Legends of Equestria - Forum

General Category => Introductions => Topic started by: Soaring Thunderstrike on 2017 Nov 05, 20:57:29

Title: I'm not good at these sort of things.....
Post by: Soaring Thunderstrike on 2017 Nov 05, 20:57:29
Hello there everypony, just got here and was dropping in. I am horrible at introductions and well, heard that this was fun. Sorry to say that I myself have not watched past S01 EP02 for now. That might be change soon(As I don't have cable). Ermm... I'll be around maybe not everyday but, i'' check in now and then. Well, time to Soar though the skies of Equestria!
Title: Re: I'm not good at these sort of things.....
Post by: Night Striker on 2017 Nov 06, 01:22:23
Welcome to the forums, Soaring Thunderstrike! Personally, I haven't watched past the point when Twilight became princess, not because I hated the whole idea, just real life stuff kept getting in the way. Anyways, I hope you have as much fun as I do playing LoE, and I hope to see you in-game later! ^-^
Title: Re: I'm not good at these sort of things.....
Post by: Void92 on 2017 Nov 06, 09:18:25
Welcome to the LoE forum and game, Soaring Thunderstrike :) I hope you'll have lots of fun in game! :D
Title: Re: I'm not good at these sort of things.....
Post by: Thunder Spin on 2017 Nov 13, 03:42:38
Don't worry about the intro post, mah brah, it looks good to me. I didn't even make an intro post for myself ... Wow ... Anyways, I stopped watching mlp after s6 (which I didn't watch properly, so I stopped in s3) but I'm still part of that awesome community. Btw, I dunno if that happens to all of you, but I personally can't stand the idea of ponyfying characters from other shows I love, or putting MLP characters into another show ... I just hate it... Oh well

Welcome to the forums! If you need any help on anything , feel free to ask the LoE team, they'll give you the most possible answers. Have fun and don't worry if the crazy ponies lure you, it's the forum madness ... You may get stuck of this sickness one day. Like me ... I'm a little bit ... you know ... ovO

Hope to meet you in chat one day and in RPs. If you need any help on RPing, feel free to PM me , it became my duty to PM people about RPing. Otherwise, I can sent you a PM on Friday/the weekend

If you're having problems with putting your profile picture and signature, you can read this topic : http://forum.legendsofequestria.com/index.php?topic=15940.0 ; You should probably PM @Princess Darcy for more info and help.

Hope to meet ya in the game!
Title: Re: I'm not good at these sort of things.....
Post by: Soaring Thunderstrike on 2017 Nov 19, 16:44:16
@Night Striker Why thank you I saw once but seemed to missed you my name is one letter to much O:.

@DarkDawn Thank you you very much! Hope to see you around too X3.

@Thunder Spin Thanks, as I said not good but getting better at them. ^-^ Still doing things myself so I am kinda stuck at S01 EP02 hopefully I get the chance to catch up.
I look forward to meeting you also X3.
Title: Re: I'm not good at these sort of things.....
Post by: Proudy Hooves on 2017 Nov 19, 22:54:23
Hello and welcome to the LoE Community! Enjoy your stay there!
There you can show yourself as a classy writer, creative artmaker, clever role-player or a cheerful and talkative fun-bringer like Pinkie Pie! And even more...
Now you can play LoE and get in touch with community!
Also you just can look at forums and do anything you wish! But don't forget to read and follow the rules there!
Good luck, mate!
Title: Re: I'm not good at these sort of things.....
Post by: Cloudy Skies on 2018 Mar 06, 22:52:19
Welcome to LoE, enjoy your stay! You can be almost anything! From a fashion designer like Rarity to a daring adventurous pony like Rainbow Dash! You can be a roleplayer, a artist, a author, a teacher and so much more now! And here's a tip: When the room is shutting down, quickly change it! You will understand this further into the game, anyways have a nice day and a fun trip in Equestria