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Roleplay Board => Roleplaying => Canterlot Archives => Topic started by: Gamepad on 2014 Aug 06, 00:24:56

Title: Backyard Hot Tub (Jump-In)
Post by: Gamepad on 2014 Aug 06, 00:24:56
//A hot tub roleplay, cause why not.//

"Hmmm, nice day." Gamepad mused while bringing up the hidden hot tub from the floor letting it fill up with water on it`s way up, while checking the nearby tables. "Stupid amounts of food and drink, Check. Phyiscs breaking Hot Tub, check. And it's full, perfect." He said looking back to the now full Hot Tub. "Time to let some ponies in." He finished heading towards the door.

//For a little Extra, the Hot Tub is in Gamepad`s backyard, to get to it you have to either go through the shop area or the house area, do with that what you will. Anything goes, break physics, break logic or just sit around and do nothing. You know you want to. Just keep in mind the rules.
Title: Re: Backyard Hot Tub (Jump-In)
Post by: D ZANY Gollumn on 2014 Aug 06, 00:30:06
How do I join? I'm selecting things but to no avail to type...
Title: Re: Backyard Hot Tub (Jump-In)
Post by: mentalshock on 2014 Aug 06, 00:31:25
mental walks into the store "i am here for the hot tub party and i brought my herbs"
Title: Re: Backyard Hot Tub (Jump-In)
Post by: Gamepad on 2014 Aug 06, 00:36:46
Quote from: D ZANY Gollumn on 2014 Aug 06, 00:30:06
How do I join? I'm selecting things but to no avail to type...

//You just type something in and then your in.//
Quote from: mentalshock on 2014 Aug 06, 00:31:25
mental walks into the store "i am here for the hot tub party and i brought my herbs"

"Welcome, the party is happening in the back." Gamepad said pointing through to a room. "Go through there, also your the first."
Title: Re: Backyard Hot Tub (Jump-In)
Post by: mentalshock on 2014 Aug 06, 00:54:20
"wow i am the first one here. and that is quit the hot tub you got there" mental said as he walked to the back yard
Title: Re: Backyard Hot Tub (Jump-In)
Post by: hazardtime on 2014 Aug 06, 00:55:41
The bell at the front door chimes and Low Key, a grey unicorn stallion with an off-white mane and blue eyes enters wearing a pair of swim shorts.  He approaches the counter and says, "This is the pool party, right?"
Title: Re: Backyard Hot Tub (Jump-In)
Post by: stockmo9 on 2014 Aug 06, 00:59:08
will be different doing it this way :( but you have to do what you have to do
Title: Re: Backyard Hot Tub (Jump-In)
Post by: mentalshock on 2014 Aug 06, 01:22:21
mental sets his bag of herbs to the side and climbs into the pool.
Title: Re: Backyard Hot Tub (Jump-In)
Post by: Gamepad on 2014 Aug 06, 01:28:12
Quote from: hazardtime on 2014 Aug 06, 00:55:41
The bell at the front door chimes and Low Key, a grey unicorn stallion with an off-white mane and blue eyes enters wearing a pair of swim shorts.  He approaches the counter and says, "This is the pool party, right?"

"Yep." Gamepad says looking over the shorts wearing. "Just go through the back." Pointing to a door, where the grey pony quickly nodded and headed through. "A pony wearing shorts? Weird."
Title: Re: Backyard Hot Tub (Jump-In)
Post by: mentalshock on 2014 Aug 06, 01:50:55
"HEY GAMEPAD IS IT OK IF I MIX IN MY HERBS!" mental yelled through the doorway.
Title: Re: Backyard Hot Tub (Jump-In)
Post by: hazardtime on 2014 Aug 06, 02:08:05
Low Key heads out back and spots the hot tub of large size.  He also notices the snack bar and immediately heads right for it.
Title: Re: Backyard Hot Tub (Jump-In)
Post by: Gamepad on 2014 Aug 06, 02:50:06
Quote from: mentalshock on 2014 Aug 06, 01:50:55
"HEY GAMEPAD IS IT OK IF I MIX IN MY HERBS!" mental yelled through the doorway.

"What?" Gamepad said rushing out to see Mental holding a bag of herbs near the food table. "No, I don`t trust those things." He finished turning back into the building hearing a small "awww" from behind.
Title: Re: Backyard Hot Tub (Jump-In)
Post by: Doomato on 2014 Aug 06, 02:55:31
Doomato was just finishing his walk through the market area.
Title: Re: Backyard Hot Tub (Jump-In)
Post by: mentalshock on 2014 Aug 06, 11:06:13
"All right I'll leave them by the wall." Mental stated as he set the sack down. He then troted to the snack table to get some wheat chips.
Title: Re: Backyard Hot Tub (Jump-In)
Post by: Doomato on 2014 Aug 06, 13:29:46
Doomato looked at the address on his hoof and then back at door, followed by knocking it.
Title: Re: Backyard Hot Tub (Jump-In)
Post by: hazardtime on 2014 Aug 06, 18:19:36
Low Key grabbed a bag of chips and can of soda, carrying them in his magic as he headed towards the hot tub.  He sets them off to the side as he gingerly steps inside.  As he adjusts, he slowly sinks until just his head is above water.
Title: Re: Backyard Hot Tub (Jump-In)
Post by: Doomato on 2014 Aug 06, 18:21:22
Doomato suddenly noticed the doorbell and pressed that instead.
Title: Re: Backyard Hot Tub (Jump-In)
Post by: mentalshock on 2014 Aug 07, 17:07:11
After his snack mental cimbed back into the hot tub and just flowted around for a bit.

Post Merge

"This is fun and relaxing," stated the floating pony.
Title: Re: Backyard Hot Tub (Jump-In)
Post by: hazardtime on 2014 Aug 08, 00:36:19
Low Key floated a few potato chips into his mouth before answering, "It's been a long time since I've been in a hot tub.  I almost forgot relaxing it was."  As if to punctuate his point, he closes his eyes and leans back.
Title: Re: Backyard Hot Tub (Jump-In)
Post by: mentalshock on 2014 Aug 08, 00:46:34
Just to be playful mental splashes at Low Key.
Title: Re: Backyard Hot Tub (Jump-In)
Post by: hazardtime on 2014 Aug 08, 00:49:12
He jumps slightly at having his relaxation so rudely disrupted, but first checks to make sure that his chips are still dry before glaring back at Mental.  He deadpans, "Mind the chips, please," before levitating over his can of soda and taking a large gulp.
Title: Re: Backyard Hot Tub (Jump-In)
Post by: mentalshock on 2014 Aug 08, 01:02:05
"Ga-hahaha" was the only sound out of the unicorn.
Title: Re: Backyard Hot Tub (Jump-In)
Post by: Act One on 2014 Aug 08, 15:23:14
Suddenly, loud speakers of ultimate, carbon-cased iron crash into the yard near the hot tub, blasting out "The Best of You" by Foal Flighters. Above the guests is a fast approaching free-falling stallion, dropping like a shale pebble towards the ground. His brown and purple-highlighted mane turns to a flurry as the pony plummets.
As the song hits the words, "It's someone getting the best- the best- the best- the best of you!" - The stone of flesh pulls the shoot with his teeth and on his back, the backpack worn opens out with haste. As the parachute opens and catches the updraft, the pebble turns into a feather, which decides not to plummet and instead floats down.

As the words on the underlining inside the parachute come clearer, they spell out, "The Act-ual One!"

The sky-pony lands next to the tub just as the song finishes. while looking at the others and the last note is struck, a couple of small explosions blast out behind the stunt-stallion.

Without waiting for the others responses, he takes off the helmet, goggles and backpack, and dips himself halfway into the heated waters.
As he starts to relax, Act One finally speaks:
"I am sooooo afraid of heights - how did I just do that?"
Title: Re: Backyard Hot Tub (Jump-In)
Post by: Doomato on 2014 Aug 08, 15:26:55
Doomato cringed as he began to hear music while he stood by the door, "Ugh... Music with lyrics sucks!"
Title: Re: Backyard Hot Tub (Jump-In)
Post by: Rusty-Watch on 2014 Aug 08, 16:23:13
The smell of toast, wool, and iron. Typical from a stallion such as Pitch Black. Always wearing that wool longcoat, even during the summer, always wearing that pickelhaube, even though he's not fighting, and always smelling like toast for some reason. Foals are being watched, bills are paid. Time to relax. As he approaches the pool, he unbuttons the jacket, putting it on a table far away from the pool, placing his helmet on top of his coat. Then he approaches the pool. Tapping it with his hoof to make sure the water is fine, he slowly steps inside. "Good evenin'." He said, his accent completely indeterminable. Sounded eastern, yet upper-class, yet somehow like a lower class pony at the same time.
Title: Re: Backyard Hot Tub (Jump-In)
Post by: Doomato on 2014 Aug 08, 16:25:24
Doomato began to spam the doorbell.
Title: Re: Backyard Hot Tub (Jump-In)
Post by: Act One on 2014 Aug 08, 17:07:50
Act now hearing the high-pitched rukus from the building, he sighs irritated. Picking himself out of the comfortable state, the stallion leaves the pool to enter the building.
"Seriously. No pony was gonna get the door?"

At the other side, Act peers through the eye-hole and sees the conductor of musical agony pushing the doorbell. Slipping open the letter slit in the door, the stone-coloured pony speaks through it.

"What's the password?"
Title: Re: Backyard Hot Tub (Jump-In)
Post by: Doomato on 2014 Aug 08, 17:15:33
"Hot tubs are too awesome for passwords... Plus I brought the sugar donuts!" Doomato suddenly began to wave a brown, paper bag in front of the eyehole.
Title: Re: Backyard Hot Tub (Jump-In)
Post by: mentalshock on 2014 Aug 08, 18:00:55
"Did somepony say donuts?!" Smooth said as he started looking franticly around the party area.
Title: Re: Backyard Hot Tub (Jump-In)
Post by: Act One on 2014 Aug 08, 18:17:45
"Hay, I dont have one either. I was asking you if you had a password to share."

Act then opens the door and stares at the bag being waved around.
"But that there is a gooud enough reason to let you in. I'm not the owner, but why not come in and meet the gang? I'm sure they wont mind."

With that, the pretend bouncer returns to the poolside to grab a cool beverage to go with his donut.
Title: Re: Backyard Hot Tub (Jump-In)
Post by: mentalshock on 2014 Aug 08, 19:39:21
Seeing the donut bag Smooth Waters teleported into the refreshments line.
Title: Re: Backyard Hot Tub (Jump-In)
Post by: hazardtime on 2014 Aug 09, 00:10:29
Jarred from his relaxation by Act's entry, he simply stays gawking at his presence.  A single teardrops from his eye as he stammers, "That.  Was.  Awesome."
Title: Re: Backyard Hot Tub (Jump-In)
Post by: mentalshock on 2014 Aug 09, 01:15:51
As Mental returned to the pool with a plate of donuts he said, "Hey Low Key you might want to close your mouth before you catch a fly or somthing."
Title: Re: Backyard Hot Tub (Jump-In)
Post by: Doomato on 2014 Aug 09, 02:08:30
Doomato continued to trot through the building until he reached the hot tub.
Title: Re: Backyard Hot Tub (Jump-In)
Post by: hazardtime on 2014 Aug 09, 12:24:52
Low Key comes back to reality and stops gawking at his new hero, "Right."  He takes a few more chips out of his bag and stuffs them in his mouth, washing them down with soda.
Title: Re: Backyard Hot Tub (Jump-In)
Post by: Doomato on 2014 Aug 09, 12:29:52
Doomato proceeded to the  backyard, "Zeeblezooble, everypony! Am I late?"
Title: Re: Backyard Hot Tub (Jump-In)
Post by: mentalshock on 2014 Aug 10, 02:18:04
the yellow unicorn just laughs until his stomich cramps up.