Legends of Equestria - Forum

General Category => Introductions => Topic started by: DividedS on 2018 Dec 26, 01:08:32

Title: Well, here I am.
Post by: DividedS on 2018 Dec 26, 01:08:32
 :3 Hello there!  :3
Title: Re: Well, here I am.
Post by: Noodle Script on 2018 Dec 26, 07:30:01
Hello, DividedS.

Welcome to the forums and the game and Merry Cristmas, if you celebrate that. If you don't, please excuse my thoughtless remark.

I hope that you will quickly find a way into the game.

If you can't find other players, I suggest you look into "How do I find other players?" in the Legends of Equestria  Discussion board.

You can also play by yourself. Some NPCs have quests for you and some sell items, for example Bluebell in Cantermore, Buttercup and Marvell (in Carousel Boutique) in Ponydale and Free Trade and Ensemble in the Crystal Kingdom.

If you are into roleplaying, there is the Sweet and Elite: Meet and Greet roleplaying group. They meet once a week to roleplay. There are two kinds of roleplay: In the Slice of Life mode, the game master sets up a scenario and then the players are left to do something. If there is a plot, it is made up by one or more players. Sometimes, there is no plot and it is mostly about interacting and talking. In Adventure mode, there is a set plot and story that you and the other players go through, and though the frame is set by the game master, the player's actions shape it and give it some unique flavor.

Look into the respective forum thread on the Legends of Equestria Discussion board if you are interested. They also have a Discord group. They have posted the link to the server in that forum thread as well.

There is also the forum roleplay, but I can't say much about it since I haven't tried that out yet.

If you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask other players in the forum or in the game. They will probably be happy to help you. For example, Scootaloo is a very experienced player and will probably be happy to help you. She says that she is online almost all of the time. I have never met her in-game, but her forum posts are very helpful for new players. In-game, the players gray haze and Spring Strudel helped me a lot getting into the game.

I hope you will have lots of fun. I'm not in the game very regularly (except for Adventure roleplaying sessions), but if you see Scatty Clockwork or Rosie Sunshine, that's me.

These are suggestions that I would give to every player, since they work fine for me. However, if you want suggestions that fit your tastes better, you might tell more about yourself, so we know what you like, and maybe ask other ponies, since my tastes don't necessarily need to be yours, too.
Title: Re: Well, here I am.
Post by: Proudy Hooves on 2018 Dec 26, 08:40:41
Hello and welcome to the LoE Community! Enjoy your stay there!
There you can show yourself as a classy writer, creative artmaker, clever role-player or a cheerful and talkative fun-bringer like Pinkie Pie! And even more...
Now you can play LoE and get in touch with community!
Also you just can look at forums and do anything you wish! But don't forget to read and follow the rules there!
Good luck, mate!