Legends of Equestria - Forum

Roleplay Board => Roleplaying => Canterlot Archives => Topic started by: Vick McBread on 2015 Jun 06, 11:17:55

Title: I want to stay
Post by: Vick McBread on 2015 Jun 06, 11:17:55
Alright. I can't reliably stay here on the forums sadly (School is out but there is an entire list of everything else I wanna focus on)

To Do List:
Keeping in touch with said people.
A second job
RPing (on steam mostly)

So if you want to RP with me, here's my steam and skype:
Steam: -CHA- Vick McBread™
Skype: vick.mcbread

I might return. Bye.
Title: Re: I want to stay
Post by: Naura on 2015 Jun 06, 11:27:49
Sad to see you go, but this should be on the Absence thread, that can be found in Introductions.