Alright guys, due to all the new activity, I'm rebooting the OOC/Sign-up thread. I'm putting a link to the old thread below. All new characters must be posted on this thread, along with any and all OOC stuff.
Have fun!
Bet you haven't noticed my profile image and banner! lol
Actually, I have! P3 is AWESOME! I'm currently replaying it right now! Same for Persona Q!
Once again, I'm using Azure Wave. Although, is this world full of modern day technology and stuff? Also, this is my first sign-up, so do I need to give any specific details?
I only just found out the Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem is gonna be a thing...
Quote from: Chromastone64 on 2015 Apr 07, 09:56:37
Once again, I'm using Azure Wave. Although, is this world full of modern day technology and stuff? Also, this is my first sign-up, so do I need to give any specific details?
Check the link I put in the first post. There are specific questions for you to answer about your character
hi ponies
*No one talks and tumbleweed rolls past* We're all people in this establishment.
Ok, got the questions.
OC Questions
1) What is your OC's name?
Azure Wave
2) How old is your OC?
3) What does your OC look like? (Give a full description)
Dark blue coat and messy green mane. Body-wise, he looks like a normal teen colt, only a tiny bit overweight. Has dark blue glasses.
4) Out of the following arcana, what best describes your OC?
The Moon
5) What is most important to you, being popular, being smart, or being courageous?
Being courageous.
Are we only allowed to have one of each arcana, because I'm already the Magician? :I
Quote from: Grizzly on 2015 Apr 07, 10:08:05
hi ponies
Hey Grizz, its been a while, I hope you're ready to go to Tartarus, cause we'll be going very soon.
Quote from: Chromastone64 on 2015 Apr 07, 10:11:08
Ok, got the questions.
OC Questions
1) What is your OC's name?
Azure Wave
2) How old is your OC?
3) What does your OC look like? (Give a full description)
Dark blue coat and messy green mane. Body-wise, he looks like a normal teen colt, only a tiny bit overweight. Has dark blue glasses.
4) Out of the following arcana, what best describes your OC?
5) What is most important to you, being popular, being smart, or being courageous?
Being courageous.
Approved! Please stand by while I select a Persona for you, unless you have one you want to use already that is of the Magician Arcana.
Quote from: Doomato on 2015 Apr 07, 10:14:46
Are we only allowed to have one of each arcana, because I'm already the Magician? :I
Yeah, we can have multiple players with the same Arcana, its those who have the Fool Arcana that is limited.
Quote from: HunterOfTheDark on 2015 Apr 07, 10:17:38
Hey Grizz, its been a while, I hope you're ready to go to Tartarus, cause we'll be going very soon.
Approved! Please stand by while I select a Persona for you, unless you have one you want to use already that is of the Magician Arcana.
Yeah, we can have multiple players with the same Arcana, its those who have the Fool Arcana that is limited.
Nah, it's okay. I'll switch to the Moon then. Also yes, please pick out a persona for me; I have no idea what ANY of them are.
You should have Pyro Jack, then we'd be partners! :3
Quote from: Chromastone64 on 2015 Apr 07, 10:19:51
Nah, it's okay. I'll switch to the Moon then. Also yes, please pick out a persona for me; I have no idea what ANY of them are.
No problem, I'll take care of it in the next day or two. I'm a little busy right now taking care of matters for the audio drama I'm working on. PM me if you're interested in finding out more about the audio drama I'm working on though.
It's okay, I'll look through them myself.
Okey dokey lokey! :D
Ok, I picked one: this Sui-Ki thing looks decent. Plus it said it can cause floods.
Looks good, you can now make a post, but you have to be in the same general area as Doomato's character.
Ok. Where is that?
so... where am i?
Yer dorm? o.O Doomato's makin' all the high-scores. X3
i have no idea, sure, if hunter's alright with it i would have Blue in her room, maybe say she didn't leave it for a few days, not even for school? Cause the last thing i was doing with her that i remember was a bit of the ol' fifth tire thing.
1) What is your OC's name?
Match Stick
2) How old is your OC?
3) What does your OC look like? (Give a full description)
Charcoal unicorn male with fiery eyes and tail. Like the picture but younger.
Spoiler: Pictures speak a thousand words • show (
4) Out of the following arcana, what best describes your OC?
5) What is most important to you, being popular, being smart, or being courageous?
Being Courageous
I'd like the Seiryu Persona, but if you think Suzaku is better than I'd accept that as well.
Guessing this is a little like last time, I'll post the application I used before with some changes.
1) What is your OC's name? Sabrina (Saber Wisher, but calls herself Sabrina since her talent wasn't saber related)
2) How old is your OC? For this rp, 17.
3) What does your OC look like? (pic comes later)
4) Out of the following arcana, what best describes your OC? Magician. (I assume that means good with magic)
5) What is most important to you, being popular, being smart, or being courageous? She would easily choose being smart.
6) Personality & misc (added this just for some basic facts I want to get out of the way): Mature and serious most the time, but can of course be childish too. Confident, clear-headed, dutiful and good with magic.
1. Mage Heart
2. 18
3. Not good at that either so here's a picture. You should remember what he looks like but I'll post it again anyway.
Spoiler: Mage Heart • show (
4. Strength
5. Being courageous
6: Persona: Cerberus
((I pretty much just copy and pasted this from the old thread. If I need to add anything please let me know.))
Quote from: annosrules on 2015 Apr 07, 16:44:03
1) What is your OC's name?
Match Stick
2) How old is your OC?
3) What does your OC look like? (Give a full description)
Charcoal unicorn male with fiery eyes and tail. Like the picture but younger.
Spoiler: Pictures speak a thousand words • show (
4) Out of the following arcana, what best describes your OC?
5) What is most important to you, being popular, being smart, or being courageous?
Being Courageous
I'd like the Seiryu Persona, but if you think Suzaku is better than I'd accept that as well.
Accepted! You'll be brought in during the Dark Hour, but you need to be either near Mage Heart, or near Doomato, so that a character can find you.
Quote from: Naura on 2015 Apr 07, 17:03:02
Guessing this is a little like last time, I'll post the application I used before with some changes.
1) What is your OC's name? Sabrina (Saber Wisher, but calls herself Sabrina since her talent wasn't saber related)
2) How old is your OC? For this rp, 17.
3) What does your OC look like? (pic comes later)
4) Out of the following arcana, what best describes your OC? Magician. (I assume that means good with magic)
5) What is most important to you, being popular, being smart, or being courageous? She would easily choose being smart.
6) Personality & misc (added this just for some basic facts I want to get out of the way): Mature and serious most the time, but can of course be childish too. Confident, clear-headed, dutiful and good with magic.
Quote from: LostSanity on 2015 Apr 07, 18:04:37
1. Mage Heart
2. 18
3. Not good at that either so here's a picture. You should remember what he looks like but I'll post it again anyway.
Spoiler: Mage Heart • show (
4. Strength
5. Being courageous
6: Persona: Cerberus
((I pretty much just copy and pasted this from the old thread. If I need to add anything please let me know.))
You guys don't need to repost your character info, I still have access to the old thread after all.
What is the "Dark Hour"?
Google it, or check earlier in the RP when Blueblood and Twilight explain it.
I'm sorry, I just woke up where I am, and I don't really want to give a long explanation when its already in the RP... :c
So how close is it to this mythical 25th hour?
I'd say its between about 5:00 and 7:00 right now. So right now, everyone who isn't living in the dorm are hanging out at the mall, so that one of the Persona-users can find them freaking out during the Dark Hour.
morning, i just woke up from a nightmare, 2 am X__X anyway, anyone wanna play?
1. Name: Moon Hourglass
2. Age: 18
3. Appearance: A brown bat pony, with a brown spiky mane, large white chest fur and tail, and green eyes.
4. Arcana: Aeon
5. Most important to me: To help others in need
6. Persona: Kaguya Hime
Quote from: Timber Keyblade on 2015 Apr 15, 16:21:40
1. Name: Dust Storm
2. Age: 18
3. Appearance: A brown bat pony, with a brown spiky mane, large white chest fur and tail, and green eyes.
4. Arcana: Death
5. Most important to me: To help others in need
6. Persona: Thanatos
I cannot accept this OC right now, as his name is far too similar to my OC's name (Dusk Storm is his name). Change his name, then get back to me.
I'd like to join
I'll use my new oc Zora, the bottom of page four of my oc list has her info, my oc list is linked in my signature
Excuse my stupid question, but does the ponies "feel" this hour? Or like, how should they react? Its probably said somewhere, or maybe its something all persona players know, I never really got around to play the games, >.< so if someone could explain if I should go somewhere special or so, I will be really grateful.
well from what i can tell no, they cant feel it. IF i recall the opening of P3P the main character doesnt even realize he/she is in the world/hour/thingie. there is like a transition between normal and this but its barely noticeable. if i recall that is
Okay thank you X3
no prob ^-^
its been so long since i actually played the game, so long that my save actually got corrupted and i have to start from scratch ono
Then how about... Moon Hourglass?
If that works with you...
Post Merge
You been...
(Uses Zio and accidently shocks somepony with lightning, without noticing)
Quote from: Dark Hooves on 2015 Apr 16, 10:12:15
I'd like to join
I'll use my new oc Zora, the bottom of page four of my oc list has her info, my oc list is linked in my signature
ummmm what about this?
Quote from: Dark Hooves on 2015 Apr 16, 16:37:36
ummmm what about this?
You'll need to actually post the details here. Make sure you check the link in the first post to be sure you don't miss any info.
The info on Zora
Quote from: Dark Hooves on 2015 Apr 16, 21:14:23
The info on Zora
That is not the info I need. Its all well and good to know that info now, but the info I need is OC name, age, appearance, the arcana your OC represents, whats most important to your OC, and the Persona your OC will use.
Age and appearance are given, her persona is the thief, and what's arcana?
The is no such persona as thief. Thief is a job, to learn what a Persona is, check this link:
As for arcana, an arcana is a sort of classification style. There are 22 different arcana, such as Moon, Strength, Death, Fool, and Jester, just to name a few. For more info, check this link:
After you take a look, let me know what arcana your character represents, as well as what Persona you want to use.
OOOH! I totally forgot which arcana i chose for Blue X3
Ignore this if you want Dark I'm reposting mine mainly for my own sake if that's ok
1) What is your OC's name? J/Flaxem2) How old is your OC? 153) What does your OC look like? [/size]
Arcana: Death
Persona Thanatos[/color]5) What is most important to you, being popular, being smart, or being courageous?Courageous to protect his friends and loved ones
The link for personas is empty
Name: Zora
Age: 17
Appearance: metal grey coat and hair, yellow eyes, hair length and style long and wavy, she wears a prototype exo-skeleton that boosts her physical abilities and grants temporary flight with the wings and thrusters, colors of exo-skeleton gold and white
Persona: Aizen Myouou
Arcana: Fortune
Anyone from P3/FES i suppose and I assume only from this arcana since your chose it
Sorry but I just need to know, which ponies will enter the SEES? Is Sabrina already there? Should I bring her there? Or will she stay away this time?
Sabrina awakened her Persona on the full moon, the same time as all the other early initiates. That being said, there won't be much for you to do until after the Dark Hour is over and done with.
and i think i remember which arcana i chose, though not sure. X3
Anyway i can play now if you want, though i'm not sure how usefull i'll be to the plot considering Blue's current atitude
Grizz, your arcana was Priestess, if I'm remembering correctly.
Oh?Priestess? Mmm, kay, i'll roll with that, so my arcana is priestess X3
Post Merge
Though i'm not sure still
WAIT! Didn't we agree that i'll have like a "training" persona until i actually decide which one i want?
Quote from: Dark Hooves on 2015 Apr 17, 02:15:08
The link for personas is empty
Name: Zora
Age: 17
Appearance: metal grey coat and hair, yellow eyes, hair length and style long and wavy, she wears a prototype exo-skeleton that boosts her physical abilities and grants temporary flight with the wings and thrusters, colors of exo-skeleton gold and white
Persona: Aizen Myouou
Arcana: Fortune
I picked a persona.
Quote from: HunterOfTheDark on 2015 Apr 16, 09:44:53
I cannot accept this OC right now, as his name is far too similar to my OC's name (Dusk Storm is his name). Change his name, then get back to me.
How about Moon Hourglass?
Quote from: Timber Keyblade on 2015 Apr 17, 15:10:00
How about Moon Hourglass?
Oops, sorry Timber, got caught up in other prep stuff. In any case, yes, Moon Hourglass works nicely, but I'm afraid we've hit another snag, you need to change your Persona from Thanatos, to something else from the Death arcana if you want to stay with the Death arcana. If you want to switch arcana though, I would highly recommend switching to Aeon arcana, your OC fits Aeon perfectly.
I guess I'll wait for you to get back on to see if you accept or reject my oc.
Quote from: HunterOfTheDark on 2015 Apr 17, 15:31:28
Oops, sorry Timber, got caught up in other prep stuff. In any case, yes, Moon Hourglass works nicely, but I'm afraid we've hit another snag, you need to change your Persona from Thanatos, to something else from the Death arcana if you want to stay with the Death arcana. If you want to switch arcana though, I would highly recommend switching to Aeon arcana, your OC fits Aeon perfectly.
Then my persona is Kaguya Hime, of the Aeon Arcana
Post Merge
1. Name: Moon Hourglass
2. Age: 18
3. Appearance: A brown bat pony, with a brown spiky mane, large white chest fur and tail, and green eyes
4. Arcana: Aeon
5. Most important to me: Helping others in need
6. Persona: Kaguya Hime
Now I'm finished. Am I set? I know this persona is kinda... ahead, but it's the only persona I find likeable. I hope it works for you, Hunter.
I don't know what to do in the RP
Were you with dusk?
lunar dusk, (AKA Mage)
ah, then i have no idea either, sorry
Your also with Doomato following you. :3
Actually I'm with Lost Sanity, who has fainted...
how about you try to take him somewhere? Like drag him to the dorm or something X3
12 year old Match isn't that strong, but he is trying.
I'm with Lostsanity as well, with J.
Moon Hourglass is strong in magic attacks, but he's mostly heal and support.
All though he hasn't awoken to his persona yet XD
Quote from: Dark Hooves on 2015 Apr 17, 02:15:08
Name: Zora
Age: 17
Appearance: metal grey coat and hair, yellow eyes, hair length and style long and wavy, she wears a prototype exo-skeleton that boosts her physical abilities and grants temporary flight with the wings and thrusters, colors of exo-skeleton gold and white
Persona: Aizen Myouou
Arcana: Fortune
Here is my OC's info.
isn't Aizen Myouou of the Hierophant arcana though
I was picking arcana and persona that best suits my OC.
So you're a Hierophant then not fortune
*plays Persona Q as Flame and Dark argue*
What is heirophant?
It's another arcana as in the tarot card. and we aren't arguing are we? I'm sorry if we are >A<
well, before i go back to sleep (or pass out) the arcanas and personas are kinda weird here, if i pick like lets say 'fool' i can only pick fool personas? I dont think that's how it goes in the game we're trying to emulate. And no, this is not arguing
Im only trying to get a character figured out
OK, let me explain, if your character represents the Fool arcana, your fool has the Wild Card ability, allowing for multiple Personas of every arcana. If you represent a different arcana, you can only use one Persona from that Arcana.
oh, mkay. Do we have anyone with that arcana?
At the moment, only Dusk, since blobking decided to drop out of the RP
Awwww. Okey~ Can we continue or is it still not a good time?
Just did, the ponies who were outside the dorm are making their way back.
so what am i supposed to do now? X3
Go to bed, I guess...
already did
*Gets beaten by the Best Friend again on Persona Q*
Darn Rabbit!
Quote from: Dark Hooves on 2015 Apr 17, 02:15:08
Name: Zora
Age: 17
Appearance: metal grey coat and hair, yellow eyes, hair length and style long and wavy, she wears a prototype exo-skeleton that boosts her physical abilities and grants temporary flight with the wings and thrusters, colors of exo-skeleton gold and white
Persona: Aizen Myouou
Arcana: Heirophant.
I'm sorry Dark, I know I should have approved you earlier, but, now is as good a time as any. In any case, for anyone confused by Dark Hooves' Persona choice, it is a Persona from one of the more unknown Persona games, specifically Persona 2: Eternal Punishment. Its a starter Persona of the Hierophant arcana, for those of you who don't know. Dark, I'll PM you about how I want you to introduce your character.
I have a question about the dark hour, i mean, what's the rush? When the dark hour end all that happens is that the time unfreezes and the ponies in the coffins unfreeze, so just make sure there are no coffins around you and you're fine, no?
Quote from: Grizzly on 2015 Apr 21, 13:02:25
I have a question about the dark hour, i mean, what's the rush? When the dark hour end all that happens is that the time unfreezes and the ponies in the coffins unfreeze, so just make sure there are no coffins around you and you're fine, no?
This is true, but we would still need to travel back to the dorm with weapons in plain sight. Realistically, if that were to happen, they'd be arrested on sight for simply carrying weapons in the first place. Make sense?
Quote from: HunterOfTheDark on 2015 Apr 21, 12:31:33
I'm sorry Dark, I know I should have approved you earlier, but, now is as good a time as any. In any case, for anyone confused by Dark Hooves' Persona choice, it is a Persona from one of the more unknown Persona games, specifically Persona 2: Eternal Punishment. Its a starter Persona of the Hierophant arcana, for those of you who don't know. Dark, I'll PM you about how I want you to introduce your character.
Thanks HOTD. I was confused about this too lol
Quote from: HunterOfTheDark on 2015 Apr 21, 13:15:24
This is true, but we would still need to travel back to the dorm with weapons in plain sight. Realistically, if that were to happen, they'd be arrested on sight for simply carrying weapons in the first place. Make sense?
Well, game logic, use your magic pockets that can store billions of items at the same time with no weight restrictions XD As getting arrested on spot, no, unless you have firearms and as long as you keep the weapons holstered.
Sorry, I'm kinda working on Japanese anime logic here, due to in Persona 4, Yoskue and the MC of that game were arrested on the spot for carrying swords around in a mall (it was very early in the P4 game), and resulted in a very humorous scene of Yoskue trying to explain himself while running from police lol
XD didn't play P4 X3 and japanese weapon laws are kinda strict, you almost cant have a screwdriver on ya without a permit XDXD (jk X3)
Indeed, but like I said, my mind is kinda running on that sort of logic, so as a result, the team needs to get back to the dorm before the Dark Hour ends, otherwise things could possibly get rather unfortunate.
Hmmm, nah, we had the added bonus of having Twilight, she can overrule the arrests/problems *fillychuckle*
Oh no, not this Twilight. While she would help students/friends as much as she can, she'd more likely have them face the consequences of not paying attention to their surroundings, forcing them to keep track of the Dark Hour and when it would end.
O-oh X3 That's what you call hard love, cant wait for what Twili wants me in the commander room tomorrow for X3
Oh, don't worry, its just the archery stuff we talked about yesterday.
Hey Hunter. How's everypony gonna react when they see a thesteral, reading on the couch?
Quote from: HunterOfTheDark on 2015 Apr 21, 13:47:48
Oh, don't worry, its just the archery stuff we talked about yesterday.
ug, come on X3 couln't you make it a secret for the others? X3
Quote from: Timber Keyblade on 2015 Apr 21, 18:21:02
Hey Hunter. How's everypony gonna react when they see a thesteral, reading on the couch?
How should I know? I'm not everyone else.
Quote from: Grizzly on 2015 Apr 21, 23:58:20
ug, come on X3 couln't you make it a secret for the others? X3
Oops, my bad, forgot about that... X3
Quote from: Timber Keyblade on 2015 Apr 21, 18:21:02
Hey Hunter. How's everypony gonna react when they see a thesteral, reading on the couch?
Azure'll probably just freak out like usual.
Quote from: Chromastone64 on 2015 Apr 22, 10:02:45
Azure'll probably just freak out like usual.
I think most ponies would be like 'What the Hay!?' Then Moon says 'Hai' Casually X3
Where is everyone!!!
Waiting for the school to start.
The group hasn't even gotten back to the dorm yet. My character is still unconscious after witnessing all of that insanity.
I'm very patient
um, i missed a lot, can anyone fill me in?
Quote from: Grizzly on 2015 May 27, 01:46:54
um, i missed a lot, can anyone fill me in?
Not much, just preparing for school.
oh, so school didnt started even yet, okey, that's good, basically didnt lose a thing ^-^