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Roleplay Board => Roleplaying => Canterlot Archives => Topic started by: Brave Fleet on 2017 Jul 03, 01:27:54

Title: Land Before Equestria [sign-up rp]
Post by: Brave Fleet on 2017 Jul 03, 01:27:54
Sign-up page: http://forum.legendsofequestria.com/index.php?topic=16664.0
Scenario (for non-ponies): you're noticing the battles between the pony races, and how much they seem to hate eachother. It worries you a little, though not too much. It's not really you're problem, since you're not even part of their species. What will you do?

Scenario (for ponies): you're in the midst of a huge argument between the two other races of ponies. You find yourself wanting to talk to other species since all everypony talks about is how to defeat the other races... But no random dragon would like to talk about a pony's problems, would they?... What will you do?

Season: winter

Graceful Talons donned her scarf before leaving her home, venturing off into the cold winter skies. It was something she did every morning, and she was alright with that. She wishes that her awesome morning routine would never change unless it involved more money. She loved having money... The more she had, the more status she thought she had.
A smile formed on Grace's face as she landed swiftly in the cold snow. She was atop a mountain where she usually sits during the early morning to watch the earth below. Only thing different about it from normal land was that there were ponies!
It was the perfect idea for getting more money! By simply helping out a pony, she could get wealthier! Though... It didn't always work. She usually just helped out their usual chores, and those chores were usually for the pegasus ponies.
Grace got out a piece of bread from her bags and began to eat casually, not too worried about anything just yet.

Sewing Seeds brushed the snow out of the way with his hoof. He planned on planting something once more, though he highly doubted it was going to be different from other attempts, but there was stull a chance! Hopefully... There couldn't possibly be anything worse for peach trees than that darn cold.
With a sigh, the earth pony continued to get rid of snow, revealing healthy soil. With a successful smile, he planted the seeds and cleared the snow out a little bit more. Since he was such a good farmer, he had no worries for planting things in the cold, but it seemed that peaches just didn't seem to want to do anything until spring. It was still worth trying, though.
After a bit, he trotted off to his nearby indoor crop, where he had lots of corn and pumpkins growing. He began to pick out the fresh food as everypony else went about their daily business.
Title: Re: Land Before Equestria [sign-up rp]
Post by: Gamepaw on 2017 Jul 03, 07:38:07
Game poked his head out of a hay pile, looking around to see if the coast was clear to hop out. Seeing no one, the rotund canine popped out and took a fair bit of hay with him and began sniffing around for some food.

It was difficulty to keep himself well fed in the barn, but occasionally a pony would drop some food and not pick it up or one of the other animal's food would be stored in the barn and he could get into it.

Today however was not a good day for food, the pudgy canine's stomach growled as he was unable to find anything to satisfy himself with. Letting out a small pitiful whine the wolf waddled his way back to the hay and wiggled inside. Curling up with his large empty stomach and waiting until the next day, preferring to wait than to take his chances with the outside world.
Title: Re: Land Before Equestria [sign-up rp]
Post by: Irroro on 2017 Jul 04, 04:20:21
A stallion walked out of a massive mansion, smiling, looking about at the frozen welcome mat before stepping down stone mansion steps, a handsome white unicorn bachelor-in-a-suit. Around him was the rich duchess's front garden, it's expensive stone statues posed in all matters of ways. At it's center, a glorious fountain depicting a unicorn wearing an extravagant stone hat and monocle. All of it was covered in a wondrous blanket of snow.

The unicorn walked through this castle of a mansion, confidently as one who practically owned it could be. That is, until, the luxurious oaken doors of the mansion behind the unicorn opened, a unicorn mare stumbling through in red dress. "Wait!" The stallion stopped. His smile stopped too. The mare went down the mansion steps, and, at the sound of her clops, the stallion turned around, face to face with the white unicorn mare, their breaths intertwining at the distance. Gently, she lifted a hoof and she stroked the stallion's handsome face, tears welling up in her scarlet eyes, threatening to fall. "Won't I see you again?"

The stallion in question looked deeply into her eyes with his own emerald-blue. But, instead of saying anything, he only leaned in to kiss her, which the mare gladly embraced as if it was the last they were ever going to do so. The moment lasted like an eternity in the cold, and the love practically melted the snow around them before, with reluctance, the stallion let go, and, with a sad look in his eyes, he turned and walked away. The mare could only stare as the stallion did and continued to do so, away from her, into a valley of white...

(I spent three hours on that one, and yet, I still feel like I did something wrong with it! lol Guilt, maybe?
Edited for paragraphing.)
Title: Re: Land Before Equestria [sign-up rp]
Post by: Brave Fleet on 2017 Jul 04, 12:53:57
(I may not reply for a while since I'm waiting for others to join in)
Title: Re: Land Before Equestria [sign-up rp]
Post by: SandFire on 2017 Jul 04, 14:49:27
Essence walks and and stands at the top of a hill looking at the area in front of him. Seeing that there are buildings and inhabitants he stays there watching them move about.
Title: Re: Land Before Equestria [sign-up rp]
Post by: Nightshade Star on 2017 Jul 04, 21:01:24
Aaah. Winter makes me hungrier than ever.
I stand in the white scenario, trying to make a fire but with no success. And THAT'S when I spotted a white stallion walking away from a mansion that practically was surrounded by a castle garden. Behind him was another white unicorn, but this time a mare wearing a red dress.
Something feels romantic.
I run through the white valley, getting as far away as I could from that love. I probably left hoofprints. I had to stop dead because of a high and sharp cliff.
Making sure no pony sees me, I switch from a horn to a pair of wings. Then I fly away.
(Haha immediate interact with @Irroro
Title: Re: Land Before Equestria [sign-up rp]
Post by: Aqua Fire on 2017 Jul 04, 21:37:40
(What the heck, I'm doing 1st person.)
-I run after a small white rabbit, loosing it now and again thanks to the snow. After awhile, it eventually got out of my sight.-
Eh, I'm tired anyway.
-I cover my coat in snow, hoping to camouflage myself. It would probably make me a better hunter, instead of seeing a black dot coming from a mile away. There's still some spots, but that doesn't really matter. I try to find somewhere I could sleep for the night, instead of freezing to death. It seems to keep getting worse every time earth, unicorn, or pegasi fight. After what seemed like hours of searching, though it was only a few minutes, I finally find shelter. Seeing an open window, I climbed in, finally feeling warmth. It has been a long time since I was in a hoof-built shelter. Hopefully, it will be awhile before the owners find out a black cat entered their home.-
Title: Re: Land Before Equestria [sign-up rp]
Post by: Thunder Spin on 2017 Jul 05, 04:24:17
((How can you guys do this 1st person thing? Sorry, I just can't stand it ... it's not the style I'm used to RP. ON YEAR 3RD PERSON lol EDIT:K, since most [two] of you rp in first person. I'll try ... ))

I was freezing from the cold. I was wearing a grey hoodie and scarf. Another changeling was flying away. For some reason, I don't remember at all, I yelled: HEY! Wait! Where are you going?. No response. I flew next to her, in case she notices me. The changeling seemed busy. I just followed her in silence. How could she fly with such a cool weather? How could we both fly with such a cool weather? We sure were the only beings flying at winter. Why? Why was I following a stranger? The only thing I knew was that it's very cold.
Title: Re: Land Before Equestria [sign-up rp]
Post by: Nightshade Star on 2017 Jul 05, 09:06:12
(I am definitely first person. It's my style :P )
Another changeling? How many of my race do I have to encounter?
Somewhere, over the rainbow
Yeah no I won't say that.
"Erm, I'm just going to scout a bit. Examine the war between the ponies." I answer. I hear a battle cry and a clash of swords clinking together.
Honestly, I hate war. I knew that when I ran away from my hive.
I see a black dot in the distance going inside the window of a house.
Yeah, not a changeling. Probably a cat.
I shiver. I kinda wish I had clothes.
Title: Re: Land Before Equestria [sign-up rp]
Post by: Brave Fleet on 2017 Jul 05, 10:55:08
Graceful Talons narrowed her eyes and flew up into the cold skies, realizing that the ponies seemed a little too busy to spare a few bits today. Her stomach grumbled a little bit, realizing that she hadn't eaten in a while. And of course, she flies a bit too recklessly and bumps into something in the sky. Her eyes widen and she quickly makes sure that she didn't break anything. To her surprise, they were some strange species of pony she has never seen before... It looked like a pony.
"Er.... Hey?..." Grace said nervously before flying a few feet away.

Sewing Seeds finally finished his work in the garden after a while, so he decided to do some work in the barn. He walked inside, sighing happily at the warmth he felt as soon as he entered... Though it didn't last too long. He noticed paw prints painted the barn floor. He furrowed his brow and followed the tracks, only to find a...
"Wolf!" The earth pony shouted in fear, backing away frantically, only to trip over a hay bale. His eyes were quite wide and his face was... Quite pathetic.
Title: Re: Land Before Equestria [sign-up rp]
Post by: Gamepaw on 2017 Jul 05, 11:19:27
Game was startled when the pony found him and similarly backed away into a corner and let out a small pathetic whimper, he didn't want to be forced back out into the wild, it was too difficult for him.

The wolf preferred an empty stomach occasionally in the barn than the outside world, but now that he was found he wasn't sure what would happen. Maybe he'd get locked in a cupboard or something, anything is better than the wild.
Title: Re: Land Before Equestria [sign-up rp]
Post by: Nightshade Star on 2017 Jul 05, 12:10:04
( @Brave Fleet Nightshade is in disguise)

Post Merge

Pony + Changeling problem.
"Umm.. hi." I say, also backing away from her.
Title: Re: Land Before Equestria [sign-up rp]
Post by: Nightshade Star on 2017 Sep 05, 10:57:02
@Brave Fleet
@Aqua Fire

Title: Re: Land Before Equestria [sign-up rp]
Post by: SandFire on 2017 Sep 05, 12:13:20
*is here too*
Title: Re: Land Before Equestria [sign-up rp]
Post by: Gamepaw on 2017 Sep 05, 15:01:17
(I`m waiting for brave birb.)
Title: Re: Land Before Equestria [sign-up rp]
Post by: Nightshade Star on 2017 Sep 06, 19:13:36
Ima just keep tagging her

@Brave Fleet
@Brave Fleet
@Brave Fleet
@Brave Fleet
@Brave Fleet
@Brave Fleet
@Brave Fleet
@Brave Fleet
@Brave Fleet
@Brave Fleet
@Brave Fleet
@Brave Fleet
@Brave Fleet
@Brave Fleet
@Brave Fleet
@Brave Fleet
@Brave Fleet
@Brave Fleet
@Brave Fleet
@Brave Fleet
@Brave Fleet
@Brave Fleet
Title: Re: Land Before Equestria [sign-up rp]
Post by: Aqua Fire on 2017 Sep 07, 21:59:08
(I'm present.)
-I try to find a fireplace to sleep by, knocking over a vase while doing so.
Looks expensive.. I notice a tag that says "Priceless"
Phew.. Dodged an arrow there.. I thought, strutting along.
I finally find a fireplace, and rest by it.
So relaxing... I think, dozing off..-
Title: Re: Land Before Equestria [sign-up rp]
Post by: Thunder Spin on 2017 Sep 08, 07:31:00
(( Sorry, I couldn't reply yesterday because my day was full))

I looked closer and realized this changeling had a pair of wings. Pegasus wings. I fly away and switch into a random pegasus then fly next to her again. Sorry for this first impression I say under my teeth, as the cool air blew between them.
Title: Re: Land Before Equestria [sign-up rp]
Post by: Nightshade Star on 2017 Sep 08, 16:15:40
"It's fine." I said. "First impressions never really work."