Today's Smile

Started by Little Judas, 2012 Aug 16, 20:12:51

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Lync Volan

My party was pretty good even though i was sick and still am and i was able to find another game my cousin likes to play :]

Sweet Brew

I think I'm about to start something good! :3


2016 Feb 27, 07:58:09 #7002 Last Edit: 2016 Feb 28, 11:29:47 by Chromastone64
Bravely Second Deluxe Collecter's Edition!

Post Merge

And now I've finally uploaded my first actual video to my YT channel!
A self-proclaimed "jack-of-all-media-types". I tend to say "freaking" a lot.<br />My OCs:


Remember that anime I fell in love with last year before I had to stop watching anime due to ridiculous reasons?

It was called Spiral.

Well... apparently... the complete series DVD was supposed "out-of-print" (like Baccano apparently?)...

However... I found one on Barnes and Nobles website for only $100. So I bought it. It arrived.

NO!!!! MINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*hisses at everyone as I coddle Spiral Viridian Collection like it's an MLP: FiM plushie*



[shadow=gray,left]I'M ONLY HAPPY WHEN IT REIGNS[/shadow]

The Roman Reigns of the forum

Sweet Brew

Only a couple of hours 'till Minecraft's 1.9 update. :3


In the last 20 minutes I discover that I was featured twice on EQD today, and someone sent me a complete set of notes on this term's courses for college because they heard I was failing.

WOW!  I'm over the MOON right now!!!


My internship supervisor gave me a practically GLOWING midterm review.  I was so flattered, and not to mention relieved (since I was nervous about what to expect.)  Now that I got a little confidence boost from this review, I'll be less nervous walking into my review with my other supervisor later today.

Feels good to impress your superiors, and know that they care about you.  ^-^
[Avatar drawn by Dusky Hues; Thank you!]

Midnight Breeze

Paying $200 a week toward my credit card debt. That'll be eliminated in no time.

I've STILL got my $650 tax return coming. Not sure what the hold up on that is. IRS, why you no pay me?


Me and a couple friends from school have been getting in group chats and playing games on steam almost every day. Kinda weird that I'm more social with my high school friends after i graduated than when I was in high school.
------->  Jurassic Systems <-----------



Birds don't just fly they fall down and get up
Nobody learns without getting it wrong

Midnight Breeze

The Air Force waylaid me yesterday. I don't know what happened but out of the blue my old recruiter called me and said they want to reconsider my eligibility. He wants me to go all the way back to Louisiana to talk to him...yeah buddy, that ain't happening. My job is too demanding to just up and make a 300 mile drive.

I guess I'll get with a recruiter here I DFW and see where things go. If they're willing to give me a chance I'll take it. Can I make a decent living in the private sector? Yes. But honestly I'd rather dedicate my life to something more meaningful than making other people rich.

They just better not be setting me up for another big disappointment. I've been so jaded against the military since 2014.  >:/


Quote from: MarshyMellow on 2016 Mar 05, 08:33:55

Im still waiting on that Torial Plush or at least an image of what it will be before grabing Undertale merch


Quote from: Ryo_D_Disk on 2016 Mar 05, 09:07:54
Im still waiting on that Torial Plush or at least an image of what it will be before grabing Undertale merch

I've been kinda wanting this as a birthday present, actually! :) And I'm glad that my birthday is in September! ..Otherwise I'll have to wait for the plushie to finally come out on Fangamer.. >:/

Birds don't just fly they fall down and get up
Nobody learns without getting it wrong


I'm no artist, but I have an idea I'm gonna try...
A self-proclaimed "jack-of-all-media-types". I tend to say "freaking" a lot.<br />My OCs:

Peace Keeper

Got me SMW for the New 3DS. So great to be playing a favorite game on the go.

Also, broke my personal 11-exit record to 12:49.91 . Really love to speedrun the game x3
Representing the Element of Peace, my name is Peacekeeper, and I am an Evershade Crusader. I am also a proud member of Chat-o-Landia. My talent is preventing conflict and maintaining order.

Midnight Breeze

I'm becoming addicted to Ghost. I'm normally not a fan a black metal but it's nice to hear a black metal band that isn't just a bunch of stupid howling and djent. Their music is actually well done and pleasant to listen to.

Lync Volan

I don't recall "Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 2" ever being even mildly difficult but now that i'm playing it again my hands are cramping up! i'm in for quite a ride with this game :]!

plus on that is that i just learned why i couldn't transform my character after all these years! (had to fuse certain items to unlock the transformations for each character)

i also got Judy Hopps & Nick Wilde for Disney Infinity now and they play so well! i mean they still have there little things that bug me (mostly there specials not effecting most enemies) but there still pretty great! i love how they changed up Judy's fighting style compared to all the other 3.0 characters i've played as so far which requires a knowing of when to do her 3rd combo or you'll be stuck with a huge opening to get attacked ;)


My job interview went better than expected. I just hope they thought he same thing.
------->  Jurassic Systems <-----------

Midnight Breeze

Oh man, I haven't done one single pushup in over a year but I just dropped and did 40 no problem.

I still got it, baby! A little training and I'll be warhawk material in no time.

Spoiler: show

1.5 mile run...we meet again my cursed nemesis.


I need to run so badly.  I'm out of shape and getting really pudgy...

I'm having massive success making my first outside-of-school project.  I select few people likely already know about CoffeeBot, but I am super proud of it so far!  Not only am I inadvertently learning C# in doing this, but every couple days I'm making personal breakthroughs (Like today making a filing system to retain all the bot's statistics when I take it down for updates and stuff).

Eventually, I will /try/ to port it , or parts of it, to LoE.  That chatbox is horribly complex to code to...

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