Today's Smile

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Chishio Kunrin

Quote from: Stardust Dragon on 2015 Dec 13, 16:34:10
Just got through that episode as well and I've gotta share most of those sentiments, but knowing that we're going to be in the dark for a couple weeks is making that cliffhanger hard to swallow.  I know patience is a virtue in this situation but I really need to know who knows what in this situation, and not just from inference.

Spoiler: show
Also checking some facts on the wiki reminded me that a webseries I follow every so often had featured Yang a while back.  I caught up with that episode and it was pretty great...if really uncomfortable coming right off of RWBY s3e6.  :I

Oh yeah, Yang vs Tifa? That was really interesting to watch. I noticed that they actually used a couple of moves and shots directly from RWBY and Final Fantasy: Advent Children. Such as, when Tifa lands on the mirror and stays there for a moment while the force from her being thrown catches up with her and shatters the mirror? It's the same shot as in Advent Children, when she lands on a wall in the church, and stays there for a moment while the force from being thrown catches up with her and makes petals fly off of the flowers on the ground.

Spoiler: Episode 6 Spoilers • show
It seems that Yang was the one under the illusion, like she was hallucinating it all. This, and the fake Yatsuhashi from episode 4, has led people to wonder if Emerald has kind of an inverse version of Neo's Semblance. Like, if Neo's Semblance causes illusions that people around her see, while Emerald makes one person hallucinate. There's also the fact that, one of the lines you can hear in the song that plays during Emerald and Mercury's tournament round sounds like "And defeat you from inside your mind."
It's all really confusing, and the cliffhanger doesn't make it any better, and I really wanna see Neo again, and we haven't seen Roman at all this Volume. We also haven't seen Adam yet.

Also, interesting thing you can notice when rewatching the episode: Ruby calls out "Break a leg, sis!" to Yang. Go figure. I actually yelled about that while rewatching the episode, like "Are you kidding me?! You really wrote that?!!"

Something someone else noticed: Amber -> Being preserved -> Like a creature caught in amber.

Rooster Teeth loves their puns and wordplay. Good thing I'm a sucker for puns and wordplay. ovO

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."


Mmm, I smell a mention, well this made me smile I suppose!

Quote from: LeviathanTS on 2015 Dec 10, 06:10:53
Playing Darkest Dungeon, something happened that amused me...

I had named a character after Slate Grey an OC by @Nuserame

Anyway, I attempted to use an item on him

He wouldn't accept it, and in response to me trying to use the item on him he said "I said I wanted a pony!"

Amusing coincidence lol

(Another reason for me to like that game)
Slate Grey, my OC! Awesome profile picture by Bakasan94

Stardust Dragon

2015 Dec 13, 19:29:51 #6882 Last Edit: 2015 Dec 13, 19:31:27 by Stardust Dragon
Quote from: Chishio Kunrin on 2015 Dec 13, 16:54:54
Oh yeah, Yang vs Tifa? That was really interesting to watch. I noticed that they actually used a couple of moves and shots directly from RWBY and Final Fantasy: Advent Children. Such as, when Tifa lands on the mirror and stays there for a moment while the force from her being thrown catches up with her and shatters the mirror? It's the same shot as in Advent Children, when she lands on a wall in the church, and stays there for a moment while the force from being thrown catches up with her and makes petals fly off of the flowers on the ground.

Spoiler: Episode 6 Spoilers • show
It seems that Yang was the one under the illusion, like she was hallucinating it all. This, and the fake Yatsuhashi from episode 4, has led people to wonder if Emerald has kind of an inverse version of Neo's Semblance. Like, if Neo's Semblance causes illusions that people around her see, while Emerald makes one person hallucinate. There's also the fact that, one of the lines you can hear in the song that plays during Emerald and Mercury's tournament round sounds like "And defeat you from inside your mind."
It's all really confusing, and the cliffhanger doesn't make it any better, and I really wanna see Neo again, and we haven't seen Roman at all this Volume. We also haven't seen Adam yet.

Also, interesting thing you can notice when rewatching the episode: Ruby calls out "Break a leg, sis!" to Yang. Go figure. I actually yelled about that while rewatching the episode, like "Are you kidding me?! You really wrote that?!!"

Something someone else noticed: Amber -> Being preserved -> Like a creature caught in amber.

Rooster Teeth loves their puns and wordplay. Good thing I'm a sucker for puns and wordplay. ovO

Spoiler: show
I'd argue that Neo covered the two of them in an illusion, like dome with the image projected on the outside, while Mercury really did try to kick Yang and she least that's what made sense to me.  Which is why I wonder if any sensors Ironwood may have stashed in the stadium (to detect aura readouts during the fight, for instance) would prove Yang's innocence yet still keep it under wraps to try and prevent mass panic->Grimm invasion.  But that's my take on it, we'll see how accurate that is next episode.
As for the wordplay: there's too much to keep up with in this series.  I love it too, but I miss the subtleties of it so often.


Today I finally finished making my little Napstablook felt plush!  <3

Spoiler:  What it looks like • show
And yes, I do know that one of the eyes are kinda far from his 'nose'.. >.<

Birds don't just fly they fall down and get up
Nobody learns without getting it wrong

Lync Volan

So i finally caught up to my video games and finished at least 2 of the ones i started and never finished, there is actually 3 more games left but only 2 i plan to finish at the moment cause i don't feel up to the other for reasons!

Now i'm on Kingdom Hearts 1 (the Hd Remix) i'm happy cause i thought Kingdom Hearts was too easy but now Riku/Ansem is beating the stuffing out of me :D!

after Kingdom Hearts i'll finish Pokemon Colosseum then i'll be able to start a new game (Lighting Returns!) 


2015 Dec 13, 21:59:54 #6885 Last Edit: 2015 Dec 14, 00:25:59 by Princess Darcy
Quote from: MarshyMellow on 2015 Dec 13, 20:50:05
Today I finally finished making my little Napstablook felt plush!  <3

Spoiler:  What it looks like • show
And yes, I do know that one of the eyes are kinda far from his 'nose'.. >.<

With the Tapatalk Image Preview, that image scared me looking at this thread xD.


Chishio Kunrin

2015 Dec 14, 02:15:42 #6886 Last Edit: 2015 Dec 14, 04:39:18 by Chishio Kunrin
Quote from: Stardust Dragon on 2015 Dec 13, 19:29:51
Spoiler: show
I'd argue that Neo covered the two of them in an illusion, like dome with the image projected on the outside, while Mercury really did try to kick Yang and she least that's what made sense to me.  Which is why I wonder if any sensors Ironwood may have stashed in the stadium (to detect aura readouts during the fight, for instance) would prove Yang's innocence yet still keep it under wraps to try and prevent mass panic->Grimm invasion.  But that's my take on it, we'll see how accurate that is next episode.
As for the wordplay: there's too much to keep up with in this series.  I love it too, but I miss the subtleties of it so often.

Spoiler: show
Well, considering these images that someone recently posted on Tumblr, Neo might have had something to do with it...

^ At 15:54, one of his eyes was brown instead of gray. I'm looking into it right now. It's weird. I hope this whole illusion thing gets explained because it's confusing everyone.

Post Merge

Spoiler: Adding onto that RWBY spoiler thing • show
I can't replicate that screenshot, so I guess nevermind it. I even separated that part of the episode into frames, and none of the frames have either of his eyes brown.

Man, I got off-topic. :o

Ummmm. I found some tasty leftovers I didn't expect in the fridge! :)

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."

Stardust Dragon

Quote from: Chishio Kunrin on 2015 Dec 14, 02:15:42
Spoiler: show
Well, considering these images that someone recently posted on Tumblr, Neo might have had something to do with it...

^ At 15:54, one of his eyes was brown instead of gray. I'm looking into it right now. It's weird. I hope this whole illusion thing gets explained because it's confusing everyone.

Post Merge

Spoiler: Adding onto that RWBY spoiler thing • show
I can't replicate that screenshot, so I guess nevermind it. I even separated that part of the episode into frames, and none of the frames have either of his eyes brown.

Man, I got off-topic. :o

Ummmm. I found some tasty leftovers I didn't expect in the fridge! :)

I kinda dragged it off anyways, my bad  X3

Back on topic, I at least started some of the work I need to do by Thursday if I want to pass my classes this semester.  Already the stress has gone I just need to actually keep it up.  Charge!  >:O





[shadow=gray,left]I'M ONLY HAPPY WHEN IT REIGNS[/shadow]

The Roman Reigns of the forum

Midnight Breeze

I'm doing my operator training and I'm learning all the jobs done on the fuji wrapper line. I have to know how to do everything so that I can help my workers if they fall behind. (Heh, "My workers". Never thought I'd say that.)

Today I started learning the fuji chain. Time flies when you're doing that job. You have a chain going by fast as heck and have to try and toss a corndog into each slot on the chain. It's like a game, you need at least 8 perception, 6 agility, and 4 luck to do the job properly.

I sure wish I had gotten to do that job for the past 6 months instead of packing. I'd be a champ by now. I'm amazed at how quick the 60 year old ladies are with it.


That's it. I'm Done.             I GRAUATED,    NO MORE HIGH SCHOOL EVER!!!
------->  Jurassic Systems <-----------

Sweet Brew

Quote from: Howitzer on 2015 Dec 17, 16:00:43
That's it. I'm Done.             I GRAUATED,    NO MORE HIGH SCHOOL EVER!!!
Your plan came together. :3
Do you love it? =P


Quote from: Sweet Brew on 2015 Dec 17, 16:14:13
Your plan came together. :3
Do you love it? =P

No other sense of pleasure can match the feeling of never having to go back there and see anyone from that school ever again.
------->  Jurassic Systems <-----------


First term is done with.  Lowest mark in my program is a 75%, finished with a 4.0 GPA placing me (I think) in the honour roll for the first time ever.

Also, after complaining about not getting any hours last week, one guy booked the next two weeks off and another guy just got fired.  As sucky as that is(seriously, it's not hard to show up for your shifts...), i'm working 36 hours this week(Called in today and tomorrow to work for said fired guy) and 37 hours next week, AND double time on Saturday because of boxing day.

That oughta help me out of debt a bit...

Chishio Kunrin

:') (Tomorrow, as in, December 18th).

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."

Midnight Breeze

My employer gave us a great Christmas dinner today on our lunch break. Hickory ham, beer battered sausage (odd  :s), corn, green beans, mashed potatoes, buttered roll, and red velvet cake. I wish I could eat like that every day, I can't remember the last time I had a nice cooked meal. Oh wait, yes it can - Thanksgiving at my mom's house, and next time will be Thanksgiving 2016 at my mom's house.

We're supposed to get a present tomorrow, too. Then we start Christmas vacation. No idea what the present will be, probably a turkey or something. They gave us a ham for Thanksgiving, which is still chillaxing in my freezer. I'm gonna bring it to my mom when I go back for Christmas, maybe she can find a use for it. God knows I'll never cook it.  >:/

Oh, and the newest machine operator besides me says our promotion raise is retroactive form the day we sign the offer letter, it takes 3-4 weeks to get the raise, though. So come January I'll get a big payoff in the form of retro pay. Also I should be getting a 4-figure tax return, too, so I'm pretty set.  0:)

Sweet Brew

I seem to be recovering really well from my pneumonia!
I'm not fully well, but I'm well enough where I can walk to the bathroom without any pain.

I ate a cookie too! ^-^


Quote from: Sweet Brew on 2015 Dec 19, 02:35:09
I seem to be recovering really well from my pneumonia!
I'm not fully well, but I'm well enough where I can walk to the bathroom without any pain.

I ate a cookie too! ^-^

Yay, cookies!


Quote from: Sweet Brew on 2015 Dec 19, 02:35:09
I seem to be recovering really well from my pneumonia!
I'm not fully well, but I'm well enough where I can walk to the bathroom without any pain.

I ate a cookie too! ^-^

Get better dude, I know it's bad, but for how long you've had it it seems you're recovering pretty quick.
------->  Jurassic Systems <-----------


Quote from: Jcfraven on 2015 Dec 13, 21:59:54
With the Tapatalk Image Preview, that image scared me looking at this thread xD.


.....? Scary? I'm confused..

Birds don't just fly they fall down and get up
Nobody learns without getting it wrong

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