Legends of Equestria - Forum

General Category => Introductions => Topic started by: Silver Gust on 2017 Nov 14, 15:59:40

Title: Hello, everypony
Post by: Silver Gust on 2017 Nov 14, 15:59:40
The name I wanted was taken, so I used my fallback username.

I've been a brony since shortly after Season 3 finished airing but I don't have many friends that enjoy the franchise, so I'm excited to be here, though I seem to be having some trouble earning my wings.

Character name: Silver Glow (Also my Twitter name at the moment)
Server: Amareicas
Species: Pegasus
Looking For: Friends

And yes, I'm kind of bad at introductions.

Anyway, if anypony wants to chat, just send me a message or reply here.

PS Little strange to have to complete a Captcha to post a message. Any way to disable that? Or is it maybe a one time thing?
Title: Re: Hello, everypony
Post by: Void92 on 2017 Nov 15, 10:00:33
Welcome to the LoE forum and game, Flat Dragon :) I hope you'll have lots of fun in-game! :D Although I'm from Europe, i'm playing on Americas server aswell. If you're not russian, it's pointless to play on Europonia server.
Title: Re: Hello, everypony
Post by: Night Striker on 2017 Nov 15, 12:24:51
Welcome to the forums, Flat Dragon! I hope you enjoy the game as much as I do and to see you in-game later! ^_^ Oh and about the captcha part, it's there to prevent spammers so for the first few posts you do, you'll have to do it, but if you post often it'll go away eventually. After all if you could just disable it right off the bat, it just defeats the purpose of why it's there.
Title: Re: Hello, everypony
Post by: Silver Gust on 2017 Nov 15, 15:29:35
Thanks for the replies and warm welcomes!

Time constraints IRL prevent me from playing as much as I'd like but I'll be on a few times a week, starting next week.

I only wish I was more used to PC gaming, because the controls are hard for me to get used to. I keep flying in circles instead of forward lol.

Also, thanks for the information about the CAPTCHA. Not a fan of it, but I understand why it's there now.
Title: Re: Hello, everypony
Post by: Void92 on 2017 Nov 16, 10:07:13
Remember, that the controls can be changed in options. So, if you don't like for example movement keys(WASD) then you can change them to whatever keys you like. Same goes for other stuff like flying etc.
Title: Re: Hello, everypony
Post by: Silver Gust on 2017 Nov 16, 13:36:56
Thanks for the reminder, DarkDawn, but my problem with the controls is the fact that I'm a console gamer, and I don't have a gamepad that's compatible with Windows 10 at the moment.

Keyboard controls in general are hard for me to use. But given some time, I'm sure I'll pick things up.
Title: Re: Hello, everypony
Post by: Void92 on 2017 Nov 16, 15:49:37
Oh, okay. I'm a pc gamer since forever, so i think it's easier to get used to controls  lol  Never played/had the console, so i have no idea how it feels like  X3
Title: Re: Hello, everypony
Post by: Silver Gust on 2017 Nov 16, 18:27:02
Yeah, I get that lot online, especially in the forums of PC games. (Because obvious reasons lol)

But as aforementioned, when I start playing 'officially' next week I should be able to get used to things pretty quickly, as I plan to play at least an hour everyday next week and onward.
Title: Re: Hello, everypony
Post by: Cloudy Skies on 2018 Mar 06, 22:40:28
Welcome to LoE, enjoy your stay! You can be almost anything! From a fashion designer like Rarity to a daring adventurous pony like Rainbow Dash! You can be a roleplayer, a artist, a author, a teacher and so much more now! And here's a tip: When the room is shutting down, quickly change it! You will understand this further into the game, anyways have a nice day and a fun trip in Equestria!