The land of Equestria, inhabited mainly be the three pony races, Unicorn, Pegasus and Earth. This is almost that Equestria.
A strange magic has befallen the cities and towns of Equestria, slowly turning the inhabitants into Wolf-ified versions of themselves, the smarter among the ponies have been trying to solve this riddle and turn everypony back to how they were, but with little success.
As it stands, the ponies will just have to learn to live with their new bodies as the changing begin to be cast out to protect the 'normal' ponies from the affliction.
You are one of these ponies, you have began to show signs of change and you have to either hide from your fellow pony-folk or leave and hope for a cure.
You will continue to have your pony abilities:
Unicorns - Magic.
Pegasi/Bat Ponies - Wings/Flight + Weather manipulation.
Earth - Increased speed, strength and earth powers (Farming and plants?)
The change will begin with the increased growing of fur and slow reshaping of the body to become more canine as you begin to gain, heightened senses and abilities associated with being a wolf before you turn completely into one, while keeping your pony magic.
Will you go on a quest to turn back to normal? or will you decide to stay as you are and hide away?
(Little info sheet, that will be useful for others to picture your character. Feel free to use your own.)
Physical Desc./Picture:
Note: This will take place near the beginning of this strange occurrence, so there will not be many other changing ponies except for those you depict in this RP, so you are somewhat special/unique in the world. :)
Spoiler: Gamepaw - Chubby Wolf • show
Name: Gamepaw
Species: Wolf
Gender: Male
Colours: General base fur colour is a dark Navy (#453b66), He has multiple patches of (#8c73c9), longer, fluffy fur (#765fa7) such as around his (#5a4e86) hind legs or his neck. (#816bbb) Which are multiple shades of lighter purple (#7062a7). On the tips of his paws and his inner ears he has a pale purple (bba6ff). He also has a dark to light blue gradient tail and mane. Which goes from the darker (#42459a) to the much lighter (#7d8df1). He also has light blue eyes (#74d4ff). His pawpads happen to be a lighter blue-ish purple in colours (#9d94fb).
Personality: Gamepaw is a fairly outgoing wolf, not to shy down from anything, bullies and the like. He tends to be kind, fatherly or loving, enjoying looking after others and will even put himself in the way if he sees something he doesn't like. He also tends to very food absorbing, commonly seen eating some sort of baked good, mainly pie as his favourite.
However as a feral or a pet character, he is fairly helpless due to his chubbiness getting the better of him, he can also be scared or become afraid very easily, due to his large weight and general helplessness if he knows something will happen and he knows he can't get away or escape.
Physical Description: A pudgy wolf by no doubt as his constant snacking catches up with him, but it doesn't cause him much of an issue outside of his feral/pet form. Comparatively being a lot skinnier than the four legged counterpart. As an anthro character he also sometimes has a long extended tail, capable of wrapping around things such as others or his neck like a scarf. As a pet, he can normally been seen with a purple collar on, however it keeps having to be replaced due to his weight and size.
Short Backstories: (Specific backstories for certain universes e.g Pokemon, Fallout)
Being a lazy wolf Game got chubby fairly quickly and failed at keeping up with his fellow pack, who had eventually disowned him and left him to his own devices. Being the slow wolf that he was he found it incredibly difficult to keep himself fed, as all the animals were too fast for him. He eventually settled for mainly grown things, such as berries or fallen apples. Occasionally having to eat meat, the only sources he could find are ones he had to find already passed their prime or those that required digging up.
It was early morning when the lone canine woke up, the hustle and bustle of the ponies running here there and everywhere disrupting his long snooze. Sighing as he got up the fairly large canine stretched and attempted to get all the kinks out of his back before heading on his way in search of a place to stay, nap and eat. As much as he 'enjoyed' the cardboard boxes the ponies threw into the alleys he called home, he would much rather have a nice soft bed even if it was just a pile of grass or left over dough.
((This needs more Candy. Will be an exciting story with the woof-hater in ovO . Poor Game, Candy is more energetic than the floofy food bag x3))
Spoiler: Candy Moss • show
Name: Candy Moss
Personality: She likes candies (like her name), but she also adores hygiene. She also likes pets, even though she doesn't like wolves, as many of them used to attack her when she was little
Height: 5'6
Race: Unicorn
Family:Couture De Moss or Miss Couture for short (mother)
Small Backstory: Candy Moss and her mother didn't get along together, so Candy grew up in an orphanage.
Being a wolf was the worse thing she would ever imagine. She hadn't been a nice pony to that blue-purple fat wolf and it hurts to know that you hurt somebody that didn't do anything to you. And Candy was full of those feelings, since she had hurt so many friends of hers. Most of her friends were honest and loyal to her. And she hurt them. Maybe it's just what has to happen, everyone she loves hurts. And now it was her time to pay, living as a wolf for the rest of her life.
She walked in circles, until she found the best spot to lay on. She put her head on her hooves and tried to sleep. It was hard, there were little fillies and colts playing and shouting. Well, she couldn't leave this spot, she had been looking for a nice place to lay on after the owner of her house threw her away, like it was her fault she is slowly becoming a chubby wolf.
(I thought I locked this, well would be nice to get some more pones here. You don't have to become a chubby woofer, a normal woofer would be fine. You even get to use magic cause unicorn if you want.)
Game had begun one of his frequent waddles into town in search of food, it took some time but he eventually arrived and began shifting through the alleys and bins in search of some much wanted food. In the distance he heard fillies and colts playing, allowing him to try and avoid them
(It's been a while since I've joined a roleplay,
or even continued one I started... but this one seems interesting. :3 )
Name:Maple T. Syrup
Gender: Female
Backstory: Maple Syrup was born and raised in the wonderful kingdom called the Syrup Kingdom. Her mother, Saffron, and father, Big Oak were hard working ponies who made sure that Maple Syrup grew up to be a well-mannered pony. Maple Syrup never ventured past the walls of the kingdom, but she always wondered what was on the other side. She was friends with almost everypony in the kingdom and was well known for her perseverance and attitude. One day she snuck outside of the kingdom to chase the rush of adventure and to be friends with the world! Oh, and also to conquer all sorts of quests, but she soon decided to settle in Equestria and let the adventure come to her.
Personality: As a curious little pony, Maple always finds herself poking her muzzle into other pony's business. Other than this, she's quite friendly, confident in any action she takes, and a bit daring when the time calls for it.
Physical Desc/Picture:
Maple Syrup had begun the early stages of transformation in a little house she had settled into that was full of fresh sweets, exotic smells, and warm jars of different jellies and jams she had made. The inviting scents would bring curious colts and fillies to her doorstep, but she would politely shoo them away. The reason for this was because she started to notice her transformation. Her ears became much more pointed and acute, and her mane started to get fluffier. Her only concern was that her new form would be a hindrance in her sweets making and that her new appearance would frighten other ponies, so she stayed tucked away in the privacy of her house as she focused on preserving everything she made before she became a wolf.
He needs to be here
Spoiler: Flame the Eagle Wolf Hybrid • show Name: Flame
Species/Race: Original Wolf/Eagle hybrid
Gender: Male
Backstory: When Flane was born, he was considered a disgrace to other wolves, for his wings that stand out. He lives alone in the wilderness for now, but before he lived in an orphanage, where he practiced fire and healing magic.
Personality: Quiet, but quick reacting and sly. He's kind, but at times he spies on others, telling people information about his observations. He's also very scientific, so he usually gets deep into thought and tries his best to get at least a hypothesis.
Physical Desc./Picture:
I can get very precise.
With my observations, I noticed that not as much people as before were going outside. Some had disappeared into their houses a few days ago, while others were always prancing outside, doing whatever. And there's less food in the garbage, which probably must be hard for some stray animals who usually feed on it. That might also have something to do with the others suddenly gone, never outside. Some people's houses had lights on, them off, meaning they were in there, but not ever outside. I wonder why, maybe it's because they're sick or something. But then it would've spread to everyone, and we would be warned. But we weren't, so I have to cross that off the list.
I slowly started deeper into thought when I heard a growl from someone's stomach, snapping me out of my deep digging for a theory.