Legends of Equestria - Forum

Roleplay Board => Original Characters => Topic started by: Dustmover on 2016 Jan 18, 10:47:51

Title: Dustmover and other OC's
Post by: Dustmover on 2016 Jan 18, 10:47:51
So not only am I new, I'm also very bad at making alot of OC's. I can't promise that all of these would be used but I feel that it would be nice to have them all here.

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[IMG]http://i68.tinypic.com/29ekcwy.jpg[/img] [IMG]http://i68.tinypic.com/2415yu0.png[/img]
images from Pony Creator v3 by generalzoi

Real Name: StarGlider
New Name: Dustmover
Species: (Natural) Alicorn
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown
Birthplace:  He can't find it on a map anymore.
Cutie mark: None Yet,( He didn't have time to figure out his talent)
Occupation: currently a street sweeper, before he was a guard to a unicorn.
Personality: When not scared for whats going on around him or anything, StarGlider is a friendly stallion who can be easily excited over things happening around him. He's a loyal soul though his loyalty can blind him to the dangers that are ahead of him. Curious and fun loving he tries his hardest to fit in.
Likes: having fun, being able to explore, He enjoys charming things though he's not that good at it.
Dislikes: having to be serious all the time, wearing armor for a long time, being stared at for not having a cutie mark
Fears: trusting somepony as he did before only to be hurt by them.
Family: He was born to small family, his mother a frail Pegasus and his father a strong unicorn and two older brothers who took after their father. Being the youngest allowed him to escape most of the chores but not from combat. His family line was considered one of the oddest in his community and was often looked down on for the mix blood.
Belongings: A very old heavy set of armor, a white band that is charmed to make him look like a unicorn, and a bandanna for when he goes to work. 

Background: StarGlider was born a long time ago before Equestria was founded. Back long before cutie marks were common.  StarGlider was born to a complex line of Unicorns and Pegasus ponies being one out of a very few in the family line to take on both aspects. But he is not a full alicorn, his wings aren't strong enough for sustained flight and are better for gliding and his magic is limited as larger spells tend to wear him out quickly.   Growing up in the time before Equestria, there was alot of fighting and once he was old enough StarGlider joined the military, being quick on his hooves and good with a lance he was appointed to help guard a stronger Unicorn which he eventually took a liking to. While their relationship was hidden it was the only thing that kept him alive when the other put their own plan into play. When confronting the other, StarGlider was imprison in stone and lost to time. His statue was found eventually and tooken to Manehattan to a history museum.  Reduced to a simple statue found far away he remained that way for years until he was moved into the back and forgotten about. Eventually the spell broke and StarGlider was finally free, and like any overly confused pony he crashed his way out of the museum and hid trying to figure out whats going on.  Still lost as to what happened and whats going on StarGlider  took on a new name and charmed a band to keep him hidden as a normal unicorn.  He's slowly making a living in Manehattan as Dustmover, a sweeper, but is still very confused as to what has just happened and lost on who he can trust. He's heard of smaller calmer places that sound much better than a busy city and hopes to leave the city behind soon.

He's trying to find a way out of the city without hinting that he's the 'one who broke a centuries old statue' and is not from this time period.

Artwork of him
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Title: Re: Dustmover and other OC's
Post by: Dustmover on 2016 Jan 26, 17:06:11
Spoiler: show

Real Name: Little Wind
Nickname: n/a
Species: Pegasus
Gender: Male
Age: 10
Birthplace: Outskirts Mustangia
Cutie mark: A trio of dust devils
Occupation: none
Personality: Little Wind is a young colt who tries his hardest to keep up with others who are older than him. Despite the fact that he is rather young he still tries to keep up even if he ends up hurting himself. (Which is how he lost the tip of his ear.) Eager for attention leads him often into trouble and it doesn't help when he's a natural trouble maker.
Likes:making dust devils,  racing, sun  bathing, getting attention
Dislikes: being rained on, being grounded,  being left behind   
Fears: Being forgotten/ not worth enough by those he cares about
Family:  Steady Wind - Father,  Blooming Wind- Mother.  Little Wind has four older siblings, Desert Bloom- sister,  Scorched Wind-Older Brother,  Drifting Wind - Older Brother, and older brother - Bloom Dasher
Belongings: A old western hat, saddle bag, a tornado in a jar toy

Background:Little Wind was born to a large family on the outskirts of Mustangia, being the youngest out of five foals he struggled to be noticed by his family especially  when talents came into the question.  When he got his cutie mark he felt that it was because, like dust devils, he wasn't strong enough or unique enough to stand out like his siblings. Not really seeing how he was special in his own way he started to cause trouble and cause mischief for the community until he found himself in trouble with his father and threatened to be sent off to relatives for the summer.  Not wanting to be sent away and feeling bad for the trouble he caused he tried to get out from being sent away only to be pushed onto the train by his father. Instead of meeting up with relatives Little Wind escaped the train and found himself rather lost as to where he's at.  He's managed to drift through some small towns causing mischief along the way. 

The Wind Family
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Title: Re: Dustmover and other OC's
Post by: Dustmover on 2016 Feb 02, 20:42:12
Spoiler: show

Real Name: Tick Tock
Nickname: n/a
Species: Unicorn
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Birthplace: Manehattan
Cutie mark: A punch out card
Occupation: Too many, server, theme park worker, janitor, pet walker.
Personality: High strung, easily stressed by things not working out.  She
Likes:vacation, clocking out, Bits, payday
Dislikes: over time, forever shifts, call ins, the early or dead shift   
Belongings: a tie, apron,  a number of work hats
