Today's Smile

Started by Little Judas, 2012 Aug 16, 20:12:51

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First day on the job. So far, I like it.
------->  Jurassic Systems <-----------


In nine days, it will be exactly four months till I can start working.. I'm so excited. :3
'Cause sometimes to stay alive you gotta kill your mind.

Sweet Brew

Set up the Christmas tree.
Replaced the broken microwave.
Reset my schedule to a decent one.
Derped many times.



Just ordered a new graphics card.

It is red and black and isn't an alicorn! So it has that going for it :3


Aced my last two tests, which means I will get a cat (or two) in spring next year! :D *-*
Feel free to check out my [URL=]Oc page[/URL]!


Persona 4 is AWESOME. Kinda hard, but AWESOME!
Now, back to trying to find out just what the heck is up with that fox...
A self-proclaimed "jack-of-all-media-types". I tend to say "freaking" a lot.<br />My OCs:


Got 82% on the Windows theory test I was sure I was going to fail on.  Pure luck.

BUT!  It pulled my overall course average to an 83%.  That means i'm now running a 4.0 in two courses and a 4.2 in the other three!  My program average is just shy of 90%, so i'm close to a 4.2 overall program!

Also Wendy's is sooo gooood!  Poutine and baconator!

ACED my database exam!!  20% of my total mark woot!  I'm guaranteed a 90% in that course with a potential(And I hear guaranteed) 5% on top of that.

Peace Keeper

Congrats Darcy.
Its a decent grade but I understand you want a bigger grade X3

Also my new laptop came. Can't wait for tomorrow to set it all up.
Representing the Element of Peace, my name is Peacekeeper, and I am an Evershade Crusader. I am also a proud member of Chat-o-Landia. My talent is preventing conflict and maintaining order.

Lync Volan

One of my cousins who have been coming over more often (every Saturday & Sunday) and started playin video games with me instead of staring at me listens to me when i tell them not to touch certain things in my game room without saying i'm bossy or mean, it makes me happy cause now i no longer have to clean off EVERYTHING in my game room which tires me out but like i said on another thread, i can't help it X3


Spoiler: show

Well... at least this sounds better.

I like this movie series. I really do. It's a pretty decent movie series.

However... I don't know... I just never really felt like it "fit" in Kingdom Hearts. It just... doesn't seem "right" to me.

With the censorship plus the fact that it doesn't really make much sense...


Oh well.

It'll be in KH3 won't it... ?  :s
[shadow=gray,left]I'M ONLY HAPPY WHEN IT REIGNS[/shadow]

The Roman Reigns of the forum

Lync Volan


Midnight Breeze

Well, I got the promotion. It'll boost my base salary by $5000 anually, though in reality I'll see a few grand more than that since a work a lot of overtime. Most valuable though is the skill experience I'll be getting. I'm way too old to still be working unskilled labor, I need to learn some technical skills to make myself more economically desirable.

Now's not the time to rest on my laurels, though. I have much to prove. The promotion is basically my boss throwing me a bone. I was chosen over several equally qualified candidates because my boss noted my ambition and determination and he wants to give me a chance. I can't let him down after he stuck his neck out for me.

So tonight I'm celebrating the only way I know how - by eating a ton of Mcdonald's.


Spoiler: show


Now post pipe dream fights!! Video games, cartoons, anime/manga, whatever you want!!  :P

Sombra: "Be swallowed by your fears!!"


Sho Minamimoto: "SO ZETTA SLOW!!"

Arceus: "All humans must PERISH!!"
[shadow=gray,left]I'M ONLY HAPPY WHEN IT REIGNS[/shadow]

The Roman Reigns of the forum

Sweet Brew

Got over a nasty flu. ^-^


I had some really good coffee.

Lync Volan

Quote from: Bakasan94 on 2015 Dec 09, 01:21:19
I had some really good coffee.
Mmm Yeah, a couple of weeks ago my dad brought home some really nice ice coffee, amazing...
i caught up with Mlp and now i've seen the season final :3 i've really been meaning to catch up but replying to others and entertaining some peeps in my house has took much of my time, so i'm just happy i was able to watch it :]


Quote from: Bakasan94 on 2015 Dec 09, 01:21:19
I had some really good coffee.

Today I had some really good FREE coffee.



2015 Dec 10, 06:10:53 #6857 Last Edit: 2015 Dec 10, 06:59:41 by LeviathanTS
Playing Darkest Dungeon, something happened that amused me...

I had named a character after Slate Grey an OC by @Nuserame

Anyway, I attempted to use an item on him

He wouldn't accept it, and in response to me trying to use the item on him he said "I said I wanted a pony!"

Amusing coincidence lol

(Another reason for me to like that game)
br /><br />Alastor created the amazing banner of the Chat-O-Landians! 8)
(Peace Keeper originally created my pfp, but it has since broken :( Hi, I'm Frost Burn, I like to help if I can! if you need me, I'm here :D


Christmas break started.


121 days until I turn 16. 121.  :D I can't wait!
(also 15 more days till Christmas! :3)
'Cause sometimes to stay alive you gotta kill your mind.

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