Legends of Equestria - Forum

General Category => The Retirement Home => Topic started by: BumbleBun on 2014 Aug 08, 15:13:25

Title: Cant unzip files
Post by: BumbleBun on 2014 Aug 08, 15:13:25
"The archive is either in unknown format or damaged"

I get this message with every single version of the download links.

Or it says its "not a valid archive".



Post Merge

I even checked the resolved area, and none of those fixed my issue.
Title: Re: Cant unzip files
Post by: ntoonz on 2014 Aug 08, 15:56:20
Mine asks me if I want to give it a password.  Is there a password?
Title: Re: Cant unzip files
Post by: EmberPyre on 2014 Aug 08, 16:49:31
You probably got an interrupted/incomplete download.  It's something that will happen if a download server is stressed when a lot of people try to download from it, particularly trying to download the same file.

If you're on Windows, try using the Torrent download.  One of the neat things about torrenting is that it can actually get faster when more people are downloading - downloaders each share a bit of their bandwidth.  I tried the torrent after my .ZIP download failed, and the torrent completed after about 5 minutes. ^-^