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Roleplay Board => Roleplaying => Canterlot Archives => Topic started by: Cloudy Skies on 2018 Jan 26, 18:59:22

Title: Family RP (No Sign Up)
Post by: Cloudy Skies on 2018 Jan 26, 18:59:22
Ah, one of the popular roleplays.
I come from a different kind of game, which roleplays differently.
We don't make it up.
It forms in every letter we say.
Now that you know...

Welcome to my family roleplay!
I'm the mother. My name is Cloudy Skies. I'm a Pegasus. (BTW, all the RPers that are in the Skies' family have to have their last name Skies.)
I have more than one cutie mark...
I have 2.
Like a normal Pegasi, my cutie mark on my right flank is a cloud. Which means I like cloudy weather.
While the cutie mark on my left flank is parchment and a quill, which means I'm an author.
So fill in this: (The blanks you fill in.)

Name:____________ Skies
Race: Pegasi
Cutie Mark: _______________________

Happy roleplaying!

*Walks into the house* Hello family!
Title: Re: Family RP (No Sign Up)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2018 Jan 27, 05:42:17
Is it okay if I RP my OCS family then we eventually meet?
Title: Re: Family RP (No Sign Up)
Post by: Cloudy Skies on 2018 Mar 06, 23:08:19
Title: Re: Family RP (No Sign Up)
Post by: Gamepaw on 2018 Mar 10, 09:05:16
Still doing this RP? Cause I have a family of woofers. Well, 3 woofs and a dog. Could either be the pets of your character Cloudy or they could just live as a family in your garden maybe?

Lil rundown
Game(paw) - Overweight wolf who acts as the father of the family.
Violet - Strong yet smaller who acts as love interest of Game and mother of the family, generally doing stuff with Sky and Poppy that Game can't and keeping him upright.
Sky - Puppy wolf, who has a tendency to cling to Game and can be somewhat shy at times.
Poppy - Puppy Labrador, tends to tease Game a bit and also happens to be fairly small herself, compared to other Labradors.

Spoiler: Characters • show
Spoiler: Gamepaw - Chubby Wolf • show
Name: Gamepaw
Species: Wolf
Gender: Male
Colours: General base fur colour is a dark Navy (#453b66), He has multiple patches of (#8c73c9), longer, fluffy fur (#765fa7) such as around his (#5a4e86) hind legs or his neck. (#816bbb) Which are multiple shades of lighter purple (#7062a7). On the tips of his paws and his inner ears he has a pale purple (bba6ff). He also has a dark to light blue gradient tail and mane. Which goes from the darker (#42459a) to the much lighter (#7d8df1). He also has light blue eyes (#74d4ff). His pawpads happen to be a lighter blue-ish purple in colours (#9d94fb).
Personality: Gamepaw is a fairly outgoing wolf, not to shy down from anything, bullies and the like. He tends to be kind, fatherly or loving, enjoying looking after others and will even put himself in the way if he sees something he doesn't like. He also tends to very food absorbing, commonly seen eating some sort of baked good, mainly pie as his favourite.
However as a feral or a pet character, he is fairly helpless due to his chubbiness getting the better of him, he can also be scared or become afraid very easily, due to his large weight and general helplessness if he knows something will happen and he knows he can't get away or escape.
Physical Description:  A pudgy wolf by no doubt as his constant snacking catches up with him, but it doesn't cause him much of an issue outside of his feral/pet form. Comparatively being a lot skinnier than the four legged counterpart. As an anthro character he also sometimes has a long extended tail, capable of wrapping around things such as others or his neck like a scarf. As a pet, he can normally been seen with a purple collar on, however it keeps having to be replaced due to his weight and size.
Short Backstories: (Specific backstories for certain universes e.g Pokemon, Fallout)
Game was abandoned or lost as a pup, he was on his mother's back as the pack moved through a forest and he happened to fall asleep, next thing he knew he was alone in the middle of the forest, he attempted to howl and cry out but he wasn't strong or loud enough to keep it up for long.
He ended up heading towards a nearby light and sought shelter in an empty box, where he laid down and awaited for someone to come rescue him. No one from the pack came and he was unable to hunt/gather for himself and only got a few lucky scraps from littering and a drink from rain puddles. He was eventually found by a pet store owner, who grabbed the small pup by the scruff and took him back to the store. Game put up no fight, having no energy or will to spare.
While in the pet store the small pup was kept within a cage with rare access to the outside and was taught a lesson of "Eat your food, or you get none." Meaning that if he didn't eat the food he was given he wouldn't get any later on, this mixed with a limited area to move he became fairly lethargic and didn't do a whole lot of anything until he was finally bought.
He was picked up by a friend of Raven for their birthday, she was always a fan of animals and her friend thought this would be a great present, once again not putting up much of a fuss as he was moved into a box, something he once called home for a collection of days.
Once released into Raven's home the wolf was a little excited to finally have some space to roam, but his time at the pet store stayed with him as he went and hid in the kitchen cupboard, it feeling more familiar to him. Later this became his little den/bed area.
Keeping some of his lethargy the wolf grew fairly quickly and once he got used to the place and Raven he tended to stay near her almost constantly, though he was reluctant to go outside out of a fear of being left once more.

Growing up in a pack, Game was never liked the other wolves. He tended to act more like a carer or parent to the pups than the hunter/gatherer he was supposed to be. His more stationary life style left him with a softer physique which caused discussion amongst the others. The pups didn't seem to mind though as they played with the pudgy wolf near the pack den, it was good training for taking down the larger and heavier animals.
When it was time to move, the pack leaders took the pups on their back and began running off to a new location, not telling Game where it was and easily leaving him in the dust due to the speed difference. They considered him a waste of effort and resources and decided to let him fend for his own, something he did not do very well.
Game ended up surviving mainly on the plants and any scraps he could find left behind by campers or litterers. 

Adopted by Raven at a young age, he was gifted a fairly good start in life thanks to this. Raven's job provided a lot of leeway with work time which let them to spend more time together.
Spoiler: Image • show

Just imagine him a bit chubbier/floofier or fatter.(https://pre00.deviantart.net/69f4/th/pre/i/2014/345/a/b/gamepaw_by_wingedwolf94-d89hht1.png)

Spoiler: Violet - Wolf • show

Name: Violet
Species: Wolf
Gender: Female
Colours: Her main body is a dark shade of blue (#191550), with some highlights of a lighter pale blue(#9de4de), Her mane has two colours the main being a darkened purple(#4a267f) with a strip of lighter purple.(#59169b) Her paw pads are bone white(#ded6dc). While her paws are a darker, near black, blue.(#100d34) Her eyes are a deep violet.(#ae46de)
Personality: Violet has a very bubbly personality, driven and strong willed. In her relationship with Game it is sometimes hard to see who wears the pants in the family. Incredibly strong for her size, she is capable of overpowering Game fairly easily.
Violet is a bit more vulnerable in some cases and Game will often stand up for her which while not fond of Violet thanks him greatly for. Much like Game she is also very caring but often allows for a bit of teasing here and there, more often than not at Game's expense.
She continues to strive for her goals no matter what, her key goal being to make a job out of her art and drawings.
Physical Description: Violet also has a very athletic form, more toned and defined than Game but with some more womanly assets attached that she had inherited from her family. However, Violet is also fairly short and when Sky grew up, even shorter than her. This lack of stature hasn't impeded her in anyway and has offered her a different view of life.
Short Backstories: (Specific backstories for certain universes e.g Pokemon, Fallout)
Originally part of a pack, with her family and other of her kind, she had an adventurous nature and caring nature, which caused issues with the others in the pack, believing her to not be 'wolf' enough. Having been banished and abandoned by her friends and family she ran and never looked back. Eventually she found Game, the much larger and overweight wolf, she found a friend in him and eventually a lover, despite their difference in size and weight.

Similar to her Wild backstory, Violet was originally part of a pack but was exiled due to her less fighty/aggressive nature and was seen as a weak link. She was on her own for a while but was able to keep herself reasonably fed.
Eventually she wandered upon Raven's house where Game resided, meeting the rounded canine the two hit it off fairly quickly and Game would keep giving her his food a few times a day.
She eventually braved the house when she had discovered Game stuck somewhere and was found by Raven who, after deciding the two made a good pair, decided to allow her to stay as pet also.

Growing up she was always fond of art. Drawings, paintings, stories she loved them all. She eventually decided that was what she wanted to do with her life, make art. She focused heavily on this and passed the exams and classes with flying colours, still managing to get high grades and passing all the others. She met Game in High school and despite their differences hit it off fairly well, even living together through college and when they got jobs. Game's restaurant providing a place for them and Poppy and Sky. She works via the internet, working on commissions for people and companies.

Spoiler: Poppy - Short Labrador • show
Name: Poppy
Species: Dog - Labrador
Gender: Female
Colours: Her fur colour is a mainly scruffy gold colour(#b8a229), with some darker patches around her muzzles and paws. (#5a5329) Her paw pads are a pink colour.(#e9d7e8) She also has light brown eyes. (#ce820a)
Personality: Poppy originally was very shy, around anyone and anything however since Game saved her from some bullies. She has become less shy and rather outgoing when Game is around, she still maintains a rather skittish behaviour though. She also happens to be very childish, playing tricks and pranks on Game. She happens to have this strange thing where she tends to stuff a large amount of food into her mouth and takes it places. Due to how she was left, she doesn't like being alone for long or at all, this relates to how she enjoys being carried around. She also has a fondness for soft things, such as toys and Game.
Physical Description: She has a fairly average body for her species and nothing is out of place or abnormal, except for height. She is also fairly athletically built from all the running she does. She has a dark gold Collar for her neck.
Short Backstories: (Specific backstories for certain universes e.g Pokemon, Fallout)
Being born at a kennel when her parents were put in as their owners went on holiday, she was one of many siblings. However as she was the runt of the litter she was left at the kennel when her parents were picked up by their owners. Being as small as she was, the other dogs picked on her and bullied her. This ended as Game was also put in the kennel for a small time, he saw her getting bullied by two larger labradors and stepped in front, using his bulky size to scare them away. Having made friends the wolf and dog eventually ended up going home together when Raven came to pick Game up. She sees him as a bit of a Big-Brother or Father figure due to his protectiveness.

She was given up at a young age and raised in an Orphanage and by foster parents, constantly moving around she rarely made friends. She enjoyed running, always trying to join the sports team when she moves from school to school. Eventually getting out of the orphanage system she moved into a college dorm house with a few others and focussed on her sports. Mainly running, she wanted to be able to become a teacher however and learned a wide range of different sports, how to play, the rules and setting up. During a time at the orphanage she met Sky, who was in for a short time as Game was applying for her own adoption and ended up helping her get adopted with her.

Spoiler: Sky - Wolf • show
Name: Sky
Species: Wolf
Gender: Female
Colours: She has a mainly light blue fur (#8ad8d5), However she has a dark purple tail tip. (#590671) She also has Pale Purple paw pads(d199fd) and Magenta eyes (ba00ff).
Personality: Similarly to Poppy she has shy and skittish behaviour and will tend to hide when new animals and people are present. She tends to hides on or around Game in these situations. However she is somewhat afraid of being rolled onto or squashed by him. She also hates storms, being abandoned in the storm. She also happens to be rather impressionable, taking on Game's love of food. She is still fairly kind but prefers staying inside her comfort area, with Poppy or Game. Preferring to stay home with either of them than go out and try to make friends.
Physical Description: She has a fairly normal body type and is fairly agile while still maintaining some level of fatness to her, thanks to Game's influence. Standing taller than Poppy while still smaller than Game she is a fairly average height for a wolf. Her collar is dark blue.
Short Backstories: (Specific backstories for certain universes e.g Pokemon, Fallout)
She was left in the forest by her parents at a young age, she tried to follow them but failed eventually leading to Game and Poppy's home, where she took shelter from a large storm, finding warmth in Game's padded form. She was found the next morning and was scared, specially of the much larger Game. However she eventually calmed as she was accepted into the family, eventually seeing Game as her new father.

Abandoned on the streets, Sky came across Game's restaurant and tried to get some free food. Game seeing the child offered some and a place to stay for a little. After eventually realising she was homeless and abandoned he went through the process of adopting her. During this time she had to stay at a orphanage, where she made friends with Poppy and eventually led to getting her adopted along with herself.

Title: Re: Family RP (No Sign Up)
Post by: Cloudy Skies on 2018 Mar 10, 18:49:48
Hey Gamepaw,

What do you exactly mean? Also, may I join your Family RP? My roleplays ponies never come to...  DD:

I was thinking maybe I could be the baby or toddler in the family.
Spoiler: show
Name: Cloudy Skies
Age in roleplay: 3 in October.
Looks: Dark gray coat, a little lighter gray mane and white.
Personality: Doesn't cry much, more of an adventurous foal. She likes to play with the blinds on the windows and likes to build forts with the couch cushions.
Extras: She is a pegasus,  0:) also she likes to play a lot, she can ALMOST talk, but now she can only tell you answers that are 2 or 3 syllables. She's kind of funny because she's super clumsy. When she grows up in the roleplay her cutie mark is a dark cloud, meaning she has powers over the weather when its cloudy. [spoiler]Also this doesn't mean we are family in the game.
 Because my real dad is Aurora Skies.
Title: Re: Family RP (No Sign Up)
Post by: Gamepaw on 2018 Mar 10, 19:34:06
I don't have a family RP? Unless you mean the House RP. The House RP is not a family RP, is more of a people stay in this house together for a while. Each person has their own character and life, if you add a baby character they'd kinda be left to fend for themselves.
Title: Re: Family RP (No Sign Up)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2018 Mar 11, 09:37:21
(it's hard to explain characters traits for me it's easier to show it in RP)

Silk Pride : Mom

Steel Pride : Father

Marble Star : Me? (Even though I Live on my own now)

Deep Sense : my sister (she also lives on her own)
Title: Re: Family RP (No Sign Up)
Post by: Cloudy Skies on 2018 Mar 11, 13:04:25
Oh. Sorry Gamepaw XD

And I guess we could do a roleplay with just me and Misty Fly if nopony else is going to join. :3
Title: Re: Family RP (No Sign Up)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2018 Mar 12, 11:30:04
(sure if your family doesn't containt any canon characters i.ll be fine with it)
Title: Re: Family RP (No Sign Up)
Post by: Cloudy Skies on 2018 Mar 12, 12:58:39
It doesn't  :D
Title: Re: Family RP (No Sign Up)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2018 Mar 12, 16:03:39
*Steel Pride was Smithing swords downstairs he was about to put the sword back in the place when he noticed that hes out of supplies*

''well great...just what i needed...looks like i.ll need to get more...'' *but before he could do anything his wife bursts through the door*

''i just wanted to say were gonna have family dinner so don't be late again''

*he rolls his eyes* ''you know i,m never late for stuff like that''

''and don't roll your eyes at me! it's bad for you'' *suddenly someone else comes in the garage*

''ehm sorry about that i saw the door was locked so i decided to sneak through the workshop you know me i hate being late...''
Title: Re: Family RP (No Sign Up)
Post by: Cloudy Skies on 2018 Mar 12, 16:10:04
*Cloudy opens up her room door*

"Hey dad, who was that in the garage?" Cloudy said.
Title: Re: Family RP (No Sign Up)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2018 Mar 12, 17:08:33
(is she talking to me?)
Title: Re: Family RP (No Sign Up)
Post by: Gamepaw on 2018 Mar 12, 19:46:12
(Well, if I'm in this RP. I'm thinking, my 4 characters are family pets.
Remember, Game is chubby, Violet is the strong wolfess dating the chubby one and Poppy (Labrador) and Sky (Wolf) are the pups.)

In the kitchen of the home, three out of four canines were up and about and had already went outside before coming back in for their breakfast. Meanwhile however, the fourth a fairly pudgy wolf remained asleep in the cupboard.

"We should wake him up." Poppy stated, plotting all the ways she could scare the fluffy canine awake. 

"[color=##00FFFF]I think we should leave him alone.[/color]" Sky replied shyly, she liked Game too much to scare him like that and didn't Violet to scold her.

Violet watched and listened to the pups, she knew that Sky at least would never go through with it but she also felt like her overweight mate needed something to make him move.

Title: Re: Family RP (No Sign Up)
Post by: Cloudy Skies on 2018 Mar 12, 21:40:36
Wait, lets redo this. Misty and Gamepaw, can you fill out this?

Cutie Mark:

Spoiler: show
Name: Cloudy Skies
Race: Pegasus
Cutie Mark: Raincloud
Personality: Can be funny at times, though Cloudy has been through a lot. Friends that are evil, friends that have betrayed her,
and some various attacks from evil ponies. It's the best she can be.
Looks: (https://i.imgur.com/pHt45Z5.png)
Age: 34
Role: Mother
Title: Re: Family RP (No Sign Up)
Post by: Gamepaw on 2018 Mar 12, 23:01:24
(I posted all mine in a spoiler tag, though only Gamepaw has a picture. Roles = pets.)
Title: Re: Family RP (No Sign Up)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2018 Mar 13, 06:24:27
Name: Marble Star
Race: Unicorn
Cutie Mark: 3 paper swans
Personality: unstable angry bitter emotional can get very angry for no reason sometimes
Looks: https://itspeahead.deviantart.com/art/Marble-Star-717281718
Age: 23
Role: uhh...me? daughter i guess
Title: Re: Family RP (No Sign Up)
Post by: Cloudy Skies on 2018 Mar 13, 16:21:47
Cloudy watched her dogs seeming to talk to each other. "You guys want a treat?" she said.

Cloudy walked over to the cupboard to grab some pig ears. Suddenly, she noticed the dogs were gone! "Game??? Sky?? Poppy?? Violet!!!???"
Title: Re: Family RP (No Sign Up)
Post by: Cloudy Skies on 2018 Mar 13, 22:54:01
*Cloudy turned suddenly and saw the big overweight doggo scratching his ear* Oh... I guess we just lost 3.
Title: Re: Family RP (No Sign Up)
Post by: Cloudy Skies on 2018 Mar 13, 23:31:48
*Cloudy opens the kitchen coupard* (Also I guess I'll play the dad of the family, Rainy Skies.)
"There you are. I heard you snoring." she said. Turning to search the rest of the house. "I have treats!" she said. Suddenly hearing some yaps. "Keep it down in there!" Rainy Skies said, yelling from his TV chair snacking on some cereal.
"Eat your cereal and be quiet, hun!" Cloudy replied. Giving Rainy a  >:/ .
Cloudy checked Marble's bedroom, she searched under the bed and found them! "Here's some treats!" Cloudy said, bending down to give them some cow.

Suddenly Rainy yelled out, "Hun! We gotta pack! TV channel says that a hurricane is approaching!" he yelled, sounding concerned.
"Uh oh..." Cloudy mumbled.
Title: Re: Family RP (No Sign Up)
Post by: Gamepaw on 2018 Mar 13, 23:37:37
(I think I'm not gonna continue. You two have fun though.)
Title: Re: Family RP (No Sign Up)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2018 Mar 14, 07:52:03
SP : well surely this was unexpected...

Silk P : Indeed but you did said you were coming...

Marble : ofcourse i did...i planned everything!
Title: Re: Family RP (No Sign Up)
Post by: Coronita on 2018 Apr 19, 08:06:00
Heya Cloudy Skies! I just whipped up the newest member of the Skies family. Let me know what you think!

Name: Hazy Skies

Race: Pegasus

Age: A little colt

Appearance: uh... I'll figure that out in the character creator  :I  Going to look a lot like Cloudy Skies, so grays and whites. Maybe less contrast, to make him look all vague and hazy?

Cutie Mark: Vague bird shapes behind thin, wispy clouds, eventually. Not now.
I'm thinking some kind of clairvoyant ability wherein he reads the winds. He doesn't currently understand his abilities, so he is often nervous when these instincts start kicking...

Character: Oblivious. Always has his head in the clouds. Wise beyond his years, but often has trouble expressing himself clearly.

Background: Youngest son of Cloudy Skies. Goes to school in Cloudopolis. Struggles in flight athletics classes, and could never quite clear the skies fully. Highly sensitive to weather, just can't quite shape it the way he wants.
No hobbies at the moment. Give him a stick or a piece of cloud and he's good.

I love making little filly and colt characters, apparently. It's my childlike nature   0:)
Title: Re: Family RP (No Sign Up)
Post by: Cloudy Skies on 2018 Apr 19, 12:07:36
OOC:  O: A new member! Welcome!

Cloudy scurries around in the kitchen, looking for ingredients to make dinner until she finds out the coupard is empty. "RAINY!!!" Cloudy yelled, assuming her husband the fatty food eater ate all the noodles and cheese.

"Ugh, what??? RAINY replied, chewing loudly.

"I knew it. Marble! Hazy! We're going shopping!" Cloudy said, groaning then scurrying around to find shopping bags.
Title: Re: Family RP (No Sign Up)
Post by: Coronita on 2018 Apr 19, 13:47:24
(heya everypony, glad to be a part of the family!  ^-^ )

Hazy waves off a cloud he'd been playing with in his room, and trots out slowly toward the living room.

"Maaaaa, do I have to go shopping?" Hazy whines. "It's all weird out there, I don't wanna go"  DD:

Hazy rubs his hooves together, giving Cloudy his best puppy-dog eyes.
Title: Re: Family RP (No Sign Up)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2018 Apr 19, 15:43:57
//does anyone here wanna RP with me
Title: Re: Family RP (No Sign Up)
Post by: Cloudy Skies on 2018 Apr 19, 17:08:23
OOC:      You're a member of the family so we all want to RP with you!  ^-^  @Misty Fly

Cloudy stares at Hazy for a while until she says something. "We're going, end of story. Don't you want macaroni and cheese?" Cloudy then smiled at Hazy.

"Do I have to go???!!!" Rainy, her husband yelled, snacking on the pantry food.

"We're all going. C'mon Marble!" Cloudy replied.
Title: Re: Family RP (No Sign Up)
Post by: Coronita on 2018 Apr 20, 00:31:30
"Ooookayyy, fiiine," Hazy harrumphs. "But i want the one with the little crunchy things in it!"

Hazy Skies trots upstairs to find his Lil' Ursa. He digs around in the sheets on his bed, and retrieves a small doll resembling an Ursa Minor. It's worn, but the enchantment on it still sparkles with twinkling stars and a constellation lining the tail.

He calls out from his room, "I'm ready!" and trots back down the stairs to the living room, floating just a bit more with each step. Everything's gonna be just fine!

Title: Re: Family RP (No Sign Up)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2018 Apr 26, 04:57:26
"You should go dear your sister said she would be in town"

*Mom replied*

"Yea okay..."

*Marble replies and dashes off into the city as soon as she leaves Silk approached her husband*

"Did she left?"

*He asks her*

"Yes now for our plan it's her birthday so...let's not ruin this"