Cinnamon Sweet

Started by Cinnamon Sweet, 2012 Oct 12, 21:18:02

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Cinnamon Sweet

2012 Oct 12, 21:18:02 Last Edit: 2012 Oct 12, 21:20:45 by Cinnamon Sweet
Her name is Cinnamon Sweet. She is an earth pony and has an enjoyment for running, jumping, and yes, she LOVES to participate in rodeos and track events. Her cutie mark is three blue horseshoes (just like Caramel's) Also she wears a cowpony hat.
She is a pale orange with a brown mane and tail. Her eyes are brown and she has three white freckles on the sides of her face. So yeah... that's it.

Midnight Breeze

She sounds like just a merging of Applejack and Caramel. You should really at least give her a unique cutie mark.

Cinnamon Sweet

Trust me, I've tried

Midnight Breeze

What exactly is her special talent? Athletics?

Cinnamon Sweet

Something along those lines

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