiled and lowered his foot. "Plus, the sparks scare away the dogs. There's only a few of us that have tried it, but I think it will catch on."

He paused to gnaw on his bread some more. If there was one thing Silverdalians would talk about, it was mining.


White Lace nodded to Sweet Dreams. "Soup n' salad coming up." She then shuffled back into the kitchen. Before long the smell of muffins could be caught wafting around the inn. She returned with a mug of cider and a plate of fresh clover salad. It was made up of baby lettuce, thin-sliced carrot and cucumber, shelled sunflower seeds, and of course, clover, topped with a raspberry dressing.


Outside, the clouds continued to build. A stiff breeze whipped it's way down the market street, making the tents outside flap and clank as they shuddered. It slammed the door to the inn shut violently with a loud bang, and one could hear the wind whistling through the mountains on the other side of town.

Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Chautauquan on 2012 Jul 14, 18:06:17
Knowledge was a virtue in and of itself for Dusty, and while he personally went unshod generally, the information about traditional and contemporary mining styles made for a good story.  This was history, and this was something that wasn't only valuable to Silverdale.  Though anxious to learn more, the brown stallion became distracted from his hearty meal and conversation by the sudden breeze.  He jumped quite a bit, when the door slammed, and shivered in the aftermath of the gust.  "Glory be!  I thought this was the Summer Sun Celebration.  D'ye normally have things this cold?"  He looked outside, trying to discern the source of the noise.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2012 Jul 14, 22:07:40
Feather felt a freezing wind sweep through the street and chill him to the bones, but he didn't complain, only huddling a little closer to his wife.  Juniper, on the other hand, wasn't too keen on keeping her mouth shut about a cold winter-like draft in the middle of the most important celebration in the year, and turned to the townspony next to her (who happened to have been one of the MANY who asked for her wares every now and then).

"Is it just me, or is this wind feeling rather unnatural?  And rather disrespectful to Celestia, if I might say so," she scowled at the gloomy, dark clouds.  "Shadows and stormclouds and icy winds on midsummer's day, and JUST when the celebration was getting good too!"

She rather disliked things that interrupted anything, and bad weather during the Summer Sun Celebration was just horrid in her opinion, even if she normally loved a storm to water the crops.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Link on 2012 Jul 14, 22:44:56
From a distance, the silent silver pony in the corner of the inn was barely noticeable. The dark shadows of the room hiding from the warmth and light of the inn served as a barrier, hiding him and giving Silver Flask a chance to merely watch and listen. The only evidence that any-pony was there at all was the occasional glint of his turquoise eyes, observing the residents.

They seem like decent ponies, but how do I know I won't be judged for something silly as what I am?

Silver listened carefully to the conversations of the crowd around him, eagerly gathering any pieces of information or tidbits that might present themselves. He usually didn't like to just sit in the back and watch; he was a sociable pony most of the time, although sometimes, he just preferred to pony-watch and let things go by.
Looking outside, he gave a slight frown at the disagreeable weather.

Don't they have any pegasi to keep the weather in check? Especially this time of the year?

Drawing his hood close closer around his head and mane, Silver gave a slight shiver at the breeze; he had always been a bit more sensitive to the elements than he liked to be.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Star Striker on 2012 Jul 15, 00:13:33
Dreams smiled as White Lace returned with the salad. The light scent of the salad, and the slightly tangy scent of the cider caught her attention. She looked at the other pony and happily slid the food and drink closer to herself.

"This salad looks lovely, ma'am. The colours used to counter the greens is very nice." She said sniffing slightly. "Thankyou very much~ I can only hope it tastes as nice as it looks." She said and took a fork in her hoof as only ponies could somehow do. The flavours blended well, and the sweet acidity of the raspberry sauce and the crunch of the sunflower seed truely brought the whole dish together into a culinary spark of flavours and textures for the pegasus. She hummed to herself, delighted with the flavours. Though as the doors to the inn slammed shut Dreams jumped, almost choking on her meal as she swallowed hard from the shock. Her ears were perked and her eyes widened.

Awfully uncharacteristic weather, for the celebration... And cold too. Dreams thought as she regained herself, coughing lightly. Was it getting dark outside? The pegasus furrowed her brow as she peered out the nearest window. There wern't all that many Pegasus in this town, and there were probably less trained for weather duty.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Morning Glory on 2012 Jul 23, 04:08:01
Coppershine jumped violently as the door was slammed. She had not been listening to Silverspark talk, as she had heard him rant about the metal shoes for some time. Instead she had been scrutinizing the weather. The chilly breeze was wrong. Very wrong. So were the clouds. As part of their agreement with Princess Celestia, she personally oversaw their weather patterns, and dispatched a unit from the Canterlot weather team to handle Silverdale's climate. It did not seem likely she had assigned clouds to the celebration of her own solstice.

She turned to Dusty. "No, this is wrong. We always get nice weather for the celebration." Copper stood and walked to the open window, peering out at the sky. "I wonder if the weather team lost control of a storm or something. That happened once on Hearth's Warming. We were scheduled for light snow, and we got nearly four feet!"

She looked to Silverspark, then out the window again, staring at the bank of gray clouds. She then pulled it shut, but not before a single snowflake floated down before her face. Coppershine walked along the street-facing wall of the inn and closed the windows to keep out the chill. She returned to her seat, looking weary.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Morning Glory on 2012 Jul 23, 04:19:27

Silverspark took a hearty pull from his water mug and plonked the empty cup down before looking to Coppershine. He stood up as well and secured the door, shutting it firmly so it would not swing about in the wind. "I remember that, Copper. Maybe..." He turned to Dusty. "Thanks for the bread. It was nice to meet you, but I need to go see what's happening." He moved to Coppershine and rested a hoof over her shoulder briefly. "Sorry about the race. We'll have a go again next time. Be careful, and I'll see you later tonight."

With that he called to White Lace. "Lacey! I'm off, but I'll send Garnet back to help out, and I'll be around to check on things later." He dropped two coins on the counter and headed out into the street.

As the door shut behind him, a flurry of snowflakes raced in behind him. Outside, a shower of white snow had begun to fall.


White Lace gave a short smile to Sweet Dreams and headed back to the kitchen. She re-emerged at Silversparks words, a precarious collection of soup bowls balanced on her back. She distributed soup to Sweet Dreams, Silver Flask, Coppershine, and Dusty, leaving two salads at the latter's table as well. She then peered out the window with her one good eye. "Best put the kettle on I suppose..." She hobbled back into the kitchen, grabbing up the bits Silverspark had left.

Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2012 Jul 23, 11:22:13
The door opened and shut quickly as Juniper dragged a shivering Feather into the inn with her before pushing him to the middle of the room, or wherever was warmest.

"Wind and snow and Celestia knows what on midsummer's day, it's not natural!" she exclaimed somewhat angrily.  "Can't abide changes, especially not changes for the worst.  Hope it's nothing bad."

She stopped muttering her complaints and looked around as she tried warming her husband.  Spotting White Lace (door replacement three years ago, a chair and a wooden cutting-board), she smiled politely but asked in a worried voice, "Do you have something warm that Feather here could drink?  I think the unexpected cold was a bit much for him."

As anypony in Silverdale knew quite well, the quiet unicorn was somewhat frail, no matter how many exercises his Earth Pony wife tried making him do.  It may have been something in his blood, or perhaps just the fact that he was a unicorn (which would not have surprised the locals in the least), but the fact remained, and quite a difficult one, especially now.  Snow in the midst of summer of course did nothing to help, and the poor colt seemed to be running a fever, although he did not complain even in the slightest (another trait the locals had appreciated).

He did try to whisper something though, whether or not anypony could actually hear.  "w-windigoes..." said he, in a voice few could hear but almost all could understand.  "i-it might be them... i do not know..."

Juniper looked down in astonishment and worry.  "Now listen here, Feather, there ain't no windigoes around.  It's... just..."

She searched for words of comfort, something to deny her husband's fear, but as snow began to build on the window-panes she could find none that would convince even the smallest foal that it was not at least a possibility.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Link on 2012 Jul 23, 15:23:55
Watching the couple trot into the inn, Silver's face turned from a passive interest to concern for the unicorn. Surely, if these people didn't mind him, they wouldn't mind a pegasus either? Especially one willing and eager to help?

Quickly removing his hood and trotting into the light for the first time among the ponies, Silver looked worriedly at Feather and Juniper.

"Sorry, I don't mean to intrude, but is he alright? If it's the cold, I have a bowl of soup here..."

Silver Flask gestured at the hot bowl of soup on the table he had recently ordered.

With a sudden widening of his eyes, Silver realized he was standing in the line of sight of everypony there, and before adjusting his cloak, he began to quietly back down.

"Of course, that is, if you'd like to, you know..."

Ugh! You idiot! Walking into the center of such an 'everypony knows everypony' group and expecting to be responded to?
Silver Flask mentally face-hoofed as the thought crossed his mind. He had always been one to act without thinking. He quietly stood there, to him the eons passed by as he awaited the couple's response so he could go back to hiding. 
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2012 Jul 23, 21:30:05
Juniper smiled at the friendly pony, although she had an uncertain look on her face.

Welp, Pa said never ta turn down free help.

"Thank you kindly," said the mare to the stranger.  "I think a little soup would help a lot."

Feather coughed a little and smiled weakly at the pony.  "t-thanks..."

Juniper scratched her head a bit.  "I don't recall seeing you around Silverdale before, are you new?"  She smiled a bit, being a bit more welcoming to strangers than other ponies around (after all, her husband was one once!).
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Link on 2012 Jul 23, 21:45:46
With a relieved smile, Silver happily handed the unicorn his soup.

Turning to Juniper, Silver mentally prepared himself to be careful;
This is a resident, be careful, think before talking for once.

He was used to his brain chiding him like this, and he carefully digested it as he responded.

"Well...yes, I suppose you could say that. I'm visiting from a fair distance, back in the Whitetail Woods area. I thought I'd come see the Summer Sun Celebration for the first time, as I'd never seen one as a foal for...several reasons. And I must say, it's a very nice town you have here, very homey."  ^-^

You're talking too much again, Silver.  :/

"Oh, erm...yes. I noticed you have a woodworking shop when I browsed around earlier, it seemed quite handy place. I'll have to stop by there before I leave back for home. But I'll probably need to find a place to stay, what with this ghastly weather. Good thing this is an inn, eh?"  lol

Silver gave a hearty, booming laugh that seemed to fill the room with his merry spirit.

Idiot! Quit being so center-of-attention-ish!  >:O

Silver looked around and noticed the akward situation. Brushing a hoof on the ground, he quietly backed off again.

"Oh, erm...yes. I'll just...er...go now...nice meeting you..."  >.<
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Morning Glory on 2012 Jul 23, 21:46:59

White Lace watched as two more ponies entered. She was going to need Garnet and the other workers if she was going to keep servicing all these customers. She stepped forward and squinted at Juniper, then nodded. "Jus put the kettle on dear. It'll be a mo' still. Wasn't expectin' to need it."

Her good eye swung to Silver Flask. She looked him up and down and then moved back into the kitchen. She returned with another bowl of soup and placed it before him. "On the house. Ain't no kindnesses goin' ta go un-rewarded round here. I still got one keen eye left for spottin' good un's." She then placed a steaming muffin on his plate as well, from the rack on her back. She proceeded to pass out muffins to those that had paid.

She looked back to Juniper and Feather. "I'll find ye a blanket if I can." She turned to Coppershine, whom she had known since the miner pony was born. "Coppershine, mind the kettle now, would ya? I'll be back in a moment."


The snow flurries outside began to develop, coating the dry ground with a thin layer of white as it continued to fall. The stiff breeze rattled the shutters and howled down the chimney.

Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2012 Jul 23, 22:28:06
Quote from: Link on 2012 Jul 23, 21:45:46
With a relieved smile, Silver happily handed the unicorn his soup.

Turning to Juniper, Silver mentally prepared himself to be careful;
This is a resident, be careful, think before talking for once.

He was used to his brain chiding him like this, and he carefully digested it as he responded.

"Well...yes, I suppose you could say that. I'm visiting from a fair distance, back in the Whitetail Woods area. I thought I'd come see the Summer Sun Celebration for the first time, as I'd never seen one as a foal for...several reasons. And I must say, it's a very nice town you have here, very homey."  ^-^

You're talking too much again, Silver.  :/

"Oh, erm...yes. I noticed you have a woodworking shop when I browsed around earlier, it seemed quite handy place. I'll have to stop by there before I leave back for home. But I'll probably need to find a place to stay, what with this ghastly weather. Good thing this is an inn, eh?"  lol

Silver gave a hearty, booming laugh that seemed to fill the room with his merry spirit.

Idiot! Quit being so center-of-attention-ish!  >:O

Silver looked around and noticed the akward situation. Brushing a hoof on the ground, he quietly backed off again.

"Oh, erm...yes. I'll just...er...go now...nice meeting you..."  >.<
"Welcome to Silverdale then!" smiled Juniper as Feather carefully sipped some of the soup.  "You are quite welcome to come on over to my shop sometime, although with this weather," she glared out the window, "I might not be open for a little bit."

Quote from: Morning Glory on 2012 Jul 23, 21:46:59

White Lace watched as two more ponies entered. She was going to need Garnet and the other workers if she was going to keep servicing all these customers. She stepped forward and squinted at Juniper, then nodded. "Jus put the kettle on dear. It'll be a mo' still. Wasn't expectin' to need it."

Her good eye swung to Silver Flask. She looked him up and down and then moved back into the kitchen. She returned with another bowl of soup and placed it before him. "On the house. Ain't no kindnesses goin' ta go un-rewarded round here. I still got one keen eye left for spottin' good un's." She then placed a steaming muffin on his plate as well, from the rack on her back. She proceeded to pass out muffins to those that had paid.

She looked back to Juniper and Feather. "I'll find ye a blanket if I can." She turned to Coppershine, whom she had known since the miner pony was born. "Coppershine, mind the kettle now, would ya? I'll be back in a moment."


The snow flurries outside began to develop, coating the dry ground with a thin layer of white as it continued to fall. The stiff breeze rattled the shutters and howled down the chimney.

"Thank you kindly, Ms. ((?)) Lace.  Sorry for all the trouble."

She turned back to the stranger.  "How long do you plan to stay around?  Well, if the storm lets up anytime soon, that is.  If you were wondering, this isn't exactly a common event, weather-wise," she added, somewhat embarrassed for the sake of the town.

She didn't know why, but she felt friendly around this particular pony.  There was something about him that just made him stand out from the other travelers that had come in and out of the town.  ((maybe it's because I don't want enmity between PCs just yet :]))
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Link on 2012 Jul 24, 11:37:40
Glancing out the window himself, Silver frowned and nodded in agreement.

"I was planning to stay merely until the Celebration ended, but now with this weather, it seems I'm stuck for a while. I'm not one to risk a potential blizzard on the fli-...er...walk home."

Silver glanced around at the warm welcoming atmosphere of the inn, and smiled gratefully at White Lace as he saw his new bowl of soup placed on the table.

"Although, I don't think I'll mind it too much, it's a nice, cheery place here."  ^-^

Silver drifted into day-dreaming for a moment before snapping out of it.

"Oh, erm...yes. Where are my manners? Your name is Mrs. Blossom, isn't it? I believe I remember hearing your name among the shops in town while I enjoyed the festivities."

((Bah, even if you did turn him down he'd probably just akwardly mope away. Silver's not one to hold grudges or retaliate.  X3))
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2012 Jul 24, 14:09:48
Quote from: Link on 2012 Jul 24, 11:37:40
Glancing out the window himself, Silver frowned and nodded in agreement.

"I was planning to stay merely until the Celebration ended, but now with this weather, it seems I'm stuck for a while. I'm not one to risk a potential blizzard on the fli-...er...walk home."

Silver glanced around at the warm welcoming atmosphere of the inn, and smiled gratefully at White Lace as he saw his new bowl of soup placed on the table.

"Although, I don't think I'll mind it too much, it's a nice, cheery place here."  ^-^

Silver drifted into day-dreaming for a moment before snapping out of it.

"Oh, erm...yes. Where are my manners? Your name is Mrs. Blossom, isn't it? I believe I remember hearing your name among the shops in town while I enjoyed the festivities."

((Bah, even if you did turn him down he'd probably just akwardly mope away. Silver's not one to hold grudges or retaliate.  X3))
Juniper smiled and nodded partially.  "My, well, 'full' name outside Silverdale would probably be Juniper Blossom Scroll, but most around here just call me by my usual name."

And of course, it seemed an explanation was unnecessary.  Most travelers who came through the town knew of the town's little peculiarities, and having a unicorn husband take the last name of his Earth Pony wife was only to be expected.

"I do hope you safe journeys when the storm ends, and thank you very much for the soup.  The town might be small, but once you get yourself known, most are pretty friendly," she continued.  She adjusted a little so her husband could sip the soup more easily, then turned back to the new pony.  "Might I ask your name as well?"
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Link on 2012 Jul 24, 14:50:52
"Well, I'm happy to meet you Juniper. My name is Silver Flask, but I'm usually called Silver."  ^-^

He inwardly sighed with relief. That was close, way too close.

((Sorry about the short post...I just don't really know what else to say, plus I'm in a hurry to get somewhere... :P))

Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2012 Jul 24, 14:59:38
Quote from: Link on 2012 Jul 24, 14:50:52
"Well, I'm happy to meet you Juniper. My name is Silver Flask, but I'm usually called Silver."  ^-^

He inwardly sighed with relief. That was close, way too close.

((Sorry about the short post...I just don't really know what else to say, plus I'm in a hurry to get somewhere... :P))
((no problem x3  have a nice time doing whatever you need to get done x3))

Juniper smiled and offered a hoof.  "Nice to meet you, Silver!  Any particular business bring you to our little town?  It's nice to have you in any case."
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Link on 2012 Jul 24, 15:55:06
Silver gladly took Juniper's hoof and shook, eager to establish good relations with at least one of the town members in case he happened to misplace his cloak.

"I'm afraid there's no real reason for coming other than the Summer Sun Celebration. Although, I practice Herblore and potion making as my main profession, and I was hoping to get a sample of the towns' famous silver to conduct experiments on. I hear it's much more pure than normal silver, and I could probably make something useful out of it, for either medicinal or practical use."

With a suprised expression, Silver looked towards Feather.

"You know, I may have just the thing for someone with the chills, if you'd like to give it a try, Mr. Scroll. I perfected it myself, a wonderful combination of some surprisingly common herbs, and perfectly safe to try if you're interested."  ^-^

Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Chautauquan on 2012 Jul 24, 18:36:40
Dusty furrowed his brow.  Unusual weather could be any number of things, but none of them were going to be found out from inside the cozy lodge.  As Coppershine was called, he turned to Silverspark and said, simply, "Well, I'm off for a stroll.  Might as well get to experience the weather up close, no sense in letting a good storm go to waste!"  He grinned as he flopped his hat back on, and kept grinning as he headed towards the door, although it turned into more of a teeth-clenching grunt than a real smile as he pushed open the door and fought the wind until he could get outside, and get the door shut.

Outside, the clouds seemed... well, normal.  Except for the timing and the number, they looked just like ordinary storm clouds.  Looking for the horizon, the village seemed nearly whited out, with the snow blocking any details from the mountains.  However, Dusty didn't get anywhere by giving up easily, so he stood outside, straining his eyes for any evidence of reason for the sudden change in climate.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2012 Jul 24, 19:40:04
Quote from: Link on 2012 Jul 24, 15:55:06
Silver gladly took Juniper's hoof and shook, eager to establish good relations with at least one of the town members in case he happened to misplace his cloak.

"I'm afraid there's no real reason for coming other than the Summer Sun Celebration. Although, I practice Herblore and potion making as my main profession, and I was hoping to get a sample of the towns' famous silver to conduct experiments on. I hear it's much more pure than normal silver, and I could probably make something useful out of it, for either medicinal or practical use."

With a suprised expression, Silver looked towards Feather.

"You know, I may have just the thing for someone with the chills, if you'd like to give it a try, Mr. Scroll. I perfected it myself, a wonderful combination of some surprisingly common herbs, and perfectly safe to try if you're interested."  ^-^
The unicorn, running a fever but no longer shaking too badly, looked up and smiled.

"i-i would be quite willing to try if you offer, friend," he whispered before going into a mild coughing fit.

Juniper rubbed his back as best as she could, holding the bowl so that the soup didn't spill.  "Banish this weather," she muttered under her breath, shaking her head.  "Almost like it were some sort of evil that's TRYING to ruin Celestia's day."
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Link on 2012 Jul 24, 20:03:27
With a smile, Silver was off.
Reaching into his saddle-bags, he laid out all sorts of flasks and vials onto an empty spot on the table. Filling the vials with water, he carefully laid out a few different herbs into each vial, which began to react with the water. As the reaction proceeded, his practised hooves seemed to glide across the table, keeping just the right amount of fluid where it should be, and then combining two vials at just the right moment. The various herbs created a wonderful, down-to-earth smell, that seemed to fill the area with warmth and comfort.
When he was finished, Silver procured a small vial filled with a bright, colorful liquid in it. It seemed to sparkle with life as he gently handed it to the sick unicorn.

"This should help immensely, and I tastes pretty good too."  ^-^

His work finished, Silver whisked away his vials and herbs, returning them to his saddle-bag in an intstant. He then turned to Juniper.

"Yes, it is quite awful out there. You'd think there'd at least be some more Pegasi than usual to keep the skies clear for something as big as the Summer Sun Celebration."  :\
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2012 Jul 24, 20:32:07
Quote from: Link on 2012 Jul 24, 20:03:27
With a smile, Silver was off.
Reaching into his saddle-bags, he laid out all sorts of flasks and vials onto an empty spot on the table. Filling the vials with water, he carefully laid out a few different herbs into each vial, which began to react with the water. As the reaction proceeded, his practised hooves seemed to glide across the table, keeping just the right amount of fluid where it should be, and then combining two vials at just the right moment. The various herbs created a wonderful, down-to-earth smell, that seemed to fill the area with warmth and comfort.
When he was finished, Silver procured a small vial filled with a bright, colorful liquid in it. It seemed to sparkle with life as he gently handed it to the sick unicorn.

"This should help immensely, and I tastes pretty good too."  ^-^

His work finished, Silver whisked away his vials and herbs, returning them to his saddle-bag in an intstant. He then turned to Juniper.

"Yes, it is quite awful out there. You'd think there'd at least be some more Pegasi than usual to keep the skies clear for something as big as the Summer Sun Celebration."  :\
The unicorn sipped carefully, not letting any spill, and his fever began dying down almost immediately.  As he finished the vial, he looked at it curiously.

"Fascinating alchemical processes, the interaction between biological functions and minerology is quite original!  Although, I wonder if it could be integrated into non-alchemical systems of spell matrices..." he thought out loud to himself.

Juniper was talking with Silver.  "Well, the townsponies... prefer ponies similar to themselves, which might be one reason the weather here is not quite as controlled as elsewhere.  It's never been like this before, though.  Snow in the middle of summer!  It's an ill wind that blows to no good, as my Pa used to say back when I worked on the farm."  She turned to her husband.  "Now what are you going on about?  Something with your research or whatnot?"

"o-oh," stammered Feather, "n-nothing important, it's just, well, i suppose it could have something to do with my research, not that that's... important..."

He blushed deeply.  The past seven years adapting to the town, he had gotten used to being VERY humble and quiet about his research and talent, and to have it brought to the forefront of a conversation was somewhat embarrassing for him, especially as he had not had any chance for peer reviews for quite a while.  His natural shyness and quietness did nothing to help either, and he felt quite like a foal caught with his hoof in the cookie jar, despite the fact that outside Silverdale there would have been no reason to be quiet or embarrassed about his work.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Link on 2012 Jul 24, 21:02:38
Silver grinned with joy at the unicorn.

Someone who understands my work...albeit on a different level of science.

"What do you research Mr. Scroll? You seem quite intruiged by my little concoction there. It's actually quite simple; most of my herbs are grown and gathered right in the heart of Everfree, and anypony knows how magical that place gets. I wouldn't be suprised one bit if they get a little infused with magic in that place. Probably gives the potions their sparkle."

Silver seemed very pleased to discuss with the shy unicorn, not many ponys could see eye-to-eye with him, unless they were already gifted in alchemical arts. Strikingly similar to Zebras...
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2012 Jul 24, 21:22:51
Quote from: Link on 2012 Jul 24, 21:02:38
Silver grinned with joy at the unicorn.

Someone who understands my work...albeit on a different level of science.

"What do you research Mr. Scroll? You seem quite intruiged by my little concoction there. It's actually quite simple; most of my herbs are grown and gathered right in the heart of Everfree, and anypony knows how magical that place gets. I wouldn't be suprised one bit if they get a little infused with magic in that place. Probably gives the potions their sparkle."

Silver seemed very pleased to discuss with the shy unicorn, not many ponys could see eye-to-eye with him, unless they were already gifted in alchemical arts. Strikingly similar to Zebras...
The unicorn blushed deeper, but his eyes shone with enthusiasm that could almost be detected in his quiet voice.

"oh, well, mostly the interactions between various forms of magic through sigils and spell matrices.  it's fascinating that Everfree herbs have such potent alchemical energy stored within them, and the number of materials unique to the location is simply astounding to me.  I'd been thinking of going there sometime to research the effects of various Everfree plants and the Everfree itself on my spell-engine-matrices and runes... but as I've said, it's... not that important..."

He spoke quietly, not really wanting to brag too much, but unable to keep his excitement at finding a fellow scholar bottled up much longer.  Juniper just looked from one pony to the other, her head tilted at an angle that said she was completely lost amid the arcane facts and tidbits flying back and forth.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Link on 2012 Jul 24, 21:31:53
Silver listened eagerly to the unicorn with interest. Nodding and smiling as the other stallion spoke.

"That sounds fascintating Mr. Scroll! Sadly, I'm not as much into the magic aspect of the field mainly due to my lack of magic. Nonetheless, I find it a very interesting subject. If you'd like, sometime when this storm clears out, I can take you to the spot where my herbs are grown, the place has a funny feel around it, like the air is...thick. The even stranger part is, there's hardly any humidity to cause the air to be that way. The way the magic - I believe that's what it is, anyway - interacts with the way the plants grow would be closely related to your field of study."  ^-^

Silver quickly noticed Juniper's confusion and did a sort of a nervous laugh with an embarrased expression.

"Oh, erm...Sorry Mrs. Scroll. It seems I got a bit caught up in the conversation, I didn't mean to go rambling about my field. I've been told I talk too much sometimes."  X3

That's very true, so be quiet and let the couple get a word in, blabbermouth.   >:/

((The compulsions to respond to awesome RP - they burn!  lol))
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2012 Jul 24, 22:01:02
Quote from: Link on 2012 Jul 24, 21:31:53
Silver listened eagerly to the unicorn with interest. Nodding and smiling as the other stallion spoke.

"That sounds fascintating Mr. Scroll! Sadly, I'm not as much into the magic aspect of the field mainly due to my lack of magic. Nonetheless, I find it a very interesting subject. If you'd like, sometime when this storm clears out, I can take you to the spot where my herbs are grown, the place has a funny feel around it, like the air is...thick. The even stranger part is, there's hardly any humidity to cause the air to be that way. The way the magic - I believe that's what it is, anyway - interacts with the way the plants grow would be closely related to your field of study."  ^-^

Silver quickly noticed Juniper's confusion and did a sort of a nervous laugh with an embarrased expression.

"Oh, erm...Sorry Mrs. Scroll. It seems I got a bit caught up in the conversation, I didn't mean to go rambling about my field. I've been told I talk too much sometimes."  X3

That's very true, so be quiet and let the couple get a word in, blabbermouth.   >:/

((The compulsions to respond to awesome RP - they burn!  lol))
"i'd love to go with you sometime," smiled the scholar as he felt his forehead.  The fever seemed to have died down tremendously, though of course going outside was out of the question.

Juniper, for her part, just smiled and shook her head, chuckling.  "No no, it's fascinating to learn so much about such things.  It's certainly amazing to realize that there are such medical magics that don't even require being a unicorn to do.  I'm sure the townsponies would probably appreciate it if somepony could teach them.  But... they're usually not too keen on changes, or things they don't understand."

Feather nodded, his enthusiastic smile fading to a bittersweet smile, although he did not complain.  "perhaps they just need time to adjust to changes," he commented softly.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Link on 2012 Jul 24, 22:08:41
Silver nodded solemnly in agreement.

"I once knew a town that didn't like out of the ordinary things either, it...didn't end well. Apparently for them, getting used to something over time is a foreign term."

For half a moment, his cheery smile faded, his face grew darker and worried, and the past haunted this normally gleeful pony.

Quickly snapping out of it, he resumed grinning.

"But there's no reason to dwell on the past. It's all about what's to come and all that, eh?"

Trying to take his mind off the horrible thoughts that had crossed his mind, Silver resumed attention to Feather.

"It seems your fever has died down, that's a good sign at least. I deliberately didn't use my strongest stuff; sometimes it can be a bit of knock-out. If you feel worse, don't be afraid to give me a holler, I'd be happy to mix up another dose for you."  ^-^

Silver sat down nearby the couple and began attending to his fresh soup from White Lace, smiling with delight at the perfectly wonderful flavours it gave.

((alright, time for bed...too tired to type anymore... >.<))
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Star Striker on 2012 Jul 30, 00:24:50
The pinkish pegasus returned to her meal. She was determined to take notes on the prepared dinner dechipering the culinary coding as well as plain old eating it, and such. She was bothered by the weather. It was too weird even with pony-controlled weather clouds couldn't move in the fast, and for there to now be cold snow in summer's grip was too bizarre for even Sweet Dreams to stand for. She paid some attention to the other ponies nearby, especially when the frain unicorn and what she assumed would be his wife entered the shelter of the inn. Her attention was somewhat taken by that of an earth pony, granted he was doing something extraordinary with quick hooves and herbalism. She left them to their business, removing herself from her seat, and dropping a bundle of bits on the table to pay for what she had eaten, as well as covering a tip.

She trotted in a quick, lady-like fashion towards the entryway of the building. Peeking out the front windows. She didn't know much of the weather aside from a few things her mother had told her, but it was plain as day to see the weather pattern was strange. Sweet Dreams hummed to herself before approaching the other ponies. She'd caught a bit of their later conversation, magic without magic? Seemed weird to her. Then again... she once again looked out the window.

"Ahem, excuse me," The pegasus began, "But might any of you three know what in the hay is going on?" She asked, before beginning again. "I mean, I've not attended too many Summer Sun Celebrations, but I can certainly attest that this is beyond out of the ordinary, to say the least!" Sweet Dreams smiled somewhat embarrassed of herself for intruding upon the group.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Link on 2012 Jul 30, 09:31:37
In between sips of his soup, Silver noticed the pink pegasus approaching them, and immediately his mind went racing again.

Oh boy...a pegasus. I don't think I've met another one so close before, can they sense other pegasi? Oh please don't be able to do that....

Silver quickly hid a bit more under his cloak before the pegasus approached them. Nonetheless, he determined to put on his manners and a smile on his face for a friendly pony, regardless of risks.

"Oh, I certainly agree. The weather is awful lately. I've heard all sorts of rumors regarding it, but nopony seems entirely sure of the cause yet. I suppose most of us are stuck here in Silverdale until it lets up a bit; I'm certainly not making the trip to Whitetail woods under these conditions."

Silver, ask her name, you old goat.  >:/

Mentally wincing from what he liked to call the "old side" of his brain, he quickly re-adjusted his composure.

"Oh, I'm terribly sorry. I didn't catch your name miss...?"
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Morning Glory on 2012 Jul 30, 20:10:03
Coppershine had taken to the kitchen at White Lace's request. After searching for some time, she found some firewood piled in a corner. If the weather continued they would need the hearth lit. She loaded up several logs on her back and carried them out to the inn proper. She stacked them in the fireplace, one ear still listening for the kettle while the other paid some head to the earth pony talking to Juniper and Feather.

It seemed he was some sort of potion-maker. She was not very keen on witchcraft and alchemy, but it seemed to help Feather.

She was not sure where they might have a fire-starter. The town was readily supplied with flint to make strike-stones. Before she could look very much around the hearth she heard the kettle begin to whistle. Scurrying back to the kitchen, she promptly retrieved the hot water. She set the steaming kettle on the counter with a hotpad, then shouted up the stairs. "Lacey! The water's hot!"

She turned to the pink pegasus. Coppershine remembered hearing her compliment White Lace's cooking; she wasn't wrong, White Lace was a magician in the kitchen. Copper stepped forward and shook her head. "This is certainly not typical weather. It's not even this bad in winter." She tried to smile, but still looked worried. "Mayor Ironhoof will find out what's causing this, and he'll stop it." She seemed utterly confident in the mayor's abilities, just as all Silverdalians were.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Morning Glory on 2012 Jul 30, 20:18:14

White Lace returned with a heavy quilted blanket and an empty hot water bottle. "Thank ye Coppershine." She said as she placed the blanket on the ground and picked up the kettle. She then proceeded to fill the rubbery bag from the kettle in an impressive show of dexterity with hooves and mouth; not single drop of hot water was spilled. Corking the bottle, she brought both it, and the blanket to Feather. Her good eye passed over him, and she seemed surprised at his improved condition.


Outside, snow continued to fall. Ponies could be seen packing up tents and booths, squinting and shivering in the blizzard. Though there was a stiff breeze already, the rush of nipping cold that tore over the town sent most Silverdalians scattering. A blast of icy wind ripped down the street, sending decorations and baubles and anything that wasn't nailed down scattering across the road. Shutters rattled as the wind howled and the cold escalated, making it dangerous to stay out of doors without warm clothing.

Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2012 Jul 30, 21:22:34
Quote from: Morning Glory on 2012 Jul 30, 20:18:14

White Lace returned with a heavy quilted blanket and an empty hot water bottle. "Thank ye Coppershine." She said as she placed the blanket on the ground and picked up the kettle. She then proceeded to fill the rubbery bag from the kettle in an impressive show of dexterity with hooves and mouth; not single drop of hot water was spilled. Corking the bottle, she brought both it, and the blanket to Feather. Her good eye passed over him, and she seemed surprised at his improved condition.


Outside, snow continued to fall. Ponies could be seen packing up tents and booths, squinting and shivering in the blizzard. Though there was a stiff breeze already, the rush of nipping cold that tore over the town sent most Silverdalians scattering. A blast of icy wind ripped down the street, sending decorations and baubles and anything that wasn't nailed down scattering across the road. Shutters rattled as the wind howled and the cold escalated, making it dangerous to stay out of doors without warm clothing.

Feather gratefully received the help with a smile and a quiet "t-thank you very much!" as his wife continued feeling his forehead and glancing out the window every now and then.  She shook her head with disbelief and not a little bit of frustration each time the wind howled, muttering something about an "ill wind that blows to no good" and "weather that makes no sense".

Feather let his wife rant, not wanting to assert himself and too tired to try in any case.  Instead, he contented himself with taking a look around the tavern to re-familiarize himself with the interior.  The last time he was here was back when they needed a little wood-related remodeling, and the architecture and layout, especially with the chairs and paintings on the walls, had changed quite a bit since then.

For a town that prided itself on how constant its surroundings and ponies were, there was actually some change every now and then, easily missed by outsiders, but noticeable to some ponies, especially somepony who had little better to do during conversations on a day-to-day basis than stand back quietly and look down at the floor or at his surroundings.  He was fond of noting new paint lines or decorations, though he kept his thoughts to himself.  It was, to him, during his long years branded as an "outsider" and a "sorcerer" a certain sort of hopeful sign that perhaps one day his situation would change and he would be accepted into the society.  Even now, he smiled to himself, a little change every now and then meant that perhaps good things like medical alchemy could perhaps come to even insular Silverdale.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Star Striker on 2012 Jul 30, 22:00:38
Sweet Dreams raised a brow curiosuly at Silver Flask. "I havn't heard anything about this atrocious wind myself, but I suppose it's to be expected." She laughed a little bit, though she was still somewhat worried. "I wasn't really planning on leaving all that soon, anyhow... but I was at least hoping to venture about, if I could." The pegasus pawed the ground complaintantly before snapping back to attention. "Oh, my name? Ahaha how silly of me. My name is Sweet Dreams, from canterlot." She said extending a hoof to the stranger. "What can I call you?"

Upon anothers voice, the pegasus curiously raised her ears. "I doubt it's like this anywhere in equestria, really."The pegasus laughed, again in a nervous fashion. "The mayor? Well, I suppose if anypony was to do somethin' about it a mayor would be the best choice." She nodded quickly at the end of her statement, confidently enough, though inwardly the pony was drastically confused and on edge from the weathers change. Maybe it was in a pegasus' nature to be cautious of strange phenomenon, but either way she couldn't make heads or tails of freak weather patterns.

Sweet Dreams stared out the window, for a short time just in an observational state inside the warmth of the inn the cold of outside was obscured and not noticable to her. Though the sounds of thrashing wind was still distinguishable. It was when some festive decorations were tossed by the window that Sweet Dreams snapped out of her thoughts and stepped back from where she was standing, her wings fluffing up from the surprise of it. "It sure is getting ferocious out there, hope that fellow can figure somethin' out quickly."
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Link on 2012 Jul 31, 10:49:30
With a sigh of relief, some of Silver's previous fears had gone. Nevertheless, he was determined to be on his guard; he was finally being accepted! Silver was prepared to do what he had to in order to keep his identity as a pegasus hidden from them.

She's from Canterlot eh? And what luck! She doesn't seem to be such a loud-mouthed snook like all the other Canterlot stereotypes.

"I'm pleased to meet you, Miss Dreams."
Silver took her hoof and heartily shook it. Even on his best behavior that he used on ponies older than him, he had to try his hardest to keep the more hyper side of his personality in check.
"I go by the name of Silver Flask."

Looking outside as Sweet Dreams had, his eyes widened at the sight of the storm, it seems it had gone from a nice snow flurry to what could nearly be called a blizzard.

"So it is. The storm seems to have gotten much worse in the short time I've been talking here. Hopefully nopony else will be in harms way of the cold."

The very thought sent shivers through his body, and he quickly, regained control of his wings before they revealed themselves hiding under his cloak. Silver carefully took another sip of his soup to calm his nerves.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Morning Glory on 2012 Jul 31, 15:10:16
Copper pointed to the large aged painting sitting over the fireplace. It depicted a massive, iron-colored stallion. He wore a silver medal on a red ribbon around his neck, and his dark mane was neatly combed for a truly stately picture. "His family has led Silverdale for generations. There's no finer mayor and no one more committed to the safety and prosperity of our town." She spoke like she was reading a passage from a book.

Coppershine swept her eyes around the room. It looked like everypony was taken care of. Her gaze returned to the windows, watching the angry storm slap a bundle of streamers against the building. The bright colors seemed out of place in the blinding white snowstorm.

"We'd best close the shutters. We'll have broken windows if this keeps up." She moved back to her seat and looked through her bags. She had no warm clothing with her (it was summer after all), but she did have her rain slicker. She pulled it on, at least hoping to keep the snow off her fur, and then headed out the door.

Through the window she could be seen unhooking the shutters and struggling against the gale to push them over the windows. Her mane whipped in her face and the cold made her shiver instantly.  She would be unable to finish the job without help.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Chautauquan on 2012 Jul 31, 21:58:33
The figure returning to the inn might well have been mistaken for a snow pony, considering the volume of powder which had collected both on the front and back of him.  Dusty had wandered about the town, stubbornly pushing into the wind, thinking that it must be the source of the current blizzard, and returned with the wind at his back, leading to an almost full cover of snow due to the wind whipping about.
He paused for a moment indoors before heading back outside to shake himself off, returning inside with mane and tail soaked and heavy.  He tried to avoid the stares of the patrons while heading back to the counter where Coppershine was now tending shop, apparently.  Noting the conversation already in place, he settled in nearby, waiting for the opportune moment to cut in with his discoveries from outside.

Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Link on 2012 Jul 31, 22:12:33
With the recent influx of passers-by in the inn, Silver contented himself to resume his pony-watching.

That interesting scholar pony seemed to be at the front desk again, and he had obviously gotten a little more than a small whiff of the snow outside.
With a small huff of irritation at the inconvenient weather, Silver sipped on his soup. Glancing over to Feather, he smiled with relief upon seeing the unicorn looking much better than he had before; still with a slight chill, but nothing serious.

It looks like I've still got the old cold medicine recipe memorized. That's a relief.

Laying back in his seat, Silver hummed a song to himself, content to simply sit in the inn and wait out the storm with all these friendly ponies.

Maybe they wouldn't mind my wings as much as I thought...

He sipped up the last of his soup, and pulled his hood back over his head to keep his ears warm; all these ponies going in and out would give him a chill next.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Star Striker on 2012 Jul 31, 22:28:51
Miss Dreams... the pegasus found herself smirking a bit. Being called miss almost always made her feel important.
"Well,it's a pleasure to meet you, Silver Flask." She wasn't a terribley snooty little pony. An average ammount of snoot, at least. Still the pegasus loved to get in on gossip, and would turn her nose up at certain things, but for the most part she was raised to be considerate and friendly. At Coppershine's description of the mayor, Dreams raised a brow, and smiled. Impressive to say the least, Mayor Ironhoof sounded like a very capeable individual.

"It's quite fortunate to have a mayor like that..." She said, peering again out the windows. She watched as Coppershine exited the doors, and as another pony entered. He almost looked like some sort of windigoe... if not for the obvious pony stature. Sweet Dreams shuddered as some more of outsides gusts blew past her. This was simply awful.

"The wind sure got you quite well, huh?" She asked, glancing at the snowy pony. "Can't say I've ever seen somepony get that badly coated in snow." She almost laughed, but her concern outweighed her attempts at humor.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Link on 2012 Jul 31, 22:37:26
Silver slightly noticed Sweet Dreams' smirk, but paid no further thought to it. Once again turning his attention to Dusty the Snowman ((I had to  lol)), he looked around for something spicy or peppery.

I hope he doesn't have a cold from that. If he starts to sneeze he'll definitely need something. There's got to be some pepper or something around this place, and it'd make a perfect substitute for the QuickBurn herb. Oh, and I'll need to find him some water too. But then I'd best wait until I know whether he's alright or not; these earth ponies seem to be very resistant to the elements.

Giving a tired afternoon yawn in his chair, Silver continued mentally creating cures and pick-me-ups for any illnesses that might show up due to a cold climate.
Every now and then, he cast a concerned glance out the window, barely able to see the slightest bit due to the glistening white as it blew against the panes.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Chautauquan on 2012 Aug 02, 02:05:17
Attention was actually what Dusty had been currying, earlier, an attempt to get attention in order to give attention.... appropriately.  Stories could only be heard when stories were told, so there was much exchanging to do.  He turned back and forth 'twixt the two ponies about him, while also taking care to project just loudly that Miss Coppershine could hear from where he assumed she was, back in the kitchen.

He chuckled, although it was only half-hearted, and began his tale.  "Well, I've got some good news, and I've got some bad news.  I'm not sure which you want first, so I'll just say it.  The clouds, the snow, the storm... It's completely and absolutely normal!"  He continued, getting slightly more frustrated.  "Tastes fine, feels fine, normal normal normal normal.  The only thing that isn't normal is that it's the Summer Sun Celebration, not Hearths' Warming Eve.  I'm flummoxed."

Finally looking up from the table, he noticed the mare outside struggling against the wind, and quickly responded, turning to those who were listening with a quick, "Sorry, but I'd best be going," and rushing outside to help however he could.  It wasn't kind weather, and he hoped to keep others out of it as much as possible.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: MasterMustang on 2012 Aug 05, 12:38:31
(OOC: Hello everyone, I'm new to RP and tend to work 2nd shifts so if I am doing anyrhing wrong or am inactive just pm.  I will be on every morning and night if I can.  Looking forward to some adventures with you all ^^)

The roar of the wind suddenly could be heard louder and louder as the front door of the Trot On Inn began to creak open.  Enters a pony dressed in a white and black kimono like robe and a snow covered straw hat.  One can see the long layered jet black ponytailed mane of the visitor under the hat.  His face is hidden behind a black scarf.  The pony shakes off the snow on their hat and closes the door.  The pony walks up to the reception desk and rings the service bell.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Star Striker on 2012 Aug 05, 19:59:18
This was normal weather activity? Out of all the possible things like sudden frosty hurricane... or horrible ice monsters or even jsut a bunch of pegasi playing a trick on well... the whole town, this pony said the phenomenon was normal. Sweet Dreams stamped the ground, more or less without realising she had done so before making a nicker-like sound and looking out a nearby window, grumpily at that.
"Are you serious? Are you a weather pony? Cos I can't see how that stuff is normal for any season... outside of, well, winter!" The pegasus trotted towards a window and stare out it a few momments before turning back to the stranger. "Erm, so.. what's the good newssso..oh!" Sweet Dreams looked at the figure outside as the earth pony left the building. With her wings tucked at her sides the pegasus slowly began to walk towards the doorway, perhaps that other lady pony needed more assitance, and well, everyone here was flightless. She just got to tthe door when someone new entered in from outside, causing Sweet Dreams to flap her wings from the surprise of it. "Ah, aa.. apologies I didn't mean to, er, yell." She said, before walking outside, wings tucked defensively at her sides as she prepared for the gusty winds once more.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Morning Glory on 2012 Aug 07, 03:11:17
Coppershine hauled on one side of the shutters, but could not force both halves together long enough to latch them. She yanked on them for several minutes, stretching to grab hold of the far shutter. Grunting in frustration, she flopped back in the snow. She had just raised her back legs to buck the darned things shut, she saw Dusty.

She quickly started to yell over the wind, but the words were lost. It would be difficult to hear, but if Dusty had missed her instructions, he would have at least seen her gesturing it each shutter, to her herself, and back to Dusty.

Finally, with a second pony to help, the shutters banged together long enough for Coppershine to latch them. With a sigh she eagerly pointed for them to go back inside. The cold had sunk deep under her skin, and she shivered with each step as she pulled the door to the Trot On Inn. She took one step and bumped into the new colt that had arrived. She moved a little too quick trying to get out of the way and tripped over the hem of her coat. "Oof!" Her heavy form thudded to the floor just past the threshold.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Morning Glory on 2012 Aug 07, 03:47:02

Outside the Inn, if one squinted down the street, they would see an odd shape. Flashes of yellow could be made out though the flurries of snow. It rapidly grew larger and a round dome could be made out. Before the inn stood Silverspark, and over his back, a very tired looking old unicorn lay covered in a blanket. His horn sparkled a sunny yellow. It was Tinkertoy, the owner of the toyshop. They weren't alone, either.

A golden stallion barged in, stomping over Coppershine and shoving past Brew. He tossed his snow white mane dramatically as he entered, showing off his handsome features. "Fear not, Goldenglow is here!"

He spotted Juniper and dashed to her side. "My lady! Sunflower of Equestria! Goldenglow will rescue you! You need not rely on this frail little horn-head!" He jabbed a hoof at Feather. "I am the strongest, smartest, bravest, and most handsome stallion in all of Silverdale and I will not let this storm frighten you!"

His eyes landed on Sweet Dreams, and he rushed forward. "Worry no longer, fair lady! I will see you through this storm. Shed no tears, my sweet songbird, for I will halt this hideous blizzard-" He turned to gesture out the door, where the storm still raged "-if only to see you smile!"

His gaze dropped to Coppershine as he looked in her direction, still sprawled by the door and he bolted over. "Coppershine, my sunbeam! Whatever happened to you?" He glared at Silverspark, who now stood over her, trying to help her up. "Really Silverspark, knocking over a fair filly? Do not be so clumsy you oaf!"

He grasped her hooves and yanked her up into an embrace. He seemed to have completely forgotten Sweet Dreams and Juniper. "My dearest Coppershine, stifle your fear, for I am here to rescue you from this nightmarish weather."  He swept a hoof over to Silverspark, who still carried Tinkertoy. "You see, I knew the unicorn could keep the snow at bay. I carried him here, through the raging wind and freezing snow- I would not rest, I had to know you were safe! His magic will block the cold and I will lead you to safety! Oh the cleverness of me!"

Silverspark could be seen glowering beside the door. "You-you didn't think to ask Tinker! It was my idea! And I was the one wh-"

Goldenglow cut him off. "Come now, my darling, my dearest. Together we will escape!"

Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Link on 2012 Aug 07, 08:54:03
Almost invisible, Silver Flask sat once again in his corner, hooded and cloaked as his bright eyes glinted in the firelight.
As a strange pony with an interesting hat trotted into the inn, Silver raised an eyebrow in surprise.
The stallion's dress and hat gave away an Oriental up-bringing, but he didn't have one of their faces, and he seemed merely a bit older than Silver. Silver had head of these types of ponies before from the zebras; strong, bold, courageous, and usually very wise. He decided to approach this pony when the chance arises to ask him about it.
Before he had a chance to consider it further, he noticed that mayor pony and a unicorn he didn't recognize.

Oh dear, even more victims of this awful weather...I doubt any one unicorns magic can lift an entire storm though...

As the doors of the busy inn burst open once again, Silver nearly burst out laughing from the spot he sat. This stallion seemed to be more full of himself than blood or bones. It took a large amount of will-power to not speak to the arrogant old sap where he stood, and Silver rolled his eyes in annoyance as he flirted with the nearby mares.
Taking his mind off the entire matter, Silver sat in his corner and starting brewing an extra flask or two of his anti-cold potions; they'd probably be useful before this storm let up.
From the corner, a small whiff of steam rose before disappearing, and a quiet bubble came as he carefully ground the small plants together and placed them in the water-filled vials. The entire procedure gave off a peppery, minty smell.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: MasterMustang on 2012 Aug 07, 09:35:14
Young stallion was moderately annoyed by Goldenglows rudeness and arrogance.  Fool  However he keeps his composure and turns to Goldenglow.  "I am terribly sorry for bumping into you sir" he lies for the sake of be curtious.  He then turns back to the reception desk and rings the bell just one more time.  He is in no rush to get a room but he would like some rest.  The travel here, not to mention the storm, took a lot of his strength to manage even with all his training.  I do hope everypony is indoors by now.  This storm is so strange.  His master used to tell him stories of such strange weather and phenomenon but he has actually never seen such... oddities.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2012 Aug 07, 14:49:54
Juniper shot Goldenglow a look that would have curdled fresh milk, and went back to tending to her beloved's health.  She also gave a look of concern at Tinkertoy, but it was only after Feather gently reassured her that he would be fine that she got up to help Silverspark with his burden.

The town was quite a place, if one knew the locals well enough.  Goldenglow, however, braggart and marvel of the dale, was quite something else, and his abrasive personality was something that nearly got him hurt more than once when he tried wooing Juniper in the presence of Pa.  Pa really didn't appreciate that, gentle though he normally was.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Star Striker on 2012 Aug 07, 21:37:58
"Ah.. are you alright?" Sweet Dreams asked, as Coppershine thumped onto the ground. As she went to offer a hoof, a rather... galliant fellow entered the room. She stepped away from the mare, making room for the larger stallion as he boasted his... excellence to the crowd at the inn. He did look impressive to her, but his arrogance left her feeling awkward for pretty much everypony there. She tried not to say anything, or do anything, but the mare's mouth was left agape at his behaviour.

When the stallion rushed nearside her the pegasus' wings flared up and she stuttered out a "Um... I'll... try not to cry?" Perhaps he was an actor of sorts. The way he was acting could certainly rival that of some of the community plays she'd watched back home. As he darted towards the fallen mare, Sweet Dreams flapped her wings twice, before settling them at her sides, and slipping away to a nearby table to regain herself, and relax. She was the procession as it played out. That Silverspark pony had been at the inn earlier. But the Unicorn was a new face to behold. She perked her ears up to the older pony.

"Um, sir, do yu by any chance have any spells that may trump this awful cold?" She asked, "Or any spells of sorts that could combat the weather entirely?" Sweet Dreams looked at him curiously. His age at least suggested he was a gifted magician, but she could really only hope.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: MasterMustang on 2012 Aug 07, 23:13:36
The young mysterious stallion waits patiently at the service desk but his ring was without answer.  No problem, I guess they must be terribly busy.    He goes to the farthest corner of the lobby and sits next a window walking past Silver glancing at him for a second.  He sits quietly looking out the window.  Even though it is perilous outside, the snow fall reminds him of his childhood training in Coltrea... they were the toughest but the best years of his life.  Training in the snow... snowball fights with friends... His favorite thing to do in winter was just to sit outside and watch the snow fall... the beauty of everything once covered by a cool white blanket... on days like those he was completely at peace...
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Chautauquan on 2012 Aug 07, 23:32:01
After having melted slightly indoors, and then having gone outside again to help tend to the shutters, Dusty was thoroughly both cold and wet.  He hastened (to the extent he felt comfortable in doing so) back inside, and found himself catching the tail end of a closing door as he came in right behind the duo of stallions.  He felt immediate concern for the poor unicorn draped over Silverspark, as well as gratitude and respect for Silverspark in his tending to his neighbor.

But then there was the newcomer.  Wasn't too hard to catch the name, nor could he really miss out on the apparent grandeur of this supposed hero.  He simply blinked a couple of times just after closing the door, trying to figure out whether it was just some ridiculous joke, or an attempt to rouse the spirits of those in the Inn, or just good old-fashioned hubris.  Either way, Dusty was tiring from his snowy jaunts, and with his good sense wearing thin already, he simply started laughing.  It started rather pitifully, at first, as he was still shaking off the cold, but it grew with time to a hearty roar from the belly, and Dusty himself wasn't certain whether the water running down his face was snowmelt or tears.  "You--you--thought you--bahahah!"  He tried to control himself, but realizing it was a battle long lost, he thought it safer, and kinder (if less genteel) to continue his raucous uproar, instead of the giving lecture he would have given in another time.

He tried to compose himself, to restore some sense of dignity (not that he really had any left after the events of the day) by straightening up and forcing himself to remain serious, but the attempt was futile, lasting all of five seconds before he was bellowing again.  It was comforting and warm, and Dusty justified his lack of decorum by allowing himself the idea that he was too cold to know any better.  Aside from a few hoof gestures (which were also mostly unintelligible) he kept to himself by the doorway, slowing trying to quiet himself from his most recent outburst.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: MasterMustang on 2012 Aug 08, 00:11:39
The mysterious stallion looks towards the doorway at the laughing pony after he quiets down.  He tilts his head in confusion and then back to his window... "Shows no sign of letting up yet..." he says, mainly talking to himself.  He does that sometimes.  His master once told him "remember young one, some of the most enlightening coversations tend to be with ourselves."  His master's words ring in his mind.  Words then form pictures... then memories play through his mind.  I wonder how Master Ki Bon Sul is doing...
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Morning Glory on 2012 Aug 08, 02:13:35
Smothered under the foreleg of the boasting stallion, Coppershine said nothing, unable to find her feet. Instead she hung in Goldenglow's grasp for a while, stunned and confused. She then seemed to come to her senses and shook her head frantically and groaned, quietly whispering "Oh no, oh no no no!"

Her hooves flailed as she tried to escape. In a last ditch effort, she popped out of her coat, leaving Goldenglow holding nothing but the damp fabric. At last landing her hind feet on the floor, she desperately shoved his body away from hers and beat a hasty retreat over to Dusty and Silverspark.

Catching her breath, she spoke. "Sparky! What is he doing here?" Her eyes then looked down to Tinkertoy. The old stallion had been gently placed on the floor by the silver colt.  Lowering herself to the ground, she pulled the blanket around him more firmly. She knew Tinker was becoming frail in his old age. Her ears perked at the words of the pegasus mare. "Mr.Tinker, you've got a magic spell to repel the cold?"

As her hoof brushed his foreleg  securing the blanket, she jumped. Tinker's fur was freezing cold. "Where's the kettle? You need a warm drink..."
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Morning Glory on 2012 Aug 08, 02:34:27

Silverspark looked to Dusty as Goldenglow went swanning about the Inn, clutching Coppershine. There was nothing he found particularly funny about Goldenglow. And poor Copper...

At last she was free. As she approached he spoke. "Sorry! I didn't invite him! I said I was going out to look for folk and he insisted on coming along."

Looking up, Silverspark raised his voice. "Everypony! Mayor Ironhoof has declared a state of emergency. Everyone is to gather at Town Hall. There we have provisions, blankets, and plenty of firewood. Gather what you need and Tinkertoy will make sure we arrive safely. He can block the snow and wind, but not so much the cold. Everypony should bundle up" He gestured to the weary old stallion, who nodded blearily.

He looked to Coppershine. "We could also use some of the supplies here. More blankets and as much food as we can carry. Oh! And candles! If you grab the blankets, I'll talk to Lacey about any stores she has here." He then headed into the kitchen.


Meanwhile, Goldenglow had become distracted by his reflection in the now darkened window. It was no surprise- an ornate mirror emblazoned his flank as a cutie-mark. As Silverspark spoke, he rolled his eyes. He hated when Silverspark paraded around, telling everypony what to do. He never understood why they even listened.

Noticing the soup sitting at what had been Dusty and Coppershine's table, he glanced around, then eagerly gulped down the bowl. Licking his lips, he nabbed up the last of the bread as well. Very pleased with himself, he then set his sights back on Sweet Dreams, since Coppershine was hanging around near Silver.

He approached with a swagger that could rival a rooster any day. "So, oh fairest of fillies, what are you doing all alone in Silverdale?" He gestured to her wings. "You must be far from home. Are you lost?"

Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2012 Aug 08, 11:28:53
Juniper looked worriedly at all the ponies in the tavern, especially at her husband and old Tinker.  The old stallion was already freezing, and Feather was running a fever not half an hour ago.  Still, she went to Coppershine and asked, "Is there some way I can help with things?  Boiling water, getting supplies?  I'm afraid to leave Feather alone, though..."

Feather said nothing, though he shrank back when Goldenglow charged through the door and flooded the place with cold air.  He wrapped the blanket around himself and clutched the hot water-bottle to his chest, shivering a little.  He wondered if he would need a few more bottles of that potion Silver had given him.  If he didn't get more blankets before going out in that blizzard, it was a near certainty he would be seriously ill and might even faint ((can't say die here x3)) before getting to the Town Hall.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Link on 2012 Aug 08, 11:45:35
Getting straight to business at Silverspark's words, Silver Flask stood up, fastened his cloak, and loaded his saddle bags with the fresh brews. Taking note of Dusty and Feather, he handed each of them a flask, and tosses a ground-up herb into it, gently feeding some to Dusty to help him regain his senses.

"There's plenty more where that came from, don't hesitate to call me if you're feeling chills or faint on the way, no point in taking risks in this weather. I added an extra sample of Quickburn to the potion to give it some 'oomph'. It should keep you warm on the way to the Town Hall."

Trotting over to the other end of the Inn, Silver tossed his hood back over his head and prepared to follow Silverspark, before approaching the other stallion to speak to him before everyone left.

"Er, hello. I'm sure you're very busy sir, but I have some potions here that counteract the cold very well. I'm running low on herbs, but I should have enough to keep everyone safe on the way to the Town Hall. Can you please let me know if anyone seems to be more affected than normal by the cold?"

Silver nervously pawed the ground awaiting a response, seemingly shrinking under the bigger stallion's size. 
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2012 Aug 08, 12:03:11
Feather gratefully accepted the flask, but refrained from sipping just yet.  He had a feeling he would desperately need it very soon, and didn't want to waste it while still inside of a shelter.  There would be plenty of sipping once they got outside.

Juniper saw the gesture and gave a thankful smile to Silver before turning back to Copper.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: MasterMustang on 2012 Aug 08, 13:35:37
The mysterious stallion gets up slowly and walks to the doors.

"I volunteer to leave last just in case anypony lags behind" He says to everypony.

He stands quietly waiting...
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Link on 2012 Aug 08, 16:28:39
((Sorry if my wording was off, Master Mustang. Silver Flask was talking to Silverpsark at the time, he's not yet introduced himself to your pony. Sorry for the confusion.  X3))
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Star Striker on 2012 Aug 08, 16:31:04
Well, it was good to know that they would at least be able to walk outside, even if it were still going to be a terrible cold about it. There was comfort with that, albeit there was still nervousness. The old unicorn looked tired from his endeavor, if anything.  She'd have to go back to her room if she were to go out, since knowing the cold would still be fierce even a light summer jacket would be a comfort.

Let's see... I must gather my jacket, my saddlebags if I'm to carry anything... and I guess the blanket, Stallion, lantern, muscle-- She blinked twice, shaking her head, breaking her now derailed train of thought as Goldenglow approached.  The Pegasus took in his words, and then shook her head.

"Lost?" She found herself chuckling a little.  "On, no no no. I'm not lost. On a vacation of sorts,"She nudged her head towards the windows. "Though you'd never really know I was." It made her smile a bit, though it was a somewhat disheartened one.  "Though, um, if you'll excuse me I simply must get back to my room. I've a few things to get before I go anywhere, and I don't want to dawdle." She said, and nodded her head to the brash stallion, before standing up and stepping from her chair. Luckily her room was on the first floor of the inn.

After a short walk back to her room, the Pegasus pushed open the door. The room was cold, and there was snow nearside the window, and spattered about the room. She clamped her wings at her side, shuddering slightly. "Oh, well, this is just fantastic." She chattered to herself, her jaws clicking together from the temperature. She began moving about the room somewhat rigidly, gathering her saddlebags and placing them over herself. They brought with them more cold as they fell over her. Her jacket, she could only imagine would be just as cold, but gathered it from her dresser anyway. Her final objective was to close the window to the room, if anything to keep more snow from coming in for the sake of the innkeepers. It was a bit of a struggle just dealing with the cold, let alone the windy gusts that went along with it. In the end she wasn't able to close the window all the way, leaving a slight opening that wind and snow continued to use to sneak inside. She huffed, shivering some as she backed from the window, gathering up the rooms lantern as she went. From there she quickly left the room, before slipping back into the group of ponies.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: MasterMustang on 2012 Aug 08, 21:07:04
Quote from: Link on 2012 Aug 08, 16:28:39
((Sorry if my wording was off, Master Mustang. Silver Flask was talking to Silverpsark at the time, he's not yet introduced himself to your pony. Sorry for the confusion.  X3))

(OH, my bad.  Forget the first part then k?)
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Morning Glory on 2012 Aug 08, 21:59:45
Coppershine looked to Juniper as she turned to head up the stairs. It was reassuring to have a helping hoof offered. "Hmm...Juniper, could you try to find as many candles as possible? I think we'll need them. There should be some around here on the ground floor- maybe in the kitchen or the pantry. You wont be too far from Feather then. Oh! While you're in the pantry, see if there's any empty sacks. I want to carry some food and firewood to Town Hall if we can." She moved to head up the stairs, then paused. "Oh and thank you."

She then followed Sweet Dreams up to the next floor and shut the door behind them to discourage Goldenglow from following. Once there she found the linen closet and piled up folded blankets on her back. She also grabbed some twine and a container of safety pins. Jogging along the corridor, she stepped into each room, grabbing the blankets off the bed. She soon had a sizable stack. Rushing back down the stairs, she deposited her find.

"We'll need to keep warm. I think we can turn some of the blankets into makeshift cloaks with these." She help up the pins.

Glancing to the clock on the wall, she realized night was approaching. They would need lamps to see in the snow anyways. She headed over to her table and rummaged in her pack. She had a lantern and a flint and steel to light it, but it was low on oil. "The Hall could probably use some of that as well. It would be in the cellar..." She spoke out loud to herself.

"We'll need oil for lamps. I'm heading to the cellar. There might be more food down there as well. Can anypony help?"
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2012 Aug 08, 22:28:15
"No problem, Copper," said Juniper with a smile, then quickly got to work.  She helped Feather nearer to the kitchen to keep an eye on him, then went into the pantry looking for candles and sacks.  She found a decent supply of candles, though she was afraid it might not be enough for lasting the blizzard if it was bad.  Looking around, Juniper also patted each bag strewn around, then picked them up with her teeth and threw them over her back if they were empty.  About fifteen minutes later, she came out carrying a good number of bags and candles.

She carefully put the candles aside so they would not break, then lay the bags on the floor out of the way but easily reachable.

When she finished, she went back to tend to Feather, but looked up in case nopony else was willing to go down into the cellar.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: MasterMustang on 2012 Aug 08, 23:19:18
The stranger pony walks over to Juniper.  His face and body still hidden except for his amber eyes and long black pony-tailed mane.  He looks rather intimidating but it's just his garments.  "Do you require assistance in the celler?" he asks bluntly.  He sets his gear down on the nearest table.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2012 Aug 08, 23:24:49
Juniper looked up at the stranger in surprise, then quickly recovered.  "If nopony else volunteers to try going with Copper, I think help would be greatly appreciated," she said with a smile.  "Thank you very much for your offer."

She had a small dislike for strangers like most others in town, but a combination of having a unicorn husband, growing up surrounded by strong stallions, and simply being herself made it easier for her to be at ease around ponies that others would consider intimidating.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Chautauquan on 2012 Aug 09, 00:44:26
Dusty eventually regained his composure, and decided to engage in the business of helping out about the inn as best he could.  Being at the door, he conveniently meandered his way past the mirror, and decided to work in a little bit of his own magic... a goading, of sorts.  "Well, I reckon this feller was just getting ready to jump on that helping out.  In fact, best let he and myself take care of it.  He's strong enough for three, and I'll manage as his assistant.  Isn't that right, sir?"  If narcissism was to be engaged in, at least it could be put to use.  "After all, wouldn't want the fillies doing the heavy lifting when there's a good, strong stallion about.  That would be just plain dishonorable!"
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: MasterMustang on 2012 Aug 09, 01:33:03
The stranger looks back at Dusty with a stern look in his eyes but then to the entry to the cellar.  He takes a candle and lites it so that he may see down in the cellar.  "A wise pony once told me that a honorable pony is not only noble in his actions... but modest in his words" he says as he begins down the cellar steps.  "If anypony wishes to join me they are welcome."  It is very dark, no windows.  The candle provides just enough light to investigate.  The stranger searches diligently for the lantern oil.  He comes across a stray jar of oil on a shelf but that is all he can see in plain sight.  The others must be hiding.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Star Striker on 2012 Aug 10, 19:42:58
The pink pony deposited her collected up items onto a table in the main room where everypony had been waiting in. She decided to put on her jacket before somepony decided to move the group out. manuevering her wings to fit through prepared holes in the jacket she was ready. For, well, when it was time to go. In the mean time preparations needed to be taken, and so she like a few others opted to go down into the cellar.

"I'll come along~" The pegasus chirped as she followed after the stallion and other mare, flapping her wings a bit to better position them. "So we're just looking for oil down here, hm?" She said, as she began decending down the steps, trying her best not to bump into anypony else. It was definately dim down here, and she was lucky not to step on other ponies hooves. She looked over the shoulder of the stallion. "Is that all of it? One bottle wont last all that long." She stepped away from him squiting her eyes to see. It was times like this she wished she was a unicorn.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Morning Glory on 2012 Aug 10, 22:12:05
Coppershine took a few of the bags Juniper had found and nodded to her. "Perfect. I'll see what we find down there and load them up."

Copper was last down the stairs. She blinked her eyes wide, and carefully maneuvered down the stairs, her wide hooves clunking loudly on the wood. "There's a light down here somewhere..." Once she felt the stone floor underfoot she tiptoed to the near wall. Fumbling around, she found a mounted lamp and turned the dial. Slowly the lamp came to life, and the cellar was illuminated. It was still dim, but at least now they could see.

"I'm sure they have more than one bottle down here. I know the bottles are shipped in crates marked with red circles. Take a look. A whole crate would last us a good long time."

She would let the pegasus and the stallion look for oil while she gathered supplies. She strolled up and down the wooden shelves erected in the cellar to hold the goods. She found a burlap sack of potatoes and grabbed it up, slinging it over her back with a grunt. Several glass jars of peaches and tin cans of green beans were stacked in an empty crate. She also loaded several heavy logs into two of the bags Juniper had found. Knotting the openings of the bulging bags together, she was able to hang them over her broad shoulders.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: MasterMustang on 2012 Aug 11, 01:49:22
The stallion finds a crate containing the oil for the lamps; its about 3/4 full.  He grabs an empty sack and proceeds to pack as many as can carefully.  He looks back at the other ponies after he fills a second bag.  "I need an extra hoof to carry all of these" he says.  There are about 2 more sacks full of oil jars.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Chautauquan on 2012 Aug 11, 13:28:52
Finally tiring of trying to cajole or guilt the narcissist into usefulness, Dusty shook himself from his charade and headed to the cellar as well, determined to be of what use he could.  Already the supplies were being inventoried, categorized and separated, what remained, it seemed, was to move them forward.  He entered, simply turning to Coppershine and asking for directions.  "I'll go where I'm useful, Miss Coppershine." He stood rapt, still drying, but determined enough to throw off the effects that the cold should be having upon him.  "Uh, I suppose that oil needs carrying, so I'll just head over there, if'n you don't mind."

Having heard the last part about needing an extra hoof from the stallion, he trotted over to accept a burden, whatever he could carry.  "I'm new here, so I suppose I oughtn't assume much, but I'll say this.  I agree about our actions, they are the key to becoming good, functioning members of society.  What you said was right."  He paused for a moment, before continuing, "But you said it wrong.  If you'd acted in kindness, rather than anger, calm instead of frustration, we might have another set of hooves down here, and perhaps a valuable lesson learned for the fop upstairs."  He sighed, finishing, "Again, maybe you know more than me.  I'm just here as of today.  But regardless, it wouldn't hurt to sometimes let others learn, even if it isn't as effective as doing it ourselves.  Just a thought."  Finished, he makes sure to keep his ears open, ready for a response, but busies himself with getting the supplies loaded.  It would be a long day, and if tempers were already this frayed, it wouldn't be easy.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Star Striker on 2012 Aug 11, 15:48:25
Sweet Dreams continued to plod around the cellar, the newshed light was greatly appriciated to the pegasus, as she was mere inches from having walked into a shelf. The mare smiled sheepishly to herself as she gently lifted herself from the ground to have a better look at the shelves contents. Clearly not at strong as the earth ponies around her, Dreams merely loaded her saddlebags with cans found on the shelves. She gathered up a few tins, one for sure read applesauce, the other she figured by the logo was olives, or maybe canned grapes. Either way they were edible things. She landed when her saddle bags started to get heavier, and wandered towards the crate the others were inspecting.

"I'd love to see that big fellow down here right about now," The pegasus joked, as she walked past the two stallions and around the crate. "Surely a colt like that has quite a bit of strength to him." She removed two oil jugs and placing them into her bags, which by now were lumpy from the contents within. She shifted herself the combined weights of the items not really heavy but more or less awkward for her. "Is there anything else down here we might need, um, miss?" She asked Coppershine, as she more or less seemed to know what to look for.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: MasterMustang on 2012 Aug 11, 19:11:21
The mysterious stallion looks back at Dusty then turns to face him.  He walks up to him and looks him in the eyes through his scarf and hat.  "I only speak the truth sir... but perhaps I spoke rather harshly.  I guess I misunderstood what you were trying to say... I am still young... but lessons sometimes need to be hard in order for a student to comprehend the weight of said lesson" he says to Dusty.  He then hints a smile to Dusty under his mask.  "I guess things are far different from were I come from though.  I still have much to learn as well.  Do you wish to make a fresh start?"   He asks.   "I am Brew Highkick, but I am commonly known as Master Mustang." He says holding out his hoof to Dusty.  "Please forgive my foolishness."
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Chautauquan on 2012 Aug 12, 23:56:53
Dusty chuckled, taking the hoof warmly.  "On one condition, good master.   Take my apologies as well.  I'd be willing to say we're all a bit on edge, all things considered, so I'd think it wouldn't hurt to simply let bygones be bygones and move on to the matter at hand.  We haven't got a say in what others do, but we can do our part.  As far as my life... well, I'm always on a fresh start, I suppose.  But then again, my whole life is chasing shadows and stories."  His smile was genuine, and he was prepared to back it up with action. 

"Now, Miss Coppershine, if we've got the lamp oil, what else can we bring up to help out?  I'm hoping to do what can help out, hopefully folks will tell me their tales then."
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Morning Glory on 2012 Sep 22, 05:19:27
[We are leaping forward for the sake of simplicity while everypony jumps back in]


A group of weary travelers waded through the heavy snow as they made their way down the market street towards the Town Hall. Each was laden with supplies and wrapped in makeshift cloaks. Around them shimmered a golden bubble. It wavered and warped as it's source grew more and more exhausted. Tinkertoy, the aged unicorn, lay draped over Silverspark's back. The air around them was frigid, but the snow and wind could not reach them through the shield.

Leading the group, Goldenglow marched in a high-step, his nose in the air. He did his very best to look impressive and stalwart, but he could not hide his shivering.

Tottering alongside Silverspark was White Lace. Her arthritic back kept her from carrying any more than a lantern which lit the way for the small band of ponies. Together they trudged on, and soon the lights of the hall could be seen ahead.

[Note: Please indicate what your pony is carrying in your post]

Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2012 Sep 22, 19:09:35
Feather was shivering and huddled in as many blankets as Juniper could find.  For her part, the earth pony farmer-turned-carpenter was hauling several times her weight in clothing, food and wood as well as Feather on a makeshift wood sled she built from what she had available.  It helped that she was used to bootstrapping all manner of things from scratch back on the farm.

"s-s-sorry f-for being a-a burden..." whispered Feather, trying not to shake too much.

"You're never a burden, Feather," replied his wife, who looked back in concern.  She trudged with firm, even steps through the thick snow, hooves and legs wrapped in what Pa called "Ibex Socks", strips of cloth bound tightly such that no air moved between the skin and the wrapping for insulation.  It resembled the bindings that Ibex were said to wear out in the far East; whether true or not, it was certainly effective.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Link on 2012 Sep 22, 19:15:46
With a relieved sigh, Silver Flask laid his eyes on the faint light ahead, which he knew to be the town hall from the other ponies' shared sentiments of relief unpon seeing it.

During the walk, Silver kept his hood over his head to keep warm, and the saddlebags full of ingredients and empty flasks hung on his sides, concealed under his cloak. Silver seemed to glide among the other ponies, specifically keeping a careful eye on Feather and Tinkertoy, feeding them more of his special potions as needed. He seemed almost eerie and otherwordly, what with the way his coat blended in with the dense snow.

Under the hood however, he shivered from the stinging, penetrating cold. And fervently hoped the storm would at least let up some. With nervous steps, he did his best to stay out of the way of the main group, out of sight from any prying eyes that may look too closely at the small bulge his thin wings made under the cloak.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Morning Glory on 2012 Sep 22, 20:18:34
Coppershine's steps were deliberate and laborious as she plowed through the snow. Strapped over her shoulders, a pair of colossal barrels hung at her sides. They swung back and forth as she walked, loaded with food and firewood for the villagers at the Hall. The crate of lamp oil was balanced over her broad back, and several bulging burlap sacks rested over her flanks.

It was clear that although she was hardened and resilient from her work in the mines, Copper may have over-burdened herself. Despite the freezing cold, sweat had begun to build on her brow and neck, turning to ice in the frozen air. Juniper's clever leg wraps helped a great deal, but her hooves were starting to feel numb. The walk to the town hall was only a few hundred yards, a quarter-mile at best, but it felt like acres and acres before she saw the glow of the distant lamps.

Giving a snort and shaking her head, she lurched forward, chanting under her breath. "Almost there...almost there..." She pinched her eyes shut in concentration. Large clouds of steamy breath puffed from her nostrils as they made it down the final stretch. If she strained her ears now she could hear voices coming from the towering building, just audible over the roar of the wind. Heartened, she imagined the ponies inside, her friends and neighbors, who needed the goods she carried. She glanced to the tiny group around her. They would make it. Once they were in the Town Hall and under the leadership of Mayor Ironhoof, she was certain everything would be alright.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2012 Sep 22, 20:32:02
Juniper breathed carefully, so as not to freeze the inside of her nostrils.  She had heard enough horror stories from Ma about that in any case, regardless what the city folk said about its impossibility.  She also resisted the urge to stamp her hooves, knowing she'd just be wasting energy more likely than not.

With a last look over her shoulder at the sled, she hunched her back and trudged forward, following the rapidly vanishing hoofsteps of her companions.  "Fire and warm water," she reminded herself for when they arrived.  "Not snow, that just makes things worse."

She tried to remember anything else her parents had taught her all her long years on the farm during the winter months.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Chautauquan on 2012 Sep 23, 03:10:32
          Dusty grunted as he tried to keep the load on his back steady.  He had anticipated that this might not be a one-day storm, and had brought along some poles and canvas to make a tent, as well as some dry wood for fuel.  As an afterthought, he had added some hoof shovels, which now seemed to unbalance him slightly.  He moved confidently forward, though the nature of not having a winter coat meant that the "mind over matter" would only take him so far.  He relished having a decent burden, because he felt it would keep him warmer than if he were bare.  Movement was going to keep him warm, constant movement and the faith that his hat was keeping his head warm. 
         As he rushed to catch up (having to readjust his burden for balance had caused him to lag behind a bit) he tucked his ears into his hat, further conserving heat, but at some cost to his hearing.  This loss of hearing caused him to glance all the more frequently around, trying to be alert of any potential hazards.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Star Striker on 2012 Sep 23, 19:06:53
Trailing along in the back of the group, Sweet Dreams being a smaller pony, combined with lighter limbs made keeping up somewhat different. Living in a large city her whole life, where one doesn't often need to exert themselves to get from point A to point B made the journey through the small town all that more difficult, simply never eduring these conditions before was getting her. She carried with her a few canisters of oil, canned foods, and  in her saddlebags, a lanturn in her muzzle. She was wearing her summer jacket, in addition for having bundled a few blankets around herself to additional warmth.
The pony shivered and shuddered with each step. The snow underfoot, and the strong wind making the journey last a lifetime. Her ears lay against her head, and a once well kept mane was disheveled, and tangled from the prevailing winds.
"Is... is that the place?" She called to the ponies ahead of her her jaw rattling as each word held on.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Link on 2012 Sep 24, 08:48:18
Weaving around behind the crowd a ponies, Silver shivered uncontrollably as each step sunk his hooves deeper into the thick snow. Desperately keeping his eyes open to prevent them freezing shut, he tried his best to keep up with the others while retaining a watchful eye on the worse off ponies he had administered some potion to.
Catching an eye of Sweet Dreams, Silver seemed to appear right next to her.

"I believe it is, Miss. I heard that big fellow - I believe his name was Silver Spark - say that it was. Keep on; we're nearly there."

He did his best to give her a reassuring smile, and quickly handed her one of his potions, And shouted through the wind as he ran off to tend to other ponies in need.

"That should keep you fairly warm until we get there, but be careful; it's not as highly concentrated as the other doses I've made so far. I seem to be running low on herbs."

As he called back, Silver accidentally veered off the path from the others, and fell over a freshly iced-over tree root, onto the frozen ground outside the path.
It gave him a dizzying sensation, and his vision blurred, either from the fierce storm or he shock of pain coming from his front right hoof. As he tried to regain himself, the thought of resting here for a moment appealed to him, and Silver found himself laying down his head to rest...
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Morning Glory on 2012 Sep 24, 10:15:37

Silverspark had been a natural-born leader since foalhood. He had long ago developed the habit of turning to look behind him, checking his followers. He had been nervously watching Sweet Dreams lag behind, still unsure when would be the right time to hold up and wait or go help her, but he visibly relaxed as he twisted his head again and saw the cloaked fellow helping her. Excellent, these outsiders at least seemed to have a fair sense of selflessness. The pair had passed out of the shielding bubble as they stopped, but he was sure they would help one another catch up. Eyes on the prize, he wished deeply to go faster, to make a break for the hall and get everyone to safety, but the slow pace was the only choice.

There was a great crack that rent the air, heard over the howl of the wind . A great sheet of snow had broken free of the roof to their right. A gut-wrenching grinding noise followed as the compacted ice slid down the shingles.

Silverspark turned and spotted Silverflask laying right in it's path. Horrified, he moved to help, but Tinker shifted on his back. They needed the shield and he was sure the old unicorn could no longer hold himself up. As a next instinct he turned to his lieutenant, Coppershine. "Copp-" he stopped. She was laden with more weight than he really thought she could carry in these conditions. No good.

"Watch out! The-the snow! MOVE!" He bellowed over the storm. He glanced around at the rest of the party for anyone that could help. Lacey stood beside him; nope, she was far too frail. Juniper! No, she was already hauling her husband. Maybe that Trusty fello-

With a crash the snow came plummeting to earth, forming a mound several feet high.

Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Chautauquan on 2012 Sep 25, 15:16:58
Dusty had found himself relatively caught up as he was pushing forward, but not so much so that he didn't hear a fall behind him.  His turning back coincided with Silverspark's call to run from the falling snow, but he could tell that somepony was in danger.  Still not knowing exactly who it was, but deciding that a snowy tomb is fit for none, he veered back, and began running to aid the fallen stallion. 
"Cloak, poles, snow...." Dusty took inventory of the situation while charging, all the while it seeming rather bleak.  The snow was fresh, so it would be hard to push him out of the way, and the falling snow was likely to be heavy... Too heavy to simply shrug off, and it would take a while in any case to take care of the situation.  But the freshness of the snow, and its volume, could also be a blessing, if he was clever, or rather, lucky, enough to get there in time.
Dusty bit the end of the canvas tent he was carrying, quickly whipping it out and over himself as the snow came crumbling down on the two of them.  Knees bent, standing over the fallen pegasus, he stood for just a moment as the snow fell, before collapsing himself under the weight.
Underneath the canvas, Dusty apologized to the pegasus.  "I'm sure that wasn't pleasant, really.... But we'll make it through this.  This will be our little cave for a while," and, while carefully pushing up (for now his back was quite tender) Dusty moved to another side.  "We'll just rest up, keep warm, and they'll dig us out...  I think." 
He smiled at the silver pony, though it was obviously forced through the pain from the pummeling he just received from above.  "I just want to apologize for one more thing, Sir.  I'm going to be a bit noisy for just a little bit, and it might only sound like it to you and me."  With a quick breath, Dusty opened up his cords and let loose loudly, "We're here!  Dig!  Dig!  Dig!"
Having had his little outburst, he turned back to his new companion, and added, "Kinda funny, really.  The snow's both our prison and our safety.  We'll ride it out, and it will be fine."  Traveling makes a pony aware of dangers, and knowing that nopony had their winter coats, he decided it might be wise to keep thinking, keep talking until the rescue party came.  "So.. uh... Name's Dusty, nice to meet you.  What's your name, by the way?  Might as well get acquainted so long as we're stuck here, right?"
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Link on 2012 Sep 25, 20:01:24
Silver eyes barely opened, the daze from the heavy snow still made him dizzy, as he looked up at Dusty, his vision blurred before he hurriedly lied his head back down.

"...huh? What..?" Silver sort of mumbled to himself before realizing his was being addressed.

"Oh, um, hello...s-sir. No reason to call me that anyway, a sir, that is, you know...After all, I'm not very old yet, and I really don't do much to be worthy of such a title anyway."
Silver stopped a moment to shiver off the cold, and did his best to keep his wings from shuddering as well, before realizing he couldn't feel them as they lay numbed under the snow. For a moment he dazed off before remembering this nice stallion had been introducing himself.
"O-oh, um, right. Nice to meet you Mr. Dusty. I'm Silver Flask. Thank you for keeping me from being completely buried by the way, I didn't want anypony to place themselves in danger over me..." Silver looked ashamed for a moment at having this poor fellow get trapped under here as well for his sake, and he lowered his eyes away from the friendly stallion to continue shivering under the snow.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2012 Sep 25, 20:42:26
Juniper was tempted to jump forward and push the endangered pony out of the way, but restrained herself; after all, it did no good to be buried herself for the trouble.

As soon as the avalanche stopped, however, she dragged the makeshift sled to a safe place in the middle of the group, covered her husband with what cloth there was and grabbed some large pieces of wood to use as shovels, digging at the heap of snow.

"I could use a little help here!" she cried out at the others.  "Grab some wood and start shoveling!"

She heard a faint, muffled sound, though it might have just been the wind.  No matter.  The avalanche wasn't big enough to sweep the pair of ponies too far, so what needed to be done was simply to shovel, as quickly as possible.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Chautauquan on 2012 Sep 26, 02:54:40
Dusty was a terrible liar.  This by no accounts meant that he wouldn't try, and now he did.  "Danger?  Trouble?  No, not at all.  We'll be fine, but I just figured you'd be bored under here without conversation!"  He grinned again, though the effect was likely far from convincing.  "I mean, not that I'm good company or anything, but I just figured that so long as we're going to be snow-caving, might as well do it in a group and all that."  He chuckled a bit at himself, trying to lighten his own mood as much as his companion's.  "But really, Silver, it was downright rude of me to come in uninvited.  I even had the gall to fall on top of you!  I'm just a very impolite guest, is all.  Couldn't stand to not talk somepony new's ear off.  But I hadn't a chance to ask yet...  What's your story?  What can you tell me of your home here in Silverdale?  I'm still brand-spankin' new, you see."  Dusty couldn't allow himself to panic... but couldn't allow himself to be calm either.  It wouldn't be too long before they would be outside again, but hypothermia would be a poor friend to have indeed, so he had to keep things as lively as possible under the snowbank.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Morning Glory on 2012 Sep 26, 04:21:31
Coppershine looked around with a yelp as she heard the snow fall and Silverspark's cry. Slowly easing her body around she turned to see the issue.

A mound of snow. And Juniper was already scooping away at it. Her eyes went to Silverspark, then swept over the group taking a quick count...

They were short two ponies! And one of them was Dusty! As she shuffled into motion again her back screamed in protest. Wincing, her front legs buckled, and she dropped to her knees on her forelegs, crouched awkwardly on the packed snow. Purely by luck, the barrels were able to sit on the ground from her new position. She was able to rest, but getting out of the tight bindings that secured her load would take time and dexterity that frozen mouths and hooves just couldn't muster.

"I-I can't..." She sighed heavily, a cloud of mist pouring from her mouth. Then she remembered she still wore her work harness. "Wait! I've got a proper shovel. In my bags!" She squirmed around, but could not reach past the massive barrels. "Here, somepony take it!" She jiggled and her saddlebags clanked. The long grip folded neatly to fit in the pouch, but the metal spade banged loudly against her other tools.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Star Striker on 2012 Sep 26, 17:19:01
"Thankyou.." Sweet Dreams mumbled to the other pony as she held the potion in her  muzzle, sipping a little at it. She may as well try to make it last as long as she could, right? In an instant he was further ahead, but the drink did ease her troubles ever so and she began picking up speed only to find herself watching a lot of commotion. Confused by the sudden crying out and the more pressing white mound that seemed to have appeared out of nowhere Sweet Dreams moved as quickly as possible to meet at the snow pile.

Everypony was not accounted for. Who was missing? She wasn't entirely sure, faces semi-blurred out by fatigue, winds and snowfall made it difficult for her to identify the strangers from one another. Though, the stallion who had come to her with help seemed to be missing.

"Wh.. what happened here? Are there ponies underneath this? What do we do?" She shuffled in place, hooves plodding the snow in nervousness. She snapped out of her little hysterics as Juniper called orders; wood? would it work out? The pegasus wandered towards the woodpile, picking up a peice and attempting to dig at the snow bank. It was hard to hear much of anything, but after a few moments a distinct sound reached the pony's ears. She turned to look in the direction, still manuevering the wood peice in her hooves, clumsily. Was that pony always sitting like that? Would it be wrong to stop shovelling to check on the mare? Sweet Dreams looked down at the snow, what damage she was doing to the snowpile seemed so insignificant, how was she even sure that she was helping. Flustered by the situation she flared her wings, dropping the wood peice she went to Coppershine.

"Are you alright?" The pegasus asked, quieter than anticipated.  She looked at the mares saddlebag, "In there?" She questioned walking around the mare  and pawing at the satchel until it would open its contents to her. "Is this it?" Sweet Dreams asked, as she grasped the item with both hooves.

Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Link on 2012 Sep 26, 17:56:38
Silver gave Dusty a small smile, and his ears perked up a little. This friendly stallion obviously meant well, even if the situation didn't seem very promising, and Silver suppressed a chuckle at this friendly ponies' antics.
However, at the mention of his story, Dusty could clearly see Silver's face grow dark, and his ears flopped back down. Trying his best to hide it from Dusty, Silver looked away from the other stallion as his eyes teared up.
"I-I'd rather n-not t-t-talk about it, if th-that's okay..."
He brushed a hoof across his eyes, and tried to regain composure, before looking back to Dusty.
"I-I'm sorry, sir. I never had the pleasure of growing up in Silverdale; mine is a long, and not very happy story...But I'd be happy to hear yours, sir. Your story, that is. Surely as a traveler like myself you've seen and heard much."
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Chautauquan on 2012 Sep 26, 19:50:16
Backpedaling is a common practice when one steps into territory best not ventured into, and Dusty was really, really good at asking the wrong questions at any given time.  "I'll take a raincheck on my story as well, actually.  I-I-I think we should s-sing, though.  K-keep things lively, keep the blood moving."  He smiled, and while there wasn't a lot of wisdom, perhaps, in his eyes, there was plenty of hope burning. "So, a verse or two.  Your favorite first, then I'll go.  Deal?"  The canvas was dry, but the light level of melted snow above was going to render the insulation moot rather soon.  But the roof wasn't that big, nor the snow so deep, that Dusty thought real danger was highly unlikely to be found.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2012 Sep 26, 21:29:31
She shoveled as quickly and efficiently as possible, wasting little energy as she removed chunk after chunk of snow from the pile.  She was reminded of Pa's story of the man who moved a mountain by lifting one stone at a time.  Looking over, she welcomed the help from the mare, but sighed inwardly as the rather frail pegasus stopped helping and left.  Those feather-dusters were supposed to be able to blow away entire storms with a flap of a wing; was blowing away a pile of snow that much different?

Undeterred, she persisted until she started to see what looked like a hollow deep inside.  The warmth of the ponies trapped within had melted and refrozen a layer inside, so from this point forward it would be more hacking than shoveling.

"I could use some help!" she called out without missing a beat in her shoveling and hacking.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Link on 2012 Sep 29, 08:32:13
Silver was a bit ashamed of himself for a moment; he had certainly read many tales and seen many lands. However with music, he was quite unfamiliar.

"...Well, I'd certainly love to, if I had much of a voice for it. My problem is, where I came from music wasn't exactly...accepted. Neither was anything lively for that matter...In short, I'm not quite sure what to start out with; do you have a suggestion, Mr. Dusty?"

Before he began to listen to Dusty's reply, he paused, and made a motion to keep quiet for a moment.

"Do you hear that?"

There could be heard a thumping, scraping sound through the barrier of snow and ice, and faint voices overhead.

"They're digging us out! What a relief!" Silver seemed to relax now, and looked much more content and at peace then before. Or as content as one can be, when stranded under a pile of snow, ice, and who-knows-what.

Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Chautauquan on 2012 Sep 29, 17:59:57
Dusty chuckled as the sounds got louder.  "Well sure they're digging us out!  You don't think they'd let us hog all the fun in here for ourselves, do you?  Hardworking folk will need to blow off steam in a fine way, and here we are just trying to keep our spirit locked up inside a snowbank!  By the by, I, uh... meant to apologize back there.  I think I might've knocked your wings a bit when I was trying to get off of you.  Sorry about that, really, I am."  The fact that the sounds of hope were nigh brought yet more hope to him, and he began trying to do his part to get out.  "Can't reach much, truth be told... but we might be able to help lift the canvas if we just dig a little bit underneath..."  He punctuated his pauses with taps on the snow below, hollowing out what might be useful either as a hoof-grip or at the very least, an airhole and system of communication with the outside.  "Well, to get back to what I mentioned earlier, I figure that folks ought to be comfortable.  If'n I'm making you uncomfortable with my naggin' and whatnot, I really don't mean to.  I just figure that, well, now especially that I know we're both travelers, it wouldn't hurt to get to know folks.  Aye?"
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Link on 2012 Sep 29, 23:09:31
((Just so you know, Silver is still keeping his wings hidden under that cloak, nopony know's he a pegasus.))
Silver laughed merrily at Dusty's joking, it had been a long time since he had met such a fellow.
"I'm quite glad to have your company down here, Mr. Dusty. I can't imagine what it'd be like sitting down here getting frostbite on my legs all by myself. Not to mention how much I despise being alone; even if I'm not talking, just being around others is so comforting for some reason. And I must admit, these townfolk of Silverdale are so friendly, it almost makes me feel bad for being a bit cautious of them at first..."
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Chautauquan on 2012 Sep 30, 03:09:44
((Actually, that's why I mentioned 'bumping' them upon leaving.  I figured he'd likely notice what he hit, likely because he didn't know it was there.  Like hitting a target you don't know is there... Can't avoid what you cannae see.))

Dusty shrugged.  "Folks are generally kind, far as I can tell, wherever they be.  'Specially since as we're stuck under here, they're digging us out.  Generally a good thing, last I checked.  Say, your hoof alright?  You seemed to be down even before the snow came."
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Link on 2012 Oct 01, 10:18:06
Silver quickly turned his attention to his hooves; the chatting had completely taken his mind off the entire thing.

"Well...I can't exactly feel them; that's probably not good. Hopefully if it's frostbite it's not too severe yet. With any luck we'll be dug out of here and resting at town hall within the hour."

Silver seemed to remain in good spirits, and hummed a tune to himself as he lay under the snow with this friendly stallion, and it reminded him of how happy he was to not be stuck under here alone, all by himself under an icy cage.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2012 Oct 01, 22:06:09
An opening!  Juniper thought she could hear voices inside!  "HEY EVERYPONY! HELP OUT A BIT HERE WOULD YOU ALL?!"

Openings were good, being stuck in a hollow was bad.  She could already see the snow turning to slush and back into ice, making it almost rock-solid and extremely difficult to break apart.  She worried about the ponies inside...

((because nopony helped. :l))
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Morning Glory on 2012 Oct 02, 01:44:17

Silverspark hurried over and nearly dumped Tinker off his back in his rush. Straitening up, he held his back steady as the old unicorn shifted himself back to balance over the younger stallion's withers. There was no way he could dig and support the unicorn at the same time, and he knew Tinker's strength was fading. He danced on his toes and pawed at the ground in frustration. Glancing around behind him, he saw Lacey tottering to meet him, and Goldenglow's blonde rump vanishing into the blizzard- clearly he had made dash for the Hall. He breifly caught view of Copper crouched on the ground and the female pegasus digging through her bag.

He looked apologetically to earth pony mare busily lobbing mounds of snow off the pile. "Uh...Good work Juniper! I-I..." He trailed off, unsure of what to do. His eyes wandered to the makeshift sled that bore her weary husband. There!

Dashing forward, he carefully slid Tinkertoy down to sit on the sled beside Feather. Making sure the blankets were wrapped around him securely, and sort of...propping him up against his fellow unicorn, he looked at Feather. "If there's anything you can do to help him, some unicorn hocus-pocus to keep him conscious and keep this spell-circle magic dooer-majig up, please try. I'll be back for him in a minute."

He then charged back to Juniper and began shoveling snow with her. He watched as she did as the slush re-froze into a layer of hard ice. He stabbed a hoof down into the ice and heard a solid clink as his metal shoes struck the frozen coating. His brain worked quickly. He feared he might injure the ponies inside, but this ice was only going to get thicker.

"Stand back. I'm going to try to break it."

Setting his back feet, he reared up to his considerable full height. Picking a relatively flat spot that looked like it might give, he brought his metal-shod hooves crashing down on the mound of ice with the full force of his weight behind them.

Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Morning Glory on 2012 Oct 02, 01:48:40
Coppershine craned her neck to see the item Sweet Dreams had selected. "Yes! It-" She stopped to cough, then catch her breath. "It unfolds!". Her ears twitched as she heard Juniper yelling. "Hurry! Sounds like she's needs help!"

She then called over the howl of the wind. "I'm-I'm sorry Juniper, I can't! Not with all this!" Copper hung her head. It was a matter of pride to her to help her town and carry a heavy load, but she felt horrible being unable to help and foolish for taking on more that she could manage. A rosy blush might have tinged her cheeks were she not so cold. Her daddy had always taught her to take a little less than she could truly bare, so she could help others along the way. These poor folks had come to visit her town for a vacation, a celebration, and look what happened to them.  And here she was, crouching on her forelegs with her rump in the air like a foolish filly playing leap-frog, pinned down by her own hubris and up to her fetlocks in snow. With a sigh she folded her back legs to match her front and laid in the snow, her heavy haunches thumping on to the ice-covered ground. At least this way the weight was off her back.

She turned to look for Silverspark. He was busily working on getting the ponies out from under the snow. She watched, befuddled, as he reared up in a familiar pose. She had watch this same motion over and over in the mine as he worked. But surely, he would hurt the ponies under the snow! She cried out, but it was far too late.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2012 Oct 02, 02:17:02
Feather spread his blanket over the old unicorn and tried weakly to create some sort of consciousness spell, failing three times but managing to get a little energy to the two of them on the fourth try.  There was little more he could do in his state.

Juniper had been going at the snow frantically when the stallion ran over; she was going to say something, but before she could the pony reared, and there was naught to do but to get out of the way.  She winced as she heard the ice give way, and, blinded by the flying snow and wind, tried to figure out the aftermath and what to do next.  She hoped dearly that the motion had not injured the ponies inside.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Chautauquan on 2012 Oct 02, 12:05:29
Dusty had listened to the commotion outside with a relative calmness.  After all, what was there to get worked up over?  It was just getting closer to a time for a good nap.  Just a quick rest, nothing more.   But when Silverspark came crashing down on top of the ice, he jumped quite a bit, knocking from the inside just after the cracks gathered across the outside.  Soreness makes for a boon companion when one is drifting away to sleep improperly, and this was one such case.  The spiderweb cracks were loud underneath the ice, and made for a bit of nervousness, as logic gave way to shock. 
"Hoppin' horn-toads!" Dusty blurted out quickly, but then noticed the canvas was malleable again.  He called out through the hole, trying to communicate with the outside.   "Here!  Let's make the hole bigger!  Just get that log in the hole and wiggle...  We'll crawl out, if needs be.  I think we'll be fine, now that it's shattered."  Feeling the back still rather heavy with snow, he thought simply to get out before all else.  "The canvas might be... stuck... longer than us, sorry to say."  He punctuated his last words with a couple of taps to the sides of the canvas, slowly expanding the hole which he had carved earlier.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2012 Oct 02, 16:47:00
Juniper was relieved to hear Dusty's voice, and eagerly awaited the other pony's voice as she grabbed onto her makeshift wooden shovel and began digging with even more determination, though careful not to waste energy.  It would be a shame to exhaust oneself so close to success.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Link on 2012 Oct 03, 14:21:28
With a scream, Silver covered his head the best he could with his hooves, as the ice splintered and cracked from the mighty stallion's hooves. After recovering from the shock of it, he already saw Dusty well on his way to opening up the hole so that one of them may squeeze out.
Getting up on his hooves, Silver did his best to support the canvas as Dusty widened the hole, trying his best to lift the thing in the confined area.
"I believe we've just about opened it up enough.", he said as he helped Dusty break outside their icy prison. "A little more and we can both fit through there I would think. One at a time, of course."
Silver tried to remain on his side as he helped widen to opening; he still couldn't seem to move his legs.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2012 Oct 03, 16:34:48
Juniper breathed a sigh of relief as she heard Silver's voice, and continued digging with hope rising in her heart.  Bit by bit, she chipped away at the opening, until it was almost big enough to squeeze through.  At this point she reached her forearms out to help the two ponies get out of the shell of ice.  "Do either of you need help getting out?" she asked, raising her voice a little to be heard over the wind.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Chautauquan on 2012 Oct 04, 09:18:20
At this point, Dusty deferred to the pony beside him, motioning for him to move first.  Hypothermia was still his main concern, and, from his own assumptions, he figured he was in a better spot for the time being.  "Go on, then," he intoned, "I'll keep in touch from the back."  He also shouted out a quick request, though it might have seemed rather terse if not for the circumstances, "Can somepony bring some blankets back here?  Might be good if only for a moment."  Dusty was pushing back his own worry and concern by foisting it all onto somepony else.  So long as he wasn't alone in danger, he felt comfortable enough.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Link on 2012 Oct 06, 09:06:53
With a nod and a grateful smile, Silver began to pull himself out of the hole. The sharp ice on the rim of the fissure tried to cut into his legs as he climbed out, and he grunted a little from the effort. As he reached the peak, he started sliding back down the mound of snow towards the ground, and before long cleanly face-planted in the snow in front of the villagers. With a relieved sigh to be out of there, Silver did his best to stand up, but frostbite hadn't been kind to his lgs, and he stood up, wobbling and carrying a slight limp.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2012 Oct 06, 13:11:19
Seeing as that neither seemed to need her help, Juniper rushed to get what blankets and rags she could from the sled and quickly returned, being careful to dispose of any moisture on Silver's body before wrapping him in the cloth.  The most important thing when treating a cold pony is getting them dry first, she could hear Pa telling her.  That keeps the water from freezing or sapping more heat.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Chautauquan on 2012 Oct 06, 17:25:30
Dusty winced as he watched the ice rough up the pony in front of him.  Had he considered that, he might have gone first.  But, there was little to be done now about that, only making life simpler for himself.  Knocking some ice loose before crawling slowly out, the cracking sounds of the ice grew more frequent and louder, eventually culminating in a crash just as the earth pony was pulling his hind legs free.  The collapse caught the both of them, although with a bit of work, he pulled the left one free.  Struggling to free the other, he winced with pain as his back twisted and turned, gritting his teeth in an effort to hide the pain.  "Just a moment, I'll get out of here fine... Just need to-urk!"  He cut himself off with a grunt.  "Keep going, get him dry and warm, I'll get over soon."  Planting one hind hoof next to the other, he tried one more time to pull it out by practically bucking the mound... and remained rather attached to his leg,  as well as the snowdrift.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Link on 2012 Oct 07, 08:52:08
With a grateful smile at Juniper, Silver didn't fully realize how cold he'd become in there. With a quiet shiver, he did his best to help Dusty out of the snow and ice, making sure to not cut him on the sharp ice that still lied around the large mound of snow. Within a few seconds, he had managed to pull Dusty out, but the moment brought him falling back down in the snow again. With a smile to Dusty, he returned to shivering under the blankets, almost wishing he hadn't yet distributed all of those potions just yet. 
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Morning Glory on 2012 Oct 08, 03:51:56

In shattering the ice, Silverspark had slipped and landed on his rump. Hauling himself to his feet and shaking his head to clear it, he glanced around nervously, hoping to see that the ponies were free and uninjured. He sighed with relief as he saw each stallion appear, seemingly without harm. Juniper had the skinny grey one in her care, but Copper's friend was still wedged in the snow. Lurching forward, Silverspark took hold of Dusty's middle with his fore hooves and pulled.

White Lace meanwhile had tottered over to Juniper and Silverflask. She held the lamp up so they could see and reached to help dry off the unlucky pegasus. With surprisingly keen hooves she began to pluck out the frozen droplets of ice that had formed on his coat.

Tinkertoy wobbled and swayed, his eyes crossing as he leaned on Feather. With a rush of magic, he felt himself grow a little stronger. Reaching out his hooves, he wrapped his blankets closer around him and shuddered as the golden sphere wavered then held firm.

Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: The Wandering Magus on 2012 Oct 08, 22:20:25
Juniper smiled at White Lace gratefully as the mare helped get the water and ice off Silver.  Don't rub the skin, no matter how cold it feels, that rubs the skin right off.  She wasn't sure she believed it entirely, but she wasn't taking any chances at this point.  Seeing that the mare had the situation quite under control, and that Silver was mostly dry by now, Juniper gave the stallion a new dry cloth.  "Don't you rub yourself, though.  Just keep it pressed close."

With that, she moved over to Dusty, repeating the same procedure.  Drying off, picking out the ice, applying as much cloth as was available, making sure not to rub the skin too much.  This was something she was familiar with, unlike her husband's strange magic stuff and this Celestia-banished midsummer snow-storm; just helping other ponies, the old-fashioned way.  Now more than ever she was glad that she paid attention to every word Pa ever told her.  Who knew it might've been useful on this day of all days?

Meanwhile, Feather did his best to support the old stallion beside him.  As he huddled closer under his blanket and thought about being warm, he felt the vials Silver had given him earlier chafe against his sides.  It was precious stuff, and he wasn't sure that using it now was wasting it or not.  He bit his lip.  He didn't want to waste any, but the shivering ponies all around him made it seem almost cruel to save it at this point.
Title: Re: The Silverdale Saga (No Jump-in Please)
Post by: Chautauquan on 2012 Oct 12, 18:09:58
As the combined efforts of the two silver ponies pulled Dusty out, he gritted his teeth against the pain, still wearing a forced smile as the bruises were bumped up against rather unpleasantly.  The gentle plucking motions were a bit easier to go through, although the pressure from cloth being applied was still leaving him rather tender.  Eventually, rather than admit the pain, he decided to speak up, and see if he could get away with simply "walking it off".  With a quick turn to those caring for him, he smiled and thanked them, adding, "You know, I'm right grateful for everything you're doing, but, uh, I think it's about time we get moving, right?  Unh--Best get everypony inside again sooner, that'll be best, I figure."  He stamped his hooves a bit for warmth before setting forth.  "Nevermind-- me, I'll be fine.  Sooner we get everypony inside, sooner we're all better off for it." He still grinned throughout the process, although a few words were rather... accented due to the bruising.