Legends of Equestria - Forum

General Category => Off-Topic => Off-Topic Archive => Topic started by: byndbored on 2015 Feb 04, 00:08:18

Title: Combining two settings together
Post by: byndbored on 2015 Feb 04, 00:08:18
What do think about combining a standard fantasy setting (elves, dwarfs, orcs, etc.) with a 1990's era setting like earthbound for example.
I don't know I just thought it sounded cool. ^-^

P.s. I don't mean like one of those movies where someone from a fantasy setting goes into the "real world" (or vice versa), I mean the two settings merge and have aspects from each one. :I
Title: Re: Combining two settings together
Post by: Midnight Breeze on 2015 Feb 04, 00:19:13
Harry Potter?
Title: Re: Combining two settings together
Post by: byndbored on 2015 Feb 04, 00:24:42
No I meant more like dungeons and dragons or World of Warcraft meets earthbound.
(not literally though)
Title: Re: Combining two settings together
Post by: ComeGetSome on 2015 Feb 09, 21:27:04
Bethesda's Fallout + the 1980's instead of the generic 50's setting = Greatest apocalypse of all time.