Legends of Equestria - Forum

General Category => Introductions => Topic started by: FlightFire on 2018 Nov 12, 11:43:19

Title: A formal Intorduction
Post by: FlightFire on 2018 Nov 12, 11:43:19
Hello All,

You have probably seen me around i've been on LoE for quite sometime and figured i should formal introduce myself. My Name is Flight Fire, I am a Volunteer Fire Fighter for the last 17 years and a Lieutenant for the last 4 in the fire service (if you haven't pick that up from my shouting fire prevention in global chat. Got in to MLP around 2010 and ran with it since. I am also staff member at Brony Con (at least for one more year). I enjoy meeting new ponies and making friends so don't hesitate to talk to me or even ask me questions. Also if you have a question about fire safety for fire related question i will do my best to answer or get you a answer in a timely fashion. Hope to see you on LoE and stay safe

(Fire Prevention Notice) don't play with fire

Flight Fire 
Title: Re: A formal Intorduction
Post by: Noodle Script on 2018 Nov 12, 15:40:22

Nice to meet you. Since you are here for longer than I am, it's probably not my place to say "welcome".

First, I'd like to thank you for your commitment to the other people/ponies. Not everypony is brave enough to go near fire and save people/ponies out of burning buildings or vehicles.

Are you in Europonia? If so, maybe, we'll see each other, if you tell me your pony's name. I play Scatty Clockwork in the game.
Title: Re: A formal Intorduction
Post by: FlightFire on 2018 Nov 16, 00:13:59
Unfortunately i am in America and also Thank you i enjoy doing it, i love helping others and its nice to meet you. Hope i see you on sometime!!!