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Roleplay Board => Original Characters => Topic started by: Pucksterv on 2015 Nov 07, 16:48:42

Title: Trivy
Post by: Pucksterv on 2015 Nov 07, 16:48:42

Name: Trivy (full name: Trivia Hecate)

Gender: Female

Age: Depends on the rp (but usually around 20)

Race: Unicorn

Cutie mark: Hecate's wheel

Appearance: Depending on the role-play and the time it is set, she may or may not usually wear a full sized cloak to hide her identity. She also wears an amulet around her neck with a picture of her family inside.
Her magic aura is the color of her eyes (as normal). Also picture is included

Trivy does not like to talk about herself unless it's with somepony she trusts. She doesn't trust other ponies very quickly. In fact, she never really trusted anyone but her mother.
She doesn't show much emotion either. She likes to keep to herself. She doesn't cry fast, she wants to remain strong. The only thing that gets her crying are the tears of a foal. That's the only thing that can break her hard shell.

Backstory:Trivy is from a small village in the frozen north called Haysborough, near Trotstheim.
Trivy's mother had complications while she gave birth to her, causing Trivy to be born in a coma which is really dangerous condition as such a young age. Her parents did not want to lose her so they found a magic spell that possibly cure her. This magic spell was dark magic, very powerful magic. The spell worked but left a mark on Trivy, the black strand in her mane.
In the beginning of her life, Trivy was a very curious and cheerful foal. However, this changed when her village was attacked by a group of barbarians. Her mother got captured and was never seen again. Her father blames his daughter of this loss. Trivy blames herself as well.
After that, She stopped being cheerful. She never had a good connection with her father. Causing her to shut down her emotions.
She travels from place to place, staying at the homes of friends (so in fact she is homeless) Her favorite place to stay is Canterlot.


Magical skills (scale 1/10):
basic magic : 9
Offensive magic: 7/8
Defensive magic: 8
Advanced magic: 7
Dark magic: 7

Skill level can be different depending on the time of the rp.

Some magic spells she knows:
Time Traveling spell (but takes a lot of energy), flight spell (wings), memory spell, invisibility (short time), teleportation (short distance), transformation of objects, transformation of beings, energy draining, healing

So in short her magical abilities are really good. Her spells are more effective and advanced but at the same time, her magic drains an enormous amount of energy. More than the standard unicorn magic. She has a lot variety in magic but rarely uses it because of the energy it takes.